World of tanks: heavy tanks - game tactics and tips from the masters. Tactics of playing on heavy tanks Separately, it is worth dwelling on pumping T29

World of tanks: heavy tanks - game tactics and tips from the masters. Tactics of playing on heavy tanks Separately, it is worth dwelling on pumping T29

1-10-2016, 03:15

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Friends, today we have on our agenda a legendary vehicle, a Soviet Tier 8 medium tank, before you is a T-44 guide.

Surely many of you know that this unit has rather controversial characteristics, due to which the comfort of playing on the T-44 World of Tanks suffers greatly, but to name our soviet hero the weak cannot, they just need a special approach.

TTX T-44

The first thing that every owner of this domestic device should understand is that we have far from the best margin of safety (but quite typical by the standards of classmates), as well as a mediocre baseline view with a range of 380 units.

If we talk about the T-44 armor characteristics, then this is perhaps one of the few medium tanks of the eighth tier, which has armor. The strongest part of the car is the tower, which, thanks to the correct, rather streamlined shape, will often delight you with ricochets if played correctly.

The VLD of the T-44 WoT is also quite good, all because of the same rational inclination. Wagging the body and tucking it at the right time can also be good tanking. One has only to understand that it is better to cover the NLD and the sides, so you need to act carefully.

But the biggest advantage of our machine is its mobility. The Soviet medium tank T-44 World of Tanks has a good top speed, is able to develop it quickly due to excellent dynamics, and our maneuverability is at the highest level.


Now let's look at the armament of this unit. There really is something to talk about, because for the T-44 the gun is available in two versions: top-end and pre-top.

So, first, let's take a look at the level 8 cannon (top-end) and it is characterized by the fact that it has a very weak penetration by both the basic BB and gold, but at the same time a very impressive alpha strike.

On a large alpha, the advantages of this weapon end. With this gun on board the T-44, World of Tanks has a small DPM, becomes very oblique, and the elevation angles are only -5 degrees, which is also very uncomfortable.

As for the pre-top gun, most owners of the T-44 WoT play with it, and this option can rightfully be considered the most correct. To begin with, there are also certain problems with armor penetration here, but with conventional BB you can already confidently fight against classmates. Despite this, you still have to carry about 50% of the gold ammunition, for battles against nines and tens.

With this T-44 barrel, the tank has less alpha-strike, but we will be able to inflict about 1850 HP of damage per minute, the result is far from the best, but already quite serious.

The situation is also relative here with accuracy. We have a good ratio of spread and aiming time, these parameters are suitable, in contrast to poor stabilization, which will need to be corrected.

By the way, it should be noted that with the pre-top gun, the Soviet medium T-44 tank has more comfortable vertical aiming angles, which will allow us to play from the turret.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the general parameters of our car are worthy of respect, but the armament requires close attention. To make it easier for you to navigate the abundance of characteristics of the T-44 World of Tanks, now we will break down all the strengths and weaknesses by points, taking into account the equipment with a pre-top weapon.
Not bad armor for a medium tank;
Good mobility (maximum speed, dynamics, maneuverability);
Low silhouette and good camouflage;
Decent elevation angles
Quite good accuracy (spread and flattening).
Weak parameters of armor penetration;
Small alpha-ride;
Small PDA;
Mediocre review;
Poor gun stabilization.

Equipment for T-44

Looking at the characteristics of our tank and its shortcomings, an impressive foothold is created for choosing additional modules. But the main emphasis must be placed on increasing damage and shooting comfort, so we put the following equipment on the T-44:
1. - a very important element for our average damage per minute.
2. - one more thing that cannot be done without, because it is very important for us to improve stabilization.
3. - for mobile vehicles with mediocre visibility, this option also looks very profitable.

If the view is not so important to you, and you managed to pump the corresponding perks, the third item can be replaced with one, which will give an even greater increase in combat power and allow us to reduce faster.

Crew training

In terms of the choice of skills for the crew, there will be no innovations, we need a standard set for a mobile medium tank, combining survivability and comfortable implementation of damage. Thus, we swing perks on the T-44 in the following sequence:
Commander -,,,.
Gunner -,,,.
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Charger (radio operator) -,,,.

