Economic teaching A.V. Cheyna

Economic teaching A.V. Cheyna

Alexander Vasilyevich Alexander Vasilyevich - Soviet economist and sociologist, science fiction writer and utopian, author of the concept of labor peasant economy and moral economy. He is a bright representative of the generation of the Russian intelligentsia of the beginning of the 20th century. Chayans Alexander Vasilyevich, whose photo is located below, devoted all of his life to the study of the organization of agriculture. His concept was not adopted by the Soviet government. However, since 1990, scientists have increasingly started contacting the findings of the Cheyanov. Let's try to figure out what the relevance of the concept of labor peasant economy is related.

Chayanov Alexander Vasilyevich: Biography

But is it possible to consider the conclusions of the scientist, without delegating how he came to them? Therefore, let's start with the biography. Alexander Vasilyevich Alexander Vasilyevich was born in 1888 in a merchant family living in Moscow. Under the influence of relatives in 1906, he received after the end of the Surrentional School in the Moscow Agricultural Institute. Already in the first year, he showed interest in scientific activity. He was interested in Mensman. As you know, the latter is the founder of the theory of utmost utility. In 1908, Chayanov visited Italy, in 1909 - Belgium. It should be noted that already at such a young age he meets these countries as a real scientist, not an ordinary tourist. Under the impression of the first Jayan trip, Alexander Vasilyevich, whose bibliography then will consist of many not only from scientific, but also artwork, formulated a program with foreign experience in organizing agriculture. The first article of the future scientist was devoted to cooperation in Italy. During the study at the University of Chayans published 18 scientific articles. He was offered a place at the Department of Agricultural Economy, and he agreed. In 1912, Chayans received the title of Master. Then he left for a year internship abroad. During this time, he had to work in Paris and Berlin. For the period of the internship, he completed his first important work "essays the theory of labor economy."

Alexander Vasilyevich Alexander Vasilyevich, the contribution to the economy of which is to develop the concept of peasant studies, was not the theorist and always sought to apply his conclusions in practice. He was a member of all sorts of initiatives, a member of the Council of Cooperative Congresses. Chayanov's candidacy was even nominated for the post of Minister of Agriculture, but he occupied this position only for two weeks. Ultimately, co-operators had to go to reconciliation with the Soviet government. Since 1919, Chayans has been working in the People's Commissariat of Agriculture. In about the then, he also begins to engage in literary creativity. In 1922, Chayanov appointed by the Director of the Research Institute at a seminary on agricultural economy. In the same year, he marries and leaving a two-year-old business trip abroad. In 1923, his main work is published - "Organization of the Peasant Economy." He is beginning to be considered a bourgeois professor. In 1930, Chayanov arrest. He was charged with the organization of the "Labor Peasant Party". Open judicial hearing in this case did not take place. In prison, the scientist continues to work on his concept. Then Cheyanova refers to Almaty, where he continues to work in the Commissioner of Agriculture. In 1937, in ridiculous charges of a scientist sentenced to shooting. The decision was fulfilled immediately, Chayanov was only 49 years old.

Origins concept

The creative legacy of the founder of peasant scientists is extremely diverse. It includes not only scientific work, but also artwork. However, all of them are combined general theme. Artworks illustrate in an affordable form complex scientific findings. Chayans brought new in all spheres of agrarian and economic direction. The following stages can be distinguished in the development of the theory of peasant labor economy. Among them:

  1. The existence of family peasant farms.
  2. Creating agrarian cooperatives.
  3. Development of the industry of agriculture as a whole.

Family labor theory

Alexander Vasilyevich Alexander Vasilyevich is a kinder of the whole direction. At the end of the 19th century there was a crisis of landlord farms. This led to the agricultural crisis. They did not work, and he deepened. Unresolved problems in the agrarian sphere required the emergence of the new theory of the organization of agriculture. Chayans felt the trends of time. He believed that the main feature of the Russian economy was a family. I had an impact on such views of the Cheyanov and training at the Institute. Indeed, among teachers, Chayanov allocated the largest agrarian specialists, Professor N. N. Khudyakov, A. F. Fortunatov, D. N. Sanidichnikov.

Organization of peasant economy

Chayans Alexander Vasilyevich was not Marxist. However, he was largely close to the rezing of the author "Capital" regarding the essence of the peasants as immediately workers and owners. An outstanding Russian economist of the beginning of the 20th century understood the need for indigenous transformations. In the head of the corner, he put the personal labor activity of the peasant family. Based on the study of foreign experience and empirical data, the scientist nominates the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization's plan and the concept of labor balance. They amounted to the kernel of peasant scientists. According to the economist, the optimal size of the agrarian enterprise depends on the size of the family.


The purpose of the peasant family is to meet their own needs. The more optimally organized the management, the more this happens. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a plan. If this is done correctly, the sustainability of the enterprise and the highest labor efficiency is ensured. Each peasant economy should be considered as part of the system. Therefore, it depends on the stage of development of society. Family as an economic entity should use all the possibilities of the current situation. The organizational plan helps to understand the internal structure of the economy, the relationship between individual sectors, the turnover of finance and labor costs various types Activities. It includes:

  • Labor balance. It shows the ratio between agriculture and fisheries.
  • Production balance. It reflects the ratio between the cattle and inventory.
  • Monetary balance. It characterizes income and costs.


Chayans believed that the key to draw up a plan is not a certain sequence of reasoning, but the use of criteria. Among them:

  • The head of the corner should stand the labor opportunities and their ratio with its consumer requests.
  • It is necessary to take into account land tenure. It can act as a restrictive factor.
  • An important criterion also serves the organization of the territory. Unsuccessful location has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the peasant economy.
  • It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the organization of labor. Be sure to pay attention to the transport costs.

Labor balance

Chayanov Alexander Vasilyevich - an economist who has developed a model that allows you to determine the natural limit of any economic entity. He said that the result should always be determined by the factory of production, which is available in the most limited volume. The family facilities of Chayans applies such general economic categories as a rent, percentage, income, prices. It allocates two groups of factors of their profitability: intra and national economic. First include labor resources and intensity of their application.

Differentiation of farms of peasants

The last period of the scientist fell on 1927-1930. Together with other economists, he was engaged in the problem of the differentiation of the peasantry. He showed that she arose due to the disharmony of natural and simple commodity farms. The first pains to central areas with fertile black soils, the second to the largest ports. Perestroika led to an increase in migration flows, which is the cause of differentiation. Therefore, the separation of society, according to Cheyanov, was not associated with socio-class processes, and with the cleavage of new types of farms. To the last, he attributed farmers, credit-usurovascular, commercial and auxiliary. To resolve the problem, the scientist considered it necessary to conduct cooperative collectivization. She and lending should have helped rustic proletarians to return to the traditional family-labor model.

Concept value for science development

Chayans Alexander Vasilyevich is a sociologist and economist, whose work is well known to modern scientists involved in the agricultural system. However, it was for these views that he suffered. Stalin personally criticized the theory. For her, Chayans was first exiled, and then shot at the age of 49. However, despite all this, the theory continued to live. In 1980, interest began to resume interest. Today, many Agrarian economists still appeal to her and find inspiration.

Chayans Alexander Vasilyevich: Books

The scientist wrote many works. It should be noted that only during the study at the institute he published 17 articles. The main work is considered to be the book "Essays on the theory of Labor Economy". In 1989, elected scientist works were published in one volume. Among the most famous artistic works of Cheyanov "Journey of my brother Alexey to the country of the peasant utopa." Some of them were published after the author's death in 1980-2010.

Economic heritage

Alexander Vasilyevich Nyanov. Immortal ideas of the great scientist

Myatseedov Boris Alekseevich,

cand. ECON. Sciences, Director of the Russian Encyclopedia publishing house E-mail:

Annotation. Continuing the tradition, in the next life way, the author also tells about one great scientist - Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov.

Sophisticated fate was prepared by an intelligent scientist - he survived several arrests and references during which continued to work.

As the founder of the Russian and Soviet cooperation, Chayans created many works on the theory of the development of cooperative movement in agriculture. The author emphasizes that the ideas of the great scientist are very relevant and in our time.

Separate chapters are devoted to the relations of A.V. Chayanov with other famous scientists: M.I. Tugan-Baranov-Skim, S.A. Pervushin, N.D. Kondratyev, as well as with V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and N.I. Bukharin. Unfortunately, the works of the scientist did not receive an objective assessment at one time, and such an assessment was needed to recreate the historical picture of our country's development and our economy science. Now the moment has come when the rehabilitation of the scientist is supported by the publication of his heritage.

Keywords: cementan, cooperation, agriculture, NEP.

Alexander Vasilievich Chayanov. Immortal Ideas of a Great Scientist

Myasoyedov Boris Alekseevich,

PhD in Economics, Director of "Russian Encyclopedia" Publishing House e-mail:

ABSTRACT. Continuing The Tradition, In The Next Life Story The Author Tells ABout Another Great Scientist - Alexander Vasilevich Chayanov.

Complex Fate Awaited This Scientist Intellectual - He Survive Several Arrests and Deportations During Which He Continued to Work.

AS The Founder of The Russian and Soviet Cooperation, Chayanov Created Many Works on Theory of the Cooperative Movement in Agriculture. The Author Emphasizes That The Ideas of a Great Scientist Are Still Very Relevant in Our Time.

Certain Chapters Are Devuted to A.V. Chayanov "S Relass with Other Famous Scientists, M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, S.A. Pervushin, N.D. Kondratyev, As Well As The V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and N.I. Bukharin.

Unfortunately, The Works of The Scientist Had Not Received An Objective Assessment in Due Time, And to Recreate The Historical Image of Our Country Development During The Transition PERIOD AND OUR Economic Science Such An Assessment Is Very Necessary. NOW IS THE SCIENTIST IS SUPPORTATION OF THE SCIENTIST IS Supported by The Publication Of His Heritage.

Keywords: Chayanov, Cooperation, Agriculture, NEP.

who is A.V. Chayans?

Once in the late 40s, when it was just going to enter the Economic Faculty of Moscow State University, I asked Professor S.A. First-known first-known in the economic press of the 1920s:

Sergey Alekseevich, who are such cement and kondratyev?

As now I see the horror on the face of a 60-year economist, who retired in the first half of the 1930s, a five-year term in Ridder (now Leninogorsk), and then worked at the Institute of non-ferrous metals and gold.

Chayans? Alexander Vasilyevich? - He asked and was silent sadly.

After the XX Congress of the Party, I again tried to ask him about Chayanov and Kondratyev and this time heard:

It has not yet come time to talk about them.

With the same issue, I turned to him and after the XXII Congress of the CPSU. Then he said:

The word is about yourself they will say with their works. But it will, unfortunately, not soon.

Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov was born 17 (29) January 1888 in Moscow. His father, a peasant in origin, the boy went to work on a weaving factory, eventually he became a host companion, and then opened his own business and became a merchant. The Mother Chayanov came from the cultural educated family, was among the first graduates of the Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forest Academy1.

At the same academy in 1906-1910. He studied Chayans. His teachers were the Agrarian specialists of Professor D. N. Sanishnikov, A.F. Fortunate, N.N. Khudyakov.

During the training of a life passion of young Cheyanov, science becomes. But, a person is highly public, he is engaged in her as a matter that transforms the lives of people. Such an understanding of the social role of science spoke from his ideas, asked primarily in a student-teaching environment.

1 Now Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named K.A. Timiryazeva.

Twenty-year-old student of the 3rd course Chayanov writes the first job. It is interested in cooperation in the agriculture of Italy. He speaks of the economic revival of Italy and connects it primarily with the cooperation of agriculture, when thousands of poor small farms merged into various unions and at the expense of self-study created a powerful economic organization of a loan, procurement, sales, organized production cooperation, supported the cause of agronomic assistance to peasants.

Soon the second work of the Cheyanov "Public events in cattle breeding in Belgium" appeared, written after he, a graduation student, worked in this country for two months. In it, he again raised questions, closely related to domestic practice, in particular - to preserve the best breeds of animals.

In 1910, a young scientist was left to prepare for teaching work at the Department of Agricultural Saving. He was engaged in research on the agrarian economy and taught in the higher educational institutions of Moscow, a lot was published: they regularly published his scientific works on the theory of peasant farm and cooperation. In 1912, Chayans were sent to a scientific business trip, he visited England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. In the same year with the support of V.K. Dmitrieva and V.O. Bortkevich issued "essays on the theory of labor economy" in two volumes.

The socio-political and scientific activity of Cheyanov is connected with the cooperative movement. Since 1915, he has an indispensable participant of the highest bodies of Russian cooperation. Chayans and his like-minded people in the revolutionary period tried to turn cooperative organizations not only in economic, but also socio-political independent effects. The cooperative movement puts forward it in the last composition of the Provisional Government for the post of comrade (Deputy) Minister of Agriculture.

A. V. Chayanov - an active participant in the events of the February Revolution of 1917. By providing strong support to the temporary government, he considered the consolidation of public strength to cope with the aggravated

the ruin of the country. Overcoming the Food Crisis of Chayans devoted lectures and articles in the press.

The scientist supported the creation of a system of food committees: the provincial, county and volost, elected democratic pathways and accountable people, sought to contribute to radical transformations in agriculture. At the All-Russian Cooperative Congress (March 25-27, 1917), Chayans were elected a member of the Council of All-Russian Cooperative Congresses - the highest management body of the cooperative movement.

After the October coup, A. V. Chayanov teaches at the Petrovskaya Academy and in the Communist University. Ya.M. Sverdlova, creates an independent research institute of agricultural economy and heads it. He occupies senior posts in Russian cooperation - in Centrosyuze, is a member of the board of the Agricultural People's Commissariat, the representative of His in the State University. In 1919, the scientist publishes "the main ideas and forms of the organization of peasant cooperation." Since 1919, in the People's Commissariat of Agriculture prepares a plan for the restoration of agriculture, heads the scientific seminary on agricultural economy and politics. In 1921-1923 Chayans - Member of the Collegium of the Commissar Commissar RSFSR. In 1922, a major research institute was organized on the basis of a seminary in the Petrovskaya Academy, and the leadership of A.V. Chayanov.

For the 1920s. There is a flourishing of scientific research. In 1922-1923 He makes a semi-average foreign business trip: visits the USA, Germany, personally meets leading foreign scientists, outlines, publishes its main scientific work "The Doctrine of Peasant Economy" in Berlin.

Upon returning from the Travel of Chayans, continues to work in Narkomzem, a lot of strength gives teaching work, leading the institution of agricultural economy. Period 1923-1927 - The most fruitful in the life of a scientist, it was then that its main generalizing works "Organization of the Peasant Economy" (1925), "Brief Cooperation Course" (1925), "The main ideas and forms of the organization of agricultural cooperation" (1927).

To clarify the economic relations in the village in the summer of 1925, the research institutes of agricultural savings, headed by A. V. Chayanov, conducts a number of expeditions. The results of expeditions allow the scientist to establish the six main social types of peasant farms. The main thing is that he always sought, - to get "mass data" about economic phenomena, samples and trends. This approach has developed in a young scientist when A.V. Chayans spent in 1910-1912. Studies of the monetary budgets of peasant farms and issued the work "The experience of a questionnaire of the monetary elements of the peasant farm". Already in Soviet times, these studies continued to find out the conditions for the success of the cooperation of peasant farms.

A.V. Chayans actively participated in the economic activity of the Bolshevik state. He entered the leadership of a number of cooperative and government agencies of Soviet Russia. Specialists of its research institute in the twenties have been developed a package of short-term and long-term projects, forecasts of state economic policy. From 1918 to 1930, Chayans published more than two dozen articles on the theory and practice of the Soviet state economy.

In connection with the NEP coagulation policy, after the discussion on the differentiation of the peasantry (1927), unfair persecutions are collapsed on Chayanov. He is accused of an effort to perpetuate an ineffective small peasant farm, he will be called "an inexpector" and an ideologist of fouls. In 1928, the scientist leaves the post of Director of the Institute.

On July 1, 1930, Chayans were arrested - convicted of a fabricated case about the fictional labor peasant party. An open trial was not over him, he was sentenced to five years in prison.

First, the ceyans sat for some time in a Butycan prison, where he worked on two books. His son Vasily Alexandrovich Chayanov has been preserved a notebook in a simple crankoror binding. Her yellowed pages are written by liquid, faded purple ink. From one end of the notebook - notes on the history of Western European engravings, from the other - the outline of the article "Outdoor

transport. Materials for the five-year plan of 1933-37. " This notebook was filled in a prison chamber. Apparently, A.V. Chayans searched for at least some distraction from nightmarish realities, maybe it was hoping that the records would be useful in the future. Did not come in handy.

Then the scientist was exiled to Kazakhstan. Chayans arrived in Almaty in the first half of 1932, and in 1933-1935. Worked in the Kazakh Agricultural Institute. L. I. Mirzoyan. As in Moscow, he not only taught, but also engaged in the introduction of students to art. I put on the stage of the Institution Club 11 plays and organized the edition of the "Schi Yearbook". In addition to occupation at the Institute, Chayans worked as a senior economist-analyst of the Agricultural People's Commissariat in the balance sheet of the Planning Financial Department, in 1935-1936. - In the exhibition and preparation for the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.

By the decision of a special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR of June 28, 1935. The term of the Zayanov link was extended for three years. At the end of 1936, he was arrested once again, but soon released. E.D. Eiginson, a former student of the Kazakh Agricultural Institute, accidentally met Alexander Vasilyevich near the prison. He hurt the beard, was dressed in a torn tag, the soles of his boots were wrapped with wire.

In March 1937, A. V. Cheyanov again arrested and on October 3 sentencing. On the same day he was shot. Chayans died at the age of 49.

Proceedings A. V. Cheynova did not receive an objective assessment at one time. Meanwhile, such an assessment is necessary to recreate the historical picture of the development of our country in the transition period and our economy science.

True on A.V. Chayanov and Agrarians 19201930 Will erase white spots in the history of our agriculture, because these scientists with extraordinary scientific integrity investigated the state of the Russian village of Kanun collectivization.

A. V. Cheynova can be called a singer of peasant cooperation. He scientifically justified the direction "by cooperation". The scientist wrote that "in relation to agriculture Idea

cooperatives had no less meaning than all the largest technical conquests. "

A. V. Chayanov wondered about the future. The institute led by the Institute developed a model of "local plants", including plants for the processing of agricultural products, warehouses, elevators, refrigerators, repair shops and grain-cleaning points, road network and means of servicing transport, as well as electrification, tractorization and equipment with thermal motors.

We must today clearly imagine that the concepts of A. V. Cheyanov carry the famous distraction from the overall atmosphere created in the country in those years, but this does not deprive the specific observations of their scientific importance. And the publication of Labor Chayanov is determined not only by the needs to restore the historical truth.

Evaluating research A.V. Cheyanova, President Vaschnil Academician A.A. Nikonov highlights the most valuable for us: "Proceedings of the outstanding Russian and Soviet economist of Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Cheyanov, dedicated to the organization of peasant economy, forms of agricultural cooperation, the assessment of land and other resources, the rise of non-black earth, the agro-industrial integration, the creation of large farms, did not lose their importance And nowadays. The ideas of Cheyanov during the restructuring of the national economy of the country are particularly relevant.

We are talking about agrarian and economic work, written by A.V. Chayanov in different years and devoted to the problems of the development of peasant farming and intensification of agriculture, practical issues of cooperative construction, financing of cooperation, loan, forecast of industry development, spatial placement of enterprises, organizations and planning of agricultural work.

The German economists of T. Goltz, F. Erebro and Swiss Agrarian E. Laura are considered overseas predecessors. Their theories in which the principles of effective management are formulated on major capitalist farms, Chayans, creatively reworked for the conditions of family-labor farms in Russia. The great impact on the views of Chayanov also provided the works of German

economists I. Tuneen and A. Weber on the rational placement of productive forces across the region and the national economy as a whole.

NEP is the most interesting phenomenon in the country, in the politics of the Bolsheviks, in the activities of intellectual-economists who are not on the Bolshevik platform. In the days of NEPA, Chayanov, works were created on the theory of family-non-labor peasant farms and cooperation, on the practical application of theoretical knowledge and recommendations, peasant farms were examined in various parts of the country.

In the late 1980s, the media was shaking sensations: NEP was not invented by V. I. Lenin, A N. I. Bukharin, or Y. Larina, or L.D. Trotsky. The political atmosphere of NEP was determined by the Bolsheviks L. D. Trotsky, N.I. Bukharin, G.Ya. Sokolnikov, N. Osin-skim ... However, the origins of the NEPov policy should be sought and in the influence of a smallstorm environment and be sure to take into account the role of A.V. Cheyanova and N. D. Kondratieva.

Based on a common sense, after the period of military communism in the country, it was not accidentally introduced by NEP. The period of the 1920s, the NEP period referred to the "golden age" of economic thought in the USSR. Marxism's domination (V.I. Lenin, N. I. Bukharin, M. Krzhizhanovsky, E. A. Preobrazhensky, G. Ya. Sokolnikov) did not exclude alternative flows. Economists worked in science, who considered themselves Marxists, but not part of the Communist Party, V. A. Bazarov, A. A. Bogdanov. There were directions of non-Marxist thought, whose representatives (N. D. Kondratyev, S. A. Pervushin, L. N. Litoshenko, A. V. Chayanov, L. N. Yurovsky, etc.) sought results in the development of both economic theory, so and new business practice. The recent directions include the organizational and production school (N. P. Makarov, A. N. Minin, A. A. Rybnikov, A. V. Cheyanov, A.N. Chereinsev, etc.). The school arose in the pre-revolutionary period due to the rapid growth of peasant cooperatives, but the peak of its practical and creative activity falls for the NEP period. A recognized leader of the organizational and industrial school, A. V. Chayanov became the author of its fundamental ideas.

