Japan and space. Japanese cosmic "truck": What's wrong with the rocket of the rising sun? Space program of Japan

Japan and space. Japanese cosmic "truck": What's wrong with the rocket of the rising sun? Space program of Japan

So the artist represents the "Phase-2" apparatus immediately after shooting from the balloon

Combined scheme of the devices "Phase-1" and "Phase-2"

Running the first sample of the H-IIA family

Defeat in World War II has become a day gift for Japan, no matter how wild it sounds. The ideas of national superiority went back together with the Militarist Ugar, and the nation was able to focus on really important issues - first of all, on efficiency. So the famous Japanese miracle appeared, about which everyone heard. But it is unlikely that many know that something similar happened in the field of space developments. The Japanese lined up their cosmic program for no glory, but solely to achieve utilitarian, albeit large-scale purposes.

Three sisters

The Japanese Space Budget (according to EuroconsULTEC. COM) is no more than 12% of the NASA budget. Nevertheless, this money has been living for several decades and are not one, not one, not two, but as many as three independent civilian space divisions: NASDA Space Agency (National Space Development Agency), Institute of Astronautics ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) and Scientific Laboratory NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory). Moreover, the Unified Guide is missing and each of the three divisions have its own research centers and launchers.

Among the specialists are the opinion that it is thanks to the competition Japan in such a short time and with rather limited funding achieved great success. IN last yearsAgainst the background of the worsening economic situation, there were conversations about the merger of three divisions or at least about a single leadership, but the "sisters" still three and their total budget is still in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 2 billion.


The Japanese Agency of Space Development (NASDA) was formed in 1969 (see the insert "The main milestones of the NASDA history"). From the very beginning, the rate was made to the most efficient use of funds. The Americans helped the technology. In fairly short time, Japan mastered the technology of space flights and learned to bring loads into orbit already on their own. It is important here to notice that for Japan space is not a luxury and not the subject of the national prestige. And not even a military object. The life of the entire population of the country depends on the weather and elements. Therefore, for Japan, research in the field of meteorology is a matter of literally life and death. This is mainly concentrated on the efforts of scientists and engineers.

Space aircraft "Hope"

Everyone knows that launching the missiles is very, very expensive. Just indecent

expensive. Therefore, all over the world and science and scholars come up with a wide variety of ways to derive goods into orbit. The Japanese stopped at an unmanned space plane. By calling it Hope-X ("Hope" - translated from English), or the H-II Orbiting Plane Experimental, they began to actively develop technologies that make up this grand project. On the example of its implementation, it is clearly visible, as far as taxpayers' means used and how thoughtful every stage was.

"Flying saucer"

The first step on the way of creating Hope-X was the experiment on returning from the OREX orbit (Orbital Re-Entry Experiment), which took place in 1994. The essence of the experiment was to send a small object into orbit and return it after one turn. Most of all, he looked like a "flying plate", only very small (diameter - 3.4 m, the radius of the nasal part - 1.35 m, the height is 1.46 m, the weight is about 865 kg at startup and about 761 kg to The moment of return). At first, the H-II rocket brought the OREX into orbit with a height of 450 km. After about 100 minutes after starting, the device passed above the island of tangeasing. At this point, according to the plan, brake engines worked and the removal process with orbit began. Behind all this was observed by the ground stations of the islands of Tangesim and Ogasavara. Leaving the orbit, Orex entered the upper layers of the atmosphere somewhere in the center of the Pacific Ocean. It happened 2 hours after launch. During the reduction, the nasal part was heated to 15700C, which led to a loss of communication with the device, because the plasma formed around the device reflected radio waves. At these moments, the OREX state was recorded by the sensors and was recorded in the on-board computer. At the time of recovery, the device has transferred data at the telemetry station located on aircraft and courts. Then the OREX fell into the ocean about 460 km from the Island of Christmas. The whole flight took about two hours and ten minutes. All the goals have been achieved: in particular, data on aerodynamics and thermal regimes are collected at the time of returning from orbit, data on the behavior of the material of the trim, the condition of the device was analyzed at the time of loss of ground and the navigation information was obtained by the GPS global positioning system. . The most valuable result is the data on the behavior of heavy-duty material of the trim, which are planned to be used in the Hope-X space aircraft project. The Japanese National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) participated in Orex.

