Mazk at the gynecologist that shows. Women's examinations: What can be found in the smear? How to take a smear of genital organs

Mazk at the gynecologist that shows. Women's examinations: What can be found in the smear? How to take a smear of genital organs

Reading time: 6 min

The obligatory procedure for visiting the gynecologist is to take biological material to assess the state of microflora and cells of the vaginal epithelium, the inner mucous membrane of the uterus body, endometrial, cervical canal.

Gynecological smear, research and decoding of which is carried out in laboratory conditions, has high informativeness.

The analysis allows you to determine the hormonal level of the reproductive system, the number and composition of the vaginal discharge, the bacterial content of microflora in women, to prevent inflammatory processes, identify the pathology of development, the presence of neoplasms and infection, which is transmitted by sexual.

Diseases of the female sexual system deals with a specialized direction in medicine - gynecology.

There are many reasons for the treatment of patients: the passage of a medical examination for employment, pregnancy, pain or unpleasant grapple-shaped sensations in the field of the lower abdomen, itching or burning, thrush, abundant menstruation or discharge of unknown origin.

Common smear or microscopy is carried out during preventive inspection or during pregnancy planning. The result is the study of the cervical and urethra, vagina, virgins - rectum.

Analysis of papanicolau on cytology makes it possible to detect the papilloma virus on time, the precancerous states of the epithelium, the cervix. It is recommended to pass a pap-test to all female representatives with hereditary cancer diseases, persons over 21 years old.

The bacteriological method of research, Bakposposev in women is recommended for suspected the course of the inflammatory process, a disturbance of microflora, which was caused by conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms.

PCR is carried out in the form of an analysis on infections transmitted mainly by sex contact path. It gives full information about the bacterial composition of the inner microflora.

The efficiency and accuracy of the method is 98%.

Preparing for the dress

Before prescribing a survey, a gynecologist or a laboratory employee is obliged to prevent the patient about how to properly pass the smear on the flora, which can not be done before the procedure.

Preparation for microscopic examination provides for the refusal of potent antibiotics 2 weeks before the intended analysis, visits to the bathroom on the eve. You should try not to go to the toilet 2 hours before analysis.

The diagnosis is better to do not before, but during menstruation and in the first two days after.

In order to increase the sensitivity of the test, the microflora bacaposov is carried out in the absence of treatment with antibacterial preparations and douching. Be sure to comply with a special nutritional mode for 2-3 days to bacteriological analysis: limit products provoking fermentation or intestinal disorder.

To refrain from sexual intercourse with a partner and not to go out 24 hours before the data fence.

For 3-5 days before the assigned PCR, the diagnosis is prohibited by the reception of any antibacterial and contraceptives. For 36 hours it is necessary to exclude sexual contacts. Preferably per day before PCR and on the eve of the analysis not to go to the shower. The material is taken during menstruation and for 1-2 days after its end.

How to take a smear in women

The material collection technique is usually carried out in the morning hours in the gynecology separation or directly in the laboratory itself. Taking vaginal discharge and sections to research is appointed only for women who live sex life. In girls, it takes it more accurately from the side arches of the vagina to exclude damage to the virgin splava, and from the intestine, secretion of the secret.

All manipulations occur on a gynecological chair. At this time, the specialist introduces a special mirror depending on the age and physiological characteristics of the patient. If the organs are not yet formed, the size of XS is used, the girls will need a mirror S. After generic activities, inspection tools are used with a diameter of 25-30 mm, the size M, L.

The collection of material is carried out with a spatula or spatula, brush, applied to the slide or placed in the test tube for further transmission of the results obtained into the laboratory.

Microflora smear: decryption

Independently conclude how good or bad smear turned out, it is impossible without relevant knowledge. With the help of special designations to decipher the microscopic storing of the smear is very simple. Depending on the localization of the resulting biological material, the vagina is "V", the cervix - "C" and the urethra - "u".

Gram-positive wands, "gr. +" And the lack of a cocking flora. The result is "++++". It is rare quite rare, most often is the consequence of intense antibacterial therapy. Norm: "++", "+++" sticks, the number of Cockkops does not exceed "++".

Gram-negative Gonococci Bacteria - "GN", Vaginal Trichomonas - "Trich", the yeast of the genus "Candida". Corresponds to diseases like gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and candidiasis.