Chayans were not going to be limited to the Russian peasantry, which was accounted for without hired work, but distributed his ideas for India, China, as well as to most European and non-European countries: Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Nigeria, India and Indonesia. His theory of foreign scientists enjoy today in theoretical, empirical and practical purposes today, since it is best - among the world's existing models - describes the development of the Third World.

A.B. Chayans and M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky

Two scientists forever tied their names with cooperation. Among the first works, which were issued in the "Economic Heritage" series by the publishing house "Economics" in 1989, the books of M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky "Social Fundamentals of Cooperation" and A.V. Chayanov "Peasant Economy".

The basic principles, aspirations of cooperation are based on their works. This information allows the cooperative movement to develop with greater returns.

The Center for Cooperative Activities is born in Moscow at the University named after A. L. Sha-Navsky. Here, in July 1915, the All-Russian Central Cooperative Committee was organized, which formed in 1917 into the All-Russian Council of Cooperative Congresses. In 1917, this Council nominates cooperation as an independent public organization on a political field. The best cooperative forces of economic science and practice were concentrated here.

Chayans firmly established in this environment as secretary of the cooperative department. In 1919 his book "The main ideas and forms of the organization of agricultural cooperation". In the same year at the University named after A.L. Shanyavsky third, the emergency publishing was published by the book M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky "Social Fundamentals of Cooperation". Strange it seems that the Tugan-Baranovsky has no references to the works of Chayanov2, but even more

2 When commenting on the book M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky Publisher refer to the work A.V. Zayanov in 1919, emphasizing the common in the views of the authors.

it can be considered strange that Chayans did not refer to Tugan-Baranovsky in their book. It can be suggested that Tugan-Bara-Novsky did not see the author's strengths of the theory, and here A.V. Chayans ... The question remains open and curious.

The question remains open: as the ideas of the cooperation of two scientists to consider in connection with the Stolypin reform, with NEP, with Stalinist collectivization?

A.V. Chayans and S.A. Periushin

In the early period of scientific activity S.A. The foreshit was engaged in the problems of peasant economy and the methodology of budgetary research of family enterprises in the village. It is important to note that A. V. Chayanov, S. A. Pervushin, N. P. Makarov and A. A. Rybnikov developed a profit-expenditure book, taking into account not only a cash, but also a natural turnover of values \u200b\u200bin the peasant economy.

In his work "From the field of budget research methodology" S.A. Pervushin writes about the main typical difficulties found with a budgetary study, and refers to A.V. Cheynova: "The registrar who has polled several farms is often hanned in the unwitting direct signs of numbers"

Here A.V. Chayans sees a negative impact of politician statistics.

In 1910-1917 In the "works of the statistic and economic department of Moscow Zemstvo" and individual publications, the work of Sergei Alekseevich on the statistics of budgets and budgetary research was published, and in 1917 the work "The impact of high costs and lifting public consumption prices in the war years 1914- 1916. " During this period, S.A. Pervishain led scientific controversy with A.V. Chayanov on the problems of budget research in the works "On the issue of budgetary research: two arrival and consumables of the peasants of the Moscow County", "from the field of budget research methodology".

A. V. Chayanov responded to the advanced provisions on the articles "from the field of the methodology of budget research (about the critical works of Perve. S.A.)"

And "measure of the accuracy of budgetary data (response S.A. First)".

A.V. Chayans and N.D. Kondratyev

N.D. Kondratyev and A.V. Chayans actively collaborated, although they disengaged in views on the path of conversion of agriculture. In 1917, participated in the development of the Social Program and Agrarian Reform in the General Land Committee. In the last composition of the Prime Minister Kondratyev - Comrade (Deputy) Minister of Food, Chayanov - Comrade Minister of Agriculture.

After the October coup, Professor of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy A.V. Chayans and N.D. Kondratyev organizes scientific institutions: Kondratyev - Conjunctural, Chayanov - Institute of Agricultural Savings. About the huge role played by A.V. Chayans in the activities of the Narkomsky, says the fact that in November 1921 he acted in front of the Presidium of the State District with the report "General Plan of the Narkom" for 1921-1922. " Under the leadership of N.D. Kondratieva developed a plan for the development of rural and forestry (five-year old Kondratieva): 1923-1928.

A. V. Chayanov and N. D. Kondratyev forever are associated with a common destiny - the tragedy twice unfairly convicted and twice rehabilitated by encyclopedists, uncompromisingly devotees of scientific truth, who returned to the halo of world recognition.

A.V. Phenov and V.I. Lenin

In the topic "V.I. Lenin and economists are his contemporaries "relations V. I. Lenin and A. V. Cheynova occupy a special place. In the cooperative movement, Chayans was a supporter of a compromise between the Soviet authorities and cooperation, proclaiming the possibility of their cooperation while maintaining the cooperation of independence in its economic activity. A.V. Chayanov - Member of the Cooperative Delegation on November 18, 1918, leading negotiations with V.I. Lenin about the fate of the Moscow People's Bank owned by cooperation. Two scientists, N. P. Makarov and A.N. Celintev, emigrated, offended by the nationalization of the Bolsheviks of the Moscow People's People's Public (Cooperative) Bank - the main credit center of cooperation, but Chayans persuaded them and other cooperators - developers of family-labor theory return to their homeland.

Largely due to the efforts of A.V. Chayanov was restored the world between the peasantry and power. In this regard, the details of the removal of the collectivizator S. P. Serda from the post of the People's Commissar of Agriculture. At the ninth Congress of the RCP (b) (March 29 - April 5, 1920), a military-communist resolution on the attitude towards cooperation was adopted. Having the goal "Turning the old petty-bourgeois cooperation into cooperation led by the proletarians and semi-tractories", the RCP (b) was logical from the Centrosian, provinces and local consumer societies of agricultural, forest, industrial and other departments and transferred them to the EMD, the Nitrip region, the Nitrome and other Soviet organs . The consequence was that sensible people appeared in these bodies. In December 1920, the Narcarrod suggested awarding "diligent owners." S.P. SERIDAGE opposed: "It is not necessary to bet on the diligent owner, and you need to put a bet. on collectivity. " And immediately lost the post of addict. S.P. Head did not know that the proposal of the Narkomskaya was supported by V.I. Lenin.

Why VI Lenin suddenly spoke in support of the fist? Obviously, he had previously seen others that the agrarian policy threatens a disaster, and began to look for an alternative. It is at this time V.I. Lenin gets acquainted with the works of A. V. Cheynova. Usually irreconcilable to any point of view other than his own, V. I. Lenin highly appreciated the ideas of the scientist and met him. Working on the article "On cooperation", Lenin kept on the desk the first edition of the book Chayanov "The main ideas and forms of the organization of agricultural cooperation" (1919) 3. In the working library V.I. Lenin was 6 of his work, which the leader used when writing an article "On cooperation".

Chayans highly appreciated the Leninist article, he believed that "cooperation is made one of the basics of our economic policy." The article immediately after the publication forced readers to take a look at a new one for cooperation as a method for organizing a new society.

3 In 1920, Chayans wrote a utopian story "Journey of my brother Alexey to the country of the peasant utopia," subscribing to the pseudonym Yves. Kremman. The story was printed on the personal disposition of Lenin.

In February 1921, V. I. Lenin proposed to introduce Chayanov to the leadership of the main economic citadel of the Bolsheviks - just formed by Gosla. A.V. Chayans did not accept this post, because in the same February became a full member of the Commissar Collegium and was supposed to represent the Dersication in the State University. In addition, Chayanov is included in the Commission on Oddnatalog, which has developed and adopted "Basic Principles for Construction of Object", with the introduction of which the NEP began.

In the period of Napa, Lenin wrote two articles dedicated to cooperation. After that, the word "cooperation" became the most popular in the country. For Kayanov, whose cooperative movement was the main scientific and practical task, such attention of the country to cooperation was a serious problem. In connection with the Leninskie articles of Chayans, in re-delivered work, the "short course of cooperation" notes: "When they talk about the future of the village in our days, then most often they have their hopes for cooperation. However, this does not mean that many clearly understand the essence of cooperation, its main ideas and organizational principles. " The scientist clarifies his idea on specific examples and suggests that the future of agriculture for cooperation: "This future makes us see in our work. The future grandiose socio-economic coup, which turns the sprayed natural peasant farm in a slim economic whole, to the new system of agriculture organization, and fully agree with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe death-term article Lenin that the development of cooperation coincides with the development of socialism. "

The theory of the Chayano cooperative collectivization relied on the real processes of development of cooperation in the village of 20s and did not contradict the Leninist cooperative plan. But if V. I. Lenin in the forefront was the socio-political aspect of the transformation of production relations, then A. V. Cheyanova is more technological. Regarding the time of transition to a large production on the principles of voluntary association, V. I. Lenin wrote that such on the basis of cooperative policies can occur "indefinitely", and Chayans stood in the same positions.

Lenin in the article "On cooperation" put forward a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibly more smooth and painless promotion of peasant economy to socialism through the use of benefits of cooperation, but did not specify which kinds of cooperatives he meant. Most likely, it was supposed to use all forms of cooperation, including production. In this sense, the Chayanov concept of vertical cooperation differed from Lenin.

A.V. Chayans repeatedly emphasized its solidarity with Lenin's statements about socialism as a strict "civilized cooperators". The proximity of their positions, of course, should not be exaggerated. But many of the provisions of the Cheyanov - about the independence of cooperatives, their connection with the market, voluntariness and gradualization of cooperation processes are quite consonant with the NEPO conclusions of Lenin.

Views A.V. Chayanov for cooperation was not unchanged. The socio-economic shifts that occurred in the country, Leninist estimates of the essence of cooperation in socialism, naturally, made clarifications in his position. A. V. Chayanov wrote: "The process of the rebirth of the internal socio-economic content of the cooperative movement, when replacing the political domination of capitalism, the power of the working masses, with particular clarity was covered in the death articles V.I. Lenin about cooperation. "

Life has brought the time limits, the possibility and necessity of a socialist reorganization of the village. From here there is a chayan plan for "cooperative collectivization". The essence of it is to give a relatively slow evolutionary process of gradual cooperation a little more accent on the creation of production forms. "The only possible way to enter into the peasant economy of elements of large farm, industrialization and the state plan, - wrote A.V. Chayans is the way of cooperative collectivization, gradual and consistent cleavage of individual industries from individual farms and organize them in the highest forms of large public enterprises. "

Leninist ideas about the cooperation of the peasantry formed the basis of the resolution of the XIII Congress of the RCP (B) "On Cooperation" and "On Work in the Village".

