What is better to pump a Tank PT Sau. What branch of PT-SAU is the best in World of Tanks? German PT Saau WORD OF TANK

What is better to pump a Tank PT Sau. What branch of PT-SAU is the best in World of Tanks? German PT Saau WORD OF TANK

To sixth level soviet PT-SAU represented by weakly converted machines with good disguise and good weapons. Starting from the 6th level, they are divided into two branches: one is distinguished by secondary booking and powerful, but inaccurate tools, the second - excellent mobility, accurate and rapid guns with a relatively small damage per shot, but weak strength and thin armor (with the exception of the object 263) .


The tank about which makes legends. Having in the garage of Fri 9lvl, I hold it in the hangar and regularly lubricate the hussley before going into battle. This PT has a top and largest gun for the second level. 76 mm Cannon on such a baby kills classmates from one shot, and a 37 mm gun beats through polics of the driver of an enemy tank between the eyes.


Low silhouette, good review And the exact gun with T-34 allows you to perfectly play the role of an appeal sniper. However, low damage for a shot, a small supply of HP and a reservation that does not always hold even the shots of auto beds leave the self-propelled side in all situations with the exchange of HP, which is why the car is extremely uncomfortable feeling in urban battles. Exit - Avoid fighting in the near distance without support as long as possible and occupy positions in the opponent.


All the same Su-76, but with a powerful top gun from the T-34-85, with good rapidness and a big damage for the shot - classmates die from 2-3 shots. The instrument had to pay an angle of elevation of the gun - it is noticeably felt on the maps of the El Hallouf type. After improving accuracy and changes in the disguise in the patch 0.8.6 Great for fan: the car with 100% camouflage and the network is not always noticed even after a shot in a clean field at 250 m. The shortcomings are all the same - weak armor and low stock HP are forced to avoid Contact battles with litter.

Su-85 and Su-100

It is already becoming serious here, players are no longer newcomers, it's time to apply rules from the Tanker Textbook. Su-85 good technique, but Su-100 one more legend. In its level group, this bribe is very dangerous. From myself I want to add that it makes no sense to put 122 mm gun, 100 mm gun due to its rapidity causes more damage, you can calculate. However, of course, much depends on the style of the game.


If before that you did not play on the Su-100 with a 122 mm gun, then you will have to study the excerpt when some parts of the tanker in the crotch become steel. The release time of the stock gun is simply terrible, and armor-piercing shells are weakly pierced with high-level heavy weights with whom you have to fight. Personally, I charged the full ammunition of Fugasov, and I had a very good effectiveness, which I advise you.


It has excellent dynamics and a very accurate gun. Also, thanks to the dynamics, you can twist the vehicle type and heavier. But low strength and weak armor does not give the opportunity to enhance one-level in duel. Best of all, this PT is suitable for ambushes and shooting due to bushes, as well as attacks of abstract opponents, because low visibility contributes to this.


At the beginning I suffer, but at the end we get the gun Bl-10, and the bonus is the desire for all the heavyness to kill you first. The top gun is probably the worst weapon in the game (after the gun Jagdpanzer E 100 17 CM Pak 46 and after the art of course), the top American 155 mm cannon has a smaller armor and less rapidity, although a little more damage. Previous battles will already prepare you for a skillful appeal with this tool. And I highly recommend pumping BL-10 on the ISU, because only losers go to the next level with the stock gun.


A good review, mobility and gun from T-54 turn this self-propeller into excellent support. The main trump card is an ardent tactic, but also the support of allies in the attack in some cases makes sense. The main thing is to remember any booking of this car, and its terrifying speed will make everything else for its level.

Object 704.

We get an armored forehead at a good angle and a reserve of life as a heavy 8lvl, which for the first time in the entire history of pumping Soviet PT gives us the opportunity to go to the attack. Low silhouette allows you to successfully fight in ambushes, however, low accuracy will not allow you to conduct a successful shooting on the supervalted distance.


There is still no armor, so you have to be extremely careful. The M62-C2 gun with improved accuracy than the usual M62-T2, on the chassis T-54 shows well, but in general the car in the image of action differs from the previous one. To climb on the rags, at least alone, is still dangerous. This is a support and long-range tank.

Object 268.

By reservation and disguise, this PT is inferior to the predecessor, however, significantly improved accuracy and better dynamics fill these disadvantages. Plus a fairly powerful gun and a good booking of the top of the cutting sometimes allow you to twist this PT from the most difficult situations.

