The formation of control of outer space. Space debris exceeded the critical mass, they assure experts which powers own space control system

The formation of control of outer space. Space debris exceeded the critical mass, they assure experts which powers own space control system

Lesson 45.

Space troops, their composition and purpose

Subject: Obzh.

Module 3. Ensuring the military security of the state.

Section 5. Basics of state defense.

Chapter 14. Types and types of armed forces Russian Federation.

Lesson number 45. Space troops, their composition and purpose.

Date: "____" _____________ 20___

Lesson spent: Teacher Obzh Hamatgaleev E. R.

Purpose: Consider the composition and purpose of space troops.

Stroke lesson

    Class organization.

Greeting. Checking the list of class.

    Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

    Actualization of knowledge.

    To fulfill what combat missions are airborne troops intended?

    What combat capabilities of airborne troops can you list?

    What famous divisions are part of the airborne troops?

    How do you understand the motto of the airborne "No one except us!"? Explain your answer.

    Check your homework.

Hearing answers of several students on homework (by choosing a teacher).

    Work on new material.

Space troops - this is a fundamentally new independent genus of troops, which is intended for:

    opening the beginning of a missile attack on the Russian Federation and its allies;

    fighting enemy ballistic missiles attacked by the defendant area;

    maintaining in the established composition of orbital groups of military and dual-purpose spacecraft and ensuring the use of spacecraft for intended purpose;

    control of outer space;

    ensuring the implementation of the Federal Space Program of Russia, international cooperation and commercial space programs.

The composition of the Space Forces includes: Association of Rocket and Space Defense (RKO), State Testing Cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Baikonur", "Plesetsk" and "Free", the main test center for testing and management of space means named after G. S. Titova, management Upon commissioning of RKO funds, military schools and part of the provision. Combining RKO includes compounds of a prevention of a missile attack, missile defense and control of outer space.

Power and Rocket and Space Defense Means

On the rocket attack warning system (SPRN) The tasks of obtaining and issuing information warning information on state and military departments, the formation of the necessary information for the missile defense system and issuing data on space objects to the system of control of outer space.

Anti-missile defense system It detects the purpose and defeat of the combat blocks of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by anti-cancers with the exception of the detonation of their charges.

Space Space Control System (CCP) is unique. Only two powers - Russia and the United States can control space. The main catalog of the KKP system of the Russian Federation contains information almost about 9 thousand space objects.

The forces and funds of the KCP in cooperation with the information resources of the RNA systems, pro and other information systems perform the tasks of controlling the outer space and issuing information about the cosmic situation to the statements of state and military leadership. The system determines the characteristics and purpose of all spacecraft, as well as the composition of orbital groups of Space systems of Russia and foreign countries with their recognition.

In the context of an increase in the role of space space in solving peaceful and military tasks, new tasks appear at the KCP system: information support for supporting the sale of Russia's rights on the use of outer space; information support of countering cosmic intelligence funds, including to preserve the mobile grouping of strategic nuclear forces (s); Ecological monitoring of outer space; Controlling the tests and possible deployment of the elements of the system of space based.

Space troops are equipped with carrier rockets, command and measuring systems, radar stations, optical electronic complexes.

State Testing Cosmodroms of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Cosmodrome "Baikonur" Founded in June 1955, from here on April 12, 1961, the first cosmonaut of the planet Yu. A. Gagarin started.

After the collapse of the USSR, the cosmodrome became the property of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the Rental Treaty of the Baikonur complex between the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1994, its use is carried out by the Russian Federation. The rental period of the Baikonur complex is 20 years with the possibility of its further extension.

The overall coordination of works conducted on the cosmodrome is entrusted to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Space Forces), and the implementation of the Federal Space Program of Russia and International Cooperation programs to the Russian Aviation-space agency.

Cosmodrome "Plesetsk" It is the most northern cosmodrome in the world (it is in the Arkhangelsk region) and performs the launches of spacecraft for military, socio-economic and scientific programs, as well as on international cooperation programs.

Cosmodrome "Free" Created in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin on March 1, 1996

The beneficial geographical location of the space "Free" cosmodrome in the Amur region allows the launch of spacecraft in a wide range of orbits, including polar and sunny-synchronous, more efficiently use the energy capabilities of launch vehicles.


    Space troops - a new genus of troops included in Armed forces Russian Federation.

    Space forces provide control of outer space.

    The main tasks of the Space Forces include the destruction of the ballistic missiles of the enemy, attacking objects and troops in the defenders.

    Space troops perform intelligence functions by collecting the necessary information for missile defense of our country.


    What is the main purpose of the Space Forces?

    What cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can you call?

    What is included in the tasks of the Space Forces?

    Why is the control of cosmic space using the forces and means of space troops is so important for the Russian Federation? Justify your answer.


    Prepare a message on the forces and means of the country's rocket and space defense.

    Using special literature, prepare a message about one of the cosmodromes used by the Space Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Write an essay about one of the Soviet or Russian cosmonaut pilots.

    Additional materials to §45.