A.V. Stainov and N.I. Bukharin

After the death of Lenin N. I. Bukharin remained an interpreter of Leninism and the guardian of NEP. He refused rooted Bolshevik ideas: "Collective farms are not the main highway, not a post road, not the main path in which the peasantry goes to socialism. The post road will go on a cooperative line "4.

"The views of Bukharin (there was in mind his theory of the rustling of a fist in socialism. - B.M.) is largely converged with the views of Chianov type populists." .

In 1930, most of the participants of the I All-Union Conference of Agrarian, Marxists moved from political and scientific assessments to political accusations, directly connecting the "Chayanovshchina" with the right bias in WCP (b), with Bukharin. Starting struggle with N.D. Kondratyev and A.V. Chayanov, Stalin was preparing for the destruction of the Lenin Guard, they were the forerunner of the destruction of the right opposition in the party and the "Four of the Party and Lenin" - Bukharin. Most of the Bolsheviks with whom Condratyev and Chayans worked were in Gulag.

There is a version that Chayanov was judged as an active fighter with collectivization and ideological defender of family-labor farms, uniting unwillingly join the collective farms. It is obvious that here A.V. Chayans passed as a like-minded N.I. Bukharin - Stalin's political opponent in collectivization and industrialization of the country.

A.V. Chayans and I.V. Stalin

It is interesting to trace how the ideas of Cayanov's cooperation correlated with Lenin's political courses and Stalin.

If the views of A. V. Cheyanov did not contradict the Leninist cooperative plan, they stood across that politics in the village, which became Stalin three years later, after the death of Lenin, after the XV Party Congress (1927). Practical moments of the concept of Stalin about the transition of the village

4 Stressing the importance of their argument, Bukharin repeats this application at four official meetings in March and April 1925, including at the first conference of collective farmers.

socialism was opposed to the conviction of Lenin.

The farther, the more cooperative collectivization did not fit into everything the accelerating pace of the country's transformation. And the self A.V. Chayanova is increasingly called bourgeois or petty-bourgeois professor. His views are qualified as "nearanical", far from understanding the tasks of Stalin's Socialist construction.

The fatal role for A. V. Khayanov and his associates played a discussion of 1927 on the differentiation of the peasantry. There is a question about the stratification of the class of peasants: where does he go? Is there a bundle intensively? Is the middle peasant wash? Does the danger of foulness? All these questions had important practical importance for the fate of the peasantry, and for the country as a whole.

However, the objective scientific controversy was replaced by beating not consonant with the point of view of the so-called Agrarian Marxists. Stalin and his closest surroundings, contradict the common sense in the implementation of the cooperative plan, were guided by other ideas and methods, contributing to the NEP sunset. For them, one of the goals during continuous collectivization (starting from 1929) was the maximum possible transfer of funds from the agricultural sector to the industrial, knock out the maximum "Dani" from the peasantry.

Naturally, the concept of A. V. Cheyanova was against a similar purpose, and with the means of its collateral (the administrative association of peasants in collective farms, the cruel suppression of any resistance of "solid collectivization", the mass expulsion not only fists, but also parts of the prosperous sedia, the establishment of procurement prices for collective farm products at the level, which was lower than the actual value of 10-12 times). It is not by chance that in speech at the conference of Agrarnikov-Marxists on December 27, 1929, Stalin said: "It is not clear only why the anti-scientific theories of the" Soviet "economists like ceyanov should have free walking in our print." . At the conference on the scientist pounced L.D. Trotsky, then - G.E. Zinoviev, and then - and all participants in the conference. The views of Cheyanov and representatives of his school were announced by Anti Marxist; In the guise of a scientist gained a desire

preserving individual peasant farms, underestimation of the role of proletariat, protection of the interests of fouls. Chayanov began to be undeservedly numbered by the ideologue of fouls, the "tary opponent" of socialism and Marxism.

Conducting a course, scheduled by I. V. Stalin, and most importantly, the forcing the pace of reconstruction required not so much a conscientious study of the state of affairs in the village, how much elimination of dissenters. "Stalin, identifying himself with the state, did not distinguish between political opposition and state treason." Political discredit, accompanied, as a rule, repressive measures was the most effective way to solve the issue.

So the myth of the Labor Peasant Party was created, so the "TCP business" appeared. The terms "Chayanovschina" and "Kondratyevshchina" were born as synonyms of an anti-people and anti-scientific approach to the development of agriculture. For decades, the books of researchers, full reflections and searches disappeared in the Mogilets of Spetkran. At the same time, the practice of collectivization showed that the assertion of a monopoly on the truth in assessing the trends of economic development was a serious interference in the development of the country's agrarian sector.

Cooperation was in the vice of Stalin Socialism. The ideas of Cheyanov went to the Stalinist course, and this was the cause of repression against the Chayanov himself and his supporters.

Chayanovskaya Doctrine Cooperation

With the return of the name and ideas of Cheyanov, the question arose about the revision of the cooperation history. Cooperation has advanced to the head of agriculture, for her had his own way, in the years of Stalinism, broken by collective farm. Over the past seven decades of Soviet power, several generations of rural residents have grown up, who are unknown and alien to those who are unknown. That is why today there is a question about the revival of agricultural cooperation. In recent years, there were several attempts to improve agrarian relations: in the early 1950s, in the mid-1960s, in the early 1980s, in connection with the adoption of the USSR food program and, finally, at the initial stage of modern reform. In different extent, all these attempts were directed mainly on

the introduction of market relations in agriculture, economic calculation; to increase the economic independence of production units. The fate of land, collective farms, state farms, and from the 1990s, was solved. - Farmers.

Nowadays, when the reborn cooperative movement makes new steps, it is very important from the very beginning to correctly understand the essence, tasks, principles of agricultural cooperation, to see the objective conditions and prospects for its growth, represent all the varieties of forms and their interaction. Agriculture has to translate the vector to cooperation.

If you look at the publications about the Cheyan cooperation of the last 25 years, which have passed after the rehabilitation of scientist's work, you can see with how difficulty cooperation breaks your way, which turned out to be akin to small businesses.

Cayan cooperation as a social movement - on the side of history, where progress. Chayans built a universal system of cooperative forms. Classification and systematization - mandatory elements of scientific knowledge of the observed phenomena and objects. Chayans saw the basis of classification in the manufacturing process itself. He himself compares its classification system with a periodic system of Mendeleev elements in the sense that it leaves empty places where a new new cooperative form is possible.

The scientist considers the dialectics of cooperative forms, their mutual conditionality that organizes the impact on all agriculture. Initially, the most simple forms of cooperation are consumer and purchasing partnerships. They prepare the soil for the organization of sales cooperatives. The latter reform agriculture towards its greatest compliance with market conditions. Then the cooperatives for the processing of agricultural raw materials are created. Finally, on the basis of the created high-organized system of agricultural cooperation, production forms appear - machine, ameliorative and water partnerships, tribal unions, etc. In conclusion, "the whole system is qualitatively reborn from the system of peasant farms, cooperating some branches of their farm, in the public system

cooperative economy, built on the basis of the socialization of capital, leaving the technical implementation of some processes in the private farms of its members almost on the basis of technical assignment. "

In their later works of the late 1920s. Chayans somewhat changed the opinion of collective agriculture. Perhaps this happened due to the growing collective farm movement in the country, and an honest scientist could not not be considered with economic reality, it was probably a consequence of the social and political situation in the USSR.

Such are the common features of the cooperative theory of Cheyanov. The development of cooperation during the NEP years, world experience confirms its correctness. Unfortunately, in our country, the cooperative movement of the volitional effort of the State Apparatus of the Stalinist regime was directed differently, far from sanity, not a trunk bed. But the violent smelling of all cooperative forms to the collective farm led to the loss of their cooperative essence.

A. V. Chayanov Theory was the top of the development of theoretical views on agricultural cooperation in Russia. We give the most important provisions of A.V. Cayana about cooperation.

"The peasant economy is opposed in all its insignificance and weakness of a fierce step of powerful capitalist enterprises who receive their profits from the misunderstanding for the products of peasant labor and overpayment for the goods purchased by peasants. We have an ordinary picture of the deepest seizure of the peasant masses of trading capital and the authentic combat socio-economic front of the struggle for the level of payment of peasant labor. Therefore, for peasant farms, it acquires exceptional importance to the only reliable way out of the situation - the possibility by co-separating many thousands of farms to create their peasant special powerful organizations that organize the monetary budget of the peasantry with the help of creating their own - the peasantry of those serving and the peasantry of managed largest retail apparatus. "

Cheyanov wrote: "For us, the only true way of salvation is possible, unknown

and closed capitalist organizations, - the path of this: shifting the weight of the shock on the shoulders. Russian peasant farm. Need a cooperative social life, cooperative public opinion, mass seizure of peasant masses to our work. "

Currently, the conclusions made are fully confirmed in practice. Based on the need to take into account the ratio of the size of the territory of farms and placed on it, the production factors, the agrarian legislation of modern developed countries in Europe and America affects the formation of the optimal amount of agricultural enterprises, establishing often forceding such formations and adverse effects for enterprises that go beyond the scope of the state-recognized optimal sizes.

The Land Legislation of the CIS countries did not teach the developments of the Cheyanov and went on another way - to limit the right of private ownership of land and the right to use it. Such restrictions preventing the formation of the optimal dimensions of entities at the land may have the most negative consequences.

At the present time, when there is no at least a momentary threat to Russia, it is never necessary to return to the ideas of A. V. Cheyanov, taking into account the realities in the country: support for labor peasant farms, including cooperatives - collective farms, and the development of cooperative forms of agricultural producers providing them with the entire range of services, including processing and marketing their products.

The head of cooperation in the country should have the status of a government member. Then the cooperation is "lined up" and will manifest as a system to ensure confidence in the future.

Return of work scientist

Projects A. V. Cheynova did not receive an objective assessment at one time, but now the moment has come when the rehabilitation of the scientist is supported by the publication of his heritage. In the publishing house "Economics" are preparing for the release of his chosen economic work. As a publisher, it is clear to me that the breakthrough at the front of economic science is impossible without replenishing the intellectual "diet" of economists. I think

what to replenish the "diet" will be promoted by the works, research A.V. Cheyanova.

Return the works of A. V. Cheynova to the reader, and moreover, not only a specialist reader, but also a wide reader, is also important for another reason. In the heat of ideological contractions of 19201930s. It was born and even recently had a wide conception of ideological and moral instability, characteristic of the mood and behavior of the intelligentsia of that time. The emergence of this version contributed to the literature then produced. Created by her characters-intellectuals If they did not commit sabotage, then, in any case, they needed a serious "deliverance" to become citizens. The publication of works and in Cheyanov, as well as the publication of the works close to him in the spirit of the 1920s, allows us to imagine a genuine, and not invented the spiritual appearance of the people's intellectual, an uncompromisingly devotee of the scientific truth, which is inline for him from the fate of "our democratic statehood."

