Skhodnenskaya bowl. Skhodnenskaya Bowl And how this natural monument actually appeared

Skhodnenskaya bowl. Skhodnenskaya bowl And how did this natural monument actually appear?

Several years ago, I accidentally drove past the Bratsevo estate. It was autumn and the huge park turned into gold. All trees, paths, earth - everything was yellow. It was then that I decided to visit this place somehow.

At the end of the summer, I did stop at Bratsevo.
This is probably one of the least populated parks in Moscow. There are only residents of nearby houses.

The first thing I saw was this gorgeous wooden mansion:

He looked rather ugly from the back, but from the front door - very attractive:

Surprisingly, people still lived in it.

But I decided to turn right, towards the exit from the park. It was there that the age-old trees stood and there should be a pedestrian bridge.

The bridge was immediately found. Old, pedestrianized, but quite sturdy. He was thrown over a deep ravine. In the ravine, its own life goes on, in which a person does not interfere in any way:

We return to the estate. Entrance from the park:

We go around the rear in a circle and see the entrance from the Moscow Ring Road \u003d)

If you sit on the steps and look ahead, you will get a great view of the Mitino area:

The Moscow Ring Road is hiding behind dense trees in the middle of the photo.

The path leads to a detour of the building, we have already seen this entrance:

Do you know what is on the left side of the estate, if you look at the photo above?
You will never guess!

Kindergarten. There is even a sign.

By the way, I almost forgot. The great Russian painter I. Shishkin once spent a whole summer here, and after that he painted the painting "Noon. Moscow Environs". There she is:

The park is unkempt, which gives the impression of abandonment:

And this, I can tell you, is a BOMB!
I did not expect to see such epic views of nature in Moscow:

All this splendor is surrounded by houses!

Can you imagine what kind of view from the windows of the school standing on the very edge of the cliff opens? What lessons can be there, all schoolchildren fly in the clouds!

I tried to climb a little higher in order to embrace all the splendor that can be seen sitting in the classroom during the lesson. That's what I did:

Just Mega!
There are no other words.

A path has been made around the bucket. The views are a little bit every two hundred meters, but they change:

Down there - a river and swamps. There is a path along which you can go down and wander along the bottom of the bucket, but it is very narrow and I could not fit on it with a bicycle.

Perhaps next summer I can wander down there.

Skhodnensky bucket is a great place to surprise a friend with a view and be surprised yourself. If a person sees this natural monument for the first time, the WOW effect is provided to him.

The Skhodnensky ladle was formed in the postglacial period. But then the bowl was shallow. Over the past time, the riverbed deepened, and Skhodnya ended up at the bottom of the ravine. This is confirmed by traces of settlements of ancient people on the banks of the river. There were also the ancient Tushino settlement, and the burial mound of the XI-XIII centuries, and the ancient trade route, and the camp of False Dmitry II, the Tushino thief.

Since the 1970s, hang gliders have trained in the Skhodnensky bucket, and gardens have been planted on the slopes of the bowl. But in 1991 this place was declared a natural monument. And although houses surround the bowl on all sides, now there is a natural-historical park, where you can see plants and animals from the Red Book of Moscow.

They say that... ... there used to be a hill with a temple on top at this place. Once the merchants passing by asked for a lodging in the church, but they were not allowed. The wanderers went on, but they were attacked by robbers. Only one merchant managed to escape. He cursed these places and wished the temple to fail.
... in the lands of the Skhodnenskaya bowl there are many treasures buried by the Tushino thief. But on moonlit nights, False Dmitry himself walks through the forest and checks his hidden wealth.

The Tushinskaya bowl, better known as the Skhodnensky ladle, is one of the parts of a specially protected natural area of \u200b\u200bregional significance in the city of Moscow, the Tushinsky Natural and Historical Park.

In fact, when I lived in this area, it never occurred to anyone to call the bucket a bowl, and even more so, no one ever thought that he and other regional "greens" have the status of a Natural Historical Park.
We just knew that this huge wooded pit, along the bottom of which the Skhodnya River flows, is a natural monument, and we were always amazed at its size: I can't say for sure, but they really amaze the imagination. Thanks to this, the Skhodnensky bucket has become one of those places where you can feel yourself far from the city without leaving it.

It is surrounded by residential buildings on all sides: the area, although a suburban one, has been developed for a long time, and this is even surprising - given the pace and customs of our modern life, it is strange that it has not yet yielded to the developers and retained its almost wild appearance.

