Holy Dzherela of the patrimony of Sheremetievikh (village of Chirkine)

Holy Dzherela of the patrimony of Sheremetievikh (village of Chirkine)

Hanging on the stand of the temples is a small handwritten map-scheme,
scho show roztashuvannya dzherel.

In the name of Sheremetiev, such a sadibi, like Ostankino, Kuskovo, and ale sadiba in the village of Chirkino - the first long-standing patrimony of the Sheremetiev boyars, was given on the cob of the XVI century to Andriy Kobilin by Ivan III for the Novgorod expedition.

In 1514, on a high hillock in the village of Chirkino, a temple was built in honor of the Protection of the Mother of God. The boyar Vasil Sheremetev entrusted him to the XVII century, arguing for the honor of his heavenly patron Saint Basil the Great a typical baroque tiered church "under the bell", which eventually became the tomb. If Yogo otchuvala vіdkrita gallery-gullbishche. Suddenly, the Nadbudov Church of the Protection of the Mother of God was destroyed. Pіznіshe Petro Borisovich Sheremetev (1713-1788, chief chamberlain, lover of mysticism) attached the side collar of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Unfortunately, the share of the churches themselves, Archpriest John (serving at the Church of the Intercession) and the novice Anna Kornєєva, as they helped you in the church, after the Zhovtnevoy revolution, repeated the shares of wealthy thousands of others on the territory of the Radyansk state. As a matter of fact, until the death of the false certificates, a warrant for the arrest of the priest John Pokrovsky was signed, signed by the NKVS of the Moscow region. On September 27, 1938, the authorities arrested Archpriest John, and on the 13th of February, the novice Anna Korniev, enslaving them to the yaznitsa in the Kashira area. Hieromartyr John (Pokrovsky) and Rev. Martyr Anna (Korneeva) On February 21, 1938, the Trinity of the NKVS was sentenced to death. February 26, 1938 Viroc Viconano.

Heroes from the protocols of drinking are available on the Internet.

It was important that the line of the Sheremetevs' boyars died out after the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917, but it turned out that the Sheremetevs' direct bait was Count Georgiy. Vin lives in the USA, in California. Kіlka rokіv vіn vіn vіdvіvіv іn іє patrimonial nest and behind the words of eyewitnesses, that day the small icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Intercession Church died.

There are far from only one fortune-telling of miracles: the lower rector of the Chirkinsky temples, Priest Viktor Kuznetsov, can bring an impersonal note about the miracles that miracles work for us today. The most important part of them is tied with consecrated, strong, pure water dzherel, which is located near the village of Chirkino.

“One roztashovaniya at the lowland. Directly under the temples of the village of Chirkine, which rise on the mountain. Dzherelo "All Sorrowful Joy". Vin is famous for its extraordinary concentration in a new silver. Twenty times yogo in the water is over the top here! The handrail is a good bath.

Two other dzherel roztashovani on the pіїzdі to the temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinina, near the bridge over the river. Here you chat, yak z great diameter trumpet the crystal flow. This dzherelo was consecrated to the honor of the holy martyr John (Pokrovsky) and the venerable martyr Anna (Korneeva), who were martyred for the faith in 1938.

The entrustment of the nevimovna beauty Tsarskoe dzherelo in honor of the great martyrs, passion-bearers of Sovereign Mikoli 2 and Tsesarevich, the youth Alexis, who were beaten for the faith and the Batkivshchina. This is dedicated to the nevipadkovo, oskelki roots of the genus of the boyars Sheremetev and the Romanovs - one. The almshouse (nin_ rozіbrana) at the churches of the village. In 1908 Chirkina was also consecrated in honor of the people of Tsesarevich Oleksiy Mikolayovich Romanov.

Tse dzherelo enchanted with extraordinary beauty. A round barrel of pure water, six meters in diameter. Tse living, miraculous, natural aquarium, creations by the Creator of everything. The algae frame the bottom with green mesh. Nearly two dozens of dzherel vibrate, high beating pischinki. Burinnya їх аnіtroch not hvilyuє numeral fishes, yakі volno waltz at bad weather with water. Kozhen, who pіdіyde i bach tse nevimovna marvel, stovpіє vіd bewitching zakhoplennya. Stronger than the battle, the dzherel at the sleeping day, the dzherel does not laka, does not wake up, on the contrary, calmly calm down. You don't want to see anything. All those who wish to piss off, win the new energy for the body of that soul.

Particularly popular is the quarter of the dzherelo - the old miraculous dzherelo of the prophet of God Illi. Vіn fortune-telling in rich historical descriptions, chronicles, church historiography of Kolomna county of the 18th century. In the archives, there are records, documented confirmation of the record of the consistory about miraculous podії, which were spent for a three-time hour on the dzhereli.

UDC 94(47)17/18 (Sheremetev B.P.) _ P --

BBK 63.3(2)51 VP ST>Lb0v

candidate of economic sciences, professor,

Ivaniv State University of Chemistry and Technology


The history of the Russian peasantry attaches the respect of all the great scholars of scientific knowledge. The camp of the patrimonial villagers at the nobleman's maєtkahs of the famous Russian canopies was most often estimated only at the square of their krіpatstva. The analysis of the camp of the villagers of the Sheremetevsky estates demonstrates the ambiguity of this problem. Quite often, at the estates of this famous Russian family, the villagers of the sub-order of “kripakiv-kripakiv” and “village-manufacturers” settled down. Vlasniki of the estates caught the progressive tendencies of the economic development and sown the development of such a ball in the village camp.

Key words: estates of the villagers-kripaks of the Sheremetevs, "capitalists" of the villagers, estate management, trade and craft activities of the villagers.

PhD in Economics, Professor Ivanovo State Chemical and Technological University


The art of Russian peasantry attracts the attention of researchers in various fields from the academic studio. Life of manial peasants of famous Russian families has often been described only in terms of their serfdom. Analysis of the life of manial peasants of the Sheremetev family shows that the problem is not so simple. They explained the rich reordering of the two in rows: “surfers from surfers” and “rozpov-syujuvachiv-rozrobnikiv”. Progressive tendencies of economic development and the development of such types of peasantry are due to its power in the mainland.

Key words: manorial peasants of the Sheremetev family, “well-to-do” peasants, manorial administration, trade and production activities of peasants.

© V.P. Stovpiv, 2013

Be faithful to the orders of our Sheremetyev family, as they served independently and honestly the Batkivshchyna and our dear peasantry; I carry the humble peace of our covenants. God willing you in the form of vanity and pride.

From the Spiritual commandment of S.D. Sheremetev to blue

Peasantry as a scientific problem in the historical and economic Duma is turned into an hour of respect for the past scholars of scientific knowledge, schools of rural studies were formed, scientific workshops were published, conferences were held, on which a lot of facts were clarified and became significant in history. The scientific community is aware of the wealth of scientists from this gallery: T. Shanina, P. Muni, P. A. Sorokin, F. Braudel. The Russian historical, economic and social thought in the fundamental practice of M.M. Kovalevsky, N.P. Pavlov-Silvansky, M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, V.I. Ulyanova (Lenina), A.V. Chayanova, N.D. Kondratiev, and to inspire the research of modern scientists.

In the history of the peasantry, a great place is occupied by the settlements of the patrimonial villagers, especially among noble maetkas, the history of the life of the Vlasniks is closely intertwined with the history of the country. The history of villagery near the patrimonies of Sheremetevikh (the village of Ivanovo was one of the patrimonies of Sheremetevikh), the significance of this ancient family can be clearly seen from the link with the assessment of their contribution to political, economic and cultural life The history of the Sheremetev family is the history of the selection of lands by them, the full exchange of them with the villagers and their involvement in the progress of the social and economic life, which excites the development of Russian business and the economy of the country.