But Chayans was not only a deep economist, but also a gifted writer, a serious researcher of Russian art and an expert in Moscow history. He collected books about Moscow, painting and graphics. In the 20s, under the pseudonym Botanic X, he published five small stylists stylized under Russian prose in Moscow publishing houses early XIX. Century: "The history of the hairdresser's doll, or the last love of the Moscow architect M", "Venediktov, or memorable events of my life", "Venetian mirror, or the amazing adventures of a glass man", "extraordinary, but the true adventures of Graph Fyodor Mikhailovich Buturlin, described by Moscow Botany X and illustrated by the phytopathologist U. M., "Julia, or meeting under Novodevichy".

Doctor of Philological Sciences M. Chudakova writes about the Chayanovskaya Hoffmaniad, anticipating Bulgakovskaya. By the way, MA Bulgakov was familiar with the work of A. V. Cheynova. Artist N.A. Ushakov, illustrated by the story "Venediktov, or memorable events of my life," presented a book to the author of another unwritten novel "Master and Margarita". M. A. Bulgakov was shocked by the coincidence of his last name with the name of the hero-narrator

in the book Chayanov (the story was published in 1922). And today we do not less amaze the words spoken by Satan in the story of A. V. Cheynova: "My power, Bulgakov is infinite, and my long-term melancholy; The more power, the more longing ... "

It is possible that in the creative biography of M. A. Bulgakov, A. V. Cheyanova, played the role of a kind of powerful impulse. But the story of the Economist-Agrarian anticipated not only the Bulgakovskaya Hoffmaniad, but also a harpmaniad, which became a reality in the scientific life of the 1930s. It depends on us so that the gofmaniad of this kind will continue to remain only in the property of fiction.

rehabilitation Chiana

As illegally repressed Chayans was rehabilitated in 1956. The accusations of the "Labor Peasant Party" case "For the lack of an event or the composition of the crime" were removed from him by the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR on July 16, 1987 on the protest of the Prosecutor General of the USSR A.M. Recunova, the Supreme Court of the country ceased to a criminal case for the lack of a crime.

September 28, 1987 in the conference hall of you-Hinil (All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Lenin) English Professor Theodore Chain made a lecture "A.V. Chayans in world economic science. " For the first time, many of those who first heard the name of Chayanov, after a month and a half before that after reading the "Moscow News" newspaper "Round Table", collected by journalist Lvoskinsky with the participation of doctors N. K. Figu-Rovsky, V. L. Danilova and M. ABOUT. Chudakova, where he told about the rehabilitation of 15 agrarian scientists repressed at the very beginning of the thirties on charges of preparing anti-Soviet conspiracies and foolish turbines. For the names of the two main accused, the "Criminal Organization" was then the name of the "Kudats-Co-Social Communion of Kondratyeva-Chayanov".

In the report at the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A.V. Chayanova, Academician A.A. Nikonov said: "... not ashes of death of these outstanding people today should take us, and a healthy tree of life, their rich scientific heritage, scientific findings that have preserved historical tests and preserved their relevance to our days."

November 27, 2013 Inter-University Student Conference in Moscow State University "A.V. Storenov - Thinker, Scientist, Citizen" Professor A. G. Khokormov opened in such words: "Alexander Vasilyevich Chayans belonged to that Pleiad of Russian scientists who stubbornly searched for the country's development paths , its updates, developing common patterns, penetrating deep into the specifics of agriculture. Cheyanov was inherent in deepest patriotism. His scientific concepts flowed out of life and were aimed at finding ways to organic economic forms and social processes. "

At the present time, when there is no at least a momentary threat to Russia, it is never necessary to return to the ideas of A. V. Chayanov, taking into account the reality in the country. Namely: support for labor peasant farms, including cooperatives - collective farms, and the development of cooperative forms of agricultural producers providing them with the entire service complex, including processing and marketing their products.

The use of Economic Heritage A. V. Cheynova is a long and unhurried process in which his works, publications about him, the creation of nominal institutions, centers and funds, conducting scientific conferences - the necessary conditions The incarnation of the ideas of a scientist about cooperation. In this respect, N.D. Kondratyev is lucky more.

A.V. Cheyanov, N.D. Kondratyev, N and Vavilov. They return to us in Oleole world recognition. Evidence of this is the publication of the eight-rate collection of writings A.V. Cheyanov in France, the broad fame of his works in Hungary, Poland, England, Japan. India. USA, in Latin America. Working in extremely unfavorable for science conditions, A.V. Chayans created the works that have long been recognized abroad and are the pride of Russian science.


1. Book Review. 1988. No. 4.

2. Kondratyev N. D. Suzdal letters.

M., 2004. P. 100

3. Power of the people // Russian Vedomosti. 1917.

4. Chayans A.V. Food question. Lectures, performed on courses for training workers in cultural and educational activities under the councils of student deputies in April 1917 M., 1917. P. 33.

5. Chayans A.V. Peasant economy. M., 1989.

6. Tugan-Baranovsky M. I. Social Fundamentals of Cooperation. M., 1989. P. 41.

7. Perhearsha S.A. From the field of budget research methodology. St. Petersburg., 1912. p.16-23.

8. Cheyanov A.V. Flax and other cultures in the organizational plan of the peasant economy of non-black-earth Russia. M., 1912.

9. Agriculture Bulletin. 1912. No. 48. C. 3-6.

10. Chayans A.V. The main ideas and forms of organization of agricultural cooperation. M., 1927. P. 25.

11. Lenin V.I. Full composition of writings. M.: Politicization, 1967. T. 43. P. 227.

12. Cheyanov A.V. The main ideas and forms of the organization of agricultural cooperation. M., 1927.

14. Proceedings of the 1st All-Russian Conference of Agrarian Marxists. T. 1. M., 1930.

15. Bernal J. Science in the history of society. M., 1958. P. 628.

16. Cheyanov A.V. The main ideas and forms of agricultural cooperation M.: Nauka, 1991. P. 36.

1. Book Review. KNIZHNOE OBOZRENIE. 1988 No. 4.

2. Kondrat "EV N.D. Suzdal Letters. M., 2004.

3. PEPLE POWER. // RUS. Vedo-Mosti. 1917, № 34.

4. Chayanov A.V. Food Question. Lectures Given in Courses to Prepare Workers for Cultural and Educational Activities At the Council of Students "Deporties in April 1917.. M., 1917. P. 33.

5. Chayanov A.V. Farm Household. . M., 1989.

6. Tugan-Baranovskiy M.I. Social Foundations of Cooperation. . M., 1989. P. 41.

7. Pervushin S.A. From The Methodology for Fiscal Studies. . PETERBURG 1912. P. 16-23.

8. Chayanov A.V. Flax And Oter Crops in Terms of Organization of Peasant Farming. . MOSK. GUB. M. 1912.

9. Gazette of Agriculture. . M. 1912. No. 48. P. 3-6.

10. Chayanov A.V. The Basic Ideas and Forms of Organization of Agricultural Cooperation. . M., 1927. P. 25.

11. Lenin V.I. Complete Set of Works. . T. 43. P. 227.

12. Chayanov A.V. The Basic Ideas and Forms of Organization of Agricultural Cooperation. . M.: 1927.


14. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of Marxist Agrarians. .

15. Bernal DZH. Science In The History of Society. . M., 1958. P. 628.

16. Chayanov A.V. The Basic Ideas and Forms of Agricultural Cooperation. M.: Nauka, 1991. P. 36.

E. Kiselev: I welcome everyone who is listening to the radio "Echo Moscow" at this moment. This is really the program "our all." And I, her lead, Evgeny Kiselev. Our project has reached the letter "H", I remind you, we write the history of the Fatherland in the twentieth century in the faces. We are alphabetically and choose three, and sometimes more than the heroes on each letter. And so, as I said, we reached the letter "h". I will remind you that the letter "h" we will have three heroes. On the Internet, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev was chosen when voting on the Echo Echo website, for me it was some surprise, but why not! Probably, many people want to figure out, separating the cinematic chapayev, literary from the true hero that it was for the person who was so loved before the boys watch movies, and not only the boys, Stalin watched this film many times. Already at the later Soviet times, for some reason, jokes began to decide. We will talk about Chapaev, it will be interesting.

I think it will be interesting to talk about Olga Czech, this is my choice, I have the right to remind the rules of the game, choose one of the heroes, as the author and leading this program, and when voting live air, Chose a scientist, economist, Agrarian, writer Alexander Vasilyevich Cheyanov. A person is absolutely outstanding fate, which we will talk about today. Let me present the guest of today's program. Here in the studio, opposite me, Theodore Shann, a man who himself deserves a separate transfer about himself. Now he is the rector of the Moscow Higher School of Social Sciences, Professor of the Sociology of the University of Manchester.

Mr. Shanin was born at her time, as they would say, in Bourgeois Lithuania, he studied in Jerusalem, then worked for many years in the UK, in various educational and research organizations. I will not list all of them now. In fact, it became one of the most authoritative scientists in the world engaged in the problems of the Russian, Russian peasantry, it is even called in some biographical reference books the founder of peasant education not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world.

And, nevertheless, a certain sense of involvement in Russia led him here, to us, it has been working for many years in Moscow, while somehow manages to combine this with work at Manchester University. I will not be, Theodore, to torment the questions about how it succeeds, but the fact remains the fact that if the directories do not lie, then in 1988, Teodore Chain at a meeting of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, in the year of Century, Cheyanova read the first report on his contribution in agricultural economic science. So yes?

T. Shanin: so.

E. Kiselev: Tell us, please. When we exchanged, transferred what was called a pair of phrases before the start of the ether, you said that you were very pleased with what was chosen by Chayanov. But many people we have about Chayanov ... Now there was a short biographical reference about Chayanov, about the time in which he lived and worked, for many people it is the name of the street where the Russian State Humanitarian University is located. But if you begin to ask students of the RGUGU, do not everyone know who Chayanov is and why, what is his glory.

T. Shanin: Chayans, firstly, represents a group of scientists, a brilliant group of scientists, which created a Russian peasant education, because at the beginning of the last century the most solid work that was done in connection with the assessment and analysis of the peasantry was made in Russia. There were several more countries, but this is not the list to which we are accustomed, it is not England, America, France, or it is Germany and Italy. This is Eastern Europe. And in this sense, the only ones who did work at the same level, but less, did, of course, are scientists from Poland and Romania.

