Calculate the moon by date of birth. Moon calendar

Calculate the moon by date of birth. Moon calendar

Knowing your lunar birthday - a person can learn a lot about his character, inclinations, preferences, and even his fate. Also determine specific traits For a particular person, the purpose of the person, the quality of which he possesses and those who would have to learn how to learn. Let's try to find out with you in what lunar day we were born. Often it helps re-evaluate our own strengths and weaknesses. It is clearer to see your life path and properly arrange the benchmarks on it.

Calculate lunar birthday

In order to learn the lunar birthday and its numerological importance, enter in the form full date of birth.

Birthday in the lunar calendar

If at the moment you already know what the lunar day has passed your birthday, then you should tell you what specific features you needed or your loved ones, and what you would not hurt to turn your attention to what to develop, What to fear and avoid.

Birthday in the lunar calendar

Lunar birthday is always considered in more detail than, for example, the characteristics of the sign of the zodiac of the solar horoscope. The lunar day, in which we were born, gives knowledge about the characteristics of the character, reveals the abilities and opportunities, the likely career paths, determines the features of health, activity, good luck in personal life.
Your lunar birthday is a talisman for you.
Every 19 years of the Gregorian calendar coincide with the day of the lunar calendar, that is, every 19 years, the lunar day falls on the same day. If 01/01/1960 - 4th lunar day (moon in the sign of the fish), then 01/01/1979 - 4th lunar day (the moon in the sign of the zodiac fish).

Antiphase lunar days

The lunar calendar has anti-phase lunar days.
The lunar days standing in this table opposite each other are antiphase. For example, for the 6th lunar day - this is the 20th day, for the 26th - this is the 12th, etc.

1 and 2. 16
3 17
4 18
5 19
6 20
7 21
8 22
9 23
10 24
11 25
12 26
13 27
14 28
15 29 and 30.

It should be especially careful about both the day, the anti-phase day of your birth and the events of this day. Without the urgent need for an anti-phase lunar day, it is better not to do. It is also very peculiar our relationship with people born in an anti-phase lunar day.

Studying ordinary horoscopes, you probably noticed that they are not enough information, it is often not taken into account in the birthday of the lunar calendar, and this is very important momentBy analyzing which you can learn a lot about yourself.

You can learn better than yourself, discover the hidden reserves and creative potential, understand, in which direction it is worth moving, and also avoid many troubles, the main thing lunar birthday calculate right. You can do it by defining what day the lunar cycle you were born. It is important here to take into account, which one that was on the account of the lunar day, in which sign of the zodiac was the moon, its phase, as well as the exact time of the moon and her in walking into a certain sector of the zodiac circle - all these factors and determine your lunar birthday.

How to effectively apply knowledge about the lunar birthday?

Now you can find a lot of archives with lunar calendars last years that will help to calculate your lunar birthday, the main thing is only to know up to one minute of the time of your appearance. It is equally important to take into account the place of your birth, namely the geographical and time zone, without this it is simply impossible to determine the lunar birthday correctly. Comparing all this information, you can easily determine which lunar day you were born and how to reflect on your fate.

The impact of the moon on people is very strong and lunar birthday is largely able to predetermine future character traits and even the fate of a person.

In order to compile a holistic horoscope and determine all the astrological aspects affecting the nature and fate of a person, you need to know your lunar birthday. It is he who largely predetermines what the internal qualities will have a person how he will interact with the world around, and what life situations will happen to him most often. It is worth noting that calculate birthday in the lunar calendar It is even more important than on the sunny, so the moon was to know which phase and the zodiac sign at the time of your appearance is simply necessary.

The moon is responsible for our inner world, some aspects of our personality, inappropriate with the logical explanation and very often hidden from us. Therefore, it is so important to calculate the lunar birthday to achieve inner harmony, to succeed in life and not commit unnecessary errors.