The selection of lands by the Sheremetev family, based on these documents, began in 1686, when Tsarina Sophia “for wrestling and goodwill” waving Boris Petrovich Shere-

meteva lands with villagers, and Molotoludsky maєtok buv tributes to yoma near the patrimony (non-torn feud). Pznishe for Peter I for the fate of Pivnichniy war B.P. Sheremetev was given “lands with villagers” from palace volosts, for example, Yukhotska volost from the village of Voshchazhnikov. Golovne wealth B.P. Sheremetev became estates, until the end of the XVII century. Vіn volodyv 2910 yards. However, I often swear at those who are alive. So I wrote to Chancellor F. Golovin on the sheet: “Now I ask for mercy about myself - let me live. And if you don’t give me satisfaction, I’m going to be angry, ”and they gave me, “...give me help about the pay, I don’t know why I served, what in that May image. I drink and їm hoch i all the sovereign, but take the brownie nowhere for the morning.” In reality, Field Marshal Sheremetev Volodya had 19 votchinas, there were 6282 courtyards in them, inhabited by 18031 souls of a human being, from which wines they paid more than a penny dues close to 11 thousand. n. on river How to add to this natural dues, and instill panschinn duties, charitable income B.P. Sheremetev s estates becoming schonaimshe 15 yew. R. on river The field marshal himself, having taken the most pay in the country - over 7,000 rubles per river. After Poltava Victory, Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev buv nadany next to sіl i empty. However, having shown an enviable indifference in the suburbs of other lands, it can be seen from the leaves of Peter I "... not for my services, but for your mercy, make the empty Black Dirt, the village near Rizi and the starost Pebalg near Livonia."

The villagers repeatedly snarled B.P. Sheremetev in his scurrying camp, on which the field marshal answered, that I ask for a drink, then he himself is "blessed with light." The patrimonial villagers were harrowed to get to Sheremetev with scargs, disobedient to the punishment of "zhorstoy punishment". Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev having punished the clerk with one of his estates: "... the villagers at the secular gathering inflict a zhorstok punishment, navishcho stench, without being before you, from the estates go and deprive them of their taxes for nothing."

After the death of Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev in 1719 yogo syn Petro Borisovich from 17 years (1730) having continued to the right of his father.

wounded lands, but already “not by military merits”, but as a result of distant friendship in 1743. on Barbarian Oleksievna Cherkasy, who brought a tribute of 26 estates with lands and villagers. In the Atlas of Sheremetevikh dachas for 1799-1800. in 15 provinces, in the power of Sheremetev, 650 thousand yews were earmarked. dec. lands (there are close to 1 million dess. lands for the deakim tribute). In the nineteenth century 714 ths. dec. lands, zokrema, near the koristuvannі villagers - 452 yew. dec.

At once from the lands at the Sheremetevs, a number of rural states increased. So, B.P. Sheremetev in 19 estates there were 6.3 yew. dvorіv z 18 ths. krіpakіv cholovіchої statі, and vсogo vіn mav 40 ths. kripakiv and 2 ths. tithes of land. P.B. Sheremetev, having taken up to 19 births of 26 estates (among them is the village of Ivanovo), increasing the number of kripakivs by 42.6 thousand. shower. At 1765 p. in all the patrimonies of Sheremetev, otrimanih from recessions and as tributes, as well as pridbanih, there were 170 thousand. kripakiv and 66 ths. tithes of land. In 1787 p. 17 provinces, 62 counties, 103 villages, 1066 villages, 26 settlements, 166 farms, 298 empty houses already had 185 yew. strong souls і 990 yew. land. At least near the village of Ivanovo, the villages were surrounded by close to 8 thousand. villagers-kripakiv. Rіd Sheremetevyh bv one of the largest lords in the land and krіpakіv in Velikorosії, acting only Stroganovs, who were 1400 yew. dec. land.

Sheremetevs made a lot of kіlkіst kіpаіv at the estates, as with the help of the arrival of new lands, the purchase of land at once from the villagers, and the additions of the villagers (it is more important that the masters were people). For the tribute of the historian Semevsky, the favor for the purchase of one peasant or a householder cost Sheremetiev 120 rubles. srіblom. In 1837 p. D.M. Sheremetiev was given permission to buy the villagers of the Yukhotsk volost by the villagers. The practice of such replenishment of land and villagers for the rahunok of the dependent villagers near the Sheremetevsky estates is

based on a note on the name of Sheremetiev in the XVIII century. In this order, from 1770 to 1830 in 13 estates, 32.7 yews were added. dec. lands, including 11931 dec. land. Tіlki in Є. Grachova before the permission from the son in 1795. 3 thousand. dec. land, 40 empty spaces, 881 human souls and 2 yew. the soul of a woman, everything passed to the power of the patrimony when the Grachovs went free. For the tributes of the Shuisky gang of the nobility of such purchases of the villagers, there were close to 88.5 thousand. showers, zokrema, near the village of Ivanovo and villages close to 9 yew. chol. The number of villagers grew as a result of the transfer from the recesses by the relatives of these Sheremetevs (for example, Petro Sheremetev in the form of his deceased brother Sergius in 1768, having declined close to 5 thousand people), So the death of the “capitalists” of the villagers (after the death of Nikifor Sezemov and his friend 429 souls crossed from the guards of the river near the power of Sheremetevim near the Galician province, Kostroma province).

The population of the villagers near the Sheremetevsky estates was also taken for the holidays of the General inter-marriages of the spiry territories (in the other half of the 18th century, in this rank, about 30 thousand souls of peasants-kripakiv were brought). For the data of Economic notes to the General Intervention of 1766-1767, as well as documents in the middle of the XIX century. (Additions to the "Regulations on the villagers" of 1861) in the Moscow province, this was done only to A. Orlov, and in the Great Russian provinces it turned over the Rozumovskys, Orlovykh, Golitsinykhs. Narishkin, Potiomkin, Lansky, Buturlin, Repnin and many other famous names in Russia.

Before the beginning of the Great Reform of 1861, for the tribute of the Addendum to the editorial commissions about “The position of the peasants, who came from the fortress”, the Sheremetevsky estates had about 450 thousand. the villagers are human and female. The following should also be taken into account those who, after the formation of matrimonial bonds from the Sheremetevs, "shel" the lands from the villagers. So, as a legacy, the ship of V. Sheremeteva and Rozumovsky was transferred as a tribute to over 12 thousand. kripakiv.

At the link between modern understanding business history it is necessary to understand the myth about the zhorstok_st of the Sheremetievs on the basis of promotion to the villagers. The history of Russia before the reform of 1861 is full of examples of zhorsty forms of inciting the villagers to such “tyrant-helpers”, such as Saltichikha or the grandmother of the writer I.S. Turgenev. However, it is unlikely that the varto belongs to the Sheremetiev family, although it is not necessary to include the fact that B.P. Sheremetev often, on his sheets of orders, without restraint, subdue the side of the villagers who are looking for them, signing their order with a harsh phrase: "My hand" or "My hand is sovereign."

Rіd Sheremetєvih stretching his history, according to the words of the historian K. Shepetov, "surprised and heard aloud in the strong village". In his life, the principle “take care of the villagers is the strength of Russia”, which was passed from family to family. This principle was realized in the pragmatic polypshit and easier life of the villagers, developed in the Russian people the root of the national, folk culture, developed the pripply vein in the okremih kmіtlivih villagers. However, it is unlikely that the Sheremetevs were altruists in the village food industry, they understood (especially in the vikupі of the villagers) that the villagers with their activity, especially their “capitalist” type, represented their activity process of self-growth of accumulated capital. And the whole point of it lies in the fact that these capitals were taken across the cordon and not squandered, as it often happened in other noble lands of the country, the stench became the basis of the historical and cultural centers of Russia. Palaces - gardens Sheremetevikh Kuskovo, Ostankino, Fountain Budinok near Petersburg, Ostaf'evo, Voronov, Blakytny Palace near Moscow - all monuments of that distant era, and monuments to the Sheremetev family.