And the Russian scientists have conducted all this development, among which, I think, Chayanov was the most brilliant representative of something very new and for Russia, and for Europe. Therefore, at this moment, I agree with you that if you talk to students on the street Cheyanov, they will not really know who such as Chayans. But at the same time, Chayanov knows quite well in Brazil, in other places in Latin America, in India. This is a place where if you call the Cheyanov, in any case, an educated society, an academic society knows well as the central figure of the analysis of rural societies.

E. Kiselev: If we talk about the system of his views on the economy of agriculture, on the role of the peasantry, then what is the point?

T. Shanin: I would say that the essence of his importance is that he and his colleagues, not only he worked on the model of the rural economy, the peasant rural economy, which is not capitalist and at the same time is not a state. That is, this is the third economy against the normal separation, which was often then used to be used. This is or Soviet, state, something in this spirit, or capitalist, and such things. Thus, he created with his colleagues thematic elements and theories that became important for different countries, not only for Russia.

And in particular, it is important today in terms of direct use in the countries of large peasant groups of the Third World, i.e. On the one hand, India, on the other side of Brazil. But in my opinion, you can argue with this, what I say, it is also very important for understanding the informal economy, which exists not only in peasant countries, but determines a largely economic development in countries that do not have almost That the peasantry.

E. Kiselev: What does the "informal economy" mean?

T. Shanin: This is an economy that does not relieve several fundamental canons or the facts of the capitalist economy.

E. Kiselev: How for example?

T. Shanin: such as maximizing income, there is a goal of economic action. This will tell everyone who works in the capitalist economy. In the peasant, informal economy, this clarity disappears, because very often the goal of economic action is not to maximize income, but to ensure that everyone is busy. That is, the method ...

E. Kiselev: All are busy for what?

T. Shanin: Are busy work. And the goal is to ensure that the whole family can work, and not to be somewhere at the end, it turned out that maximize income here.

E. Kiselev: Wait! Give an example of people who are in Russia now representatives, subjects of the informal economy.

T. Shanin: In Russia, you will now find people who, firstly a broad "gray" economy, which is partially informal.

E. Kiselev: Well, for example?

T. Shanin: Well, let's say, buy and sell tickets before the theater. This is not a production normal activity, it is not maximizing revenues in a normal value, this is a search for marginal income for the main economy, which can be kept at certain conditions most of the population. This situation where the family economy organizes people's lives in such a way that more important than the maximization of family income is that everyone has been busy. And that everyone could add something to what is happening.

E. Kiselev: The ultimate goal is to survive this particular person or family.

T. Shanin: Here you definitely determined the peculiarity of the informal economy. The goal is to survive, and not maximizing revenues.

E. Kiselev: Not in order to earn money, but in order to earn so much money to secure a decent existence at the level on which a person considers acceptable for himself.

T. Shanin: Most often, such an economy is built on family thinking. It is produced to do what to do and who does what in the family, not on the basis of the fact that everyone should earn more, and that this unit, family, it is an economic unit, a special unit creates optimal ...

E. Kiselev: Roughly speaking, in a rustic cottage of a rich new Russian husband with his wife, he is a driver, and it is a cook or a maid, or a cleaner. They get money from the owner for this work in an envelope, taxes do not pay, perhaps, are numbered by pensioners or unemployed and feel great.

T. Shanin: This is undoubtedly an example of the correct informal economy. But only this is a special category of an informal economy, where it is built on the illegalchable, the purpose of which is to bypass the country's tax legislation.

E. Kiselev: I say that they do not pay taxes not because they want, they are not used to paying, they don't even mind paying taxes. They just have such a small pension that they cannot live on it. And they go to work.

T. Shanin: So I said that this is the form of an informal economy.

E. Kiselev: A driver who is not a taxi driver, and which brings someone.

T. Shanin: Undoubtedly, this is a form of an informal economy.

E. Kiselev: And during the Times, the informal economy in the Russian village is what?

T. Shanin: The peasantry itself, which, we will not forget, was 85% of the population in Russian Empire. These are people who worked in family units. And in this family unit, the decision, who does what and does whether, was taken according to the interests of the family, and not the interests of an individual person. And the goal was very often survived, and not to become rich. It was not set as the central task, and therefore the division of labor, the decision to take loans, not to take loans to a large extent were solved differently than they would decide in capitalist form.

E. Kiselev: And in today's Russia, you can estimate the volume of "gray" economy?

T. Shanin: Very difficult. But I would say that half of rural Russia, more than half, lives in this way. Now in the city, a considerable part of the population lives in this way. And in this sense, if you spend ...

E. Kiselev: That is, in value terms we are talking about billions of rubles?

T. Shanin: Yes.

E. Kiselev: About the domestic product comparable to GDP. Not equal, but comparable.

T. Shanin: Undoubtedly yes.

E. Kiselev: Now it is clear why, despite all the crises, the people survives.

T. Shanin: quite exactly. I once during one of the interviews, when I was asked this question, I said how survived Russia. And he told them that then times were harder than now, i.e. The crisis of the beginning of the 90s. I said that it is impossible to understand how to survive.

E. Kiselev: Millions of people who are sent to their tiny cottages in the summer garden sites, it is the same?

T. Shanin: Undoubtedly, this is part of this.

E. Kiselev: This is when part of the urban population is converted to individual agricultural workers.

T. Shanin: quite exactly.

E. Kiselev: who work for themselves.

T. Shanin: And not only that. This is an important element of reflections on the informal economy. The problem of the family structure is included, it is never a clean economy, it is an economy through the prism of people's social life. And so here autumn, ride in small cars, potato bags from above, children in a beautiful mood inside, and go.

E. Kiselev: or baskets with mushrooms.

T. Shanin: What is it? This means that this is a group in which the family does not act just like a narrow family - husband, wife and children, but there is also a senior generation that lives in the village very often. And what happens? Summer begins, these children are transferred to the village, and two young people, a husband and wife, help to turn what you need to turn, plant potatoes, and leave.

E. Kiselev: And all this was the subject of studies of the many years of our hero Alexander Vasilyevich Cheyanov?

T. Shanin: His and his assistants, and also the allocation of this, as a special economy. It was the center of his features, as an economist, because he emphasized that there are two forms of economics in Russia, i.e. State, what happened from the point of view of the process pretty quickly under Soviet power, and capitalist. But there is also the third form of the informal, peasant economy, which is valid for other economic and social law.

E. Kiselev: Very interesting. I remind you of the guest of the program today is the scientist-economist Theodore Shanin, the scientist-economist Teodore Shanin. We will continue now, because the news time has come for the middle of an hour and literally a minute later, the other will continue the conversation with Theodore Shanin about the hero of today's release of the transfer of "our all" Alexander Chayanov.


E. Kiselev: We continue the next edition of our "our all" program, we reached the letter "h", the first hero on this letter - a person who chose you, dear radio listeners, is your choice, do not say that it was imposed on you to kissel of this hero. When voting live, you all possible heroes, and there was a big list, preferred Alexander Cheyanov, a scientist-economist, Agrarian, a man, whose name is called Street in Moscow. This name returned to us quite recently, during the years of restructuring, when steel, as they say, "smear white spots" and in the history of the country, and in encyclopedias, in biographical dictionaries.

And one of the first, who spoke once, was Alexander Chayanov. And our present guest is a scientist-economist Theodore Chain, the rector of the Moscow Higher School of Social Sciences, Professor of the Sociology of the University of Manchester, who works in Russia, and is widely known in the West, where he worked until the end of the 80s, he in 1988 The year, in the year of the Cheyanov century, we have already recalled at the beginning of the program, I made a meeting with a report on the life and work of Chayanov, about his life in science.

That's what I would like to ask you, Theodore. Still, Chayans dealt with the problems of agriculture in years when very turbulent events took place in Russian history. For example, Stolypin reform. How did Kazan belonged to the reform of Stolypin?

T. Shanin: He did not write much about Stolypin reform. We remember that he was a very young man when the Stolypin reform began.

E. Kiselev: Well, he was already an adult man.

T. Shanin: He was an unusually young scientist. He among scientists in Russia, despite his leading position, was unusually young. And therefore Stolypinchism, I do not think it was for him from the point of view of personal experience, an important event.

E. Kiselev: But he comprehended her later?

T. Shanin: Never worked on the Stolypin reform. I was looking for a lot, because I was interested to see how much he returned to it. He did not return to this. He was engaged in modern, and therefore for him the central element in those years when he received fame was collectivization. And he created a systematic theory, collectivization counterment, which determined if not collectivization, what? If not Stalin's collectivization, then what? He defined it in the book, which came out in Russian, and in English, more famous in England than in Russia, as often happens in such cases. This is the theory of cooperative development of agriculture.

E. Kiselev: Sorry, but before the collectivization began, there was a period of cooperation, there was a period when Lenin proclaimed a new economic policy - NEP, when a sales was introduced, if you believe the biographies of Chianov, which is easy to find on the Internet, he was then engaged in the theory of extended He worked in the Addict of Agriculture of the RSFSR, in the State District. Is it possible to consider it one of those people who were NEP theorists?

T. Shanin: You can, with a certain stretch, he undoubtedly put those questions that were stood by 1926, when it began to be determined if the Stalinist collectivization program. He printed his book on the theory of cooperative development. This book that protects the NEP, against the NEP proposals to stop and start collectivization in Stalinist. But suggests it without holding that there is. It offers further development of NEPA as central cooperative development. And emphasizes that this does not go for the socialist development of the country if someone considers it important. It is clear that the government believed.

But this is an alternative. Stalinist collectivization within the country, which goes to socialism.

E. Kiselev: Nevertheless, after Chayans appeared with what you call counter-ethereal, he was accused of being a defender of the interests of fuss, and from there was literally one step before, as it and It happened, he was proclaimed by the enemy of the people, he was attributed to participation in the so-called. The labor peasant party, which was not really there, it was absolute falsification, as not there was also a computer, as there were also many other counter-revolutionary organizations that were created by the sophisticated imagination of OGPU employees.

At first, as we already told the shorter at the beginning, he was convicted and hit the camp, and then, as many people who got under, if so we can say, the soft repression of the beginning of the 30s, their business was then revised, and in 1937 The year Chayanov died, being sentenced to shooting. My question - really he did not understand where he was going? What to join the controversy with Stalin for such a fundamental question as the vector of the trunk development of agriculture is suicide, is it dangerous for life?

Or then people, in your opinion, have not yet understood?

T. Shanin: You used the word that everything decides. You said "Central". The question was the central vector of development of what Chayanov has high profound his life. And he, I think, understanding the danger, I preferred to take the blow of this danger than to silent. And in this sense, he was not the only one, because there was a whole series of the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, which came to things to which they lived, their professions, their way to serve Russia, were ready to substitute themselves under the fist.

