WOT branches of the USSR. Changes of the branch of Soviet art

WOT branches of the USSR. Changes of the branch of Soviet art

World of Tanks game is the most popular online game of Europe. This guide is written for its novice players and contains advice on pumping Soviet branches of technology, as well as recommendations for the fight for them.

General about Soviet technique.

It's no secret that the technique of the USSR is the most popular on the Russian server, and it is clear why \u003d)) But this is not the only reason. The game developers really made the USSR tanks are truly strong, and better than their German and American analogs. Detailed comparison better technique will be below.

Newbie kit.

A newcomer set is a small package of files that should be from any novice player - they greatly facilitate the game and make it more convenient. All below, the specified files are installed by replacing files in a folder with the game.

Attention! - This method is officially authorized by the game developers.

Soviet equipment

Armed with the necessary software, you can proceed to direct familiarization with Soviet equipment. We will look at 4 main branches: the branch of heavy tanks (TT), the branch of medium tanks (ST), the PT-SAU branch (PT) and the SAU branch (artillery).

Total branch scheme (click on the picture to enlarge)

The branch of Soviet heavy tanks.

FROM "MS-1" by "T-28" We accumulate the experience of the game, learn to shoot, remember the maps and the most convenient places for defense / attack. It is worth noting that at this intervals you can do without a premium account. But starting from the 5 level tank and above you need to take premium. It is also worth noting that every time you acquire a new tank should be replant and re-overwrite its crew to pump the crew skills. The crew passed at least 2-3 thousand battles will have maximum skills, and the commander will have the highest title in the game for the Tanker of the USSR - "Senior Lieutenant".

"KV" - Tank 5 branch level TT USSR. This tank will be remembered for a long time. It is from him, armored and nervy, we begin to learn to play for TT. If there was no point in hiding at home, now you will sharpen it. Playing for him you remember, this is a bad tank in the attack. Very slow and open area Easy mining for artillery, and in the near easy battle Mining for Art, which will pick you feed (rear tank), while you will turn the body and tower. And not only st, as well as light tanks (LT) with a good cannon and nimble PT. Try to keep the opponent's distance. Learn to be patient and sit in defense and anyone who pops up on your shelling line, very quickly turn into a pile of burning metal!

About the "KV" and about any tank 5 levels as well as note that they are very easy to earn loans. And the point is not that shells and repair are not enough. If you go to http://www.wotdb.ru/ and right-click on the "KV" you can see 4 tab "additionally", which, by the way, is not in the game. It has an indicator of the "loan coefficient" which is equal to 0.99 it means that you are for the fight on the "kV" get 99% of the general indicator. For example, "MS-1" this coefficient is 0.69. At all levels the coefficient is different, but the 5-level tanks are the highest. To feel the difference here is a summ tree TT USSR:

Tank / Credit Coefficient
1ur. "MS-1" / 0.69
2ur. "T-26" / 0.69
3ur. "T-46" / 0.69
4ur. "T-28" / 0.86
5ur. "KV" / 0.99
6ur. "KV-3" / 0.76
7ur. "IP" / 0.76
8ur. "IS-3" / 0.69
9ur. "IS-4" / 0.68
10ur. "IS-7" / 0.70

(An even higher this coefficient of tanks for gold).

Thus, it is thorough to pretend to "KV" to earn as many loans as possible (per day with premium, you can thus earn a 1kq loan). Especially since you will earn, you can open not only all improvements and make the "kV" from the stock state (tank in native store equipment) to the top (when all the best equipment is studied), but also to open the next tank "KV-3" , As well as, if you wish to accumulate experience at the "C-51" and "KV-1C".

Also using the case, the case is boring the unable equipment for its main tank. It is expensive, but they bought 1 time and will remain forever with your main tank. From the unavailable equipment is best:

1) Large Caliber Tool Resistant - Increases Recharge rate by 10%
2) reinforced vending actuators - increase the speed of the weapon information by 10%
3) Large anti-skip piping - reduces damage by 15% of explosions (for example, when the shell of artillery is exploded) and Taranians.

For TT, this is the best set. When changing the main tank, they can be dismantled for 10 gold, which is equal to 1.1 rubles, which is essentially not money \u003d))
Also, starting from the next tank, they spend "free experience" and do not spend it on various improvements. This experience will go to pumping the branch of Soviet PT-SAU.

"KV-3" - Tank 6 branch level TT USSR. A worthy heir to tank "KV". You will have more hp, and you will have a tower from the front armor 130mm. Thus, undergoing the low obstacle, it is possible to fire on the defeat, without fear that anyone be from opponents, below 5 levels, will be able to break through.

"IP" - Tank 7 branch level TT USSR. Compared to the "KV-3" feel the loss. The tower will be less durable, but this is more than compensated by its maneuverability. Also, compared to other tanks, the 7 level of "IP" will significantly dominate. It is also worth noting that shells will be worth it from 1k loans for a shot, and the game without a premium account will go at a loss. That is the tricky calculation of the game developers so that no one can reach a level 10 tank without buying a premium account.