The main test center for testing and management of space means. G. S. Titova

The starting point for the creation of the Main Center for Testing and Management of Space Media. G. S. Titova (Giziu KS) can rightly be considered the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 30, 1956, which determined the program for the development and launch of the first artificial satellites of the Earth.

Specialists Hisiu COP and subordinate military units together with the flight center provide all space programs, starting from the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth on October 4, 1957. People in pursuit are responsible for the condition of almost all domestic orbital systems - military, scientific, pilotable, etc. Space The Earth's service is communication satellites, navigation, weatheroprognosis, cartography, television, relay, etc.

Forces and means of Hisiu KS are stationed almost throughout the Russian Federation - from St. Petersburg to Kamchatka.

Rocket at the landfill

    End of lesson.

    Homework.Prepare for retelling §45 "Space forces, their composition and purpose"; Perform tasks 1-3 (Topic "Tasks", p. 236).

    Estimating and commenting estimates.

The troops of the aerospace defense (input) solve a wide range of tasks, the main of which are:

  • ensuring the highest links to manage reliable information about the detection of starts of ballistic missiles and a warning about a rocket attack;
  • the defeat of the head units of the ballistic missiles of the likely enemy attacking important government objects;
  • protection of control points (PU) of the highest links of state and military administration, groups of troops (forces), the most important industrial and economic centers and other objects from the strikes of the air-space attack (FVK) of the enemy within the lesion zones;
  • monitoring space objects and detection of threats to Russia in space and from space, and if necessary, parrying of such threats;
  • the implementation of the launches of spacecraft into orbits, the management of satellite systems of military and double (military and civilian) appointment in flight and the use of individuals in the interests of ensuring the troops (forces) of the Russian Federation necessary information;
  • maintaining military and dual-purpose satellite systems, their launch and control tools in the established composition and preparedness for use.

The creation of air-space defense troops was required to combine forces and means responsible for ensuring the security of Russia in space and from space, with military formations responsible for the country's air defense (air defense). This was caused by the objective need to integrate under the unified leadership of all forces and means capable of fighting in the air and space sphere, outgoing from modern weapons weapons and re-equipment of leading countries to expand the role of air-space in ensuring the protection of public interest in the economic, military and social spheres.

From December 1, 2011, the troops of the air-space defense in cooperation with the forces and means of anti-air defense of military districts took over combat duty with the task of protecting the country from the strikes of the air-space attack.

With the introduction of commissioning in Russia, the existence of space troops ceased to exist. The air-space defense was created on the basis of space troops, as well as the troops of the operational-strategic command of air-space defense.

Objects are located throughout the Russian Federation - from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, and also beyond. In the countries of the near abroad - Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are stationed objects of preventing systems for a rocket attack and control of outer space.

IN the composition of the troops of aerospace defense Include:

  • space command;
  • command of anti-aircraft and missile defense;
  • cosmodrome Plesetsk.

The cosmic command includes the forces and means of control systems of space space, orbit group management, as well as a rocket attack warning system.

Forces and means of aerospace defense

On the rocket attack warning system (SPRN) The tasks of obtaining and issuing information warning information on state and military departments, the formation of the necessary information for the missile defense system and issuing data on space objects to the system of control of outer space.

Currently, a missile warning system provides complete control of all routing destinations.

Anti-missile defense system It detects the purpose and defeat of the combat blocks of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by anti-cancers with the exception of the detonation of their charges.

Space Space Control System (CCP) is unique. Only two powers - Russia and the United States can control space. The main catalog of the KKP system of the Russian Federation contains information almost about 9 thousand space objects.

The forces and funds of the KCP in cooperation with the information resources of the RNA systems, pro and other information systems perform the tasks of controlling the outer space and issuing information about the cosmic situation to the statements of state and military leadership. The system determines the characteristics and purpose of all spacecraft, as well as the composition of orbital groups of Space systems of Russia and foreign countries with their recognition.

The troops of air-space defense are equipped with carrier rockets, command and measuring systems, radar stations, optical electronic complexes.


  1. The troops of the air-space defense is a new branch of the troops in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  2. The troops of air-space defense provide control of the outer space.
  3. The main tasks of the troops of the air-space defense include the destruction of the ballistic missiles of the enemy, attacking objects and troops in the defendant areas.
  4. The troops of air-space defense perform intelligence functions, collecting the necessary information for the missile defense of our country.


  1. What is the main purpose of air-space defense troops?
  2. What cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can you call?
  3. What is included in the tasks of the air-space defense troops?
  4. Why is the control of space space using forces and means of air-space defense troops so important for the Russian Federation? Justify your answer.


  1. Prepare a message on the forces and means of the country's rocket and space defense.
  2. Using special literature, prepare a message about the cosmodrome "Plesetsk".