Up to fifteen sound speeds

In February 1996, the J-I launch vehicle brought the following device in orbit - Hyflex (Hypersonic Flight Experiment). The objectives of the project were to learn how to build hypersonic (that is, possessing speed, 3 times higher than the speed of sound) of aircraft and collect data on their behavior.

At an altitude of about 110 km, Hyflex was separated from the carrier rocket and made a free flight at a speed of 3.9 km / s, at times reaching up to 15 mAh (the speed of sound in the atmosphere, or about 1,200 km / h). After the passage of the "dead zone" and the restoration of radio contacts, the device handed over telemetry data on airplanes and ships, threw the parachutes and tried to drive. However, there was a failure - he drowned, after having completed, nevertheless, the entire flight program. An important aspect of the experiment was the study of the navigation system and a height control system. The device weighed 1054 kg, its surface area was 4.27 square meters. m, length - 4.4 m, scope of wings - 1.36 m, height - 1.04 m.

Aspects of automatic landing

The problem of automatic landing was not solved industrially. Such systems existed (for example, Military IL-76, and "Buran" sat himself), but their reliability, to put it mildly, left much to be desired. The development of a unmanned landing system on low (relatively) Alflex speeds has become the next step towards creating a space aircraft. From July to August 1996, 13 experiments were held under the Alflex project. The device similar to the future Hope-X was raised with a helicopter to a very large height and dumped. The device captured the landing line and made an automatic landing. All experiments ended successfully. The length of the device was 6.1 m, the scope of the wings - 3.78 m, the height without a chassis - 1.35 m, the weight was 760 kg.

As the experiment passed

First, Alflex was attached to the helicopter. Then the last rose into the air and followed the specified course. When Alflex aligned with the planting strip, the helicopter accelerates to 90 knots (approximately 166 km / h) and released a device into a free flight. The decline rate was about 300. When separating from the helicopter, the speed of the device was about 180 km / h. At the time of touching the Earth, Alflex produced the brake parachute, and also reduced speed with the chassis. After each "race", possible damage to the helicopter and the ALFLEX module was investigated. As a result, data on the behavior of the apparatus were obtained, according to the characteristics of the Hope-X similar aircraft under conditions of low-speed landing. The experience of developing an autonomous decline and landing system was acquired.

As it was: "Phase-1"

Actually, the reason for writing this article was to publish the results of the HSFD Phase-I experiment ("Phase-1"). HSFD (HISH SPEED FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION) is another step towards the construction of a space aircraft. An apparatus with a jet engine has already been created, which can accelerate to 0.6 mates (about 700 km / h), which can take off, follow the specified route and sit down in the specified location.

Just such a device took off in the fall of 2002 from the Island of Christmas. The device accelerates, rose to a height of 5 km, then descended, planned and landed on the same strip. He exactly fulfilled the flight program, which, by the way, can be changed at any time. The "Phase 1" device is a reduced copy of Hope-X (up to 25% of the size of the future aircraft). It is equipped with a jet engine and chassis. On-board computer using GPS and sensors determines the flight parameters and controls the movement. Dimensions of the "Phase-1" apparatus are as follows: the length is 3.8 m, the scope of the wings - 3 m, the height is 1.4 m. Weight - 735 kg. Square wings - 4.4 square meters. m. Engine power - 4410 N.

How it will be: "Phase-2"

No less interesting will be the second phase of the HSFD experiment. The device will be the same as in Phase-1. Only instead of the rocket engine it will have a huge parachute, and instead of the chassis - inflatable bags, like airbags in cars. First, the device shall be trapped behind the tail part to the small balloon. He "comes" the device to a huge balloon, which in turn pulls him into the stratosphere. Then, at an altitude of about 30 km, the shuttle will shoot and flies down. After breaking up to accommodation speeds, it will collect a variety of aerodynamic data, then selects the direction and with the help of parachutes will be placed. Since he does not have any engines, the "Phase-2" apparatus planning and uses only parachute and inflatable bags for planting. This experiment is scheduled to be held in 2003.

