Chinese research content. Colin Campbell - Chinese Study

Chinese research content. Colin Campbell - Chinese Study

Recently, in the West there is a surge of interest in vegetarianism - partial (o-lacto vegetarian) or full (veganism). According to approximate estimates, in the US, vegetarians make up to 3%, and in Canada to 4% of the population. If earlier goods for vegetarians, such as soy milk and meat substitutes, here it was possible to buy only in small specialized stores, now they appeared on the shelves of large supermarkets. The number of cafes and restaurants also increases, in which only vegetarian dishes are served. According to the results of the surveys, such cafes are visited both vegetarians and people who are in transition - showing interest in vegetarianism and consider it useful, but not yet completely ready to completely abandon meat.

Meanwhile, in Russia, the attitude towards vegetarianism mainly remains negative *, which can be judged by the configuration of the overwhelming majority of articles on this topic. Many of them state that the human body needs an animal protein and that the full rejection of meat is fraught with serious problems.

Why is it considered otherwise in the West? The answer should be sought in scientific research in the last decades. **

Dr. Campbel and the problem of protein

The first American scientist who questioned the postulate of the utility and the need for an animal protein was Dr. Thomas Campbell, a graduate of the University of Georgia. Soon after the end of the university, the young scientist was appointed technical coordinator of the American project to improve the nutrition of children in the Philippines. This appointment was to change not only his life, but also all the direction of American nutrition.

In the Philippines, Dr. Campbell had to investigate the causes of an unusually high morbidity of liver cancer among local children. At that time, most of his colleagues believed that this problem, like almost all other phillipins health problems, was explained by the deficit of the protein in their diet. However, Dr. Campbell drew attention to a strange fact: Children from rich families, who just did not have a deficiencies in protein food, most often liver cancer. Soon it became clear that the cause of the disease was carcinogen aflatoxin produced by a mold fungus growing on peanuts. On the plates to children, this toxin got along with peanut butter, since the most poor-quality peanuts, which could not be sold on the production of oil.

And yet - why in the wealthy families sick more often? Just because they got more often peanut butter? And then Campbell came across an article published by researchers from India. In this article, it was argued that if one group of rats to keep on a high-flow diet (20% protein), and the other is on the low-facular (5% protein), and then feed the carcinogen of aflatoxin, then in the high-protected group, 100% of animals will get cancer in the high-flow group Time as in low-facing all animals will remain healthy. Of course, when he shared this information with the collar, their reaction was unambiguous: "This is nonsense! They confused the signboards or forgot to give a second group of the rats of carcinogen. " And indeed, it seemed the most logical explanation. And yet, Campbell did not come out of the head. Finally, he decided to make the problem of the relationship between the power and the development of tumors.

Squirrels and carcinogens

Returning to the United States, Dr. Campbell began experiments on animals, which he devoted almost three decades! Funding for research provided such solid organizations as the National Institute of Health of the United States (National Institute of Health), American Cancer Society and American Cancer Research Center of Cancer Research Center (American Center of Cancer Research). The results of the experiments are published in leading scientific publications.

And the results were shocking. Carcinogen Aflatoxin invariably caused tumors in rats feeding on high-protein food (the amount of protein is slightly higher than the recommended norm), and turned out to be absolutely harmless to rats that received a low-tier diet (below the recommended norm). Moreover, it turned out that if rats, before that, kept on a high-flow diet, and already had a tumor in the body in the early stages of development, to translate to a low-tone diet, the development of the tumor was stopped. However, the tumor did not disappear completely, but as if he was in frozen state - it was worth an increase in the protein content in the diet of animals, as the growth of the tumor resumed.

What seemed particularly strange, this is that such an effect possessed predominantly animal proteins, such as milk protein, casein. On the contrary, most plant proteins, such as wheat and soy proteins, did not have such a pronounced effect on the growth of tumors.

Can it be that animal food has some special properties that contribute to the development of tumors. And are those who feed mostly meat, more often sick cancer? Changing this hypothesis was helped by a confluence of circumstances.


In the 1970s, the Prime Minister of China Chow Enlai (Chou Enlai) discovered cancer. Already at the terminal stage of the disease, the prime minister decided to conduct a national study to find out how many people in China every year die from those or other forms of cancer. The work was done by the titanic, and its result was the atlas of cancer - a detailed map of the mortality rate from 12 different types of cancer in 2400 districts among 880 billives (96% of the population) of people in 1973-1975. And at the same time, data and many other diseases were collected.

On this map it was clear to see that the level of death for different types of cancer in different regions of China had a very big scatter. For example, in some areas, mortality from lung cancer was 3 people every 100 thousand per year, and in others - 59 people. For breast cancer - 0 in some districts and 20 in others. The total number of deaths from all types of cancer ranged from 70 people per 100 thousand per year, up to 1212 people. Moreover, it was clear on the map that all kinds of cancer, as if conspirable, were chosen about the same areas, so that the whole territory of China was divided into highly solid and low-tempered areas. And this fact certainly demanded a study.

In the 1980s, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Campbell, arrived in Cornelev University, where he conducted his experiments on the rats, Dr. Chen arrived on a working visit, which participates in the compilation of cancer satin. He was also very interested in the possible role of nutrition in cancer development. The result of this visit was the large-scale project "China-Cornell-Oxford" (China-Cornell-Oxford Project) currently better known as "Chinese study" (China Study).

The initial study point was the atlas of cancer, containing data on the frequency of the disease with cancer and other chronic diseases for most of the territory of China for the period 1973-75. Of course, such an extensive examination once again was unrealistic, so 65 administrative districts were selected for further work.

As a result, American and Chinese scientists have collected detailed information about nutrition, lifestyle and chronic diseases of 86 million people first in 1983-84 and then (for the same people) - in 1989-90. Together with the data contained in the Atlas of Cancer, this amounted to statistics on diet and chronic diseases for the period from 1973 to 1990 - 17 years.

Diseases of excess

Analyzing the data obtained, the researchers drew attention to noticeable differences in the nutrition of Americans and the Chinese. If the average American received about 15-16% calories from the protein in those years, with 80% from the animal protein, then the average Chinese consumed only 9-10% of protein calories, of which no more than 10% accounted for an animal protein. At the same time, the Americans consumed almost twice as much fat compared to the Chinese, while plant fiber, on the contrary, two times less. However, not all the Chinese eaten the same way. In the poor rural areas, people mostly ate what was grown in this area. Rarely who could afford to eat meat or even dairy products. In more developed areas, shops appeared in which it was already possible to buy a greater range of products, including meat and milk. As industrialization has increased income and increased both the share of animal products in nutrition and the total consumption of protein and fat.