Air-Space Defense №3, 2001

Unclaimed potential

A.L. Gorelik, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

winner of the USSR State Prize,

honorary member of the Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky

In the second half of the 50s, now for the last century, computing centers were created as part of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, designed to solve a wide range of tasks, which are invariably arising in the course of the practical activity of all types of Sun

In early 1960, on the initiative of a group of scientists, supported by the leadership of the country's air defense system, the 4th Special Computing Center was formed (SVTs-4 MO), which was headed by I.M. Penchukov. The main task of the center was to develop a mathematical apparatus (models, algorithms, programs), providing, on the one hand, the processing of experimental information obtained during the inspection tests created at the time of air defense systems, primarily missile defense systems - General Designer G .IN. Kisunko, and on the other hand, the organization of mathematical, in particular, statistical tests of these systems. Naturally, the conduct of mathematical tests of complex technical Systems It gave a huge resource savings - financial, material, labor, temporary, not to mention the fact that the system tests of the system in Moscow - namely, for the defense of Moscow, complexes about, first of all, and created - naturally, and speeches could not be.

As new systems have been creating, providing all the complicating functionality of the country's air defense, the circle of tasks of SVTs-4 MO consistently expanded.

So, in connection with the creation of a PKO anti-sector defense system (General Designers, V.N. Homeya and A.I. Savin) at the end of 1961, before the SVT-4, the task was set to participate in its tests for this in early 1962 A special department (department No. 10) was created as part of two laboratories (chiefs - N.G. Nazarov and V.A. Mostitsky). The new department was entrusted to the author of this article.

A detailed study of the problem of the functioning of the PKO system, which ranked the name of the IP (satellite fighter), showed how it is not paradoxically, that attentive tests of the system in the presence of target satellites can be carried out, since the trajectories of their movements were programmed pre-program, but in combat mode, the system does not work can. Since it is not concerned with the system that provides the system of use with proper information. First, about the tasks solved by the potential objectives of the IP system, and secondly, the trajectories of their rotation around the Earth, based on the parameters of which can be developed by the firing means of the lesion of the IP system.

In January 1963 to the institute (we note that the SVT-4 was converted to 45 SNII, the Special Research Institute) was arrived by the Deputy Head of 4 GU MO for Scientific Personal Lieutenant General K.A. Panties. Konstantin Aleksandrovich, with a complete understanding, reacted to our proposal on the need to create a special system in the country, which would ensure the effective functioning of the PKO system (in particular, IP systems) and instructed to develop its advanceproject.

This project was prepared by me for 2 weeks. He was represented by the leadership of the 4th GU MO, which was headed at the time of the national hero of the country, Colonel-General Georgy Filippovich Baidukov. Avanproekt new systemwho called the Space Space Control System (SCP), was approved and approved by the head of the head.

At the same time, the idea arose to create a special control of the control of outer space in 45 SNII, which should have implied the development of organizational, technical and mathematical principles for the construction of the SCPC.

It should be noted that from the beginning of the 1960s century, space began to be intensively saturated with satellites of the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The launch of each ISS was accompanied by the appearance of up to 10 space objects in the outer space - carrier rocket, fairing, fragments. There was an urgent need to create a dynamic catalog of KO.

The leadership of the 4th GU MO rather quickly solved the task of creating a special control of the control of outer space in 45 SNII (1963), the first head of which was Colonel E.M. Oshanin (1963-1965), subsequently Colonel-General translated into the institute with the post of head of the 4th GE department.

However, essentially, the scientific management of the Office carried out MD. Kislik, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, one of the largest scientists in the field of space ballistics. In 1964, he was appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Institute for Research.

In management, scientific directions began to develop quite quickly: the instrumental equipment of the center of the system - the center of control of the outer space (CCCP); ballistic support of the activities of the Central Committee; Recognition of the appointment of foreign PRES, consisting in determining those tasks, for which each given artificial satellite of the Earth is launched into outer space.

The main merit in organizing the effective functioning of management belongs to A.D. Kournlanova - subsequently a doctor of technical sciences, professor, Winner of the State Prize of the USSR, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, who headed the Office for 14 years.

If in the creation of the technical base of the Central Committee, the main and only role belongs to a number of industrial organizations of the USSR Ministry ofradioprome, equipped with the center with computing equipment, the means of receiving and transmitting information, its visualization, then in the development of organizational principles of construction and mathematical Basis SCPP - Absolute merit belongs to the scientific team of the Space Space Management 45 SNII MO.

So, under the guidance and with the participation of A.D. Kournanova, V.I. Muderova, A.I. Nazarenko, A.V. Krylova, Yu.P. Gorokhova, G.A. Sokolova, A. Zhanndarov developed original methods and software-implemented algorithms for processing orbital information, the construction of the orbits of the detected Co., prediction of their movement, issuing a target designation to the means of observation and means of damage to the IP complex, etc.

It should be noted that work in the construction of the CCCP was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. The leadership of research related to the organization of the process of recognition of the SCPP of foreign stocks was entrusted with the head of the department, subsequently deputy head of the department, the author of real memoirs.

The solution of the tasks of recognition of the UAs demanded the development of fundamentally new methods and algorithms for processing radar and photometric information. The fact is that radar was traditionally used to determine the parameters of the movement of the observed aircraft. However, to solve recognition tasks traditional methods Processing, so to speak, coordinate (orbital) information did not allow to determine the "unofficient" signs of their dimensions, mass, ballistic coefficient, the nature of stabilization (or its absence), etc.

