Yak was bred with postal kіnmi. Say something about horses

Yak was bred with postal kіnmi. Say something about horses


Once, in the cold winter season
I am the fox of viishov; boo hard frost.
I marvel, I rise properly uphill
Konyachka, what are you carrying hmizu WHO.
I walking respectfully, at a calm sedate,
The horse was led by a bridle man
At the great shoes, at the sheepskin coat,
With great mittens ... but he himself is a nigtik!

(N.A. Nekrasov)

Thin Konyagina life. It’s good, that a good man got caught and don’t cripple yoga for nothing. See resentment dry at the floor: “Well, love, rest!” - you will feel Konyaga's knowing cry and understanding. Strive with all your zhalyugidny kistyakom, rest with your front legs, take it with your back legs, bend your muzzle to your chest. "Well, hard labor, vivoz!" And behind the plow, the peasant himself pushes with his chest, with his hands, mute with ticks, sticking into the plow, pulling his feet in the breasts of the earth, lashing his eyes, as if the plow did not slander, he would not give a sin.

(M.Y. Saltikov-Shchedrin, Horse)

  1. Explain what the words seen mean.
  2. Write the name of the creation, from which the first snippet is taken.
  3. Reveal that the horses were given the gift of moving. Write a monologue of a village horse. Guess what else to do, where to go about peasant horses. Obsjag - 100–150 slіv.

Vіdpovіdі those criteria of evaluation

  1. Brushwood - dry, woods that have fallen, and branches of trees for pickling (2 balls). Plow - znaryaddya for oranka, wooden plow (2 bali).
  2. "Village children" (1 ball)
  3. Horse monologue.


Option 1. Prose text

Read. Write a Twirl about the advice, depending on the qi food (you can not tell me about all the food). Write in audible text

Andriy Sergiyovich Nekrasov (1907-1987)


Not long ago, one editorial office urged me to write a marine explanation.

I waited, sіv to the table and pochav:

“Esmіnets rushing bridle the stone ridge. The Syrian Ocean is moving.

Shore fires shone. Laviryuchi middle pіdvodnih skel, Lieutenant Kalіnkіn rounding Elizabeth's scythe.

Then the phone buzzed. They called again from the editors and asked… you know what?

Describe the phrase from the letter "M". They have an artist showing up there, having painted an arc of a harn with an initial letter and maybe “M” itself.

I'm pissed off. How is it true that the letter “M” is more or less true? Obviously, that little Russian mova can hold her own ability. Alemov needs respect. You can, for example, write: “The destroyer rushed ...” Ale marvel at what to come out: “... the bearer rushed ...” Ugly, unkind.

Well, what about “Mine-bearer rushing…”? So, maybe, more beautifully, then you can. I wrote: “The destroyer rushed…”

The axis from which everything began.

Zamіst "vzdovzh" I wrote "past". Deputy of the "stone ridge" - "pier". Viyshlo badly: "The destroyer rushed off the mole ..." And then it went even better: “The sea was murky. Lighthouses flickered. Maneuvering between milinami, midshipman Malinkin proyshov miss Mary ... "

I put a speck, smoked, walked through the room. Then, after reading everything backwards, and, you know, I was honored: “The sea was murky…” Just wonderful!

I'm calling sіv to the table ... After sitting for a year, two, three. Frowning thoughts raced through my brain. Words starting with "m" hovered in front of the eyes like flies, and everyday they did not fit into the conversation.

Zranka, evil and vexation, I snіdat sіv. The druzhina poured me a large glass of caviar, and then I popped the bottle and frowned:

- Masha, can I have some milk?

It was not good for me. I am sensible that it is pleasing to the will of God.

The squad, maybe, also remembered. I shared my grief with her.

- Yakі drіbnitsi, - said won. - Throw tsyu rozpovid, write іnsha.

Remember, do you want about those, don’t you give peace to the fathers?

I gladly waited, negainoly sat down to the table and sat:

“Maria Mikhailovna, my little Mashenka, Mitya respects her mother.

“Mommy,” the boy torments, “mommy, swearing ...

Maria Mikhailovna to speak.

- Mommy, - Murkoche Mitya, - can I have a small carrot?

- You can, love.

- Mom, do you want to eat carrots?

- Miyut, Mityu.

- Milo?

Maria Mikhailovna frowns.

- Mitya, my love boy, movchi ... "

I got up, smoked, and if I turned to the table, waking up with a sigh, that the whole discord had come to me again, and again, like a school, flies, blizzards, robins, meserschmitti, moths danced in front of my eyes ...

“To finish it,” I said, “I won’t talk about little boys… I’ll write more about the great beast. Axis for example:

“Material of the witch motav shook his hairy muzzle ...”

I suddenly chirped. “Ni,” I said, “I can’t talk about the bear. More briefly about nature, about the moon ... Tse calm down ... "I wrote:

"Mlyn. Youthful month may have frowned...”

I here tse "m"! I will write more about coma. I wet my pen and firmly viv I call:

"Husband of an ant..."

Throwing a pen, putting on a coat, vyyshov nadvir. Freezing. A young man is going to brukivka. Past the Moskvoretsky Mist, Mriyav militsioner.

Cars, motorcycles rushed past me ... I rushed home ...

The middle pendulum is peacefully peaceful in Khvilini.

- Mom, Murka torture the bear! - My daughter screamed from the kitchen.

I'm restless. Styles of words on m! Can't you glue anything from them?

I firmly took up the pen, and all the words broke out for a moment.

I stopped.

Strivozhen's team pleased to look up to the encyclopedia.

Through the year, in the library, I saw from myself:

- Encyclopedia!

- Do you want Velika Radyanska? - the librarian asked something.

- Malu! - I screamed at the whole room. - Meni Mala! Mabut, me

mistook for a divine ... But nothing at all. Natomist I wrote down all the words with “m” and in the evening at the all-round siv before the table. An unfortunate rozpov_d tumbled forward swiftly. Do you want to read the tricks? Please:

“A pretty, shaggy lad, having respected the young mathematician, put the Moskvoretsky Mist by the middle meridian. The torment of a mighty mammoth, the dead flies waved their muskets.

- Wise man, love, can I have a fly agaric?

The sea savts tormented melodiously...»

What, you say, is bad? And try to write better. And then, you see, you don’t know what to skin.

Tue, and I don’t know: the teachers rang again from the editors ... The squad came up.

It seems that they had a pardon there: the artist painted not M, but N!

I had a chance to throw tsyu rozpovid ... But why not start a new one, on "N"?


  1. What can you say about opovіdach?
  2. How to give advice to your work?
  3. What is the topic of discussion?
  4. How can you name the main priyomi, on which one is prompted?
  5. Can you call rozpovid humorous? Why?
  6. What is special about the finale of the confirmation?

Option 2. Poetic text

Read. Write a TWIR about this verse, depending on the food (you can answer not on all the food). Write in audible text, vіlno, zrozumіlo, proving that competently.

Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin (1870-1953)

No sleep, ale light rates,
Stand like mirrors lithium,
І cups of indestructible water
Zovsіm bi were built empty,
Ale, gardens were planted in them.

The axis of the drop, like a drop of flowers,
Fell - i, hundreds of heads
Sunk the stakes furrowing,
Bliskucha anger zastribala.
I garden zashumіv vіd plank.

I wind, roaring leaves,
Zmishav young birches,
I sleepy promise, as if alive,
Having ignited the bliskіtki, which tremtil,
And pouring blue kalyuzhi.

He is a cheerful ... Have fun living
I have fun thinking about the sky,
About the sun, about bread, what you see.
I forgive happiness to cherish:
Wandering around with your head,
Marvel at how the children rose
The altan has a golden piss.
There is no other happiness in the world.

  1. What can be said about the lyrical hero of this verse? What do you think about, what do you feel?
  2. For the help of some mystetsky tricks, Bunin describes nature?
  3. Chi help rozmir i stanza verse rozkrittyu yogo zmist?
  4. What can you say about the vocabulary of the verse? How does the author choose the same words?
  5. Navіscho in the remaining eight rows is so richly crisp in the cob form?

Evaluation criteria

For clarity of evaluation, it is recommended to focus on the school chotiribal system. So, with an estimate for the first criterion, 0 points are given as "two", 5 points - "three", 10 points - "four", and 15 points - "five". Infinitely, there are possible intermediate options (for example, 8 balls indicate “Thursday with a minus”).

The maximum score for completing the task is 70.


A) Tim, for an hour, like my horses were harnessed, I clucked, looking at the papers that I was far away.<…>Mіzh rich with praises, that hustle for the opportunity of equivalence in the bulk, I know table of ranks. <…>But now the arch of the root horse is already ringing in a little twinkle and calling me to the exit; and for that, for the good, I swear more mirkuvati about those who are vigilant for someone who’s going somewhere, so that the horses go rissyu chi amble, or what’s vigilant for postal cabinet be a pacer or a horse? - What to do with them, what do not know.

(A.N. Radishchev, “Road up from St. Petersburg to Moscow”)

B) After reading the bag of the messenger,
[…] I'm sorry
Strimgolov galloping in a hurry
I already zazdalegіd pozіhav,
Get ready, get some money
On zіthannya, nudgu that deceit ...

  1. Explain what the sights of virazi mean.
  2. Write the name of the author of line B) that name of the main character is created, omitted from line B).
  3. Reveal that the horses were given the gift of moving. Write a monologue of a post horse: how to live, whom to carry, how to get out of it. Guess other creations of Ukrainian literature that guess the post horses. Obsjag - 150–200 slіv.

Vіdpovіdі those criteria of evaluation

  1. "Table of Ranks"- the document looked like a table, as it established the distinction between civil, military, spiritual and high ranks.

Introductions to obіg by decree of Peter I in 1722 (1 point).

"Mail cabinet"- Throw at the post station. Post system

the station was founded by the state for the sake of good luck between settlements. Horses were mined at stations, sold for dozens of versts, one kind of one, which made it possible to rise in price, without sagging (2 balls).

"Jumping in a hurry"- speeding up with a system of postal stations for travel (1 point).

  1. A.S. Pushkin, Evgen Onegin (0.5 points), Evgen (0.5 points).
  2. Post horse monologue.

Task 2. Complete analysis of the text

Vasyl Andriyovich Zhukovsky (1783–1852)


Buv strong whirlwind, strong board;
Kipuch, the day was raging;
To the shore of Rhino, girsky leader,
Rushed from the daughter of Ullin.

“Ribaku, take us to your official;
Fisherman, lie us in pursuit;
Ullin from the retinue is not far away:
We are a little screaming; race the horses."

“You bachish, how evil is the water?
You chuesh, yak hvili guchni?
Start weaving now bida:
Mіy choven is not mіtsny, the oars are breaking.

“Fisherman, fisherman, give me your coat;
Lie to us: as if the day is not evil,
Mercy can buti vіd hvil
You won't see Ullin!

The thunderstorm is strong, the day is evil,
I closer, closer the noise of the chase;
It’s a little hard for the horses,
Їm a little clatter of swords about armor.

“Sit down, good times; plivemo".
I Rhino siv, with him a diva force;
Rybalka vіdchaliv; official
Siva was dazed all day long.

I death is everywhere їm: v_dkrito
In front of them is the ziv of abyss of thirst;
Behind them from the shore I threaten
Ullin, like a merciless storm.

Ullin galloped to the shore;
Vіn bachit: the daughter is taken away;
I anger at the breasts of the father,
І vіn viguknuv, fear povny:

“My child, back, back!
Forgiveness! turn around, Malvina!
Ale, hvili less at vіdpovіd to make noise
At the call of the most important Ullin.

Thunderstorm roar, black like nothing;
Litaє choven mizh hvilyami;
Krіz їkhnyu pinu vin bachit daughter
Іz rubbed to new hands.

"Oh, come back, come back!"
Ale grіzno lulled the day,
І hvili, boat pozhershi, angry
At the cry of the pitiful Ullin.

Evaluation criteria Bali
The integrity of the analysis carried out in the unity of form and freedom;

the presence/appearance of pardons in the context of the text.

Rating scale: 0 - 5 - 10 - 15

Zahal logic and composition to the text, and stylistic homogeneity.

Rating scale: 0 - 3 - 7 - 10

Return to the text for evidence, quotes

literary terms

Rating scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Historical and cultural context, presence / daytime pardons for aphids

number of materials.

Rating scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Presence / appearance of modern, grammatical, spelling and

punctuation pardons (at the borders of a twisted Russian movie


Rating scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Maximum score 40

For clarity of evaluation, it is recommended to focus on the school chotiribal system. So, with an estimate for the first criterion, 0 points are given as "two", 5 points - "three", 10 points - "four", and 15 points - "five". Infinitely, there are possible intermediate options (for example, 8 balls indicate “Thursday with a minus”).

The maximum score for completing the task is 70.

