Second chakra meditation. Meditation for restoration and disclosure of chakras and aura

Second chakra meditation. Meditation for restoration and disclosure of chakras and aura

Meditation to chakras helps, fill them with life force. Regular spiritual practices contribute to the harmonization of the mental state, as a result, it becomes less problems with health and life in general.

  1. Located at the base of the spinal column, approximately where the tailbone is located
  2. is at the bottom of the abdomen, at the location of the reproductive system of man
  3. occupies a place in the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus
  4. - Heart chakra, she seems to cover the heart
  5. - in the pit at the base of the neck (or in the place where Kadyk is in men)
  6. - in the center of the bridge
  7. - on Makushka

It is believed that all chakras symbolize the colors of the solar spectrum, and merging together, they become a powerful energy flow that is fueled from space.

Chakro meditation helps:

  • Open chakras - which ultimately leads to healing from diseases, the normalization of psycho-emotional state, and problem centers turn into a "receiver" of vital energy again
  • Clear - remove negative installations, emotions and beliefs that interfere with the coordinated work of all components of the aura
  • Harmonize - ensure the correct and coordinated interaction of all chakras. As a result, this leads to colossal fullness. Man becomes able to live actively, happily, saturated and successfully
  • Restore - removes energy holes and lats holes in aura, which ultimately favorably affects mental state. And also solves the majority of life problems

Features and rules for conducting meditation, revealing chakras, are as follows:

  1. The premises for practice must necessarily be pure, filled with fresh air. Make general cleaning and ventilate the room before meditation
  2. It is advisable to close noise access and bright light. Immediately before the start of spiritual practice, close the windows with the curtains, turn on the soft, muffled light, close the window and doorways so that noise penetrates through them
  3. Make sure no one will interfere - neither household nor pets. It is advisable to meditate when you are at home alone
  4. It is recommended to meditate on an empty stomach, in the morning, before sunrise. The most favorable time - with four to six in the morning
  5. If you do yoga, choose the appropriate and most comfortable asana for you. Books can use lotus pose. It is believed that this is the location best helps to carry out energy to each chakra consistently
  6. Disconnect your mobile phone, intercom, doorbell and the Internet so that the sudden foreign sound does not hit you from a concentrated state
  7. Lotus Pose is not mandatory. You can meditate sitting, lying, like you. The main thing is that you are completely comfortable and you could relax as much as possible.

Check video about chakrah meditation to understand the main principles:

Chakro meditation

When you understood the principle and followed all the rules, you can proceed directly to meditation.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Close your eyes and try to relax completely. Feel like your whole body becomes soft, the muscles are literally disconnected. Come to the mental eyes from the tips of the fingers and hands to the top of the top, visualizing how the body ceases to be tense
  2. Free consciousness from thoughts. This is the most difficult stage. Distract from everything that penetrates the brain, you can. For example, mentally alternately imagine your fingers on your hands, then on your feet, or consider. Good way - concentrate their breath
  3. Next begins directly meditation. Concentrate on the chakra with which you plan to work. If your goal is to reveal all the energy centers, each successively, moving from the bottom up, from Molandhara
  4. Continue to concentrate on the chakra. Wait for the appearance of unusual sensations in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body: there may be a feeling of tingling, burning, tide of heat. It is individually, different people my feelings. Be prepared, what happens not immediately
  5. Do not forget to keep track of your breath - it should be deep, calm, measured
  6. At the end of the meditation, slowly open the eyelids, spend your palms from the bottom up and drink a glass of water.

Tip: If it does not work anything in the meditation process, try visualize the image of the chakra. Paint it like a colored vibrating balloon.

The effectiveness of meditation can be increased repeatedly if they regularly engage in respiratory practices, yoga, mantor singing. But do not seek to do everything at once - learn your soul gradually.

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For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Meditation to chakras allows you to immerse yourself in the depths of your own consciousness, clear your mind from an outsider and achieve spiritual enlightenment. This method of self-consciousness gives a person to aware of his reserves and opportunities, to release outward creative abilities and to improve the person.

What are chakras?

Hindu spiritual practices interpret chakras as the place of intersection of energy channels of the movement. In fact, it turns out that the chakra is an energy center that exists in the thin body of a person and redistributing energy flows along its real body. Conditionally, they can be denoted as a kind of motors to supply the energy nutrition of various organs and parts of the human body. If the motor clogs or worse, fails, the energy movement will stop or completely stops. The organs remain without food and are accurate, diseases arise, including psyche disorders, if the corresponding chakras are affected.