Therefore, methods and algorithms for producing on the basis of special processing of radar and photometric signals of the definition of these signs were developed.

A detailed study of the recognition problem has shown that along with obtaining unofficial radar and photometric information, there is a fundamental ability to determine the purpose and parameters of the on-board radiotechnical equipment of foreign exercise. This possibility could be implemented by intercepting radiotechnical information discharged by foreign reference to "their" observation points.

In this regard, in my opinion of the Office in 1963. An initiative was shown regarding the creation of a radio and radio intelligence system in our country. The first and second queue of this system, received the "Star" and Star A cipher, were created joint efforts. industrial enterprises (NII-20 Minradioprom, Rostov, and Mai OKB, who headed by Academician A.O. Bogomolov), as well as relevant GSH, KGB and air defense. Naturally, in the development of the principles of building a system, its algorithmic relationship with the Central Committee, scientific employees of the institute adopted an active part.

The first stage of the system was adopted Soviet army In 1972, and the second - in 1978. At the same time, the work on the creation of this system was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Further study of the recognition problem has shown that the information of ground-based observation means (radar, optical and radio engineering) does not provide a sufficient likelihood of proper recognition of foreign exercises. It is also necessary to obtain information in the visible range of the spectrum, visual information. Such information can only be obtained in the presence of ex-inspectors - space aircraft that can perform the necessary maneuvers in space, approach inspected foreign exercises.

The appropriate direction of the study was organized by the Office on the basis of the decision of the Commission, see the USSR for military-industrial issues (MIC) - August 1965. The coordination center was created on the problem of recognition of foreign exercises, which included representatives of over 30 organizations in this or other extent involved in solving cosmic issues.

In 45, a laboratory complex was created within the framework of the management of outer space, a laboratory complex was created, on which a number of cosmonauts (P. Popovich, A. Nikolaev, V. Sevostyanov, A. Shatalov, and others) were trained to discovery from the starry sky, rapprochement with him and Its recognition with the help of a special logical computing device "Protein", created at my request to the Cybernetics Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, headed by Academician V.M. Glushkov.

Moreover, during the flight of the Soyuz-14 Soyuz-14 spacecraft (Cosmonauts P. Popovich and Y. Artyukhin) in July 1974 for the purpose designation from the Earth (CCCP) P. Popovich with the help of a specially created optical device "Falcon" watched American Spaceship "Skyleb" and made the necessary measurements.

As a result of this experiment, it was found that the CCCP with the help of a specially developed system of ballistic support "(SIBO) is able to issue a target designation for foreign ships on board domestic spacecraft.

In addition to visual information about recognizable, the creation of an inspector satellite will solve another, extremely important in terms of recognition, the definition of the fact of the presence (or absence) on board the recognizable source of nuclear emissions.

To this end, on my initiative, the joint efforts of the management of the Space Space and the Scientific Institute of Nuclear Physics (Niyaf) of Moscow state University The devices ("Ryabina-1" and Ryabina-2 "were created), allowing you to confidently detect nuclear radiation onboard installations of the ISS.

In conclusion, I would like to recall this, extremely interesting, episode.

He is associated with the challenge of the Chief of the Institute I.M. Penchukov at a meeting to the Commander-in-Commission of the Rocket Forces of the Strategic Appointment by the Army General Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko (the beginning of the 70s). The army general briefly outlined the essence of the problem in the fact that Americans, as practice shows, literally from the first turns recognize the appointment of our ISS, determine their tasks.

During the meeting, the hypothesis was practically established that there are spy or spies in our "space series".

When it became clear that there are no other hypotheses, Lieutenant-General Ivan Makarovich Penchukov ordered me to go to the board and make clarity in this question. It was reported that, starting from the launch of the first Soviet ISS, America began to create its own system for controlling the outer space ("Discarded"). At the same time, in the center of the system, the analysts division of 200 people were formed, intended for recording and analyzing the radar signatures of Soviet USS. Over the past years, radar "portraits" of our satellites and on the basis of this a priori information, the Americans are easily recognized, including those tasks they decide. At the end of the meeting V.O. Tolubko invited I.M. Penchen and me to my office. We reported that we were created in the USSR a domestic system for controlling outer space. It was a revelation for the Commander. On this occasion, he noted: "I have long considered that we have between the species of the Sun fences such that it is easier to learn American secrets than the" secrets of "fraternal species". Well, the chief committee is more visible.

45 SNII MO, in particular, the control of outer space, can be proud of the fact that its efforts together with a number of industrial organizations in the country created a fairly effective system for controlling outer space.

You can only regret that a number of sources of information of this system have ceased to function in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, as regret that in the late 70s, decisions were made to transfer work on the control of outer space into industry.

I can not not say that I extremely sharply opposed this decision, right up to leaving the institute. But what can the ordinary colonel in confrontation with the general will? A rhetorical question.

Did not understand the generals from the 4th GU MO M.G. Mormrin and M.I. Neshev, which is circumscribed by the Unique Institute of the Ministry of Defense. The institute in which for 15 years (1963-1978) over three dozen employees became doctors of science and over 200 - candidates of sciences, and the creative teams of two administrations of the institute were awarded the USSR State Prizes. There were no such results and does not have any institute as part of the USSR Ministry of Defense and then the Russian Federation.