The presence of key cells and intestinal sticks, if they are indicated as part of microflora, indicates that the patient has a bacterial vaginosis.

Smear on the flora: the norm in women

To everyone, without exception, patients, starting from 14 years, and before the onset of menopause, corresponds to the same norm resulting from a laboratory microscopic study.

Leukocytes. By protecting the body from penetrating viruses, bacteria and infections, may be in the field of view, but should not exceed the indicator in the vagina - 10, in the cervix - 30, urethra - 5.

Epithelium. Moderate amount of epithelial tissue - norm. A large number indicates possible inflammation, and too low - to insufficient production of hormone estrogen.

Slime. An insignificant amount or its absence is allowed. The maximum daily norm of the secretions of the edge of the cervical cervium is 5 ml.

Gram-positive wands, "gr. +". Lactobacillus and duderlane sticks must be present in large quantities. They are responsible for the immune response of the body to foreign bodies. In the cervix and urethra should not be.

"Gr.-", gram-negative, anaerobic sticks are not defined.

Gonococci with the symbol "GN", trichomonas, chlamydia, key and atypical cells, mushrooms, yeast, Candida are missing. If they are found in the results, the patient is appointed additional survey on gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, thrush.


To avoid complications during the fetal period, it is recommended to determine the degree of purity of the gynecological smear. Normally, in a healthy woman, the vagina microflora is 95-98% of Bacillus vaginalis or lactobacilli doderer wands. They produce lactic acid, which helps to preserve the level of acidity.

Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are not able to survive in such conditions. But under the action of various factors as sexual activity, menopause, menstrual cycle and decrease in immunity, microflora indicators may vary.

  • 1 degree The purity of the vagina is normal for pH 3,8-4.5. Wednesday - sour. Leukocytes and epithelial cells are not more than 10.
  • 2 degree. Weakly acidic medium: pH \u003d 4.5-5. There is a slight increase in gram-positive Cocktles, candida mushrooms.
  • 3 degree. Pathogenic microorganisms are activated, mucus appears, epithelium indicators exceed the norm. Neutral acidity level, pH \u003d 5-7. Leukocytes Over 10. The mucus, key cells are present, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms are multiplied in favorable microflora conditions.
  • On the latter 4 degrees, Clean Low. PH indicators reach 7.5. Dodererlane chopsticks or are generally absent, or are in a single quantity. The vagina is filled with pathogenic microorganisms.

Bacteriological research

A variety of composition, in addition to lactobacilli Dodererian sticks, which are an integral part of the microflora of the vagina of the examined woman, begin to study not immediately. Sowing on a specially created favorable medium of collected biological material for its subsequent growth, development and reproduction takes time.

It is possible to estimate bacteriological sowing on the flora through a microscope provided an increase in the number of representatives of microorganisms.

  • 0 class. It is observed in the treatment of antibiotics. The pathogen is absent.
  • I class. The number of bacteria does not increase or moderate growth.
  • Class II. Mixed microflora character. Up to 10 colonies of Gardnerella Vaginalis or Mobiluncus bacteria, causative agents of Gardnerellia are determined.
  • III class. The colonies are about 100. Gardnella and Mobiluncus also live in microflora. The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis appear.
  • IV class. Lactobacteria is absent, immunity is weakened. The diagnosis of an acquired infectious disease - aerobic vaginitis.

Cytological research

The probability of detecting areas of the altered epithelium, the virus of papillomas and oncological neoplasms is large enough after 30 years, the start of sexual life.

Proper decoding of the PAP test depends on the presence or absence of cancer, nonypical cells.

  • NILM. Clinical picture without features, CHW. Leukocytes and bacteria are distinguished in a small amount. Primary candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis is possible. The epithelial layer is normal.
  • ASC-US. Atypical sections in the epithelial tissue of unknown origin were found. Repeated analysis is carried out after 6 months on the search for chlamydia, dysplasia, human papilloma virus.
  • Lsil. To confirm the precancerous state caused by atypical cells, a biopsy is prescribed, colposcopy. Weakly pronounced signs of changing the epithelium.
  • ASC-H. A pronounced lesion of a flat epithelium. In 1% of patients diagnose the initial stage of cervical cancer, the remaining 98-99% have 2-3 degree dysplasia.
  • Hsil. Concomitant symptoms preceding a flat epithelium cancer, cervical cervix, revealed from more than 7% of the women's surveyed. 2% - cancer.
  • AGC. Atypical state of ferrous epithelium. Diagnosis: cervical cancer or endometrial, launched displasia form.
  • AIS. Square carcinoma, cervical cancer.

