What is impossible for a leap year. Why can not be divorced in a leap year? Why in a leap year can not be bought apart

What is impossible for a leap year. Why can not be divorced in a leap year? Why in a leap year can not be bought apart

A leap year was considered dangerous for a long time, the attitude towards him was bad, it was believed that any undertaking on this year would bring misfortune. We already and do not remember the cause of all these beliefs, but I consider leaky year in a habit, we are hard and waiting for his offensive with tension.

And after all, it seems that a year is heavy, any bad event is perceived with a heavy sigh: "Well, to expect from a leap year!" And the joyful events are practically not noticed or vice versa, we are surprised: "We must! Something good happened in the leap year! "

What is bad leap year?

What didn't you get a leap year? Okay, one day, and then there for a whole year suffer and suffer, yes, jump the month in the calendar, hoping that the year will soon end. Why was it that the leap year is considered bad.

The most difficult time of the year for our ancestors was considered winter. She always worried hard, and was considered happiness if she passed without much losses. And in a leap year, as you know, winter is one day more. In general, because of this annoying misunderstanding, people and nice all year.

Another reason is the so-called number of beast. In the usual year, 365 days, and in a leap - 366, the year ends on two six, one would have already enough to declare a year with a bad one, and there are two more!

The last day of winter in the leap year is considered a dangerous and terrible day, people were afraid to go out on this day, because "Kasyan will freeze his eyes." On this day it was believed that the spirits roam the streets and merge any careless, gone passerby. Mount to someone who found himself on the street lately time!

Russian people always treated all mystical trepid. A person is generally inclined to be afraid of the whole mysterious, incomprehensible, inexplicable. They were also afraid of a leap year, which his ice breath extended a dangerous season for the whole day. Therefore, this year was imposed by a lot of prohibitions that had to protect people from trouble.

In a leap year, nothing new cannot be started, make some bold measures, decisions, actions. Everything, for which you will take in a leap year, will fail, will not lead to anything good. It is also not worth changing the work, it is regarded as a new undertaking, therefore, will not lead to anything good.

There was such a case, for example. A woman had long dreamed of changing the place of work, she was offered instead of a seller in the store, consultant to the beauty salon. She always wanted to get there, the salary promised more and the conditions better. And finally, a happy occasion turned up. She quit from her former job, switched to a new one. But I managed to work there for about a month, the owner of the beauty salon went bankrupt and sold the room, where instead of beauty salon appeared ... the same store! As a result, the woman remained with nothing and she had to look for a new job.

Our ancestors believed that all undertakings at this year would either turn into a failure, or lead to even more unpleasant consequences. That is why it is better to better stand with a variety of place of work, with the purchase of new housing or moving to another city. Such decisions are not accepted from the Bay-junction, and even more so, in a leap year.

It is better to think about everything, weigh everything in and against, to wait until next year, and then it turns out that the former place of work is not so bad, and maybe it will come to the better option than the one he was considered earlier. Do not hurry with important decisions, then not to regret and not bite elbows from annoyance.

About the leap year they will show a lot and believing, it is in 2016 that one can embody their dreams into reality or sit quietly and not "stick out"! What to do, how not to miss good luck?

Whether they should believe - to solve you, but since ancient times this year was considered more unfortunate than all others. February 29 is called Kasyan's Day - an evil and envious person, and therefore this day was considered the most dangerous and demonic.

What you can't do a leap year?

  1. Invest money in a new business.
  2. Conduct large-scale construction.
  3. Make large purchases.
  4. Sell \u200b\u200breal estate and cars.
  5. Turn kittens and puppies.
  6. Change place of work and accommodation.
  7. Marry and divorce.
  8. Make repairs in the house.
  9. Travel for a long time from home.
  10. Stream in the position.
  11. Share your plans for the future.
  12. Give and take money in debt.
  13. Collapse for christmas.
  14. Collect mushrooms.
  15. Mark the round dates of the wedding days.
  16. Do not invite guests to the house while the child does not appear the first tooth.
  17. It is impossible to put a bath - it's a few.