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At the time of the landing on the moon in 1969, many sincerely believed that by the beginning of the 21st century, space travel would become an ordinary business, and the earthlings will start quietly flying to other planets. Unfortunately, this future has not come yet, and people began to doubt if we need these space travels in general. Maybe the moon is enough? Nevertheless, space research continues to give us invaluable information in the field of medicine, mining and security. Well, of course, the progress in the study of outer space acts on humanity inspiringly!

1. Protection against a possible collision with asteroid

If we do not want to finish as dinosaurs, you need to protect ourselves from the threat of a collision with a big asteroid. As a rule, about once every 10 thousand years in the ground threatens some kind of celestial body with a football field in size, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the planet. We really should be feared by such "guests" with a diameter of at least 100 meters. The collision will raise the dust storm, destroy the forests and fields, doom to hunger those who survive. Special space programs are aimed at establishing a dangerous object long before it approaches the ground, and knock him down from the trajectory of movement.

2. The possibility of new great discoveries

Considerable amount of all sorts of gadgets, materials and technologies was originally developed for space ProgramsBut in the future they found their use on earth. We all know about the products obtained by sublimation drying, and we have long consumed. In the 1960s, scientists have developed a special plastic covered with a reflective spraying of metal. When used in the production of ordinary blankets, it retains up to 80% of the heat of the body. Another valuable innovation is Nitinol - flexible, but elastic alloy, created for the production of satellites. Now dental braces are made of this material.

3. Contribution to medicine and health sector

Space's development led to the appearance of many medical innovation for Earth use: for example, the method of introducing anti-cancer drugs directly into the tumor, the equipment with which the nurse can do an ultrasound and instantly transmit data to the doctor thousands of kilometers from her, and a mechanical hand-manipulator performing complex Actions inside the MRI apparatus. Pharmaceutical developments in the field of protection of cosmonauts on the loss of bone and muscle mass in microgravity conditions led to the creation of drugs for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Moreover, these drugs were easier to test in space, since astronauts lose about 1.5% of the bone mass per month, and the elderly earthly woman loses 1.5% per year.

4. Space development inspires humanity to new achievements

If we want to create a world in which our children will strive to become scientists and engineers, and not leading realistic shows, movie stars or financial magnates, the development of space is a very inspiring process. It's time to ask the growing generation: "Who wants to be an aerospace engineer and design an aircraft that can get into the rarefied atmosphere of Mars?"

5. We need raw materials from space

There is gold, silver, platinum and other valuable metals in outer space. Some international companies are already thinking about the mining of minerals on asteroids, so it is possible that the profession of the Space Miner will appear in the near future. The moon, for example, is a possible "supplier" of helium-3 (used for MRI and is considered as possible fuel for nuclear power plants). On Earth, this substance costs up to 5 thousand dollars per liter. The moon is also considered a potential source of rare-earth elements, such as Europe and tantalum, which are in great demand for use in electronics, solar cell production and other modern instruments.

6. Space development can help find an answer to a very important issue.

We all believe that there is a life somewhere in space. In addition, many believe that aliens have already visited our planet. However, we still have not received any signals from distant civilizations. That is why the scientists of extraterrestrial civilizations are ready to deploy orbital observatory, such as James Webb space telescope. This satellite is planned for launch in 2018, and with its help the possibility of finding life in the atmospheres of distant planets outside of our Solar system By chemical signs. And this is just the beginning.

7. People are typical of the research

Our primitive ancestors ranging from East Africa all over the planet, and since then, humanity has never stopped the process of their movement. We always want to explore and master something new and unknown, be it a short walk to the moon as a tourist, or a long interstellar journey long in the life of several generations. A few years ago, one of NASA managers voiced the difference between "understandable reasons" and the "real reasons" of the development of outer space. Clear reasons are issues of obtaining economic and technological advantages, and real reasons include such concepts as curiosity and desire to leave behind after themselves.

8. For his survival, humanity is likely to colonize outer space

We learned to send satellites into space, and it helps us to control and deal with urgent earthly problems, including forest fires, oil spills and depletion of aquifers. However, a significant increase in the number of population, banal greed and unjustified frivolity regarding environmental consequences have already caused serious damage to our planet. Scientists believe that the Earth has a "permissible load" in the amount of from 8 to 16 billion, and we are already more than 7 billion. Perhaps mankind is time to prepare for the development of other planets for life.


The author of the article Colonel Ollander Lafarg Konstantinovich, being Lieutenant, participated in the composition of the radar post in the work on the detection and tracking of the flight of the first satellite of the Earth, and then flight Yu.A. Gagarin.
After the end of the Artillery Radio Engineering Academy, the Air Defense in 1966 was aimed to pass the service in the center of control of the outer space (CCCP). Where in the last 12 years commanded the department of the main catalog of space objects.
After retirement, it worked for 25 years in Mak "Vympel". The author of a number of books dedicated to the creation and work of the CCCP and its individual parts. Currently, works as an engineer in the Central Committee.