Rozmir: px

Start showing from the third side:


1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE LITERATURE uch. m. 8 CLASS Task, relevant criteria for evaluation 1. "EX, HORSES, HORSES, WHAT FOR HORSES! .." Read. A) Three fates to that, once, on winter evening< >triyka pid'їhala, and passing at the Circassian hat, at the military overcoat, shallu's coats, winding up to the kіmnati, watching the horses. The horses were all at the dispersal. At the sound of the sound, the mandriving man lifted his voice and whip; Ale Dunya, as she called before such scenes, vibe from behind the partition and affectionately turned back to the food: why should you not be tempted to eat something? The appearance of Dunya performed her usual deed. Anger of the past; vin having waited for the check of horses and having finished your supper. Having taken off a wet, kudlat hat, having plucked a shawl and zirvavshi overcoat, he appeared as a young, stringy hussar with black whiskers. B) Kіn Muromskogo, yaky nіkoli not buv on poluvannya, zlyakavsya і ponіs. Muromsky, who, having voted for himself as a miraculous leader, having given his will and inner satisfaction, would be rewarded, which is like an unacceptable spirit-maker. Ale kin, jumping to the ravine, to the new one not marked, rushing sideways, and Muromsky did not sit. Falling down to mow heavily on the frozen ground, lying in the vine, cursing her pile of kobila, yak, having shamed, she snarled, as if she only felt herself without a drink. Ivan Petrovich jumped up to the new, recognizing that he didn’t clog up. Tim is a stirrup wind of a wine horse, trimming his bridle. Vin helped Muromsky to get on the seat, and [Ivan Petrovich] asked Yogo to come to him. 1. Write the name of the author and the names of the works (okremo and zagalne), the stars are taken from the letters. Write the same nickname of Ivan Petrovich from another line. 2. Reveal that horses have been given the gift of moving. Write a monologue of the horse at the post station about the subscribing story, or the monologue of the horse of Murom about the ruler and his daughter. Obsyag slіv. Vidpovidi and evaluation criteria 1. A.S. Pushkin (1 point), “Posti Belkina” (1 point), “Station watcher” (1 point), “Panyanka-selyanka” (1 point), Berestov (1 point). Usy 5 points. 2. The horse's monologue. 1

2 The correctness of the change, the accuracy of the characteristics, the visibility/existence of the actual pardons Returning to the text of the creation The unity of the style and the formal logic of the text grammatical pardons) Together 0 10 points 25 points 2. ROBOT WITH TEXT. There are two options to take revenge. Choose TILKI ONE of them. Option 1. Prose text Read. Write a Twirl about the advice, depending on the qi food (you can not tell me about all the food). Write in a clear text, freely, intelligently, proving that competently. Obsyag sliv what is recommended. Vira Agafonova (b. 1979) THE RADISTRY IS SHUT DOWN A round pelust, a round wreath of Papyr to crunch juicy, kissing under the scissors. Marina listens aloud in her reception room and troch navitt vіdvolіkaєtsya in her own right. Knives zіskovzyut, zatskаyuchi lower skin on the fingers. Mother, all-seeing and all-pervading, immediately vigukus from behind her back: Marinochka, sonechko, be careful! Save your hands. Mother is right. Hands need to be protected. The stench is marvelous, your hands: the stench can not be bad, nibi vipadkovo, throw marvelous berries on a white leaf and forcibly subdue a cup of tea. It’s especially not to be friends with the knives of the stink, that knife will take revenge on the axis like this year, regardless of the price, bring brothers to the unfriendly river and cut paper. Flowers of chamomile, orchids, daisies rose to the white field; you need to pick them up, turn them over and write riddles on them that amusing task. Batko squeezes in at the door, chewing a sandwich, looking sternly at the daisies and imprinting: You suffer from foolishness, Marishko! TB bi was more surprised. Marina marvels at the new, and her eyes are majestic, in the skin on a hairy field, just marvel. Batko zіtkhaє i go to watch the football. Marina cuts a daisy, cuts her guts with scissors, and writes: “Read this verse in a childish voice.” I myself start thinking of quoting: “Come on the whip, hit, sit on the go.” Bichok well done wine hits, but for now let's go. "At once I will fall" 2

3 Earlier, Marina also knew how to walk, until six. And then, like an invisible and nevgamovna snake, having drilled the ground at the Maryniki nig, penetrated into її feet and made its way more and more, zmushuyuchi a girl on the back of the head of the shchitilgati ungrably, like a scourge from the virsha, and then sit in the armchair and more and more no more day. Ale Marina is glad, that there are no hairs, like to make a beautiful world more beautiful, to make everything else. Yet there are hands in it, as they cannot open the doors of the apartment, but they can open the charming doors in the easel and the world behind it is even more marvelous. And yet your hands can blame this majestic light field in squares, the sky, pierced by sleepy light, and show yoga to everyone who does not mark such beauty. Today, Marina draws her credit for the fact that tomorrow may be National Day. Come guests of twenty people, no less. Don’t dance, don’t hesitate, then, you need to work so that they don’t get bored; even though no one is movable and stealthily look at the її zalizny trap. “This is my chariot!”, Marina laughs, and the hairs of the eyes become darker. Mother take a great strain from the buffet and start mixing a biscuit. On the wall, above his head, hang a picture of a buzkovy meadow, falling stars and a woman of light, self-sustainability, covered with frost. Marina marvels at her, for a long time, silently, and then feeds: Mom. Will you befriend me? Mothers for a second stop roaring silently and immediately calmly say: Surely, I see. Yak? Marina marvels at the hairy eyes of a bright woman, simply marvels. Here, maybe, the prince is on a white horse, but I’m not going to get bogged down on which horse. Then she has cunning hands, and an enchanting penzlik key, with which she can open the locking doors only to reach the easel. You can call on the buzkovy meadow of blind snowstorms and golden deer with majestic summaries, and woods, illuminated by the sun. And give everything to your friends, like to come tomorrow on the її day of the people, so that the stench was glad, and marveled, and laughed, and so that everything was generous. (2007) 1. How is the main character described? How can she be put before her ailment? 2. What details did you remember in your portrait, and why? 3. Yakim є author's appointment to his heroine? 4. How is father and mother Marini described? 5. What words and phrases are repeated in the description? What is needed for the author? 6. Why should the heroine's birthday be raised before the day of the birth? 7. How do you understand the name of the admonition? 3

4 Option 2. Poetic text Read. Write a TWIR about this verse, depending on the food (you can answer not on all the food). Write in a clear text, freely, intelligently, proving that competently. Obsyag sliv what is recommended. Victor Genrikhovich Hoffman () BLOWING BLOWING Reckless, wild force, Noisy guest from distant latitudes, Nareshti whirlwind swirled, I in all nooks and crannies. Ale bogeville is closer closer, Chim dreary frown, Nabridlo near similar slurry Chortikhatisya and champka vizmka. I love that wide whistle, Like a pugachivsky nabig of the steppe, Let them blind and shabby cheeks, Be in the guise of endless snow. Ale, if, hot, satane, I'm going to her more and more, Observing the clearer, Seeing life more hospitably. (2011) 1. How is khurtovin described in virshi? 2. What can you say about the lyrical hero of the verse? 3. What do you do to describe khurtovina, do you know and why can you put them with Viktor Hoffmann's verse? 4. Why does khurtovin compare with the "Pugachov's nabіg"? 5. How is the author's setting up to khurtovinya? What is the purpose of setting in artistic receptions? 6. How do you understand the sense of the rest of the stanza? 4

5 Criteria for evaluating Bali The presence / the presence of direct links to the power of the presence / the presence of pardons in a clear text. Rating scale: The logic of the text and the composition of the work is central. 10 Scale of assessments: Supporting evidence in the text, additional citation. 5 Appearance / appearance of stylistic, modern and grammatical 5 pardons. Presence / appearance of spelling and punctuation pardons 5 (at the borders of the twisted Russian language material). The maximum score is 40 For clarity, the assessment should be guided by the school chotiribal system. So, with an estimate for the first criterion, 0 points are given for “two”, 5 points for “three”, 10 points for “Thursday”, and 15 points for “five”. Infinitely, there are possible intermediate options (for example, 8 balls indicate “Thursday with a minus”). The maximum score for all victorious tasks is 70. 5


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1 Usishinsky lyceum І zhartom, і all-round. Scenario until 8 June Usish-2014 2 Good day, dear friends! We rozpochinayemo our Christmas concert and want to greet all the holy spring, beautify that kokhannya! A

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN W MHK 2015 2016 m. When vikonannі zavdan You maєte vikonati sing the robot, as soon as possible to organize the offensive

Moscow 2017 Zmіst In the Far Far Away Kingdom..................................................6 Mіdori, Princess Receipt. ..............................13 Camille wants to be a princess!.............. .......... 26 Veterets,

Holy "Come on the road to the country of Risovandiya." senior group. Children playing music enter to the hall. Vikhovatel: Today, I want to ask you to the enchanting land of Risovandia. Do you know what kind of country it is? Vіdpovіdі

TOGBOU "Special (correction) central lighting boarding school 2" Lesson for the development of language from another "B" class on the topic: "Robot on the closed picture "Winter"". Teacher: Grim S.F. Tambov 2014 Theme: Robot

TEMPLE ON THE MOUNTAIN TEMPLE ON THE MOUNTAIN I will tell you once, In the distant hours, The church was founded on the bula On the Mountain, beating one village. For a long time there were a lot of people living in the village, There wasn’t even a church in them,

Weak-sighted German about Minsk: “When I was a metro worker, I suspected long time digging in my backpack”

TEST 1. "FATHER'S FALL" Option 1 1. I have no (brother, sister). 2. My room is silent (telephone, TV). 3. I'm guessing tomorrow there won't be (dosch, snig). 4. The new one did not have a (visa). 5. There is no sound on this street

Theme of the lesson: O.S. Pushkin's song "Winter evening". The goals of the task of the lesson: to prepare children for a great reading of the lyrical verse; take the rozumіnnyu teachings to the text of the literary creation;

Instructions for vikonanny zavdanny Shanovy schoolboy! Read the instructions carefully. Write in a neat, scribbled handwriting. Zavdannya can be vikonuvat at be-yakіy sledovnostі, but not

EARLY 8 BIRTH FOR THE MIDDLE GROUP Dear guests, mothers and grandmothers! We take you out of the coming spring, with the first spring holy Day 8 of the month! 8 is the day of urochisty, the day of joy and beauty. on

MINISTERU EDUCAŢIEI A REPUBICII MODOVA Title: First name: In the father's way: Initial mortgage: Place of residence: District / Municipality: Agenţia Națională pentru Curriculum și Evaluare Russian Language and Literature

Rannik on the 8th of Birch “Holy at once from Masha and Vedmedem” (middle group) For music, children enter to the hall. Leading. sleepy promin looking around the hall. Dear guests at our hall Zibrav. Vee with us at once

1436 Signs of Chaklunism عالمات السحر< باللغة الروسية >Kamal Zant كمال عبد الرحمن الظنط Signs of chaklunstva 1 People so instigate hatred to anyone. For example, man live hate

Russian language. Grade 9 1 Instructions for the examination of the work On the examination for the examination of the work of the Russian language, 4 years are given (240 hvilin). The robot is made up of 3 parts. Part 1 includes 1 task (С1) and presents

Olena Lebedeva Fairy tales with illustrations A girl tomorrow Once upon a time there lived a Boulevard, a girl, bright and rosy. Whatever you want, you need to put it down and put it down! Pobіtsyat їy, for example, a new lyalka for the day

Criteria and methodology for evaluating the Olympiad leaders of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Literature (2014 2015 initial rіk) 1. The main characteristic of the olympiad leaders of the regional

Read carefully the fragment from A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" (chap.) - No, no, I’ll tell you, you still, vibatch me, it seems like a lot of images ... And you’re unfortunate


Scenario of literary doswell middle group on the topic "Friendship" Tsіl. Get children to the turns of folk culture through integration different types sleepy activities: playful, artistic, musical,

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN LITERATURE. 2018 2019 m. 5 CLASS Head, depending on the criteria for evaluation I. TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN TO RUSSIAN. Text of one of the famous Russians

short info about the shifting robot Reading the artistic text of the 2nd class Robot is stored for re-reading the reading of the text post school. Meta robotic designation of equal evidence

Municipal budgetary preschool lighting installation nursery garden"Dzherelce" p. Bikov NOD from artistic and aesthetic development for children preparing for pre-school group Theme: "Autumn farby"

Vmireskazki.ru Tales of the peoples of Russia Nganasansky kazki Solntseva's daughter Nganasansky kazki We were led by a man on a stringed deer harnessed to a Turkuchanka (sled). Їde-їde that bachit: sit іnsha people

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Head Office of the Biloyarsky District “Center for the Development of a Child, a Kindergarten “Kazka” dedicated to the day

1. Preparation and writing for the YEDI-creation for the popular science text by N.S. Cher "At Boldina, like no earlier" (1) At Boldinsky, like no earlier, Pushkin was stuck with evils and lack of rights of kripakiv,

2017 Yakos Petya turned from the child's garden. On the first day of wine, I learned to rahuvat up to ten. Dіyshov vin to his booth, and his young sister Valya already checks for theft. And I already rahuvat vmіyu! boasting

8 BEREZNYA Children become pivkolom. Vedas: A good month is due to us, Bo at the birch, Holy to our mothers! PISNYA "Ah, like a mother" Vedas: On the podvir'ї month birch. What spring month is holy to come to us

18 ZOVTNYA 2015 Name: Theme: Day of ZhI, SHI. Homework 4 Fedya seems like: - Like the tires on the car are good, you need to write with the letter I. If it’s filthy and dirkav, then with the letter Y. Vin right? And how is it right? manager

Lesson "At the world of emotions" Arina V'yacheslavivna Kisil, educational psychologist Develop differentiation and adequate interpretation of emotional states.

Dear Reader Friend! This assistant is made up of two books. There is a book in front of you. In order to make it easier for you to practice with a handyman, for someone else there are smart signs that show how brutal the skin is.

PARABLES The Face and the Dragon The parable of the unknown journey The face was hungry, and he was tormented by the law. I'm emptying my face. According to the cost of wine, having spent a horse, sholom and ladunki. The sword is gone. Raptom delete vin pobachiv

My love friend 1. Yesterday I rozpov_v vikladachevi. 2. All friends. 3. 18 years. 4. I will give a book on the day of the people. 5. We are in the same group. 6. I explained why I bought this computer. 7.

A little lad Pavlik is alive near Leningrad. Mav mom. I buv tato. I was a grandmother. Before that, a gut lived near their apartment under the name Bubenchik. Axis of uranium tato pishov on the job. Mom also went.

