What is the third eyelid. Rudiment and Atavisms Video On Rudimentary Organs

What is the third eyelid. Rudiment and Atavisms Video On Rudimentary Organs

The semi-lord (rudiment of the third century) is a vertical fold of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva). It is in the inner corner of the eyelids and has a small size. This fold is strongly developed in blacks and malaits and may contain cartilage, like centuries. It produces mucus that collects foreign bodies (dust, dirt that cause corneal damage). Then they move in and. Next to the semi-lobby is a tear meat. It does not bear specific functions. Pathology in this area of \u200b\u200bthe eye can cause disorders of teaseliness.

Diseases of semi-lobby and tear butter

Diseases of the tear butter and semi-lobby folds are quite rare. They manifest themselves to development anomalies, dystrophic changes, inflammations, tumors. Anomalies for the development of a semi-lobby and a lacrimal meat are shown by changes in their shape. In some cases, there is an atrophy of the semi-lobby, it can cause tearing due to the loss of contact with the tear dots with liquid.

Anatomically tear meat is an education, its structure includes the sweat and sebaceous glands, fatty fiber, hair follicles. I can develop purulent inflammation of the tear butter. The disease, as a rule, develops and begins with sharp pain and redness in the inner corner of the eye, while there is a temperature increase, some malaise and headache. The tear meat increases sharply in size, when tapping painfully. Next, purulent plugs appear in its tissues, which merge, forming an abscess. When an affectionant breaks through, inflammation subsides, in the next four or five days he comes to recovery.

With argirosis (pigmentation) of the seed fold, a dirty-gray coloring appears, propagating to the eyeball and an eyelid conjuncture. Pathology develops as a result of too long injection of eye drops, which includes silver salts (collargol, silver nitrate, protargol). Argosis of the semi-lobby, the lacrimal meat does not affect the tear function. Treatment with cosmetic goal is ineffective, since this process is irreversible, silver particles cannot be removed from the tissue.

In a tear meat, benign and malignant tumors may form. Beginably dominated by benign neoplasms (papillomas, adenoma, fibromes) are polyps, cysts. Melanoblastoma, sarcoma prevail from malignant tumors. On the semi-lobby fold, the birthmarks are sometimes formed, which are defined development. In some cases, the tendency to their growth and malignant reincarnation is found.

For the zooak, some oddities in the appearance of a person - an excess occasion to die and causing, for a person formed and tactical - the opportunity to think about the path of human evolution.

Rudiment and Atavisms are not deformity, especially, not a reason for ridicule, but possible "misses" of nature. And for scientists, these are important signs, evolution evidence.

What is atavisms

The presence of an individual of the signs that were inherent in its distant ancestors are called atavism. What could it be? For example, thick hair cover on the body, and on the face, including. Or tail growing above the smoking. This is the same chosenness. Once, still in the last century, atavisms and rudiments were a vivid confirmation of Darwin's theory. Then scientists were so fascinated by the search for "useless" bodies in the human body, which counted almost two hundreds such. Fortunately, over time, most of the organs from this "Darwin" list were, let's say, rehabilitated. Scientists have proven that their functionality is high enough.

It turned out that:

  • some organs produced the necessary hormones;
  • others were not necessary at one or another period of the development of the body;
  • third began to operate under certain external conditions;
  • and the fourths became the "deputies" of organs faced.

That is, the same cleaner is not a direct reminder of the tail, but an organ that serves to attach certain ligaments and muscles. Take other examples: Appendix is \u200b\u200bnot at all useless tailing process, but organin which the necessary microorganisms breed.

By the way, if we talk about atavisms, this term is not true scientific. And trying to identify signs of atavism - it means somewhere to act anti-academy. Judge for yourself: increased human body sore - it is supposedly "hello from the past", a reminder of from whom a man occurred. And here are other external deformities, for example, an increase in the fingers on the limbs is obvious pathology, but not a parallel with such a stage of development human body. That is, if these deformities do not have direct similarity with the ancestors, then it is pathology. And if they have - atavism. But in fact, in the other case, the cause of such anomalies is a genetic failure.

By the way, to be a commitment to the evolutionarity of the theory, people with fins and gills must be found, and other signs that our ancestors possessed.

