Pharmaceutical tanks in the game World of Tanks. Best Premium Tank in WOT

Pharmaceutical tanks in the game World of Tanks. Best Premium Tank in WOT

So, you decided to invest the money and buy a tank at WORLD OF TANKS. The choice of tanks in the premium store is not so small, therefore, when you first buy a question - what prem tank is better to buy?

Best Panma Tank Prem

To begin with, it is worth decreasing for what purposes you need a car. Farm or bend? I think about the farm at Prem Tanks you have already heard enough words. If you take a tank purely for PharmaAt the moment it is M4A1 Revalorise, Skorpion G, Lowe and T34. Farming on these prem tanks will be easiest. Of course, you tell me that it is possible to farm on almost any prema. Yes it is. But it is these tanks that will be more profitable for newcomers. An experienced player can farmarize almost on any tank (if you have a pack of Akka).

Best Tank Tank for Nagiba

Still we wanted to talk to the account nagiba in WOT.. What kind of machine will be the easiest to break the enemies, take colobanov and dear? Here opinions diverge, but I will share with you my personal opinion, which, of course, you can challenge in the comments. I present to you the top 3 prem tanks for Nagiba in WOT.

At the moment, the best prem tanks are considered:

  1. Skorpion G.
  2. IP 6 and WZ-111
  3. M4A1 Revalorise.

But these tanks were good before

  • 3rd place. Super Pershing and FCM 50T. Tanks are completely different on the concept, but in terms of Nagiba is not very. Here the experienced players will not agree, the FCM flexs, Ololo. But our guide is designed for newbies, if you are an experienced player, then what are you here, sorry, forgot? FTCM 50T too cardboard and newcomer will be too difficult to cope with it. As for the super friend, the tank is not very bad. If FTCM is TT, which performs the role of Art, then with the situation, the situation is the opposite, it is an art that works very well with the role of TT - exhausting damage. By the way, we have an interesting article - like a tank board. We recommend familiarizing yourself, although it has a little relationship to a super friend, he has "not very." In general, both tanks have a normal speed and accuracy. The guns are comfortable.
  • 2nd place. Lowe and T34. Good tanks are well suited for Pharma. However, it is not particularly watching tens. They throw them to 10 levels, in contrast to the previous two. Yes, and armor is not ahti, which interferes with survival. Of course, T34 is very difficult to make the tower, but it is necessary to play and find suitable places, which is difficult for a beginner. + Naturally frequent game with dozens will beat the desire to "bend" on these tanks.
  • 1st place. IS-6. Yes, many will not agree with me. But, I, having passed the difficult path from the novice to a less successful player with a blue static and a good percentage of victories I can say that this tank is better than the rest in terms of the Nagiba. It is only worth it to feel, although it concerns any tank. It seems it seems to be not dragging, but then, killing 100-300 batters, peak begins. And the tank like not bad, and the victories went, and the game like. So here. If you correctly substitute your IP 6 to the enemy, then you can even the nines in some cases. You can not worry about dozens, the tank has a chopped level of battle. You will only throw in the top and ninth levels, if you are certainly not in a platoon with some tank without a chopped level of battle. Yes, this prema is a bad break, but ... if you play for full gold with advantage of the account, then you can go calmly, and often even + 10-30k silver. In straight hands can be more. Regarding accuracy? The tank is not very accurate, but its concept does not imply it. The tank is great for urban conditions and Divinely tankers.
  • Bonus-place. E-25. If you are lucky and you have time to grab flea, you can be flexing on it infinitely. Great prem in the plan of the Nagiba, as well as normally Farmit. There is one problem, sometimes there will not be enough shells, so it is worth watching it carefully. By installing the mask network and pipes, you can make the reception of the rat cheater from the bushes. It is also excellent prem Tank for Nagiba, like the IS-6, but the concept of tanks is different and, unfortunately, the E-25 brought their sales. But, here the situation is slightly different from Type-59, most likely, it will still be put on sale several times during stocks, according to the type WG league.

Conclusion. The selection of the tank is left for you.

How not to twist, but choose you. The final decision, what exactly to take from the tanks behind you. Perhaps this guide in something will help you make a choice of the best prema. We recommend to read other interesting articles from the site -

2 years and 10 months ago Comments: 30

The need for gaming loans is the so-called "silver" - wORLD players Of Tanks felt literally from the first of their fights. If the purchase and operation of the initial levels of the initial levels is relatively cheap, then the fourth level car, not to mention the older, has to save. In addition, you need additional equipment, consumables, premium shells ... and where to take so necessary silver?

