Bulgaks are born in a place. Life and zagadkova death of Mikhail Bulgakov

Bulgaks are born in a place. Life and zagadkova death of Mikhail Bulgakov


Povisti and Romani

P'usi, libreto, cinema


Publications that feiletoni

ekranizatsii creations

(3 (15) May 1891, Kiev - 10 Berezen 1940 Moscow) - Russian writer, playwright and theater director. The author of novels, stories, reports, feyletons, p'єs, scenes, films and opera libretos.


Mikhailo Bulgakov was born on 3 (15) May 1891 in Kiev in the homeland of the professor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov (1859-1907) and his friend Varvara Mikhailivnya (in the age of 1869-1922). The family has seven children: Mikhailo (1891-1940), Vira (1892-1972), Nadiya (1893-1971), Varvara (1895-1954), Mikola (1898-1966), Ivan (1900-1969) and Olena (1902-1954).

In 1909, Mikhailo Bulgakov graduated from the Kiev First Gymnasium and entered the medical faculty of the Kiev University. October 31, 1916 - having rendered a diploma about the consolidation "in the steps of the doctor, knowing the rights and passages, by the laws of the Russian empire steps".

In 1913, M. Bulgakov entered his first schlub - with Aunt Lappa (1892-1982).

Sending a Cob of the First World War M. Bulgakov Kilka Mysyats Pratsyu Likarem in the front-line zone. Then we recline on a robot in the village of Nikolsk, Smolensk province, sent by a doctor in Vyazma.

The hour of Gromadyanskoy vіyny, in the fierce 1919 rock, M. Bulgakov will be mobilized as a vіyskovy likar in the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic. In the early 1919 serpent, for one third version, M. Bulgakov was mobilized to the Chervono Army in the capacity of a vіyskiy lykar; On 14-16, at the same time with the parts of the Chervona Army, turning to Kiev and in the course of the high street battles moved to the biker of the Zbroynykh forces of the Holy Russian and becoming the viceroy of the 3rd Tersky Cossack Regiment.

At the same time, they got a pat on the likarem of the Chervony Khrest, and then - in the Biloguard Zbroynykh Forces of the Holy See of Russia. To spend the day in Chechnya with Bagatma Cossacks, then at Vladikavkaz.

In the end of 1921, M. Bulgakov would travel to Moscow and start spivpratsyuvati like feyletonist from the capital's newspapers ("Gudok", "Robotchiy") and magazines ("Medichny Pratsivnik", "Rosiya", "Vidrodzhennya"). At the same time in the same hour, publish an okremi in the newspaper "Forward", which was published in Berlin. From 1922 to 1926 rik at the "Gudku" supervised over 120 reports, sketches and feiletons of M. Bulgakov.

In 1923 M. Bulgakov joined the All-Russian Writers Union. In 1924, the rotsi of wines to know about recently turned from behind the cordon by Lyubov Evgeny Bilozerskoy (1898-1987), who in 1925 became a new squad.

From the beginning of 1926 to the fate of the Moscow Art Theater with the great success of the work "Dni Turbinykh". The performance is allowed on the rik, albeit for the development of the prodovuvalasya, the oskilka of the p'us was honored by Y. Stalin. However, I have their own whistles. Stalin pogodzhuvsya: "Dni Turbinykh" - "antiradianska thing, and Bulgakov is not ours." One hour in the Radianskiy presi pass an intensive and in the region criticism of M. Bulgakov's creativity. For those powerful pidrakhunks, for 10 years, 298 lavish reviews and 3 good-hearted ones appeared. Among the critics, there are also officials and literature, such as V. Mayakovsky, A. Bezimensky, L. Averbakh, V. Shklovsky, P. Kerzhentsev and many others.

In the beginning of 1926 rock in the Theater im. Vakhtangov, with great success, to pass the premiere of the vistavi behind the "Zoychina apartment" p'єsoy.

In 1928, M. Bulgakov went with a squad to the Caucasus, to Tiflis, Batum, Zeleniy Mis, Vladikavkaz, Gudermes. The premiere of the p'usi "Crimson Island" will be held near Moscow in the middle of the day. M. Bulgakov has the idea of ​​a novel, called "Meister and Margarita". The scribe also started to work on the p'єsoy about Mol'ra ("Kabbalah sanctimonious").

In 1929, M. Bulgakov became acquainted with Olena Sergievna Shilovskaya, as an old third and last squad in 1932.

Until 1930, M. Bulgakov's rock music ceased to be drukuvatisya, and to play with the repertoire of theaters. Zaboroneni before the staging of the p'usi "Big", "Zoychina's apartment", "The Crimson Island", the play "Days of Turbines" from the repertoire. In 1930, M. Bulgakov wrote to brothers Mikoli in Paris about the literary and theatrical situation, which was unpleasant for himself, and the importance of material conditions. Todi zh vin write a list to the Uryad of the SRCP with the passing of the necessary share - either to give the right to emigruvate, or to give the opportunity to practice at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Bulgakov to call Y. Stalin, who recommends that the playwrights turn around for a trip to the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1930, M. Bulgakov worked as a director at the Central Theater of Robotic Youth (tram). From 1930 to 1936 rik - at the Moscow Art Theater in the capacity of an assistant director. In 1932, on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, the performance of the play "Dead Souls" by Mikoli Gogol with the scenes of M. Bulgakov was staged. Vistava "Kabala saints" after playing the light in 1936, playing five years of rehearsals. After seven, the production of the bullet was banned, and in Pravda the bullet was placed in a thunderous article about the “false, reactionary and unauthorized” behavior.

In 1932, Y. Stalin (formally - A. Onukidze) once again allowed the production of "Days of Turbines" to rock, and until then it was no longer fenced in. True, none of the theaters, apart from the Moscow Art Theater, did not receive widespread calls.

In 1936, when he wrote the statty in Pravda, M. Bulgakov wrote to the Moscow Art Theater and became a pratsyuvati in the Great Theater as a libretist and transitions. In 1937, M. Bulgakov worked on the libreto "Minin and Pozharsky" and "Peter I".

In 1939 M. Bulgakov rotsi pratsyuє over the libretto "Rachel", and also over the p'єsoy about Y. Stalin ("Batum"). P'єsa Bula was captured by Y. Stalin, Ale, contrary to the ochіkuvannya of the writer, Vona Bula was hardened to the stage of production. The health of M. Bulgakov's camp is to get rid of it. Do not diagnose hypertensive nephrosclerosis. Bulgakov prodovzhu vzhivati ​​morphies, prescribing youmu in 1924, with the knowledge of painful symptoms. In the same period, the writer started to dictate the squads of the rest of the options to the novel "Meister and Margarita".

From the fierce 1940 to the rock, friends and relatives steadily cheer on the bed of M. Bulgakov. 10 birch 1940 rock Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov died. 11 Bereznya Vіdbulasya Huge Panahida in Budіvlі to the Union of Radianskih Writers. Before the Panakhida, the Moscow sculptor S. D. Merkurov knows the posthumous mask of M. Bulgakov's face.

M. Bulgakov of burial at the Novodichy treasury. On your grave, for the troubles of your squad Є. S. Bulgakova, buv erections of stones, nicknames "Golgotha", which was previously lying on the grave of M. V. Gogol.


Svіy first statement M. Bulgakov, for yogo powerful words, having written in 1919 rotsі.

1922-1923 rock - publication of "Notes on the cuffs".

In 1924 he saw a vision of the novel "Bila Guard", about the tragic days of fighting for the possession of the political forces of Ukraine in 1918.

In 1925, a collection of satirical reports "The Devil's Day" was published. In 1925, the story "Fatal Eggs", the announcement "Steel's Throat" (the first from the cycle "Notes of a Young Liquor") was also published. Writing book pratsyuє over postyu "Heart of the Dog", p'esami "Dni Turbinykh" and "Zoichina's apartment".

In 1926, at the Moscow Art Theater, the p'essa "Dni Turbinykh" was staged,

In 1927 M. Bulgakov completed the drama "Big".

From 1926 to 1929 ryk in the Theater-Studio of Evgen Vakhtangov was the poet M. Bulgakov "Zoichina's apartment", in 1928-1929 ryk at the Moscow Chamber Theater Bulo staged "Bagryan Island" (1928).

In 1932, the production of "Days of Turbines" at the Moscow Art Theater was renewed.

In 1934 he completed the first revised version of the novel "Meister and Margarita", which includes 37 chapters.