All these signs are purely subjective, because in fact no belief has been proven. Just to decide - to believe in it or not?

According to astrologers, you need to less believe in every fortune telling, and more thinking and planning every day and year, then there will be fewer failures and disorders. As they say, only you depends on your future.

But if you too believe in all these signs, it is really worth postponing for a year large-scale ventures and events, in order not to smooth the course of events.

If the house can be planned and built, the birth of a child is the blessing of the Lord. What awaits such children? To calm you in advance, let's say so: such children do not differ from the kids who were born in other years.

Although some people consider such children with more weak and mentally retarded, while others prophesy to them a grandiose future, give them with super-violent abilities, prophesy to them with impenetrable wealth and good health.

If you are superstitious, and the wedding is no longer transferred, that is, a few more for a happy family life:

  • you can not put on a wedding a short or narrow dress;
  • give him to measure a girlfriend or other girls;
  • it is impossible to wear a wedding ring on the glove;
  • the organization of marriage is better to spend in a more comic manner, there must be contests on the holiday, the positive and pleasant music will sound;
  • the more children will be at the wedding, it will be better.

Everyone belongs to the leap year in different ways, people invented this year and therefore only to decide - how to live him.

Why is there a leap year?

The earth makes a full turn around the sun, it is 365 days and 6 hours. Accordingly, every year the time accumulates. And in order for us in December, snowdrops did not bloom, once every 4 years on the calendar is added another day.

Astrologers associate 2016 with global natural disasters, fire monkey will regularly present various surprises. These are only bad events, but also a big change on the global political arena.

In ancient times, there was a tradition, this year the girls were allowed to wake up for a guy, and at the same time he did not bother her to refuse. Unfortunately, such marriages very often disintegrated, and therefore began to make legends about an unfinished leap year for the brass.

And therefore, if the wedding is planned in advance, by mutual agreement, to live faithfully for many years, then nothing terrible will happen. To date, astrologers have already prepared a whole list of dates, most favorable for the celebration.

In January it is 2.4, 25th month. In February - 14, 18, 20, 25. In March, no weddings, under any circumstances. This month is also not desirable to conduct other responsible events.

May month also does not promise good luck in marriage, it is best to wait on June 25. In July, lucky days a lot, almost every day you can play weddings. The same applies to the month of August, only the period from 24 to 31 minutes should be fear.

September, as is March not suitable for marriage, this month are two lunar eclipses. October is good and successful, November and December generous for good days, you can plan a wedding on any day of the weekend, and in the weekdays should be feared inaccurate dates.

Professor Hemma made certain calculations and stated that it was necessary to calculate the birthday, depending on the time of appearance. If the child was born up to 6 am on the 29th, the holiday should be celebrated on February 28, if from six in the morning to 12 days, then for the second year - February 28, and on the third - March 1.

From noon to six o'clock in the evening - February 28, and the next two years - March 1. At night at night on February 29, all the birthdays celebrate March 1. These are the calculations of the famous astrologer.

Build your life yourself, because only you are responsible for the next day and next year. Happiness to you and good luck!

The fact that the leap year is somewhat different from the usual capital truth, at least that he is longer for one day. Also they say it is a year of trouble. In confirmation of these words, I have a graph of an accident for ten years, which was at her husband at work. Want to believe, you want no, but every four years there is a small burst on it. The year is more traumatic. On the other hand, my parents got married back in 1964. The date of their wedding was first appointed on February 29. They spun on time and moved to another number. At the same time they lived in the world and harmony for more than 40 years. So what can not be done in a leap year,what is allowed?

  1. A child can not give birth to a leap year

Absolutely absurd sign. Happiness is definitely not dependent on year of birth. When only in Ancient Rome The concept of a leap year appeared, the people born into it were considered uncomfortable personalities endowed with .

  1. In a leap year, you can not marry


  • The marriage will end in divorce;
  • Life in marriage will be unsuccessful;
  • One of the newlyweds will die early.

I already led an example of my own parents. And although my dad lived only 67 years old, it cannot be said about him that he died the young.