Meditation to restore damaged chakras and aura returns lost equilibrium, opens the energy channels and helps to clean the aura. The disclosure of the chakra is cleaned with a joint energy and raises it to more high level. The learned to feel them is capable not only to heal the disease, but also to manage their bodies, because care only about the physical body is not enough to achieve harmony.

Chakras and their location

It is believed that there are seven major chakras in the body of a person and they are located along the axis, which forms our spine. Each of them is responsible for certain manifestations of a human nature and designated by its color.

  • Red Mulladhara is at the base of the spine.
  • Orange Svadhisthana is placed between the pubic and navel.
  • Yellow manipoura is located in the solar plexus area.
  • Emerald anahata covers the heart.
  • Blue Vishuddha in the throat area.
  • Blue Ajna - "Third Eye".
  • Purple Sakhasrara is on the Temkin, this is a "corona" chakra.

All chakras repeat the colors for which the ray of the sun decays - the spectrum. All together they merge into a single holistic energy stream, which they fueled from cosmic sources. The disclosure of the chakra affects the aura.

Meditation, contributing to the disclosure of chakras

The premises for meditation, especially for beginners, should be clean and well ventured, as well as protected from extraneous noise and bright light. Calmside, quiet place and muted light will make it easier to focus.

Perfect for meditation of any type will be. It allows not only the disclosure of one chakra and aura, but also to carry out energy from the bottom to the top chakra in stages.

You can meditate and lying, and in any other position, selected individually. It is important that it be comfortable and did not distract attention. Clothes should also be comfortable, not constraintful and non-irritating skin. For those who just started practicing meditation, it is advisable to avoid the slightest distracting factors - sometimes not a rated call mobile phone It is capable of destroying the carefully created atmosphere for a fraction of a second.

  • Try to clean the mind from thoughts. To do this, you can try alternately to focus your attention on each of the ten fingers. This distracts from extraneous thoughts and improves concentration. When the desired level is achieved, you can go to the next step.
  • Choose a chakra to which meditation will be sent. If the goal is to clean all the chakras and aura, you need to start with the bottom - Molandhara.
  • Focus all your attention on the location of the selected zone. Be prepared for the fact that it may take time to appear any sensations. It is very individual - someone can feel the energy centers immediately, and for someone dozens of exercise will be needed.
  • Breathing plays an important role - it should be deep and measured, it calms and contributes to the active movement of Prana.
  • Helps and visualization of Chakras and the whole aura - imagine themselves bright and color, the more you think about them, the brighter the color should become more. The open source energy zone and shines light.
  • The disclosure of the chakra is similar to the opening of the lotus flower, with which it is often compared. Feeling inside the body can be similar to heat, movement, tick or even burning. Each person has these manifestations personified.
  • From Molandhara gradually rise up, fixing at every point of weave energy channels. This contributes to the movement of the energy from the bottom up.
  • At the end of the meditation, slowly open your eyes, spend your hands on the face and drink water. Capture the feeling of happiness and universal love in your memory.

We are accustomed to the whole life to take care of your body, often forgetting that internal energies also need our attention. Pure should be not only the body, but also the soul, consciousness and aura. This makes a man whole and brings him closer to the divine harmony of the world.

Meditation may be accompanied by respiratory practices and mantras. People with a rich imagination greatly helps the opportunity to draw in their consciousness the image of the chakra in motion, as it turns out of the point into a circle filled with light, and gradually poured into the color that it is prescribed by the level of location. Then the person seems to be from the inside and is not in vain called enlightened.