Create Mikhail Bulgakov

Povisti and Romani

  • Prigody Chichikov (satirical story, 1922)
  • Bila gvardiya (novel, 1922-1924)
  • The Devil's Day (povist, 1923)
  • Notes on the cuffs (povist, 1923)
  • Crimson Island Roman comrade Jules Verne. From French to Yesopian translation by Mikhailo A. Bulgakov (novel, published in Berlin in 1924)
  • Fatal eggs (story, 1924)
  • To the heart of a dog (povist, 1925, published in SRSP published in 1987)
  • Great Chancellor. Prince Tmi (part of the Chornovy version of the novel "Meister and Margarita", 1928-1929)
  • Engineer's kopito (novel, 1928-1929)
  • To that one (unfinished story, 1929, published in SRCP in 1987)
  • Meister and Margarita (novel, 1929-1940, published in the SRSR in 1966)
  • Life of Pan de Moliere (novel, 1933)
  • Theatrical novel (Notes of a Nebіzhchik) (unfinished novel, 1936-1937, published in the SRCP in 1965)

P'usi, libreto, cinema

  • Zoychin's apartment (p'єsa, 1925, delivered to the SRSR in 1926, came out in mass circulation in 1982)
  • Dni Turbinykh (p'esa, written on the basis of the novel "Bila Guard", 1925, staged in the USSR in 1925, was released in mass circulation in 1955)
  • Big (p'єsa, 1926-1928)
  • Crimson Island (p'єsa, 1927, published in SRCP in 1968)
  • Cabal of saints (p'єsa, 1929, (staged in the SRSR in 1936), in 1931 the rotsi bula was allowed by the censorship before staging with a number of bills called "Molar"
  • Adam i Єva (p'єsa, 1931)
  • Divakuvatiy Jourdain (p'єsa, 1932, published in the USSR in 1965 by the Russian Federation)
  • Bliss (dream of engineer Rein)
  • Revizor (cinema, 1934)
  • Ostannі days (Oleksandr Pushkin) (p'єsa, 1935 (published in SRSR in 1955)
  • Over-the-top pick, for Revizor (p'esa for the comedy by Mikoli Gogol, 1935)
  • Ivan Vasilovich (p'єsa, 1936)
  • Minin and Pozharsky (libreto of the opera, 1936, published in the SRCP in 1980)
  • Chorne More (libreto of the opera, 1936, published in the USSR in 1988 by the Russian Federation)
  • Rachelle (libretto of the opera based on the novel "Mademoiselle Phiophi" by Gu de Maupassant, 1937-1939, published in the SRCP in 1988)
  • Batum.
  • Don Quichot (libretto of the opera after the novel by Migel de Cervantes, 1939)


  • No. 13. - Budinok Elpit-Rabkommuna (rozpovid, 1922)
  • Arithmetic (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • At nich on the 3rd (announcement from the collection "Notes and ministry", 1922)
  • At the theater Zimina (announcement from the collection "Notes and ministry", 1922)
  • Yak vin ziyeshov s rozumu (announcement from the collection "Notes and ministry", 1922)
  • Kaenpe і kapі (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • Chervona korona (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • Nalit. At the charming lіkhtarі (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • Indispensable help the doctor (announcement from the collection "Notes and ministry", 1922)
  • Leaves fall on the 7th day (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • Be careful! (Announcement from the collection "Notes and ministry", 1922)
  • Birds in the mansard (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • Robotic misto-garden (announcement from the collection "Notes and miniatures", 1922)
  • Radianska інквізиція (information from the collection "Notes and ministry", 1922)
  • Chinese history. 6 paintings to replace the report (report, 1923)
  • Spogad ... (report, assignments to Lenin's death, 1924)
  • Khan's vogon (rozpovid, 1924)
  • Rushnik z pivnem (report from the cycle "Notes of a young lykar", 1925)
  • Khreshchennya by turning (rasspovid from the cycle "Notes of a young lykar", 1925)
  • Steel throat (report from the cycle "Notes of a young lykar", 1925)
  • Zaviryukha (report from the cycle "Notes of a Young Lykar", 1925)
  • Temryava Ygipetska (report from the cycle "Notes of a young lykar", 1925)
  • Znikliy ochey (report from the cycle "Notes of a young lykar", 1925)
  • Zoryana visip (report from the cycle "Notes of a young lykar", 1925)
  • Bohemia (rozpovid, 1925)
  • Holy with syphilis (humorous notification, 1925)
  • Bubnova history (report, 1926)
  • I drove (rozpovid, 1926)
  • Morphiy (rozpovid, 1926)
  • Treatise about life (information from the collection "Treatise about life", 1926)
  • Psalm (information from the collection "Treatise on Life", 1926)
  • Chotiri portrait (news from the collection "Treatise on life", 1926)
  • Moonshine lake (information from the collection "Treatise on life", 1926)

Publications that feiletoni

Publications that feiletoni

  • Blatant swearing (1925)
  • Bohemia (1925)
  • Brothers' Gift of Nimetsky Robins (1922)
  • Shlyubna disaster (1924)
  • Bubnova History (1926)
  • Buza with seals (1925)
  • Burnakovska nephew (1924)
  • Kolishniy Zinger. Hold. mechanical plant in Podilskiy (1922)
  • In a cafe (1920)
  • At the suspension and the light (1924)
  • Near the theater Zimina. Sketches by olivts (1923)
  • At the school's place of the III International (1923)
  • Car-repair plant of the Moscow tram (1922)
  • Vіyna vody іz zalizom (naris, 1924)
  • Dzigi on Wheels (1922)
  • Update the platform! (1925)
  • Genial specialty (1925)
  • The bend of the Shurka-Upovnovazheniy. Last report of worker correspondents (1924)
  • Head-Policy-Divine Service (1924)
  • Bidolaha-Vsevolod. The History of One Inappropriateness (1925)
  • State Plant of Mineral and Fruit Waters No. 1 (1922)
  • Guchny Paradise (1926)
  • Coming Prospects (1919)
  • Wild Chems (1925)
  • On the right side (Robinich newspaper, M., 11 serpnya 1922)
  • Expand on the right (Robinich Newspaper, M., 22 serpnya 1922)
  • Day of our life (Beforehand, Berlin - M. 2 Veresnya 1923)
  • Childish rospovid (Radianskiy artist, M. 1 sichnya 1939)
  • Dynamite !!! (Gudok, M., 30 spring 1925)
  • Will be finished with neprezhen_styu (Gudok, M., 9 serpnya 1924)
  • Drizhdzhi and Notes (Gudok, M. 30 Lipnya 1925)
  • Devilish. A story about those yak twins killed the dilovod (Nadra, M., birch 1924 No. 4)
  • Єgipetska mumiya. Report of a member of the Professional Union (Smekhach, L., 10 Veresnya 1924 No. 16)
  • Bazhany paid (Gudok, M. 10 chest 1924)
  • Enchanted Misce (Gudok, M., September 9, 1925)
  • Outpost of Love (Gudok, M., 12 fierce 1925)
  • Zaporozhtsi write a leaf to the Turkish Sultan (Gudok, M., 3 worms 1925)
  • Sitting in the presence of a member (Gudok, M., 17 linnya 1924)
  • Zoryana visip (Medical pratsivnik, M., serpen 1926 No. 29, No. 30)
  • The sounds of unearthly polka (Gudok, M., 19 leaf fall 1924)
  • The proponents of the coming battles. Day of the 3rd Veresnya (Robinich Newspaper, M., 5th Veresnya 1922)
  • Golden place (Beforehand, Berlin - M., Veresen-zhovten 1923)
  • Biblifetchik (feileton, 1924)
  • Unsettled trip. Monologue of the bosses. Chi is not a kazka, but a bouvalon (feileton, 1923)
  • Discrepancies at the plant "Yariga" (feileton, 1922)
  • Pharmacy (Faileton, 1925)
  • Autoclaves need to be trimmed, and the body must be added (feileton, 1922)
  • Akafіst our yakosti (feileton, 1926)
  • American robots give us their praise (feilton, 1922)
  • Banana and Sidaraf (feileton, 1924)
  • Bathhouse attendant Ivan (feileton, 1925)
  • Belobrisov's book. Note format (feileton, published in Berlin in 1924)
  • Shlyubna disaster (feileton, 1924)
  • Firing music (feileton, 1926)
  • The Flying Dutchman (Feyleton, 1926)
  • Lousy type (feileton, 1926)
  • The One Who Talking Dog (Failleton, 1924)
  • Wild Chems (rozpovid)
  • Outpost of love (rozpovid)
  • The sounds of unearthly polka (rozpovid)
  • Golden correspondences of Ferapont Ferapontovich Kaportseva (feileton, 1926)
  • Golden misto (rozpovid)
  • The gras of nature (rozpovid)
  • Yak Buton made friends (rozpovid)
  • Conductor and member of the Imperatorsky Prize (rozpovid)
  • The wheel of the dolі (rozpovіd)
  • Madmazel Zhanna (open)
  • Dead to walk (open)
  • Moscow red-stone (rozpovid)
  • Stinks want to show their eminence ...
  • About alcoholism (disagreement)
  • Square on Wheels (Failleton, 1926)
  • From the gleaming sky (rozpovid)
  • Fit a person (rozpovid)
  • Education for bloodshed (rozpovid)
  • Road notes (report)
  • Robot reachє 30 degrees
  • Self-colored beggar (feileton, 1926)
  • Zmichkoy on the skull
  • forty forty
  • Spiritual session
  • Wall to wall (rozpovid)
  • The capital in the notebook (breakdown)
  • Targan (rozpovid)
  • Grisete hvist (rozpovid)
  • Tsіlitel (rozpovіd)
  • Black magician
  • Chanson d "ete
  • Sprechen zee deutch?
  • Buv grass ...
  • Water of Life (Feileton, 1926)
  • Came perspectives (feileton, 1919)
  • In a cafe (feileton, 1920)
  • The Week of Education (feileton, 1921)
  • Merchant Renaissance (feileton, 1922, (published in the SRCP in 1988))
  • Chalice of Life (Failleton, 1922
  • Lord Curzon's Benefit (feilton, published in Berlin in 1923)
  • Day of Our Life (Failleton, 1923)
  • Moscow stage (feileton, 1923)
  • Komarivske to the right (feileton, 1923)
  • Kiev-misto (feileton, 1923)
  • Go to Heaven (Failleton, 1923)
  • Years of Life and Death (drawing, of Lenin's death assignments, 1924)
  • At the year of death (drawing, assignments of Lenin's death, 1924)
  • Єgipetska mumia (feileton, 1924)
  • Moscow of the 20s (feilton, 1924)
  • Rise on the Crim (Draw, 1925)
  • List of M.A.Bulgakov in the order of the SRSR (vidkritiy list, 1930)