"IS-3" - Tank 8 branch level TT USSR. This is a wonderful tank. Going to him, you will feel more confident because Compared to "IP", you will again become a durable forehead at the tower, but if the "KV-3" forehead could break the opponents above 6 levels then the forehead from "IS-3" is trying except the level 9-10 tanks with top guns. This opens up at all new opportunitywhich it was not possible to use: I'm going to the opponent to the head on a ram, so that you face the face to face, while not letting the enemy to drive back so that the distance did not increase between you. If the opponent is stupid, he will try to pierce your forehead tower. When the tanks get up, the forehead in the forehead will not get lower below the enemy tower. If the opponent is lower than 9 levels and makes you a shot on the tower, he will not break it. And as soon as he makes his shot, you're away from the "IS-3" back so that the front of the enemy's front housing was visible, and apply damage to him, then ride the enemy in the forehead. The procedure is repeated until the opponent's complete destruction at the same time, if the enemy is clamped, for example, between urban ruins, he will not even have a chance to escape. You can overcome many opponents without losing such tactics, and even level 9 tanks. About "IS-3" will also say that this is a breakthrough tank. Its main task of sudden attacks from the flank. The later the enemy will be found, the attack will be more effective. For the direct attacks "IS-3" so far weak. This initiative, as old, will belong to tanks 9 and 10 levels.

"IS-4" - Tank 9 branch level TT USSR. Decent sample level 9 tank. In stock state, it will seem extremely slow and not by turning (immediately remembered the "KV"). But in the top state, this is a magnificent machine with a high reservation (IS-4 of the armor is more than that of IS-7). Also, "IS-4" has a relatively slow speed, which is why it is often compared with German Mouse. Moreover, in one of the future updates "IS-4" want to make a level level 10. Therefore, many are not even moving to "IS-7", but remain playing on "IS-4". It is also important that the factors that the repair of "IS-4" costs 17k loans, and repair "IS-7" 30K loans. That is, if you still have to make money on the "IS-7" on "IS-4", even with a premium account.

"IS-7" - Tank 10 branch level TT USSR. The strongest heavy tank presented by the Side of the USSR. As the armor has already been said in less than "IS-4". But this indicator is insignificant. But the speed and maneuverability in his head above. So if "IS-4" accelerates to 35 km per hour maximum, then "IS-7" can accelerate to 50 km per hour. This is the highest speed among all Soviet TTs. And it will save him. Taking into account the importance of "IS-7" on the battlefield, it will always be the main goal of the enemy artillery. And good speed will be tangible salvation.


"IS-7" VS "MAUS"
In the open field, the Mouse will become easy prey for "IS-7". They pierce the friend equally, but high maneuverance only at the "IS-7". Mouse is good against low-level opponents who are not in the focus to pierce it, but not against the "IS-7" and certainly not against the American "T30" which will not only break through Mouse with a bang but also to apply the above damage.

"IS-7" VS "E-100"
"E-100" is a new German level tank. It has less HP and armor than Maus, but at the same time its speed is higher. In a duel with an IS-7 will have equal chances of winning.

"IS-7" VS "T30"
In this battle, the advantage will be at T30. He has a damage above. But nevertheless, it is significantly inferior to IS-7 in the booking room that makes it easy prey for lower-level opponents, according to this, the preference in this comparison is given to "IS-7".

Soviet PT-SAU branch.

FROM "AT-1" by "Su-85" We rocked only on the free experience of the accumulated hump accumulated during the pulp and immediately sit on the "Su-85".

Starting with "Su-85" ride up to "ISU-152". Playing for these cars Remember that Soviet PTs have the most weak armor that makes them easy prey for any enemy, but at the same time the best gun that allows them to apply not a weak damage to the enemy. So it is worth remembering from Soviet PT the highest inconsistency rate in motion and in a standing position.

PT nonsense coefficient [in motion / standing]
2ur. "AT-1" - 0.35 / 0.55
3ur. "Su-76" - 0.38 / 0.53
4ur. "SU-85B" - 0.4 / 0.5
5ur. "Su-85" - 0.2 / 0.6
6ur. "Su-100" - 0.2 / 0.6
7ur. "Su-152" - 0.1 / 0.37
8ur. "ISU-152" - 0.1 / 0.37
9ur. "OBR. 704" - 0.2 / 0.3

That is, playing for Soviet PTs should be acquired by a camouflage network that will reduce the visibility of the tank by 25% and you will not become noticeable even if the enemy turns out to be 20 meters away from you. From which it follows that the main role will be ambushes and attack from bushes at long distances. Such a game will be for all Soviet Pt up to "ISU-152" and it will not change much when you move from the car to the car. But everything will change when you reach "Ob.704" ...

"OB. 704" - PT-SAU 9 level of the Soviet branch of PT. It has one of the strongest guns in the game. Damage from its shells is 2 times higher than any level 9 tank and 1.5 times more than the level 10 tanks. 2 of his shots is enough to kill "IS-4". The 1st shot is enough that to send any enemy level 6 to the dump and below. But the high damage is not all. At first glance, it may seem that "Ob.704" is too little armor (front armor at Ob.704 \u003d 120 mm), but in fact it is grabbing. The fact is that Ob.704 is the rational corner of the head-based armor, most enemy shells ricochetitis. And the armor "Jagdtiger" and "T95" can be punished with knowing weak points (for this you need to use the skins of the breakdown of which was mentioned at the very beginning of the guide). It is also worth noting that "Ob.704" will be maneuvering than "Jagdtiger" and significantly maneuvering than "T95" whose maximum speed is 13 km per hour, (more slowly than "Maus") whereas "Ob.704" maximum speed 37 km per hour. Thus, with an equal number of HP and with an equal inducer of each other, it turns out, we get that the highest damage and the highest maneuverability at Ob.704 - which makes it not only the best PT in the game but also one of the best level 9 tanks.