The Sheremetevsky patrimonies developed special features of the butt life of the villagers. So, academicians Keppen and Engelhardt, yakі visited in the 30-40s. XIX Art. in the villages-patrimonies of Ivanov, Pavlov and Vorsm, they determined that

people lived in kam'yanih huts from zaliznimi dahas. For the respect of other posterigachs of the afterlife of the Sheremet villagers near the Penza province, the respect of the attacking zmist was spared, "the stench lived in booths under the cold summer houses, Karamzin's labors were written at their families." The sound of the exhibitions of svіysk creatures near the Serpukhov region showed that the villagers in the estates introduced new agrotechnical approaches and zootechnical norms, like they took in the increase in the productivity of the silskogo state.

Ahead of the reforms, in 1840 p. at the patrimony of Sheremetiev near the village of Poim, after visiting the German teachings, Baron A. Gaksthausen. Vіn tsіkavivsya village nutrition and vіv schodennikovі records of their roses from the local villagers. I made my own notes of wines in the book “The legacy of Russian life, especially the military institutions of Russia”. Up to 10,000 people lived in Poim village for an hour. there were 2 churches, a hairdresser’s office, a school, an almshouse, and a few industrial mortgages: blue, potash mortgages, wax factories, rich silk factories, oil mills, grain factories, cotton bazaars and cotton bazaars. The best markets in the Penza province were respected by the Poimsks and the stench was strong on Saturdays, and on Fridays they were so called pidtorzhi. The main items of trade: bread, wool goods and goods. The amount of bread sold at the Poimsky bazaars reached 25 thousand. quarters of life and up to 10 thousand. pudіv borosna. In the bazaars, they also sold other breads in large quantities: oats, buckwheat, llyan and hemp nasіnnya and millet. All trade in this market brought up to UAH 58,783. on river".

The foreigner of the great Haxthausen was surrounded by "strings of the streets" of the great stone houses, in the middle of them - two-topped booths with columns and balconies, critized by a bay. The mandrivnik was even more impressed by those that among the villagers of the village of Poim were people with a million statute and even few villagers wanted to take away the freedom, but they would and the stench of the building would pay for their air of 80 thousand. up to 1 million rubles More blame on the fact that the middle of the front payers on

"History of the Russian State" N.M. Karamzin was a lot of poor peasants. Tsіkavo, what the author of “History” himself wrote about it: “There are a lot of Sheremetiv villagers among those who pay for “Istoria”, there are a lot of well-illuminated people, like a lot of reading and lovers of the theater, and inspiring poets.

Rich villagers did not shy away from traditional forms of beneficence. The Sheremetevs themselves could serve as a butt, as they spent most of their capital on the right of the gentry. For example, Sheremetivsky villager-kupnik millionaire Sezemov donated 20 thousand. nar. on the Moscow vikhovny budinok, and the church was roused by the villager Viripaev bula. On the cost of the counts of Sheremetiev and their villagers, churches were built in the village of Poim (Penzensk province).

At once, about those who should be designated that the women of the peasant world and the Sheremetevs were manifested at that hour, I will become the right of a nobleman of the ruler of the earth, a nobleman-administrator. The mechanism of mutual vibudovuvavsya sound at that hour. The center of management at the estates was the estate of the government, on the top of which stood the clerk, as if he was assigned from the yard people, or he was ruthless, as if he was assigned from the free people. In some patrimonies, the clerk's bindings were carried by the villagers, who were selected at the gathering.

At 1765 p. out of 50 okremikh volodins of Sheremetev, clerks were on 28 estates. The patrimonial chief, standing on the choli of the patrimony, having taken all the reign of power, was given to him by an assistant, for the help of the chosen estate officers: the elected elders, electors, foremen, zemstvo, hundredth, pentecostal, tenth and other , such as the bindings of the clerk chi keruyuchy. The stench avenged the nourishment of the ship's character (make judgment and reprisals), ensure the selection of the villagers, like the "sovereign", and household dues. Worldly vitrati: the morning of the administrative apparatus fell on the shoulders of the villagers, who

ri krіm sovereign and landowner dues, owe boules to revenge the patrimonial administration, pay for all witrati, swear by rights and duties that are brought to the population of patrimonies, tasks of recruits, etc. Not less with important obligations buli clerk: whip for correct rose taxes among the villagers, after that, “for the salary book, don’t lower the quitrent pennies and show the surplus, after that, so that the sіvba that selection was on“ pleasing days ”and so on.” This instruction has the following clause: “Court and punish the clerk, stay in the order’s hut, and not at home ... and write down who will be punished for what. If you’ve done it thoroughly, you can be fixed monthly, but don’t lie to the clerk himself. ” This paragraph of the instruction is not vipadkovy. The votchino-chiefs, koristuyuchis povnotogo vlady, gave the villagers all the punishment, allowed violence, took khabari. Tsіkaviy at zv'yazku z tsim document "Report of the clerk of the patrimony of Mikoli Popov to St. Petersburg to Count Dmitry Mikolayovich Sheremetev", in which it was told about those that the villagers of the village of Poim Petro Ivanov and Yakiv Matveєv Osokіn were elected deputies for the comrades' union in St. Petersburg Petersburg from prohannyam to Count D.N. Sheremetev, de stink namir “beat the clerk”. It’s the same with those who are “poimsk delegates” at the count’s buli, skarga їх, ymovіrno, buli vagomimi, because I’ll be right at the patrimony in no time. For her, the bula was broken special instruction inspector for the Poimsky patrimony, Prince Maksutov. The clerk, Popov, could explain the “hardening of the villagers” at the house office. For the wrong act and the wrong execution of the right, the patrimonial rulers were fined, and sometimes they were punished with a corporal punishment.

The ancestral lands of the Sheremetev lands were more important than literate and dependable people, they wanted "good" villagers to conduct trade and craft activities. The villagers accumulated capital in the aftermath of the loss of mutual responsibility for payments and duties of the village community. As Katerina II wrote, “... Russian villagers, under rags, often stole their wealth.”

Z 1764 p. "capitalist" villagers were allowed to bathe the little villagers (the villagers of the remaining state). With the permission of the patrimonial office, the villagers often traded for the trust of well-known merchants secretly through their clerks at the cities of Russia. In view of the facts of such trade activity of Grachov and Garelin near Moscow and St. Petersburg, the villager Sezemov engaged in trade in the pivdenny lands of the country. B.P. Sheremetyev wrote to his guardians: “I am sure that we will not be without a profit in the form of trades.”

Sheremetevs, ymovirno, tolerantly, were put up to the confessional-religious affiliation of their villagers-kripakiv, about which to witness the presence of Old Believer communities on their lands. Due to the respect of the historian Mikilsky, as well as the priests of the priesthood, there were a lot of Old Believers in the Shuisky county, and a lot of Old Believers near the village of Ivanovo. According to F. Livanov, the village of Ivanovo was a “nest of splits”.

The most popular among the villagers-Old Believers at the patrimony of Sheremetiev village Ivanovo Mav Є. Grachov, who sent a message from the church to the right in the Old Believer Preobrazhensky outpost in Moscow. The rational mentality of these peasants squandered the heaps of great capitals on them, and for the money of this stench they made a ransom from the capital. So, the family of Grachovs bought for 135 thousand rubles. nar. silver (1 p. 1795 p. 2.7 p. 1913 p.). Other peasants-priests paid for less sums. At cob XIX v. the price of freedom for a “capitalist” peasant (together with children and household members) became an average of 20 thousand rubles. n. srіblom. 50 families were redeemed from the Sheremetiv estate with a zagalom.