The difference was revealed in biochemical indicators. For example, in the Chinese, on average, cholesterol levels in the blood turned out to be twice as much as Americans. Of course you already guessed, which Chinese cholesterol levels in the blood turned out to be elevated. Of course, those who consumed more meat, milk and eggs.

It turned out that there, where the meat was a rare guest on the table, malignant tumors were significantly less and less often. In addition, in the same areas there were rare cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease), renal-stone disease. But all these diseases in the West were considered the usual and inevitable consequence of aging. So normal that no one somehow thought that all these diseases could be the result of irregular nutrition - diseases of excess. However, the Chinese study indicated precisely for this, because in those areas where the level of meat consumption has increased, the level of cholesterol in the blood soon began to grow, and with it the level of incidence of cancer and other chronic ailments.

Not only in China

An analogue of Chinese research in the United States is Adventist Health Study I (the first study of the health of Adventists) * (footnote - the second study of the health of Adventists started in 2002 and is currently continuing), conducted by University of Loma Linda University in California. For the period from 1974. 1988, scientists have watched the health of 34 thousand adherents in the United States of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (hereinafter referred to as Adventists), most of which did not eat meat, milk and eggs. A detailed comparison of the statistics of diseases among Adventists and an equal number of residents of California showed that:

Men Adventists live on average for 7.3 years longer than other residents of California, and women are 4.4 years longer.
All Adventists have significantly below the level of cancer.
Those Adventists who are still sometimes eating meat (especially red), are twice as much as the colon cancer, and 2.5 times more often - ovarian cancer than those who strictly follow the rules of abstinence from animal food.
For those who eat meat at least once a week, the risk of a second type of diabetes increases by 76%.
Those who often eat legumes are rarely sick of a colon cancer.
Men, regularly consuming tomatoes, are 40% more raised by prostate cancer.

Although Adventist's health research significantly inferped on the intention of Chinese research, the number of volunteers participating in it was quite large, and the observation time is long enough, so that its results could not be ignored. And the results again indicated that animal food consumption somehow contributes to diseases.

Vegetarianism against disease

To date, there are already many studies that confirm that vegetarians on average live longer than non-vegetarians, as well as less often fall in many chronic diseases.

For example, according to statistical data, approximately 8% of all Americans suffer from a second type diabetes. However, among American vegetarians, the diabetes level was significantly lower - about 3%. And this is despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of American vegetarians rose on a typical high-flow, high-car blind and high-calorie American diet and stopped eating meat already in adulthood.

The data obtained from observations of representatives of peoples who traditionally do not consume meat are also very interesting. For example, in Mexico, the Indians of the tribe Tremakhuanos are living. Up to the beginning of the 21st century, they were strict vegetarians, but now they are gradually joined to meat. Observation of the representatives of this tribe, conducted during the periods 1995-1996 and 2006-2007, showed that at the time when they ate only plants, they did not meet diabetes at all. In addition, unich rarely found obesity and cardiovascular diseases. By 2006-2007, when the diet of the Indians was supplemented with meat, they began to consume about two times more saturated fats, protein and calories. This led to an increase in obesity frequency (from 11 to 22%), hypertension (from 1.7 to 3.4%) and diabetes (from 0 to 0.88%).

In vegetarians, compared with non-vegetarians, significantly below the level of many types of cancer, Alzheimer's disease (about twice), atherosclerosis, obesity. There are also studies that show that the low-aluminous vegetarian diet has not only prophylactic, but also therapeutic effects - for example, it allows to reduce the frequency of angina attacks, and also significantly improve the well-being of diabetes patients.

What is the cardinal difference between animal and vegetable food and what is explained by the one already proven, the fact that vegetarians, for the most part, have a stronger health than those who eat meat?

Too much squirrel

Recall that the main building material of living organisms is protein, and the main construction material for the protein are amino acids. Proteins entering our body with food, first disassembled on amino acids, and then from these amino acids all the proteins we need are already synthesized. In total, 20 amino acids are involved in the synthesis of proteins, of which 12 may be reinstalled, from carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, etc., if necessary. Only 8 amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and must necessarily come with food. Therefore, they are called indispensable.
All animal products are very rich in protein, and this protein contains a complete set of 20 amino acids taken in the desired ratio. In contrast to animal proteins, plant proteins rarely contain all amino acids immediately, and the total amount of protein in plants is less than in animal tissues.

Until recently, scientists believed that the more protein, the better. However, it is already known that the protein metabolism process is accompanied by increased production of free radicals and toxic nitrogen compounds that play a considerable role in the development of chronic diseases. Therefore, although it is impossible to live without a protein, of course, it is impossible to overloaded their body either. Especially dangerous protein abundance in the presence of microscopic foci in the body of malignant tumors - after all, due to this, they are uninterrupted with building material, so necessary to them for rapid growth.

Now many scientists agree that the decrease in the amount of protein in the diet is one of the most effective ways to increase the life expectancy, deceleration of aging and reduce the risk of malignant tumors. However, in practice, constantly controlling the amount of protein emitted is not so easy. Only vegetaraints can not worry about it, since their nutrition naturally contains little protein.

Fat fat Rotn

Extremely differ in their properties of fats of plants and animals. Everyone knows that animal fats are dense, viscous and refractory fats (an exception is fish fat). Plants, on the contrary, with rare exceptions, contain liquid oils. This external difference is explained by an important difference in the chemical structure of plant and animal fats.

Animal fats mainly consist of saturated fatty acids, that is, those that do not have double ties. Vegetable oils contain a significant amount of unsaturated fatty acids that have at least one double bond.

All saturated (without double bonds) and mononaturated (with one double bond) fatty acids can be synthesized in the human body. But fatty acids having two or more double connections (polyunsaturated) are indispensable and can only be obtained with food. Ironically, these fatty acids play an extremely important role in the human body. In particular, they are material for the synthesis of prostaglandins and other signal rigs of the imune system. In addition, they provide the necessary mobility of cell membranes (membranes), with their disadvantage, various violations are developing - chronic inflammatory diseases, peeling and dry skin, etc. In recent years, data has been obtained that indispensable fatty acids also play a large role in the antitumor protection of the body, The development of the nervous system, as well as is able to prevent many heart disease and vessels.

You can, of course, take capsules containing oils rich in indispensable fatty acids. However, a typical vegetarian diet, including nuts, solid grain products and vegetable oils, fully ensures human needs in these substances.

Alimentary fiber

Vegetable food contains a significant amount of complex carbohydrates that are not digested in the intestine of a person - the so-called dietary fiber or plant fiber. These include, for example, cellulose, dextrins, lignins, pectins. Some types of food fibers are not digested at all, while others are subjected to partial fermentation of the intestinal microflora.