The branch of Soviet average tanks.

This branch can be found in two ways:
1) directly through "BT-2"
2) bypassing through the "KV"

Personally, I recommend through the "KV" because As already mentioned early on the "KV" very well goes earnings. In addition, it will already be topny that makes the game even easier.
But if you want to swing the straight branch of Soviet average tanks, then it is worth noting that the game for them will be interesting and differ from driving at TT.

"BT-2" , BT-7 and "A-20" Low for your speed. The main thing here is to follow where to go and not who you shoot. After all, if you quit the obstacle - immediately bold. In order to roll and shoot, it is enough to attach the sight to the enemy, by pressing the right mouse button on it, and constantly harm the fire at the same time do not cease to follow the road. Here we will help that the software that was laid out early. A removal of the card to heaven we see and where to go and where to shoot and where opponents, and how to maneuvering so to stay inaccessible to the enemy's fire. That is, the task will be much simplified. It is also worth remembering one rule of the game for "A-20" when you get into battles against opponents superior to your head. "A-20", like the German "Leopard", is the light carrying tanks. That is, the intelligence that detects enemies. Many novice players allow a mistake to consider that they can help something while in the rear and hiding behind the obstacles playing the fireflies. This is a rough mistake. The task of the Svetlykov alone - shine. How the battle begins, immediately go to the enemy's database to detect as many enemies as possible. And it doesn't even matter that you will immediately kill you. Mechanics of the game is such that experience and loan is issued to everyone not only for damage and murder, as well as those who will first find the tanks of the enemy. Thus, pronounces more than 9 opponents, you will not only get the "Scouting" medal, but also receive no little experience and loans - by the way, quite a good earnings in just 1 minute of battle. Difficulties will begin with "T-34" ...

"T-34" - Tank 5 branch level of the USSR. Unfortunately, the legendary tank in the game is shown in the best way. Most opponents you will be easily prey. Actually, on this, and I recommend to download the branch of the station through the "KV". But as soon as I go to T-34-85, it will be much easier.

"T-34-85" - Tank 6 branch level of the USSR. Unlike its analogue 5 levels has a significantly higher damage. Competently maneuvering can be left unavailable for enemy attacks. Actually, on "T-34-85" you learn the Azam Games for Art and this style will continue until "T-54"

"KV-1C" - Tank 6 branch level TT USSR. If you still decide to swap a branch of the station through the "KV" then you will enjoy this tank. It will exceed the "T-34-85" in the booking book that it will rarely, but the same is to save while the speed is not much smaller.

"KV-13" - Tank 7 branch level of the USSR. The final transformation of "kV" in the middle tank. And although after it will have to spend a little more time to transfer to another STE 7 level "T-43" it will cost. The armor at the "kV-13" essentially remained the same as "kV", and the speed on the head is higher.

"T-43" - Tank 7 branch level of the USSR. Perhaps, many of this tank will seem terrible. It will not be enough for armor. Any opponent will punch you up, and the game will be extremely heavy. Of course, a new powerful gun will facilitate the situation, nevertheless, time is kach. Before "T-44" will be one of the most difficult.

"T-44" - Tank 8 branch level of the USSR. After "T-43" will seem like a very good car. The main thing remember. St ride a small flock of 3-4 cars. They are also called the "wolf packages." Such a pack will easily be able to destroy any TT without loss and damage. Steel tactics are simple. While the first distracts the opponent's attention to himself (the opponent should look in the direction of distracting), the rest picks the back side of the tower of the enemy (by the way there are a wing tab). If the enemy starts turning the blow to picking it, he will immediately begin to beat the one who distract. This is the main combat tact of Art. This should be taken, faithful to friends and together with them in the platoon coordinating their actions through a voice connection to go to the steel hunt!

"T-54" - Tank 9 branch level of the USSR. As soon as they will stop on this tank with "T-44" the game will go to the right pleasure! "T-54" marks the crown of the Soviet tanks in the game. He is a quick maneuverable, and the rational tilt of armor makes it not yet punched. The main thing is to remember the rule: 1 in the field is not a warrior. Ride on "T-54" you need only wolf packs with loyal colleagues. It is also worth noting that "T-54" is not only the best Soviet Art, but also the best class in the whole game. You can make sure that you can compare the main characteristics of ST 9 levels of different nations. The German "E-50" will be stuffed faster than "T-54" but he has much lower than the rotation rate, which makes "T-54" much mannere. In addition, much larger than "T-54", which makes it a light target, well, about the fact that the "E-50" and damage is weaker finally puts the point in the dispute. Comparing the "T-54" with the American "Patton" one can only note that Patton is even less than the maneuverable than "T-54", and the maneuverability is the main factor in comparison of Art. Therefore, the verdict is simple - the best st in the game is "T-54".

The branch of Soviet artillery.

The Soviet artillery branch can be pumped either to direct or again through the "KV". If you take the branch of Soviet artillery, then it is worth noting that the first Soviet SAU will be relatively rapidly (an average of 9 shots per minute), but closer to the end the shots will become more and less. But the damage will increase at times.