The patrimonies of the Sheremetievs were closely connected with the market center of Russia and the pivdennyh її lands. The villagers took away the right to conduct military operations in different provinces of the country (for example, Nikifor Sezemov in the 70th pp. of the 18th century and in the same way in the Belgorod region and goiter yazuvavsya vyplachuvati shhorichno pіdmoskovnіy estates up to 911 thousand rubles). trade

zdіysnyuvavsya both legally and illegally. Tse Tim, sho Mitniy Statute 1755 p. allowing the villagers to conduct less drib'yazkovu trade, but even more like XVIII and on the cob of the XIX century. by Decrees of 1799, 1804, 1806, the villagers were allowed to start wholesale trade. At the estates of Sheremetevikh, for the tribute of the General Mezhovannya, there were 16 fairs and 12 trades. On the territory of the patrimony, near the village of Ivanovo, functioning river fairs, auctions were held for two days (a week and a quarter), and the number of trading shops at the auction reached 180 units. In the other patrimony, the village of Vasilevsky, the auctions were quicker in the middle, at Voshchazhnikivsky votchina, the auctions were held by shopkeepers, merchants from Yaroslavl and Rostov traded. Near the village of Oleksiivtsi, as well as the patrimonies of Sheremetiev (Voronizky province), fairs were ruled by girls on the river, and auctions of girls were held on the day, merchants from Kursk, Kharkiv, Voronezh came to them. At the auctions, the leading rank, drib'yazkovі commodities were sold (wirobi from lyon: linens and padding; dishes and food products). At fairs, they traded goods of a wide variety (fabrics, thinness, fur coats, fur coats, metal wool). Near the village of Pavlov, the estates of Sheremetev, the auctions were good: 54 shops with cold-cold and Moscow goods, 22 pedantic, 7 bread, 2 linen, 21 ganchir'yanikh, 11 mittens, 12 kalashniv0, were trading. Only in the trade and industrial activity of the Ivanivsky krіpakіv of naked capital in 1800 r. Bulo for 441 thousand. n.

Around the trading activity in the Sheremetevsky estates, handicrafts were widely developed: cloth, shovkovy, weaving, weaving of linen and chintz fabrics for clothes, Flemish linen and rivenduk, servette fabrics, tablecloths and towels. In Ivanіvskіy Votchinі Sheremetєvich, orders of Kissykov Vidrobnicatvo, і і и и воді чевиской після сальлі плодмашла Шеметётєва мотмоль модмолный в обризації дібної муфактури "Through Nearby Yakostі Ta Zbutі Tsієї",

Nufacturers-college to dosit widely rozvinali tsey promisel, trade turnovers reached in the middle of the XVIII century. vіd 2 to 5 ths. n.

The trade and industry activities near the village of Ivanovo especially developed from 1812 to 1823. Later, in Moscow in 1812, as a result of which all the textile manufactories in Moscow burned down, the “gold of the century” of nabіykovy production, in which carbovanets vitrate surplus became 500%, nabіyniks without special zusil earned up to 100 r. banknotes for a month. As he wrote a poster, “... it was not necessary for a great capital to start a factory at this hour, it was necessary to cook 2-3 miners, to cook a farba, then buy it on materials - and the factory went into the cold; The calico was svіy, yoga was woven at the leather hut. Such manufacturers were called miners. The activation of the activity of the villagers of the Sheremetevsky patrimony also adopted the Regulations on the tariff of 1822, behind which the import of textile products into Russia was protected from the cordon. The writer Aksakov gave a high rating to this document and protectionism from the side, writing “... hundreds of thousands of hands began to collapse, hundreds of factories sent a lot of comrades to the market every day.”

Near the village of Pavlov, the villagers specialized in the iron and iron industry. In the rich patrimonies of the Sheremetevs, a distillery was hunted (they made a promise for themselves, the taverns were taken from the vіdkup, the wine from them was brought from the pіvdennih lands). Chi did not go ker_vniki for the fortune of vlasnik_v tsikh estates and repurchase of goods, about tse check the sheet of Field Marshal B.P. Sheremeteva to the clerk A. Tikhonov from the Molodotudsk volost about buying squirrels and rice skins “at a price that is lower than Moscow prices, we don’t pay at a high price for buying: we’ll have a profit in that.”

At the Sheremetevsky patrimonies, procedures were allowed for the victorious practice of purchases by villagers-krіpaks-subsidiaries of the same villagers-krіpaks. So, the “capital-lists” of the villagers Butrimov, Garelin, Ivan and Yukhim Grachov, Osip Sokov and others, for example, of the XVIII century. when glazing in the village

49 factories and plants victorious made anonymous purchases of peasants-kripakiv. So, yakscho in 1784 p. There were 416 souls in the number of purchases of krіpaks, but until 1794 the number increased to 1200 souls. A wild sale of products made by these practitioners, becoming 426 ths. n. Only one E. Grachov victorious at his virobnitstv 380 villagers-kripakiv, like a year, after the Grachovs were released, saved their wealth at the patrimonial office. Bought the villagers-krіpaki vikonuvali see different he worked for the “capitalist” peasants, the camp was important after the sub-priority order, on the one hand, the patrimonial office required to pay taxes, from the other, the stench was under the order of the peasants-pridpriymtsyu. Quite often at the sight of the villagers on the zhorstok, the villagers-krіpaks were on the side of the peasants, they practiced in them, shouted and hung threats. It is a fact, if the kripaks threatened to drown near Vetluz Nikifor Sezemov.

The patrimonial office collected a fee (rent) from the "capitalists" of the villagers for their business activities. So, the villager Butrimov, having paid in kind, then with pennies (180 rubles per river); Grachiv - 3 p. 25 k. z i will stand on the river, later for services in the position of Sheremetevim vin becoming pay 2.5 and 2 r. on river; Toropiv - 1200 rubles, then 700 rubles; Sezemov - 248 rubles. on river Z 1796 p. a single norm of 0.5% was introduced for rіk іz capital for 500 UAH.

At 1810 p. in 11 estates of Sheremetev there were 165 "capitalist" villagers. After the vikupu from the fortress, the villagers increased their vibes. So, until 1825 p. in the village of Ivanovo, there were 125 great calico and paper factories. There were 900 camps and 103 stuffed tables at the Grachov factory, and about 1 thousand at Yamanovsky. tables and 110 stuffed tables, Garelin has 1021 tables and 85 stuffed tables. The new Vlasniks were no longer kripaks, but residents of Voznesensky Posad. Among the hired practitioners were seen the beaters, yak, for the respect of the Volodymyr provincial authorities, "were a hard-working and literate people, they knew the leaf", and from

weavers and spoolers were characterized as “neohaynі i neosvіchenі”.

The wages at the factories of the Ivanovo "capitalists" of the villagers at the past, and after the expiration - the free enterprises, were like this: at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. at Є. and D. Rook weavers and nabіyniki were trimmed up to 10 r. for a month (1 pood of borosna to the cost of 66-99 k.). In the nineteenth century spinners and weavers of 20 and 7 rubles, colors - from 83 to 416 rubles. fell for a month. For the respect of Haxthausen, the financial (nominal) and regular salary of Russian textile workers was higher, lower than that of Nimechchina. From the other half of the nineteenth century. The wage rate of one hundred percent of the prices for food products has sharply decreased (following the warnings of J. Garelin).