ekranizatsii creations

  • Pilate and іnshi (Meister and Margarita) (FN, TV-film, 1972, 90 minutes) - dir. Andrzej Wajda
  • Meister and Margarita (Yugoslavia - Italy, art film, 1972, 95 min.) - dir. Oleksandr Petrovich
  • Meister and Margarita (Poland, TV series, 1989, 4 series ~ 370 min.) - dir. Machek Voytishko
  • Incident in Judea (Meister and Margarita) (Great Britain, TV film, 1991) - dir. Paul Bryers
  • Meister and Margarita (Russia, artistic film, 1994, 240 canvas / 125 canvas) - dir. Yuriy Kara
  • Meister and Margarita (Russia, TV show, 1996, 142 min.) - dir. Sergiy Desnitsky
  • Meister and Margarita (Ugorshchina, short film, 2005, 26 minutes) - dir. Iboyya Fekete
  • Meister and Margarita (Russia, TV series, 2005, 10 series, ~ 500 min.) - dir. Volodymyr Bortko
  • Meister and Margarita, part of the Persha, chapter 1 (Israel, animation film, 2010 33 minutes) - dir. Terenty Oslyabe
  • Heart of a Dog (Russia, artistic film, 1988, 131 min.) - dir. Volodymyr Bortka
  • Cuore di cane (Heart of a Dog) (Art, art film, 1975) - dir. Alberto Lattuada
  • Big (based on the motives of the creators: Big, Bila Guard, Chorne More) (SRSR, artistic film, 1970, 196 min.) - dir. Oleksandr Alov, Volodimir Naumov
  • Dni Turbinykh (SRCP, artistic film, 1976, 223 min.) - dir. Volodymyr Basov
  • Ivan Vasilovich change to profession (Ivan Vasilovich) (SRSR, artistic film, 1973, 87 min.) - dir. Leonid Gaidai
  • Fatal eggs (Russia, artistic film, 1995, 117 min.) - dir. Sergiy Lomkin
  • Morphiy (for the motives of the creatures: Notes of a young lykar, morphiy) (Russia, artistic film, 2008, 112 min.) - dir. Oleksiy Balabanov
  • Notes of a young lykar (for the motives of the creatures: Notes of a young lykar) (Russia, artistic film, 1991, 65 min.) - dir. Mikhailo Yakzhen
  • History of ailments (behind the motives of the creatures: "Chervona Crown") (Russia, artistic film, 1990, 40 min.) - dir. Oleksiy Svyat

Theatrical performances behind the creations of Mikhail Bulgakov


  • State Museum of M. A. Bulgakov in Moscow, "Rotten apartment".
  • Cultural center "Bulgakovsky dim" (Moscow, B. Sadova, bu. 10)
  • Budynok Turbinykh, literary and memorial museum im. M. Bulgakov in Kiev: Andriyivsky uzviz, bud. 13.
  • Museum of one street (Museum of Andriyivsky Uzvoz) - part of the exhibition is dedicated to the life of Mikhail Bulgakov and his creativity.



  • On May 15, 2011, the feast day of the 120th anniversary of the People's Day of M. Bulgakov took place in Kiev.
  • May 15 about 22:40 on the TV channel "Culture" with the testimony of the artistic film "Theatrical Novel".
  • Moscow's apartment museum on Velikiy Sadoviy had three new exhibitions:
    • "New Hope";
    • "At the Writing Shukhlyadi at the Desk";
    • "Vіsіm snіv. Big ".
  • Near the park of the Bulgakov's garden near Buchi Kiev region, the holy day of the People's Day M. Bulgakov is celebrated. They brought up a monument to the writer, laid a garden and held an international theater festival.
  • May 18, 2011 Rock in the Great League The Club of Merry and Thoughtful Buvs of the Third Quarter of the Season, the theme of which is Bulgakov and His Creativity.

Uvaga to the creative decline of M. Bulgakov, it’s not so great: the books are in millions of copies, 10-volume, 5-volumes of writing have appeared, the Institute of Light Literature for the Men of M. 'As you go to the theaters, dozens of books and thousands of articles dedicated to the creativity and life of Maystr - M. Bulgakov.

The children and youthful rock of Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov went to Kiev. It was born here on May 15, 1891 in the birthplace of the vicladac of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy of Opanas Ivanovich Bulgakov and of the first squad of Varvara Mikhailivnya. Two blue daughters appeared in his homeland: Vira (1892), Nadiya (1893), Varvara (1895), Mikola (1898), Ivan (1900), Olena (1901).

M. Bulgakov's classmate, writer Kostyantin Paustovsky zgaduvav: "The family of Bulgakov is kindly seen in Kiev - majestic, deluded, scrutinized intelligent family ... Behind the windows, there are young people ... super-spiders and spіv. Such family ... bully in the color of provincial life. "

In 1907, Afanasy Ivanovich died, but the Academy of Viclopot gave to the Bulgakov family pensions, and the material basis of life was borne up to the heart.

After graduating from the school in 1909 M. Bulgakov entered the medical faculty of the Kiev University. They started at the university, in 1913 they became friends with Tetiana Mikolaivna Lappa (daughter of the State Treasury Chamber in Saratov).

He graduated from the University in 1916. Pislya kіlkoh mіsyatsіv of service in the capacity of a hospital lіkarya bv directions to Mikіlska zemsk lіkarnya of Smolensk province, and through the rіk bіv of transfers to Vyazma, in mіsku zemsk lіkarnya vіdnіchі zemskіvіdіvіdіmіdіmіdіmіydіm for the advice of his superiors, "having recommended himself an energetic and unobtrusive teacher."

In the fierce 1918 rock M. Bulgakov turned to Kiev, de-vidkriv private practice; here after experiencing a series of upheavals: bilikh, chervonykh, nimtsiv, petlyurivtsiv. Tsei kiyivskyi Rik Bulgakov is seen again in his novel "Bila gvardiya".

In 1919, the fate of the Volunteer Army will be mobilized, having been consumed in the Pivnichny Caucasus, becoming a veteran likar of the Terskiy Cossack Regiment.

At the chest of the same zh roku заs service in the hospital, with the arrival of a bolshoi in the beginning of the work of the People's journalist in the local newspapers, the editor of the literature (Lito) of the literature of the students of Vladikavkaz to the Revolutionary Committee, in the and put them in the Musical Theater.

In 1921, there is a new period in the life of M. Bulgakov - Moscow. In spring 1921, a journalist, playwright and writer arrived in Moscow - penniless, but with great hopes.

Pratsyuvav a day in the Moscow Leto (Literary report of the Glavpolitprosvet of the People's Commissariat of Education) on the secretary’s office, having spoken in the new newspapers, from 1922 he was praised by the state newspaper "Goodyleton". In total for 1922-1926 rock in "Gudku" was supervised by 120 reports, drawings and feiletons.

In 1925 M. Bulgakov became friends with Lyubov Eugene Bilozerskoy.

In 1932 rotsi z L.Є. Bіlozerskoy parting and making friends with Olena Sergіivna Shilovskaya.

Bulgakov, having learned, as a journalist, reporter in the buv mimovol; at the new mitsnila sings, the writing is blushing.

The popularity of writers brought satirical stories to the first half of the 1920s - "The Devil's Day" (1923) and "Fatal Eggs" (1924). The third part of the satirical "trilogy" - the story "Heart of the Dog" (written in 1925) - was published for the life of the author. In 1926, Bulgakov carried out obshuk, as a result of which the manuscript of "The Dog's Heart" and the Schodennik was written. In the 1920s and 30s, the boules' rock was written "Notes on the Cuffs" (1923), the autobiographical cycle "Notes of a Young Lykar" (1925-1926) - about a robot in the Zemsky Smolensk Likarn, a biographical story "Life of Pan de Molar" (1932), "Theatrical Novel (Notes of a Nebizhchik)" (1937), "To One One" (published in 1987).