General recommendations for all SAU: Your task on the battlefield to take a rear position to get the largest part of the card. It is worth noting that many allow the mistake without following, where your allies go. It is necessary to take a position in that rear part where more allies went to the forefront so that you did not work so that you went where they wanted and remained alone without an advanced cover. Taking a position to remember the same - your goal is the strongest enemy tanks. Be patient do not waste time to recharge into smallness. Look out the appearance of the main enemy tanks and apply a blow on them. Several direct hits on them and you will provide your team victory.

Directly according to SAU, I note: the first 4 SAU with "Su-18" by "Su-8" There will be a distance of a shot that does not cover the entire card. But already with SAU 6 "Su-14" and "C-51" You can cover the entire card entire. Actually, there are differences between SAU and end. "OB.212" and "221" Will be distinguished from the predecessors with its speed of weapons, rapidness, damage and number of HP. But it does not greatly affect. The task of artillery from the safe distance to fill the enemy and get every time. Such indicators like armor, damage, maneuverability in comparison of SAU values \u200b\u200bdo not have. In the near battle, they do not participate by definition. Therefore, and determine which of the SAU 8 level is the best, by analogy with the tanks of other types, it is impossible.


So in the hangar veteran world Games Of Tanks will be able to see all Soviet Top technique: "IS-7", "Ob.704", "T-54" and "V.261" and "KV" with "Leopard" on which it is very good to earn loans . \u003d))

The official site of the game - sometimes it is useful to be aware of the news))
The official game forum - contains many useful Soviets and hevival for a novice player.
Tank calculator - it is very useful if in the process of the battle I want to know where the opponent's armor is relaxing or just compare the technique without being in the game.

The testing of innovations begins, which expect a branch of the development of average tanks of the USSR. The developers plan to seriously "Appeen" A-44, shift the levels of level 9-10 to the bottom position and add a new top STE object 430. Interesting? Then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the details of the scheduled changes.

What awaits after the update?

So, consider detailed collisions that will occur within the development branch of the St-Shek at the Soviets. The following is scheduled:

What are the changes in the branch of Art?

Commentary changes The developers commented on this:

The Middle Tank Branch of the USSR has long been in need of modernization and improvements. We are going to completely rewind this class of technology, starting from the 7th level and above. The changes are aimed at optimizing the frontal armor, mobility and one-time damage. That is why the 416 object is removed from the research branch - the tank has weak protection, so imposes players the game in PT mode. Some changes will affect objects 430 and 430II, which will make the game more interesting, and the gameplay is saturated.

Today we are talking about the rebalans of the USSR technology.

In the update 9.22, we will return to life the most unpopular tanks of the nation, adding a new technique and changing the wood research tree of the USSR. Why do you need it? "Object 263" and his "younger comrades" rarely participated in the battles, as well as the Soviet Article X level "Object 430", which is not surprising. They were not easy to play. In addition, cars of different levels differed too much on the gameplay.

We are planning to recycle the mentioned branches of technology to breathe life into the listed cars and make the game on them consistent and understandable. In addition, in version 9.22, you are waiting for a new gameplay on heavy tanks of VIII -X levels with the rear layout of the tower.

Now let's stay in more detail on the changes and the reasons that led them.

Middle tanks

The A -43 branch does not give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich machine will bring to play at x level. After acquaintance with all the advantages and disadvantages of ST with the rear arrangement of the tower on the VII -IX level, it was logical to expect similar gameplay and on the top of the branch. However, instead, you received a classic average melee tank and disappointed. Naturally, the popularity of the branch fell.

If you are in the process of studying the branch, which leads to the object 430, keep in mind that this machine with a yield 9.22 "will move" to another branch (which will be pumped with T-44). Take this information.

What makes it give to this thread a second chance? Perhaps what she lacked: a sequence of hemplee. On this, we focused on updating 9.22, shifting the "object 430" on the IX level. There, he will form a mini-branch of well armored assault storm structures with a high one-time damage, pumped from T-44. And at x level, an absolutely new machine will appear: "Object 430U".

Newbie can boast compact dimensions worthy of mobility and good booking. He will be easily entering the feng of the opponent, to output his technique due to the high one-time damage and get out of the fire out of fire.

The trio with the rear arrangement of the tower will receive a top one with time, which will inherit a strong armor of the towers and will suggest logical after "Object 430 Variant II" Gameplay.

New branch of heavy tanks

Until recently, the United Kingdom and Germany were the only nations, where the TT at the X level had the rear layout of the tower. Some of you like these cars, others preferred a more traditional option. However, few people would have argued that FV 215B, PZ.KPFW. VII and VK 72.01 (k) (which was issued for the game on the global map) were uninteresting. In the update 9.22, Soviet technique will join this group: you are waiting for new gaming experience from the classic Soviet "heavy" on the VIII-X levels (the branch studied from the IP). Classic, but with rear tower.

Excellent armored IS-M, "Object 705" and "Object 705a" will receive a higher one-time damage than the Soviet hard tanks. This value is compensated by the aiming parameters: these machines are not adapted for distant shootings. Their elements are battles on medium and close distances. However, this is not the main thing - the rear layout of the tower is important. Combined with durable armor, good mobility (for this type of equipment) and a powerful tool, it will easily "drag the opponent".