CHAKR meditation.
This meditation (spiritual and psychological practice) is designed to concentrate your consciousness at each energy level. You must feel the energy associated with each chakra, and clean the power transmission paths from one chakra (energy centers) to another.
First, find a secluded, calm place. Sit so that your spine is straightened, but that you feel quite convenient, because in such a posture you will have to spend fifteen minutes - twenty minutes. When you calm down, on the breath imagine a white light beam, penetrating into your body through a top, and how this beam descends along the spine. Feel like its energy concentrates at the base of the spinal column, and hold the breath. Immediately imagine how energy rises along your spine. As it moves to each energy level, it becomes even darker because it clears the levels of negative energies unusual. When this energy reaches the highest chakra (energy centers), the crown, it should be dirty, dark color. Repeat the whole process several times until the energy culmination of the crown from the chakra (energy centers) is completely transparent.
Now you are prepared and can concentrate on the activation of each individual chakra (energy centers). (Your eyes remain closed throughout the meditation.) Breathing is the key to this meditation. Mystics know that a person is able to inhale anything: love, purity, wisdom, courage. Concentrate on a specific subject. At inhale imagine how energy flows into your body. Hold your breath, count to four and feel how energy fills your entire creature. Inhale it, delay in yourself and exhale, release energy outwards. During this meditation, colors are used, so inhale the color, delay it, let him fill in your entire creature and do not let him feel how the color is poured out of you.
First chakra
Imagine how the white light beam falls along your spine to its base, and then begins to rise. Hold it at the level of the first chakra (energy centers) and imagine that it becomes red. Hold your breath and concentrate on the physical nature of your feelings. Feel like passionate, strong, brave, filled with powerful physical energy. In exhalation, emit red, feel its strength. Do it several times until you fully realize the first chakra.
Second Chakra
Imagine how the white light beam falls along your spine to its base, and then begins to rise. Stop it at the level of the second chakra (energy centers), that is, in the pelvis area. Imagine how energy changes its color to orange. Bathing in this color, feel vitality and energy, own magnetism, feel that you can attract anyone. Try the awakening of your own sensuality. All five feelings found new life. On the exhalation, send this magnetic, joyful energy into the world.
Third Chakra
Imagine how the white light beam falls along your spine to its base, and then begins to rise, and hold it at the level of the third chakra (energy centers), slightly above the navel, in the solar plexus. Imagine how white color It becomes shining yellow. Realize yourself as an independent person, free in choosing a manifestation of your own will. Feel the cleanliness of your strength, realize the roots of your values \u200b\u200band beliefs. Feel completely independent and exhale this feeling into the world.
Fourth Chakra
Mentally bring the white light beam to the first chakra (energy centers), and then follow how it rises to the level of the heart, staining in the color of the forest greenery. Lifting on the will of this refreshing beam, realize yourself with a loving, open person. Feel the infinity of life, understand that there is a lot of things in life for everyone. Awaken a generosity feeling, share your heart with the world. Know that your heart can make decisions that help combine bodily and spiritual needs.
Fifth chakra
Bring the imaginary white light beam to the first chakra (energy centers), and then trace how it rises to the neck. Feel how you envelop the sky blue color. Let your thoughts be limitless, like the sky; Let your imagination take you to the boundless expanses of consciousness. Awaken in yourself the ability to perceive the world creatively. Feel that your ability to express your genuine "I" is limitless. Awaken your genuine "I", freed from the restrictions imposed by cultural stereotypes.
Sixth Chakra
Follow the imaginary beam of white light to the root chakra (energy centers), and then go up, with it passing through each chakra, to the "third eye." Imagine how white color changes to blue. Concentrate on the point between the eyebrows. Feel the wisdom of the perception of life is what it is. This path will lead you to the feeling of unity with all my life. From this point of view you can see life simultaneously with the spiritual and worldly perspective. Becoming a witness of my own life, you will stop judging yourself and others, gain grace, feeling your full merger with a life stream, which is outside your control. Realize the penetration of the signals sent to you by intuition.
Seventh Chakra
And the last time you do with a beam of white light all the way to the base of the spine, and then up to the last, corona chakra (energy centers). Imagine how the purple glow is broken out of you and envelops you. Exhale and fill with this shine. Realize that you are no longer alone, you are no longer a separate creature: you are united with everything that is. Feel a sense of spiritual protection after a merger with the deity. Exhale, while sending the energy of our own existence to the Divine and to the world around you.
Without opening the eye, imagine that you are sitting in the room, and gradually begin to realize sounds and smells. Still continuing to breathe evenly, open the eyes and feel a refreshing awareness of the appearance of being.
Heavenly and earthly meditation (spiritual and psychological practice)
Stay in a convenient position suitable for meditation. For this, any posture is suitable, but the spine must be straightened. You can take a lotus position, sit down in the chair, lean against the wall, even lie down. Concentrate, balance your breath. Check every breath and every exhale. Feel a slight rise inside yourself with every breath and a slight decrease with every exhalation. Check the change in breathing. Try to feel the weak sound between the breaths. Oh, Center!
Now try to experiment with chakras by concentrating on each of them, one after another. Start from the first chakra (energy centers). Feel it, moving your attention to the first level. You will see a red color, feel all the properties of this energy center. Complete this way through all chakras (energy centers), concentrating on the respective colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple) and the corresponding properties. Then go back from the crown to the root chakra. Do it several times, just as the gamma play on the piano.
Then imagine how your spine stretches down, penetrates through the floor and germinates to the ground. You will be alive, as it turns roots, deepens to the soil. These roots are intertwined with roots of huge trees. You get strength from trees, from the ground, this power is poured into your heart. Feel the heart of the connection, releasing roots, safety.
Now imagine that your spine stretches up, pierces the ceiling, rushes to heaven. Imagine your spine in the form of a huge antenna, leaving high up. Feel like this antenna takes spiritual energy from space. Imagine how you draw energy from heaven and direct it in the heart. Feel the spiritual energy in the heart.
Now mentally connect both types of energy. At the same time draw energy and from the ground, and from heaven. Feel like celestial and earth energy merge in your heart. For a few seconds, delay your breath, feel like this energy (heaven and earth) accumulates and fills your heart. In exhale, try to see how it spreads, goes into the world. Inhale, exhale. Draw energy and send it to the world.