It is now known that for normal functioning the human body needs both groups of dietary fiber. First of all, they prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation, and in addition, they play a large role in binding and eliminating various toxins from the body. Finally, in fermentation of dietary fiber, many biologically active substances are formed, which reduce inflammation, increase immunity and have an anti-cancer effect.

Food fibers are now easy to buy in the form of food additives. However, most scientists agree that Nikaik food additives cannot replace all the riches of food fibers entering our body in fruits, vegetables and products from solid grain.

Green pharmacy

Plants synthesize a huge amount of biologically active substances that are not found in animal fabrics, many of which are vitamins, antioxidants, and also have the ability to slow down the development of cancer tumors, reduce cholesterol and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Examples are carotenoids (Beta-carotene carrots and sea buckthorn, tomato lycopene), vitamin C, phytoestrogen soybeans, red wine resveratrol (has anti-cancer activity), green tea polyphenols. Many useful substances are contained in spices (turmeric from turmeric with antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral properties, alicin of garlic with powerful immunostimulating and antimicrobial activity).

Currently, many people spend significant funds by buying all sorts of food additives containing widely advertised biologically active substances of plants. Not everyone knows that almost all of these substances can be obtained by consuming enough fruit, berries and vegetables.

Can I live without meat

As you can see, there are many important substances that can be obtained only from plants, since their animals are not synthesized. However, there are also some substances that are easier to receive from animals, and not from plant products. These substances include calcium, zinc, as well as vitamins A, D3 and B12. But even these substances, with the exception, except that vitamin B12 can be obtained from plants, provided that the diet is properly planned.

In order for the body to suffer from lack of vitamin A, vegetarians need to eat orange and red vegetables, since they are rich in the predecessor of vitamin A - beta-carotene. Carrot juice and sea buckthorn oil (or fresh sea buckthorn) are also useful.

It is not so difficult to solve the problem of vitamin D3 - to do this, it is enough to be regularly in the sun and not get involved in sunscreen. Alternative to the Sun are vitamin preparations.
For a long time it was believed that vegetarians are doomed to iron deficiency anemia, since in plants there is no easily digestible form of iron - gem iron. However, now there have been evaluating that when switching to exclusively vegetable food, the body adapts to a new iron source and begins to absorb non-gem iron almost as good as hemova. The period of adaptation takes about 4 weeks for which hemoglobin can temporarily decrease. An important role is also played by the fact that in vegetarian food iron enters the body together with vitamin C and carotenoids, which improve iron absorption. Best of all the need for iron provides a diet rich in bean, whole grain products, as well as dried fruit (for example, figs, dried, prunes) and dark green vegetables. The same diet contributes to the normalization of zinc level. Ow-lacto vegetarians should be aware that milk prevents the absorption of iron, so it should be drunk separately from the products rich in iron.

Although the milk is considered the most important source of calcium, it is in those countries where it is customary to drink a lot of milk, the highest level of osteoporosis (senile thinning of bones leading to fractures). This allows you to question the postulate of the need for milk. It also has also been proven that the need for calcium is significantly reduced by reducing the number of animal protein in the diet by reducing its removal from the body. Therefore, despite the decrease in the flow of calcium, vegetarians may have a normal level of calcium in the body. Calcium sources for strict vegetarians are green leafy vegetables (for example, spinach), bean, cabbage, radishes, almonds. In the West, fruit juices and tofu enriched with calcium are widespread.

The most significant problem is vitamin B12. This vitamin is synthesized by bacteria living in the soil, so in those countries where it is taken to wash and vegetables and hands, in vegetarians the necessary bacteria may be absent, which creates a risk of deficiency B12. The lack of vitamin B12 in childhood is especially dangerous, as it leads to a slowdown in mental development, problems with muscle tone and vision, and impaired blood formation. Therefore, rigorous vegetarians living in civilized countries, and nutritionists recommend taking drugs vitamin B12 in particular pregnant women and nursing mothers. Currently, many products for vegetarians, such as soybean milk and soybean meat, are enriched with vitamin B12, so there is no problems with it.

What about essential amino acids, which, how many remember from school bench, are missing in plants? In fact, in plants, they also have, they are simply most often scattered in different plants. Now it is proved that a person is absolutely not necessary to receive a full range of amino acids for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and nothing terrible if they are "in installments". Moreover, the interruptions in the supply material are even useful, since they, firstly, encourage the body more actively destroy worn and damaged cells, and secondly, complicate the life of malignant tumors.

Vegetarian Pyramid

Currently, the American Nature Association (Hell) and Nature Studies of Canada unanimously recommend a vegetarian diet, considering that the properly planned vegetarian and vegan diet is good for health, ensures a person with all the necessary components and allows you to prevent a number of chronic diseases. Moreover, according to American nutritionists, such a diet is useful for everyone, with any condition of the body, including pregnancy and feeding, and at any age, including a children. * (Footnote - the opinion of the American and Canadian nutritionists was published in magazines: CAN J. Diet. Pract . Res. 2003; 64 (2): 62-81, J. am. Diet. Assoc. 2009; 109 (7): 1266-82). It should be noted that in this case there is a full-fledged and correctly composed vegetarian diet, which excludes the occurrence of any deficits. For convenience, American nutritionists submit recommendations on the choice of products in the form of a pyramid (Fig.).

The basis of the pyramid is grain products that must include whole grain products (for example, bread made of whole grain flour, oatmeal, buckwheat, unlightened rice). These products need to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They contain carbohydrates, protein, group vitamins, minerals, food fibers.

It is followed by vegetarian products rich in protein, for example, legumes, nuts or meat and milk substitutes (soybean milk and soy meat, tofu, etc.) nuts (especially walnuts) are also a source of essential fatty acids, and legumes are rich in iron and zinc.

Even above, vegetables are located, which must necessarily include dark green and leaf vegetables - iron sources and calcium, as well as yellow and red vegetables - sources of carotenoids. Fruits are located after vegetables, but this does not mean that their consumption needs to somehow limit. The fact is that the pyramid shows the minimum required amount of fruit, and does not establish their limit.
At the very top of the pyramid there are fats rich in indispensable fatty acids (vegetable oils). The daily rate is approximately 1 tablespoon of oils, including those used in the cooking and refueling of salads.

Of course, like any averaged power scheme, the vegetarian pyramid has its drawbacks. For example, it does not take into account that in the elderly the construction needs of the body are becoming very modest and it is no longer necessary to consume so many protein. On the contrary, in the nutrition of children and adolescents, as well as people engaged in physical labor, the squirrel should be more. However, the pyramid gives a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is a properly planned vegetarian diet, and why people who hold it do not have a deficit in nutrients.