The Sheremetev patrimony office also carried out operations from the mine lands of kripakiv (purchase and sales), moreover, the earl had to pay a hundred vartosts of the purchased (sold) lane. In the gospodarsky vіdnosinakh and from the villagers, the patrimonial office developed such a form, like a rent of mlins, of which there were close to 40 individuals, moreover, the privilege in the rent was given to a large number of vlasniks.

Sometime Sheremetevs gave a sum of pennies to the entrepreneurial villagers (1793 rubles from E. Grachov was taken in position 10 thousand rubles for 4 months, and 1794 rubles - 5 thousand rubles for 2 months). But it didn’t take long for the return of these sums of pennies. There were lapses, if the villagers encouraged Sheremetev for quiet reasons. Vіdomy fact, if the villager Sizemov yak vіdmoviv graph at the sum of 10 yew. r., ale at the threat of the count proving the operation through the bank office of Tames to withdraw the remaining bills from the count sumi.

The Sheremetivsk patrimonial office initially saw the selection of duties from the villagers. In the traditional for that hour, the patrimonial state had a wide range of obov'yazki in the practiced (panshchina) and natural (tire) type. Prote riven vikoristannya kozhno ї z tsikh duties buv raznym. Spontaneously, how to certify the documents of the hours of Boris Petrovich Sheremetev (list of income from the axis -

chini), the basis of the gospodar’s vodnosin was the panshchina (out of 19 estates 14 boules in the panshchina) - field harvesting at 2 yew. dec. (over 2 thousand hectares), sowing fields, picking grain. From the other side, the villagers gave the product in kind.

The quitrent duty is small for the main specialization: the villagers of the forces of Mozhary and Oleksievskogo Roztorg delivered 1345 buckets of wine; the villagers of the villages of Bogorodsk, Chirkovo, Gorbunovo - peas and mushrooms; villagers from Gorbunov - firewood; villagers from the villages of Kostyantinivske and Ostrovets paid a penny quitrent (1073 rubles); Molodotudskaya volost delivered 900 sheep, 2 yew. protein, 5 thousand. firewood. І less than 5 patrimonies were on a clean penny dues, the stench was paid on the river 8761 r.

At the XVIII century. from the skin revisionist soul, a penny quitrent was becoming 1-2 rubles, near the village of Ivanovo they paid 3 rubles, from 1796 rubles. quitrent payment increased to 8 rubles. 35 k. from the soul, dues from the tax paid 15 rubles. In 1798 p. the villagers of all the Sheremetevsky estates paid 413237 rub. (At the translation for karbovanets 1913, the sum was 1,136,461 rubles). Inconsistency of commodity-penny vodnosin, importation from the country of srіbla, srіbny pennies їх re-coining - all this led to the development of production and natural dues. The collective attire was widely worn on the agricultural work under the panschina, “...bo . what the peasants can do better than the treasury, then they can better take care of their braids and what it is impossible to spend neither mine, nor the damp brown, ”writing B.P. Sheremetiev. On the fields of the Sheremetivsky patrimony, agrotechnical practices were widely cultivated (spreading of autumn, mowing of grain crops "more in the ground", introduction of organic matter into the soil), magazines were kept about sivba, picking, threshing, the number of pracivniks, grain kluny was planted on stone, sown skin 3 times, tripilla was replaced by bagatopilla.

A charge from panshchino- quitrent duty (salary collection) at the estates of mali place and non-salary collection - collection from mliniv, from weight, fines, mita from cholobitnikiv. “Kapitalistim” was given to the peasants as payment for the patrimony dues for the arrears of fellow villagers for 75-87 rubles. n. banknotes on the river,

This often led to the enslavement of the rest for work in factories.

The villagers at the patrimonies also paid royal duties: they paid a head tax (74 k. from the soul), delivered food and fodder to the army, put recruits and paid for the uniform (1-2 rubles), saw the master's people at the Budinki on the Neva River. near Petersburg" and on the bridge and street near Moscow.

In the nineteenth century at the patrimonies at the duties, the pet of the vaga of the panshchina began to fall (for example, for the tribute of the General Intervention of the end of the XVIII century from 190 populations of the Sheremetev volodins in 128 were quitrents, the panshchina was saved in 62 settlements, so, from the 24 estates of the Volodymyr province, they left 4 panshchinas ). Panshchina was saved only in the black earth lands and in the mines near St. Petersburg. Quit at the XIX century. step by step moving from natural form to penny. At the Sheremetevsky estates, the quitrent from taxes was 45 rubles, and from the revision soul 4-6 rubles. (Data on the Ivanivsky votchina).

By stretching the history of the Sheremetyev family, the order from the selection of lands and villagers was also understood the problem of improving the camp of the villagers. So it was in 1767. P.B. Sheremetev, taking an active part in putting together the project of a new code, for which the camp of the villagers would be a little easier. Vіn demonstrating new readiness to call the villagers against the krіpatstva. Katerina II didn’t appreciate such radicalism, as under the pressure of other members of the commission on how to put together a project for the villagers, she was embarrassed not only to act on the free-thinking of the members of the commission, but “to give an insertion to Count Sheremetev P.B. forever in the service of the military and civilian. At 1861 p. D.M. Sheremetev, approaching his grandfather on the right, that he was standing among the peasants. In the Ostankinsky Palace (the Fountain Budinka of Sheremetevs), the 19th fierce Manifesto about the sound of the villagers was signed. D.M. himself Sheremetev was the remaining ruler of the village of Ivanova, de before the Great Reform, allowing the villagers to go free.

List of victorious literature

1. Barishnikov M. History of the business world of Russia / M. Barishnikov. - M: Aspect Press, 1994 - 224 p.

2. Berlin P. Russian bourgeoisie in the old and new hours / P. Berlin - M.: Book, 1922. - 308 p.

3. Garelin G. About the cob and the revival of the industrial village of Ivanova in the XVI-XVIII centuries // Volodymyr provincial reports. - 1878. - No. 30.

4. The city of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, or the Kolishne village of Ivanovo and Voznesensky Posad (Volodimir province): about 2 hours / way. I am Garelina. - Shuya: Litho-type. I. I. Borisoglibsky, 1884. - Part 1: From the 17th century to the 19th fierce 1861. – 225 p. ; 1885. - Part 2: From February 19, 1861 to September 1, 1884. – 140 s.

5. Kashin V.M. Krіpaki-landlords ahead of the reforms. - M: View of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, 1935. - 116 p.

6. Mikilsky N. History of the Russian Church / N. Mikilsky - Minsk: Belarus, 1990. - 540 p.

7. Livanov F. V. Ostrozhniks and schismatics: Draw that evidence: in 3 volumes / F. V. Livanov. - St. Petersburg. : A type. M. Khana, 1872. - T. 2. - 629 p.

8. Nefyodov F. Povіsti ta opovіdannya / F. Nefyodov - M.; Ivanovo, 1937. - T. 1.

9. Pavlenko N. Birds of Petrov's nest / N. Pavlenko. - M.: Dumka, 1994 - 397 p.

10. Stepanov A. Villagers-manufacturers Grachev: Before the characteristics of strong capitalists of the other sex. XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century. / A. Stepanov // Notes of the historical and butt-butt officer of the Sovereign Russian Museum. - L .: Type of Rus. Museum, 1928. - T. 1. - S. 213-252.

11. Statistical review of the state of Volodymyr province in 1817 // Volodymyrsky historical and statistical collection. - Volodymyr: Lips. stat. Kom., 1869. - S. 16-17.

12. Semevsky V. I. Krіpaki villagers-krіpaki in Russia in the 18th century. / V.I. Semevsky // Russian Dumka. - 1902. - Prince. 7. - S. 55-87.

13. Shepetov K. Krіpatstvo near the estates of Sheremetevikh (17081885) / K. Shepetov; for red. G.I. Stripe. - M: View. Ostankin. Palace-Museum, 1947. - 378 p.