PCR Analysis

The molecular biological method of PCR diagnostics is characterized by high sensitivity and reliability of the data obtained. Thanks to the creation of earlier samples of the selected and copied DNA section, a comparison with the obtained biological material is compared.

Analysis on infections using PCR makes it possible in a short time to find the causative agent of the disease of the female genital organs by receiving a positive or negative result.

The polymerase chain reaction facilitates the definition of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, thrush, trichomoniasis, HPV, HIV, search for the causes of severe pregnancy and hormonal disorders.

The disadvantages of PCR are cases of false data with incorrect tests, possible mutation of the pathogen DNA.

What shows the smear on the flora in women? The smear on the flora refers to the basic methods to identify inflammatory processes in the genitals, as well as their causes. This analysis makes it possible to determine the presence or absence of inflammation, the degree of its severity, the nature of the vaginal microflora, the urethra, cervical canal, to identify the infectious agent or indirect signs of its presence.

The smear on the flora in women (urogenital smear on the flora, bacterioscopy, common smear) is a method of laboratory diagnostics, during which a microscopic study of biological material from the vagina is carried out. This is one of the most common methods of laboratory diagnostics used in gynecological practice, its advantages are accessibility and informative.

The smear on the flora can be handed over to the women's consultation, in the clinic at the place of residence, in a private specialized clinic, in the cabinet of the material of some laboratories.

Indications for research

The smear on the flora in women is taken during a planned preventive inspection of the gynecologist, pregnancy planning, placing obstetric accounting, as well as in suspected infectious inflammation of the genital organs in order to control the effectiveness of the treatment.

During pregnancy, this study plays a particularly important role, since due to the change in the hormonal background (in particular, hyperstroystroy) and the reduction of immunity is increasing the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the external and internal genital organs. Inflammation can cause abortion of pregnancy, premature births, infection of the child when passing through labor pathways.

During pregnancy, the study of the vaginal microflora is usually prescribed three times at certain intervals, and with the detected infectious inflammation and more often.

The main symptoms serving the cause of the appointment of a smear on the flora:

  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen (spontaneous or during sexual intercourse);
  • itching and / or a feeling of discomfort in the field of external genital organs;
  • unusual selection of sex tract;
  • painful urination;
  • menstrual cycle disorders.
During the study, the smear is determined by the so-called degree of purity of the vagina. This is a primary screening that allows you to determine the need for further examination and its volume.

In prophylactic purposes, the gynecological smear on the flora is recommended to be given at least once a year even in the absence of any symptoms, since many diseases of the reproductive system, including infectious, are characterized by a hidden course. Also, the preventive smear on the flora is recommended to be handed over if a woman has an unprotected sexual contact with a dubious partner.

Where to hand over the smear on the flora and how much is the analysis?

The smear on the flora can be handed over to the women's consultation, in the clinic at the place of residence, in a private specialized clinic, in the cabinet of the material of some laboratories.

Typically, the storage of a smear of time takes one business day, but to clarify the term of obtaining the result is better at the doctor, since the timing of the manufacture of analysis in different laboratories may differ.

Preparation for research

Usually, the smear on the flora is handed over to the fourth-fifth day of the menstrual cycle, if there are no other instructions. During menstruation, it is undesirable during menstruation, since it is inevitable to enter the material of menstrual blood, which with a high probability distort the result.

If the patient passes the course of anti-infectious therapy, first it should be completed and only then take the analysis. The smear on the microflora is taken at no earlier than three weeks after the end of treatment with antibacterial and antimicotic drugs (if there were no other instructions from the attending physician). The use of antibacterial, antimicotic, anti-inflammatory drugs and contraceptives may cause the obtaining of false negative results of the study.

It is necessary to take into account that often pathogenic pathogens causing STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are not detected during smear microscopy, despite the presence in the body.

Within 1-2 days, sexual contacts must be eliminated before passing the material for analysis, and vaginal suppositories, ointments should not be accessed during this period. On the eve and on the day of delivery, it is impossible to use means for intimate hygiene. Restrictions on physical activity and nutrition This analysis does not require.

It is advisable not to urinate 2-3 hours before taking a material for analysis.