Of course you can buy a premium account and a couple premium tanks 8 level with an increased profitability ratio. It will greatly facilitate silver earnings, but will fly into a penny - the prices in the game from wargaming is completely notable. There is a second way - to earn silver, that is, "", on the pumped tanks.

Farm. - This is a game to earn the game currency, that is, loans. It means you need to choose a tank that will be as much as much as possible to be more and less spent (repair, shells, consumables, etc.). Of course, there are no special tanks, each Farmite is almost the same, but you need to decide on your favorite type of technology. Some love to play TT, others on Fri, and someone on the station, etc ...

The WOT economy is constructed in such a way that the easiest way to do it on cars of the 5th and 6th levels. It is on them that the highest averages of the profitability of battles, unless, of course, do not use the GOLIDAY ammunition and consumables. Purely on subjective sensations, farm silver on the 5th level machines are still slightly lighter than on the tanks of the 6th. But after all, the combat vehicles of the 5th level in the game dozens, straight eyes scatter! Choose five of the best tanksThe most suitable for silver earnings without additional financial investments.

1. O-I Experimental (Japan, Heavy Tank)

The first number on our list goes Japanese heavy tank 5th o-I level Experimental. Why he is he? Everything is quite simple. Over the last month, the average percentage of victories on it amounted to 51,03% What is the best indicator (!) Among the pumpable technology of the 5th level. More victories - more silver, dependence is extremely simple.

It is worth noting that the O-I Experimental is really good. Yes, in the patch 0.9.15 it is ponerphyl, increasing the time of aiming and recharging guns, but it does not prevent him stay one of the most terrible machines at the level. The armor of the tank is weak, the hull and the tower is only 75 mm in the strongest places, but the Japanese is not protected. His strongest place is a top 6 level tool 10 cm Cannon Type 14, outstanding 300 units damage at armor armor armor shell in 130 mm. At the same time, the tank is also very good for this class of mobility.

O-I Experimental goes well, easily punches 5-6 levels and is endowed with an excellent margin of strength of 700 units. All together, it allows you to keep good indicators of the average damage, and therefore, farm, farm and still farm. The O-I feels gorgeous in the top, but it does not lose both in the bottom of the list, getting a huge plush at 300 units of damage does not even smile in the most "thick" tanks of the 7th level. Well, most classmates are sent at all to the hangar after two hits of the top gun O - I. In general, an excellent tank and for the game, and for the earnings of silver.

2. KV-1C (USSR, heavy tank)

Once hot-friendly "kvass" has already been keen from a heavy tank of the sixth level into the fifth, seriously changing its play characteristics. But the KV-1C was not lost here, according to the average percentage of victories, he was located almost at once for O-I Experimental - 50,53% Over the past four weeks.

KV-1C has very balanced booking, stroke and weapons. In the top of the list, it is capable of repeating the shells not bad, and the top 85 MM C-31 layer breaks through 119 mm armor-piercing projectiles during damage in 160 units and recharge speeds in just 5 seconds without taking into account additional equipment. So with the car everything is very good.

Very similar to KV-1C and KV-1, which is a real gaming classic. KV-1 is also a full-worthy candidate for Pharma. True, he has a little worse, reduced, but a little better reservation.

In general, both on the KV-1C, and on the KV-1 to play, damage damage and get game loans nice, the choice between these martial cars is extremely a matter of taste.

3. T67 (USA, PT SAU)

Perhaps, T67 - one of the strangest PT SAU of the 5th level and certainly one of the most fan in the game. Very fast and inconspicuous, it has a rotating tower, which is distinguished from most anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations in the game.


She has no armor, but she is not needed. The main advantages of this car - speed, imperiency and dying dpm. The joke is whether the base number of damage per minute in T67 is 2156 units, and if adding appropriate equipment and peppers, it reaches very fantastic heights. Damage is only 115 units per shot with more than compensated for at rainfare and armrancy in 128 millimeters.

T67 almost never suffers. At the top of the list, this machine with competent use is capable of solving the outcomes of battles, downstairs - to create a lot of problems with even powerful tanks of the 7th level. Indeed, WOT is very few cars that you can find decent use in any battle, T67 - just one of them. And the more victories and damage, the more silver falls into the wallets of the players.