14. Shchepetov K.M. From the Life of the Kripaks of Russia in the 18th-19th Centuries: Based on the Materials of the Sheremetiv Estates / K. N. Shepetov. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1963. - 100 p.

15. Ekzemplyarsky P. M. History of the city of Ivanov / P. M. Ekzemplyarsky. - Ivanovo: Ivanivske kn. species, 1958. - Part 1: Pre-zhovtnevy period. – 395 p.

16. Ekzemplyarsky P. M. The village of Ivanovo on the cob of the XIX century. - Ivanovo-Voznesensk, 1925. - VIP. 3.

Stolbov V'yacheslav Pavlovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Social and Economic Theories, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, 153000, Ivanovo metro station, pr-t F. Engels, 7, e-mail: stolbov@isuct.ru.

Stolbov Vyacheslav Pavlovich - PhD in Economics, Professor, Department of Social and Economic Theories, Ivanovo State Chemical and Technological University, 7, F. Engels avenue, Ivanovo, 153000, e-mail: stolbov@isuct.ru.


Sheremetev - old and, perhaps, the most famous Russian boyar district. At the ancestral lands of the Sheremetevs, there are names among the "visiting" slopes from the land of the Prussians. The ancestor of the Sheremetevs is Andriy Kobila (Sheremet) at the court of the Moscow prince. Syn yogo Fedir Kishka became a boyar for Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Two mighty hills of Sheremetev and Romanov look like Fyodor's sights.

In the name of Sheremetiev, such a sadibi, like Ostankino, Kuskovo, and ale sadiba in the village of Chirkine - the first long-standing patrimony of the Sheremetiev boyars, was given on the cob of the XVI century to Andriy Kobilin by Ivan III for the Novgorod expedition. Glorious blue family (like the first in Russia took away the title of count, given by Peter I to the eminent Russian commander, happy diplomat, first Russian general-field marshal, holder of the order of Maltese persons Boris Petrovich Sheremetev (1652-17). battles, sovereign perebudovah.

In 1514, on a high hillock in the village of Chirkino, a temple was built in honor of the Protection of the Mother of God. The boyar Vasil Sheremetev entrusted him to the XVII century, arguing for the honor of his heavenly patron Saint Basil the Great a typical baroque tiered church "under the bell", which eventually became the tomb. If Yogo otchuvala vіdkrita gallery-gullbishche. Suddenly, the Nadbudov Church of the Protection of the Mother of God was destroyed. Pіznіshe Petro Borisovich Sheremetev (1713-1788, chief chamberlain, lover of mysticism) attached the side collar of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Unfortunately, the share of the churches themselves, Archpriest John (serving at the Church of the Intercession) and the novice Anna Kornєєva, as they helped you in the church, after the Zhovtnevoy revolution, repeated the shares of wealthy thousands of others on the territory of the Radyansk state. As a matter of fact, until the death of the false certificates, a warrant for the arrest of the priest John Pokrovsky was signed, signed by the NKVS of the Moscow region. On September 27, 1938, the authorities arrested Archpriest John, and on the 13th of February, the novice Hanna Korniev, enslaving them to the yaznitsa in the town of Kashira. Hieromartyr John (Pokrovsky) and Rev. Martyr Anna (Korneeva) On February 21, 1938, the Trinity of the NKVS was sentenced to death. February 26, 1938 Viroc Viconano. Even though it’s vague, but for that hour - it’s a whole ordinary fall ... Heroes from the protocols of drinking are available on the Internet.

It was important that the line of the Sheremetevs' boyars died out after the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917, but it turned out that the Sheremetevs' direct bait was Count Georgiy. Vin lives in the USA, in California. Kіlka rokіv vіn vіn vіdvіvіv іn іє patrimonial nest and behind the words of eyewitnesses, that day the small icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Intercession Church died.

There are far from only one fortune-telling of miracles: the lower rector of the Chirkinsky temples, Priest Viktor Kuznetsov, can bring an impersonal note about the miracles that miracles work for us today. The most important part of them is tied with consecrated, strong, pure water dzherel, which is located near the village of Chirkino.

“One roztashovaniya at the lowland. Directly under the temples of the village of Chirkine, which rise on the mountain. Dzherelo "All Sorrowful Joy". Vin is famous for its extraordinary concentration in a new silver. Twenty times yogo in the water is over the top here! The handrail is a good bath.

Two other dzherel roztashovani on the pіїzdі to the temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinina, near the bridge over the river. Here you sing, as from the great diameter of the trumpet, the crystal flow is vibrating. This dzherelo was consecrated to the honor of the holy martyr John (Pokrovsky) and the venerable martyr Anna (Korneeva), who were martyred for the faith in 1938.

The entrustment of the nevimovna beauty Tsarskoe dzherelo in honor of the great martyrs, passion-bearers of Sovereign Mikoli 2 and Tsesarevich, the youth Alexis, who were beaten for the faith and the Batkivshchina. This is dedicated to the nevipadkovo, oskelki roots of the genus of the boyars Sheremetev and the Romanovs - one. The almshouse (nin_ rozіbrana) at the churches of the village. In 1908 Chirkina was also consecrated in honor of the people of Tsesarevich Oleksiy Mikolayovich Romanov.
Tse dzherelo enchanted with extraordinary beauty. A round barrel of pure water, six meters in diameter. Tse living, miraculous, natural aquarium, creations by the Creator of everything. The algae frame the bottom with green mesh. Nearly two dozens of dzherel vibrate, high beating pischinki. Burinnya їх аnіtroch not hvilyuє numeral fishes, yakі volno waltz at bad weather with water. Kozhen, who pіdіyde i bach tse nevimovna marvel, stovpіє vіd bewitching zakhoplennya. Stronger than the battle, the dzherel at the sleeping day, the dzherel does not laka, does not wake up, on the contrary, calmly calm down. You don't want to see anything. All those who wish to piss off, win the new energy for the body of that soul.

Particularly popular is the quarter of the dzherelo - the old miraculous dzherelo of the prophet of God Illi. Vіn fortune-telling in rich historical descriptions, chronicles, church historiography of Kolomna county of the 18th century. In the archives, there are records, documented confirmation of the record of the consistory about miraculous podії, which were spent for a three-time hour on the dzhereli.

→ A travel guide to the Moscow area → → Holy Dzherela of the Sheremetievykh estate (village of Chirkine). How to reach?

Holy Dzherela of the patrimony of Sheremetievikh (village of Chirkino). How to reach?

Holy Dzherela of the patrimony of Sheremetievikh (village of Chirkine)

Sadiba near the village of Chirkine is the first and most recent patrimony of the Sheremetevikh boyars. The white of the village is the faceless of the purest consecrations of the water dzherel. One of them is planted at the lowland, right under the temples of the village of Chirkine, which rises on the mountains. Tse dzherelo "Joy of All Sorrowful". Vin is famous for its extraordinary concentration of silver. Yogo vmіst by the water, exceeding the usual norm for twenty times! Poruch іz dzherelom є bath.

Two other dzherel roztashovani on the pіїzdі to the temple complex, near the village of Shcherbinina, near the bridge over the river. Particularly popular is the quarter of the dzherelo - the old miraculous dzherelo of the prophet of God Illi. Vіn fortune-telling in rich historical descriptions, chronicles and church historiography of the Kolomna county of the XVIII century.

YAK DOIKHATI to the patrimony of Sheremetievikh (village Chirkine)

By car: Khati Novoryazansky highway. On the Small Concrete Hill (MBK) turn levoruch after the Myakinino and Khrami, Dzherela.