Object 263.

But this is a serious car. Amazing booking of the forehead, which is far from always can take even classmates, not a very high silhouette, cool gun with a big damage per minute and high accuracy, excellent dynamics, maneuverability and maximum speed provide unprecedented holidays for PT-SAU of the USSR Features: hiding the lower armorist can Although alone hold narrow passages. You can maintain average tanks in the attack, the benefit of 550 units of the average damage will be a decisive argument in the fight against enemy medium tanks (not only to do it under art). You can maintain heavy tanks. Finally, you can participate in the storming of urban positions as part of a mixed group of tanks, or to play the classic for Fri an ambiguous role. However, disadvantages are also affected: the presence of many small vulnerable places in the frontal armor, low one-time damage can in a number of situations turn against this PT-SAU, a long housing and open cabings have a high chance to catch direct hit from artillery, and small angles of horizontal tip are complicated by shooting Because of the corners and on perpendicular to moving purposes.

Anti-tank installations in World of Tanks are the most dangerous machines due to their ominous punching guns. But not every PT is able to quickly change the flank or felt behind the allies. In our guide, we listed the best anti-tank settings of the level of the level of the level of the 10th, which can how to stop the enemy's assault, and support allies.

Anti-tank installations are highlighted with firepower and good armored armor. In most cases, these are huge Mahina, having a strong frontal armor, which have little mobility and weak dynamics, with the exception of the German Fri branch to Grille 15 and the Top British FV 4005.

Object 268 Option 4 (USSR)

Object 268 Option 4 - This is a kind of heavy tank Without a tower that can play from armor. On city maps, this PT feels like a fish in the water.

An object 268/4 is not a sniper, but a breakthrough tank. We have a strong armor, good speed and excellent armor tools.

If you choose which PT to download first of all, I would advise to stop at the facility 268/4. This is one of the strongest machines in the game while it is not ponerphyl.

Pros: Good speed and disguise, excellent frontal armor, good horizontal flood angles, Basic projectile armoredness 293 mm.

Minuses: Large scatter (0.42) 100 meters, low one-time damage 650 among top 10 levels, bad arc angles, low rotation speed of the machine.

What would advise to put:

  • Resselon
  • Improved ventilation
  • Enlightened optics

GRILLE 15 (Germany)

The Branch of PT-SAU of Germany, the top tank of which is Grille 15, is one of the most comfortable for passive game. "Borsch" at the 8th level and the "grill" on the 10th delivered one solid pleasure. I do not argue, Grille 15 after the exit was better. After all, then it cut down many parameters - in particular, the angles of the vertical tip, the speed of the shell of the projectile and the reverse speed.

She has no armor. Very sad reverse speed. But at the same time, PT has an excellent gun.

Grille 15 is not able to reveal its potential on urban maps, but perfectly feels in open locations. This is a sniper with a very accurate and dangerous tool.

The longer we do not see, the better.

Pros: The presence of the tower, excellent accuracy, good disguise and damage in the min., Fast reduction of guns, good maximum speed.

Minuses: disgusting dynamics and a small reverse speed, the lack of at least some armor.

What would advise to put:

  • Resselon
  • Stereoscopic telescope
  • Masking Network

FV4005 Stage II (United Kingdom)

Patches 9.20.1 FV4005 Stage II was very bad and clumsy car. But after a patch of 9.20.1, she added speakers, improved weapons and increased the number of shells, and the technique began to play with other paints.

After the shot, we will definitely light up if the enemy is at least 400 meters away from us. Try not to glow at the beginning of the battle and be for allied tanks.

With all his minuses FV4005 - one of the most fan PTs in the game. Give on 1000+ damage with one shot and rolling back - nothing is comparable.

Pros: A good mobility, a rotating tower, high armored aircraft with a basic projectile in 310 mm, a large alpha strike (with any type of shells) and a good review.

Minuses: The biggest and, accordingly, the most notable car in the game, the lack of armor is perfectly pierced by Fugas, long reloading, weak accuracy and summary.

What would advise to put:

  • Resselon
  • Improved ventilation
  • Reinforced sticking drives

STRV 103B (Sweden)

Fri as a class (rare exception) is intended for passive game. Who wants rapid and light gameplay, he takes medium or light tanks. And the Swedish "bitch" is just for those who prefer a leisurely shooting from bushes.