What's next

If "Phase-2" ends up as successfully, as all previous experiments, the next step will be TSTO (Two-Stage to Orbit), it will be something similar to "Buran", but fundamentally unmanned, that is, not even provided there The possibility of piloted flights. And the next step will be a full-fledged space aircraft - a device that can take off from a conventional airfield, to fly to orbit and return. When it will be - completely unclear, but the current rate japanese program They inspire confidence that someday it will definitely happen.

From the countries of Asia and Africa to the title "Space Power" closest is Japan. Back in January 1955, the National Scientific Council of Japan decided to participate in the study of the upper layers of the atmosphere during the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958).

A special committee on geophysical missiles was established. In 1955, rockets started - the first Japanese rocket "Pencil", behind it "Baby", with the help of which telemetry systems, tracking systems and rocket search tools that fell into the ocean were checked. In 1956-1957, Kappa missiles were launched. According to the program of the International Year of the Real Sun (1964-1965), with the help of Lambd and Kappa missiles, phenomena in the ionosphere, the nature of radio waveoff, was studied, magnetic fields, Space rays, sunny and galactic x-rays.

The prospects for the development of space research in Japan are scheduled for the report of the National Council on Space Research, which appeared in 1964. This document outlines six main tasks in the field of space research: the development of artificial satellites, designing meteorological missiles, improvement of carrier missiles, development of funds and methods of using satellites, launched by other countries; Scientific research using geophysical missiles and creating a variety of measuring equipment.

But, undoubtedly, the most an important event In the development of Japanese rocket technology, the launch of a satellite will be marked by the start of astronautics in Japan. On September 26, 1966, the four-stage Rocket "Lambda-4" launched from the Utinur Polygon, the last stage of which was to become a satellite of the Earth. Because of the wrong operation of the orientation system, the last stage with the instrument compartment has not entered the orbit. The experiment to which was spent 250 thousand dollars, ended in failure. But failures will not weaken the position of Japan in the struggle for the title "Space Power".

The Japanese National Space Program is headed by the National Space Research Council under the Country Prime Minister. The ministries of science and technology, defense, education, mail and communications, transport, foreign trade are involved in space studies.

Tokyo University has been operating since April 1964, the Institute of Aviation-Space Sciences. In it, three departments: science, technology and aeronautics. At the disposal of the Institute there is a launcher in Kagoshima (in the south of the country) and the Test Center of Mitizava (in the north of Honshu Island). Work on the creation of kappa missiles, Lambda and MJ leads a group of institute specialists under the direction of Professor X. Iudokawa. These rockets, created and tested by Japanese engineers, are able to deliver useful cargo to various heights and orbit around the Earth.

Despite the obvious desire for independent space research, the leaders of the Japanese space program could not abandon joint experiments with American scientists. Back in 1962, rockets for research of the ionosphere were launched from the American Polygon Walop Island. Above the rockets were installed devices developed by American and Japanese scientists. So began cooperation with NASA. Joint experiments continue. According to the Bulletin "Aerospeas Dale", a unofficial agreement was reached between Japanese scientific and technical management and NASA for the sale of Japan American control systems for carrier missiles. Earlier, a number of American firms agreed to sell Japan their management systems, but the US Department of Defense did not give these sanctions.

American management systems will obviously be established on the advanced samples of the Japanese MJ-4 carrier missile, with which attempts will continue to withdraw the first Japanese artificial satellite of the Earth.

Japan is on the most different forms of cooperation with the United States not as a "weak side", but counting on rivalry in the future. Japanese industrial firms and corporations are based on the production of various types of weapons, including a rocket. In many cases, they are already successfully competing with the United States. First, the Japanese industry produced certain samples of American missiles under licenses. Currently, the production of a number of samples of domestic missile weapons is already organized.