Spraved great success, fame came with the novel "Bila Guards" (1925-1927) and the "Days of Turbines" (1926), in the center of which is the share of intellectuals in the Russian revolution. About the position of M. Bulgakov as a writer to match the words from the 12th of 1926 to the fate of the dispute "Literary Russia": "to a living writer." It is necessary to give the power of writers to write simply about "people", and not about politics. "

M. Bulgakov's talent in the rіvnіy world buli pіdvladnі і prose, and drama (you don't often play in literature): wіn is the author of a number of works that have become a classic dramaturgy, a dramatic pamphlet "Scarlet" (1928), "Adam and Eve" (1931), "Bliss" ("The Dream of the Engineer Rein") (1934), "The Last Days (Pushkin)" (1935), dramas "Kabbala saint (Molar)" (1936), comedy "Ivan Vasilovich" (1936), p'usi "Batum" (1939). M. Bulgakov also wrote an introduction to literary works: after M. V. Gogol's song "Dead Souls" (1930), behind the novel by L.M. Tolstoy's "Viyna i Mir" (1932), behind the novel by Cervantes "Don Quichot".

In the other half of the 1920s and in the 1930s, M. Bulgakov became the main playwright; a part of this was staged in theaters; Bulgakov. Until the end of the 1930s, it was written in writing by writers Bulgakov was a writer of the same backwaters, ruined here in the 1920s, and died. The writer himself spoke about such a vipadok.

The importance of the situation, the unhappiness of life and pratsyuvati in the SRSR sponted M. Bulgakov on the 28th birch of 1930, the fate of the leaf until the Uryad of the USSR

"I wrap myself up to the Order of the CPCP with an offensive sheet:

1. For that, as all my creations were fenced off, the middle of the hulks, as I see myself as a writer, the voices began to be lunatic, who would give me one and the same glad.

On the side of the "communist p'us" (in the paws I quote quotations), and besides, turn up to the Order of the CPCP with a penitential leaf, so that you can take revenge in yourself from many of my glances, which I have captured in my writings, in literature I will be pratsyuvati, as a writing companion to the idea of ​​communism.

Meta: vryatuvatysya from the chase, wretchedness and inevitability in the finals.

For Tsio's sake, I did not hear. It is unlikely that I would go into the distance before the Uryad SRSR near the vigid light, having written a fraudulent sheet, which is not a crazy one, but before that, a new political Kurbet. I’ll try to make a communist p'єsu, I’m not going to navigate, I know in advance that such a p'єsa in me is not going to be.

Dozrіle in me, bazhannya, pinch my writing torments snorting me until the Uryad SRSR with a leaf is truthful.

2. Having carried out the analysis of my album versions, I have appeared in the press of the CPCP for ten years of my literary robot 301 questions about me. Three of them: praiseworthy - bulo 3, witch-liliv - 298.

The remaining 298 are a mirror image of my writing life.

The hero of my p'usi "Dni Turbinykh" Oleksiya Turbina was drukovano in the verses called "bitch blue", and the author of p'esi was recommended as a "obsessed dog starish".<…>

They wrote “about Bulgakov, who’s chim bov, tim and get lost, the new bourgeois Caudles, the breezing outlaws, ale powerless sludge on the robotic class and the communal ideals” (“Koms. Pravda”, 14 / X-1926).<…>

I declare that the press of the SRCP is absolutely right.<…>

3. I am not whispering in the codend, having caught the tsі thoughts. I took them into a dramatic pamphlet and put the whole pamphlet on the stage. The Radianska press, interceding for the Chief Repertoire Committee, wrote that "The Crimson Island" is a libel on the revolution. Tse unserious babble. Lampooning on the revolution in the past is not for many reasons, for some reason, behind the marriage, I will impose one: lampooning on the revolution, in the name of the superstitious grandeur, it is not a matter to write. The pamphlet is not a libel, and the Chief Repertoire Committee is not a revolution.<…>

4. The axis is one for the rice of my creativity, and for the same amount to finish, but my creation does not exist in the SRSR. Ale from the first rice in conjunction with all the ideas that appear in my satirical stories: black and mystical farbi (I am a mystical writer), in which images of my glorious callousness, I will take away, to see in my life in the country, and in opposition to my beloved and Great Evolution, and most of all - the images of terrible rice to the people, quiet rice, as before the revolution M. Saltikova-Shchedrina.<…>

5. I, nareshti, left my rice in ruined passages - "Days of Turbines", "Big" and in the novel "Bila Guards": take the image of the Russian intellectuals like a ball in our land. The wake, the image of the intelligentsia-noble family, by the will of the unaligned share of the cast in the rock of the community of war in the tabir of the White Guards, in the tradition of "War for the World". Such a picture is entirely natural for a writer who is closely related to intellectuals.

But to create such a kind of image before the author in the CPSR, as my heroes, will disregard it - unimportantly on my great zusillia, it is unpretentious over the worms and the bilims - attestat of the Biloguardy, whoever is a thief, but I am people in the SRSR.

6. My literary portrait is finished, but it's a political portrait. I can’t say what kind of crime can be seen in a new one, but I’m asking about one thing: there’s no whispering behind the boundaries. Win vikoniy is absolutely conscientious.

7. Nina I of humiliation.<…>

All my words are hopeless.<…>

8. I ask the Radianskiy Uryad to take them to the respects, so I'm not a political actor, but a writer, and all my products I have sent to the Radianskiy scenes.<…>

9. I ask the Uryad of the SRCP to punish me in the termine order to leave the SRSR in the supervisor of my squad Lyubov Evgenivni Bulgakova.

10. I am turning to the humanity of the Radianskoy power and I ask me, the writer, that I can’t be corny in my own country, in Batkivshchyna, generously let go to freedom.

11. I also ask the Radianskiy Uryad to give me the time to work in the theater and send me to the theater as a full-time director.<…>

I’m broken down on the odd, as the robots made a change from my side, unimpressed on those great number of actors and directors in Moscow, and with them in the directors of theaters, in the modern world.<…>

I am asking for my appointment as a laboratory assistant-director in the 1st Art Theater - I will go to school, I will be deceived by the mayors K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

If I can't be called a director, I ask to put an extra on the staff. It’s impossible to be an extra - I ask you to put a stage robber.

It’s not a pity, I ask the Radianskiy Uryad to fix it with me like it’s worth it for the needs, ala, it’s something that I’ve got, a playwright, who wrote 5 p'єs, seen in the CPC and obviously behind the cordon, in Daniy moment - evil, street and bend.

Hvilyuvannyam ochіkuvanim and tim is not the least unsuitable for the writer buv vidguk - dzvinok I. V. Stalina April 18, 1930 rock.

Tse buv unsuitable food. Ale Mikhaylo Opanasovich shvidko replied: "I think too much about the cim, and I am astonishing, but the Russian writer cannot imagine the father's position." Stalin said: "I may think so. Well, then, do you join the theater?" - "That I want bi". - "In yak?" - "In Khudozhniy. Alee can't get me there." Stalin said: "You will submit it again. I think I will accept you." Through pіvgodini, melodiously, having blown through the link from the Art Theater. Mikhail Opanasovich was asked for a robot "1.

However, the principled position of M. Bulgakov did not change, a lot of his speech prodovzhuvalis under the fence, died in, so and did not smack even more of his creations published.

Until the last days, the robot went over the head book - the "backward" novel "Meister and Margarita". On the 13th of the fierce 1940, the writer dictated amendments to the text of the novel for the last time.

Died M. Bulgakov 10 birch 1940 rock at 16 years old 39 khilin. The urn with the ashes of the writer was entrusted to the Novodivichy treasury.

Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov (May 15, 1891 - Birch 10, 1940) was born in Kiev as an assistant professor of spiritual seminary. Having been baptized by his own dad, as if he had honored the need for the date of the synovium in honor of the guardian of Kiev - the archistratiga Michael.


The Bulgakov family has 7 children, and Mikhailo Buv is the eldest. Yak zgaduvav in the maybutny writing, the mother was put before them with great rigor. Children otrimuvali accurately understand, both evil and good. Daddy, in his own heart, has recovered and made more love for science.

The housewives of the Bulgakovs' motherland rose to life on Andriyivskoe Uzvoz, which is famous for its energetic and neurotic landscapes. The boy from the young rockies in a special atmosphere of freedom and beauty.

Up to 9 years, Mikhaylo got home coverage, and then headed to the Oleksandrivska school, then the most powerful teachers of Kiev were victorious for about 20 centuries. The Gimnazy period itself was marked by the first creative pits of the maybut writer: Mikhailo, showing himself as a talented young man, sings and a prose writer, as well as a caricaturist and a musician.


The picture of the end of the nutritional education about the continuation of the education of the world is simple: in the family of Bulgakov there are many relatives-friends. That death of Batko Afanasy, from a nirkova ailment, sank into the vibir of the Yunaki. Mikhailo was in charge of showing interest before he was "vlashtovana lyudina". Already on the other course, he lost his life to a bachelor, becoming friends at the school of Tetyana Lappa.

The plans for the beginning of the break were interrupted by Persha svitova vіyna. Mikhaylo took the decision of pratsyuvati in the hospital, altogether he took the certificate to the Smolensk province. So he became a zemstvo likar.