4. T-34 (USSR, Middle Tank)

The legendary "thirty highway" was probably every player who came to World of Tanks world. Still, everyone wanted to play the famous car, so famously fought in World War II.

But T-34 is not only a symbol, but also excellent tank for silver pharmacies. Possessing good rates and good armor for its class, the "thirty highup" is endowed with a completely crazy gun.


The 57 mm Caliber 67 mm cannon gives 26.09 shots per minute without taking into account additional equipment and perks. And that's 2218 units Roven per minute! IS7 can be cut if it, of course, will fall on the way of this monster. Bronophost is 112 mm armor-piercing projectile and 189 mm pylvanic. So for T-34 there are no impenetrable goals, for most there are enough armor-piercing shells, but if you can easily shoot heavy tanks of the 6th and 7th level in the forehead.

In fact, the ZIS-4 is an endless drum that shoots every two seconds and knocking out of the opponent for 85 points of damage. A little, but no longer need. In general, T-34 goes well, something knocks off and cancels it, which allows you to seriously influence the course of battle and stably farm so necessary silver.

5. AMX ELC BIS (France, Light Tank)

The class of light tanks do not like everything, as it is rather difficult in mastering. But AMX ELC BIS, in the commoner "Christmas tree," hundreds of thousands of players have long fallen in love.

It has light tank The speed, like the "Formula 1" car, a very low silhouette, seriously make it difficult to enter it, and to top it all the wonderful top gun D. 915, which gives the whole 240 points Damage at breakthrough with an armor-piercing projectile in 170 mm, and podcastberry - 248 mm.

Maximum speed B. 65 km / hwhich "Christmas tree" is absorbed quite easily, allows you to play. Everything else, she also has excellent disguise. AMX ELC, who stood up in a bush and stretched the masking network, can be seen except to the focus, while the allies will apply damage to it light and thereby help the player to earn silver.

If it allows the game situation, it is possible to shoot, because 240 units of medium damage - the indicator of many tanks of the 8th level with which the "Christmas tree", by the way, will often reset.
"Christmas tree" rides, shines, shoots and, as a result, Farmith. True, you need to play on it very carefully nor armor, no strength points here. But in the hands of skillful players AMX ELC, it allows you to create real wonders that are generously rewarded with gaming silver.

Of course, it is consistently published "in a plus" you can almost on all combat vehicles of the 5th level, but the farm on the above tanks will be not only effective, but also pleasant. Less suffering - more silver and fan!

Is it possible to farm on LT or art?

As for the remaining types of tanks (LT and Art), it is hard to identify the best. Some tanks are better, some worse, besides on arts and LT, it is difficult to farmly farm, because Thanks to the light, few loans give, and on art it is hard to launch. Of course, the above five for you may be different, it all depends on your style game. But remember when choosing your best Farmer, always count on a high damage, as well as on damage with your help (on the light, coming down Gulsi).

That's all, good luck on the battlefields.

16.3.2017 14086 views

In this article, the question will be considered in detail what kind of tank is better for silver pharmacy and what it is best Panma Tank Prem.

Almost any Word of Tanks player sooner or later faces a deficit inside the game currency named "silver". And if, playing at levels to the sixth inclusive, this deficit is practically implanted, then starting from the seventh level and above, the question of the pharmaceutical of silver becomes relevant.

Word of Tanks offers two available solutions - this is a purchase of a premium account for a certain period or purchase of a tank prem, which you will remain on permanent basis.

What prem tank is better for Pharma

Before you purchase such the desired best tank for Pharmaceutical and rejoice in the amount of silver earned, you need to figure out what kind of tank is better for silver pharmacy and why it is called Prem.
Prem Tank is a car purchased for "gold" inside the client of the game, in the study tab or on the portal in the premium store for real money.
Prem tanks are separated from levels, starting with the second and ending with the eighth level, as well as divided by classes, such as: heavy, medium, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled and artillery (prem artillery is limited to the fifth level). Over the eighth level of the prem of the machine, bringing the increased income of silver, at the moment in the game are not presented.

For what is accrued silver

The main criterion for obtaining silver is the damage and the amount of damage applied according to your light. Therefore, when answering the question, what a tank is better to buy for a farm of loans, you should repel from the two parameters. Since the number of potentially applied damage grows with the level of the machine, this means that the most incomes will be the tanks of the eighth level. Next will be considered the machines of only the eighth level.