MBDOU child nursery of the combined type "Dzhereltse" sat down. Novogirny gir. Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region Contributor: Bagapova O.Yu. Meta: shaping the manifestation of children about the organs of a sensitive person. Manager:

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN LITERATURE. 2018 2019 m. 5 CLASS 1. "EX, HORSES, HORSES, WHAT FOR HORSES! .." Read. “Well, youmu said, As if you were able to sit, So

Rozmir: px

Start showing from the third side:


1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE LITERATURE uch. m. GRADE 9 Task, relevant assessment criteria 1. "EX, HORSE, HORSE, WHAT FOR HORSE! .." Read. A) Tim, for an hour, like my horses were harnessed, I clucked, looking at the papers that I got away.< >Mіzh rich with praises, that shosuyutsya vodnovlennya by feasibility of equivalence in bulk, I know the table of ranks.< >But now the arch of the root horse is already ringing in a little twinkle and calling me to the exit; And for that, for the good, I swear more mirkuvati about those who are vigilant for those who go somewhere, so that the horses went to draw at a pace, but what is more vigilant for the postal closet, be a pacer or a horse? nizh take care of them, scho not іsnuє. (A.N. Radishchev, “Road from St. Petersburg to Moscow”) B) Having read the messenger’s bag, looking at the baptism, I galloped headlong in a hurry, and immediately got far behind, Get ready, earn a penny, For zіtkhannya, nudga and deceit 1. Explain what visions mean virazi. 2. Write the name of the author of line B) that name of the main character is created, omitted from line B). 3. Reveal that the horses were given the gift of moving. Write a monologue of a post horse: how to live, whom to carry, how to get out of it. Guess other creations of Ukrainian literature that guess the post horses. Obsyag slіv. Vidpovіdі those criteria otsіnyuvannya 1. "Table of ranks" document in the form of a table, as established vіdpovіdnіst among civil, military, spiritual and other ranks. Introductions to obіg by decree of Peter I in 1722 (1 point). Postal cabinet throw at the postal station. The system of postal stations has been put in place by the state for the successful delivery of goods between settlements. Horses were mined at stations, sold for dozens of versts, one kind of one, which made it possible to rise in price, without sagging (2 balls). “I jumped in a hurry” speeding up with a system of post stations for travel (1 point). 1

2 2. A.S. Pushkin, Evgen Onegin (0.5 points), Evgen (0.5 points). 3. Monologue of the post horse. Tsіkavіst zmіstu, chіchіstі opіsіv, nayavnіst / vіdsutnіst of actual pardons Zvernennі і to tekstіv tvorіv, zdnіst іnshі tvorіv іdnіst style і zagalna logіka verbal, grammatical pardons) At a time 2. Tsіlіsny analysis 00 points 0 5 points 0 5 points 25 points Choose only one option for analytical work: prose ABO text. Write fluently, freely, intelligently, proving that competently. Obsyag sliv what is recommended. Option 1 Teffi (Nadiya Oleksandrivna Lokhvitska,) FOOLS However, you listen and wonder at the mind, how often people have mercy, taking for a fool the name of a bad person, or a stupid person. Axis fool, people seem. Forever in the new stuff in the head! Stink to think that a fool has pricks of rubbish in his head! That's the point, that the right round fool is known first for everything for his greatest and most unpretentious seriousness. Samy intelligent person you can wind up and fix it thoughtlessly foolishly discussing; after discussing, repairing it, repairing it, having done it, you know why you have done it yourself this way, and not otherwise. If you respect a bad person, if you walk recklessly, you will get such a pardon, because you will be ashamed of your life. Fool start rosemary. A simple person, wise, foolish, baiduzhe, say: The weather is bad today, well, that's all the same, I'll go for a walk. A fool to judge: The weather is filthy, but I'm going for a walk. And why am I going? And to the one who sits at home all day long. And why is it harsh? And just because it's shkidlivo. Fool not to blame the everyday shortness of the thought, the everyday unknowing food, the everyday unresolved problems. Vіn has long been virishiv, zrozumіv i know. Vіn lyudina is mature and in skin nourishment star kіntsi z kіntsyami і round off the skin thought. 2

3 Under the hour of the sound of the right fool, the people are hoarse like a mystical rozpach. Because the fool is the germ of the world. People joke, put food, go ahead, and everything in everything: in science, and in science, and in life, but a fool and food should not be fed. What is it? What food is there? He himself has long been already on all vіdpovіv and rounded off. Three axioms and one postulate serve as a support for mirkuvannyah and rounded foolishness. Axioms: 1) Health is more expensive. 2) Would be pennies. 3) Which diva? Postulate: So required. De do not help the first, there fore vivese the rest. Evils sound good in life. In the form of a fast mirkuvannya, individuals in them swell with the rocks of a deep and thoughtful viraz. They love to let a great beard go, work diligently, write in beautiful handwriting. Solid person. Not a heliport, I think about a fool. It’s only possible for the new one to be so Serious, what? Having perekonalis in practice, that all the wisdom of the earth is spun, the fool takes on himself a clumsy and unscrupulous shackle to read others. Nothing is so rich and diligently not to please, like a fool. And it’s like a big heart, to that, coming to a halt with people, all the time you’re in the camp of an important zdivuvannya: Why do all the stinks stray, fuss, fuss, if everything is so clear and round? Maybe, do not understand; I need to explain. What is it? What are you scolding about? Did the squad get shot? Well, it’s just as stupid as hell on the side. Yakbi kulya, God forbid, squandered їy at the eye, she could have done her mischief. God bless! I'm more healthy! Is your brother godless in the face of an unfortunate kohanny? Vin me just marvels. I wouldn't be god-fearing for anything. What kind of diva? Would be pennies! One especially less well-known fool, found, found, nibi on a compass, drawn, round, specializing exclusively in nutrition family life. The skin of a person can become friends. Why? And the one who needs to deprive himself of his offspring. And why would the offspring be needed? And so it is required. And everyone can make friends with them. Why already on nіmkenyakh? ate in New. But it's already required. That way, maybe, I can’t stick a nimkenya on everyone. Todi fool imagining: Zvichayno, everything can be screwed into a comedy bik. 3

4 This fool is alive fast at Petersburg, and his squad of yogis tried to help their little ones to one of the Petersburg institutes. Fool chiniv opir: Nabagato is better than viddati їh to Moscow. Why? And to the one who is there, it’s easy to see. Siv in the evening at the carriage, having gone, arrived in the morning and saw. And in Petersburg, if you get better! Suspіlstvі bad people have zruchny. You know what the ladies need to pay compliments, the gentlemen need to say: “But you are all crying,” and, moreover, you don’t have any foolish fools. I love Chalyapin, who is a fool of Rozmov's world. Why? And to the one who sleeps well. And why do you sleep well? Because I have talent. Why is there talent? Just to the one who is talented. Everything is so round, kind, zruchno. No bitch, no bully. Pіdhlosnesh i pokotitsya. Fools often destroy their careers, and they have no enemies. The stench is known to everyone for obedient and serious people. Some fool and have fun. Ale, obviously, at the right hour and in the right place. Here on the name day. It's funny that it's a good idea to tell a joke about something and immediately explain why it's funny. Ale vin does not like to have fun. You miss everything in your eyes. The whole behavior of a fool, like yogo ovnіshnіst, so statically, seriously and representatively, that yogo spriymayut z poshanoy. Yogo is willing to be robbed at the head of various comrades, representatives of those interests. Bo decent fool. The whole soul of the foolish nibi is licked by my wide cow. Round, smooth. Nowhere to chain. The fool deeply knows those that he does not know. I don't care. Whose verses did you read at once? Balmont. Balmont? Don't know. Don't feel like that. Axis Lermontov reading. And I don’t know Balmont. It seems that Balmont is guilty, that the fool does not know. Nietzsche? Don't know. I have not read Nietzsche! I renew in such a tone that I would shy away for Nietzsche. More fools to read is not enough. Ale is a special kind of variety, which is to get through all life. All the fools are stuffed. The name, vtim, is already wrong, for those who are in bad, do not fill themselves with wine, it is not enough to get lost. Everything that we see through our eyes, looms in the new capital. Fools love to respect themselves with great originals and seem: In my opinion, music is somehow acceptable. I started a great divac! Why is the land of culture, how calm and secure the life of the nation, how round and perfect the form of evil. 4

5 I is often permanently overwhelmed with an indestructible colo, closed by a bad thing in philosophy, or in mathematics, or in politics, or in science. So far I don’t see anything: Oh, it’s motoroshno! Oh, how life has become round! I break through the ring. (1912) Option 2 Vasil Andriyovich Zhukovsky () ULLIN I YOGO'S DAUGHTER Buv strong tuft, strong board; Kipuch, the day was raging; To the shore of Rhino, the mountain leader, Rushing with his daughter Ullina. “Ribaku, take us to your official; Fisherman, lie us in pursuit; Ullin with his retinue is not far away: We barely hear screams; race the horses." “You bachish, how evil is the water? You chuesh, yak hvili guchni? Let’s start weaving now, bida: My choven is not mitzny, the oars are breaking. “Fisherman, fisherman, give me your coat; Lie to us: as if there is no evil in the day, Mercy may be in the light of the hvil Її there will be no Ullin! The thunderstorm is strong, the day is fierce, I am closer, closer the noise of the chase; Їm a little hard cropping of horses, Їm a little clatter of swords about armor. “Sit down, good times; plivemo". I Rhino siv, with him a diva force; Rybalka vіdchaliv; Siva was a clerk all day long. I death zvіdusіl їm: vіdkritiy before them zіv abyss greedy; Behind them, Ullin is threatening from the shore, like a merciless storm. Ullin galloped to the shore; 5

6 Vіn bachit: take away your daughter; І anger at the breasts of the father, І vіn vyguknuv, fear povniy: “My child, back, back! Forgiveness! turn around, Malvina! Ale hvili less at vіdpovіd to make noise At the call of the roaring Ullin. Thunderstorm roar, black like nothing; Litaє choven mizh hvilyami; Krіz їkhnyu pіnu vin bachit daughter Z with outstretched hands. "Oh, come back, come back!" Ale grizno lulled the day, I was sick, the boat burned, angry At the cry of the pitiful Ullin. (1833) Criteria for evaluating Bali The integrity of the analysis carried out as a single form and value; 15 appearance/day of pardons in the context of the text. Rating scale: Zagalna logic and composition to the text, stylistic homogeneity. 10 Scale of assessments: Return to the text for evidence, selection of 5 literary terms. Rating scale: Historical and cultural context, the presence / presence of pardons in the background material. 5 Scale of assessments: Presence/existence of modern, grammatical, spelling and 5 punctuation pardons (at the borders of Russian language material). Rating scale: Maximum score 40 So, with an estimate for the first criterion, 0 points are given for “two”, 5 points for “three”, 10 points for “Thursday”, and 15 points for “five”. Infinitely, there are possible intermediate options (for example, 8 balls indicate “Thursday with a minus”). The maximum score for all victorious tasks is 70. 6

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN LITERATURE. 2017 2018 navch. m. 9 CLASS 1. "EX, HORSES, HORSES, WHAT FOR HORSES! .." Read. A) Tim, for an hour they harnessed my horses, I chirped,

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN LITERATURE. 2018 2019 m. 9 CLASS 1. "EX, HORSES, HORSES, WHAT FOR HORSES! .." Read. A) Tim, for an hour they harnessed my horses, I chirped,


All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Literature 2013/2014 at the beginning of the year St. Petersburg Stage 1 (school) Task for class 11 Maximum number of balls 66 Name: Award: Class: Task 1. Before

Criteria and methodology for evaluating the olympiad leaders of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Literature

Read carefully the fragment from A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" (chap.) - No, no, I’ll tell you, you still, vibatch me, it seems like a lot of images ... And you’re unfortunate

Criteria and methodology for evaluating the Olympiad leaders of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Literature (2014 2015 initial report)

Read carefully the fragment from the epic novel by L.M. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (to that, part, head.) and zavdannya. Night was foggy, and the mist taєmniche broke through the moon light. “Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow!

Analysis of the lyrical creation: the first test How often do you feel the word "analysis" at the lesson of literature! So often, what has filled the mind: to engage in dismemberment (analysis of the dismemberment itself) of the artistic

Criteria for evaluating and evaluating up to the deadline 1. Grade 10 1.1. Varieties: 4-foot iambic 4-foot trochaic 4-foot dactyl 4-foot amphibrach 1, 8, 10 4, 5, 6 3, 9 2, 7, 11

Read carefully the fragment from the letter of A.P. Chekhov " cherry orchard» (Diya) that vikoite zavdannya. Lyubov Andrivna. Hi, let's continue yesterday's rozmov. Trofimov. About what? Haev. About pride people.

Read carefully the fragment from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Hour" (ch. "Maxim Maksimovich") and see the task. The horses were already mortgaged; a twinkle of an hour, a twinkle under an arc, and a footman

Read carefully a fragment from M. V. Gogol's novel "The Overcoat" and read the task. The watchmen didn’t just get up from the moon, if they passed through, but they didn’t marvel at the new one, they flew through the pit

Criteria for evaluating and evaluating up to the deadline 1. Grade 11 1.1. Testimonials: Workshop of the poets of Gilei Oberyuti Serapionov brothers 2, 4, 9 5, 8, 11, 13 3, 7, 10 1, 6, 12 For each number of correct entries, 1 point is awarded.

Real profile Read carefully the excerpt from A. P. Chekhov's description of "Agrus" and read the task. In the evening, while we were drinking tea, the cook served up a plate of Agrus to the table. Tse buv not purchases,

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN LITERATURE Methodical recommendations from the opening of the date and time until the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Literature

Good day Hello! Today, so fierce, and today, I want to talk a little with you about Pushkin. Why today about Pushkin? Let's look at the whole monument. Vi bachite: here give the people

Chapter 4 21 Oleksandr Korol Mova set up (not my friends and not my image of “I am an impostor”) You were born in this world like this all the time. Naturally, є share і society.

"Tato, mom, I'm friendly with my family" Collection Moscow, Southern Administrative District of the State Educational Institution "School of Health" 1998 "Lukomorya". 2008 Usanova Nastya, 5-b Love to read my family, I read different books. Є detectives, science fiction є, І

Read carefully the fragment from A.P. Chekhov’s speech “Ionic” and read the task. Startsev thought and in the evening went to Turkinim. Vira Yosipivna, already very old, with white hair, lowered Startseva

Rozmova 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC The science of logic of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, about the way Engels spoke in that plan, which, in fact,

Criteria for evaluating and evaluating up to the deadline 1. Grade 10 1.1. For skin correct assessment, 0.5 points. Maximum score for all tasks 4. 1830 1, 3 1845 2, 5 1861 6, 8 1869 Position of the chronological line: 4, 7.

Criteria and methodology for evaluating the olympiad leaders of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of scholars in literature (2016 2017 initial report) Additional option 1. The main characteristic of the olympiad

Yak vovk its otrimav bottom "hі but" whose fox "went" in au "l 1 behind the trigger". Vaughn "sent" there "to that" about "I wanted to" tell. In au "le fox" stole "la * the very great" ku "rіtsa and b" stro-bi "strobe lost" la

Criteria and methodology for evaluating the olympiad winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of scholars in literature (2016 2017 initial period)

ENTRY TEST I. Complete the questionnaire. STATE INSTITUTE OF RUSSIAN MOVI im. AS PUSHKINA QUESTIONNAIRE Prizvische, im'ya (native to my / Russian to my) Date of birth to become a husband. / Druzhin. Krajina (hugeness)

Eugene Onegin is the hero of the novel by A.S. In everyday life, the name of the im'ya has become even more savage im'yam. From the very

Criteria for evaluating and evaluating up to the deadline 1. Grade 11 1.1. For skin correct assessment, 0.5 points. Maximum score for all tasks 4. 1890 2, 3 1905 4, 6 1915 1 1922 Chronological position: 5, 7, 8.

Coins in the sea We threw coins into the sea, Ale, here, unfortunately, did not turn around. We were loved by two of you, Ale more than once drowned at the kohanna. Our chauvin was broken in the wind, And love drowned in the abyss, We loved you

Criteria for grades 9-11

Analysis of family relationships (ASV) Shanovny dad! Prop on you opituvalnik to revenge the assertion about the vihovannia of children. Firmly numbered. The same numbers are in the “Form for opinions”. Read

Read carefully the fragment from the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" (Ch. XXI) and vikonate the task. But neither one nor the other did not sleep. Yaks mayzhe more or less slandered the hearts of both young people.