If all human chakras function normally, then this is a healthy, cheerful and happy man. That is why the meditation for chakras is so important, allowing you to reveal them and use your potential 100%. It is worth noting that in addition to meditation to open the chakras, there are meditation to clean or recover chakras and aura. This allows you to increase the overall level of human vitality and achieve the masses of pleasant side effects.


In any meditation to disclose the chakras or enhance them, you will certainly come across the need for proper breathing. It is achieved as follows:

  1. Deeply breathe deeply and deeply breathe deeply. Long inhale and exhalation should occupy the same time.
  2. Get used to breathe it, relax.
  3. Make the most smoothed transitions from the breath to exhale and on the contrary: this is called continuous breathing.
  4. Suck so few minutes to practice.

By enhancing or activating the chakras through meditation, do not forget about this breathing, and all the techniques will be easily achieved. By the way, the video meditation of opening chakras you can see in this article.

Meditation for seven chakras

Consider a way to meditate chakra that allows you to concentrate your attention on each of the chakras, contributing to strengthening and strengthening. Depending on what goals you are haunting, you can work out the chakras in turn from the bottom up, or choose one of them and conduct a targeted chakra meditation. Consider the last option.

  1. Select the chakra you want to work.
  2. Sit in a comfortable posture - better lotus. The back should be smooth.
  3. Relax the most.
  4. Starting with deep breaths and exhale, go to continuous breathing.
  5. Concentrate attention on the zone where the chakra is located. Try to feel it (not everyone succeeds at once).
  6. If you do everything right, in the chakra area you will feel warm or cold, tickle, pressure or movement.
  7. When you catch this feeling, concentrate on it.
  8. Hold your attention as long as you succeed.

Thus, depending on the number of your time, you can work either one of the chakras, or everything in the desired sequence (be sure to bottom!). With regular work, feel the chakras will be all easier and easier. Some feel them in 5 minutes, and others need for this a few weeks of training, so do not worry, if not everything turns out, try again and again.

The first chakra is very important in human spiritual development.

Meditation on Muladharu helps to get rid of the permanent fear and feeling insecurity, as well as begin to live a full life.

It is especially necessary for its disclosure for men, since they have a Mulladhara should be in an active condition.

General characteristics of Mulladhara

Molandhara is a chakra that gives the beginning of our energy pole. The name of the chakra consists of two parts that are translated from Sanskrit as "root" and "base". Her element is the Earth, and the color is red. It is believed that it is here that the karma of all our past lives is kept. Mojladhara is located at the very beginning of the spine (namely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone).

Chakra is responsible for human ability to survive in the world around the world, for his ability to adapt to circumstances, as well as the ability to feel the relationship between its body and the world, the planet. If the Molandhara is balanced and developed, then these abilities are fully manifested, and if not, then the person is constantly in fear and anxiety, he constantly overcomes doubts.

Location Molandhara

It should be noted that for men the development of chakra is very important. After all, they are by their nature defenders and the "foundation" for their woman and family. Men Muladhara is connected with the physical organ (prostate gland).

There are no such women. They need a man for the harmonious development of this chakra who will "share" the necessary energy. In this case, the beautiful floor gains calm and confidence, as well as balanced emotionality. If the woman herself is forced to build their "foundation", then this is the beginning of the disclaimer at the physical level and emotional.

In order to awaken the first chakra, there are many ways and meditation is only one of them. If you do not want to meditate, then you will be helped by nature walks.