On your own: From the metro station "Vikhino" by bus No. 402, 403 to Malin, then by bus No. 34 to the city.

Sheremetev is the oldest and, perhaps, the most famous rank of Russian boyars.

From Sheremetiev, they made such vіdomі sadibi, like Ostankino and Kuskovo, ale land, where they violated us - the first and most recent patrimony of Sheremetiev, given to him on the cob of the 16th century. We have raised the temple complex, awakening for the boyars, one from the church of which there are five hundred rokiv! Ale brandy, they saw the name of Chotiri Dzherel, kudi and vzimka, and in the rest of the rest of the rock, they are going through, sob to bathe and collect holy water. Few people know that only one chotiroh dzherel є in a right old way! We conducted a small independent investigation and named it, in which same dzherel they took water from Sheremetyevo, and yaks became popular recently.

Selecting a colony of buv appointments for 10 wounds per 100 kilometers of the road "Don".

This year's company was made for us by Dmitro and Olen on a tent-covered UAZ, Oleg with a friend on Patriot, Andriy with a squad and an onuk on Patriot, Andriy with Duster, Oleksiy with comrades on Niv and Andriy Evgenovich with synami on Niv.

Briefing before the cob.

The deyakі pitanya called out the colony of the city of Stupino, as if it was necessary to pass through, the situation was aggravated by the crossing of the central street through the life of the estakadi. Alemie slipped through narrow little streets with a bunch of svetloforiv surprisingly quietly.

m. Stupino

Mayzhe once forsuemo the first breeze.

Steep descent and next one.

All cars ran into these crossovers without problems, only Dusterov had a chance to break the ice - they were afraid for the plastic bumpers.

The first reminder is the Church of the Rizdva Blessed Virgin Mary near the village of Stare.

Church of the Rіzdva Blessed Virgin Mary, 1896 and 1902 pp.

Dmitro tells the history of these places.

The village of Stare Vіdome from the 17th century. In the wake of the partial raids of the Tatars and the ruination in the Time of Troubles, until 1620 fate turned into a wasteland. In 1775, the church of the Rizdva Mother of God was built in the village. Ninі іsnuyucha kam'yana church Rіzdva Bozhoi Motherі zvedena koshta merchant's family Іzmaylovyh in 1893 roci. During the Radyansk hours, the temple was closed. There are no daily work to be done.

Next to the temple are the ruins of a church booth.

If here, on a gently sloping slope, leading up to the stakes on the river Bunchikha, the garden of Kurtino was raised. Її lord Count Pavlo Martinovich Skavronsky (1757 - 1793) - onuk's nephew of Katerini I, wealthy and music lover, chamberlain, Russian envoy at the Neapolitan court. Unfortunately, the church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sorrowful Radist, consecrated in 1794, was saved from the gardens of the gardens. In the 1930s, the temple was closed, abandoned at once.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of Usykh Sorrowful Joy, 1794.

Another village, de bula sadiba, which has not been preserved to this day, is Sukovo. Tsya modest middle pomіsna sadiba was founded in the first half of the 18th century, in the middle of the 19th century the princess lay. A. Yaroslavov. As a compositional center, serving as a garden booth, building up to the foundation, the front door was surrounded by state services. Like Kurtino, the church of the middle of the 18th century was saved from garden disputes.

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Sukovo. Prompted between 1745 and 1820 pp.

Dmitro told the story of the last rector of the Kazan church: he was hegumen Methodius (in the world of Mikola Mikhailovich Ivanov, born in 1899), who was arrested in 1929, but after 3 years he turned back from being deceived. September 30, 1937 Yezhov’s operational order No. 00447, de “churchmen” was sent to the “anti-radian elements” of another ministry after kurkuliv, but before members of the fortune tellers of the political parties. Across the country, massive shootings of clergymen began for the imposed limits. The ringing sounded standard - "counter-revolutionary agitation." ІGumen Mephodius zvinivatili in order, ŠEO VIN "OrganizovavavavAv's illegal zborishki Antiradansky Chernechik Elentiv, Scho turned from Zaplantnya, Viva Great Lilavnaya Z Salnias, Nadavadav, Materiann, Nada, to the remaining hour of Tajnі, hesitated in Chernetwn." 8 leaf fall 1937 Yogo was sentenced to death. After that, the church was closed and zruynovany.

For the help of a falcon and such a mother, the problem was resolved, and the column was demolished far away.

Behind the river, the ruins of another sadibi appeared - Aloshkovo.

Ensemble in the style of classicism of the 1800s. placed on top of a gently sloping hillock. Pobudov vityagnut vzdovzh schila that utvoryuyuyut panorama, rozrahovanu priynyattya z pіd'їznoї road.

In the scribe books of the 16th century, it is written that the village of Aloshkovo belonged to Ivan Andriyovich Zhitov, and in 1577 the village passed from the volodinnya of the tsar's court, M.V. Grigorov. Sadiba was formed on the cob of the 19th century, if P.A. Novikovsky lay down. In the nineteenth century passed to the sim'ї Major General P.A. Kozhin. From the Kozhinykh sadibu, they gave away the peasants-krіpakіv, they bought the vilna - Shcherbakov. At that time, the stench led the factory near the Ozeri township. F. Shcherbakov created a kartopleterny mortgage at Aloshkov’s, a hammer mill and 14 tokmaks on a film drive for shaping with a jet to drive a calico, which was brought from the factory. Kartopleterny mortgage viroblyav Syrian starch for processing fabrics. At the beginning of the 20th century, over five hundred people lived in the garden.

Only a dozen senior residents lag behind Oleshkovo, and more summer residents come in the same way. In the garden, the ruins of the head booth, services, the cinema yard, the memorial old linden park, are lost, in the middle of the wild maiovnichoa ruins, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is seen to be restored.

Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God, 1819

Head garden booth.

Water tower.

As it turned out, we not without reason podkrіpilsya, more from Oleshkov, in the bіk viїhati we needed, it was not easy to appear.

7 days ago there were no problems at the rental - the katana road was normal, there was no snow all day, the rest was a plus for a couple of days. However, when looking at the field, the road simply did not appear - one great transition. Our UAZ badyoro rushed forward and practically immediately siv.

UAZ began to pull the Niva and the strength itself.

They pulled the Niva with the Patriot, and the cable between it and the Hunter was pulled tight, and the finger of the beater was bitten. While the Niva was shoved and rozgoduvali, schob vіdchepiti, Gelik plowed the road and the vitiag її vbik.

Mabut, luckily, the water Nivi Vlad cleared up the blunders and began to turn around in the snowy porridge.

Tim hour Gelik Vityag and Hunter tezh.

On the other hand, the road participants passed the road without any problems.

At the exchanges of the vranishny sun, the field was miraculous!

A small stretch of the highway and we will again go to the field road.

Gelik and Patriot went through yoga without problems, and Duster again snarled at the plastic parts.

Other breeze can be said to have flown by.

We are approaching "Chotiri Dzherela" - that is the name of the miraculous Dzherela, roztashovani in the area of ​​the village of Chirkove. Stay ten years in the month and collect, and the pilgrims come to visit, to bathe and collect holy water. Behind indirect signs, one of them is old, Sheremetevsky.

In front of us is a mass of holy martyr John (Pokrovsky) and the venerable martyr Annie (Korneeva), who were rolled up for the faith in 1938.

Jerelo of Saints John and Annie

Very richly crowded - the inhabitants of the city come here with bottles of water. We try the water, we look around, sound different versions and axis Oleg blames the correct verdict - the dzherelo is a pipe of great diameter, the stars vibrate in the water - this is part of the old water supply system, which is like a house, and the ruins are an old boiler room. A well with a pump, which does not work at once, you can know five meters more by the pipe.