Someone will say that the Swedish Fri is bored play. And will be partly right. He took in the route, switched to the siege regime, gave breakdown. All the essence of the game on this technique.

But the Swedish PTs are good and that while the enemy comes to you and notice your tank - you are most likely to send it to the hangar.

Pros: 4 000+ damage in min., Excellent inconsistency, good review, the speed of the reverse - 45, front - 50. Yes, you correctly understood, you can "wash out" as a back and before, excellent protected forehead at the expense of an anti-flavor lattice.

Minuses: Bad instruments in hiking mode, low speakers in siege mode, weak armor rates in sides and stern.

What would advise to put:

  • Resselon
  • Stereoscopic telescope
  • Masking Network

Jagdpanzer E 100 (Germany)

Jagdpanzer E 100 is the most controversial PT on this list. In the realities of the current random, it became more difficult to rush. But if you occupy the right positions, breed the enemy on the shot, then you can safely beat the records.

The tank is specific, but when the maximum damage passes and the Fugas managed to get on the "grill", then all regret that I gone out this tank, immediately go.

In addition, the Jagdpanzer E 100 branch is one of the easiest way to pass among bashless PTs, since both Jpanter II, and Jagdtiger at the 8th and 9th level, respectively, are quite decent tanks.

Pros: Damage with one shot at 1000+, a good accuracy for such an alpha, a decent armorper with a basic projectile in 299 mm, strong armor, screens on the sides of the case.

Minuses: Bad mobility and maximum speed, the lower armorist breaks through all, large dimensions and poor disguise, long recharge.

What would advise to put:

  • Resselon
  • Reinforced sticking drives
  • Improved ventilation

Imagine in this material the best PT-SAU 8 level. We will be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each model, as well as disassemble their tactical features. Let's start with the last place.

AT 15. Opens our rating at the 10th place.

The machine is equipped with heavy frontal armor, it is not well protected from other destinations. For enemies down the level, such an armor will be an unpleasant surprise.
The advantage of the gun is very small recharge time and a wonderful breakdown, which will allow PT-SAU to continuously attack the enemy. Damage per minute 2760 units. Tactical advice: If you have a good share in the caterpillar, then she will definitely flies from the first shot, so try to start the attack from this place.
AT 15 is distinguished by magnificent corners of vertical and horizontal tip. We will not have to be shown strongly for a shot, and the enemy will be problematic to cut us.
PT-SAU has the greatest margin of safety at its level - 1450 units - it may save your life more than once.
Huge sizes of AT 15 reduce the disguise parameter. Enemies will notice us the first of all others.
As a result of dimensions - very weak mobility, most likely, playing near the base.
PT-SAU does not cause large damage (only 230 damage), so you will not be able to scare someone. Try not to get involved in sharing.
In front armor there is a dangerous weak place - a very large hatch. When shooting, try to turn on the line of attack before, so that the enemies are more difficult to get into the turret.

AT 15 is a bad tank with an insufficient powerful cannon. Try to take control of some direction and withstand the battle, relying on your armor.

T28. 9th place. One of the cars on the road to T110E3.

PT-SAU is equipped with chic front armor - 254mm. Even the enemies of the level 10 not always be able to break it.
It has a practically universal gun.
A small body height increases our masking indicator.
The slowest tank of this level. The maximum speed is 18 km / h. Do not even try to leave somewhere. No need to capture no position, you still do not have time.
The terrible corners of the vertical tip are only 5 degrees.
Side armor is only 50mm, and therefore PT-SAU is very vulnerable to the enemy artillery. Especially on the tower there are as many two large hatches, there will be an enemy.
T28 is designed to protect the strategic direction. Try not to let the enemy close the middle distance and rely on your frontal armor.

T28 Prototype. 8th place. The presence of the tower makes PT-SAU similar to a heavy tank.

The frontal part has good armor, the vulnerable location is only a machine gun, but it's quite difficult to get there. Protection is hard to break through any classmate;
Despite the presence of the tower, the instrument remains almost the same. We can play a little like TT.
Mobility parameters leave much to be desired. The maximum speed is 13 km / h.
Very bad lateral armor, it will break through almost everyone, so twist the case when they shoot you.
The tower turns only at 143 degrees - do not let the opponent too close.
The tactics of the game remains the same - keep directions. Do not forget to use the tower.