With this interactive service implemented by the project "Mir Urania", you can get information about the beginning / end of the lunar days on any day of any month and year, in various settlements in Russia and in the countries of the neighboring countries. To do this, enter the "Date" form of you day month Year And click on the "Recalculation" button. You will receive information about the beginning of the lunar days in the date you specified when in Moscow.
If you are not in Moscow, but in another settlement, you need to follow the link "Other We. Point", in the window that opens, enter the name of the local item you need and click on the "Find" button. As a result, you will have a drop-down menu with one or more settlements, which coincide with the name with what you have entered; There will also indicate geographic coordinates and time zone. Select from this list the location you need and click the "Accept" button. In the source service window that appears, you will see an automatic recalculation of the lunar days to the date you specified in the specified settlement.
This service is particularly convenient for those who want to learn the lunar day of their birth in place of birth.

IMPORTANT: Calculation of lunar days for settlements of Polar latitudes (above 60 degrees of latitude) This service does not!

Born with Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio refers to a watermark and is under the influence of Pluto and Mars, so the person will be subconsciously configured to crisis situations that ultimately must lead to destruction, transformation and internal restructuring.

Whatever it was, but in the end everything will be destroyed, as this is a consequence of the impact of the pluto, which carries chaos and the final destruction of the structure. Only two ways will be waiting for you - self-destruction (at the same time, the highest values \u200b\u200bare completely absent, and there is only destruction and death), as well as transformation or change, provided that there are higher goals.

That is why such people will be at the unconscious level to the situation of crisis, changes and risks, since constant destruction have a very strong impact on the inner world of man. Such people are very much different thanks to a certain degree of hysterium, very strong excitability begins to manifest, there will be sharp drops of sentiment, the constant need of a person in psychological update, as there is absolutely no equilibrium in the inner world.

But whatever the structure arose, sooner or later it will still begin to collapse, since the person will be constantly in a state of increased activity, there is a constant need for changes and creating any new structure. If this does not happen, then internal negative psychology will begin to form. Consequently, a person will not observe any positive changes, everything will be in black tones and perceived as proper, which does not have completely no value, and will not be destructed. For such a person, there is absolutely nothing valuable in the world, which is really worthy of existence, right up to narrow-nursing.

The moon, which is in Scorpio, is able to give a aggravated psychological gift to man. For example, when the moon is in cancer, it gives a person the opportunity to finely feel the psychological mood of another person, and when the moon is in Scorpio, then the person gets the opportunity to feel both the inner world of man and its most painful places, flaws, complexes and weaknesses. It is Pluto who contributes to the strengthening of such opportunities, and thanks to Mars, there is an aggravation and acute manifestation of this gift.

Such people can become excellent psychologists, psychotherapists who can clearly see and determine human weakness. If a person has a negative inclination, then it can be a manipulator or a very cruel sadist, which can be pressed on the right points and mock the person for a very long time. Also through Scorpio there is a connection with another world, and such a person can become a clairvoyant, medium, and at the unconscious level they begin to perceive the parallel world.

Lunar birthday general information:

Many people in Western culture have become accustomed to the fact that they celebrate their birthday by the sunny calendar, while they know their zodiac sign and take into account the characteristics of the character, but at the same time ancient astrology considers a very important lunar birthday. Since it can also determine the characteristic features for a particular person, the purpose of the person, the quality of which he possesses and those who would have to learn. For example, in Vedic astrology, first look at what kind of sign is the moon.

In the same India, first of all you will be asked your sign on the moon, it will be your moonful birthday. If at the moment you already know what kind of lunar day your birthday passed, then you should tell you what specific features you needed or your loved ones, and what you would not hurt to turn your attention to what to develop, what to fear And from what to refuse.

The effect of the moon on a human life is extremely large. Knowing what a lunar day and that he will bring to us, you can adjust your life plans, avoid trouble, achieve success in professional and love affairs. Calculate the lunar day, you will be able to attract the moon's magic to your side and use it correctly.