It is noteworthy that the slopes, although not very steep, are quite difficult to descend along them. You still need to find the path, and after that - try not to lose the grass in the thickets :) I climbed down repeatedly, but today I still fell several times, because the slates turned out to be far from the best footwear for such a walk - sneakers or any other shoes would be much more suitable , which is not a pity.

By the way, regarding the appearance of the bucket in the form in which we can observe it now (a huge pit), there is a very interesting legend that I once heard from friends. Legend has it that there used to be a hill on the top of which a temple stood. A road went past the temple, and one time, late in the evening, traders walked along it, who asked to stay in the temple for the night, but they were not allowed.
The merchants had to move on, but at night they were attacked by robbers and killed all except one, who miraculously managed to escape. You, of course, have already guessed what the merchant wanted the temple? That's right, fail.

The place is considered "bad" - in Soviet times they tried many times to adapt it for any needs, but the attempts were unsuccessful. And the plots were distributed, and they wanted to flood - but in the end there are no summer cottages or a reservoir there.
It is believed that one of the "coolest" geopathogenic zones in Moscow is located here.

However, you can’t say anything about the local flora :) The landscapes are quite typical for the “countryside” (but do not forget that we are not in it!) - there are, for example, meadows and meadows.

In one of the glades, I finally came across a more or less civilized path, along which I went further.
In addition to the "usual" trees and grass, sea buckthorn also grows in the bucket, which has become a novelty for the city residents. If you were sure that sea buckthorn is such an intricate sexual position - welcome!

And there are plenty of wildflowers, which you simply cannot see in the city.

But the most interesting thing here is the atmosphere. Sometimes you really forget that you are within the city - only the noise of Moscow roads and other city sounds remind you of this.

Not only people, but also animals are in solidarity with this opinion - there is evidence that hares, squirrels, foxes and weasels are found in the bucket, as well as large (hawks, falcons and woodpeckers) and small birds nest, including those from the Red Book. On an information plate near one of the slopes it is written that this is the only place in Moscow where nests of snipe and meadow pipits have recently been seen.

The path I found soon led me to the Skhodnya River. Its shores are a favorite place for vacationers and local fishermen, therefore, almost all "civilized" paths sooner or later come to it.
Not surprisingly, the area along the river looks much more "habitable" than the rest of the bucket area.

Skhodnensky ladle is one of the largest natural monuments in Moscow. Once there were villages around here, there were vegetable gardens on the slopes and part of the lowland, and the Skhodnya River has been making its bend here for a long time. I do not know by what miracle, but they did not start building here even when Moscow came close to a large ravine. I am sure - if there was a desire, they would build it up despite the slight swampiness and make a couple of ramps from top to bottom.

In the meantime, I would like to know if there are locals here or residents of the surrounding areas? What is the popular name for this whole area? I call it by the name from the cards - Skhodnensky bucket. Wikipedia claims that the bowl is more correct. And not Skhodnenskaya yet, but Tushinskaya.

1. I approached the bucket from the side of Bratsevo. It offers a beautiful view of Moscow and buildings of different times.

2. Full panorama from this place (clickable).

3. Having gone down, I decided to take pictures of nature. From the following shots, you can’t tell that this is Moscow.

4. Autumn forest.


6. There is a small path through it.

7. Around some thickets.


9. The path opens into more open spaces.

10. Yellow-green wall.


12. Birches in all their glory.

13. On the bank of the Skidnya a lonely fisherman.

14. Near the river you can already feel that Moscow is around.

15. Unfortunately, it is not as clean as it seems. Although in some places the garbage is really invisible. Local smart people leave him in this position.

16. Mushrooms to them, smart guys.

17. Already at the exit from the park, I took several photographs similar to the title one. I'll put another one at the end.

Thanks for attention!

More interesting notes about Moscow.

A long time ago, merchants passed along the trade route. As night approached, they began to think about an overnight stay. And on the top of the hill the travelers saw a temple. In order not to sleep in the open, they asked for shelter. However, the ministers refused. The merchants had to continue their journey. But at night dashing people attacked them in order to profit. They were not going to spare anyone. Only one traveler managed to survive. And at that moment, in his hearts, he wished the temple, where he and his companions were not allowed, to fall underground along with everyone who is inside. The curse was heard, the temple went into the bowels of the earth, and a Skhodnensky ladle was formed in its place.

How did this natural monument actually appear?