Currently, Western nutritionists not only admit that a person can do without meat food, but also consider such nutrition healthy. Numerous studies have confirmed that vegetarianism significantly reduces the risk of "diseases of abundance", which include obesity, atherosclerosis, many types of cancer, diabetes, senile dementia, and other diseases, the inclination to which increases with the body's constant transshipment with animals, calories and saturated fats.

An additional advantage of a vegetarian diet is significantly higher, compared with a mixed diet, the level of consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, as well as spices and aromatic herbs, so rich in biologically active substances.

However, vegetarianism as such does not guarantee health yet. It should be remembered that the diet should be diverse, including full, natural products from all major food groups - vegetables and fruits, whole grain products and protein products. Only under these conditions, the failure of meat will become your main step towards health and longevity.

Published with permission of Benbella Books C / O Perseus Books, Inc. and agencies Alexander Korzhevsky.

In Russian published for the first time

© T. COLIN CAMPBELL, PH.D. And Thomas M. Campbell II, 2004

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

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This book complements this book:

Rules of longevity

Dan Buttner

To death well

Hey Jay Jacobs.

Age of happiness

Vladimir Yakovlev

Healthy habits

Lydia Ionova

Preface partner

Dear readers, if you hold this book in your hands, prepare for amazing discoveries!

This book will destroy many stereotypes regarding the right nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general. She will tell how food can cause many chronic diseases and influence their development, which products need to be used to be healthy, and which are not worth it.

The book "Chinese study" will become a real discovery for you than and for us, the largest supplier of nuts and dried fruits in Russia of the Gud-Food group of companies.

Having studied her content, we were amazed by the results of the study, which was held by Dr. Colin Campbell, Professor, one of the world's largest specialists in the field of food biochemistry. The proper nutrition stereotypes were so rooted in our traditions that the content of the book initially caused surprise and indignation. The author of the book provided the reader all the necessary data on which it is possible to conclude: many products, the benefits of which we are told from childhood, do not simply bring a positive result for human health, but even with time they are lying, causing such well-known diseases as ischemic disease Hearts, diabetes, cancer of various organs, etc. It is noteworthy that among important products in the diet, the author highlights nuts. In his opinion, their reasonable use undoubtedly benefits the body. As a professional "Hood-Food" has a profound knowledge of the benefits and unique properties of this product. For 16 years, the company has been with nuts and dried fruits of large stores and food enterprises of Russia. The impressive experience and availability of your own laboratory give the company the opportunity to study these products in detail. Undoubtedly, nuts, as well as dried fruits are natural sources of good health and an important component of proper nutrition.

The data presented in the book fully confirm this fact.

Adopting as a partner of the book "Chinese study", we want to express our part-to-thinking position to the health problems of modern society. According to statistics, for 2013, more than a third of the Russian population suffers obesity, about 3 million patients with diabetes are registered, 2.5 million people are registered with malignant tumors, and the share of total mortality in Russia from cardiovascular diseases is 57%. Statistics are terrifying, but each of us has a chance to avoid these problems and live a long and happy life. This book will help in a new one to take a look at many diseases that are directly related to nutrition and which can be avoided with the right approach to the daily diet.

We wish you success on the way to strong health and longevity and will be happy if our products will help you pass this way tasty and with pleasure!

Igor Petrovich Baranov,

President of the Gud Food Group of Companies

Preface to the Russian publication

I am engaged in dietology for more than 15 years, and it seemed to me that in this area there is nothing that I can surprise me - because I know all the new information, I teach the doctors of my clinic on British and American benefits. Together with colleagues, I was first from Russia in school on the treatment of obesity in Cambridge. Every year, at international scientific congresses, I learn about all new trends and significant research results. Yes, I believed that some new nuances could appear, but that my ideas about, "what is good and what is bad," in nutritionists completely turned over - this I could not even imagine this! But it was exactly that when I as a scientific editor participated in the work on the book of Dr. Campbell "Chinese Research" first translated into Russian.

In relation to me, the author absolutely achieved his goal: "Change the views of the Company to information about nutrition - eliminate the ambiguities and make the topic of health simple and understandable, while based on its statements on the evidence obtained as a result of reviewed scientific research experts published in the peer-reviewed experts of professional publications. "

This is a revolutionary book that will not leave anyone indifferent: you either become a Yarym follower, or an irreconcilable opponent of Colin Campbell. Adherents of protein diets waiting for cruel disappointment, and I already see that bodybuilders are mercilessly criticized by "this American rushing". What happens at the Institute of Food, which makes its verdicts about the benefits of Fastfud, it is even difficult to imagine! Most likely, Russian scientific circles pretend that nothing happened and who is this Campbell, they are unknown! Well, sickness and travelery of research results in favor of product manufacturers - this is not only Russian, but also, as Dr. Campbell writes, American reality. It indicates that "the industry is not simply engaged in monitoring" dangerous "scientific projects. She actively promotes its version, regardless of the potential negative consequences for people's health, making it to the detriment of scientific objectivity. Of particular anxiety is the fact that they are engaged in the representatives of academic science, while hiding their true intentions. "

I especially recommend this book to your colleagues doctors. Since for Russia, as well as for America, is relevant "such a situation where doctors who do not have sufficient food preparation are prescribed milk and nutrient-based nutrient cocktails with sugar diabetics, which suffers overweight; The diet with a high content of meat and fat patients seeking to lose weight, and additional milk with patients suffering from osteoporosis. The harm caused by health as a result of ignorance doctors in food issues is simply stunned. " Perhaps this book will help make a "personal cemetery" of each doctor a little less.

If the miracle and people who make decisions about the nutrition of our nation will not remain indifferent and criminally careless (or criminally cynical), then our children and grandchildren may have a chance to lose their health in kindergartens and school canteens!

And every adult man reading this book, will be able to make his conscious choice based on reliable information. I already did myself and for the first time in my life, the great post complied with this year, because the restrictions established by him are absolutely coincide with the recommendations of Colin Campbell!

And I am very proud, which is personally familiar with Professor Philip James, who did not make the intention to "put the World Health Organization to the knees, if it does not give up its recommendations" in favor of the industrial lobby. Will it happen in our country? Wait and see!