Young rock

The hour of war was oppressive: in the middle of ailments, diphtheria often occurred. Bulgakov was brought to pressure for additional help from the skin, hto need. Everywhere she suffered and himself, having become infected with a diphtheria bat from a sick boy. Morphies emerged with revealing words. Mikhaylo zmіg vіdіkuvatisya vіd diphtheria, аlе wіll not wіll mіg vіdmіvіtіya wіd narcotic speech. However, it’s not bargain today that you need to introduce two doses.

Perebuyuyu in drug frenzy, the writer went for the style and turned on the porch to transfer all those who "saw" his head at that moment. The first team members of the squad are winners of the teeth.

Doctor at the office

For the first time, representatives of the intellectuals left Russia. At that hour, Mikhailo was serving as a military doctor in the Pivnichny Caucasus. An important typhus, calling out to the writer, not giving him the opportunity to immediately emigrate from the country. Already at the same time, having repeatedly put in the dock his squad, those who didn’t take the decision and didn’t take him outside the cordon. The reason for such a bazhannya Bulgakov's especial look, as they went apart from the political tops. Quite clearly one can quilt in the first large-scale works "Fatal Eggs", "Dog's Heart," Zoya's Apartment.

Tsikaviy fact: the new professor Preobrazhenskiy from "Dog's Heart" mav his real prototype. He became the uncle of Mikhail Bulgakov, the lykar Mykola Pokrovsky. The TV itself was published for the first time in 1987 by ROC.

In 1919 he was a writer who left medical practice and became friends with new knowledge. Lyubov Bilozerska became the Yogo squad. Bagato hto pomilkovo vvazhaє, scho tvir "Meister and Margarita", Bulgakov assigning їy. For the sake of her muse Olena Shilovska, who, in 1929, “rejected the invitation” of the third lawful spouse of the writer.

The novel "Meister and Margarita" became a reference to the images of the writer himself. Unimportant to the intertwining of the modern and historical aspect, the title of "Evangelia from the Diyavol" was given to him. The main hero of the novel is Meister, becoming the guide himself between the past and the present: the hour of Pontiya Pilata and the modern Moscow of the 30s.

On the ear of the 30s, the material camp of the writer bazed a short one. Youmu had a chance to write a sheet to Stalin from the passages, or give the chance to pratsyuvati chi to allow visits from the country. So in the life of the writer appeared theatrical period. Om Bula was written to nave a story about Stalin, the yaku was hardened before the performance. Alone, I went to the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, buv tvir "Dni Turbinykh".

In 1939, Bulgakov's rotsi began to know how to implant morphies for the knowledge of pain in cases of hypertensive nephrosclerosis. The same disease Bula was named the official cause of his death in the 1940s birch. Enemies fiddled, but a glance at the writer sped up his drowning with occultism: the evil spirits hung up their right to his life.

Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov is a Russian writer.
Mikhailo Bulgakov was born on the 15th of May (3 of the old style) in 1891, in Kiev, in the homeland of Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, a professor of the Department of Western Political Studies of the Kiev Spiritual Academy. Sem'ya Bula is Bagatoditna (Mikhailo is the elder sinner, the new Boolean has sisters and two brothers) and is friendly. Piznish M. Bulgakov more than once guessed about the "summit" of youth in a beautiful place on the Dnipro steep slopes, about the lull of the galasia and warm native nest on the Andriyivskoe Uzvoz, the prospect of great life and beauty.

The irrepressible infusion on the maybutny writer played the role of the family: the hand of mother Varvara Mikhailivna is firm; love is a green lamp and a book in my office ”, - wrote Mikhailo Bulgakov, guessing, waiting for the robot father). In the motherland of Panun, the insane authority of knowledge and contempt to non-government, which is not seen in the whole sound.

If Mikhail was born 16 years old, from the ailment nirok died dad. The protest is not skewed, Bulgakov became a student of the medical faculty of the Kiev University. "The professional of the doctor made me look bland," - as it is said, he explained, he explained his vibe. You can argue for the corrosiveness of medicine: the independence of great potential (private practice), interest in “building people”, so it’s the very possibility of helping him. Dal is a first-time friend, for that hour it is overwhelmingly early. Mikhailo, a student of another year, against the mother's will to befriend the young Tetiana Lappa, just finished the gymnasium.

Yuniy Likar Mikhailo Bulgakov

Bulgakov's navchannya at the University of Bula was interrupted before the deadline. Yshla svitova vіyna, attached in 1916 to the rock "warrior of another militia" Mikhailo vypuscheniy from the university (diploma from the university) and voluntarily transferred pratsyuvati to one of the Kiev hospitals. Wounded, as people suffer, they became yogo lykarskiy khreshchennym. “Chi to pay for the shelter? Ні. Ніхто ", - having written win through a number of rockies on the sidelines of the" Biloi guards ". In 1916, Dr. Bulgakov took the first sign off to a small zemstvo distillery in the Smolensk province.

The vibe of tying up with the constant stress of the moral field, against the evil of routine interruption of life, the extreme generality of formulating a maybutny writer. It is characteristic for a new person to be pragmatic to a positive, divine knowledge - the serenity of the world over the atheistic glimpse of "naturalists", from one side, - and from the other side. It is important and one more thing: the practice of lіkarska didn’t neglect the misconception of deconstructive attitudes. Mozhlvo, Bulgakov himself did not get stuck with a modernist ear of capital.

The traditional surgical practice of a recent student, which was done at the Ukrainian-Polish hospitals, at the same time, was the unimportant admission of the Silskoy lykar, who was sent one by one to cope with the numerous and unsuccessful people. The need to accept independent solutions, flexibility. The same infrequent gift of the genial lykarya-diagnost. Nadal Mikhailo Opanasovich showed himself as a social diagnostics. Obviously, the writer appeared to be so penetrating in the unimportant forecast of the development of suspicious processes in the country.

at the turn

As soon as the vchorashniy student matured, transformed into a ludicrous and pre-educated zemskiy likar, in Russia there was a good fortune, a lot of ten years ahead were given a share. The tsar's speech, lute days, nareshti - the coup d'etat of 1917 to fate. “For the sake of justice, I’m reeling in life, I don’t want it ... Not long ago, when I went to Moscow and Saratov, I didn’t want to go to Moscow and Saratov. I bachiv, like siri natovpu with whigs and hard laikas, I’m bothering in the trains, bachiv, like b’yut people. Bachiv zruynovany and burned booths in Moscow ... stupid and beastly individuals ... Bachiv NATO, they took in the cloud from the flooded and closed banks, hungry tails at the shops ... bach newspapers, leaflets, write about one: about the shelter, how to lie and at the entrance, at the entrance, at the gathering, and about the vyaznitsy. All in the power of the eyes are bachy, and the zeros are still there, so they have become "(from the sheet of Mikhail Bulgakov, 31 breast, 1917, to the fate of sister Nadiya).

At the birch tree in 1918 Bulgakov turned to Kiev. Through the place there will pass through the hvili biloguards, petlyurivts, nimts, bilshoviks, nationalists of the hetman Pavel Petrovich Skoropadsky, I know bilshoviks. Skin vlada carry out mobilization, and it is necessary for everyone, that trim is in the hands of a towel. Mobile and Bulgakov. In the capacity of a Vіyskiy lіkary, at once with the participation of the Volunteer Army, the winners are sent to the Pіvnіchny Caucasus. Those who Bulgakov got lost in Russia were deprived of a lot of obscurity, and not a strong vibe: they were lying in a typhoid hot, if the army and the spirits left the land. Tatyana N. Lappa told me that Bulgakov more than once drew on those who didn’t carry a sick man from Russia.

Pislya Oduzhannya Mikhailo Bulgakov drowned out medicine and began to use newspapers. One of the first published articles is called “Comes of Perspectives”. The author, who does not admit the whimsicality of the ideology, is a prophet of Russia from the entrance. The first dramaturgic memories came to Vladikavkaz: the one-act humoresque "Self-Defense", "Parisian Communists", the drama "Brothers Turbini" and "Blue Mulli". All the stench went to the theater in Vladikavkaz. Ale the author put before them a yak before the curvatures of the crocs. "Blue mulli" the author to estimate as follows: "they wrote three times: I, the father-in-law of the bereaved, and hunger. In 1921, on the cob ... ". About the speeches, more thought out ("Brothers Turbini"), with a wide range of brothers: "If they winked at me for another act, I went to the innocent sentiments ... Vaguely marveled at the make-up of exposing the actors, to make up the hall. I thought: “Well, my world has gone ... well, I’m okay: replace the Moscow stage with a provincial scene, replace with dramas about Alyosha Turbina, as I’m happy, we are angry, I’m not richer ...”.