Following the apparent trend, Japan's aviation and industrial companies began to develop and produce space technology. Moreover, when creating various samples of space technology, they are not overlooked from the type of use of its use for military purposes. So, the company "Mitsubishi" is working to create anti-aircraft missiles and air-air missiles since 1955. Now the company continues to work in the field of missile weapons and at the same time designs the first Japanese satellite and several samples of high-rise missiles by order of management of science and technology of Japan.

The Prince Automotive Firm has a leading role in the production of military and research missiles. Among its products are solid fuel engines that are used in different types managed and unmanaged rocket weapons. According to the "Jane" yearbook, since 1957, Prince company began producing pencil missiles, "Baby", "Omega", "Kappa" and "Sigma" for the Institute of Aviation and Space Sciences at Tokyo University. Now the company is entrusted with the production of Lambda and MJ missiles, with the help of various combinations of which are supposed to launch the first Japanese satellites.

Head of the Associated Press In Japan's office in Japan, D. Randolf in his article "Japan as a nuclear power" writes with alarming that, according to its characteristics, the Japanese MJ missile is not inferior to the Minitman's American battle rocket, Randolph concludes that Japan may soon become Very terrible nuclear power.

Japan rushes to the market. To space
Conquesting 25% of the world market for global earth monitoring satellites, the creation of its own spacecraft of reproductive use, construction of an astronomical observatory on the moon and network of robotic platform stations on the low and medium orbits of the Earth is just some of the goals of the Long-Term National Space Program of Japan. The explosion that occurred on May 11 at the Space Center of the Institute of Space and Aeronautics (ICA) of the Ministry of Education of Japan may make adjustments to the implementation of a number of specific space projects, but, in the opinion of experts, it is unlikely to affect the rates of fulfillment of the entire program. This means that by 2010, Japan will become a real competitor of Russia, the United States and France not only in the market of commercial launches of satellites.

The practical development of space, Japan began in February last year, successfully putting the launch of his first heavy missile "Eich-2", the creation of which cost $ 2.5 billion. But at the end of this year, the National Research Agency outer space (Way) and ICA intend to experience two new solid fuel carriers "Jay-1" and "MJ-5". It is clearly defined in the national space program of only MJ-5 carrier, about "Jay-1" - the development of a room - there is not a word in it. At the same time, "Jay-1" can be used as a basic ballistic carrier capable of carrying a military warhead: a rocket can throw weight up to 1 ton on low orbit. True, it is possible to create a full-fledged ballistic rocket, only possessing the corresponding level of knowledge in the field of orientation and guidance systems. The lack of them was not the last reason that at the dawn of the missile nuclear confrontation of the USSR and the United States did not risk applying this weapon - there were no guarantees that rockets would fall at least a few kilometers from the goal. The rapid accumulation of experience in the field of guidance causes additional concerns about the officially not existing military aspect of the Space Program of Japan. According to ITAR-TASS, the experiments on the return to the land of space objects conducted by Tokyo as part of the program for creating a reusable shop "Hope" are successful - this means that the system of targeting objects to the specified area is improved, and the likelihood of the appearance of ballistic missiles is growing.
But both in peaceful and for military purposes, not only the rocket-building aspect of the Space Program of Japan can be used. Most recently decided to allocate $ 7 million for the development of the Japanese observation satellite. It is assumed to equip the equipment with a permitting ability to 2.5 meters. At the same time, on civilian satellites, this figure is 10 meters - on French "Spot" and 30 meters - on American "Landsat". The conclusion into space of such equipment on the alleged civilian satellites (according to the current legislation, the military use of space by the management of national defense of Japan is prohibited) will make it possible to clearly define models of aircraft, rockets, ships, and even armored vehicles, both during the day and at night, and in conditions of continuous cloudiness. The number of orbital grouping of Japan (its formation will begin in 1999-2000) by 2010 will be 30 units, and costs will exceed $ 800 million. According to official Tokyo, the system of satellites will be intended solely to monitor natural disasters and prevent natural disasters. It will also be able to use the Asian neighbors of Japan - to solve their economic or environmental problems. Naturally, not free. By the way, the explosion in the center of ICA occurred during the preparation for testing a new engine for the Rocket "Eich-2". With it, it is planned to improve this carrier in order to increase its carrying capacity when withdrawing to low orbits of beneficial goods, including alos satellites.
Japan's cosmic ambitions are addressed primarily its closest neighbors in the region, actively leading the development of their own space programs - China and India. They may simply do not have time (and everything goes) to enter the regional market not only commercial launches of satellites, but also the information market obtained with their help. The pace of the program of creating the Japanese "Shtlla" allow Tokyo to hope to press Russia in 15 years and in the market of manned flights. While it is difficult to imagine, but Japan intends to build themselves to independently, deliver its National Module "Jam" to orbit and attach to the International Space Station "Alpha". At the same time, according to ITAR-TASS, it is supposed to use its own "HOPE" shuttle ", which will be displayed in orbit, the same" Eich-2 "carrier. In general, while Japan, despite all the difficulties, confidently approaches the cherished goal - complete space independence.