Use the benefits of your car - and you can effectively maintain an attack or send the opponent tanks into the hangar. The gameplay of these TT is something cross between the game on PZ.KPFW. VII and IS-7, but at the same time it remains unchanged as the branch studies. What cannot be said about fireproof: from 122-mm guns on the VIII level to a powerful 152-mm gun at the "object 705a".

Players love movable assault T-10, which quickly shifts the emphasis attack, demolishing everything on its path. However, whatever good, he did not fit into the IS-3 group and IS-7, so we replaced it to the "object 257". Do not worry, T-10 will not leave the game. Over the years, he repeatedly argued his effectiveness, so he will receive a mini-branch where the machine with a similar gameplay will be at the level. We continue to work on this newcomer, so we will tell about it later.

Alternative twig pt- saau

We have long planned to bring this branch of PT-SAU in order. A simple change in the parameters of the machines did not give the expected result. We are well aware of the problem, and we found a new solution for it: the rebalance of the branches in the assault PT-SAU of the middle-near combat.


  • High speed forward / backward combined with medium maneuverability will allow these machines to quickly get to key positions and occupy them, as well as leave from under fire.
  • Good front armor is ideal for blocking the enemy shells, however, the armor of the sides and the lower head detail is quite thin.
  • The average one-time damage and long-lasting recharge will compensate for mobility and secureness.
  • Accuracy and time information is designed for effective battle with neighboring and medium distances and are not suitable for refrigerated from a long distance.
  • Not the most comfortable corners of the guns are caused by the features of the structure.

Rebalance branches in accordance with the specified concept required some structural changes. We started with the transfer of the "object 263" to the level below where he can prove himself thanks to his damage per minute and booking (after all, it remains the same, as at x level!). The next step is the choice of the appropriate machine for X levels, and this role came "Object 268 Option 4". It received good speed, armor and an extremely effective tool with a caliber of 152 mm and an average one-time dam in 650 units.

"Object 263" and "Object 268 Option 4" Demonstrated excellent results on internal tests. The cars are good "tank" damage and adequately showed themselves in the role of assault PT-SAU - fast, armored, with moderate one-time damage and not too high for PT-sau damage per minute.

You were against the movement of the "object 263" on the IX level, and we could not ignore it. Therefore, we left both cars for another iteration of closed internal testing. "Object 263" has not changed, but we have reduced one-time damage "Object 268 option 4" From 750 to 650 units, while retaining the previous value of the damage per minute to smooth the sharp change in one-time damage and the recharge rate between the machines VIII and X levels.

The latter (and probably the most difficult) task was the setting of machines on medium levels under the role of assault PT-SAU of the near and medium combat. Su-122-54 did not fit into this concept due to the traditional location of the cutting. Here we encountered a difficult choice: the car clearly did not fit for the branch in terms of the gameplay, however, was important from a historical point of view. We shifted it for one level below to see how she will show themselves there. Unfortunately, the car demonstrated low efficiency in blocking damage even on the VIII level and still did not fit into the concept of the gameplay branches. Therefore, we decided to withdraw the SU-122-54 of the game and make a branch completely from the machines with the rear arrangement of the tower.

The second iteration of the Superstesta strengthened our faith in the fact that the concept we chose for the branch will give this PT-Sau what they lacked. These must be armored quick cars with a good one-time dam, whose goal is to head a breakthrough and provide interesting game process. The latter assumption is based on Super Data. We want you to chew this hypothesis, determined whether any more changes are needed, and we will take the best solution together. Let's wait for the beginning of the overall update test 9.22 and find out how many cars of this branch are ready for battle!

During the common test version 9.22, which soon, we will follow your reviews and statistical data. We want to be sure that the changed cars show the game that we are waiting for them.

Sep 14, 2016 game guides

Tanks are the center of the World of Tanks Blitz. Understand the differences between tanks and know which tanks of which country are better suited to you - half of the victory in the game. In this guide, I will try to describe the Soviet branch of the development of tanks as in detail as much as possible, but it will not strike as extremes and will not paint the huge tables with numeric data for each tank. The purpose of this guide is to give you a submitting direction in which you would like to develop your Soviet tanks. Also in our blog you can find a common guide in all nations and deep guides for each of them..

If you have already familiarized yourself with the common guide on tanks of different nations, then this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or to repetition, you should familiarize yourself with it before we move directly to tanks.

Soviet tanks in general can be described as speed and powerful. Of course, they have their weaknesses - on the sides of their corps are usually not distinguished by special reliability, and the accuracy of the guns is not the highest - but they are compensated by serious advantages in speed, thick frontal armor and huge caliber guns. Of course, all tanks differ, but if you describe them in general, we can say that they all divide into two types - light and fast, which should drive, shoot, leave and shoot again until the enemy unfolds and heavy, which are capable of accepting One straight blow to the windshield armor and stay alive.

Now let's turn to a more detailed review of the USSR tanks.