Lydia Ionova,

a nutritionist, the founder of the "Dr. ion clinic",

Karen Campbell is dedicated - her incredible love allowed this book to appear

And Thomas Makilweun Campbell and Betty Deott Campbell for their amazing gifts


If your life is similar to the lives of most modern representatives of the Western world, then you are surrounded by network points of fast food. You are thrown by fastfood advertising. You see other advertisements - about lowering weight, which say that you can eat anything, do not carry out exercise and at the same time get rid of unnecessary kilograms. In the modern world it is easier to find a barnacker snickers, bigmak or coca-cola than an apple. And your children feed in school cafeteria, where the idea of \u200b\u200bvegetables is limited to ketchup on hamburger.

This is what scientists and activists in the field of nutrition from Yale University call a toxic food environment. In this environment today lives most of us.

Incidentally truth is that some people earn great money on selling unhealthy food. They want you to further fir products that they sell, despite the fact that because of this you are fat, your vital energy is dried, and the duration and quality of life is reduced. They want you to be submissive, inspired and ignorant. They do not want you to become informed, active and full of energy, and they are ready to spend billions of dollars annually to achieve their goals.

You can accept it and surrender to the mercy of the manufacturers of harmful meals or to establish healthier and life-affirming relations with your body and food that eat. If you want to be magnifying health, tightened, have a clear mind and vigorous spirit, then you need an ally.

Fortunately, you just keep such an ally in your hands. Colin Campbell, doctor of science, is widely known as a brilliant scientist, enthusiastic researcher and great humanist. Having fun and honor to be his friend, I can argue this and add something else: it is also a man of great modesty and depth.

The book of Professor Campbell "Chinese Study" is a real ray of light in a modern dark kingdom, covering nutritional and health issues so clearly and fully that you will never become a victim of those who are making it on your ignorance, misunderstanding and submissive eating Products.

In my opinion, one of the numerous advantages of this book is that Campbell does not simply set out your conclusions to you. He does not hear down, pointing to you, like a child, what is and what is not there. Instead, like a reliable friend, who managed to find out, to open and do more than many of us can even imagine, it is unobtrusive, clearly and professionally presents you the information necessary for a complete understanding of the issues related to diet and health. It gives you the freedom to make a conscious choice. Of course, he gives recommendations and advice, and they are excellent. But he always shows how he came to one or another conclusions. Information and truth is what is important. His only goal is to help you live life as informed and healthy as possible.

I have already read the "Chinese study" twice and discovered a lot every time. This is a bold and wise book. It is unusually useful, perfectly written and is important. The work of Campbell contains revolutionary conclusions and at the same time strifting with a clear and clear manner of the presentation.

If you want to eat for breakfast eggs with bacon, and then take a medicine that reduces blood cholesterol, is your right. However, if you intend to truly take care of your health, read the "Chinese study" and start doing it! If you listen to the advice of this outstanding consultant, your body will thank you every day throughout the remaining life.

John Robbins, author of Diet For New America, Reclaiming Our Health and The Food Revolution1
John Robbins is one of the leading specialists in the world dealing with the influence of a diet on the health of people. His books Diet For a New America ("Diet for New America"), Reclaiming Our Health ("Restoration of our Health") and The Food Revolution ("Revolution in Nutrition") became bestsellers. Approx. ed.


The needs of society in information about healthy diet has always amazed me, even after I dedicated the life of experimental research in this area. Books dedicated to diets become perennial bestsellers. Almost every popular magazine provides recommendations, newspapers regularly publish articles on this topic, and on television and radio constantly discuss healthy nutrition issues.

Considering such an abundance of information, are you sure you know how to improve the state of your health?

Should I buy food with the "Organic" margin in order not to expose your body to pesticides? Are environmental changes in the main cause of cancer? Or the state of your health "predetermined" genes that you got at birth? Is the carbohydrate really fat? Should you worry about the total quantity of consumed fats, or only saturated fats, or transgins? What vitamins should be taken, and is it worth doing this at all? Do you buy food, additionally enriched with fiber? Should there be a fish, and if so, how often? Do products from soybe you prevent heart disease?

It seems to me that you are not quite confident in the answers to these questions. And you are not alone. Despite the large number of information and different opinions, very few really know what to do to improve health.

And the reason is not that the relevant research has not been carried out. They were held. We know a lot about the connection between nutrition and health. However, the real science is buried under the mass of unnecessary and even harmful information: these are pseudo-scientific studies paid by companies - manufacturers of products, new-fashioned diets and propaganda, which is carried out by the food industry.

I want to change it. I want to give you a new basis for understanding nutrition and health issues, which will help you eliminate doubts, prevent and treat diseases and will allow living more fully.

I was in the system for almost 50 years, I took very high positions, developed and headed major research projects, solved which of them will be funded, and used many research materials to prepare reports of national expert councils.

Many everyday ideas about food, health and disease are incorrect:

Synthetic chemicals in the environment and food, as far as they were harmful, is not the main cause of cancer.

The genes that you inherit from your parents is not the main factor defining whether you will be a victim of one of the ten main causes of mortality.

Due to the hope that research in the field of genetics will ultimately help to find medicines against various diseases, more efficient solutions that exist today are ignored.

Careful control over the taking of any nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, cholesterol or polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, will not lead to improved health in the long run.

Vitamins and nutritional supplements will not give you long-term protection against diseases.

Medicines and surgical intervention do not cure diseases that kill most people.

Your doctor most likely does not know what? You need to do to achieve the best possible health status for you.

I suggest you no more and no less than revision of your ideas about proper nutrition. The provocative results of my forty years of medical and biological research practices, including the conclusions of the last 27 laboratory program (funded by the most respectable funds), show that proper nutrition can save your life.

I will not ask you to believe in the findings based on my own observations, as some popular authors do. In this book 750 links 2
The bibliography is posted on the site Approx. ed.

And the vast majority of them are primary sources of information, including hundreds of scientific publications of other researchers, which indicate ways to reduce cancer risk, heart disease, strokes, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, alzheimer's disease, kidney stones and vision loss.

Changes in nutrition can help patients suffering from diabetes, refuse to receive drugs;

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, there is enough changes in nutrition;

The occurrence of breast cancer is associated with the level of female hormones in the blood, which is determined by food consumed;

The use of dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer;

Antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables improve mental abilities in old age;

A healthy diet can prevent the formation of kidney stones;

There are convincing evidence of the relationship between children's nutrition and diabetes of the first type, one of the most dangerous childhood diseases.

These findings suggest that proper nutrition is the most powerful weapon against the disease that we have. And the understanding of these scientific evidence is important not only to improve health - it also has important consequences for our society as a whole. we obliged To know why disinformation prevails in our society and why we are deeply mistaken in issues of studying nutrition and diseases, as we improve health and as we treat disease.