E. Kiselev: Well, yes, probably, you must first remember Nikolai Dmitrievich Kondratieva, who also was repressed in the case of the labor peasant party, however, he had more troubles, which began shortly after the October coup, because he was a companion minister in temporary Government. His ceyans in the year 1920 and first pulled it out. He passed one of the cases of counter-revolutionary, but thanks to the efforts of Chayanov, which was then in a relationship .... Lenin ... Chayans met Lenin.

T. Shanin: not only. We have books that lay on Lenin's table when he was dying, one of them "the theory of peasant farm" Chayanov.

E. Kiselev: When Lenin wrote a job about cooperation, which we, in my school childhood and in the institute youth, were forced to teach almost by heart, although it was not explained very much and remained incomprehensible, because it was not accepted about a lot After all, in essence, the cooperation, which Lenin wrote, was not the first stage of the development of agriculture, followed by the ... We were also taught, the cooperation was first, and then the cooperation went to a higher form, from cooperatives went to collective farms, although I really turned the agriculture completely in another direction.

T. Shanin: This is not a question of the influence of Chayanov on Lenin, this is when Lenin went to certain questions when it was put under the question of a question of something that he himself said, he did what every scientist would have done. He said that give materials, I want to revise them. And here is one of the four books that lay near Lenin Bed when he was dying. This undoubtedly affected these five last very short works of Lenin.

E. Kiselev: At the same time, how did Chayans relate to the Bolsheviks and by October? Kondratyev was a member of the Constituent Assembly, not only a friend of the Minister for the Temporary Government, but also a member of the Constituent Assembly, and his attitude to October was more or less understandable.

T. Shanin: Chayans belonged to the fact that the Constituent Assembly was discarded to the side. There are no signs that he said. But in my opinion, there is no doubt that he really liked it. Because he, as each Russian intellectual, wanted to see a founding meeting that creates a new government. But he never considered himself a politician. I didn't really want to enter this matter. And therefore shrugged and began to work with his own business, the case of the Russian peasantry, the development of cooperation.

E. Kiselev: I found such a quotation, preparing for this program, he expresses an interesting thought. He was already started to criticize, Stalin, speaking at one of the conferences devoted to the problems of agriculture.

T. Shanin: Conference of Marxist Agrarians.

E. Kiselev: He spoke about the harmful influence of economists like Cheyanov, Chayans was forced to justify. He said that he comes from the fact that Jean Zhores, the French Socialist, at his time, said that the revolution could be either fully rejected, or to accept the one that it was. There is no subjunctive inclination in history.

T. Shanin: Chayans accepted Soviet power.

E. Kiselev: Some Fatalism is such.

T. Shanin: not fatalism. The fact is that a very professional specialist who was interested in what he was engaged, and for which Russia was central and the very idea of \u200b\u200bleaving Russia did not exist. Cheyanov was released several times to the West, especially in Germany. He spoke German, as in Russian, and was closely with German scientists who were leading at the time.

E. Kiselev: Good that you, Theodore, touched upon this topic. We are in our programs try not only about specific figures, but also about the time in which they lived. This is a curious thing. After all, in the 20s, especially in the early 20s, when the war has already ended and the period of foreign policy isolation was over, when Rapalle agreements were signed, Just Germany turned out to be the country that for Soviet Russia was the most open, most accessible, people We went to Berlin, which was then the center of culture of Russian emigration.

And when the philosophical steamer went, he was not alone, there were several of them when it was decided to expulse a large group of philosophers, they were mainly in Berlin, and at the same time representatives of scientific mines were traveled, representatives of the intelligentsia, and communicated, continued to communicate With those people who lived in Berlin in the position of emigrants. It is extremely curious. During the time of NEP, it was like censorship, but there were private publishers, small private publishers, in which what was not published!

T. Shanin: I would add to this that the article in which Chayans unfolded the systematic theory of peasant economy, as a different economy, if compared with capitalist or socialist, he wrote an article on this topic, he wrote this article in German and published in Germany. And she never published in Russia to our time. Nowadays, of course, Dipped. When Chayanov opened in England, it was our discovery and a rather strong shock, a surprise, it was something very new and unusually interesting. This is a book on the theory of peasant farm, when it was published in the Anglo-Saxon countries, had this article as an additional article to the book.

This is the first time this article fell somewhere in the use of the scientific community of the West. After the Russian edition of the first Chayanov came out, this article has already come out.

E. Kiselev: You discovered Chayanov. What hit you most?

T. Shanin: I was struck by the fact that here I first saw a systematic alternative theory of the economy, which is alternative and in the sense of capitalism, and socialism. That is, the first time I and my fellow at work saw that it was not good, and this is not good, no, completely different, systematic, analytical work, which gives an answer, as otherwise you can look at the economy and on The development of third world countries.

E. Kiselev: And Russia in this sense was then a third world country?

T. Shanin: Undoubtedly in my eyes. And so I said that in Brazil, in the intelligentsia, people recognize the name of Chayanov much faster than in Russia. This is due to the character of Brazil. Now it is somewhere at the stage of development, which resembles Russia's development somewhere in the 20s.

E. Kiselev: What realistic condition was Russia's agriculture on the eve of the First World War? There is a point of view that was imposed on the people of my generation, which in school studied at the Soviet power, with the communist mode. That truly the village began to flourish only when the Bolsheviks staged a collectivization when people went to collective farms when they began to plow the land with tractors. There is a completely different point of view, the post-Soviet, the point of view that began to voice into the perestroika times, which in fact there was a prosperous agriculture in Russia, which fed and died almost all of Europe. And how really?

T. Shanin: I would say that if a look at my time was that only collectivization saved the Russian rural population from horrors, and the whole country, now there is a reverse look, the inverse tendency to impose another picture, on which Stolypinchism decided all these questions Practically, agriculture bloomed.

E. Kiselev: In fact, Stolypin did not bring his reform to the end, she resisted her official, the class existed already ...

T. Shanin: landowners.

E. Kiselev: the presented class was not the fact that in Catherine II or under Alexander I. Many landowners ...

T. Shanin: Resistance undoubtedly was. But this is not the case. I think that the idea itself is that questions decided, this is proved by the fact that in the past three years before the war, undoubtedly, the rapid growth of agricultural development indices. Agriculture is such a structure in which for three years it is impossible to determine anything. It is fundamentally wrong that each specialist in this field knows.

E. Kiselev: depending on where, and depending on which cultures are grown, you want to say that?

T. Shanin: not only. In three years, things are not moving so quickly. So the weather and all sorts of things that are not connected ...

E. Kiselev: But Russia exported grain?

T. Shanin: Yes, of course.

E. Kiselev: It exported grain because consumption was low in the country?

T. Shanin: Undoubtedly.

E. Kiselev: From poverty Consumption was low?

T. Shanin: Yes, specialists from the group of Cheynov often called it hungry exports. And it is right. There was a position in which the part of the village was starved. The famine is not the point of what happened in 1921-1922. On the Volga, hunger, in which Syoul died. But malnutrition systematically. And this export was built on this database. In any case, part of this export. In addition, Russian bread at the time that came to Europe was considered the lowest quality level. So due to the quality of low and at the expense of half anoline, the villages undoubtedly happened.

Although there were areas where it went differently. The problem of Russia is that it is such a large country, and therefore different processes can occur differently in different areas. AT new Russia There was a development of capitalist economy. And pretty blooming was. And in other parts of Russia, there was a different way.

E. Kiselev: We did not say that Chayanov was also a writer. Did you read his books?

T. Shanin: Yes, of course.

E. Kiselev: And how is it a good literature?

T. Shanin: This is a good literature. He was special in his approach to the economy because he was alternative in the economy. Writing was also. This is science fiction. But only this science fiction at that time wrote ahead, 300 years saw how it would be. He wrote this fantastics back, i.e. What was in the times of Catherine or something in this spirit. The book was built on principles, very close to books on science fiction, but back, and not forward. And of course, with brilliant knowledge and understanding of the history of Russia of the past.

E. Kiselev: He was an expert in history, besides the fact that he was a agrarian scientist, besides the fact that he wrote a socio-fantastic story, he was still engaged in the history of Moscow, he had books about Petrovsko-Razumovsky, he collected icons, he He was a man in a sense of an encyclopedist. There was a hero of our today's program, we talked about it today with our guest, with the theodore Shanin, Professor of the University of Manchester and the rector of the Moscow Higher School of Social Sciences, a man who in a sense returned to Russia, Zayanov, because he was the first to speak about him in the years of restructuring , Speaking with the report by Century Chayanov at the meeting of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

You, Theodore, thank you very much, because, thank God, that the true heroes were returned to us, if you please, the Sveti of our history, our science, our culture. Thank you very much.

T. Shanin: Thank you. I would like to add two things. Think whether it should not be made somewhere in the course of what will show. There are two things there. In the center of this struggle for the return of Chayanov there were two Russian colleagues. One is the president who Vaski's academician Nikonov's time, and the second is the best specialist in the peasantry of Russia - Viktor Danilov. These are the people who need to remember, because it is not an Englishman brought, I brought. But it was. And the second is what I gave my rectorhood a year ago, I am now the president, there is a new rector.

E. Kiselev: This is an important clarification. President of the Moscow Higher School of Social Sciences Theodore Chain was the guest of our program. That's all, I say goodbye to you, see you next Sunday.

130 years ago Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov born (January 17, 1888, Moscow - October 3, 1937, Alma-Ata) - Russian and Soviet economist, sociologist, social anthropologist, founder of interdisciplinary peasant studies, science fiction writer and utopist, author of the concept of labor peasant farm and moral Economy. He is a bright representative of the generation of the Russian intelligentsia of the beginning of the 20th century.

Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov was born in 1888 in a secured and cultural merchant family. Father - from the peasants of the Vladimir province, the boy worked on the weaving factory Ivanovo-Voznesensk, gradually became a companion of the owner, then opened his own business. As you can see, social elevators in the Russian Empire worked properly. The mother came from Vyatka Messenche.
After graduating from the private real school of K. P. Voskresensky, in 1906 he entered the Moscow Agricultural Institute (most likely under the influence of relatives: his mother was one of the first women who graduated from the Petrovskaya Academy, His graduate was also a cousin Alexander - famous death experience Socrates Konstantinovich Chayans ).

Its first scientific work dedicated to cooperation processes in the agriculture of Italy, Chayanov publishes while studying at the third year. The second scientific work of Cheyanov "Public events on cattle breeding in Belgium" was written in the graduation course after two months of work in this country. The graduate work performed under the leadership of A. F. Fortunatov.
His classmate and friend was Nikolai Vavilov, who later recalled the years of study:
It was time when there were 300 students in the Academy who knew each other when the entire Academy from professors to students was a big friendly family. It was time for the circles of natural science lovers, public agronomy, complemented by a fairly excellent school. The student caught the ideas of the professors and quickly turned into a researcher.