Light tanks of the USSR

Lungstanks Soviet Union - Some of the fastest tanks in the game, which allows them to quickly celebrate opponents on the map and enter the flank to the slower tanks of other nations. In these tanks, it is difficult to effectively get into view of their corner armor, but if they get a high damage. The first tank of the Soviet branch is light MS-1, the fastest and light tank of the 1st level. It is able to improve the turret to the second level and install two second-level guns on it, one of which (caliber 23mm) has high rapidity, but reduced penetration and velocity, and another (caliber 45mm) slowly shoots, but has a high penetration and is able to destroy Other light tanks with 3-4 shots. These characteristics make the first tank of the Soviet branch, MS-1, one of the best tanks for beginners who want to try themselves as a scout and focusing on the speed of movement. In the future, the lightweight tanks of the USSR are divided into bits of the second rank of BT and T (BT-2 and T-26, respectively), then go to the third rank with BT-7 and T-46. BT-7 subsequently provides the possibility of developing a light tank of the fourth rank, A-20, from which the transition to the well-known tank of the middle-class T-34 is made. The T-46 allows you to go to the middle class before, having in followers of the T-28, the tank of the middle class of the fourth rank. As clearly from the text above, after the first light MS-1, the Tanks of the USSR are developing on two lines. The first line contains BT - fast tanks that are able to quickly accelerate and gain high speed, but possessing weak armor and causeing enemies little damage due to the small level of penetration in installed guns. The second line, t, is more focused on the battle and has increased patency and maneuverability to couple with a higher caliber weapon. The minus is the speed, inferior to BT, and all the same weak armor. BT branch develops longer to the middle class, but the first representative of this class on this branch is the famous T-34, which has good rates of damage and speed and, in the future, its improved version, T-34-85, capable of performing almost any role in battle . The branch T is capable of producing a mid-class tank is already on the fourth rank, but this tank, T-28 is inferior to a set of tanks of this rank due to weak armor and large size. In the future, this tank "evolves" in the KV-1, a powerful armored tank capable of using three completely different guns for any style of the game.

Medium tanks of the USSR

Middletanks of the USSR, according to many, are best tanks This class in the game. Why? First of all, due to their diversity and mobility when performing any task on the battlefield. The above T-34 and KV-1 indicate the further path of development of the average tanks of the USSR, up to the T-43 of the seventh rank - the branches of T and a kV, respectively represent faster and more armored tanks. The T-43 also connects the mobility of T-branches and armor of the KV branch, suffering in relation to the penetration of their guns. Tanks T-44 and T-54, following it, make focus on mobility, speed and decrease in size, while at the same time increasing the damage applied. From the T-54 of the tanks of the middle class of the Soviet branch again make a fork and on the tenth rank can be developed into an object 140 or T-62a. Object 140 is an experimental tank, which has tremendous speed and maneuverability and can apply tremendous damage, but suffering from weak armor and easily destroyed modules. T-62A - a tank with high accuracy, powerful turret armor and considerable speed, whose cannons have high penetration rates. His minuses are that his shot has a significant impact, and the armor of the corps is quite weak.

Heavy tanks of the USSR

Hard The Tanks of the USSR are also divided into two branches - KV and IP. SV branch departs from the middle T-28 tank and has a heavy front armor and weapons of high caliber, and the branch of the IP is distinguished by mobility and angular armor, allowing to keep the nearby battle quickly and decisively. The first tank of the branch of the KV, kV-1 is good because his armor is the same in all places - this allows you to make it almost impenetrable, placing an angle of 45 degrees to the opponent. Also on this tank can be installed tool with a caliber of 122mm, which will make it a powerful opponent even for the most "thick" tanks. But its minus is low speed, low maneuverability, low accuracy and low level view. If fast booth tanks work in your team, it will not be a problem - but if you are not marked with your enemy, then you will be much more difficult for a sharing on it. KV-1 In the future, it can be developed in the KV-1C, its lightweight and more mobile version, kV-2, the car to destroy the tanks of any strength, and the "thick" destructive T-150 tank. The difference between these three variants is very critical - the KV-1C and KV-2 have not the most durable armor, and the T-150 can stop almost any shots at proper positioning; KV-1C faster than two other models, and a kV-2 is able to shoot with a caliber of 152mm (!). In general, all these three models are distinguished by a high caliber of the guns, but at the same time they differ in a low recharge rate when shooting from high-caliber guns and only T-150 has sufficiently durable armor (losing the speed of speed). The BTAN-13 tank, "evolving" from the SV-1C tank - a rather durable tank with excellent maneuverability and speed. Outgoing from it, the IP is characterized by the same mobility, but it is capable of quickly shooting with powerful shells of a 122mm caliber, which makes it extremely dangerous in the near battle. Further models of IP, IP-3 and IP-8, continue development in this direction - high maneuverability and speed make them the most mobile tanks of their rank, and their powerful weapons break through armor of any opponents. The price is weak armor and low "health" tank. The final version of the development of this branch is the tenth rank of IP-7 tank. The IC-7 has high speeds and good armor turret, and at the same time the weapon of this tank is capable of punching thick armor. Low accuracy and a small speed will not allow this tank to deal with opponents from afar - but with the task of holding the enemy, he will cope with perfectly. RV line, meanwhile, develops on another way - the tanks of the KV-3 and KV-4, the following T-150, have powerful armor, but completely sacrifice speed. Their task is to hide the allies and distract the fire, since they are able to withstand the blows of almost any power with proper positioning. But it is necessary to understand that the speed and maneuverity of these tanks are very low - to escape in case of danger, it is most likely not to work out, so that the maximum maneuvers available to you upon the occurrence of the overwhelming power of the enemy, this is the positioning of your tank at such an angle to get less damage. The next tank of this line, ST-I, is distinguished by a powerful turret and a good side armor of the case, as well as high accuracy and caliber of the guns. It is faster than previous models, but not so much so much so that you can change the battle tactics based on speed - it is more likely to understand that such a tank is more designed for battles on the average distance due to the accuracy of firing. The final tank of this branch, IS-4 is the hardest and slow tank of the USSR. He can withstand damage almost from any side and often ricocheted shells from him - but it moves extremely slow. IS-4 - a tank fortress that serves as a shield with any other allies tanks and can apply the middle damage at the same time.