More than 40 years ago, at the beginning of his career, I would never have thought that the food and health problems are so closely related. Over the years, I never attached the meanings to what the food is more correct. I just ate the same as everyone else: what, as I thought was a good meal. We all eat what is delicious, or what is convenient, or what our parents taught us. Most of us live in a certain cultural environment, which causes our culinary habits and addictions.

All this applied to me. I grew up on a dairy farm, where the milk was the main product, which determine our existence. In school we were taught that the cow's milk helps strengthen the bones and teeth. This is the most perfect product created by nature. On our farm bo? Then, some of the products were grown in a garden or grazed in a pasture.

The first in my family I entered the college. At first I studied veterinarian at the University of Pennsylvania, and then I studied at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia, after which the Cornell University lured me, giving me a scholarship to work on a graduation on the topic "Feeding animals". I switched to partly there because they were going to pay me for me to study, but not the opposite. There I received a master's degree. I was the last graduate of Professor Clive McKea from Cornell University, known for what he managed to increase the life expectancy of rats, which feeds them much less food than they would like. My study for which I received a doctor of science in the same university was devoted to finding ways to accelerate the growth of cows and sheep. I tried to improve our animal production protein - the key element of what, as I was told, there is a "proper nutrition".

I was going to strengthen the health of people, recommending them more meat, milk and eggs. It was an obvious consequence of my own life on the farm. All the time, while my views were formed, I came across the same topic: Apparently, we eat healthy food, especially rich in high-quality animal protein.

Bo? I spent the rest of the early years of my career, working with two chemical substances relating to the number of the most poisonous of ever open, dioxin and aflatoxin. First, at the Massachusetts Technological Institute, I worked on the problem of feed for chickens. Millions of chickens per year died from an unknown toxic chemical, which was part of their feed, and my task was to identify and determine the structure of this substance. Two and a half years later, I helped to open dioxin - probably the most toxic of all known chemicals. He caused great interest, especially due to the fact that he became part of herbicide 2,4,5-t, or the so-called "Agent Orange", which was subsequently used to destroy leaves in Vietnamese forests during the war.

After leaving the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and taking office at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, I began to coordinate technical assistance to the national project in the Philippines for working with children experiencing lack of food. Part of the problem was a study of significant distribution among the Philippine children of liver cancer - usually adult disease. It was believed that this disease was caused by a high level of aflactoxin consumption, which is contained in the pledoid rot, formed on peanuts and grain crops. Aflatoxin is one of the most powerful among famous carcinogens.

For 10 years we have sought to improve the nutrition of children from poor people. The project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development. As a result, we founded about 110 educational centers of self-help in the field of food throughout the country.

The purpose of these efforts in the Philippines is simple - to create conditions so that children consume as much protein as possible. The opinion was widespread that poor nutrition of children in the world is due to the main disadvantage of the protein, especially from animal food. Numerous universities and governments tried to reduce the existing, in their opinion, in developing countries, protein deficiency.

Colin Campbell, Thomas Campbell

Chinese study. Updated and expanded edition. Classic Book About Healthy Nutrition

Scientific editor Nadezhda Nikolskaya

Published with Permissions Benbella Books and Perseus Books, LLC Acting Jointly With Projex International, LLC and Alexander Korzhenevski Agency

All rights reserved.

No part of this book can be reproduced in whatever form without the written permission of copyright holders.


First Published in the United States by Benbella Books. Published by Arrangement with Benbella Books (USA) Via Perseus Books (USA) and Alexander Korzhenevski Agency (Russia)

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2018

Karen Campbell is dedicated - her incredible love allowed this book to appear

And Thomas Makilweun Campbell and Betty Deott Campbell for their amazing gifts

Opening Word (from the first edition)

Thomas Colin Campbell, in fact, is still a rustic boy from North Virginia. When we spend time together, we always tell each other stories about life on the farm. Whether work with cow dung, tractor control, grazing cattle - we have both rich experience in agriculture.

But from this environment we went to different professions. And it was for career achievements that I began to admire them. He participated in the opening of a chemical compound, later called by dioxin, and he headed one of the most significant diet and health projects, "Chinese study". In the interval, he published hundreds of scientific papers, focused in numerous expert government officials and participated in the creation of national and international dietary and medical organizations, such as the American Institute for Cancer / World Cancer Research Fund. As a scientist, he played an important role in how our country belongs to nutrition and health.

And since I am familiar with Colin at a personal level, I respectfully treat him and for other reasons than his professional achievements. I respect him for courage and honesty.

Colin puts under serious doubt the status quo, and, although scientific evidence on his side, to go against the flow is always difficult. I know it well, because I was an appropriate Oprah Winfrey, when a group of cattle breeders filed on her for how Oprah declared the intention to refuse beef. I came to Washington and agitated for advanced agricultural practices, fought for changing the method of cultivation of food in our country. I took the challenge of several most influential and rich groups, and I understand how difficult it is.

We go parallel to the way, so I feel with the history of Colin. We grew on the farm, studied independence, honesty and decency in small teams, went on to take place professionally. Although we both were successful (I still remember the first seven-dollar check, discharged for a large-scale livestock complex in Montana), we came to understand that you can improve the system in which we live.

To challenge the system, which was so favorable to us, iron will and unshakable principle required. Colin has both the other, and this book is a brilliant culmination of his long and decent career. We should learn from Colin, who reached the vertices in his profession and then had the courage to achieve even more, demanding change.

If your health is important to you, this book will generously reward you. Carefully read it, set up information and apply it in your life.

Preface (from the first edition)

If your life is similar to the lives of most modern representatives of the Western world, then you are surrounded by network points of fast food. You are thrown by fastfood advertising. You see other advertisements - about lowering weight, which say that you can eat anything, do not carry out exercise and at the same time get rid of unnecessary kilograms. In the modern world it is easier to find a barnacker snickers, bigmak or coca-cola than an apple. And your children feed in school cafeteria, where the idea of \u200b\u200bvegetables is limited to ketchup on hamburger.

You contact a doctor for recommendations, how to improve health. In the reception you see a 243-page magazine called "Family Doctor: Your way to health and good well-being." This magazine, which is published by the American Association of Family Doctors and is sent to the Cabinets of 50,000 family doctors in the United States, full of glossy full-page ads advertising McDonald's, Dr. Pepper, chocolate pudding and Oreo cookies.

You take the issue of National Geographic Kids - a magazine published by the national geographic society for children from six years, expecting to find useful information for young generation there. However, the pages of the magazine are filled with advertisements Twinkies, M & MS, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Hostess Cup Cakes and Xtreme Jell-O Pudding Sticks.

This is what scientists and activists in the field of nutrition from Yale University call a toxic food environment. In this environment today lives most of us.