Equipment for T-44

Consumables selection is another standard. In our case, everything is extremely simple, if you don't have extra silver credits or gold, besides, we will have to spend money on gold shells anyway, you can ride with,,. But in all other cases, it is better to put equipment on the T-44 in the form,, and the last option can be replaced with.

T-44 tactics

This tank can rightfully be called one of the most creative in terms of gameplay, because due to weak penetration, head-to-head collisions are contraindicated for us and we often have to be sophisticated to drive the enemy into a vulnerable side or stern.

At the same time, for the T-44, the tactics of head-on collisions do not justify themselves due to the reservation. Compared to other medium tanks at the level, we have good armor, but we are far from the heavy tanks, so it is better to fire at a distance.

Standing on the second line of the T-44 tank WoT can play from disguise, or use the terrain and win back with a tower. True, in such situations, you still have to charge gold, because when firing at a distance, penetration tends to fall.

But thanks to its excellent mobility, small size and not the best accuracy, the T-44 World of Tanks still feels the best when shooting at close ranges. The main thing in this case, as already mentioned, is to act creatively. Deceive your opponent, drive in from unexpected sides, use your dynamics to separate your opponent for a shot. In frontal collisions, try to wag the body, turn it, but do not turn the side.

Summing up all of the above, the Soviet T-44 WoT medium tank can also be called an excellent support vehicle, thanks to the same mobility and a good rate of fire. But with the right actions, this unit may well show teeth.

Each vehicle class in game World of Tanks has its own specialization. Light tanks are scouts, artillery performs the function of support, tank destroyers are ideal for defending and holding direction, and medium tanks, including the A-44, are versatile. However, the main role in any battle, no doubt, is played by heavy tanks - tT in World of Tanks, or as they are also called - strands. And today we have tT guide.

The best TTs for tanking

Possessing the most powerful weapons and armor, vehicles of this class are able to push through a strategically important direction on the map and decide the outcome of the battle. However, for this you have to pay with a strong dependence on the team - without flank cover or competent artillery support, the heavy forces will become easy prey. Plus "Serbogold", which allows you to punch most of the cars in the game. As practice shows, at present only a few cars can play "from armor". Legendary Soviet IS-7 and ST-1 (the latter has an indestructible turret) plus a German "sneaker", which will soon be replaced by a prototype "Mouse". We recommend that you read our article on how to tank the side correctly. This is the most important part in tT guide... To play successfully, you must be aware of how to do it correctly.

Comparison of TT-10 which is better?

It is also worth mentioning drum heavy tanks in World of Tanks - they have average armor, but thanks to the charging mechanism and excellent dynamics, they are capable of delivering a huge amount of damage. Playing on vehicles of this type resembles playing on medium tanks, so they can be called "heavy" only by their class. And finally, a video on the most popular drum TT in wot - T57 Heavy.

Novice World of Tanks players who encounter a heavy tank for the first time experience a slight shock. Just now everything was good and simple - the small tanks of the "sandbox" were joyfully and thoughtlessly destroying each other ... and then suddenly a huge invulnerable colossus was rushing at you, capable of killing with one shot. Is it possible to win at all such?

The understanding of how to act comes later, but the impression of the first meeting remains and often changes the development priorities for many players. Only when they reach the first "heavy" tanks, they understand that the life of heavy tanks is also not sugar, but in order to realize their advantages, a special tactic is needed.

Basic principles

Heavy tanks are the most powerful combat vehicles in the game. They cannot boast of the mobility and tactical flexibility inherent in medium vehicles, but it is the actions of heavy tanks that most often shape the tactical pattern of the game. The task of such a tank is to use the advantages of armor, survivability and firepower to break through the enemy's defenses. After that, less protected vehicles will rush into the breakthrough, destroying artillery and bypassing the enemy from the rear and from the flanks.

Even if the armor is strong, a meeting with several opponents at once is unlikely to end well.

On the defensive, a heavy tank does not allow enemy vehicles to operate freely in their sector - trying to slip past it is more expensive, and it is not easy to destroy a skillful "heavy". But keep in mind - when left alone with several even lighter and less advanced enemy vehicles, your "heavy" can turn from a predator into a victim.

Therefore, the first rule of a good "heavy" - no matter how well your tank is protected, you should not play as a lone hero. If you find that you are the only one who is going to cover an important direction, do not hesitate to ask for help.