The biggest damage per minute at this level is 2865 units.
PT-SAU has a very low body, which means a good disguise indicator.
Su-101 is able to occupy more favorable position on the map due to good dynamics.
Terrible UVN - 3 degrees. The smallest irregularity and we will no longer be aimed.
The gun has a weak breakdown by armor-piercing projectile - 219 units.
Very small margin of safety.
Characteristics of this machine are assumed only one tactic: somewhere to hide and destroy enemies on the far distance due to the rapidity of the gun.

Ferdinand. 6th place. German tank hunter, in Russian "Fedya".

Lob's armor is 200mm.
It has a truly serious instrument "Mausgan" with a damage of 490 units. Such a gift will cool the dust of too arrondic enemy. The puncture rate is 246 units.
The main thing, with such an instrument we had adequate tilt angles.
Due to the larger dimensions, masking is useless.
Again because of them, bad speed and maneuverability.
The frontal armor is vulnerable to the bottom. Ingressing into this area often output the engine.
PT-SAU is able to apply a tangible damage due to its tool and is well protected, but try not to stick too far forward. The enemy artillery will attack you among the first.

AMX AC MLE.48. 5th place. It is not difficult to get used to its character.

Perfectly balanced tools, good rate and accuracy. Permanent challenge 257.
Good speed and maneuverability. You can take a more profitable position in time or not allow the enemy to spin.
Lob's armor without any problems will endure tanks of the same level.
Weak armor of sides makes suffering from enemy fugas.
Two turrets and rangeferences upstairs are a vulnerable place, even accidentally come across them.
Too long time of the instrument (quickly buy drives).
Small health stock - 1000 units - will make you be more careful.
It is advisable to immediately analyze the card and capture a profitable point. Destroy the tanks of the enemy from afar and try not to allow a melee. With a great distance in your turrets, it is more difficult to get.

ISU-152. 4th place.

It is difficult to call universal, but with the tasks of your class of technology, it copes well.
The most powerful BL-10 gun with a punching indicator of 286 units is the main trump card ISU-152. Even the tanks of higher levels will think twice before sticking to her in the forehead.
The main thing for us is masking.
Very big gun mask.
Weak mobility.
The gun has a great time information and low shooting accuracy - 0.41.
Very bad armor, even the frontal. PT-SAU will punch all to anyone.
Too small safety margin.
Rely in battle on camouflage and elegant gun. Wait until someone lights the enemy, and try to avoid the protracted shootout.

Jagdpanther II. 3rd place. Some players underestimate the potential of this PT-SAU.

The most powerful tool we have the same "Mausgan" with a chic damage and a break.
This PT-SAU has one secret: very durable cutting. There is an opportunity to shore for some stone, putting only a cut, and shine yourself and shine, and shoot.
The machine boasts excellent mobility.
Love armor is only 100mm, and there is nothing about the armor armor.
Despite the huge minus on the armor, this PT-SAU is the first, which herself can shine and shine, and maintain the team with fire, and not hide in thickets of thistle.

RHM. Borsigwaffentrager. 2nd place. Another German, in Russian "Borsch". I will kill the enemy, without even coming out of the disguise.

We get to choose a friend "Mausgan" or a 1500mm gun with a damage of 750 units and a little less breaking armor.
Great imperceptibility, we are practically invisible. Very hard to detect us.
A chic overview - 400m, allows you to shine yourself (best at this level).
The PT-SAU tower is capable of turning 360 degrees.
Very bad armor, easily pierced with enemy fugas.
Fugasy apply a big damage to the crew.
"Borsch" is wonderful hiding and perfectly attacks with long distances. If necessary, it can also highlight himself. The main thing is that you do not find the enemy artillery.

Charioteer. 1st place


Stunning speed and maneuverability, 22l / s per ton - this is an indicator inherent in the middle tank. You can quickly occupy or change positions.
Great tool with good accuracy and breakdown.
Hash Fugas with a break of 210 make it possible to effectively withstand any opponent with a good aiming.
The tower eliminates the possibility of spinning us.


Not very good armor of the hull and tower.
The number of shells in the ammunition (30 pieces) is not enough.
Play for Charioteer is easy and comfortable. An even greater interest adds to the fact that you can choose different options for action: even sitting in ambush, at least quickly take a more profitable position or go to help friends. This PT-SAU is the most universal and therefore ranks first. Moreover, it is possible to fill up with its help any tank.

That ended the review best PT-SAU. This information should help you achieve more larger results in World of Tanks.