Bulgakov's move to Moscow

It is possible, the change of the profession is dictated and by the circumstances: the recent Vyyskovy likar of the White Army is alive in the world, since the power of the bolshoi has been established. Unzabarom Bulgakov, having traveled to Moscow, kudi from all the children of the land went to the literature. Near the capital, there were numerous literary gurts, a private view was opened, and books were written. In hungry and cold Moscow 1921 Bulgakov laid out a new profession with ease: writing to Gudka, writing to the Berlinsky editorial office of Forward To the effect of robotics in the newspaper, it is recognized, as to the extent to which it is simple and without eyesight. Ale needs and money for life. "... I have healed to odd lives", - wrote Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov in the unfinished story of "To One One" (1929), as a leaf was born before the third squad of the writer - Olena Sergiyivna Shilovskaya. At the naris, who were drugged in "Forward", Bulgakov ironed over the official gassals and newspaper stamps. “I am a zvychanyy people, povzati people”, - having attested messages in the feyleton “Forty Forty”. And in the drawing "Moscow red-stone", describing the cockade on the side of the uniform box: "Not that hammer and shovel, not the sickle and rake, every time not the sickle and hammer."

In the "In front of the day" we went to the light "Indiscriminate help the doctor" (1922) and "Notes on the cuffs" (1922-1923). In the "Inescapable Likar's favors" I will describe the change of one power and armies by the author with unacceptable dislikes. On the right, there is a seditious thought about the intelligence of desertion. The hero of "Come on ..." is not very much an idea, not a chervon idea. From the creator to the creator, the man's manhood of the writer, as if he could condemn the insult of the warring tabori.

Mikhailo Bulgakov, having mastered the new material, as well as the first forms of imagery: Moscow has passed the 1920s, characterized by a new kind of rice, not seen before. At the cost of mobilization of mental and physical forces (in Moscow there is a crisis of life, and the writer is alive at the room of a communal apartment, which is better described in the reports of "Self-distilled pobut" "(1924) and" Fatal Eggs "(1925), having written" Heart of a Dog "(1925). Speak about the most points of a day-to-day day in a new one to wriggle into a fantastic form.

"Fatal eggs"

The Radianskiy Republic has a smoking pestilence ("Fatal Eggs"). In a row, it is necessary to update "smoky people", and to go to the head of professor Persikov, so that "chervoniy promin" is shown, for the reason that they are alive and not only are able to reach the colossal alms. The pressure on those who see in Radianskiy Russia for the prosperity and fearlessness. Neglecting the director of the smoking radio department Rokk, to what a pity they will use the letters from behind the cordon for the professors' reports of the eggs of snakes and ostriches, for the help of the "exchange of hearts" to lead hordes of gigants out of them. Giganti go to Moscow. The capital of the city is just as happy as it gets: nebula frost will fall on it. At the end of the day, it’s worth trying to smash the professor’s laboratory, and at the same time see him. The accuracy of the social diagnosis, proponated by Bulgakov, was of the order of the highest ranked by caution criticism, as she wrote, that because of the call it is clear that “there are more people who are unsuitable for the creative world of peace, I want good

"Heart of the Dog"

Nastupna rіch, "Heart of the Dog" (1925 rіk), already not missed until the next day, and the bullet was handled in Russia for a break, in 1987. These phrases and formulas were inaccurately entered into the sleep of the intellectual people: “the ruin is not in the closets, but in the heads”, “this room is not in the closets, but in the heads,” you are dumb ”,“ to tell the truth easily and correctly ”.

The main hero of the story, Professor Preobrazhensky, is conducting a medical experiment, transplanting the organ of the "proletar" Chugunkin, who is bent in the back of the fight, to a stray dog. It is not uncommon for a surgeon to transform a dog into a ludin, and a ludin is more precisely a repetition of a bent lumpen. Yaksho Sharik, as he called the dog a professor, kind, good-natured іdachny to the new gospodarіvі for the brothel, then Chugunkin has come to life in a marvelous way, ignorantly ignorant, vulgar і nakhabny. Having crossed over to the whole, the professor has a good-natured operation, and a good-natured dog appears in his quiet apartment.

Rizikovaniy surgical experiment of the professor - a stretch on the "smilivy social experiment", which is to be seen in Russia. Bulgakov is not a schilastic Bachiti in the "people", an ideal isstota. The guilt that deprives the important and great way of enlightening the masters, the way of the revolution, and not the revolution, can lead to a real polish of the life of the country.

"Bila gvardiya"

Do not let go of Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov and live through the rock of the Gromadyanskoy Vinyi. In 1925, the first part of the "Biloi Guard" appeared in the magazine "Rossiya". The writer has a new novel at the time of the month, and I have given Tetyan Lapp, I have assigned "Bila Guards" to Lyubov Evgenivni Bilosil'skikh-Bilozerskoy, which became another squad. Bulgakov is taking a writing path in radically changing minds, since there is a lot of inspiration in the fact that the traditions of the great Russian literature of the 19th century are hopelessly old, no more tsikavi.

Bulgakov writes defiantly "old-fashioned" rich: "Bila Guards" appears as an bishop from the Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter", which is based on the tradition of Tolstoy's family novel. At the "Biliy gvardiya", as in "Viyny and svit", the family's thought is clearly linked to the history of Russia. At the center of the novel, a family fell apart, she lived in Kiev in the "old general's house", on the Andriyivskoe Uzvo, the hour of brotherly life in Ukraine. The main heroes of the novel are Bully Likar Oleksiy Turbin, his brother Mikolka and his sister, Olena's ore charity, and all the friends of the family. Already in the first phrase, when he announced to the "Bila Guards": "Great Bouv Rik and a terrible rik according to Christ's Revolution in 1918, from the ear of another revolution", - Bulgakov introduced two points of view, two systems of values, one of the same values, one There is also the ability of writers to assess the message more accurately, to show the occasional story of an unprecedented historian.

Even in 1923, Mikhailo Bulgakov wrote on the side of a schooler that I would call the promoter “Pid p'yatoyu”: “You can’t get on, you can’t voice, you can’t bother me at once, if you don’t know.” Can't bootie. I can't be anybody, I can be one - a writer. " Now Bulgakov's entry into the literature, about Maksimilian Oleksandrovich Voloshin (reference nickname Kirinko-Voloshin) in a private sheet, saying that “you can only match the debuts of Dostoevsky Tolstoy.” I want the people of the great Russian writer to come back, having made little mention of him.

"Dni Turbinykh"

The magazine "Rosiya" is curious about it, the novel is overwhelmed by the lack of good hands. However, this hero prodovzhuvali turbuvati the testimony of the writer. Bulgakov began to fold the book for the motives of the "Biloi guards". The process of miraculously describing on the sidelines of the "Notes of a Nebіzhchik" (1936-1937) in rows about "charming little boxes", in the evenings in the form of a writer.

The beautiful theaters have quiet rockies - the repertoire of the crisis. The Moscow Art Theater in the jokes of the new drama turns to prose, including to Bulgakov. Bulgakov's p'єse "Dni Turbinykh", written after the "Biliy guards" old "other" Seagull "of the Art Theater, and the People's Commissar of Anatoly Vasilovich Lunacharsky calling it" the first political art "of the Radiansky Theater. The premier, which was seen on the 5th of October 1926, made Bulgakov famous. Kozhen performance is sold out. The story, told by the playwright, feuded the eyes of her life with the truth of the mouth, as they have recently experienced a lot of them. In response to the deafening success of the publication, the journal "Medical Practitioner" published a cycle of announcements, which will be based on the titles "Notes of a Young Lykar" (1925-1926). Some of the handled rows were left behind, as Bulgakov was judged to have his life. Still one inheritance of the Moscow Art Theater, having become hunted along the lines of magazine and newspaper articles, they remembered Bulgakov-prose. Ale of official criticism, the writer's creativity was declared as reactionary, as it became bourgeois values.

The images of great officials, such as Bulgakov fearlessly viviv on the stage of the country that was shrinking to the theater, on a new glance, a new one, were known to be broader than the meaning of the intelligentsia, it is not respectful, of the whole society. The p'usu included Chekhov's motives, the Moscow Artists' Turbines were played with the Three Sisters and were taken from the actual context of the poster, agitational dramaturgy of the 1920s. The performance, which was organized in bagnetism by official criticism, was not a bargain, but in 1932 it was introduced by the will of Stalin, who was especially amazed at more than a dozen times (to this day it was put behind Bulgak).

Drama by Mikhail Bulgakov

Three hours before the end of the life of M.A. Bulgakov has not lost sight of the drama. After a dozen of p'es, you will bring the unfinished novel "Notes of a Nebizhchik" to the public until the end of the internal theater (for the first time having been instructed in the SRCP in 1965, it was called "Theatrical Novel"). The main hero, the writer-writer Maksudov, a serviceman in the newspaper "Paroplavstvo" and a warehouse for the motives of the vlasny novel, is not admitted to the biography. P'єsa is written by Maksudov for the Nezalezhniy Theater, which cherish two legendary specialties - Ivan Vasilovich and Aristarkh Platonovich. Visiting the Art Theater and two of the greatest Russian theater directors of the 20th century, Kostyantin Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, are easy to learn. It is a novel of love and conquest of people to the theater, ale and satirically describing and folding characteris tics, how to create a theatrical miracle, and the inner theatrical vicissitudes of the provincial theater of the country.