Incidentally truth is that some people earn great money on selling unhealthy food. They want you to further fir products that they sell, despite the fact that because of this you are fat, your vital energy is dried, and the duration and quality of life is reduced. They want you to be submissive, inspired and ignorant. They do not want you to become informed, active and full of energy, and they are ready to spend billions of dollars annually to achieve their goals.

You can accept it and surrender to the mercy of the manufacturers of harmful meals or to establish healthier and life-affirming relations with your body and food that eat. If you want to be magnifying health, tightened, have a clear mind and vigorous spirit, then you need an ally.

Fortunately, you just keep such an ally in your hands. Colin Campbell is widely known as a brilliant scientist, enthusiastic researcher and great humanist. Having fun and honor to be his friend, I can argue this and add something else: it is also a man of great modesty and depth.

The book of Professor Campbell "Chinese Study" is a real ray of light in a modern dark kingdom, covering nutritional and health issues so clearly and fully that you will never become a victim of those who are making it on your ignorance, misunderstanding and submissive eating Products.

In my opinion, one of the numerous advantages of this book is that Campbell does not simply set out your conclusions to you. He does not hear down, pointing to you, like a child, what is and what is not there. Instead, like a reliable friend, who managed to find out, to open and do more than many of us can even imagine, it is unobtrusive, clearly and professionally presents you the information necessary for a complete understanding of the issues related to diet and health. It gives you the freedom to make a conscious choice. Of course, he gives recommendations and advice, and they are excellent. But he always shows how he came to one or another conclusions. Information and truth is what is important. His only goal is to help you live life as informed and healthy as possible.

Do not lose. Subscribe and get a link to the article on your mail.

The "Chinese study" is a well-known and popular book, which is based on an amazing on its scale research not the topic of the relationship of food and chronic diseases. As the authors were able to find out, those products that become part of the diet of us and our children, based on what we consider them useful, in reality are the cause of the most terrible diseases such as cancer, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

The Chinese study book appeared after the data of mortality statistics in 65 Counties of China were studied, the initiator of the collection of which was the Prime Minister Zhou Egnlay, having sacrificed from cancer. As a result of the study, over eight thousand relationships of nutrition and disease were established.

However, this book has many complaints from the professional medical community. In particular, there is an opinion that the author was not impartial and specially tried to manipulate the data. However, with a book it will be useful to get acquainted.

About Colin and Thomas Campbell

Colin Campbell - Honorary Professor of the Department of Food Biochemistry in Cornell University, Wonderful Scientist, Doctor of Science, Humanist and a member of such organizations as an American food research society, International Nutrition Society, American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy. In 1998, he was named the Best World Specialist for Nutrition. On his account over three hundred scientific publications.

Thomas Campbell - Son Colin Campbell and his co-author on the book presented. He is a doctor, an instructor of the medical school of the University of Rochester, the Executive Director of the Food Research Center, which is engaged in improving the health of people, lecturer and the author of many articles.

The book of Colin and Thomas Campbellov was sold by edition more than a million copies, became the world bestseller who turned the views of people with regard to the right nutrition and his interconnection with health. Interesting information about the "Chinese study" you can find.

Summary of the book "Chinese Study"

The book consists of prefaces and four parts, including almost two dozen chapters. The first part is devoted to the Chinese study, the second - diseases of rich people, the third - and the fourth - interesting facts about nutrition, health, science and even government - as part of the topic of this book, naturally. Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with only part of the unique information that you will find in the work "Chinese study", namely: we will briefly tell about the universal nutrition principles and the conclusions that the authors made as a result of their research.

Universal nutrition and health principles

To collect those data that are presented below, Colin Campbell has investigated the relationship between health, nutrition and diseases for twenty years. The result of the study was the following universal principles of longevity and:

  • Any product is a storeroom of all kinds of trace elements. But the products are not amenable to rating "utility", because The same products in different cases can be both useful and harmful.
  • Do not get involved in vitamin additives, because they are more harmful than helpful. The most dangerous is considered to be filled with food additives lack of fiber and vitamins in the process of observance of a protein diet.
  • In vegetable food, it contains much more nutrients than in the animal. It has antioxidants, minerals, fiber. In the animal, there is a lot of cholesterol, vitamins A, D and B12, which in vegetable food is almost no. If you refuse animal food, follow the content of the above vitamins.
  • No need to overestimate the power of heredity: the genes themselves do not start functioning. Most often, food serves as a determining factor in the activation of "bad" or "good" genes.
  • Power facilitates the blocking of the effects of harmful substances. The conclusions according to which artificial chemicals and toxic substances are exaggerated by the cause of oncological diseases. Cancers are developing for many years, and the food of animal origin can be aggravated by this process.
  • Proper nutrition in which vegetable food prevails, contributes to the blocking of diseases in the early stages and the fight against them - later. A number of diseases can develop a person's life, for example, breast cancer. Proper nutrition affects diseases at all stages.
  • Power principles are universal for most of chronic ailments. Speaking otherwise, the recipe for preventive nutrition for all diseases is one. You must keep the use of animal protein under strict control, including fish, eggs and dairy products.
  • Proper nutrition has a positive effect on various spheres of human life: mental and emotional state, as well as physical activity. However, compensate for improper nutrition, for example, hiking in the gym will never work.

A few words in conclusion

People are mistaken when they think that the animal protein is one of the most useful elements in the diet of a modern person. While scientific disputes came about the carbohydrates and fats, about the protein, the overwhelming part of the specialists came to a single opinion: the protein is a building material for human cells, which is necessary that the body develops harmoniously. But the conclusions of the author and his associates were forced to doubt that the animal protein is good.

It is impossible to equate protein and food of animal origin. In addition to dairy products, eggs, fish and animal meat, protein can be found in a variety of vegetables, croups, legumes and soot.

Power supply directly affects the development of chronic ailments - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, onco-scales, obesity and many others.

Most of the diseases are due to genetics by only 2-3%. The rest of the factors can be attributed mainly nutrition, as well as lifestyle and environmental conditions in which a person lives. Colin Campbell studied oncological diseases and managed to prove that a vegetarian diet, except that prevents the development of all sorts of diseases, also prevents their development even if they are already initiated.

The vegetable protein is perfect for a set of muscle mass, despite the fact that many are convinced that only animal protein contributes to this. There is a huge number of professional veganian athletes who managed to conquer the Olympic medals. In addition, complex carbohydrates that enter the body of grain, fruits and vegetables are not able to cause excess weight.

The daily rate of protein intake should not be above 10% daily diet - this is approximately 50-60 grams of protein per day. Just abuse protein, especially animal, is the cause of a larger number of diseases.