Sub-bag TV 2015 2016 Legal Framework carrying out and assessment of the bag work Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation“About making changes to the Procedure for carrying out

Dobre "doi" hali? having energized the syn, listening to the woman's voice through the door. Vіn knowing that the voice of tієї ta mi, yak zstrіlas yoma at the entrance. So "ma sno" vayshla "at the car. Vro" nsky guessing "

Lesson 4 Greed Reveal yourself that your friend gave you a palace, povniy miraculous speeches, and dominating everything for your satisfaction. Vіn gave you more than one advance: I beg you, do not stribay

Read carefully the fragment from the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" (Chapter 7) and zavdannya... You wonder at me distrustfully, you think:

Instructions for vikonanny zavdanny Shanovy schoolboy! Read the instructions carefully. Write in a neat, scribbled handwriting. Zavdannya can be vikonuvat at be-yakіy sledovnostі, but not

Day of Knowledge Leading: Hello, dear friends! I'm really glad to see you again at our music hall. Today's special, holy day. The whole country is holy miracle holy Day of Knowledge.

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD IN W MHK 2015 2016 m. When vikonannі zavdan You maєte vikonati sing the robot, as soon as possible to organize the offensive

Read carefully a fragment from the poem of N. V. Gogol Dead souls(Volume One, Chapter Eleven) and zavdannya .... lived in one distant corner of Russia, two Meshkants. One letter father of the family,


“Education at the Polytechnic University is a pledge of a successful tomorrow” Tsya zhittєradisna dіvchina z V'єtnam to love St. Petersburg. Dang Thi Xuan came to the Pivnichnoy capital of the sprawling rocks.

FOR A WALK Hello! My name is Marusya. If I was small, I didn’t want to go to school. I did not want to read and write with my mother. And then my mother foretold history, as I well remembered

Real profile Carefully read the fragment of the novel I. A. Goncharova "Oblomov" (part II, chapter) Why didn't you do it yourself? Everything, eternal biganina start, eternal gra

ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL OLYMPIAD W MHK 2016 2017 m. When vikonannі zavdan You maєte sing the robot, how to better organize it like this: respectfully

Methodical development lesson for students of the 4th grade on the topic: “The manifestation of Orthodox Christians about God” Vikonal: Orlova Inna Borisivna teacher of the first grade MBOU ZOSh 14 p. Mitishchi 2015. Numbers: 1.

Negative Borrowers Negative Borrowers of nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, indicate the identity of an individual, an object, or their signs. Grammar signs of negative borrowers

Respectfully read the fragment from the novel by V. G. Rasputin “Live and remember” (ch. 7) and read the task. Nastena was tied to the village, to the house, to the work, knew her place, took care of herself,

The power of a praised solution! The Light has strength, which includes love, faith, trust, kindness, forgiveness, and more... Evil, bitterness, pride, unforgiveness! Tsya power is laid by God in our human nature,

How to write tvir-mirkuvannya on a moral and ethical topic. Reminder (preparation before the date C2.2 DIA 2012) 1. What is “twir after the given text”? Twіr after the given text - twіr-mirkuvannya

Idiotic idea "I don't care" Good afternoon, friends. I continue to write social media articles on various topical issues. My spivrobitniki guess with those. In skin of such articles

SCHEME OF ASSESSMENT OF THE TEST Humanitarian profile Head A (40 points) Nr Head of assessment Option for the assessment Criteria for assessment Total number of points


Regardless of age, dignity and status, women need to take care of their femininity. It’s even more difficult to take a woman, who human character more human manners more human principles

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Read carefully the fragment of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet" (section X) Check out, saying Prince Vasil Lvovich *, at the same time you will become wiser. Golovne, tse those that I bachu

In the pre-automobile era, horses played an extremely important role in the lives of people. Without them, land roads were impossible, no battles, no strong labors. That is why the symbolism of a horse is different, like life itself. Throwing fallow in suits and furnishing symbolizes light and darkness, wisdom and swedishness of thought, swedishness of dressing that big hour, life and death, living grace that masculinity, loving pragnennya that gentry. Krilatiy kіn Pegasus is a symbol of poetic creativity.

Vona saw the cost of the life of two new mosques, she distributed expensive gifts to all the worlds. The Tatar leaders showed their most powerful vіddanіst, but for a sprat of tyzhnіv stench they promoted Turechchina. After turning back to Petersburg, Katarina also saw Pultava.

At the hour of this sight, Katherine said to the dean generals, as if they were respectful, they spoke about one of those other pardons of the Swedes: Understand, gentlemen, how small our strength is. Without these insignificant pardons, we would not be here at once. For example, the Empress turned to Petersburg. Її a day has seen six months.

Kіn buv is not just a transport facility. Garniy kіn expensive koshtuvav, before the new one they were put like a comrade and an ally, they loved him, they spat and spat. A.S. Pushkin's plan, of course, is not to be blamed. He sings like a spritny naznik, loving walks on the tops, whether it be rock or rock, having risen in price in crews. Nasoloda from the horseback ride was spitted by him at the tops:

The unfortunate Chan Shahinger did not exist at Krimu, but yoga Russian zahisnik taking his residence there. Pіslya moreover, as yogo was spared the crown, vin provіv this hour near Kherson z Potyomkinim, de turbotny tartare today wearing the uniform of the Preobrazhensky Guard and embellishing the Russian line. Nareshti vin buv repravleniya to Kaluga, ceasing to cry for your pension and zmusiv yogo to deprive the fatherland, so, having given in to the worst villains and the most barbaric occasion, rushing into the arms of the Turks, defending such vins to the Mortal Enemies I would have had a chance to trim, yakbi are not Russians.

Like a shvidko in the field, like a vіdkritom,
I’ll sing again, my kіn live!
Yak dzvinko under yogo kopit
The earth froze to sound!
"Like a shvidko at the field, dovkol vodkritom ...". 1828

Powder. We get up and immediately on the horse,
I draw across the field at the first light of the day;
Arapniki in our hands, dogs behind us...
"Winter. Why work for us in the village? .. ". 1829

Lead a horse to me; at the rosedolly vіdkritoma,
Waving with a mane, carry the wine of the apex,
І dzvinko under yogo with a glittering hoard
To move the frozen valley and crack the ice.
Autumn. IX. 1833

A short trip to the Vltavi, de vіdodar and the Turkish Kapidi-Bachi for nothing made it possible for you to travel to Constantinople Opel. The Russian commander of the fortress of Kamenіets, the creator of Potiykin, united his two others. Ale Shakhinger was unsatisfiedly inspired. Without a trace, instinctively transferring a sum of shares, like on a new check. Vіn buv skhopleniy by force and povіv yoga on the island of Rhodes. There, once vryatuvav French consul, which the Turks demanded extradition. Consul, lest the stench dare to destroy the porch of his booth, consecrated by international law, mav masculinity does not stand for the bajanna and does not vouch for the one who, having put himself under the yogo of an official zahist.

It was not safe to wind up riding on the slimy ice for such a hot naznik, like Pushkin. On September 28, 1825, I wrote to P.A. Vyazemsky from Trigorsky to Moscow: “I am writing to you on a visit with a broken hand - having fallen on the ice not from a horse, but from a horse: great difference for my Nazi ambition." Greater for everything, tsya Podiya Pushkin mav on uvazі in stanza XLIII of the IV chapter of Eugene Onegin:

And yet you were threatened with the hanging of yoga booths, and, victorious moment, if you were out of the day, tying the French coat of arms from the door, like attaching to a sudidny booth, tearing down Yogo’s apartment, knowing the unfortunate Chan, scrounging Yogo and strangling him. By such a rite, the Turks avenged yoga vіdmova, by such a rank, the Russians of wine awarded the recognition of their powers.

Time after time, Potiomkin wanted to move the Port for whatever price, so that he could expand the Viysk's spirits. Crimea nadії dismember the Ottoman Empire, the mysterious reason made him want to go to war, which really made him necessary for him. Honors with offices, ranks, merits and medals still did not hang out for youmu, but the great pledge of the Order of St. George itself; vin tezh hotiv mother i pragniv yogo shukati. However, in order to embellish this in order, it is not enough to command a large army to follow the law, and the victory is small but won.

In the wilderness, what work at the right time?
Walk? Tim's village
Mimovoli bothering to look
One-mantic nakedness.
Ride the tops in the steppe suvoroma?
Ale kіn, blunting pіdkovoy
Invalid zachіpayuchi ice,
Togo and check what you fall into.

Vіdomo three film self-portraits of the poet. The first self-portrait of the wines was thrown in olive oil in 1826 in the blacks of the fifth chapter of “Eugene Onegin” (PD 836, arch. 42). Pushkin pictured to himself in a crimson capelus, how to sit quietly on a stallion. The posture of the vertex is static, but in it the internal tension is observed, neither axis nor axis is chosen to spur one’s horse. The stallion is already garni. Possibly, tse argamak, what N.M. Mov at the Vershova Messenger to P.A. Osipova dated 8th of March 1827:

Ale, in the eyes of Potomkin, what were the sufferings and reliefs of the war, what were the lives of thousands of people among the gang with the gang, how flattered was Yogo by ingenuity? Bulgakov, Russian ambassador to Constantinople, having arrived to Kherson, to inform the empress about the secret operation of the Divan. This diplomat took a great influx from Egypt through Baron Tolus, Russian Consul General Oleksandriya. The second consul, whom Russia promoted at Smyrna, pratsyuvav at his own place on the melancholy of his country. The third tried to fire the Vltava.

Russian ships were evil with privileges given to their Port, and St. Petersburg, lusting after the scoundrels at that evil cob. Sofa, dissatisfaction with the behavior and even more dissatisfaction with the listing between Ibrahim Beym at Kahir and the Russian minister, calling Kapudan Pasha Hasan at the establishment of order in Egypt. Dekilkom days later, the grand vizier waited for a conference with the ambassador Bulgakov and gave him a note, on the basis of wine negainoly vimahav vіdpovіdі. Bulgakov uniqav tsієї vіdpovidі and vіmagav vіdstochki, sob otrimati otrimati primatі and іnstruktsії vіd svogo court.

І often I bachu uvі snі:
І three burn, і dіm garny,
I bright Soroty call
I tі flat, tі nivi,
Through the yaks in the distance
On the golden argamak,
Overseas kapelyuh pokrity,
Hurry up to Trigirsky, one -
Voltaire, and Goethe and Racine -
Bouv Pushkin famous...

Two of Pushkin's other self-portraits were seen until 1829 and the poet was sent to Arzrum until the month of war. Offending portraits are more dynamic. The first to be known in black is the verse "Delibash" (PD 911): he sings to rush on a horse in a crimson capelus and burts on aphids of sloping mountains. At the top, there is a story about the essence of the fearless Turkish warrior Delibash, no less than a Russian Cossack. The continuation of these was the image of a Turkish battle, who to rush, with a bare sword, sings in an album (PD 1723) of his Moscow acquaintance Elizaveta Mikolayevna Ushakovo. In this album (sh. 74v.) there is the most famous film self-portrait of Pushkin at the burtz with a copy. Pushkin nibi "reconciled" the role of a participant in the battles with the Turks, but you happened to be an eyewitness to them.

One maw give youmu tse. Ale, without a hitch, the sofa was re-selected and revealed that there is no sense of checks coming from St. Petersburg. The war was voted out in Constantinople in a vague way to the Turkish one: Bulgakov’s confession is like a confession at the castle of seven towers.

The worm is united, so that Bulgakov's zvilnennya can reach; ale її zusilla were free. The envoy of England had more power, lower than the rest, and the court of St. James was embroiled in a trade agreement between Russia and France, which formed England on the yogo Achilles heel, the interests of the kramar.

An inimitable and even original self-portrait of the poet is the one who sings, depicting himself at the sight of a horse. In the autograph of the verse “Andriy Shenier” (PD 835, arch. 60 rev.) among the beautiful heads of the baptismal crosses of the city, there is a similarity with the horse and the mavpoi at the same time, but the whole profile of the poet is visible. Pushkin once "reconciled" the image of a horse on himself, revealing the secrets of his "creative laboratory", if the author "transfers" from his heroes, instill like a creature. The verse “Andriy Shenier” has a lot of rows dedicated to the very poetic creativity, understanding the role of the poet in society, although the self-portrait in the image of a horse with the text of the verse “Andriy Shenier” does not overlap. Horses here are guessing in a figurative sense. In front of the stratum, the Frenchman sings to the whil, having doubts about the correctness of the choice of his creative field:

The Turks were prepared to the greatest vigor of the war and allowed to go twenty thousand thousand, near Otshakov Otsakov to lay the neck of the bow and the Dnieper; it was especially important for the people of Katherine from Poland. for cover. The great army marched on the banks of the Danube and the Grand Vizier raised the green flag of Mohammed in front of the Ottoman troops.

A fleet of sixteen ship lines, large frigates and a few other ships crossed the Black Sea under the command of Kapudan Pasha Hasan. Ale tsey succes without robbing Hasan with self-sufficiency, having guessed the blow in Chesm, and, first, having rushed to the Crimea, having taken the surviving captains and officers of his fleet, and having told them. A new honorable field calls me that itself, as if you were to shed our remaining blood on our religion, the sultan and the nation. There is one among you, who cannot die on the field of honor, even if you can freely voice yoga, and without further ceremonies, you are guilty of bad farewell.

What worked for me,
To me, to the faithful kohanny, I sing that silence,
On a low field with guarded fighters!
Chi me bulo manage nimble kіnmi
І cool to straighten powerless kermo?

Zgіdno from the "Glossary of Pushkin's Movi", sings foretelling horses 579 times in such options: kіn (277), kіn (6), kіn (2), kіn (269), kobila (9), kobilitsya (3), kobilka (7 ) , stallion (6). In addition, 11 times the legendary Pegasus is seen in yoga creations. The word “kin” is most often used by Pushkin in prose creations when talking about horse-drawn transport. In the verses, it is more important to figure out the more poetic form “kіn”, moreover, without the addition of the article:

From the other side, the one who shows goodness at the viconan’s clothes, you can be singed at the distant city in the distance. Let everyone who wants to follow me in their minds raise their right hand and swear to be faithful to me. The mustache captains swore to win over and die with their Grand Admiral. The Turks did not trust the Greeks, but they fought them. They also issued a manifesto, which they asked the Tatars to turn to the reign of the Grand Master. Tsey manifesto mav bazhany result, because the Tatars hated the Russian yoke.

Katharina generously poured her rich gifts, recited the Koran for her for free, and set up mosques for her. Mustaches of Mirzi were elected, and the stench took away a new Chan, who was not a problem under the command of an army of a thousand people. The Turkish declaration of war with great joy was heard by Petersburg. The empress did not only transfer її, but also checked with impatience. All preparations were made with care. In the Kuban, there was already a lot of warfare, others - against the Crimea, and their armies covered the land from Kameniesu to the Balti.

Ale know: why not punish the sled,
Boron mower?

Kovza on the ranking snow,
Dear friend, I see big
Impatient horse...
Winter Way. 1829.