"Zoychina apartment"

Mayzhe one hour with the "Days of Turbines" Bulgakov wrote the tragifars "Zoichina's apartment" (1926). The plot of p'єsi bouv velmi is relevant for quiet rockies. Zoya Pelts is ready to spend money on buying foreign goods for herself and her own cohant, organizing a brothel near the Vlasniy apartment. The images have the sharp evils of social reality, the twists and turns in the changing forms. Count Obolyaninov thinks of the intelligence, but also "coli count": "Where did I go? I am the axis, I stand in front of you. " Win with demonstrative innocence did not accept not so "new words", though new values. The blisky chameleonism of the charming prodigy Ametistov, the administrator in Zoykina's "studio", does not become a fiery contrast to the count. The counterpoint of two central images, Ametistov and Count Obolyaninov, has a glimpse of the theme of p'usi: the theme of historical memory, the unhappiness of forgetting the past.

"Crimson Island"

Behind "Zoyka's Apartment" there is a dramatic pamphlet "The Crimson Island" (1927). Having put the Russian director, People's Artist of Russia Oleksandr Yakovich Tairev on the stage of the Chamber Theater, Aleksandr was staged for a long time. The plot of the "Crimson Island" with the rebels of the Tubilians and the "Holy Revolution" in the final, bare parody. Bulgakov's pamphlet revisited the types and characteristics of the situation: the story about the rebellion of the Tubilians is rehearsed by the director-priest, ready to redo the final to the all-powerful Savdom Lukich (who is similar to V.

Zdavalosya b, having succeeded in supervising Bulgakov: at the "Days of Turbines" at the Moscow Art Theater, it was uncomfortable to eat, "Zoya's apartment" gave the team to the theater named Evgeniya Vakhtangov, and deprived of the common cause of the censor's censure; about the smilivism of "Crimson Island" was written by the foreign press. In the theatrical seasons 1927-1928 Bulgakov is the most popular and most successful playwright. Ale the hour of Bulgakov the playwright is to shave off the walls in a flash, like a prose. Bulgakov's p'єsa "Big" (1928) is on the way, but did not enter the stage.

Yaksho "Zoichina's apartment" spoke about quietly, who had gone to Russia, then "Big" - about the quiet ones, who had left. Biliy General Khludov (the real prototype of the new Bouv is General Ya. A. Slashchov), in the most important place - the order of Russia - pishov to the stratum in the tylo and that consumes the mind; the dashing general Charnot, with the same readiness to rush into the attack both at the front and at the cart table; M'yakiy і lyric, yak P'uro, university privat-docent Golubkov, who loves the woman Seraphim, kolishnyu the squad of kolishny ministr, - all the stench is enlightened by the playwright with the psychological glybin.

Warm to the commandments of the classic Russian literature of the 19th century, Bulgakov did not caricature his heroes. They didn’t care about those characters, they were painted as ideal people, the stench winked at spirits, and even in the middle of them there were a few recent biloguards. Nichto of heroes did not rush back to Batkivshchyna, so they could “take a part in encouraging socialism in the USSR,” as he gladly finished the story of Stalin. The food about the production of "Bigu" was seen by the chotiri on the back of the Politburo. The authorities did not allow another appearance of the white office on the stage. So, as a writer to the joy of the leader, without listening, the first bullet was put only in 1957, not on the capital's sidewalks, but in Stalingrad.

1929 Rik - Rik of the Stalin's "great breakthrough", the lama was not only for the peasantry, but for the same time, the "one-axes" were protected in the land. At the end of the hour from the scene, the nobility of all Bulgakov's p'usi is shown. At the Rozpachi Bulgakov on the 28th of January 1930, having sent a leaf to the row, in what was said about "a lot of skepticism about the revolutionary process", but to be seen in all of Russia, and to know that "to try to be communal" in no way. In the end of the leaf, the victorious justice of the huge manhood, there was an outrageous prokhannya: either let him go beyond the cordon, or give the robot, іnksha "evil, street and bend."

Yogo nova p'єsa was called "Kabbalah of the holy" (1929). At the center of the kolizia: artist and vlada. P'єsa about Mol'ar and his neural patron Louis XIV, live as a writer from the middle. The high value of the Molyar's mystery, the king, has relieved the protest of the playwright's patronage, who has become involved in the comedy "Tartuffe" by members of the Religious Organization "The Association of Holy Gifts." P'essa (called "Mol'ar") rehearsed Mkhat for six rockies, and in 1936 she walked to the sidewalk in 1936, singing seven songs from the repertoire. Bilsh zhodnoy zi his p'us Bulgakov on the stage of the theater without hitting the stage.

The result of the brutalization before the order was the reincarnation of the vіliterator in the service of the Moscow Art Theater (the writer was not allowed to go to the cordon, they didn’t care about those who at the same hour had permission to go to the deputy writer-dissident Evgen Ivanovich). Bulgakov took over from the Moscow Art Theater to the post of an assistant director, assisting in the staging behind the powerful inspiration of Gogol's "Dead Souls". At night, there is a storehouse for the "novel about the devil" (like a collection of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel about "Maystri and Margarita"). Todi appeared and wrote on the margins of the manuscript: "Finish earlier, not die." The novel is already learned by the author yak golovna on the right yogo life.

In 1931, Bulgakov finished the utopia "Adam and Єva", the story about the Maybut gas war, as a result of which in the bending Leningrad there was a deprivation of people in the living: the fanatical commune Adam Krasovsky, you zoom in to open the device, to optimize some of them from the bend; opportunist-beller Donch-Neperemoga, creator of the novel "Chervoni zelenyachi"; enchanting hooligan markizi, like the clay of a book like Gogol's Petrushka. Biblіynі remіnіscentsії, risikovannye firmness Efrosіmov about those, that all theories stand one after one, and also the pacifist motives of p'usi led before that "Adam and Eve" was also not put for the life of the writer.

In the mid-1930s, Bulgakov wrote the drama "The Last Days" (1935), a story about Pushkin without Pushkin, the comedy "Ivan Vasilovich" (1934-1936) about the tsar's dread and the bad kerbud, through the grave in the robotic machine for an hour remembered by the centuries; the utopia "Bliss" (1934) about the sterile and sinister maybutt with the highly planned people of the people; nareshty, the inspiration of Cervantes's "Don-Quichot" (1938), which was transformed by Bulgakov's pen into an independent p'us.

Mikhaylo Bulgakov vibravly an important way: the way of specialness, firmly surrounding the boundaries of the powerful, individual butt, pragmatic, plans and not imposingly obediently follow imposed by the rules and canons. In the 1930s, Bulgakov's drama was so unacceptable for censorship, as was prose before. Totalitarian Russia has those and plots of the playwright, his thoughts and his heroes are unhappy. “Over the last few years, I shattered 16 speeches, and all the stinks disappeared, but the same, and that was Gogol's insight! Naivno bulo b dumati, scho before the 17th or 18th ", - write Bulgakov on the 5th of July 1937 to the rock Vіkentіevі Vikentіyovych Veresaev.

"Meister and Margarita"

Ale “there is no such writer, schob vin zamovk. Yaksho zamovk, meaning buv is not fair ", - the same words of Bulgakov himself (from the sheet to Stalin 30 May 1931). The first handwritten writer Mikhailo Bulgakov prodovzhu to the robot. The novel "Meister and Margarita" became the win of this creative way, which is the principle of writers' posthumous glory.

The novel is spoken of as apocryphal "Evangelin from the devil", and the great heroes in the first editions of the text are bully. With the rock, the first idea was accelerated, transformed, having absorbed the share of the writer himself. When a woman went into the novel, she became the third squad - Olena Sergiyivna Shilovska (his knowledge was introduced in 1929, with a love of decoration for the 1932 rock). The lonely writer (Meister) and his girlfriend (Margarita) become not less important, not the central characters of the history of the people.

The history of Satani's transfer to Moscow in the 1930s echoes the legend about the appearance of the Jesus, which was two thousand years ago. In the same way, as if they didn’t know God, Muscovites didn’t know and the devil, if Woland didn’t feel the signs of their home. Moreover, with Woland, there will be illumination of the heroes: the writer, editor of the antireligion magazine Berlioz i sings, the author of a song about Christ Ivan Bezrodny.

Podії were seen in the eyes of helpless people and they didn’t mean to be misunderstood. For the first time, the Maister in the romance he had established was given renewed evidence and the same history of history. With the creative gift of vzhivannya Meister "vgadu" to the truth in the past. The vitality of the penetration into the historical reality, attested by Woland, is confirmed by ourselves and the variability, the adequacy of the description by Maystr and the present. Slid after Pushkin's "Evgeniy Ongin", Bulgakov's novel can be named, according to the home-made references, the encyclopedia of the Radiansk life. Potential news of Russia, people types and characteristic vchinki, clothes and people, ways to make people busy and busy - everything is kindled before reading with a murderous irony and instantly penetrating lyrism in panoramas of decorative grassy landscapes.

Mikhailo Bulgakov will be “Maystra and Margarita” as “a novel in a romance”. Yogo way to grow up in two hours: in Moscow in the 1930s, it’s about to be in charge of the traditional spring ball of the next month, Satan, and in the old town of Yershalaim, in which the philosopher of the court of the Roman procurator was “born” Pov'yazu well offense to the plot is a happy and historical author of the novel about Pontia Pilata Meister.