The problem of control of space arose not only in the Soviet Union, it was also characteristic of other countries, in particular, the United States, Western Europe, China. Therefore, work on the organization of control of outer space in the main countries began almost simultaneously. Own specialized means of observing outer space in the country, and in the world as a whole, at that time it was not. Back in 1956, the Soviet Government was obliged to create a network of observation stations and organize the training of observers. The creation of a network of observation stations from the USSR Academy of Sciences was headed by Academician M.V. Celdysh, and the Astrosovt of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the person of the Vice-Chairman of Ag. Macevich was directly responsible. To solve the task, it was decided to use the USSR Academy of Sciences, as well as in higher educational institutions of the country. Astronomical instruments. Telescopes experienced in large observatory for tracking low-bit space objects could not be used due to large angular velocities of space objects. As a result, on the basis of the Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Higher educational institutions A network was created from more than 100 stations of optical observation (sleep), which were detected and tracking (by targets) for the flight of space facilities (October 1, 1957 66 stations were ready for work). It was necessary in a short time to learn to detect space objects, recognize and accompany them with the required accuracy against the background of the starry sky.
In May-August 1957 in the city of Ashgabat, fees were taken to train observers to the art of detection and accompanied by artificial cosmic bodies. The head of these classes was the head of the Zvenigorod station A.M.Lozinsky.
This is how Professor A.G. Macevich writes about this: "In the summer of 1957, all stations leaders have passed special training on courses created under the Ashgabat Astrophysical Observatory. Classes conducted employees of the Astronomical Council and the Ashgabat Observatory, although having extensive experience in the observations of stars, planets and meteors, but never else (as, however, and the entire population of the globe) who did not matter with artificial space objects. There was a lot then not yet clear, and the listeners, together with the teachers, tried together to recreate, at least approximately the conditions for the visibility of the future satellite to learn how to observe him as accurately. The following "imitation" proposed by A. Mozinsky was as great success. One of the participants with a long sixth, by the end of which the light lamp was attached, climbed in the evening on the mountain and quickly walked, trying not to spoil the lantern. Below, in the garden of the Observatory, observers against the background of the starry sky saw a moving bright light and determined its position with the help of binoculars or small astronomical "satellite" tubes specially created for these purposes. Subsequently, when the training of observers at stations began, several training workouts were conducted. Airplanes with imitating satellite lights flew over stations, creating a more perfect illusion of an artificial satellite. The main tool at the stations were created by order of the Astrosovta tube AT-1. These are small wide-angle telescopes with a diameter of an input pupil of 50 mm, a six-time increase and field of view 11 ° "
In August 1957, a decree was received: to report on the readiness of the network to work. Before the launch of the first satellite, the Earth remained two months.
The daily, painstaking work on the organization and conduct of observations of artificial satellites of the Earth and the use of these observations for research in the field of space geodesy, geodynamics and geophysics has begun. Initially, the processing of coordinate information was carried out by the staff of Astrosovet using the computing capacity of the Academy of Sciences. It should be noted that part of the observation stations was outside the USSR, in the territory of socialist countries, as well as in a number of states in Africa, Asia and South and Central America, which affected the efficiency of obtaining observation results in the information processing center and planning.