How to take a smear on flora

Before taking a material for research, the patient passes a conventional gynecological examination with mirrors. The doctor visually evaluates the vulva, the walls of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix, then with the help of a sterile spatula, it makes a fence of a material of three sections - the walls of the vagina, the outer opening of the urethra, the cervix. In some cases, the material for the study is taken from one specified point, for example, only from the vagina or cervix. The procedure is painless.

The material taken from different sections is applied with a spatula on the subject glass separately from each other, marked (V - vagina, U is the urethra, C - the cervix), dried and sent to the laboratory.

For a detailed acquaintance with the material fence technique, you can see the appropriate video on how to take a smear on the flora in women.

Vaginal microflora: normal

During the study, the smear is determined by the so-called degree of purity of the vagina. This is a primary screening that allows you to determine the need for further examination and its volume.

Within 1-2 days, sexual contacts must be eliminated before passing the material for analysis, and vaginal suppositories, ointments should not be accessed during this period.

Depending on the nature of microflora and cell content, 4 degrees of the purity of the vagina are distinguished:

  1. A large number of deterlee sticks, a slight amount of flat epithelium in the preparation. Determined by clinically healthy women.
  2. A small number of coccobs is found, but deterlene sticks prevail. It is not a sign of pathology, many clinically healthy women are observed.
  3. A small amount of deterlene sticks is detected in the preparation, a variety of coking flora prevails, the number of leukocytes is more than 10 in the field of view. Observed with inflammatory processes.
  4. Deaderlene sticks in a smear are practically absent, a large number of coccquit and leukocytes are found. Sign of bacterial vaginosis.

Normal values \u200b\u200bof indicators for women of reproductive age are shown in the table.


Normal values


Vagina - 0-10 in sight

Cervical neck - 0-30 in sight

Urethra - 0-5 in sight

Flat epithelium

Moderate number

Moderate number

Deaderlena sticks

Vagina - a large number

Cervical neck - missing

Urethra - absent


Not detected


Not detected


Not detected

Microscopic yeast-like mushrooms

Not detected

Key cells

Not detected

Decoding indicators

When deciphering the results of the smear on the flora in women, first of all, the number of leukocytes is estimated (depending on where the material comes from), the nature and number of microflora detected.


Leukocytes are white blood cells that ensure the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, which constitutes the immune system. If the number of leukocytes in the smear is increased, it may indicate an inflammatory process. When evaluating the result, the phase of the menstrual cycle is taken into account, depending on which the number of leukocytes can vary.

The smear on the microflora is taken at no earlier than three weeks after the end of treatment with antibacterial and antimicotic drugs (if there were no other instructions from the attending physician).


Deaderlene sticks (lactobacillia, vaginal sticks, lactobacillia, gram-positive wands) are a common name of fixed acidophilic sticks that do not form a dispute and are the main component of the normal vaginal microflora. Normally in the smear of deterlene sticks must be contained in the studied biomaterial in large quantities. Reducing their number, especially in the presence of other microflora representatives, serves as a sign of inflammation.

Flat epithelium

Flat epithelium are cells that linse the inner surface of the vagina, present in the urethre and cervix. Normally, the amount of flat epithelium in the smear can be somewhat varied depending on the hormonal status and phase of the menstrual cycle. When a large number of flat epithelium is found, it is possible to suspect the presence of an inflammatory process (urethritis, cervicitis, vulvovaginitis). The absence of a flat epithelium in the smear may indicate a violation of a hormonal background (in particular, it may be a sign of a violation of the production of genital hormones).

When deciphering the results of the analysis, it should be taken into account that in women during pregnancy, as a rule, an increase in the number of leukocytes and a flat epithelium.


The mucus is produced by the glands of the vagina and the cervical channel. Normally, a moderate mucus is detected in the smear (in the material of the urethra, it can be completely absent), an increase in its amount may indicate the presence of an infectious inflammatory process.


Normally, causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases in the material under study should be missing. Their detection indicates a presence of a particular infection. So, the detection of gonococci indicates gonorrhea, trichomonas are determined in trichomoniasis, etc.

The use of antibacterial, antimicotic, anti-inflammatory drugs and contraceptives may cause the obtaining of false negative results of the study.

The detection of microscopic yeast-like mushrooms can be a sign of a vaginal candidiasis (the so-called thrush), but these microorganisms, like some others (cocci, for example), are present in healthy women, therefore their quantitative assessment is important.