We entrust one dzherelo - Tsarsky - in honor of the Great Martyrs, Passion-Bearers of Sovereign Mikoli 2 and Tsesarevich, young Alexiy, who were beaten for faith in the Batkivshchina. This is dedicated to the nevipadkovo, oskelki roots of the genus of the boyars Sheremetev and the Romanovs - one. Dzherelo is a small lake of turquoise color, with swirling dzherels and fish that swim near the clear water.

The tsar's jittery.

In fact, the royal dzherelo looked even cooler. And the fish swim with the new one with the fierce one! Do not believe? To marvel at the new video, as if having taken Andriy:

Andriy, having voiced the correct version about the journey of the dzherel: if you respectfully marveled at the banks of the dovkol, then you became aware that they were expanding, slaughtered the Meshkans of the village of Shcherbinine, so that they would be able to live at the 50th anniversary of the 20th century.

The third was dzherelo to be found in the village of Chirkovo - "Joy of All Sorrowful".

Dzherelo "All Sorrowful Joy".

In the background, you can see that the roztashovan in the lower reaches was entrusted to the temples, and the tablet says that the rhubarb has changed the norm by 20 times.

Everything points to those that were exactly like Sheremetievskiy. And here it’s bad luck - Andriy saw the correct version - the dzherelo looked like a well. Only one thing is true drinking water for the Meskants of Chirkina. The people themselves poured and laid the foundation stone, and after the restoration of the church, they consecrated the great strong church, so that the pilgrims could collect holy water.

At the ensemble of the church, we hear the report.

Temple complex of the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God and Vasil the Great near the village. Chirkine.

The village of Chirkino is the last, the first fiefdom of Sheremetevikh, given by Ivan III to Andriy Kobile (Sheremet) for the Novgorod campaign. The father of the first Sheremetievs, Andriy Sheremet, died and left Chirkino for a command to the young son of Vasily Andriyovich. Vasil Andriyovich Sheremetev was the wake-maker of the first stone Pokrovsky church in Chirkin.

After the death of Vasily Andriyovich, all the numbers, the Crimea of ​​Chirkina, passed to blue, and they led them together until 1564. (At this fate the stench spread). On Chirkino, a special note was stored: in the village Vasil Andriyovich blessed the youngest of his six blues - Fedor. Why was it announced that such an arrangement was made, why the old family patrimony was again transferred to the youngest, and not the eldest of the blues?

On the right, in the way that Sheremetiev looked at Chirkino, it was not like a great earthly Volodinnya. The new one knew the Batkivsky tsvintar with the family church of the Intercession, on which the old hour, from the XV or from the XIV century, were members of the family. The Sheremetevs themselves until the 17th century. they didn’t live near Chirkina: they “sat” in villages and villages in the vicinity of Chirkina - near Fedorivsky, Gorodnya, Meshcherina, and Prusakh toshcho. The veneration of the memory of ancestors, "fathers", as they said, was respected by the most ancient honesty. Here the great church saints were celebrating in full, they were baptized and baptized.

It was said that for the order of the souls of the ancestors of the funeral service, one must always do it forever, right up to the Last Judgment. In such a time, there are a few members of the family of the mav dbati, so that funeral services were regularly held this year and did not stick with the future. It was important that for this role the youngest son, who had lived longer for others and older, could be best suited for this role, in such a rank, maybe dbati about the batkivsky tsvintar and homeland. Indeed, Fedir Vasilovich died less than 1592, outliving all his brothers.

Until the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Sheremetiev family had important podia: they saw their only niece Olena Ivanivna (daughter of Ivan Vasilyovich Menshoy from the state Chirkina Gorodni) for the elder son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich

However, these dreams were not destined to come together. Olena Ivanivna herself served as an indirect cause of the catastrophe, which she spoke of: the hour of the transfer of the royal family to Oleksandrivskaya Sloboda in 1581. the tsar was outposted її, even as a woman, in hotly heated palace rooms in one shirt, which, according to the understanding of that hour, was the height of obscenity (on a woman, even more noble, it’s not enough to wear even less than three shirts). Priyshov told the kings after beating the brides. Ivan Ivanovich came running to the cry of the squad and interceded for her. The king pounced on Sin and beat Yogo to death. Ivan Ivanovich fell ill and died 11 days later. Olenya Ivanivna has a weekday. For the call of that hour, the young widow was tonsured into a monastery.

It’s not like a tragedy in Oleksandrivsky Sloboda, Sheremetev, ymovirno, they would occupy the same camp in the state, as Godunov would occupy it through Irina Godunova, the squad of Tsarevich Fyodor Ivanovich.

Bida came to Fyodor Vasilovich: I was left with childlessness. For the old lord Chirkin, there was a message about the recession and wines, having written a commandment, having passed his ancestral patrimony in the village of Chirkinim to the Kirilo-Belozersky monastery, as a contribution to his soul and to the souls of his fathers. Ale Fedor Vasilovich mother of nephews, yakі rіshuche did not wait for such a command. The unapplied poses began, which lasted for dozens of years (until the middle of the 17th century).

As a result, the patrimony was left to Pyotr Mikitovich Sheremetev, then it passed to yoga young son sweat until onuk. Now the Sheremetevs already lived in Chirkin, their sadiba was on the pivnіchny entrance from the temples.

Vasil Borisovich Sheremetev became known in Russian history as the famous "Crimean watcher". At 1660 p. the vineyards are full of Crimean Khan and premises near the fort of Chufut-Kale. There he sat for 20 years, after bringing in for a new majestic life, we were released into the wild, old and sick, and died after 4 months in Moscow, without having visited his Chirkina.

Vasil Borisovich had a son, who died in childhood, and a daughter who was married to Prince Golitsin, with such a rank, before him there was a nurse about the recession: the people who bear the nickname of Sheremetev, he no longer had. Vasil Borisovich Nadіisov Noofivano: Nevozhavyuchi at the extent of the spadent in the species of the School of School of School, Schemete Schemetsy, Schemetyєvich's Holy Representation, Meld Marshal, the famous companion of Peter the Great, Osp_vnaya Pushkima, "Poltavі" Sheremet ".

Rejoiced by the magnanimous vchinok of his uncle, Boris Petrovich sang a special rite to instill yoga memory - to wake up over the yoga string (Vasil Borisovich commanded to pohovat himself in Chirkina) the tomb church, and at the same time to reconstruct the Intercession Church.

So, in 1676, a tiered, stovpopodіbny temple “under the ringing” appeared in Chirkino, the original version of the patrimonial temple-dwinning of the period of the rise of the Moscow baroque - Vasil the Great.

Church of Vasil the Great, 1676 - the church-tomb of Vasil Borisovich Sheremetiev.

At the Chirkinsky temples there were sprouted miracles, inscribed with openwork carved baroque iconostasis, which gained popularity as a prominent work of Russian applied church art in the middle of the 19th century. The iconostases sprung up (maybe they perished) just like the usual Chirkin icons, which were among them a long time ago, in the 50s of the 20th century.

Three more humpbacked-polov roads and mi pіd'їzhdzhaєmo to the final point of our journey - the dzherel of the Prophet. To tell nothing already, it also dawned on me that if the three boules in front were consecrated in the 20th century, then the one that was left behind was the ancient Sheremetevsky.

The ancient miraculous dzherelo of the prophet of God Іllі - six meters in diameter, on the day there are close to two dozen keys. Appearing at the blow of a bliskavka in one holy hour in an unmemorable hour. Vіn fortune-telling in rich historical descriptions, chronicles, church historiography of Kolomna county of the 18th century. In the archives, records are collected, documented confirming the records of the consistory about miraculous podії, which were spent for a three-time hour on the dzhereli.

All for the company!

Video of Oleksiya:


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