Also, do not, like many novice "heavy water", go to enemy positions thoughtlessly and ahead, relying solely on the power of armor. Armor does not cancel or replace tactics, and cross-fire, concentration of fire and support of artillery will easily disable any tank that imagines itself impenetrable.

Excessive caution, however, does not paint heavy cars either. A heavy tank sitting in the bushes while a tank destroyer goes on the attack is a frequent sight, but this makes it no less shameful, and a "heavy" tank that remains at the beginning of the battle at the base cannot be called anything other than ballast for the team. This “tactics” that came from the “sandbox”, if I may say so, can occasionally bring success, but not to the team, but to a specific player. Before dying under crossfire and artillery fire, the brave ambush KV (for some reason they are sick with this most often, with the growth in the level passes ...) will have time to blow up a couple of damaged cars and feel like a hero. But when the fate of the team was decided on the front line, the comrades could simply not have enough armor and firepower.

Cover and disguise

Nothing will slip past a heavy tank in defense!

Most of the time of the battle, a heavy tank is in close contact with the enemy, which means that the enemy knows its location. So that a large and not too maneuverable vehicle does not become an easy prey for artillery, you need to use shelters on the ground - buildings, stone boulders, hills, mountains, that is, everything that blocks the line of fire and makes targeted artillery fire impossible. A careful heavy tank advances from one cover to another in order to have a reliable position when meeting the enemy.

In battle, having retreated for cover, the "heavy" gets time to recharge and field repair of damaged modules. He will be able to wait for artillery support or the arrival of help, being in relative safety. Therefore, the plain is the worst possible landscape to attack, and the city is the best. Indeed, in a street fight, any building is a ready-made shelter. There is no infantry in the game, and no one is preparing a surprise like a bazooka / panzershrek shot from a gateway or a bundle of grenades from a window, but narrow streets and tall buildings complicate the work of artillery and prevent medium-sized vehicles from flanking the heavy. Don't underestimate enemy artillery though! Always pay attention to enemy tracers to roughly calculate the position of the gunners and take position accordingly.

Poor Leo hardly even had time to understand what was happening.

A common mistake in positional combat is going out from behind cover at right angles to the intended line of fire. Many players stick out from behind cover along the shortest trajectory, exposing the side to the enemy and simply turning the tower in his direction. This method gives a gain in speed, but even on vehicles with uniform armor, the side is more vulnerable (the side armor plates do not have any noticeable inclination), penetration into the side has more chances to damage any module, and it is much easier to knock down the caterpillar with a side shot.

The high probability of complete loss of mobility under enemy fire negates all the advantages in speed of the "perpendicular" way to leave the cover.

It is better to spend a little more time and go forward to the frontal armor area to be shot through - so as to receive enemy fire to the most protected area. In addition, in this situation, even after losing a track, the tank will not remain completely defenseless.

On a well-shot map without much cover, heavy tanks use camouflage according to the same rules as tank destroyers. However, it should be borne in mind that it is easier to spot a heavy tank, so if possible, change your position after a shot or the passage of an enemy scout.

Equipment and crew

The corps of downed comrades is a good cover from direct fire.

The heavy tank takes up most of the damage inflicted by the enemy team, and fights at close and medium ranges, where it counts for a split second. Therefore, of the equipment, he primarily needs means of increasing the density of fire, strengthening key components and accelerating repairs. Basically, that says it all - a gun rammer, a wet ammo rack (alas, it is impossible to increase the strength of the gun) and a toolbox - that's our choice. The crew should develop, first of all, repairs, and secondly, fire extinguishing. When the repair is well developed (that is, around 80%), you can replace the box with something else, for example, ventilation or devices to improve the pickup.

On a note:a damaged module is considered when its health points fall to 50%, disabled - when the damage done is equal to or exceeds 100% of its durability. Field repairs from this state return 50% of the module's durability.

A camouflage net is unlikely to come in handy for heavy vehicles - the larger the tank, the more difficult it is to camouflage it, and the increase in stealth will be very small here. A set of consumables for a heavy tank is quite standard - a first aid kit, a repair kit, a fire extinguisher. Try to put a fire extinguisher automatic, it is not only more likely to extinguish a fire, but also reduces the likelihood of its occurrence, which is very important for heavy vehicles.