However, it is necessary to take into account that often pathogenic pathogens causing STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are not detected during microscopy of the smear, despite the presence in the body. Therefore, in the presence of suspicion of infection, it is resorted to additional studies (for example, a polymerase chain reaction). The microscopy of the smear also does not allow to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics or antifungal drugs of detected microorganisms. For this, culture analysis (pot of sowing) with an antibioticogram is carried out.

Key cells

Normally, key cells in the material are missing, their appearance may indicate a bacterial vaginosis, as well as erosive or tumor changes in the mucous membrane.

Assessment of result

Even when obtaining the results of the research of the smear, which goes beyond the boundaries of the norms, the diagnosis is usually not exhibited - this requires a comprehensive diagnosis, as well as a clinical picture of the disease, therefore, only a specialist can rather estimate the result. He, if necessary, assigns therapy.

It should be taken into account that the detection of cock and other conditionally pathogenic microflora is not a reason for the appointment of anti-infectious therapy without their quantitative assessment and accounting of these other diagnostic research.

Self-medication in most cases leads to serious violations of the balance of vaginal microflora and, as a result, the development of complications, including the further dissemination of infection.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

In a standard list of examinations in women, when planning pregnancy, a smear on the microflora from the vagina includes. This analysis makes it possible to estimate the condition of the microflora of the vagina, cervical and urethra, and also identify the presence of pathogenic bacteria and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. In this article we will analyze how to take the smear and what problems it helps to recognize.

The smear on the microflora allows you to recognize the infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitals.

In what situations do women take this analysis?

  • preventive inspection at the gynecologist once a year;
  • when itching, discomfort or discharge with an unpleasant odor of the vagina;
  • during pregnancy, it is performed several times to control the microflora of the genital tract;
  • with frequent change of sexual partners;
  • after a long admission of antibacterial agents, hormonal drugs and drugs that reduce immunity.

What is the preparation for research

Of course, the smear can be passed and without prior preparation, but to obtain the correct result you need to follow the recommendations of the gynecologist's doctor:

  • within a few days before smear not having sex;
  • do not spend dick;
  • do not use vaginal candles, creams and ointments at least within 2-3 days before the analysis;
  • do not pass the smear during the menstrual bleeding;
  • the take-off of the smear is carried out after the morning toilet of the external genital organs with conventional water without the use of detergents, maximum simple soap;
  • before the smear is taken, it is not necessary to urinate within 1-2 hours.

Important! Ideally, the smear in gynecology passes for 4-5 days after the end of menstruation, for 3-5 days of the cycle.

How is the macale taking procedure

Before surrendering, a woman is worried about how to take a smear and it hurts. In fact, nothing special about it. The woman is in the gynecological chair, and the doctor is a sterile tampon or a special tool conducts a fence of contents of three zones:

  • mucous vagina;
  • cervical cervical channel;
  • urethra (urethra).

This study is relatively painless. Some sensitive women may complain about light discomfort, which is most likely associated with psychological reasons.

A smear on flora is a relatively painless procedure.

What should be in this smear?

In healthy women, most microorganisms that are contained in a vaginal smear are lactobacilli (lactobacillia). They are gram-positive lactic acid bacteria, which in the process of their metabolism can produce lactic acid, lysozyme, hydrogen peroxide and other active substances.

The main function of the lactobacilli in women is to maintain an acidic medium in the vagina and protecting the genital paths from the penetration of pathogens.

Important! With a decrease in the number of these bacteria, the vaginal dysbiosis develops and the other conditionally pathogenic microflora (intestinal stick, stafilo and streptococci) is beginning to multiply. This leads to the development of inflammatory diseases.

In addition, a small amount of candida (fungi of the genus Candida) and Gardnell (bacteria) may be contained in the vagina. With a normal immunite, the body restrains the growth of these bacteria and fungi, but with a decrease in immune defense, the amount of them begins to grow, causing milk (candidiasis) or gardnerellosis.

Decryption of smear on flora in gynecology

After a day, a woman receives a form with the results of analyzes on the hands of the form with the results of analyzes and suffers with the definition of incomprehensible abbreviations and abbreviations. Consider what characteristics are present in the usual smear and what they mean.

The material fence is taken from three points, so on the form they can be indicated by three Latin symbols V (Vagina - Vagina), C (Cervix - cervix) and U (Uretra - urethra) or simply signed.