  1. It is impossible to start something new (change job, buy new housing or car, in a new way, etc.)

What can I say about it? A leap year is the beginning of a four-year cycle. We lay the foundation of all undertakings. Therefore, it is necessary to treat them with extreme attention and caution. It follows only what you are confident. Then all four years will pass under the sign of success. And unprepared projects and in ordinary years do not always lead to a positive result.

  1. Leap year - time catastrophe

During the 20th century, only the death of Titanic came from the largest catastrophe at the leap years. Nature has no leap year. This extra day is present in our minds. And maybe people are more wary of this time. A psychological attitude creates a series of small troubles. This can explain the surge in road accidents on the roads.

What can not be done in a leap year,what role is played signs and superstitions?Output one. If you consider this year happy, it will pass under the sign of happiness.

Our life is full of surprises, and if only pleasant. Quite often, events are saddened so much that with difficulty you find strength in yourself to survive them. So you begin to be afraid of all sorts of accepting and relying on a miracle. Will the family break, if you play a wedding in a leap year? Believe or not believe?

They say that it is impossible to make a wedding in a leap year, as well as enter new housing. Believe it or not?

It is considered a bad admission to wear clothes inside out or a back in advance, meet a aunt with an empty bucket, congratulate the day of birth on the eve, scatter salt, drop the knife, leave the dirty dishes for the night, to endure the garbage and give money, eat and drink from the batkeas, come back home For some reason, after leaving the house, meet the first woman when the bird is knocking on the window, etc.

Is it true or only an unconscious desire of a person shifting responsibility to fate, God, the Universe or who is there still for their inaccessibility or the result of their actions and actions?

Who is guilty? - Leap year

It is said that a leap year can bring misfortunes, losses and illness. It is said that if you move to a new housing in this year, someone from loved ones will definitely die.

It is believed that it is impossible to start something in a leap year, for everything will end with failure. And also if you want to marry or get married, then you should not make a wedding in a leap year.

In the old days, it was so believed that this year would necessarily bring misfortune, so they were not woven and did not play weddings. There was confidence that young people would definitely overtake all the misfortunes, which only may be that they will have a very harsh life.

Today also there is an opinion that the family created this year will definitely deches that newlyweds will not work.

Nevertheless, people marry, born, are built and moved to new housing every day, every year, not excluding the leap.

Statistics of misfortunes, no one leads anyone. It means that this topic exists in our world so far because, more specifically, at the level of speculation.

So do or not do a wedding in a leap year?

Let's reflect. What is a leap year? "This is a year, which instead of 365 days 366, and at the calendar present on February 29. The appearance of this day has a simple explanation without miracles and mystics.

The sun turns around the earth for 365 days 6 hours. 9 min. 9 sec. That is, for 4 years, in general, a day beyond and an extra day appears.

As for church prohibitions, it is not said anywhere that it is impossible to make a wedding in a leap year, it is impossible to give birth to children, build houses or move to new housing. So this statement has no connection even with religion.

Just something from the field of intimidation.

If still in the soul there is no doubt, you should not go slipped. If the wedding has scheduled for autumn, then it can be transferred to the beginning of next year. In any case, if the time is tolerate, you can wait with the wedding until this year is over.

Unfortunately, the person is inclined to be wrong, and the human factor plays a major role in both wonderful events in our lives and in all sorts of trouble.

Every day we have to make decisions in many times. We do it yourself, sometimes we are interested in the opinion of loved ones or colleagues. Sometimes these solutions lead no to the results that we expect, so it is important to learn to respond for your decisions yourself, but do not breed your hands and make a guilt on a leap year.

Once every four years in the calendar it turns out for one day more, which falls in February. This year is called leap. And a lot of acceptance and superstitions are connected with it.


According to the observations of many, it is like most of the natural cataclysms, man-made accidents and a disaster that are accompanied by the death of a huge number of people and material losses. Here are just some facts and signs about leap year:

  • In 1896 - the most powerful killed 27,000 people.
  • The fall of the meteorite in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Tunguska River happened in 1908.
  • 1912 is marked by the crash of "Titanic".
  • In 1976, 750 thousand people were killed in China as a result of the devastating earthquake in China.
  • The largest and Leninakan in 1988 took the lives of 23,000 people.
  • In 1996, as a result of the collision of Kazakhstan IL-76, more than 300 people were killed with Boeing.
  • In 2000, several largest tragedies happened to Russia - left for the bottom along with the crew atomic submarine Kursk, there was a fire in Ostankino and an explosion in the underground transition.