The main organizer of all works was Alla Henrykhovna Masovich - one of the prominent scientists of our country and the world, which began to control the space of space. For 35 years, she was Deputy Chairman of Astrosovta. Thanks to its energy, the Astronomical Council took over the entire burden of responsibility to establish the works of the created optical observation stations. She was solely for the quality of labor quality of the first observers, mainly from among the students of astronomical and physical faculties of higher educational institutions.
It should be especially noted the role of the head of one of the best optical observation stations at the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.I. Kurysheva, who led one of the best stations. One of the first organizers of tracking space objects was the head of the Zvenigorod station A.M.Lozinsky. A scientist, a talented experimenter, an observer of the highest qualification, he united around him a large group of like-minded people, among whom a young scientist N.S. Bakhtigarayev, who changed Alexander Markovich as the head of the station was particularly highlighted. Nowadays, N.S. Bakhtigarayev, many strength and energy gives the case of organizing tracking of space objects, especially when it comes to the geostationary area of \u200b\u200bouter space. A modest, charming person, he devoted all his conscious life to serving the control of outer space. The Zvenigorod Observatory and today plays a significant role in detecting and accompanied by geostationary spacecraft. Serious studies hold a team of this station in the area of \u200b\u200bpollution of the outer space of cosmic garbage. Optical observation stations under the leadership of A.M.Lozinsky and V.I. Kurysheva throughout the entire period of work with the Central Committee were among the best stations.
Subsequently, the AT-1 devices were replaced by upgraded BMT-110M (binocular sea tubes). The modernization of observation instruments was made at the Kazan optical-mechanical factory. Highly sensitive television equipment has been developed. Such an installation attached to the telescope with the diameter of the mirror 500mm allowed not only to photograph automatic lunar and interplanetary stations at a distance of up to 80000km, but also monitor their movement over several hours. Work was conducted on the development of satellite laser rangefinders under the Intercosmos program. They would allow to measure distances to satellites with an accuracy of 10-20 cm in full automatic mode and observe space objects at altitudes up to 20,000 km. The use of laser reflectors in domestic spacecraft increased the accuracy of the measurements of the parameters of the ka intercosmos-17 "(the error was only 2-3 m).
In 1959, near the city of Zvenigorod, the Moscow Region, the Department of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Zvenigorodskaya Experimental Station of Astrosovta was created (currently the Zvenigorod Observatory of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences), as the main basic station of the Astrosovta Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Already in 1961-62. It was obtained using the Nafa-3C / 25 camera about 4,000 photographs of space objects, and the use of the AFU-75 chamber (1968-1986) is more than 10,000 pictures.
In 1964, the construction of the laboratory corps and three astronomical towers began, in one of which (the largest) was mounted "high-precision astronomical installation" (Wau), which entered service in 1971. Wow in its characteristics exceeded all the surveillance cameras at that time, including the famous American Baker-Nann chamber. It is an automatic mirror-lenza system of Musatova-Sobolev. The main task of Wau was the observation of space objects on high-elliptical, high and geostationary orbits. Since 1975, with the help of Wow, about 3,000 astronergatives were obtained, on which about 14,000 images of geostationary satellites (GSS) were found, more than 5,000 accurate positions were calculated. According to the results of the processing, the catalogs of the exact provisions of the GSS were compiled. In the observation catalogs were distributed in chronological order. For each date of the GSS, they were in ascending order of the longitude of the subsidiary point. At the same time, directory data was distinguished by high accuracy as in time (0.01 c), so on the position (0.1 of the angular second).
The value of the standard error of determining one position of the geostationary object, obtained by the equalization of a number of close conditions of the GSS, on the AFU-75 chamber was about 4C, and on Wow - about 1C. Another Wow was installed in the Gissar Observatory in Tajikistan.
The second value in the control of space was the Simeraisa Scientific Base of Astrosovta, located 25 kilometers from Yalta near the Simeiz spa village. Since 1973, the systematic observations of space facilities (mainly geostationary) began on this basis (mainly geostationary) in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The team of the station is actively involved in various international programs. Widespread use was obtained by the CBG CHAF, established at many stations of observation, including in Zvenigorod and Simeiz.
Optical observation stations carried out a large volume of visual and photographic, and later laser observations of the USS to solve the problems of geodesy, geophysics, ephemeride service and control of outer space. Suffice it to say that over 10 years of operation of optical observation stations were obtained over 900,000 measurements more than 500 Soviet and foreign satellites and carrier launch (from this number more than 400,000 measurements were sent from abroad, including from Bulgaria, Poland , Holland, Finland, Italy and other countries). This made it possible to assert that already at the dawn of the cosmic era, the Space Control Service successfully coped with the tasks set before it.
The great merit in organizing the work of the tracking system for space objects belongs to Doctors of Physico-Mathematical Sciences A.G. Macevich and V.I. Kuryshev (Head of the Department of the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute).
The first launch of the artificial satellite of the Earth in the USSR produced an unprecedented rise of pride for his country and a strong blow to the prestige of the United States. An excerpt from the publication "United Press": "90 percent of conversations about the artificial satellites of the Earth accounted for US. As it turned out, 100 percent of the case had to be in Russia ... ". And despite the erroneous ideas about the technical retardation of the USSR, the first satellite of the Earth was the Soviet apparatus, besides, his signal could be monitored by any radio amateur. Flight of the first satellite of the Earth marked the beginning of the cosmic era and launched the space race between Soviet Union and USA.
After only 4 months, February 1, 1958, the United States launched its explorar-1 satellite, which was assembled by a team of scientist Verner von Brown. And although it was several times easier than PS-1 and contained 4.5 kg of scientific equipment, he was still the second and was no longer affected the public. The main organizer of all works was Alla Henrykhovna Masovich - one of the prominent scientists of our country and the world, which began to control the space of space. For 35 years, she was Deputy Chairman of Astrosovta. Thanks to its energy, the Astronomical Council took over the entire burden of responsibility to establish the works of the created optical observation stations. She was solely for the quality of labor quality of the first observers, mainly from among the students of astronomical and physical faculties of higher educational institutions.