In rocky, since the zealno-state point of view is on those who see the hardened yak "Edino virna", Bulgakov, looking from the seat with a sub'active glance at the story of the holy It is not the literal "old chapters" of the novel, which delineate the history of the bend of the oushua, is introduced by the writer as true, which was seen by the people, as the private sense of Maistr.

In the novel, the power of the writers manifested itself deeply interested in nutrition, religious and atheistic svitoglyadu. Worshiping the hikes with seven clergymen, I want it to be "vcheniy", to the bookish trustee (Father Mikhail is not a "father", but a clergyman), stretching out the life of Bulgakovs, seriously tackling the problem of raising At the "Maystrі and Margarita" Bulgakov, on the first plan, I will see the creativity in the tragic 20th century, followed by Pushkin’s self-constant people, their historical view.


All the artistic specialties of Bulgakov's work are straightened to the bottom of the page. Mayzhe kozhna rіch of the writer to obey the riddles, yak poklikana zruynuvati kolishnyu clearness. So, in "Maystri and Margarita" Bulgakov gives the characters a non-traditional name: Satan - Woland, Urusalim - Yershalaim, the vicious adversary of the devil is called not Isus, but Ishua Ha-Notsri. The reader is guilty independently, without relying on the home, to penetrate into the essence of what to see and experience anew in the testimony of the central episode of the holy history of people: the trial of Pilat, the death and resurrection of Jesus.

At the works of Bulgakov, an hour of fair, one-time binding is tied to the hour of the "great" history of people, "a blue corridor of a thousand years." At "Maystrі and Margarita", it is a good idea to flare up the text to the full extent. Tim by the most relevant one-moment values ​​of the radian hour are put before summaries, revealing their obvious past and sense.

For Mikhail Bulgakov, one more peculiarity is characteristic: his hero, whether in prose or in drama, is turned by the author until the turn of the share. I Molyar still does not know the scale of his genius ("Kabbala saint"), and Pushkin's poetry ("The Last Days") was taken to respect the weak Benediktovska, and to help the Ishua mandrut, be afraid of pain, do not see the insane ones. The court of history is not yet thorough. An hour to grow, bringing with it the power of change. Ymovіrno, the very rice of Bulgakov's poetry put down the production of "Batum" (1939), written as a drama about the omnipotent Volodar, but about one of the bagatokh, whose share has not yet taken away the residual outlines. Nareshti, in the works of Bulgakov, there are only two options for finals: either the end of the bend of the protagonist, or the end of the end is seen. The scribe proposes a model of light, in which there is an unlimited number of possibilities. I the right to choose a vchinku for a special person. Tim himself is the author of additional help to the reader, see himself as the creator of the master's share. And from the bezlichі surrounds the life of the land. The idea of ​​a vile and historically evocative of a human being, "viliplyu" of the day and maybut in its own image and likeness, proponated by the writer Bulgakov, is a dear prescription of a creative life.


“Batum” became the rest of Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov (she was called “Pastir”). Theaters were prepared until the 60th century of Stalin. I’ll look at the month, it is necessary for the censorship to be carried out especially for the speeches, as well as for rehearsals, the author’s posture until the age of 1937. Pislya of the nastіynykh prokhan directors of the Moscow Art Theater over the story about the leader Pochav pratsyuvati Bulgakov. Vidmova vіd vіdnogo zamovlennya buv not unbeatable. Ale Bulgakov, and here I go with an unconventional way: write not about the all-powerful leader, as the authoritative juvenile creatures, but tell us about the youth of Dzhugashvili, fixing the message from yogo dismissal from the seminary. Let us lead the hero through humiliation, obedience and endeavor, that is, the transformation of the dictator into an extravagant dramatic character; Having become acquainted with p'єsoyu, Stalin zaboroniv її production.

Through a series of thoughts about the "Batum" fence, in 1939 Bulgakov saw a raptus slap: a symptom of the same ailment nirok, as if his father died. The will of the mortally ailing writer deprives him of death, which came through pivrok. As much as everything, ruined by a writer, more than a quarter of the capital was checking its hour in the working table: the novel "The Meister and Margarita", the poem "The Heart of the Dog" and "The Life of Pan de Moliere" (1933), as well as the one who has never been abused for the life of the writer 16 dog. Writing the publication of a "zealous novel" Bulgakov is ranked among the artists, who have designated the creative person of the 20th century. This is how Woland's prophecy will awaken, even before Maistra: "Your novel will bring you more surprises."

From the fierce 1940 to the rock, friends and relatives steadily scoffed at M. Bulgakov's lizka. 10 birch 1940 rock Mikhail Opanasovich Bulgakov died. 11 Bereznya Vіdbulasya Huge Panahida in Budіvlі to the Union of Radianskih Writers. Before the Panakhida, the Moscow sculptor S. D. Merkurov was wearing a posthumous mask from the face of M. Bulgakov.

M. Bulgakov of burial at the Novodichy treasury. On your grave, for the troubles of your squad Є. S. Bulgakova, buv erections of stones, nicknames "Golgotha", which was previously lying on the grave of M. V. Gogol.

In 1966, the publication of the novel "Meister and Margarita" was first published in the "Moscow" magazine with bills. At the same time, the titanic Zusillas of the widow of the writer E.S. First of all, a triumphant course of the novel was held. In 1973, a writer in Batkivshchyna became the first to see the novel, in the mid-1980s, the novel was thrown around the corner, and the American production of "Ardis" was released. First and foremost in the 1980s, and rocky nareshty in Russia, one after another, the creation of a prominent Russian writer began to appear.

Mikhailo Bulgakov is a Russian writer, playwright, director and actor. Yogo create became a classic Russian literature.

The novel "Meister and Margarita", which has been repeatedly screened in Bagatioi lands, is the reason for its popularity.

If Bulgakov had been at the peak of popularity, Vlada Radianska fought to stage yogo p'usi in theaters, and also publish yogo create.

A short biography of Bulgakov

Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov was born on 3 May 1891 c. Krym, in the homeland of the Bulgakovs there were six children: 2 boys and 4 girls.

Yogo Batko, Opanas Ivanovich, former professor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy.

Mati, Varvara Mikhailivna, it was an hour of working as a weekend in the school.

Dignity and youth

If in the homeland of the Bulgakovs they reckoned one after the other people, the mothers had to leave the robot and take care of them.

Oskilki Mikhaylo was the oldest child, who was often brought up to babysit brothers and sisters. Tse, madly, was based on the formulation of the special features of the maybutny writer.


If Bulgakov was satisfied with 18 years of age, he graduated from the Persha Kyiv Gymnasium. Let's start with the initial pledge in the biography of the Kiev University, in which he is now at the medical faculty.

Become a likarem you want to be rich in what the fact that the profession is well paid for.

Before the word of the word, in Russian literature before Bulgakov, the butt of a prominent writer, like being behind the holy lykar, all life with satisfaction was engaged in medicine: tse -.

Bulgakov in his youth

Pislya otrimannya diploma Bulgakov submitted a message about those who pass the military service in the navy, like a likarem.

However, you do not want to go through the medical committee. As a result, having asked for it, they sent him to Chervony Khrest for robots in a license.

At the razpal of the Pershoi Holy War (1914-1918 p.), Vin drove a soldier not far from the front-line zone.

After a couple of rockies, the wines turned to Kiev, deceased as a venereologist.

Tsikavo, in the whole period of his biography, he became a morphine in life, which helps him to get sick from pain, so he gets sick with an antidifter drug.

As a result, the Bulgakovs will be heavily addicted to drugs by extending their forgiven life.

Creative activity

On the ear of the 20s Mikhailo Opanasovich priyzhdzhak v. There, I started to write about the feyletoni, and nezabar to take on the p'usi.

Piznish, he became a theatrical director of the Moscow Art Theater and Central Theater of Robotic Youth.

With Bulgakov's first curd, we sing "Prigody Chichikov", having written 31 rock at the bottom of the song. Then a message came from the last of the pen.

When I write a fantastic story "Fatal Eggs", which was positively received by critics and a great interest among readers.

Dog heart

In 1925 Bulgakov published the book "Heart of a Dog", in which the ideas of the "Russian revolution" and the "awakening" of the social evidence of the proletariat are intertwined.

On the thought of literary scholars, Bulgakov’s story є a political satire, a dermal hero є the prototype of that kind of political action.

Meister i Margarita

Having lost his knowledge and popularity in the suspension, Bulgakov took up the writing of the lead novel in his biography - "Meister and Margarita".

Vin wrote it for 12 years, right up to death. It’s a fact that the book was handled only in the 60s, but I don’t have to.

In the residual viglyadi її was seen in 1990, for rіk before.

Varto respect that Bulgakov’s creative work will be overruled only after his death, but the censors did not miss out on them.

Ts'kuvannya Bulgakova

Until 1930, the writer started to get more and more ts'kuvannya alongside the Radiansk officials.

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