Leukocytes (L) Observed normally in a small amount. With inflammatory processes, their number increases sharply.

Flat epithelium Or just epithelium. The increase in the number of epithelial cells is also a marker of the inflammatory process.

Gonokokki (GN). The identification of Gonokokkov speaks about the disease of gonoronia.

Trichomonads (TRICH). Trichomonade detection speaks of trichomoniasis.

Slime Normally present in moderate quantity in the vagina and the cervix. Its increase indicates an inflammatory or infectious process.

The norm and pathology of the smear on the microflora in gynecology.

Key cells - These are the cells of the epithelium on which the Gardnerella bacterium is found. The increase in their number speaks of Gardnerlese.

Lactobacillia(Dodererlane sticks) - Normally are in a large number of vagina. Their decline indicates dysbacteriosis.

Candida.Normally, there may be a small amount of yeast-like fungi. If their number is increased, then the thrush is diagnosed.

In addition to these basic parameters, stafilo and streptococci, intestinal wand and other microorganisms, an increase in the number of genital tract can be determined in the flora analysis.

In some laboratories, the "+" sign is used to determine the number of one parameters. What does he mean:

  • small quantity - "+";
  • moderate quantity - "++";
  • the indicator is increased - "+++";
  • a significant increase in the indicator is "++++".

What shows the degree of purity of the vagina?

Based on the data obtained after the smear, the specialist makes a verdict on the degree of purity of the vagina:

  • I is practically not found;
  • II is the most frequent degree among healthy women;
  • Iii - indicates the inflammatory process;
  • IV - signals dysbacteriosis, vaginosis or sexual infections.

Questions to the doctor

Question: What additional tests will help to reveal why the amount of lactobacilli is reduced in the smear.

Answer: Reducing the level of lactobacilli can be associated with inflammatory diseases. Additionally assign tests on STIs, and general-clinical analyzes.

Question: Staphylococcus discovered in the smear. I read that it could be discovered in a smear in women normally. The attending doctor said it is a pathology. Who among us right?

Answer: Normally, women may have a small amount of staphylococcus, when their level reaches 10 5 degrees - it is considered pathology.

Analysis on the microflora is the first step towards the diagnosis of various diseases in gynecology. When detecting deviations should not panic. You need to repeat analyzes taking into account the recommendations of the doctor or to carry out additional research to search for a source of the problem.

There is one recommendation that doctors repeat from year to year, and women with unexplained stubbornness ignore. Not less than once a year of each representative of the wonderful sex, you need to visit the gynecologist, even if nothing is particularly bothering it. A reason for such a manifestation of discipline is a lot of: it is necessary to choose a faithful means of contraception, check yourself for the presence of infection, to detect inflammation in a timely manner. In each case, such a visit involves taking smears. What are they needed, and what will be able to find out by a specialist?

Why do you need a smear by Papanicolau

Pap-test or smear on papanicolau is also called a smear for the presence of atypical cells or cytology. This test takes the first place among the total number of preventive tests in gynecology. This test on the microscopic level allows you to assess the structure of cervical cells. Thanks to this method, a preclinical diagnosis of cancer is carried out.

As an additional way, this method is used in relation to women after thirty years in the study for the presence of a malignant type of human papilloma virus. If the dysplasia is detected during the PAP test, the patient is carried out a special study - colposcopy (inspect the cervix under the microscope). By species of the epithelium after using special solutions, preliminary conclusions make a pathological center on the cervix and in what place. But the smear is not performed during menstruation, as well as in the case of suspected inflammation. Otherwise, the result obtained will be false. During the day before the analysis, try to avoid intimate intimacy, you do not need to use tampons or candles.

This gynecological smear is taken from the cervical channel, vagina or from the urethra. In this way, they are trying to determine the number of leukocytes, the balance of the vaginal flora, to detect the fungi of the vulva and vagina in the genital paths, which are caused by mushrooms of the genus Candida, trichomonas and gonokoks. When leukocytes are too much, implies the presence of infection transmitted by sexually, or the beginning of the inflammatory process. In this case, do not do without additional research.