What is rudiments

But rudiments are considered the undeveloped human or animal bodies. We give eloquent examples:

  • Ear muscles. Some mammals are very needed: it helps them to direct the ears of the shells on a sound irritant. It is no longer needed by a person.
  • Fillet fold in the inner corner of the eye. This is such a residue of the third century, quite well developed in birds, reptiles of a blinking blink. She lubricates his eyes in the desired secret, but after all, a person with this mission is cope with the top and lower eyelids. So the fold became small, being superfluous.

Darwinists blindly denied the new role of "unnecessary" bodies, but over time it was proved that human organism not so simple. You can not take and say that the same appendix is \u200b\u200ba reminder of the progenitors, no - today it is an organ of the human immune system.
Let's try to dispel some popular myths about rudiments and atavism.

5 myths about atavism and rudiments

Myth 1. Men's nipples are rudiments. And here is nothing like that: our ancestors of the male floor did not function in any way. Explanation of their presence is simple - in the early period of embryonic development, people are unisexual, sexual differences appear later, which contributes special hormones.

Myth 2. Wisdom tooth is a genetic deviation. But this is atavism, our ancestors are strong indigenous teeth helped to pertripe plant food. We could now chew them now, but in most cases they grow incorrectly than bring the lot of inconvenience and lead a person to a dental surgeon.

Myth 3. The fit of the esophagus to the trachea in a person is meaningless. This is not like this: the mucus in the respiratory tract can be removed through the esophagus, and it can be said that such a structure is responsible for "saving space" and allows you to breathe through the mouth, which is very important with a strong cold.

Myth 4. Almonds and adenoids are rudiments. It's not at all! These organs are necessary to growing organism: they help run an important mechanism for the production of protective antibodies. As soon as the mechanism earned, the almonds begin to decrease, and their function adopt other organs.

Myth 5. All "unnecessary" bodies can be removed without deposits. This is definitely not so. The main proof of the fact that most organs or several functions (and if "outdated" one, then others are very relevant), or they are needed in certain external situations.

Why atavisms appear

Here is not the pope tail, and the mother does not have, and the baby was born in such an unusual. Why? How could it happen? To blame here the notorious laws of genetics. All our appearance is programmed by the genes of our ancestors (genes for repetition traits). For each sign of a person, the answer is carrying two genes: Mint and dad. They can be different or identical, strong or weak. If the dad has a weak tail gene, and mom has such, having met, they have every chance to give birth to a child with a tail, because uniting, weak genes have become stronger.

But for justice, we note: the chance of such a meeting is extremely small, and hidden genes of this kind are very rare.

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Rudiment is "extra", non-functioning organs or structures that are scattered throughout the human body. They prove the difference between modern man from his ancestors.

website Assessed 6 evidence of evolution, which are preserved on your body.

Long palm muscle

Put your hand on a flat surface palm up. Complete together a little finger and thumb, and then slightly lift them up. Saw a bundle on the wrist? This muscle is a "inheritance" of our ancestors and is responsible for the release of claws and enhances the grip when leaping from a tree on a tree. Do not worry if you did not find it, it is useless in modern life.

Goose pimples

The main reasons for the appearance of goosebumps are cold and danger. At the same time, the spinal cord produces the excitation of peripheral nerve endings that raise the hair. In the cold, it allows you to preserve more heat inside the cover, and with danger gives the animal a more massive view. Goosebumps are also connected with strong emotional experiences and can appear from admiration.


Epicantus is a skin fold in the upper eyelid, characteristic only for the mongoloid race. Most researchers believe that it arose due to the natural conditions of human residence: harsh cold, deserts and hot sun.

Polish fold

This tiny skin fold in an eye corner is a remnant of a blinking metering. In birds, reptiles and fish, it fully function and serves that the surface of the eye remains moist and unharmed. At some point, she became unnecessary to people, but they have a small piece of this fold, connected to the muscles.

Nature worked not one millennium over us, as a result of which we have not so much external similarities with animals. And yet, in our body, rudiments who have not fulfilled their function have long been scattered, but clearly demonstrate our relationship with animal ancestors.
Long palm muscle

Put your hand on a flat surface palm up. Complete together a little finger and thumb, and then slightly lift them up. Saw a bundle on the wrist? This muscle is a "inheritance" of our ancestors and is responsible for the release of claws and enhances the grip when leaping from a tree on a tree. Do not worry if you did not find it, it is useless in modern life.