What prem tank is better to buy for Pharma

Relying on the foregoing, you can make a rating of the premises of the eighth level by the number of damage done for one shot:

1. Rheinmetall Skorpion G.

German PT Sau - at the moment, perhaps the best tank of the Tank for Pharma of Silver, its alpha in 490 units with a punching projectile in 246 mm allows you to pierce your classmates simply in the silhouette, and with an accuracy of 0,3, you can fill vulnerable points of well armored machines. And if it is necessary to break through the superheavy machines of the E 100 type, there are gold shells with a break of 311 units. This tank will suit the players who love to play from the second line, since he does not have armor, it suffers very much from the fugasic guns and artillery.

2. Object 252 at the defender

This is a novelty Ot wargaming companies With the best alpha indicator among the heavy prem of the tanks of the eighth level. Punching with a basic projectile is 225 mm, which allows him to pierce most of classmates without any problems, but accuracy in 0.44 says that this car is exceptionally melee. The low parties include a small radius of a review of 350 meters, which is the lowest level at the level. Suitable lovers to play the first line.

3. American t 34.

This machine is famous for its excellent instrument with a one-time damage of 400 units and a 248 mm breakdown, which, with accuracy in 0.35, almost eliminates the use of gold shells, even during the battle at the bottom of the list with tenth levels. It is also famous for its strong tower capable of repeating the shells of the gun level 10. The body of the machine is weak, so on flat maps this car suffers greatly. Suitable players who love the style of the game from the tower.

4. M4A1 Revalorise.

The French medium tank, the only advantage of which is an instrument. 390 units are applied per shot, the breakdown is 200 mm, and accuracy 0.35. These parameters allow you to play from the middle distance and focusing the vulnerable opponent zones.

5. Heavy German Tank Lowe

Alpha 320 with a punching of 234 mm and accuracy of 0.33 make it possible to damage with almost all enemies with confidence, and the excellent booking of the forehead car in aggregate with good angle of tilt tools, allow yourself to feel great in the near and distant battle on any cards of the game.

6. 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

A separate line in this list of premium cars can be put 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger - this machine does not differ in a high one-time dam, which is equal to 240, and the breakage is 203 mm. But the excellent accuracy of 0.31 and phenomenal speedflow in 11 shots per minute, turns this machine in a formidable opponent, which is capable of one to one to shoot almost any opponent.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that best Tank Prem for Silver Pharmaceutical There will be that tank in which you will be good to get damage, which means that if you like heavy cars, then there is no point in buying a PT Sau, where you will die with a minimal damn damage.

Newbies are difficult to earn silver. But the tanks level 10 are standing (just to think!) 6 million! Receiving for a victorious battle about 5k silver to accumulate on such a car in here the blitz will be very difficult. Good news: not all the equipment is equally unprofitable. On some pumpable tanks, it is not bad to earn quite well with 40% statistics, low FPS, without premium account and loan boosters!

Any statist knows what this fierce kid is capable of. Despite the cardboard case with almost no armor, Leo is able to take rickests from time to time even from heavy tanks of the enemy. Speed \u200b\u200bnear 60 km / h and turn up to 70 degrees per second make it one of the most maneuverable tanks in the game. The main instrument is a punching machine gun for 4 queues, which easily breaks the modules by enemy technique and it is often setting it on.


  • In the presence of direct hands, the tank statistics will be 75% +
  • Good (and not boring) Farmith silver, if you shoot a lot of damage
  • Speed, maneuverability, high review
  • Publishing machine gun - damage to modules, fire, almost every turn
  • One of the best tanks for lifting statics


  • Not the most effective on touch devices with a small screen
  • Difficult for beginner gameplay
  • Cardboard armor

PZ. IV (average tank V rank, Germany)

PZ. IV or "Pazik", as its players nicknamed - a powerful tank for earning silver and raising statistics. This station shoots from the gun with a damage of 300-400 when recharging about 7 seconds, Karl! Of course, the scatter is big, it is left to desire to desire the best, but on medium and close distances "Pazik" for 20-30 seconds disassembles any LT of its level. Many are trying to sit on it in the bushes, targeting the enemies on the other end of the card - this is a mistake. PZ. IV - tank for active rush and melee.