This is just one of the versions of the appearance of a unique natural monument. Someone argues that such an ideal round shape could only be obtained due to unearthly origin. Others are sure that the Skhodnensky ladle is the place of a meteorite fall or the crater of a long-asleep volcano. Scientists explain everything differently. Once the Skhodnya River was quite full-flowing and flowed exactly where the upper border of the ladle is. But as time went on, the riverbed became deeper and deeper, retreating to the south. As a result, the Skhodnya ended up at the bottom of the pit. That is, in fact, this natural monument, the Skhodnensky ladle, was washed out by the river, which gave it its name.

So what is this place like? It would seem that the capital of Russia is a huge metropolis, completely built up with skyscrapers, shrouded in exhaust gases and long forgotten about wildlife. It turns out that there is also a place here where you can see the world not spoiled by man. You can, being within the city, get into the countryside or even into the forest.

Description of the park

This natural and historical park is located in the South Tushino area of \u200b\u200bthe North-West Administrative District of Moscow. We can say that this is a kind of huge foundation pit 40 m deep. But there are disagreements about its area. Some say it is 75 hectares, while others say it is 107 hectares. Despite the fact that the Skhodnensky ladle is located within the city, the nature here is magnificent, and one gets the feeling that civilization is very, very far away. Birch, ash, poplar, oak, mountain ash, elm, maple, aspen grow here.

Sedge-cattail bogs, which are inherent exclusively to wild nature, have survived, where you can find horsetail, cotton grass. The fauna is represented by such species as bluethroat, nightingale, moorhen, common bunting, warbler-badger. For a long time, representatives of the Red Book of Moscow also met here: the hare, the common newt, the weasel, the common snake, the sharp-faced frog, the snipe, meadow pipit, and moorhen. However, unfortunately, at the moment some of the species have been destroyed. One of the reasons environmental scientists believe is the widespread distribution of stray dogs.

Historical heritage

The Skhodnensky ladle is not only a unique natural object, but also of great importance for historians. It is not for nothing that merchants are mentioned in the legend about its origin. The thing is that a trade route leading from Moscow to the Vladimir-Suzdal principality once ran through this place. The remains of an ancient settlement dating back to the beginning of the Iron Age - Dyakovskoe settlement were found. And next to it, a burial mound was discovered, though a later one - XI-XIII centuries. The bones of fossil animals were also mined. But, perhaps, the most important find in this place is the skull of a primitive man, more precisely, its upper part. The thing is that until then scientists could not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of people on the territory of the modern Moscow region. And the remains of a transitional man (from Neanderthal to modern) proved that the migration took place about 15 thousand years ago. But that's not all. Traces of unknown origin remained on the skull, most of all resembling the interlacing of threads in fabric. And this is evidence that already in those distant times weaving could exist, although earlier evidence of this fact was not found.

By the way, the find itself was completely accidental. The earliest remains were found by workers during the construction of a derivatization canal.

"Not a good place"

Now this place is a specially protected area. And in 2004 it changed its official name. Now it is the Skhodnenskaya bowl. Residents of Tushino love to walk in the park. You can often see young mothers with strollers, courageously making their way through the thickets. However, many still try to avoid this place, they believe that the Skhodnensky bucket is an anomalous zone. And we are ready to give evidence. The main argument is the very existence of wilderness in the center of a long-built and inhabited area, while construction organizations “fight” for a piece of land. But in the Soviet years, even before the recognition of the "bowl" as a protected natural monument, plots were allocated here for building, they tried to create a reservoir, gardens were cultivated here and even hang gliding training was conducted. However, as we can see, the Skhodnenskaya bowl remained unchanged. Therefore, there are rumors about the "badness" of this place.

Partly because of this, and partly because the nature here is really beautiful, adventure lovers are happy to go down to the bottom. And the shores of the Skhodnya were chosen for themselves by fishermen.

How to get into the "bowl"?

Going down is pretty easy. Near the intersection of Okruzhnaya Street, Svetlogorskiy and Fabrichniy proezd, there is a very convenient, already trodden path, which will lead directly to the Skhodnya river. However, for those who are not built for the easy path, there is another option. You can choose any slope and try to get along it, overcoming obstacles. Sometimes you even come across barely noticeable paths paved by the same adventurers.

What about the future?

Not so long ago there was talk that the Skhodnensky ladle, the photo of which is actually amazing in its beauty, is planned to be refined. There should be benches, comfortable paths, barbecue areas. Whether this will be done or not is unknown. However, residents of the Tushino microdistrict prefer to see the park as it is now. After all, otherwise it will lose its charm and mystery of wild, untouched nature against the backdrop of a residential area.


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