The impact of the Moon on Earth and its inhabitants confirms not only astrology, but also statistics. For example, according to statistical data, the number of tragedies is increased in full moon. Knowledge of the influence of the Moon on the life of a person was collected and analyzed by centuries, from the most antiquity. Not in vain in many cultures there are rituals associated with a full moon.

In some days, the influence of the moon is favorable, and in some - on the contrary. Naturally, it is better to know about it in advance.

The lunar calendars appeared long ago, not one and not two centuries are used. They help to reflect the interaction of the moon and the sun, their influence on the ground. Very convenient to have such a calendar at hand. But what to do if it is not? The lunar days can be calculated independently. Before you give an example of calculating the lunar days, we will dwell a little on the theory that you will need for this.

There are 5 lunar phases: new moon, a little, the first quarter, full moon, the last quarter.

The first phase - the moon is invisible.

The second phase is the first appearance of a new moon.

The third phase - only the right half of the moon is visible (if you put the wand on the left to her half, then the letter "R" will be denoted that the moon is growing).

The fourth phase - the full moon is visible in the sky.

The fifth phase - only the left half of the moon is visible (its part resembles the letter "C" - this means that the moon aging).

Lunar days are called the gap between the two sunrises of the moon. The first and last day of the lunar month can continue only a couple of minutes, the other days have almost equal duration - 24.5 hours. Unlike the rest of the lunar days, the beginning of the first lunar days is occurring during the new moon, and the end - the moon's sunrise nearest after him.

The period of changing the moon phases is called a synodic month. He lays the moon calendar. The duration of this month is an average of 29,53059 days. That is, the lunar month can be equal to 29 or 30 days. The lunar year is 354.36 terrestrial day. The last day of the synodic month ends with the new moon.

There are three ways of designation of lunar days. According to the first version of the New Moon, the first day of the lunar calendar corresponds to the second - zero, according to the third (Tibeta lunar calendar) - thirtieth. The system that denotes the new moon as the first day more ancient and is even now common, therefore, in its calculations we will rely on it.

Consider the easiest and clear way to calculate the lunar days.

The formula for determining the lunar day:

N \u003d (l * 11) -14 + d + m,

D - day of the month

M is the sequence number of the month,

L is the lunar number of the year.

From the resulting number n, it will be necessary to take "30" as many times as it is necessary so that the number is less than "30".

The lunar number of the year varies in the range from 1 to 19. For its definition there are special tables, but if there are no tables at hand, you can calculate it yourself. To determine the number of the lunar year, it suffices to remember that they go in order, and the number of 2000 (the first year of the 21st century) is 6.

Calculate the lunar day at a specific date. For example, we need to know which moon day will be May 23, 2015. Since the lunar number of 2013 is 19, then further numbering begins from the beginning: 2014 - 1, 2015 - 2.

N \u003d 2 * 11-14 + 23 + 5 \u003d 22-14 + 28 \u003d 36

36-30 \u003d 6 lunar day

It turns out that on May 23, 2015 will be 6 lunar day. Check our calculations on any lunar calendar. Indeed, on May 23, 2015, there will be 6 lunar days, it means that our calculations are made true, and they can be used if there is no lunar calendar at hand.

Now, having done simple actions in your mind, you can always define a lunar day.

Interestingly, the biological clock of a person is tuned just at 24.5-25 hours, that is, on the lunar, and not a sunny day.

Knowing about the vibrations of a lunar day, you can not only produce many astrological calculations, but also plan your life on them. No need to forget that the influence of the moon extends all spheres of our life - from financial and physical to spiritual.

To feel well and achieve your goals, you need to use the lunar calendar. Therefore, information about the effect of the lunar day will be useful not only astrologers. Know how the lunar days will be influenced by this or that event you need in advance. After all, if you plan an important thing in an unfavorable lunar day for this, it may not work anything.


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