The first PT-SAU of the Soviet Union opens on the second rank, immediately after the MS-1 light tank - and this PT-SAU AT-1.On is small and very movable - and at the same time causes a very good opponent damage at high distances. The main problem is that he himself explodes after one good hit or pair is not the most accurate, so even light tanks (and perhaps especially light tanks due to their speed) will be a big problem for AT-1 at close distance. His descendant, SU-76, is actually a stronger copy of the AT-1, but with full improvement significantly exceeds its ancestor with the speed of fire. The next PT-SAU, SU-85B, is a perfect "sniper" - his powerful gun and very high mobility guarantees hitting any opponent, but almost complete absence of armor makes it as vulnerable as possible, especially to explosive projectiles. The further "evolution" of PT-SAU of the USSR is not particularly different from the designated - increasing the speed and penetration of shells, reduced the level of armor - up to the object 704, which unexpectedly loses the speed and accuracy of the guidance, but it acquires powerful armor. The tactics of the game for this PT-SAU is significantly changing - instead of constant maneuvers, it is necessary to choose the most protected position, turn to the enemy of the front armor and accurately aim. The next PT-SAU, the object 268, loses problems with mobility, but acquires vulnerable places on the frontal armor - which again makes it a moving "sniper", but at the same time able to withstand inaccurate shots along the edges and turret.


We looked at almost allnon-premium Tanks of the Soviet Union. Some models were considered in more detail due to their exclusivity and efficiency, other were missed, since they are improved versions of their predecessors. After reading this guide, you can fold a complete picture of the features of the USSR tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth it) to develop a branch of the development of this nation. I hope that these knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of the Tanks of the USSR and in the battle against them. Fight as a professional in World of Tanks Blitz!

Newbie World of Tanks, first opening a section of research in the hangar, will be lost in endless rows of tanks. He will have a reasonable question: "And where to start?". We will answer this question in this article.

What to download?

The World of Tanks presents about 450 serial and experimental machines eight nations. USSR, Germany, USA, France, England, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia. Soon, the collection will replenish the Machine of Sweden and Poland. The WOT temporary framework covers the period from the 20s to the end of the 60s of the twentieth century. The whole technique is divided into 5 classes: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled (PT-SAU) and artillery (SAU). All of them are divided into 10 levels.

They rank combat vehicles according to the strength that, with rare exception, corresponds to the time period, when one or another machine was in service or project in development. It is not difficult to guess, dividing into classes and levels build the "branches" of development, where the cherry on the cake is "top" - a tank level 10. The top three of the first nations, which appeared in the game of the USSR and Germany from the release of the USSR and the US will be a little later. On three, these are more than 20 tops, the rest are content with less branches.

In World of Tanks each machine has its own style game. Conditionally, they can be divided into: tanks with armor and "cardboard" tanks without armor; Small and "sarey"; Quick and slow; accurate and oblique; rapid and large alfactors (damage per shot). Also, tanks can have a traditional recharge and, so-called drum charge, thanks to which you can shoot several shells in a short time, but pay for it for a long reloading.

Tanks with different style styles are presented by different player's skill requirements. So, slow tanks with armor forgive the mistakes of their tankers, but a quick light tank or a cardboard middle tank painfully punishes for an inaccier game. To understand what tanks should not be explored ahead of time, let us try to divide all the technique in the game for the relevant categories of classes. And let's start with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

If you came to World of Tanks to dominate the battlefield and put everything with your steel tracks, then heavy tanks are your choice. They combine strong armor, powerful guns and are able to urged directions, "tank" damage until less armored slices come from the flank and rear. But everything is not so simple. Wot exists a TT, which are little suitable as described above.

For example, French AMX 50 100 and AMX 50B will give odds to many rapid tanks on dynamics and do not have armor. But they have a gun with a drum on 6 and 4 shell, respectively. This is the choice of experienced players, they can show impressive results on these machines. While the newcomer, who opened AMX 50 100, can be disappointed, playing several unsuccessful fights. And the thing is that in the head of an inexperienced player sits a thought: "Egogei, I have a fast tank, you have to go on the wrong hill in the center and take it!". This usually leads to sad consequences.

Another good example of the branch is not for beginners - British top TT FV215B. The path to it is a crimson and a thorny - from 5 to 7 levels will have to roll almost the same Churchill with different guns and booking. At the 8th level, there is a crying, on the background of classmates, Caernarvon (do not break the language!) C mediocre armor, dynamics and damage in 230 units per shot. And what receives a player who has opened a British TT level 10? And he gets the most comfortable gun among heavy classmates, a good tower armor and a podco-shaped layout that imposes its difficulty on the game. Add to this NLD 76 mm and two huge tanks immediately behind the armor, which leads to fires two or three times for the fight. Then you will understand why this tank does not like newcomers. But, players with experience, despite all the cons of the machine, uses it in clan battles on a global map and are very pleased.