Goose pimples

The main reasons for the appearance of goosebumps are cold and danger. At the same time, the spinal cord produces the excitation of peripheral nerve endings that raise the hair. In the cold, it allows you to preserve more heat inside the cover, and with danger gives the animal a more massive view. Goosebumps are also connected with strong emotional experiences and can appear from admiration.


Epicantus is a skin fold in the upper eyelid, characteristic only for the mongoloid race. Most researchers believe that it arose due to the natural conditions of human residence: harsh cold, deserts and hot sun.

Polish fold

This tiny skin fold in an eye corner is a remnant of a blinking metering. In birds, reptiles and fish, it fully function and serves that the surface of the eye remains moist and unharmed. At some point, she became unnecessary to people, but they have a small piece of this fold, connected to the muscles.

Ear muscles

Ear muscles are a classic example of rudimentary organs. Our ancestors were helped to move their ears, in order to better hear the approaching predator, rival, relatives or prey. Now few people are capable of it.

Wisdom teeth

Once a person needed all 32 tooth to chew hard and hard food. Today we consume treated products, and the need for "eights" disappeared. Therefore, half of these teeth no longer.

The third eyelid in the cat, the reasons for its appearance and the treatment of the arally, they are mainly concerned with novice owners who are not too familiar with the anatomy and physiology of their pet. The third century is a normal anatomical structural unit of an organ of vision, which is a fold of conjunctiva (transparent mucosa, which covers the front of the cornea, lifts the inner surface of the eyelids). Well developed by reptiles, birds, many mammals. In the form of a rudimentary organ, there is a person - a semi-loud fold in the inner corner of the eye.

In the normal state in the waking cat, a blinking membrane is practically imperceptible. Its functions appear when the animal's eye closes, or when the cat lowers his head to the ground.

Functions of the third century two:

  1. Protective.
  2. Distribution of tears.

The protective function is performed by a blinking interpretation, sliding along the cornea like a curtain. Thus, the organ of view of the cat gets the possibility of a third, additional cleaning from saunylocks, dust, other small minor bodies. The distribution of tears helps maintain the surface of the cornea moisturized. At the base of the membrane, a tear gland is located, producing about the third part of the total amount of tear fluid. The third century performs the same functions that the upper and lower. The first purge the cornea in the vertical plane, the third - in the horizontal. Asking the question of the third century in a cat, as about illness, most often imply that it has become noticeable.

The reasons

The reasons causing the loss of a blinking meature of cats, quite a lot. First of all, here are:

  • ingress of foreign bodies;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • injuries;
  • internal illnesses;
  • infectious diseases;
  • invasion;
  • the defeat of the central nervous system.

Foreign bodies that have fallen under the third century, annoy him itself and the cornea. As a rule, in such cases, one-sided loss is observed. If the third century becomes noticeable from two sides at once - the reason is to look deeper, in the overall condition of the cat's body. The reasons may be viral and bacterial infections, deterioration of the overall state, exhaustion. Most of the cases of treatment are associated with infectious diseases. In case of depletion, the film falls due to the decrease in the fat layer around the eyeball.


The dropped membrane is noticeable on the one hand, accompanied by a tearing, redness, animal attempts to rub the face of a paw - with a significant proportion of probability can be assumed by injury.

The film appears on both sides, does not bother the animal - the case is most likely in internal problems. More often the appearance of the film is a symptom of any disease and requires an intervention of a specialist.

Measures of struggle

The third century does not need treatment. His loss of the host signal - with the cat's body disorder. Ignoring the problem, postponement of the hike in the clinic only aggravate the state of affairs. The only treatment that the owner can spend at home is gently rinsed the cat's eye using warm boiled water, freshly sauced tea, a decoction of a medicinal chamomile.

Everything else is the case of specialists. Interventions requires a disease that caused the fallout of the third century. To form a diagnosis, the spectrum of methods in armament of branches, from an inspection of an animal to an ultrasound study. After determining the cause, proceed to the treatment of the underlying disease. Proper treatment will give the opportunity to function the cat's body without failures, the blinking area will take the area allocated to it.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to protect the animal from injuries, carry out planned clinical examination, timely vaccination, degelmintion.

Generalized video about cats eye diseases:


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