Anti-splinter lining

The lining also protects from explosions near the tank, but the gain here will be pretty penny.

The anti-splinter lining is one of the most controversial modules in the game. Many players praise it very much and recommend it for installation in every possible way. + 15% absorption of damage from explosions and rams - that sounds really great. But let's see how it really is.

The mechanism of operation of high-explosive fragmentation projectiles in the game is as follows: if a projectile hits, but does not pierce the armor, the damage from it is divided by two and subtracted from the hit points of the tank, losing 1.3 points of damage for each millimeter of armor of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe vehicle. Lining enhances the absorption of damage at this very level, increasing it somewhere up to 1.5 points of life for every millimeter of armor. Thus, it is easy to calculate that the gain from lining will be 20 hit points per 100 mm of armor. The average damage of a B-4 artillery gun (SU-14, S-51) is 1,850 points. Also, keep in mind that the liner weighs a lot and takes up a slot that could be used for something else.

Soviet heavy vehicles are best balanced. If we compare tanks in terms of mobility, security and firepower, then German and American vehicles of comparable levels often significantly surpass Soviet ones in one of the characteristics, but at the same time they seriously lose in the remaining two.


The first heavy machine soviet branch and the most formidable of the fifth tier tanks. It is well-armored for its level, almost invulnerable for weaker tanks, while its armor is noticeably lacking to meet vehicles of higher levels, and its silhouette is too high, especially for the top-end KV-2 turret. But even in battle with more advanced tanks, the KV can stand up for itself thanks to its firepower.

The choice of weapons is impressive - four units, not counting the base. Particularly good are the powerful, well-balanced 107mm ZiS-6 cannon (tier 7 cannon on the fifth tank) and 152mm M-10. In terms of damage with a high-explosive projectile, it is equal to the SU-152 base gun. Of the minuses - it takes a very long time to recharge, it is difficult to aim and has a huge spread, which forces it to be used mainly at short distances. But with a successful point-blank shot, this gun can destroy the T-34-85 with one hit. Which of these weapons suits you best depends on your playing style.

The strongest disadvantages of the KV are not the best mobility and a frankly scanty viewing radius (350 meters). Without reconnaissance, this tank is guaranteed to arrive just in the arms of the waiting ambush.


One of the options for developing KV at the sixth level of the game. In fact, this is a more maneuverable and high-speed version of the same KV. The improvement in driving performance was achieved by lowering the protection of the sides of the hull, and in front the "kvass" is protected in the same way as the KV, which is no longer enough for the sixth level. The increased maneuverability does not compensate for this disadvantage, which is why many players call the KV-1S a “mid-range” tank.

In general, the KV-1S is significantly inferior in efficiency to the KV-3 - another variant of the KV development - and therefore is rarely seen in the game.


This Tier 6 tank is a real tough nut to crack. Protected for its stage is just excellent (120 mm on the forehead of the hull - this is more than that of the "Tiger"!), Weakly vulnerable to fire both in the forehead and on the side, and can fight with the "Tiger" if not quite on an equal footing then almost.

It boasts excellent D2-5T and D10-T guns, the notable drawback of which is costly maintenance. In addition, these guns require almost as many experience points to open as the opening of the next tank in the branch. But if you study them, they will serve the Soviet tanker for a very long time, the D10-T is even installed on the IS-4.

All the shortcomings of the KV-3 can be summed up in one word - slow. Drives and turns slowly (even with improved engine and chassis), turns the turret slowly, slowly reduces and reloads the cannon.


The Soviet heavy tank of the seventh level, in comparison with the KV-3, does not gain much in protection. All the same 120 mm of armor on the forehead of the hull, except that the slope increased slightly. The tower so generally lost - it was 130 mm, now 100 (more streamlined forms, however, neutralize this disadvantage). The IC benefits primarily in terms of size and dynamics. It is more compact, more maneuverable, turns the turret faster and is armed with the D-25T gun, which is similar to the D2-5T in everything, but faster.

There are practically no drawbacks. In a word, this is one of best tanks at the seventh level.


An outstanding car in every respect. The IS-3 is well protected, has a revolutionary low and streamlined shape for its time, and has impressive firepower. At long distances head-on, the IS-3 is almost invulnerable to tanks of lower and even equal tiers. This vehicle has practically no drawbacks (apart from the fact that the game has several tanks that are even more perfect and deadly), and it can be safely called the best heavy tank of the eighth tier.