At the dawn of the popularity of multiplayer shooters, lovers of sitting in the corners with a gun were considered absolute evil. To earn honor and respect for experienced players, it was necessary to show that you were not shit. Worse than the "campaign" was considered only the king of other things from under the nose from the owner, while he dismissed from the disadvantages of opponents. But the times, as well as the dynamics of games, have changed, and with the advent of full sniper classes contempt for "Cepers", let him not disappear, but was much dumbed.

Rich American militarists love to go on a personal tank. W. Schwarzenegger Is there one - so, maybe it's time for him to acquire a real legend like M18?

Examined in the past material best tanks all weight categories, editors "Fugasal Bulletin", took up for a similar top of the "Campers" World of Tanks. - anti-tank self-propeller. Of all the types of PT-SAU technique, the most multifunctional due to the colossal difference in the model range of each nation.

The French became famous as "cards" with reload drums and good guns. Tips at the highest levels cause real panic due to non-stop ricochetes and their self-sufficiency. The Germans also have in their ranks as the most powerful self-propelled shirts and the most unusual. And they also have the most "dwarves" capable in competent hands to overcome even "heavy".

Hot stuff

In the archives of the "Fugasy Bulletin" there are curious publications that explain the differences between fighters of tanks and anti-tank self-propellas, as well as the reason why our first hero does not apply to any of them.

Ride such handsome in the city - one pleasure. The problem of traffic jams itself.

Sturmgeschütz III, she is Stug III- the next confirmation that the complexity of the design does not guarantee its quality. Even before the beginning of the Great Patriotic Officer of Wehrmacht Erich von Manstein The goal was to transfer a low-propelled and vulnerable artillery installation to a mobile platform.

By calling his concept to the "assault gun to support infantry," he could not think that not only put the beginning of the class of technology, but also created the most massive and demanded by the third Reich armored person. Over the entire production period from 1935 to 1945, 10,000 units of all conceivable modifications were issued, and everything began with a letter of Manstein general Beck In 1935 A year later, the firm "Daimler-Benz" Start the design of StUG III based on PZKPFW III. They managed to do, perhaps, the best sample in history is not only its own, but also the Reich armored industry.

Stug III, this "Razor of Okkama" by the giant of the Hitler's top, combined the simplicity of the design, the low cost of production, incredible efficiency and mobility, at that time many not affordable. Its ultimate cost was even lower than the foundation - PZKPFW III. Soldier was sad only a few nuances, but by 1943 they were corrected.

The final version of Stug III, named Auf. G., I received a machine gun MG-43 to protect in the near battle, 75 mm Stuk 40 / L48 gun, with ease of punching T-34 and with a little big effort - the horror KV-1, as well as enhanced armor and protection of rinks. The last, truth was often removed to reduce weight.

"Stuge" was so effective as the Wehrmacht, and the SS formed separate divisions exclusively of them. Some tank Assa shot several dozen enemy machines during the war, and it does not matter who was in front of them - a heavy kV-1 or the opposite "drying".

The virtual embodiment of "funny" is popular no less than the real one. It would be possible to call the best and fashionable T49.But he was very quickly "cut wings", with no benefit from the swivel tower. Stug III, even after a buzz of patches, continues to delight wonders in battle.

However, it is not recommended to climb into the frontal collision or PT-RASH. Will kill faster than you have time to shout "Achtung!".

Yes, farm on it is not as sweet as in French S35Yes, and his damage is not the biggest. However, its average in all of us only on hand. Not only is that "Gnome", so also yurt, with a good in general, a gun.

It is easier to cry than PT with turning towers, but trained crew and personal experience Apply this lack for no. Stug III is one of the few self-propellas (although correctly called the assault), on which the sensible tanker can be chopped out in the near battle even KV-5. Even at higher levels, not every machine is capable of such a feat, and American M18 Hellcat. enters their number.

Immortal Witch

M18 Hellcat The players lovingly called the "Witch", although more often I was kicked by a "cat." She protested on the battlefield long before the appearance of "boors", objects and other "waffles". Similar to a brix seal, she caused such horror that the caterpillars were shaking even higher levels, one "mouse" proudly hid in the bushes.

The reason is simple as the toothpick. The punishment of its gun was at least 243 mm, and this is on the sixth level. Its speed is 72 km / h, the swivel tower and excellent disguise turned the fight into a mousetrap for less damned tanks. Disadvantages - bad maneuverability and slow tower - experienced PT drivers were not terrible.