The ideal option for mastering class TT is the Soviet and German branch of the IP-7 and E 100. IS-7 - the legend of the world of tanks, the desired dream of any tanker. It has an impenetrable tower, good armor, 130 mm cannon and famous Soviet "Vertukhan" (the ability to fall on the go and without information). E 100 is 130 tons of gloomy German genius. It has good armor and damage 750 units. If not in a clean field, it is capable of living long and reflect the hail of shells that fly in his direction. On the way to both cars, you are waiting for a pleasant game on such iconic tanks as the KV-1, IP, IP-3, T-10, Tiger, Tiger 2 and E 75.

Middle tanks

ST - Universal class in WOT. Favorite class of good players. They can apply damage, churn projectiles, reconnafer and highlight, carry out raids on the reasons, return and confuse the base of the base, and some know how to immediately. Bright representatives are the three twin brothers from the Soviet Development tree - T-62a, the object 140 and the object 430. An inexperienced player will not see the difference in TTH of these machines, although there is a difference there. T-62a impeded tower and better stabilization of guns, from about. 140 A little better than OVN (vertical vertical angles) and movement dynamics. About. 430 has a higher damage per minute. Open the first T-62a follows, then by. 140.

German E 50 AUSF. M and Chinese 121 Good machines with armor and powerful guns. They can be pumped and instead of Soviet tanks, but E 50 is not an easy branch, and he himself is very big, and they love to shoot SAU. Chinese 121 are good, except for UVN: and you can shoot only in heaven. The gun down leans just a couple of degrees.

Many pay attention to the French station Bat. - Chatillon 25 t. He rightfully be the title of one of the best tanks. Speed, drum on 5 shells, universal love. But you should not hurry, because "Batchants" is very demanding for the ability to play a combat machine. Inexperienced players, opening "Batchants", fights endlessly, which often causes a storm of curses from the allies. "Fast Tank Syndrome" in action. The branch to it consists of 8 levels of the entire light tanks, which will talk below, which does not contribute to comfortable pumping. In general, we advise not to take in France until you learn to play on the class of medium tanks. A similar situation with "Czech" TVP T 50/51.

The leopard 1, AMX 30 B, STB-1, M48A1 and Centurion Action X are obvious to pumping, first of all include. In the first three there are no armor, and the American with the British has also impressive sizes. All tanks, except M48A1, have complicated branches of pumping. These cars are better postponing until you have the experience of the game.

Light tanks

Rightfully is the most complex class of tanks in the game. In the "sand" most lung tanks, and therefore play fun and without problems. But, starting from 5 levels, they are imposed on the important role of the team's eye. Not all newcomers understand this and merge into "Rasha in the center", depriving their team "Light". It should be proceeding to pumping high-level LTs only when enough fights will be played and an understanding of the various playing mechanics of the world of tanks will come.


Anti-tank self-propelled - snipers in the world of tanks. At high levels, they possess the best guns among other classes of technology. You can select two subspecies: glass guns and assault sau.

Glass cannons are combat vehicles with accurate punching guns placed on the chassis whose armor will protect except from rain and wind. Typical representatives - Vaffentrager branch with RHM.-BORSIG WAFFENTRAGER, he is borsch, and Grille 15. This type of PT is assumed to mask and their painful guns.

Assault Fri besides powerful guns, they also have good armor, but they pay for this slowness and lack of tower. Jagdpanzer E 100 and T110E3 can make decent competition on advanced heavy tanks. But the players do not like to climb on them forward, preferring to stand in a nearby chiston with glass guns.

In general, any PT-SAU branch is friendly to beginners. The gameplay is simple and clear - stand in the bushes, shoot the tanks. In addition, maybe Grille 15 due to lack of armor, there are no particularly difficult branches, so you can download any of them. Moreover, there are many pleasant cars on low and medium-sized levels, which want to leave in the hangar, such as T67, M18 Hellcat, Su-100, ISU-152.


How many broken copies around the question of the need to artheau in battles. And while Vargeiming thinks what to do with it on his test servers, we will try to understand whether the newcomer should begin with the "art" and what branch to explore the first.

If you look impartially, you can understand why art is so popular with players. It allows you to apply damage unpunished, not departing away from the base. With successful hit, you can kill the enemy for one shot. No strong voltage and concentration is required. On the other hand, after several nerves, the game on the art has become very uncomfortable. Long recharging, long reduction, huge scatter. The gameplay on the SAU reminds Roulette: you can not get all the battle on the standing enemy and then send to the Angar of Art or Lt, which rushes at full speed, without taking the goal at all.

As a familiarization with the class, to play SAU will not be superfluous, but it is extremely recommended to swing any of the branches to the end. First, in addition to top sau, passing machines, with rare exceptions, very uncomfortable. Secondly, the pumping slow, experience needs to earn a lot, and it does not have it stably. Thirdly, after the art level 10 was investigated, sit down and learn to play normal tanks very hard.

So why start?

What branch to open the first entirely and completely - depends on the player. Someone from the sense of patriotism begins with the Tanks of the USSR. Someone, being Yarym Nemetforil, opens Maus and E-100. In this article we gave only general information About the development branches that are severe in mastering for beginners and do not forgive mistakes. Carefully approach the selection of the first branch. You may choose your favorite tank on which you will carry horror and sow destruction in the enemy's mill.


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