Of course, and in the usual years, floods, fires, catastrophes in the air and railway, Bloody wars began, sitting people. But it is precisely the onset of leaps, people always wait with caution.


What can not be done in a leap year? Signs marked by the people, say that there are many such prohibitions. It is impossible to arrange weddings: it is believed that the newlyweds will be unhappy and their marriage will disintegrated as a result of treason or death of one of them. It is forbidden and divorced.

Women in a position can not make a haircut due to the threat of miscarriage or the birth of an unhealthy child.

Very common sign is associated with construction and repair. This year it is impossible to plan and build a bath, reorganize the house: bleve, paint, glue wallpaper, etc.

What can not be done in a leap year? Signs associated with business relate to discoveries, change and investment. It is impossible to start a new business or engage in large financing. This case will not succeed, but is fraught with large losses. Do not change the place of work - quick dismissal will follow. Cannot be changed apartment.

It is undesirable and if it is inevitable, the newborn should be chopped as soon as possible, and in the godfather take the nearest relatives.

A black cat on the road is unfortunately, a woman with a blank bucket - to trouble, howl dogs - to illness, a bird in the window - to death. And even in the century of high speeds and rapid scientific and technological progress in each society, in every culture there are its own superstitions and signs.

Lecked Year: Folk Sights

Below or not to believe the signs noticed by the people once in the four-year-old, - the personal matter of everyone, but it does not hurt anyone about them.

The birth rate is reduced during the birth rate and increased the mortality rate.

Any earthworks bring misfortunes. But you should not refuse them. Working with the Earth should with the old promotion, which our ancestors used.

In the leap year, Kasyan should be drawn so that the year was not too heavy. To do this, it was necessary to give a gift to the goose or other poultry.

With the promsters should leave the house, crossing the threshold. And hearing howl's dogs, say: "I go howling, but not in my house."

Before collecting medicinal herbs, you need to cry out three times.

With the first thunder, which happened in the leap year, to cross.

Canned banks with billets for the winter should be sterilized in water with the addition of consecrated water scored in baptism. It will fight them from damage. These are folk signs here.

What can not be done in a leap year? Most of the prohibitions we have already been listed. Here are the rest:

  1. You can not get rid of kittens.
  2. Cannot sell pets.
  3. It is impossible to buy clothes to death, especially the people of old age.
  4. Cannot be trained by mushrooms.
  5. It is impossible to quarrel, as it will entail illness.

Birthday February 29

What can not be done in a leap year? Signs associated with the magic numbers are helpful to know the age of this year in which there is a nine. It is impossible to celebrate such a celebration. It is advisable to transfer the holiday for the next year, and on this day to disable the phones and leave the city.

February 29 should be abandoned from important cases related to travel, finance and other things, they are waiting for them.

Leap year. Value

Signs and superstitions we have already considered. Now let's talk about the meaning. The year marked with a number that is divided without a residue for 4, - leap year. The meaning of this concept is translated from Latin - "Second Sixth". This year an over day appears. February 29 nusted in the people of Kasyan Day. It should be noted that Russia was ahead of all by the number of leap years.

The thing is that the Russians have lived in the Julian calendar, which is different from the Grigorian. On him Europe and America moved in 1582. In are not leap years, ending with 00 and not multiple 400. There were 1700, 1800 and 1900s in Russia with extra leaf years in Russia.


What can not be done in a leap year? Signs and superstitions, which collected by the people, not one millennium, indicate that many familiar things fall under the ban in this difficult and dangerous year. Violating them, you can put ourselves to unhappiness, diseases and even a fatal outcome. Many predict the inevitability of the crisis and in the coming year.

From such a number of terrible will adopt can save their own intuition, to trust which follows more often than people's superstitions.


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