Pushkin's manuscripts have numerous images of horses, full of beauty, fineness, expressiveness. The horse's head is the poet's first baby in the Lyceum's clothing (PD 829, arch. 26). This is an auto-illustration to the verse of "Vus" about the daring hussar, to whom the sage gives a confession:

Repnin, Kam'yansky, Kachevsky and other anonymous generals instructed them. Field Marshal Rumyantsev, do not reproach yourself, or bring something to the honor of Potomkin, having moved to accept the order under the drive of old age; ale vin sending one of his blues to the army. At the Black Sea, a fleet of eight ship lines, twelve frigates and about two hundred waders or harmonic shells were selected, and two strong squadrons, at the order of Admiral Kruse and Gray, leave Kronstadt, the one who Baltіysk, іnshі virushayut near the Mediterranean Sea.

Cheerful guest, kohanets sticky,
For whose health I b'єsh dances?
A horse, beautiful and beautiful.

On l. 33 sings again throwing the head of the horse in the black verse "Rozluka", about the suffering of the abandoned kohanets. Kіn shilivsya, mabut, to the water. The image was rewritten with the words “Oh dear friend!”, in the residual version of “Oh, dear ...”:

The emperor wants to fight with the Turks no less, no less. A dozen thousand Austrians destroyed against Moldavia, and everything, it was given, voted the fall of the Osman empire. For an hour, Katarina tried to prove her judge's gaze, having issued a manifesto, which sounds like Turks in ruined old treatises. This manifesto was accompanied by another, to that sensi, who was embarrassed against the enemy of the Christian faith and that name is quiet, who now I am in awe of a just God, in Russia they have so long and so hard stolen wool.

In support of this manifesto, in which Katherine voiced the forces of heaven and earth against the Turks, she scurried in the most remarkable ways, famous in Russia, zabobons of people and tempting tat. The prophecies were published by the ancient patriarchs Jeremiah and Nikon, who inevitably voted the fall of Constantinople and famously Turks from Europe. Ale in the Ottomans is also a prophet on the name of Bey-Mansur, a kind of drive, that an angel appeared to you in the middle of the forest, for the joy of taking the army and bringing the troops of the Caucasus and the Tatars to the Crimea against the Russians.

Oh dear, everywhere you are with me:
Ale, I'm bagging and sweat, I'm bagging.
Chi blissful day behind the blue mountain,
Chi zіyde nothing with the autumn month -
I’m kidding you, charming friend…

At first glance, the little ones cannot be brought to verse. Ale, how can you guess what a kin can symbolize the beauty of a woman, that loving banquet, we will understand everything. Kіnsk's head on a little girl is a woman's head.
At the early poem of Pushkin's "Monk" tranquility for the encore the leader of Pankratiy uvі snі

If Katherine asked the regents of Europe to oppose the Turks, she didn't realize that they should turn their ambitious plans around. Prote von with upevnіstyu vvozdal, scho stink prinaymnі zasluzhatsya lookers її triumfіv. Vaughn did not know that England was supporting Turkey, she also knew that Prussia was more tolerant of them, so that neither Austria nor Russia expanded; but those whom she passed on were stunned by the war by the king of Sweden.

From that hour, when Osterman had flooded Stockholm, his adversaries hit him in the footsteps. However, one of them did not show such brilliance, like Andreas Rozumovsky. In order to turn yourselves pardoned by the grace of Catherine, whose ambassador was innocently engaged in sowing hatred and discord among the Swedish nobility, most of them were dissatisfied with the king, and would rather be ready to listen to the treacherous and most sonorous joys of Russia .

At the greens of the forest, like a white-haired page,
Like an easy throw, chasing a girl.

Piznishe sings more than once to turn to the erotic symbolism of a horse, prote in the lyceum sings out more vinyatok, lower rule. І at the top, and on the little ones, the kin - a sign of a heroic theme, a symbol of masculinity and a military spirit:

NATO for young people
Have dibrovі їde movchaznoy,
Three and write their horses,
Shake your head impatiently.
Nazis. 1816

The stench screeched, naskolki important to navit now the vitiq of the Swedish king for them. That stench was blamed on Gustav for important subsidies, which, however, were more than often paid. In addition, Prussia propagated him pennies and England promised to support the Swedish squadron.

The king was also seriously preparing to take his armor. The marriage of Viysk lords often labored at Stockholm for yoga, Andreas Rozumovsky proudly asked for a reason. Ale Gustav is prouder of even greater pride, that in all the land of guilt it is not the fault of any foreign power to tell about his own passion and punishing Rasumovsky to negay move out of Stockholm. Ale Russian, under any kind of drives, knew the way to make their own lives and continue the war, it was carried out by the Swedish side in a mysterious and innocent way.

Mіy kіn near the row of eagles
To rush with a grіzny sіdkom.
Message to Yudin. 1815

Retivi horses like to breathe,
Dotted with warriors,
Behind the system, the flow is flowing, I’ll cover everything, breathe glory,
Capture at the chest of their transitions.
Help at Tsarskoye Selo. 1814.

The lyceum has zoshit on l. On June 45, Pushkin depicted an urn entwined with quilts on the graveyard, which was better for everything, to the grave. Above it is a rose tree with a lyre, which hangs on the head. On the back of that arch, under a black, unfinished elegy, “Let my soul come before you…” he sings, having painted a pattern, a pistol and a horse without a top, covered with a blanket, throwing a portrait of a hussar. The little ones with the text of the elegy are directly connected. From one side, tse own kind іlustration v_rsha A.V. Zhukovsky's "Spivach", where to talk about the poet's grave, but, from the other side, it is possible, like a new idea about the death of a spouse in a duel chi essence. Pіznіshe vіn snuggle at "Evgenії Onegіnі". And the image of a horse without a rider, which blazes the beat of a rotten ruler, or jumps from the battlefield on its own, in Pushkin’s creativity is repeated more than once:

Prote Viyskove ozbroєnnya trivalo with great zapadlivistyu. Grand Fleet The boats were ready until the departure to Karlskron, the country, as they will be redirected to the new one, they were taken in close proximity to the capital, and others went as far as Finland. Vіn buv navmisne widening the rumor about those that Sweden is guilty of buti is ready to be protected, oskelki court of St. Petersburg threatening to attack the new one, as Gustav did not call the Russian troops against the Turks. The Swedish soldiers burned down the bazhannia to compete with the nation, so often overcome by their fathers.

Nareshti all the troops were taken on board, and the fleet arrived to Finland, de Gustav was already gone. A great Swedish army arrived between Russia, lowering a small zagіn of Russian myslivtsіv, having brought some Swedes from the bridge, which paid them back. The dekilka of the shoot from the guinea was replaced, and Gustav immediately became the cause of the war. In Stockholm, they said that in order to lay claim to an attacking part, the king himself ruled over this essence, put a bunch of his military in Russian uniforms and increased an attack on the Swedish outposts, his fleet, having bought two Russian frigates, I we trembled on the heights of Sveaborg schob practice Russian military-naval cadets

Navkolo pagorba go around a strong friend - kіn;
In the eyes of the proud, the fire has faded,
Win a lail to heal your head.
Bezpechnoy kopitom b'є stone of the valleys
I marvel at lati - throw a virny one,
I shake wildly and hail.
Facial expressions. 1815

Navkol Ruslan walk kіn,
Pokhilivshis proud head,
In Yogo's eyes, there was a fire!
Do not wave your golden mane,
Don't be quiet, don't jump wine
I check if Ruslan is pissed off...
Ale prince mіtsny cold dream,
I do not hit Yogo's shield for a long time.
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Day 7. 1819

What a terrible picture!
Before him yoga two blue
Without shells and without armor
Offended dead to lie,
Sword embedding one one.
Roam their horses in the middle of the bow,
Trampled grass.
Fairy tale about the golden pіvnik. 1834

Rosirva lansyug share zhorstokoy,
I wablu with the brothers at the fire,
Wabble with a storm! - I self-sufficient
Vibіzhit my kіn near the valley.
Nazis. 1816

The image of a horse in poetry is often associated with liberty and freedom. Beautiful primings of free horses, carved with marvelous craftsmanship, are often seen in Pushkin's autographs.

At the black of the “Caucasian Fight” (PD 46, arch. 4) Pushkin draws a saddled horse, galloping without a rider, beating the top:

Will! you're the only one
More shukav at the empty light.
With passions, I feel guilty,
Chilled to mrіy i to liri,
Hearing the praises of the songs of the wines,
Inspired by you
I with faith, semi-manly blessings
Your proud idol embraced.

At the manuscript of the unfinished poem "Tazit" (PD 842, arch. 6) there is a painting of the monument to Peter I near Petersburg, and a figure of the emperor-reformer. So Pushkin, as early as 1829, recognized the idea of ​​singing “Midniy Vershnik”, ale tse. L.A. Kraval said: “I think that I’m throwing a skeleton, but without a leader - tse Russia“ without trimuvach ”. To that, for a little one, throw - not a “proud stone”, a fire-fire, but a graceful quivering horse, civilized, equipped. Zlyakana that hung over the abyss; to that one, when the snake lifted its head, the skelya cracked. At the line of cracks, associated with the map, the doslidnitsa wobbled the contours of the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and grew the flower heads of visnovoks: blowing the gospel in the Caucasus ".

Idea of ​​improvement sovereign government the tidying up of nimble horses was heard by Pushkin in Boris Godunov. At the stage in the royal chambers, Basmanov’s words to Godunov are as follows:

Zavzhd the people to the sum'yatta taєmno shilny:
So Horty throw your kermo to the grize;
On the authority of the father, the young man is so overwhelmed;
Ale what? calmly rule the horse,
I punish the father as a youth.

At the “Midny Vershnik” the chin is grim, which rises dibki, symbolizing the renewal of Peter’s Russia:
Zhakhlivy wine in the navkolishniy imli!
What a thought!
Yaka strength in newcome is chained!
And in what horse is a fire!

Wherever you jump, proud kin,
Where will you put down your hoard?
O straining Volodar of the valley!
Chi not so ti over the abyss
On the heights, the bridle is straight
Russia pіdnyav dibki?
Image Peter I on a horse in the "Midny Vershnik" and "Poltava" perekukuyutsya:
Exit Petro. Yogo eyes
Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.
Rolls of swedes. Vin is beautiful
Vin all, like God's thunderstorm.
Ide. Youmu horse lead.
Retiviy and humble virny kіn.
Feeling the fatal fire
Throttle. Eye askance
I rush at gunpowder battlefield,
Writing with a mighty leader.

Smiling behavior of war horses, like at the hour of battle they become comrades-in-arms of the warriors, obviously adding the poet:

Impatient kіn viruє
I snig hoarding wet riє.
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Song 5.
Biy z Chornomor

Shine in armor, like fire,
Miraculous warrior on a horse
Rush with a thunderstorm, stake, rubaє,
At the roaring rіg, flying, trumpet ...
That buv Ruslan. Like God's grim
Our knight fell on the infidel;
Vіn nishporit with carla behind the seat
In the middle of a sloppy camp.
De not a sinister sword,
De kin angry do not rush,
Skrіz heads zlіtayut і from the shoulders
And with a cry, fall in harmony ...
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Song 7.
Fight with cookies.

Otherwise, the horses should be led, which the biy sidok spent:

Enemies for sprat krokiv,
A young Cossack wallowing in blood,
And throw, all at the pin that saw,
Feeling the will, wildly rushing,
Hovayuchis in the fire of the distance.

The horses of the battle do not hear the fearful riders, throw them off. This is the result of the duel of the heroes of the song “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Farlaf and Rogdaj, if Farlaf gets stuck in the ditch:

Having rushed to the ditch, the retivy throw,
Waving his tail and white mane,
Stovpi having a bite
I jumped over the river;
Ale fearful rider uphill with his feet
Falling heavily into the brudny river,
Earth not seen from heaven
I accept death already ready.
Ruslan and Lyudmila. Song 2.

Over such a behavior, Pushkin ironizes in "Eugenia Onegina" (Chapter VI, stanza XXXV), giving Zaretsky's "heroism" an hour Vytchiznyanoi war 1812:

I then say that the battle
Once at the right time
Vіn vіdznachivsya, boldly in bagnyuku
Falling from the Kalmitsky horse,
Yak zyuzya p'yany, and the French
Distant in full: dear outpost!

More than once in the works of Pushkin, the foul, disturbing behavior of the horses that bobbed the dead is described:

Zaretsky dbaylivo hoard
On the sleigh is a corpse of icing;
Dodom vі vvese terrible belongings.
Feeling dead, grope
I beat the horses, kick the white
Steel to wet the wood,
I flew like an arrow.
"Eugene Onegin". Goal. VI. Line XXXV.

It is similar to bridle the horses at the tops “It’s like nothing, the frost is crisp…” and “Alphonse is sitting on the horse…”. The horses are lakayutsya like dead, and y bіsіv. Nayaskravіshe tse vіdbito vіdomu vіrshі "Bіsi".

Another image of Pushkin's tying horse with evil spirits. The hero of the verse "Hussar" is drinking for his enchanting spivmeshka Marusenka to the Sabbath. Marusenka to order her nevdahu kokhantsy to turn back home, while still alive, and pronounce the poker like a transport zasib. The hussar will not do well:

Horse! - On, fool, axis and kick. -
I'm right, throw in front of me.
Scraping hoard, all fire,
An arc of a neck, a whistle of a pipe.

Sit down. - Axis siv I'm on a horse,
I joke bridles, - no bridles.
Like zdіynyavsya, like me ponіs -
I stumbled upon my rudeness.

I marvel: it’s just like that, I myself
Siju top and under me
Do not throw, but old lava:
Axis that traplyatsya hour ...

Tsіkava auto-illustration in black (PD 189) of the verse: hussars, who rush on horseback, in sharpened view on mіtlakh and other unclean.

The little ones, which the poet's creative minds have fixed even before the words are deepened, are often written down in Pushkin's manuscripts. Among them are the painting of horses and vershniki. One IZ ODLIV - Zgadaniy Vishche Malyunok at the blacksmiths "Tazit". The second yaskra butt - two drawings of a paladin, which is fast to rush, in black "Poltavi" (PD 838, arch. 52). Until a row about to finish Kochubey in a prison cell, the little one obviously cannot bear to be born. Voni, for the appointment of T.G. Tsyavlovsky, one can remember the verse “The face of the vile lives in the world ...”, about the paladin, who took the lady of the heart of the Most Holy Theotokos. After the little ones have bounced, the rows are guessing:

Tim is like a paladini
At zustrіch quivering enemies
On the plains of Palestine
Rushed, calling women,

Lumen coelum, sancta Rosa!
Vigukuvav with the voices of the wines,
I chased yogo threat
Muslims from our sides.