Alexander Kommersant

19:32 05/02/2018

0 👁 802

The most important thing is what the Japanese learned after bringing them to the felt world community in 1945 - to mask their military cooking. Then the "barbarians" very quickly lowered them to sinful land, with the transcendent heights of self-esteem. Although before that, the country of "rising", an advent of the animal horror, its "civilization, to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

And we must give them due, at the present time they are in the occupation, they manage to grow harmfully lagging behind technologically, in a number of critical industries. It is not difficult to guess that the country is capable of building and operating nuclear power plants, no doubt cope (sooner or later) and with the creation of nuclear weapons. The accident on Fukushima, opened this externally not a noticeable detail.

In turn, the Space Program of Japan pursues another fundamental goal - the creation (different), and under nuclear weapons, including. Just all this is masked under peaceful and even commercial places (sometimes frankly clown) study and development of space.

Moreover, North Korea (DPRK) is impossible in principle, although it did not destroy tens of millions of people, and Japan is possible. Taking into account historical knowledge, even doubts do not arise - they, unlike the Koreans, would already be applied OMP (weapons of mass lesion). Experience is available, and the colossal, truth is chemical and bacteriological, but it is also very unpleasant.

Shame and humiliation, from their defeat, the Japanese did not forget and did not forgive - they hid. Japan reminds a tricky fox who slowly, literally in parts (foot, tail, nose), hits the hare's house to warm up. What happened next you know. And the "Lisa" the end result is also clear. But the ambitions and instincts of the predator, again pushing it (in the end), under the sweatshirt of the bear's paw, which will definitely come over the hare.

In the meantime, February 3, 2018, the Japanese rocket successfully launched a Tricom-1R microsatetter, weighing 3 kg. The rocket itself weighs about 2.6 tons, with its diameter - 52 cm, length - 9.54 m. The public from delight fountains boiling water.

The previous attempt, in January 2017, ended with failure, but certain conclusions were made. And everything is served in the media in such a way that it seems that it is all not serious, but a ponarone. The Japanese very much did the dust over the past years. They inform them with a taller naivety that batteries are used in the rocket, including, including for ordinary household purposes.

And the small dimensions of the rocket, it is for efficiency (expenses amount to $ 3.6 million). Although they shy here. Conclusion to the orbit of cargo weighing 3 kg, for $ 3.6 million - all anything, but not saving. It is enough to ask how much delivery to orbit 1 kg of cargo in other countries costs. You are waiting for amazing discoveries.

For quite understandable reasons, "samurai" can not openly declare the end of the occupation. To declare the creation of small and medium-range missiles and place them on the wheeled launchers, they also cannot. They have no main component - nuclear warheads. Fukushima all "broke".

And ordinary ammunition will not help Japan, but only harm. A diligently built image of a peace-loving nation, slides as a breaking mask. Therefore, they continue to carry rockets on ordinary trucks.


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