True, not in all cases, the increased number of leukocytes in the smear becomes a reason for concern. This indicator becomes higher than the norm a few days before the start of menstruation and immediately after it. It also happens in cases where ectopia (erosion) or a woman begins to live in the uterus on the cervical neck (erosion). When a nithe of mycelium is found in the smear on the flora, it can be a characteristic sign of candidiasis (vulva and vagina disease, which is caused by the mushrooms of the kind of thrush). It is important the day before the visit to the doctor to refrain from intimate contacts, do not apply spermicidal creams and do not douch.

The smear on the flora is a mandatory diagnostic procedure, which is carried out in the framework of the gynecological inspection.

It shows the state of microflora female genital organs. Research results allow us to obtain information on the presence or absence of diseases.

Purpose of Analysis

Regular dress smearpromotes early diagnosis of diseases that are transmitted by sexual path. Taking a smear occurs at each reception of the gynecologist.

The procedure is painless,but it is difficult to overestimate.

It is especially important to hand over the smear in the following cases:

  • with unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning, changing selection);
  • reception of hormone-based drugs;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • control in the framework of treatment;
  • preparation for diagnostic procedures or surgery.

Bad result of the smear indicates diseases.

During some procedures, their presence is undesirable. For example, when checking the uterine pipes, the contrasting solution can disseminate the infection throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis. This will complicate the course of the existing disease.

When you need to pass

The time in which the smear is surrendered depends on its purpose. If the material fence is carried out for prevention, then badge is better to take in the interval from 10 to 20 days cycle.

A woman with a long cycle is allowed to take the analysis at a later time.

During pregnancy, the smear makes not less than three times - when confirming the fact of conception, on the 8th month and immediately before childbirth.

The last surrender is needed to eliminate the infection of the child with infection when it is advised by the generic paths. On the eve before the fence of the material you can not have sex. This can affect the result.

Should not be used to purify the household industry. Some of them can affect the composition of the microflora of the vagina.

Preparation for delivery

Proper preparation ensures the obtaining of the most accurate analysis results. The analysis is carried out on certain days of the cycle.

How to prepare for a smear on the flora? From the last day of menstruation should pass at least three days. Otherwise, blood cells will fall into the material, which will noticeably distort the final result.

Preparing for analysis requires the implementation of the following principles:

  • on the eve, you need to refrain from sexual proximity - the smear on the flora after sex can distort the results;
  • it is forbidden to use cleansing agents that can affect the microflora state;
  • two days before the blood fence, it is necessary to abandon the drugs used by the method of vaginal administration;
  • two weeks before the analysis, it is necessary to stop the reception of antibiotics and any anti-inflammatory drugs.

Immediately before visiting the Cabinet Gynecologist You can not attend the toiletYou should not conduct any hygienic procedures.

At the reception you need to take a disposable diaper and replaceable shoes. In private clinics, everything you need provide on the spot.

In some cases, re-examination is required. It is possible that the result will be erroneous. This is especially true of those cases in which the rules of delivery are violated.

Algorithm for the fence of the material

The shaping procedure does not cause a woman of substantial discomfort. It passes quickly and painlessly.

Taking algorithm:

  • placing the patient in the gynecological chair;
  • introduction of tools expanding the walls of the vagina and opening the review of the gynecologist;
  • selection of discharge from the rear wall of the vagina with a medical spatula;
  • fixing the smear on the glass.

The remaining manipulations are made directly in the laboratory.. A selection sample can be taken not only from the vagina, but also from the urethra or cervix.

Stages of research

Analysis of the vaginal secret woman is carried out in the equipped laboratory.

First carries a smear of a frambra.

Methylene blue is used for staining. This process contributes to the most rapid separation of bacteria by varieties.

Next step the laboratory must be calculated by each type of cells..

The number of leukocytes and the degree of purity of the vaginal secret is estimated.

In the state clinic durability studying material can reach seven daysin paid institutions, the result of the analysis can be obtained the next day.

How many year

The results of each medical research have a certain expiration date.

Smear on flora given for ten days after the fence of the material.

This is a fairly limited framework compared with other types of research. An analysis on oncocytology can be carried out only once a year. The study that reveals the presence of causative agents of mushrooms Candida does not make sense to spend more than once a month.

When receiving an erroneous result, the analysis can be reused Excluding the above expiration terms. The frequency of research may affect the course of treatment.

Its effectiveness is measured by the dynamics of changes of the smear. Neglecting a visit to the gynecologist in no case.

Taking a smear - absolutely harmless procedure. It allows you to identify the disease at the very beginning of development. This will significantly save time and strength that will have to spend on treatment.


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