The clouding of these little ones is ambiguous. So chi. The craval swayed the imitation of a larger face painted by the poet, who sits on a horse in a static position with a proud posture, with the silhouette of Emperor Mikoli I, who was called the “face of Europe”, after the words of Heinrich Heine. The little one, at the thought of the doslidnitsa, should tell about the tension of the tsar’s decision by Pushkin at the reference about the blasphemous poem “Gavriiliada”. But we can see that the little poet’s little ones can’t wait until the verse “The face of the day lives in the world ...”, and even before the pictures of the Battle of Poltava (sheets 61-68 of the same title). Russian cavalrymen, defending their ancestral home and their faith, fought against the soldiers of Charles XII and Mazepi, just like before, as middle-ranking people fought against Muslims.

The great one sings with his zoshitah the little horses are richer often, even if there are other creatures. In the supplementary 18th volume of a selection of works published by the publishing house "Voskresinnya" until the 200th anniversary of the people's day O.S. Pushkin published over 400 small prints. Koni Zytzhenі for 35 wies, Kishki-by 10, dogs-for 3, snake-on 3. Especially the original maleunok at the Chernetzi of the 8th sheet "Roman in sheets". Tse "explain" the image of a horse in Bolivars and a frock coat, as it is rotated 180 degrees in relation to the text and may be sing-songly before the yogo zmistu can not be. The little one will appear as soon as earlier, and later in the text: Pushkin has in some cases begun to fill his own in different directions, vicorist alone, the leaves of the sprat are different. The look of the painted horse, in our opinion, is clearly flannelette. Possibly, tse graphical reflections of the poet over what seems to be a satirical creation, for example, over the tale of I.I. Khemnitser "Upper Kin", de proud of his attire and the camp of the kіn to boast of them in front of a robotic wardrobe.

In Pushkin, create, de kin - among the main heroes. This is the title of the “Song about the Great Oleg”, the plot of some kind of assumptions from the “History of the Russian Power” by Karamzin. Pushkin poetizing the retelling about the death of Prince Oleg due to the bite of a snake, which bursts from the skull of his beloved horse. A.A. Bestuzhev naprikintsі sіchnya 1825 from Mikhaylivsky: “Comrade of love of the old prince to his horse and dbaylivist about his share of the rice of the ingenuous innocence, that podia itself in its own simplicity may be richly poetic.” An illustration of such a setting is the scene of the farewell of the prince with the horse, after the enchantment's speech about the death of the new one, and the scene of the blowing of the brushes of the dead horse:

“Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,
The hour has come to part;
Now look up! Don't step foot
Your stirrup is gilded…”.

The prince quietly stepped on the horse's skull
I mov: “Sleep alone!
Your old master survived you:
At the feast, which is not far away.
Not ti pіd sokira kovila stained
I fill my gunpowder with speck of blood!”

At tsomu vіrshi kіn vіrniy, kohaniy, zazyaty, growling, greyly, easy on big. He sings, having resurrected those yakos, as if he himself tsіnuvav at the horses.
Kin - head hero the rest of the sixteen "Song of catchy words":

What are you irzhesh, my kіn retivy,
Having lowered the silence,
Do not be cowardly with a mane,
Don't grize your woodives?

Virniy kіn conveys the shvidka the death of the ruler in the essence of the enemy, to that sum:

... What soon the enemy is Suvoriy
I take all my take
І sribni pіdkovi
From the lungs of my health;
That is why my spirit is not,
What is on the plate of the saddlecloth
I will cover your wines
I slept on the sides."

Here it is shown a belief about the mystical zdіbnosti of the horses, go under, pour into the share. Followers of this faith are prostzhuyutsya at a few works of Pushkin. In the first song of "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Farlaf and Rogdai entrust their share to the horses:

“Rise up, it's time! - they said -
Unseen trusted share.
I skin throw, not feeling steel,
By will, having formed a path.

In "Belkin's Tale" the behavior of the horses becomes quite natural, at first glance. At the “Postril” post, the horse’s uptake caught the count’s retinue on walks, which gave the count and Silvio the opportunity to think alone: ​​“Once in the evening, the tops rode together; the dagger at the squad was resting; she got angry, gave me the reins, and sent pishki home; I went ahead ... ". In “Panyanka-village” the situation is similar: “Kin of Muromsky, who didn’t get drunk at all, snarled and ponis. Muromsky, who, having voted for himself as a miraculous leader, having given his will and inner satisfaction, would be rewarded, which is like an unacceptable spirit-maker. Ale kin, jumping to the ravine, to the new one not marked, rushing sideways, and Muromsky did not sit. Falling down to mow heavily on the frozen ground, lying in wine, cursing her heap of kobila, as if she was thrashing about, she thought herself without a drink ... ". This episode was grafted to reconciliation between Murom and Berestovim, which zumovil happy end of the story. At “Zaviryukha” the horse, having got lost in a snowstorm for an hour, inadvertently brought Volodymyr to the church of the village of Zhadrino, where she was named for a new check, as if through a price she unexpectedly repented of Burminim, which abruptly changed the shares of the leading heroes.

Nevipadkovo big horse symbolizes the breaking of the hour, the share of the people. Qu symbolism of Pushkin victorious in the verse "Viz life" (1823):

It’s important at times for her tractor,
Vіz on the go is easy;
A dashing coachman, a gray hour,
Vede, not evil for prominuvannya ...

In the rest of the chotirivirshi, it is said about old age, as it changed the raging youth and the death of maturity:

Roll, like before, wiz,
Overnight we called to her
I doze off until the night -
And the hour for the wife of horses.

Viddae faithfully sings that symbol of a horse tied with a woman with grace, beauty and eroticism. At the verse of "Inheritance of Anacreon" in the form of a young, unwitting mare, Hanna Olenina is remembered - a girl, like Pushkin, seriously dying of the spring-autumn of 1828 rock and with which she chooses to make friends:

Kobilica is young
Honor to the Caucasian brand,
Why are you running, away?
І you the hour has come;
Do not squint with a laklivy eye,
No sword in sight,
The fields are smooth and wide
Feel free to jump.
Strive; I will give you
I reconcile under me:
At the world, your bik is straight
Shortened bridle.

Beautiful, miniature, graceful, but at the same time sensible, hot on the tongue, Olenina was a sweet lady. He sings a moment of bachiti її maisternist on a cavalcade in Pryutin's shirt, having visited the Reindeer curtains more than once in 1828. Tsikavo, that in the autograph verse (PD 838, arch. 16) Pushkin having wonderfully dynamically drawn skilful kobilits, that they throw their legs in a show, that they jump quickly. These figures are placed near the rest of the chotirivirsh, which is the mark of auto-illustration.

The little kobilis are called again by the same zoshita (fol. 52, 62) in the blacks eat "Poltava". Instructed to describe the battle of Poltava on the cob of Pushkin by throwing the scene of horses chasing. Until the very test, the little ones don’t think of direct rapture, the natomist streaks out of their link from the verse “Kobilitsya is young”. Little ones to speak about the poet's unimaginable dreams about friendship with Ganna Olenina, whose portraits, initials and anagrams are often embroidered in the Poltavi blacks.
With similar drawings, the kobilitsa sings on the side of the album of Elizaveta Mykolayivna Ushakova (PD 1723, arch. 76). It was better for everything, when the little ones were born at the spring of 1829 after the return from Arzrum: Mayzhe instructed (l. 74v.) to be included in the album of the poet's self-portrait on horseback in the burts. In the middle of their time, Pushkin's bachelor herds of kobilits kobilits near Kalmiki, who blaze on smooth herds. Ale, it seems, it hit Yogo on the idea of ​​a little one. By analogy with more early sketches, one can admit that such a dream of a poet about friendship, but not on Oleniniya, but on Natalia Mykolaivna Goncharova, like, before the speech, she was a wonderful friend.

Pushkin had few verses, but there is more to say about other nazniks – the falcons of the mythical winged horse Pegasus. Create a good satirical one. On the cob early sing "Monk" (1813) young Pushkin turns to Voltaire:

Voltaire! Sultan of French Parnassus,
I don't want to saddle the Pegasus horse
I don't want to sing muses for ladies,
Ale, just give me your golden lira,
I will be with her to the whole world.

Arist! and you in yurbі servants of Parnassus!
You want to ride the stuck Pegasus;
For laurels, hurry up with an unsafe path
And from suvoroy criticism enter boldly at the bіy.

In a few works of the lyceum period, Pushkin was named under the names of Svistov, Khlistov and Grafov, the famous graphomaniac Count Dmitry Khvostov, who at night wrote “three-hundred fool”:

So write (do not say dokir)
The groom of the old Pegasus
Svistiv, Khlistiv chi Grafiv
Servant of the representative of Parnassus,
Father of the old virshiv.
My Aristarchus. 1815

Oh ty, Visot Parnassus
Boyar is small,
Ale sticky Pegasus
Appointment keeper!
Mistechko. 1815

Distant from the woeful Khvostov, he sings about his creativity writing like this:

Alemy, my sleep is quiet! turboless blue of Parnassus,
In the silence of the night, I don’t fight with Rome,
I don’t care about Phoebe, Pegasus,
Nі old podvir'ya like old muses.
dream. 1816

We call in a different tone a message to V.L. Pushkin, Vigadane of that same 1816 year. A new spark of subtle humor has a compliment to the kohan uncle-virshuvalnik:

I don't know how to use my mind
Seeing Rome bachichnykh, hitting on Pegasus,
I did not forget myself, hotch radium, hotch not radium.
Ні, ні - I don’t call me a brother;
See my uncle on Parnassus.

At the onset of fate, before those Pegasus, Pushkin begins earlier, lower at the lyceum period. In 1822, the roci in "Sent to the Censor" sings writing about the lists of free-loving verses, which were expanded in circumvention of censorship:

Parnassus is not a monastery and not a harem of sums,
І right nikoli maisterniy konuvav
Zayvoї stickiness of Pegasus did not spare ...

The old and toothless "steam pacer" Pegasus sings in the poem "Budynochok near Kolomina", the first 8 octaves, which is dedicated to the "water stones" of poetic creativity:

… Pegasus
Old, the tooth is already gone. Їm viritium well
Id. Sprinkled Parnassus;
Phoebe is alive at the front, and the round dance
Grandma muses no longer calm us down.
І tabir of your own from the classic peaks
They took us to the market.

In 1836, Pushkin resurrected Pegasus at the top, slain before Denis Davidov when he was presented with the “History of the Pugachev rebellion”.
Otzhe, image a horse, a horse, kobilitsі to pass through the entire literary work of Pushkin. Cі image an important rozumіnnya and spriynyattya yoga creativ, even though it is rare for some of them to be key. Horses are guessing at Pushkin, and like participants in the pod, what they see, and just like a horse-drawn transport, and in other symbolic meanings. Thin, beautiful, dynamic depictions of horses, armchaired with love by the great poet’s hand, curling the sides of rich manuscripts, being either auto-illustrations, or a viraz of life’s aspirations, creative thoughts that enmity in view of what he has experienced and slaughtered by him.

1 A.S.Pushkin’s must-do is quoted for others: Pushkin A.S. More than a selection of works: 10 vols. - M.-L.: Vidavnitstvo AN SRSR, 1949.
2 A.S. Pushkin "Count Nulin". Sing an autograph on the title archway (PD No. 74, arc. 2) sings painted with an illustration - the leader, who gallops on a horse, in front of which a dog runs.
3 Mov N.M. Selection of verses. - M.: Radyanskiy pisnik, 1948.
4 Argamak is an expensive kin of the Arabian breed.
5 Album by Elizaveta Mykolaivna Ushakova. Facsimile confirmation. - M.: Logos, 1999.
6 Portrait nominated by L.F. Kartseli. Div: Kartseli L.F. World of Pushkin at yoga little ones. - M.: Moskovsky robitnik, 1988. S. 29-38.
7 Dictionary of Pushkin's Movies: 4 vols. - M.: Azbukovnik, 2000.
8 These little ones and others are called for seeing: Denisenko S.V., Fomichov S.A. Pushkin is small. Pushkin's graphics. - St. Petersburg: Notabene; Tumanov and Co, 2001.
9 Tse appointed S.V. Denisenko and S.A. Fomichov. (Div. straight line 8).
10 Saddled horses without leaders are repeatedly sung in Pushkin's autographs. Pushkin depicted two such horses on a tlі gіr і vstromleny near the ground by depicting O.M. Vrevskoy (PD 805, arch. 6 pro.), if you arrived before the її Golubovo on the cob of reaping in 1835. L.A. Kraval, vvazhayuchi, scho of the portraits of this sheet - the image of M.Yu. Lermontov, pov'yazuє little ones with the rest of the poem "Khadzhi Abrek", published in the journal "Library for Reading" for the serpen 1835 year.
11 A number of malyunkivs, vikoristanih at tsіy robotі, created for the book: Efros A.M. Poet's little ones. - M: Academia, 1933. Insurance is also indicated in this book of comments.
12 Kraval L.A. Little Pushkin is like a graphic artist. - M.: Spadshchina, 1997. S. 45-46.
13 Tsyavlovska T.G. Little Pushkin. - M.: Mistetstvo, 1983. S. 74-76.
14 Light of heaven, holy troyanda (lat.).
15 Kraval L.A. Little Pushkin is like a graphic artist. - M.: Spadshchina, 1997. S. 68.
16 In a similar rank, put up to his horse, mortally wounded at the battle, that False Dmitry (“Boris Godunov.” Scene in the fox): mischievous yoga, it is supposed to make death easier. With whom, the impostor is absolutely baiduzhy to the death of people.
17 Think about the word "yansky" to sacrifice a horse at the grave of the owner and to eat at once with him, so that the horse served him in the sweaty world.

Malyunok A.S. Pushkin. Self-portrait in a cloak on a horse and with a copy. PD 1763, arch. 74 pro.

Version with mustache little ones,
guessed in the text, in an archived look, published on the site:
http://elena-nik-egorova.narod.ru at the branch "Literary creativity".

And everyone subjective thoughts- It's funny and no more than that. But there are no regular rivers there. The blot is also silent, like a wedge of a finger. There is a lot of shading (finishing with beautiful technical touches) of little physiognomy, perhaps, and not human, but, let's say, stylized by Levin (I can’t say for sure, I didn’t finish the chain, that one didn’t have a special glare). On a good scan, it is clearly seen that there are no papillary lines in the "blot" (look at your finger!), It's just shading, moreover, the "eye" peaks (especially the right ones) are not shaded. It is necessary to say that Pushkin’s rich little babies are not attributed and tlumachen.