  • Brings tons of silver
  • Shots tons of damage
  • The rapid fugas disassembles LT and ST in seconds
  • Good tank for active attack in straight hands
  • Easy and fun raises statistics


  • Weak armor - game "On the hands"
  • For the beginner is composed in mastering, ineffective with incorrect tactics

PZ. III / IV (average tank V rank, Germany)

PZ. III / IV has already been mentioned in our. It possesses one of the best (if not the best) pharmacy coefficient in Wot Blitz and is able to bring to 35-40 thousand silver for the fight even without premium account. Of course, for this you will have to shoot quite a lot of damage, but for a skilled player it will not be a problem. The "Pazika" 3 on 4 excellent punching gun with an average damage 160, beautiful armor, which often catches ricoes, and speed almost like a leopard. Like previous cars, the tank is perfect for lifting the statta, and in straight hands and is able to work wonders!


  • The best pharmacy coefficient among pumped tanks
  • Good DPM, Middle Damage ~ 160, Recharge 6-7 sec.
  • High mobility and maneuverability
  • Excellent for STR, which often catches ricoes


  • In the hands of a 40% "statist" to bend hardly
  • Typical for St Games from Shelter
  • Sophisticated for beginner

Do you know more efficient pharmacles tanks in this blitz? Share them in the comments 😉

In this article we will look at 10 most profitable machines for silver farm in World of Tanks. After all, in WOT, each technique brings a different amount of silver and experience, some tanks have a repair much more than others. For those who have a premium, it is possible not a significant difference, but for those who have an ordinary account is very noticeable. Sometimes, to play for your favorite 10-TKA, you have to earn money on 5-ke ...

Do not forget for good farm It is advisable to choose that technique where you can play, you know all the subtleties and often win. If such a car is in the list - wonderful! We advise you to install all the necessary modules to it, pump the crew to the maximum - then you will receive not only silver, but also a bonus in the form of a pleasant game on the pumped tank! Playing on this technique, you can raise your efficiency and the percentage of victories in World of Tanks - improve statistics. And if you play a platoon on the same type, this will happen much faster.

10 most pharmaceutical tanks:

1. Pzkpfwiii.
This tank is good because in its fourth level it has pretty good review To detect the enemy, as well as the caliber of the gun (75 mm) makes it possible to often pierce and destroy the enemy. PZKPFWIII is welcomed in rhott battles if you like the battles of such a plan - this is a great option for you!

2. Grille
Art 5 level takes the second position, it is also in demand in the company. Its rival is SU5, which has too little supply of shells.

3. Su26.
This artillery throws the maximum of 5 level tanks, and due to high rapidity and accuracy due to the rotating tower, causing a good damage, art brings good profits.

4. KV2.
The tank was nicknamed by a shauyan because of 152 mm gun, which can be written from one breakdown. With an instrument, the caliber of which is 107 mm, damage is not so big, but it has a more breakage, and recharge faster.

5. Su85
This PT has a 107 mm tool that has good piercing and causes good damage. Su85 Farmite on average 5000 silver thanks to cheap equipment and repair.

6. Stugiii.
Stugiii is another German tank Farmer. PT-SAU which has a similarity with Su85 by farm. The instrument of this tank has high accuracy and fast recharge.

7. K3.
This level 6 level exceeds even M6 and ARL 44. Q3 best heavy tank among the sixth levels! Playing in the rhott battles will well go to the gun 122 mm caliber. Since one projectile costs about a thousand, then the profit naturally depends on the hits. Therefore, for random fights, it is better to install 100 mm or 107 mm tools.

8. Su8.
There are no distinctive features, but on this art can be farm at higher levels.

9. T-34-85
This tank with top modules brings a good profit and is very good in rotary battles, thanks to 100 mm tools that can break the tanks up to 9 lvl.

10. A-20
Many will think, and why not T-50, why this is this tank? Because the A-20 exceeds the T-50, because T-50 is only a fireless, which is no longer highlighted, and the A-20 is well fountaining silver, but only with the right game. It is because of this that he stands on 10th place.

This information on tanks is subjective. Indeed, in different hands, the same tank can win, bringing a bunch of silver and experience, or to lose in the first minute, either by making a single shot. If you know good tank For silver pharmacy, you can bring a couple of examples from successful fighting - write in the comments!
If you are still newcomer, do not know how and what you need to do we advise you to read the article - how to become excellent players in World of Tanks. Rooms will help you get acquainted with the intricacies of the game faster.


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