It should be especially noted the role of the head of one of the best optical observation stations at the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.I. Kurysheva, who led one of the best stations. Vasily Ivanovich introduced many innovations to the work of his brainchild. So, for example, the observers to more effectively use the time of observations, without overwhelming, it has been ordered to transmit melodies of light music throughout the night by the local radio broadcast network. It was not modern bulk music. Silent music sounded from the reproductors located directly on the observation site. As an excellent psychologist, he understood that this technique gives people the opportunity to psychologically relax, and, as a result, to work more effectively. He released a textbook on the organization of optical observations, which has become a desk book not only for sleep observers for many years, but also for teachers of the CCCP. The material stated in the book available to the language allowed people in a short time to people who did not even have solid mathematical training, master the basic principles of the production of observation of space objects. Over the years, he has led the theoretical and practical training of the heads of Pon ITPU (the items of the optical observation of air defense forces), conducted at the origin at the post in the village of Mammontovka near Moscow, and later - at 12 training Center. He sincerely acted for the quality of training the heads of optical observation points, tried in a short time of fees (one week) to teach them not only to qualitatively carry out guidance in the organization of sessions of observation sessions for space objects, but also to master the art of work on optical means themselves.
V.I. Kuryshev sought to convey to the officers all his rich experience of the observer - theorist and practice. Optical devices were in service with the first stations of optical observation: AT-1 (astronomical tube) and TZK (test tube of the anti-aircraft commander). These were devices that allowed observed space bodies, the brightness of the glow of which did not exceed the tenth star magnitude. For reference: the stars visible to the human eye have a brightness of no more than six star magnitude, the last star of the constellation is a large bear, called the polar star, glows like a star of the second star magnitude. V.I. Kuryshev demanded from observers of excellent knowledge of the star sky card, satisfied his type of control classes, when his listeners had to unmistakably find in the sky, or in the star atlas, the necessary constellation or star, and their atlas was registered about 200 thousand pieces.
One of the first organizers of tracking space objects was the head of the Zvenigorod station A.M.Lozinsky. A scientist, a talented experimenter, an observer of the highest qualification, he united around him a large group of like-minded people, among whom a young scientist N.S. Bakhtigarayev, who changed Alexander Markovich as the head of the station was particularly highlighted. Nowadays, N.S. Bakhtigarayev, many strength and energy gives the case of organizing tracking of space objects, especially when it comes to the geostationary area of \u200b\u200bouter space. A modest, charming person, he devoted all his conscious life to serving the control of outer space. The Zvenigorod Observatory and today plays a significant role in detecting and accompanied by geostationary spacecraft. Serious studies hold a team of this station in the area of \u200b\u200bpollution of the outer space of cosmic garbage. Optical observation stations under the leadership of A.M.Lozinsky and V.I. Kurysheva throughout the entire period of work with the Central Committee were among the best stations.
Subsequently, AT-1 devices were replaced by upgraded BMT-110M devices (large sea pipe). The modernization of observation instruments was made at the Kazan optical-mechanical factory. However, the performance of the work did not fully meet the requirements of the military, since the observers were students whose qualifications were not high. Along with its main task (observation of space objects), the optical observation station under the leadership of Astrosovta participated in many international programs.
To study the effect of short-periodic manifestations of solar activity on the accuracy of determining the parameters of the orbits of space objects, it was necessary to monitor the movement of satellites according to a special program at short periods of time. Such an international program of observations and research, called Interobs, has become held in the USSR in collaboration with other countries since 1963. The obtained quasi-sintonic observations of low satellites such as Cosmos-54 carrier rocket and other objects allowed to determine the periods of treatment with good accuracy on short (1-2 days) time intervals and perform studies of their dependence on outbreaks in the sun and magnetic storms on the ground.
In the late 1960s, optical means began to implement the "Atmosphere" program, the main purpose of which refinement of the navigation satellite binding. Photographic observations of such spacecraft, as "flight-1", "Oleet-1" and "Intercosmos" allowed to increase the accuracy of the navigation binding of about 6-8 times. It was of great importance in solving the tasks of binding scientific experiments on satellites.
In the early 70s, the experimental observations of automatic interplanetary stations "Mars-1", "Luna-4", Zond-3 "Luna-7" begins at distances from 100,000 km to 150,000 km. To do this, the telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the USSR Academy of Sciences was used. The diameter of the mirror of this appliance was 2.6m. Highly sensitive television equipment has been developed. Such an installation attached to the telescope with the diameter of the mirror 500mm allowed not only to photograph automatic lunar and interplanetary stations at a distance of up to 80000km, but also monitor their movement over several hours.
Since the beginning of the 60s, test work was carried out on synchronous observations of spacecraft in order to clarify these geodetic binding of ground objects by the method of cosmic triangulation. The main condition for these works was the use of the so-called observation base (the distance between the points conducted by synchronous works) from 3000-4000 km to 100,000 km. The result was to obtain accurate data bindings of ground objects that made up several tens of meters. There is no need to say how important it was for the country's defense capability.
Work was conducted on the development of satellite laser rangefinders under the Intercosmos program. They would allow to measure distances to satellites with an accuracy of 10-20 cm in full automatic mode and observe space objects at altitudes up to 20,000 km. The use of laser reflectors in domestic spacecraft raised the accuracy of measurements of the parameters of the ka "Intercosmos-17" (the error was only 2-3 m). In 1975, with the help of a photographic camera "AFU-75" Simeizkaya station Wow Zvenigorodsky observatory, photos of geostationary satellites were obtained for the first time.
60 years have passed since this significant event - launch in the Soviet Union the world's first artificial satellite of the Earth. And today we are proud of our Soviet science, which has proven in fact that our scientists were able to do what was not able to foreign countries, including the United States. Glory to our science, thank our scientists, designers!
Colonel Olyander L.K., member of the Board of Veterans of the CCP and the Permanent Committee of the CC CA for Social and Legal Protection.


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