Apply in practice the conclusions from the book "Chinese study" of Colin and Thomas Campbells are very simple - you just need to start using universal principles in your life, which formulated scientists. These principles are capable not only to help find a figure, which you have always dreamed about, but also to prevent many diseases available in developed countries, starting with cancer and ending with obesity.


After familiarization with the conclusions presented in the book, any reader will ask himself the question: "Why did I not hear it before?". The authors of the study believe that there are a lot of influential and powerful multi-million corporations of different focus (food industry, pharmacological proceedings, etc.) are trying to preserve such a state of affairs, according to which vegetarianism is considered the prerogative of marginals. Power Immumbers will always contribute to the promotion of a diet, which contains animal protein. And it will continue, while this will be income. If you carry out an analogy with an energy industry, then we can say that even if oil, gas and coal occupy a leading position, this does not mean that they are something better than alternative energy sources, if we speak from the point of view of security and conservation of ecology. It is also here: in the subject of food there is mainstream, which is beneficial to large companies, but there is also.

And what choice do you do?

Colin Campbell, Thomas Campbell

Chinese study. Results of the most large-scale public relations and health

Published with permission of Benbella Books C / O Perseus Books, Inc. and agencies Alexander Korzhevsky.

In Russian published for the first time

© T. COLIN CAMPBELL, PH.D. And Thomas M. Campbell II, 2004

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

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This book complements this book:

Rules of longevity

Dan Buttner

To death well

Hey Jay Jacobs.

Age of happiness

Vladimir Yakovlev

Healthy habits

Lydia Ionova

Preface partner

Dear readers, if you hold this book in your hands, prepare for amazing discoveries!

This book will destroy many stereotypes regarding the right nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general. She will tell how food can cause many chronic diseases and influence their development, which products need to be used to be healthy, and which are not worth it.

The book "Chinese study" will become a real discovery for you than and for us, the largest supplier of nuts and dried fruits in Russia of the Gud-Food group of companies.

Having studied her content, we were amazed by the results of the study, which was held by Dr. Colin Campbell, Professor, one of the world's largest specialists in the field of food biochemistry. The proper nutrition stereotypes were so rooted in our traditions that the content of the book initially caused surprise and indignation. The author of the book provided the reader all the necessary data on which it is possible to conclude: many products, the benefits of which we are told from childhood, do not simply bring a positive result for human health, but even with time they are lying, causing such well-known diseases as ischemic disease Hearts, diabetes, cancer of various organs, etc. It is noteworthy that among important products in the diet, the author highlights nuts. In his opinion, their reasonable use undoubtedly benefits the body. As a professional "Hood-Food" has a profound knowledge of the benefits and unique properties of this product. For 16 years, the company has been with nuts and dried fruits of large stores and food enterprises of Russia. The impressive experience and availability of your own laboratory give the company the opportunity to study these products in detail. Undoubtedly, nuts, as well as dried fruits are natural sources of good health and an important component of proper nutrition. The data presented in the book fully confirm this fact.

Adopting as a partner of the book "Chinese study", we want to express our part-to-thinking position to the health problems of modern society. According to statistics, for 2013, more than a third of the Russian population suffers obesity, about 3 million patients with diabetes are registered, 2.5 million people are registered with malignant tumors, and the share of total mortality in Russia from cardiovascular diseases is 57%. Statistics are terrifying, but each of us has a chance to avoid these problems and live a long and happy life. This book will help in a new one to take a look at many diseases that are directly related to nutrition and which can be avoided with the right approach to the daily diet.

We wish you success on the way to strong health and longevity and will be happy if our products will help you pass this way tasty and with pleasure!

Igor Petrovich Baranov,

President of the Gud Food Group of Companies

Preface to the Russian publication

I am engaged in dietology for more than 15 years, and it seemed to me that in this area there is nothing that I can surprise me - because I know all the new information, I teach the doctors of my clinic on British and American benefits. Together with colleagues, I was first from Russia in school on the treatment of obesity in Cambridge. Every year, at international scientific congresses, I learn about all new trends and significant research results. Yes, I believed that some new nuances could appear, but that my ideas about, "what is good and what is bad," in nutritionists completely turned over - this I could not even imagine this! But it was exactly that when I as a scientific editor participated in the work on the book of Dr. Campbell "Chinese Research" first translated into Russian.

In relation to me, the author absolutely achieved his goal: "Change the views of the Company to information about nutrition - eliminate the ambiguities and make the topic of health simple and understandable, while based on its statements on the evidence obtained as a result of reviewed scientific research experts published in the peer-reviewed experts of professional publications. "

This is a revolutionary book that will not leave anyone indifferent: you either become a Yarym follower, or an irreconcilable opponent of Colin Campbell. Adherents of protein diets waiting for cruel disappointment, and I already see that bodybuilders are mercilessly criticized by "this American rushing". What happens at the Institute of Food, which makes its verdicts about the benefits of Fastfud, it is even difficult to imagine! Most likely, Russian scientific circles pretend that nothing happened and who is this Campbell, they are unknown! Well, sickness and travelery of research results in favor of product manufacturers - this is not only Russian, but also, as Dr. Campbell writes, American reality. It indicates that "the industry is not simply engaged in monitoring" dangerous "scientific projects. She actively promotes its version, regardless of the potential negative consequences for people's health, making it to the detriment of scientific objectivity. Of particular anxiety is the fact that they are engaged in the representatives of academic science, while hiding their true intentions. "

I especially recommend this book to your colleagues doctors. Since for Russia, as well as for America, is relevant "such a situation where doctors who do not have sufficient food preparation are prescribed milk and nutrient-based nutrient cocktails with sugar diabetics, which suffers overweight; The diet with a high content of meat and fat patients seeking to lose weight, and additional milk with patients suffering from osteoporosis. The harm caused by health as a result of ignorance doctors in food issues is simply stunned. " Perhaps this book will help make a "personal cemetery" of each doctor a little less.

If the miracle and people who make decisions about the nutrition of our nation will not remain indifferent and criminally careless (or criminally cynical), then our children and grandchildren may have a chance to lose their health in kindergartens and school canteens!

And every adult man reading this book, will be able to make his conscious choice based on reliable information. I already did myself and for the first time in my life, the great post complied with this year, because the restrictions established by him are absolutely coincide with the recommendations of Colin Campbell!

And I am very proud, which is personally familiar with Professor Philip James, who did not make the intention to "put the World Health Organization to the knees, if it does not give up its recommendations" in favor of the industrial lobby. Will it happen in our country? Wait and see!

Lydia Ionova,

a nutritionist, the founder of the "Dr. ion clinic",


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