Alas, the reign of the "Witch" lasted for a short time. Average breaking in 243 mm now few people will surprise. And there is no high speed one possesses. However, Hellcat claws are still sharp. Like Stug III, the "Witch" passed the test of time.

Appearances are deceptive. The huge MAUS, in fact, is a pear for beating, and this modest gives death and horror to people ...

In reality, things were more interesting. The main participants in the Second World War did not differ not only by the doctrines of warfare, but also the concepts of the appointment of anti-tank self-propelled.

If the Germans and Soviets were the team players in need of support for infantry and other equipment, then in the understanding of the United States, mobility was most important factor, because the rest were avoided direct collisions of armored parts. So it turned out that their favorite principle of "divide and conquer" resulted in the specific tactics of PT-SAU platforms attacked by tank parts, like sharm flocks. If Americans do not have such differences, M18 would not appear in principle.

Many often forget about it, and then indignant: "Yeah, bought gold, and cool?!"

Unlike most tank fighters (on American classification), "Witch" was originally created on a special chassis, and not on the basis of another tank. Development of test samples, and subsequently serial production, from 1943 to 1944 a division was engaged Buick. Companies General Motors..

The United States did not expect to use M18 decades, so after the fall of the fascist regime in Italy and Nazi in North-West Europe, Hellcat was removed from weapons and sold to friendly countries, where she stayed in the rank until 2007. Yes yes, Venezuela, South Korea And Yugoslavia (until the United States flashes her) with pleasure used the services of the "Witches".

Sporter with machine gun

The title of the best killer of tanks at the seventh level unexpectedly received German premium E-25. It refers to the famous E-series - line innovative projectswhere the popular super heavyweight E-100. The view of this "Gnome" is not terrible at all, but, although he has no powerful tools, no thick armor, but its speed, maneuverability, fantastic imperceptibility and rapidity make it a unique member of the team.

Right E-25, below "Witch" and Su-122-44. Next to them "Tarakan" - he is "Tarakan".

Not every light or medium tank can boast similar mobility. To get into the maneuvering E-25 is as difficult as to skate "Bachats". But to consider this "cockroach with a machine gun", as it is gently called, it is impossible for a full PT-SAU. Misaful damage and low punching force make it useless as a positional sniper or database defender. But for the unexpected "planting on the husvy", the evil "light" or body of artillery in the deep rear, he is suitable as none of his "classmate".

Speed \u200b\u200bsometimes solves a lot. The one who first captures this bridgehead will be able to create inadmissions almost impunity, so take this stone much more important than chasing the enemy light.

The guidance of the Wehrmacht wanted to replace this car a whole pleiad of good, but morally outdated models, including the famous Hetzer. If Stug III is considered the most popular German army, the E-25 is his most worthy heir.

From the numerous E-series only E-100 and E-25 reached the stage of the iron prototype. Work on a 25-ton analogue of Hetzer was conducted from 1943 by the 6th Arms Test Control Department led by General Knammamp. For the ability to participate in the design of a new type of company, they fought to death, but the tolerance received a few.

Ambush performed by a pair of platforms of such a briefly guaranteed to dormit the enemy column in seconds. Even fat armor will not help.

The first connected company Adlerwho has assigned to the creation of a concept and control over development, up to a prototype. Later connected to her Porshe., Argus., Krupp. and Skoda..

A unique self-propelled gun - a unique tool, engineers decided and instead of proven 7.5 cm KWK 43 offered to establish a more powerful 7.5 cm KWK 44. It was its development to be engaged in Krupp and Skoda, and the latter was going to fix his autocharger to the E-25 to be fixed to E-25. Forty shots per minute. Fortunately for Reich's opponents, the Germans did not have time to bring the project to mass production.

* * *

Incomplete German PT-SAU of the first level Panzerjager I.i ruined hundreds, even thousands of lives. No one was waiting for the Nazis to put artillery on moving boys and start shooting with fragmentation fugasal to fortifications.

Erich von Manstein entered the story just because he wanted to keep the lives of his people, creating a mobile artillery platform. So the legendary Stug III appeared. M18 Hellcat, MAUS, Object 268., Batignolles-Chatillon 25tand many others are forever entered the story as their creators. The next time the "Fugance Bulletin" will tell you about the best PT-SAU from the 8th to the 10th levels. Stay with us!


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