It's marvelous that you don't hit Pushkin's fox skull with swollen bumps-horns. What are you talking about the flame? Why is it that "150" rokiv n_hto did not guess - it's not true. Boules of figurines of Sarri Lebedeva (1936), de Ivan on the story of Kobilica - Pushkin. /B. Ternivets "Sarra Lebedeva". - M.-L.: "Mistetstvo", 1940. -S.29. Bula Vkazivka S.A. Basov-Verkhoyantsev on Pushkin in yoga tales-pamphlets "Horse Horse" (1906) and - especially - "King of Tambourine" (1916), de "Fool-Al-kovpak". Bulo, zreshtoyu, food A.A. Akhmatova - at the article "Pushkin and children" (1965): "Everyone ... swarmed, like a child's finger reaching for a portrait in a child's book, and it was called" Uncle Puskin ".
"Humpbacked Horse" Yershov tezh must know and love. However, I didn’t chula “Uncle Yershov.” “To love the fairy tale, but not to love the author - what a paradox? We need to understand as we follow these messages, we will deprive us of Akhmatova, why go ... Ta y M.A. Bulgakov in his novel, the hunchbacked kovzan-humpbacked-on Mіsyatsі - but nowhere in the new one does not sound the nickname "Yershov", then a lot of times - im'ya "Pushkin"! So - they said - not so clearly, like Latsis, - but they said. sculptor Sarah Lebedeva with her plasticine puppet (before the speech, she had one of Ivan's brothers - a black man!) Just until 1996, the fate - if Latsis whistled - in our country, publicity was voiced for 150 years - axis and everything ... For myself I will say: ї wet the grandfather and the father knew that after writing "Horse" Pushkin - but they mumbled.

With respect,
Olena Shuvalova.

How many reliable sources did your ancestors know about authorship? Do you need correct documents or reliable evidence? I think there’s nothing, let’s let it go. About the name of Yershov: if you didn’t know, it doesn’t mean that other children don’t know. Know and miraculous before that. If you see the beginnings of a river on Pushkin’s little one, it doesn’t mean that it stinks there for sure. Do not wart to confuse and stray science with fantasies. There are no more scientific advances, so that Pushkin’s little girl would be known until 1834 and be no less fantastical on that basis. Then I will finish the unpromising super-girls with you and ask you not to write me anymore.

The audience of the Proza.ru portal is close to 100,000, as if in a haze, looking over the pivmillion of sides for the tribute of the lichnik in vіdvіduvannostі, ruffled right-handed in the text. At the skin graph, two numbers are indicated: the number of glances and the number of views.

incandescent lighting
boarding school No. 7,
m. Bilogirsk,
Amur region

The image of a horse in Russian literature

Jump jump, plenty of space.

Potiag step by step, picking up the swedishness after the chergovoi zupinki and nevdovz, while rushing among the rich linden onions, watering, lisiv - unparalleled beauty.

Alone alone, it was rotten - it was drawn by the Garom. Everything that could burn was on fire, even if it was terribly dry.

Having pierced the noise, having distorted the sound of the wheels. The stars of the wines came out, it was impossible to pick them up.

Raptom, because of the fox, the horses wailed, which were fighting in the fire. The stench nibi flew, their tails and manes majorili in the big. The creatures tried to overtake the warehouse, but they stood up, they stood up ... illuminated by the light of the sun.

Dear, dear, funny stupid,
Well, where will you go, where will you get married?
I don’t know if I don’t know that live horses
Has the steel cinema won?

I stood there for a long time and kept thinking: What will happen to them? - And I guessed my neshchadova rozmovu with teachings, such as tsіkavilo, why is there so much explanation in the assistant, tell about horses, roads. The food was supplied on the move, and in view of this it was short.

But now I want to spread a report about these wondrous creatures, about roads, like stench, to pass at once with people. Adzhe in literature, zokrema in Russian, the theme of the road is the most important.

For example, for example, N.V. Gogol, who, having respected himself as a mandriving, mandriving, and having respected the road for his own house. Aja herself is tied to her by the life of a person, a path, a kind of wine to pass, vchinki, like a rob.

With skin fate, people are getting more and more perfect, they are collapsing "in their own land from the depths of the century to the future, in a yak to believe and create with their own hands for themselves that generation of their own." Don't forget your own past recession. Axis and we guess how the Russian people lived, who used to help them in the state, a true friend in battles, a “spіvrozmovnik” at rest ... Let's talk about horses (horses), which were the main ones until the 30s of the XX century transport service and head assistant of a peasant in agricultural work. Horses were cherished, loved, they were valued more expensively (on the ear of the 18th century, they gave about 20 rubles for a boyar horse, they just cost 4 rubles, and the best "argamaks" - 100 rubles; for an annual krіpak they would not have given such a sum).

Throw the anniversary into the booth of a simple peasant and a source of pride into the noble booth.

It is right to serve people as a stretcher for a thousand kins. Vaughn supported yoga all life, її the image of mіtsno vіyshov in Russian culture (painting, creation, artistic literature).

I set myself a task: show, like writers, sing, whose creations are in the school program, zoomed in on the stories about this wonderful creation. To this we saymeme that, meaning a kin for a word, and that - for a modern Russian people, and about її setting up to these most peaceful and most loving creatures, preparing to serve the Lord until the rest of the day.

It would be impossible not to remember that in the robots the words "kіn" and "kіn" will be used in different variations, to that we guess the etymology.

V.I. Dal write like this: “Kin - m. old. comin, slavns. peck, Old. Arab. headlights; kin of good, Not a nag”. And what about "kіn"? More 235 years ago O.P. Sumarokov, having admitted that, having rounded up the version, that “in the form of new Tatars, they adopted the word kin, they changed the horse on it ... In our wordy books, the horse was never called a horse (like ALASH - gelding + AT - kіn)”. And the axis of opinion G.F. Odintsov, having rounded up the sumo of the words'janske of the meaning of which word in the form of a familiar prikmetnik horse- "disgraceful" (to introduce evil spirits into the oman). Kіn, vzagali kіn: esp. not a stallion and a kobila, a gelding.

I don’t have any daily reasons to change these versions, so I’ll take them as a basis, and I’ll continue my discourse.

In all lands, the kіn staggered like the most intelligent creation. Zgіdno z viruvannyami ancient words'yan, kin - a symbol of goodness and happiness; the wisdom of the gods bala people through this creature. The cult of the horse po'yazaniy z shanuvannyam Sontsya: slov'yani believed that Dazh-god (God Sontsya) ride through the sky on a miraculous chariot harnessed by four white golden horses with golden wings. To this, our ancestors attributed special power to the amulets (like the word "protect") in the looking figures of a horse (head, tulub), they wore a white of the left shoulder on a lanyard. They guarded themselves in such a way like villagers, city dwellers, and heroes - bilinn heroes, protected the cordon of the Russian land from a heap of indefensible enemies. For them, the throw is not just a talisman, it’s their true friend, who, having outpaced his master about the need, - even “for his whole head”, with savings, to wake up the rich man.

To that it is read in bilins that they were rich on “good horses”. Axis and in Illi Muromtsya, for the joy of the mandrivniks, zbroya, order, fighting kin, with which they have a dialogue, which forever signifies their stosunki: proponuє youmu viprobuvannya - chi ready bogatyr volodity im. Illa sit on the new one, and that one immediately know the new master.

And the second miracle version, for which Іllі to delight yourself with a war horse from a horse.

And God bless yogo with wheat that bіloyarovoi,
And sing yoga ... that spring water,
... More will you throw that kind kind
More goodness de kіn bogatirsky.

From this moment, like Illya who knows a strong horse, a rich life begins in a new one.

The worst thing for a warrior is separation from a horse, and if the robbers planned to plunder Illa, then they killed one alone:

“Mi vb'emo yogo, plunder,
With a horse, yoga is inseparable!
And the rich ... all to one
Having stocked up on sleep at once ...

Bagato good zrobiv Illya for the people. The greatest yoga feat is the destruction of the Tatar pile:

... letting the veins of the heroic horse
On qiu army - great power.
For the Russian land
She is for the wives, for the orphans, for the poor people.

Ale, not having made wealth on whom the bogatyr, but having taken away the mіtsna, which won the glory of the people from the vіka. About myself wine saying this:

... And I catch a share by the mane,
I promise Norov
And the share for me is for the horse!

So, the share was different, like that of horses, and so it was in their rulers: some sat on "dark brown colts, not light" and rode "to the city for pay." Ale, young Volga Svyatoslavovich can’t be bothered by the orator Mikula Selyaninovich and that yoga “hawk of a nightingale”, which has “shovkov’s beetles”. Zalyubuєshsya, if you go out, and "like a tail, then she spreads, and her mane is frizzy", and "she went with her breasts."

To that, Volga's arrogance was fully understood:

Yakby won, kobila, konik bi bula,
For a qiu kobil, p'yat hundred bi dav.

І about tse shkoduє її gospodar Mikula Selyaninovich:

Yakbi tsya kobila kovzan bula ...

Zvichayno, knowing yakbi vin, sculls of glorious rights having robbed Konik the humpbacked ( conic- zmenshuvalno-motley word від kin) for his master from Yershov's tale. Vin -

conic toy,
Growing only three inches,
On the back with two humps
The one with arshinni vukhs.

Ale, unconcerned by such an inconspicuous appearance of a hump, behind the words of the mother-cobile:

... on the ground and under the ground
V_n comrade will be yours:
Vіn uzimku you zіgrіє ...
Often in hunger with bread,
Have sprague drink honey ...

So it was out of the blue: we are a kind helper, becoming a “humpbacked humpbacked toy” for Ivan. I vreshti-resht vryatuvav yoga in the face of true death, stribnuvshi in okrip.

Do you think you have a special check in front of the sovereign? Hі, youmu dosit lagіdnogo word, garnogo sight.

Marveling at the hour, how can these creatures be so good as people!

People, for a reason, endowed them with their own enchanting power, building to turn their lives upside down. Guess the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka": strong, stately "kіn live, tremtit the earth, bring down the wind, plow half-heartedly from the wind." How can yoga not be angry? No, you don’t need to be afraid, even if you carry the strength for the transformation of Ivanushka, the transformation of yoga into a written young man, that betrothed Deer Beautiful.

That way, after that, don’t value the horse until the last days of yoga, dragging along with him a lot of days and nights on distant campaigns. So, the great prince Oleg has no one to win for his horse, which

... do not be afraid of unsafe work;
Vіn, feeling the pan's will...
I cold, and nothing to you.

For Oleg, the prophecy of the enchanter was a terrible blow: "Ale, you will receive death in the form of your horse." Do not believe the prince, do not hasten to be separated from the faithful servant, give punishment for the preservation of your health. The fates passed, but the comrade didn’t forget him: “Chi is healthy? Chi so easy yoga big?”. Zhakhliva bula vіdpovіd, i suspected the thought crept in: "Who is the witch? .."

Ale, the share cannot be fooled, unfortunately.

Not a moment to sleep peacefully without a master. The axis of the won is a witness to hardship and peaceful life, and battles. At crooked sіchas, not only people fought, but horses, as if they “looked” at the approaching enemy, and they saw the master with a sumptuous look:

That's why I tidy
What do I smell stupid distant,
The sound of the trumpet and spіv strіl;
That's why I laugh, what's in the field
I won't be walking for long...
... What soon the enemy is suvoriy
I take all my take
І sribni pіdkovi
From the lungs of my health;
That is why my spirit is not...

Mav raciyu kіn. Terrible bula sich. Read from O.S. Pushkin in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" described the battlefield, de vodbuvavsya bey:

... In the distance everything is empty.
Here and there
Zhovtіyut brushes; over the hills...
De zbruya, de rusty shield;
... The hero there is a bunch of cilia
Let's knock down yoga with a horse -
Lie restless...
About the field, field, who do you want
Having shone with dead brushes,
Whose Hort throw you stupid
In the last year of the crooked battle?

Bіyishov to the rest of the warrior, ale the enemy of the bov tumble down.

M.Yu. Lermontov, at the verse "Borodino" Bachimo the moment of attack:

... Tremtila's earth is like our breasts;
They ran into a compartment of horses, people ...

Pity clenches your heart, if you read about those how to perish horses, but stink to the rest to carry your horse, lose your share - to drink wine is full or show reckless courage. It is not for nothing that the author of "The Word about the Departure of Igor" seems to say: "Let's sit down, brother, on the horses" - the axis of the horse, the unity of the leader and the horse. Most of the creatures and virishy mostly fought the result of the battle, which was hovering. The Slovyans took care of their lovers with the help of the stiylakh (for the sake of the Polovtsy, whose horses ate their daily food), they were kind, slapped and, well, supported by their strength, vibrancy. And the horses never brought their masters. Adzhe stink tezh "understood" the tragedy of the situation - the Russians, out of will, suddenly crossed "from the golden seat into the slave seat."

Let's beat the booty faster,
Let's fill up the buti ...

The horses were shoddy, they weren’t beaten for nothing, they took care of the best ones for the most important rights, they “became attached” to them with their souls, and the creatures watched the spiritual camp of their rider. Read about it in L.M. Tolstoy at "War and Peace": Dolokhov at the camp at the French having taken away the necessary bills hurry up go. Vіn "long time sitting on a horse, which didn't stand”.

Petya Rostov, before the battle, speaks with Karabakh - the Little Russian horse, kissing and sniffing his nostrils: “Well, Karabakh, tomorrow we will serve.” Kin understood yoga ta navit did not taste yoga by the leg.

Already at the battle Petya shouted:

- Hooray! Boys ... ours! ..” - and gave the reins flared up the horse, galloping ahead of the street, ahead of everyone ... And the most terrible thing was, if the horse, ran into the fire, which smoldered in the ranking light, rested, i Petya fell heavily on the wet ground. Won already watched the death of her young friend. There is no hussar, but once again he has lost his life.

And the axis is more: “... the first throw, without nourishing it, it was good for a bad thing to show fear, flickering, zdіynyavsya, not letting the major in, and galloping killed. The horse’s zhah, having known people, ”like a grenade, whistling, flying, mortally wounded Prince Andriy.

"War is a camp that is inaccessible to the human mind," but the suspense is so enforced that it is impossible not to fight. War is zhahliva and bring grief to everyone who lives on earth.

The axis yak reminds N.V. Gogol was biy lyakhiv and cossacks (so it is with the writer!) in the story "Taras Bulba":

“... I wanted to turn my horse with a raptom and stand in the guise of an otamanov Kukubenka, but I didn’t listen to the cry: snarling with a terrible cry, throwing myself a kill” (I didn’t want to die, but I distal the cult of my master). But all of a sudden, if the leader sneered with his head like a sack and patted it in the woman’s chest, staggering naughty kin, grimacing on the ground and crushing the leader, who was fighting with Ostap.

Ale navіt tragіchnі khvilini Cossacks can't get past the lead of a good horse. "Demid Popovich ... two of the best gentry, beating horses, seeming: "Axis of good horses, I have long wanted such horses!"

The mother of the garny horse (horse) for the fight was great luck. At the link with the cim, the Fadeevskiy Morozka is summoned, who fights against the Japanese and the Bilogvardiytsiv in the distant forests. Among the people, it seems that the vikhovanets is similar to his ruler. So, so out of whack.