  • Walking is better alone, watching trees, grass, leaves or how snow falls.
  • It is good to observe how the element is raging, feeling her primitive passion.
  • Extra thoughts need to discard.

These actions (the so-called dynamic meditation) will help you get rid of fear of life, feel your security in this world.

How to conduct meditation for chakra 1

  1. Take a convenient posture.
  2. Make a calm breath, and then the same exhale and hold your breath.
  3. On the delay, muscles should be reduced in the field of anus (Ashvini-Mouda) or to reduce the muscles of the Niza of the abdomen, the crotch and anus (Moula Bandhu). Make it you need twice.
  4. Take a breath again and try to feel the energy flow that rises up.

Repeat everything first. This sequence should be performed for about five minutes. Watch your feelings for energy, for emerging cleanliness and light inside yourself. If you combine meditative techniques and awareness, you will be able to harmoniously and completely reveal Molandhara.

Meditation for Cleaning Chakra

To work with Mladjar, you can use another meditation. With it, you can saturate the chakra with positive energy, as well as clean, remove the negative.

Meditation for the first chakra: how to spend

  1. Take the position sitting or standing (which is more convenient for you), relax.
  2. Move your attention to the center of the chest and focus on the thoughts "I - there".
  3. Transfer your focus on the first chakra, and after your feet. They must completely come into touch with the ground, and then feel its attraction. Imagine your legs reach the center of the Earth.
  4. Pay attention to your left leg - through it the energy of red (it rises from the ground) and is going to Molandhare.
  5. You can immediately visualize the whirlwind in the chakra area, which rotates counterclockwise. Give this vortex all your fear, aggression and negative.
  6. When the energies are accumulated a lot (with an overweight), imagine how it goes through the right leg back to the ground. Feel like this negative energy flows from your head, chest, abdomen and flows to the first chakra, and then goes down.
  7. Feel relief from getting rid of the negative, you can imagine its dirty color, which is mixed with a clean color in the ground.
  8. After all the dirt went away, feel clean in the chakra, see her bright color. At the same time, you should fill the energy of confidence and peace.

We ask the quality of energy

Then you can set the quality of the energy obtained. Since Molandhara is hardness and confidence, then you need to imagine a huge steppe or mountain (or something as unshakable).

  1. Feel calm and unshakable confidence of this natural element, and after imagine that these qualities penetrate your chakra.
  2. As a result of such actions, they must pass you and completely fill you.
  3. Remember this condition, live in it (especially it is useful for men).
  4. Watch the changes in your life, they will certainly happen.

Such meditation on Mulladharu Chakru takes about twenty-thirty minutes in time. It is advisable to do meditation with an experienced mentor so that he can protect work at first, and also point to your shortcomings. If you do it yourself, keep care.

To open a moldhara and harmonious circulation of energy in it, it is recommended to perform meditations with the pronouncement of certain sounds.

Types of sound meditation


This chakra activates the sound of Lam, as it is consonant with the necessary vibration. If this sound is to pronounce during meditation, while concentrating on the emerging sensations in the cockeble area, the effect will be much more.


There is another option of sound meditation - this is the utility of SO-HAM sound. At the same time, it is necessary to visualize in the region of the chakra Yantra, which corresponds to it, as well as during the sensation of energy ripples to repeat the co-ham mantra. It is believed that this option is most positively acting on Muladharu.

The beginners should practice meditation no more than ten minutes, gradually bringing up to twenty-thirty minutes. Be sure to listen to your feelings, since sound vibrations affect your entire body, in case of discomfort, you need to stop working immediately. Pose choose the one that is convenient for you, but it is advisable to work in Siddhasan or Vajrasan.

How to conduct meditation for moldhara

  1. Take the selected pose and relax the body. To do this, make some complete breaths, keep track of your breath, but do not control it. Your body should breathe spontaneously and naturally.
  2. You need to repeat the mantra, approximately as follows: "So-oh-oh-o-ham-mm-mm!" The first syllable goes on the breath, and the second in exhalation.
  3. Do not concentrate on your thoughts, let them simply flow in your head.

After some time, the abundance of thoughts will simply disappear and you will feel the meditative state. Focus on it.

Meditation on Mulladharu is quite simple, but difficulties may arise in the process of its execution, as any work with energy, especially for an inexperienced novice, can lead to negative consequences. If you only comprehend the art of meditations, it is advisable to meditate under the guidance of an experienced mentor. If you decide to do it yourself, then listen to your feelings in the process, follow changes in the body and in life. All this will help achieve a better result.


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