The most powerful Soviet tank and the fastest heavy tank in the game. The IS-7 is not much inferior in mobility to some medium-sized vehicles and can accelerate to 50 km / h, which is two and a half times higher than the speed of the "Mouse". The armor of the IS-7 is similar to that of the IS-4, but the incredible angles of the frontal armor and the streamlined shape of the turret make it an extremely difficult target. It also has tremendous firepower - 195–325 armor penetration and 368–613 damage with a basic shell. It is without a doubt one of the best and most dangerous tanks in the game and the most balanced level 10 tank.

German branch

The German branch of heavy tanks is the shortest. Only four vehicles - from a lightly protected tank, which at one time seemed invincible, to the prototype of a self-propelled fort that never left the stage.

PzKpfw VI Tiger

Many players complain that this Panzerwaffe legend turned out in the game not at all as scary, invulnerable and deadly as it should be. Well, really, for a heavy tank of the seventh level "Tiger" is not well protected. Only 100 mm without the slope of the armor in the front and 80 mm on the sides.

However, it should be borne in mind that the game does not reconstruct the battles of World War II, where the "Tiger" would have to face mostly short-lived "thirty-fours" and "Shermans", but clearly shows us the history of tank building thought and the development of tanks. The possibility of a collision with the prototype T-29 and post-war tanks like the IS-3 or T54, which did not go beyond the stage of the prototype, were not foreseen by the creators and terms of reference for the Tiger. The Tiger compensates for its relatively weak protection with good maneuverability and remarkable accuracy and rate of fire of the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L / 71 cannon. The IS-3 can also be used with this weapon.

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II

The "King Tiger" is much better armored. 150 mm of sloped frontal armor on the hull is very serious. However, in order to make the Tiger 2 a truly effective vehicle, you need to replace the base turret as soon as possible. Why shoot at a perfectly protected hull if you can hit a turret with 100 mm armor, which is ridiculous for level 8? The meeting with the IS-3 in such hands turns into a lottery - the enemy knows or does not know about this feature, whether he knows how to distinguish the “stock” tower from the “top” one. It's more offensive to meet other CT scans - they know for sure! The modernized turret with 180 mm frontal armor solves this problem completely and turns the Tiger 2 into a vehicle almost equal to the IS-3. That, however, seems to me preferable due to the lower silhouette and streamlined shapes.

VK4502 (P) Ausf. B


The 188-ton Wonder Yudo is the largest, most armored and heaviest tank in the game. He pays for this with very low mobility - his speed is only 20 km / h. Because of this, as well as because of the size of the "if you want, you will not miss" view, we are very fond of artillery. Well suited for defense: to stand in an area inaccessible to artillery fire so that no one will ever pass through is for him. Good in the offensive - when the huge carcass of the "Mouse" takes over the fire of almost the entire enemy team, while the comrades bypass from the flanks, it turns out just fine. An almost invulnerable mobile fortress - it's worth developing the German branch for it!

Meeting of equal machines is always interesting

American branch

American heavy tanks never appeared on the fields of World War II - the US Army made do with medium vehicles and a large fleet of tank destroyers. However, experimental work was carried out, and a number of interesting prototypes were built. World of Tanks allows us to try them out in action.

T1 Hvy


Almost the same T1, only with reinforced frontal armor up to 102 mm and a much more impressive range of guns. What is the "top" 90-mm Gun M3 - a wonderful gun (basic on the Pershing, by the way!), Capable of hitting any target of the sixth-seventh level.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the same very poorly protected sides and a long track repair time. However, the latter also applies to T1.





My favorite among Tier 10 tanks. T30, in general, is the same T34 in the "top" configuration, however, the excellent 120-millimeter paper was replaced by ... it's hard for me to find the right epithet, perhaps the word "divine" will not be too much. So, the 120-mm cannon was replaced by a divine 155-mm cannon with armor penetration of 207-345 and damage of 563-938. A cannon that can destroy almost half of its life with one successful shot is too good! Such firepower, as well as good mobility, is not high by the standards of the highest levels of security, fully compensate. Best of all, the T30 works as a second line tank, supporting the offensive of better protected vehicles with fire.


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