“The maned colt, buv mіtsny, hairy, risist, throwing himself at the ruler; so clear, green-brown eyes, so self-simple-cunning and lascivious.” It was wondrous between them, there was a rose, an ednanny, a zlogoda: “Vedmedic-a ... u-u ... Satan-a, - Morozka muttered lovingly, tightening his brace. - Mishko, uh ... God's cattle ... ”

Vedmedic is a true slave of his beloved ruler. The stallion, marveling at people with green-brown eyes, and for his roaming look, foresight and love for Yogo Frost. Vіn do not brag about your horse in front of Goncharenko, that you admire Mishk (Vіn choke him):

- Garazd Konik...

Life is not Skoda!”

Like not to love the orderly of your "curly-haired, dzvіnkopitnogo stallion", which appears after the first call of the ruler, "to whistle with a penetrating roaring whistle." The more you know about the life of the horse of that yogo master, the more you commemorate the resurrection of their souls, thoughts of that mind.

Vedmedic-loshat “having seen Frost with his muzzle, turning to the Sword, niby navmisne”, look at them staring ... Sometimes you just look at one another in your eyes, and you realize what you mean in your life. I Sword tse "rozumіv" zavdyaki Mishkovі.

Aja, the orderly didn’t go to any of the people after he caught up with the stolen kavuni, but straightened up to his lover. In the midst of one's experience of guilt, one remembers that “Vedmedica has not yet been fooled”, entering step by step to the resounding vimiryan stake. “The Vedmedic quietly and displeasedly neighing, n_by feeding (even if he was turbulent for the sovereign, I dare to think): “Are you hanging around?”

The axis of wines, the butt of the human stature to the smaller brother, even if Frost did not have anyone dear for a horse, which would take all the baptism on himself. “Morozka gathered on a stallion and strongly pulled a yogi with a batog, who trotted with him at the hvilin of a majestic awakening. Vedmedic moved on dibki and shaved off the kill, like scalds. Frost all drove away the deceived stallion, spawning unselfish anger, avenge (to the Sword and similar to the new one), and Mishko, angering the injustice of the ruler ... spoofed the head and, not smelling new urgings, wife, but don’t waste your goodness.” Vіn vіdchuvaє, scho Frost step by step calm down, anger from the new place, having sounded “evening birch knots” - peaceful, calm, cold. Aje stallion is also part of the eternal, all-intelligent, all-forgiving nature, as it puts everything in its own place.

I raptom... In life, everything is trapleyaetsya raptom. “Raptom, a hairy stallion ... poking its muzzle into the ground ... beating a new one, hopelessly clasping the knee with its hands, pressing it to its chest, not collapsing, sitting a man. That buv Morozka.

For the new one, not just a dead stone, but that life force, which inspired yoga and joy, and love, and pity for everyone, but vin pishov from the death of a faithful friend, one empty hatred was lost. “The light of you became gloomier... Temryava, the share was given to you with a fair punishment for everything that had grown guilty in life.” It’s not bad for you, who are dying, and those who can’t be beaten by any means ... either village, or close people. Frost zooms ahead of his own about the problem, and the light of you “split in two”.

Let's guess, like, “having patted the broken leader, people, without haste, threw the work and, closing their eyes with their hard-working hands, marveled at the next. "Like a candle! .." - the stench of Morozkin's landing was hooting, if ... the vines are smoothly on the rice, the trochs are quivering on the go, like half a candle. I was beaten half-heartedly, and sparks roared across the earthly Russian land, and the old Russian "everyone ..." could not pass without a trace for those who, having protected their human dignity and were ready to go to battle for the sake of other people's peace.

I eternal beat! Calm us only dream
He drank the blood...
Fly, fly stepova kobilitsia
I wove me...

And yet, when the war ends, people begin to live everyday, peaceful lives with them, who are especially dear to you. Only with a friend you can share joy and white, be alone, sleep for the sake of. I was such a friend, a helper on the right for Proclus, written by N.A. Unbeautiful in the poem "Frost, Chervoniy nis" buv kіn Savrasushka, as if he had bought the Lord as a sucker.

Virostiv... on a whim,
I viyshov vin a good horse.

I did not in any way protect my master from the village robots.

Trying together with the ruler,
Stored bread for the winter.
... If the robots are finished
I bound the earth with frost,
You violated the sovereign
From home feed at the vіznitstvo.
... I'll carry the load for you.
Zhorstoku has a storm, traply,
Worry, take the road.

Bagato having recognized Savrasushka with the ruler: and vigilance, and the whistle of a batog, and khurtovini, and “vovchi’s burning eyes”, cold ... Ale bov wine is in order with the ruler, and it’s scarier again raptom: died with a cold, Proclus, i

Savraska, harness at the sleigh,
Gloomy standing white thief ...
Serving you lords richly,
Get up and serve!

Tuga, bіl, grief in the hearts of the relatives of Proclus: if you will be with them - shkoduvat them to no one, and "Savraska weaves neither croc nor big."

And it’s true, no one cares about someone else’s grief. It’s important to note yoga, that it didn’t stick out especially to you (it’s better if you don’t know yoga).

Axis and hero A.P. Chekhov's report "The Tuga" Iona Potapov spreading the word about his famously - the death of his son - to the passengers, but you took their right. Nі-ni, vіn does not impose itself on anyone, but only timidly "curve your mouth with a smile, strain your throat and hoarse:" But in me, sir, that ... he died the blue day.

Ale doesn’t feel anything (or to let in), even Yoni only and “it’s necessary that you talk plainly, with an arrangement”, tell about everything, so they groaned, zithali, everything will be easier, otherwise it’s “impossibly motorized”. Tuga. Motor tight. Who is to blame for his troubles? There is no one, krim konyachki, so unostentatious, ungrabable, like a gentleman, having consumed “in all the vir, the new zhahlivy fires ... in the form of a plow, in the form of primal, or other pictures ...” (Think once more about Savraska Procla.) don’t need it for your restless life with your dashing (and even a charge, in the day, if you’re almost melodiously dulled). They lost the stink of the double, and it’s easier for the old one to see words and tears, weeping, weeping “kobilochka”, and there “chew, hear and breathe into the hands of your master ...”, rozumiyuchi everything. For God's sake, the truth was revealed richly “of the people” and wise for the people.

And there is no forgiveness for those who know about them in the face of anger, hatred. Well, how could one beat to death the “flying kobilochka” only for those who couldn’t “carry the stribati” there. "Smіh at vozі and in natovpі podvoyuєє", everyone laughs, regochut, even a kobilka "began to kick in powerlessness".

"Mikolka, don't remember, start to beat with a crowbar for nothing on the back, help a sprat of lads with batogs, clubs, shafts ... The nag stretches its muzzle, it's important to die and die." It is impossible to read such a thing without tears. Even though it’s a painful dream that Rodion Raskolnikov had a dream about, ale vin - warning about punishment for sins (to bring on thoughts about evils). Nature doesn't say anything. It was completely unreasonable, how a person can call himself reasonable at the moment of a dead creature. Before the speech, one of the first if tamed by him.

The hour is coming, but, unfortunately, they do not change. I already V.V. Mayakovsky spoke about the horse, "which fell on the croup." I

... smіkh zadzvenіv i zadzvenіv:
- Kіn fell!
- Fallen throw! -
Smiling Kuznetsky.

Ale, in the eyes of Kinsky, "the street has spread, flowing in its own way ..."

...behind the temples of the temple
kitten in the face...

(And for you, how many tears of cows and horses are there, if they are driven in?) But stink is not a part of us from you? Spoil them with a word!

“Kin, listen -
what do you think, what are your areas?
... Skin from us in his own way”.

stood up,
I went...

Axis won - the power of kokhannya, nadії, for yakoї

I varto bulo life,
and practice varto.

I don’t know how to work, like a field, because you don’t get anywhere. "Having come out of the yogo horse from the plow, and across it, and still there is no way to go to the end of the land." "Konyaga - a splendid peasant life, torment, sleep ... day and day from the collar do not come out ..." No wonder, singsongly, commemorate your life, work with the rank of Matrena Timofievna - the heroine of Nekrasov's family.

Attempts kіnski
Carried mi; I took a walk
Yak gelding, at the harrow!

And to call Yogo "convict", fortunately, the master of Yogo is kind and does not kill him for nothing. So, a good throw with one hand beat, and with the other - rub tears, adzhe horse(after S.I. Ozhegov's vocabulary) - "those same, scho y kіn (sound about the robotic horse)". And how can you impersonate someone who is good, helping to survive?

What is the power of such inexhaustible fields, why do you keep the horse of that peasant in his full? Life.

"Sleep horse" and, it is possible to dream of youmu,

Yak fun with a horse
Orach young
Vizhdzhaє near the field,
Walk the furrow.

Ale's youth has passed, her strength has changed, but life is still three, and there is no end of work. "For her, the wines of conceptions and births, and the posture of her is not necessary for anyone ...", unfortunately. That one without her wines is no longer possible, "looked up to the new field," which gives life to everyone who is fit for the new. How not to be choked by the patience, the immortals of life itself, under the name Konyaga - “... the axis to whom it is necessary to inherit!” Abramov "About what horses cry". "... Vіn always drinking, day and night not declaring before them ... the turf was grimy for a long time ... The horses were tired, died in the sight of spragi, they were full of vileness ..." Tie Mikolka himself to that stake and marvel at what will be with him in three days ... So it’s not possible to work so much, so someone is worthy of a katuvannya. And torment the creatures, so you can? Wordless stench, "God's creatures ..." But why did the stench inflict such things on people that they could be beaten in, wound without troubling them? I renew the tears of kіnskі, "great, with a good pea."

People! Read more about those hours, if you belongings. "Everything is a kіn, everything is like a horse: all the life of a peasant woman from a people to death." Nadiya, blessing in the majestic wet, baggy eyes, "near the violet depths of the like" a small, crying little man appears.

Ale buli, for happiness, and people, for those

... kin (a) dashing do not have a price:
Vіn i vіd vіkhor in the steppe not vіdstane,
Do not change the wine, do not fool the wine.

Tom Kazbich, the hero of Lermontov's "Hero of Our Hour", was teased and repeatedly swindled by Yogo Karagez, to whom the Lord gives different names. No matter what, you don’t want to miss out on selling your trusty comrade. Ale, the accessibility of Azamat and Pechorin took the mountain, and threw out the sight of stealing. Here you go, Karagyoz will serve the new master so correctly, like Kazbich. Adzhe cannot love herself by the power of zmusity - the axis of which is on the right.

Kokhannya needs to be conquered, like a tserobiv I.S. Flyagin from N.S. Lєskov "Enchanting Mandrivnik", which "having touched the mystery of the recognition of a creature, one can say, having fallen in love with a horse ... so I call him to know".

Horses are a symbol of freedom, will, intransigence.

Jump jump,

Expanse a lot...

"It's stinky to love the will of the steppe," like to love її and Golovan, who passed by a little dear, who having visited the full, but not hurting the Batkivshchyna. And here I want to guess the people who, by the will of the share, have abandoned their country. All the heroes of M.A. Bulgakov from p'esi "Big". The stench is spitting on the steamboat, but the sound of stupid horses is felt - the stench is ticking, ticking ... from the war. We don’t feel bad, but we see our sumn eyes, we feel the hoarse parting roar, which predicts people’s crying for the desolation of Russia.

I more. Adzhe did not sacrifice his skin for the sake of a kovzan, which "has not been flying, but only land was given to him behind him ...", but he did not get his belongings. And if you sell yoga to the Lord of such sweet hearts of creatures, then drinking Ivan Sever'yanovich into grief. Having told about it like this: “... Buvalo, let the horses in, let’s go, and don’t take the stench of you, but miss them. Especially if you see yourself such a horse, which is a garnier, then so wine, negid, in your eyes and throw yourself to the point that, as if you were looking at the cover of such a kind of good ... to know, to know її. For this reason, it feels like, and mother nature herself rebels against the image of a wounded horse (Klad), described by the Kazakh K.G. Paustovsky "Warm bread". Everything that happened in the village: cold weather, cold, imminent hunger, fear for yourself and others, - Filke remembers, having imagined a wounded horse, for all his life.

Don’t know anything more, don’t waste your trust, roztashuvannya is quiet, who is alive, what a person, what a creature. We all live in the same world, bound by the same blood threads. I can’t bring nature to such a state that people would take revenge for everything, as if they were the boss.

Ale can you be happy. For example, the peasants' deaths, which grew in the middle of the borderless fields and onions, if the stench drove the horses at the stingy summer time to be in the field for nothing - "on the day the flies and the waters would not give them peace of mind." How wonderful! The wind refreshes the guise, throw it with hoards. Here, at night, none of the lads barked, not finished with a piece of bread. I dream of stench, singsongly, about the “carrot with a horse”. Tse well the dream of all the children of the country, like the hero of the opi- dannya V.P. Astaf'eva "Kin with an erysipelas mane". Vіn bіliy-bіliy, tsey kіn. And the mane of the new mug, eyes of the mug, hoards the same mug... The axis of the fire is a fire that gallops over the earth with rails, bows and roads...

And lads, sitting without hats and in old jackets on the best nags, rush ... with cheerful whooping and shouting, with hands and feet, high-pitched, ringing. A friendly stupidity is far to be carried - the horses are beating, "waving their heads up." The stench was indescribably suffocated, and we were trochic (isn't it?), even "to wag before nothing and bring down the herd at the early dawn - it is great sacred for the lads", if

The sun went out. Quiet in the hallway.
The shepherd plays a song on the river.
Stubbed foreheads, listening to the herd,
What do I sing whirlwind gamayun.
And the swedish moon, kovznuvshi on their lips,
Take away their thoughts to the unknown bow.

And don’t let your black people go on the train - now it’s impossible without them, - but let’s go “more brightly” the moon “dzvin that stuck on the hoards”, which will be everywhere everywhere. I really want to get off the train to some little pivstanka.

Russia, Rus' - wherever I look ...

Climb onto the hump, fall into the grass, choke on the forest of summer Russian land - “that beauty, people in the open field”, and sing, yak

...quietly on the puddle
Grass is chewed by striated horses.

Feel like

Whirl of stench - and here was osiki
To drink the moon is fuller than irzhanya.

“Oh, triplet! Ptah-triyka, who came up with you? to know, among the chewing people you could only be born ... And the axis rushed, rushed, rushed! Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses?!

Only zalishaetsya zahoplyuvatisya tsim "God's marvel", їhnoy grace, chuynistyu, nahnennіstyu.

"What's wrong with you, Rus', why are you chewing, you're rushing around?"

All Russian writers give food and sing, as they know the far way-roads, like “to fly a mustache that є lands ...”

And with the teachings, these great names pragmatically bump into each other, as they glorified Rus'.