In 1911, having received a diploma of an agronomy degree, Chayanov was left at the Institute for training for the emergence of the Department of Agricultural Savings. In 1912, he was sent to a scientific business trip: visited England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy.
Returning, taught in the Native Institute and People's University of Shanyavsky. Teaching and research activities combined with participation in cooperative and public organizations. He was one of the organizers and managers of the central partnership of flasks (central union of linodocheic cooperatives - flax center) of Russia.
In 1912, the first part of his book "Essays on the theory of Labor" was published in Moscow. In it, he put forward the situation "Every labor economy has a limit of its products, which is determined by the commensuity of annual labor with the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the economic family."
In 1913, he became an associate professor, in 1915 he was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor. In the scientific plan, one of the main activities of Cheyanov was the development of the theory of peasant economy.

Chayans was an active participant in the February Revolution. If he knew how it would end ... At the All-Russian Cooperative Congress (1917), a member of the Council of the All-Russian Cooperative Congress - the Supreme Cooperative Motion Authority was elected. A prominent worker of the cooperative movement of Russia after the February Revolution. The author of the radical agrarian program. Member of the Main Groom Committee, established for the preparation and implementation of land changes, member of the Provisional Council of the Russian Republic (Prepaired), Comrade Minister of Agriculture in the Interim Government (stayed at this post for about two weeks). In 1917, a candidate for the Member of the Constituent Assembly on the Vladimir Electoral District (list No. 7 from the cooperatives of the Vladimir Province), but he was not elected.

From 1918 he was a professor of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy.
In 1919, he headed the highest seminary of agricultural savings and politics, transformed in the same year in the research institutes of agricultural economy.
In 1921-1923 - a member of the Collegium of the Commiss Commons of the RSFSR and his representative in the State District of the RSFSR.

In 1926, Chayanov was accused of petty-bourgeoisiness and an anti-Marxist interpretation of the essence of the peasant farm. With the beginning of collectivization in 1928-1929, a wave of ideological and political criticism was raised to Cheyanov. If he used to be criticized for "nea-indoor", they were now accused of protecting the interests of the fouls and pulling the bourgeois agricultural theories. At the conference of Agrarnikov-Marxists (20-29 Dec. 1929), so on. Chayanovschina was announced "Agenthu of imperialism"in connection with the right bias in WCP (b); Speaking on her I. V. Stalin collapsed on "Anti-scientific theories of" Soviet "economists like Cheyanov".
The views of Cheyanov and his schools were announced by Anti Marxist; The desire for the preservation of individual peasant farms, underestimating the role of the proletariat and the protection of the interests of fouls.
But Chayans did not consist in political parties ...

In July 1930, Chayans, together with other major economists, was arrested in the case of the fictional "Kulacko-Esera group Kondratyev - Chayanov", which was in again the fabricated "labor peasant party", which was accused of intention to organize Kulatsky uprisings. Chayans about the mythical "labor peasant party" did not have the slightest presentation. A new loud trial, which, however, did not take place.
Cayanov's interrogations led the head of the secret department of OGPU Ya.S. Agranov and head of the 3rd separation with OGPU A.S. Slavinsky.
On January 26, 1932, Chayans were convicted by the College of OGPU at the Soviet Council of the USSR for 5 years in prison, four of whom conducted in prisons (investigative insulator OGPU, Butyrskaya and Yaroslavl). Last year The conclusion was replaced by reference to Almaty, where Chayans worked in the Agricultural Institute, the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics and the Add Commander of Kazakhstan. In 1935, the link was extended for 3 years. In March 1937 A.V. Chayans was again arrested by the NKVD. On October 3, 1937, he was sentenced to shooting at the NKVD of the USSR. The sentence was carried out on the same day in Almaty.

The paradox is that the Soviet government shot an old opponent of the capitalist path of development of agriculture. In all of his writings A.V. Chayans emphasized the unacceptability of hired labor in agriculture, opposed the operation of the peasant from major capital. The path to the fundamental increase in the effectiveness of the agricultural sector of the Chayans saw in the mass distribution of cooperation, in which the family and labor economy would gradually bother and moved into maintenance of large cooperative operations for processing, storage, sales of peasant products, purchasing and maintenance of equipment, the preparation of mineral fertilizers, Seeds, tribal, breeding work, loan case, in a word, all those operations where a large farm has a clear advantage over small. According to a scientist, it would help to combine the benefits of an independent economy of a separate family with the advantages that brought with them the common production and exchange. But all these ideas were not needed by the Communists, Chayanov destroyed on the controversial charges.

The wife, causing 18 years old in camps, died in 1983, and without achieving the rehabilitation of her husband. A.V. Chayans was rehabilitated by the USSR Supreme Court on July 16, 1987. The USSR Supreme Court Military Collegium established on July 16, 1987 that
"... Chayans A.V. and other persons are brought to criminal liability, they are convicted in extrajudicially and condemned for particularly dangerous state crimes unreasonably. Participants in the anti-Soviet organization they were not and were not engaged in extracting activities. Conclusions about the guilt of Kondratieva N. D., Chayanova A. V., Makarov N. P. and others are based only on their testimony on the preliminary investigation. Meanwhile, these testimony due to their contradictions and inconsistencies in other actual circumstances may not be based on the basis of the guilt of convicts in anti-Soviet hydration activities. In the protest of the Prosecutor General of the USSR, convincing data is given, indicating that the recognition of its fault by the convicts was obtained as a result of illegal methods of conducting investigation. Agranov, Radzivilovsky, Slavinsky and other persons involved in the consideration of this case were subsequently convicted of illegal methods of conducting investigations on this and other criminal cases. "
and determined to abolish the decision of the college of the USSR OGPU of January 26, 1932 and to terminate the criminal case for the absence of a crime in the actions, thereby legally rehabilitating the scientist.

The first wife - Elena Vasilyevna Chayanova, the daughter of statistics V. N. Grigorieva. They married in 1912, the name of the collection of poems "Lölin book" published in the same year is associated with it. Elena in 1920 went to the artist Alexey Alexandrovich Rybnikov (1887-1949), leaving the name of Cheyanov.
The second wife is Olga Emmanuilovna Cheyanova (in Maiden Gurevich, 1897-1983), Teatranted, daughter of publicist and editor E. L. Gurevich (1866-1952), Sister Physics L. E. Gurevich (1904-1990). Twice unreasonably repressed in 1937 and 1948. Sons: Nikita Alexandrovich Chayanov (1923-1942) and Vasily Alexandrovich Chayanov (1925-2005).

The scientist wrote many works. It should be noted that only during the study at the institute he published 17 articles. The main work is considered to be the book "Essays on the theory of Labor Economy". In 1989, elected scientist works were published in one volume.
In addition to scientific articles and books, Chayans also wrote artistic works. Fantastic fiction came out from under the pen. It is fought in the short period of the 20s and is represented by the fragmentation of the work - from utopia to literary stylization from the tradition of "terrible" and mystical leaders rich in Russian literature. In 1920, A.V. Chayans wrote the first prose artistic work - the utopian story "The journey of my brother Alexey to the country of the peasant utopia." And in the period from 1921 to 1928 - four more fantastic stories that criticized the name of the Russian Hoffmaniada. The first of them became the story of "Venediktov, or the memorable events of my life", published in Moscow in 1921 under the pseudonym "Botanik H.", which were signed and all subsequent stories. In a foreign commander A.V. Chayans wrote a new fantastic story "Venetian mirror, or the wonderful adventures of a glass man" and published it in Berlin in 1923. In 1924, his fourth story was published - "extraordinary, but the true adventures of Count Fedor Mikhailovich Buturlin".
In the story of "Journey of my brother Alexey to the country of the Peasant Utopia", an attractive picture of the dreams of Soviet "Desurbanists", defended the course for predominant development in the USSR of the system of small settlements. The hero, the author's contemporary, suddenly turns out to be in the utopian future of 1984, where this dream is implemented. According to the views of Desurbanists, old - historically established - cities were supposed to become museums of the departed household economy. This appears in the "Agrarian Utopia" Cheyanova Moscow. However, this utopia is able to effectively defend themselves, - at its disposal, no little, - climatic weapons.
In the story "Venediktov, or memorable events of my life" was ahead of M. Bulgakov in the description of the Moscow Dlavoliad, where, by a strange coincidence, one of the heroes is called Bulgakov, and the chief "villain" freely disposes of human souls won in the maps from demons. The story "Venetian Mirror" tells about the mysterious mirror twin, evil reflection, tried to replace in real life His owner. "The extraordinary, but true adventures of Count Fedor Mikhailovich Buturlin" - an amazing phantasmagoria, in which realistic and fantastic elements are intertwined: the girl gradually turns into fish under the influence of a curse, but elixir saves it in the grave of some saint; The hero with difficulty eludes the mysterious illuminates, which are not even people at all, and go to search for a long-lost family jewel. The story "Julia, or the meeting under Novodevichych" tells about the mysteriously appearing and disappearing in front of people with a stranger, which the hero decides in order to find ...

The published books A. V. Cheynova were banned by censorship and included in the lists and consolidated catalogs chief of the USSR, they were not subject to distribution, they were excreted from libraries. But not everyone was destroyed, since the part was released under the pseudonyms: "Ivan Kremin" and "Botanic X". If the first pseudonym was disclosed, then the second, under which Chayans released five "romantic" ages in 1918-1928, would remove them from destruction.

Organizational and production school (A. V. Chayanov, N. P. Makarov, A.N. Minin, A. A. Rybnikov and others) emerged in the pre-revolutionary period due to the rapid growth of peasant cooperatives. The leader of this school was the major Russian economist Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov (1888-1937). Main works: « Organization of peasant economy» (1925), « A short course of cooperation» (1925.).

The study of an agrarian question has become one of the key in the Russian economic school of the second half of the 19th century. After the cancellation of serfdom on this occasion, stormy discussions unfolded, which are directly or indirectly, all the leading economists of the country were drawn.

In 1911, in the Moscow regional agronomic congress met A. V. Chayanov, N. P. Makarov, A. N. Chelinsev, A. A. Rybnikov, A.N. Minin, G. A. Studenskywhich amounted to the core of the organizational and production direction. The leader of this school was a large Russian economist Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov (1888 - 1937). The main works: "Organization of peasant farm"(1925) , "Short cooperation course"(1925).

Subject to study a new directionbecame peasant farm where labor costs often exceeded the calculated yield of production, and the land rental was higher than revenue. Motivation of laborin such economy is Not motivating entrepreneurreceiving "as a result of the investment of its capital difference between gross income and production costs, but rather motivation of workerworking on a peculiar companion that allows him to determine the time and tension of his work. " A. V. Chayanov I wrote: "Studying modern agriculture as it is, we studied, first of all, the starting material, from which, in our opinion, historically, in the next decade, grow a new village, which turned a significant part of his farm in the form of socially organized production , Village, ... who used all the conquests of agronomy and technology. "

The greatest interest is for A. V. Cheyna represented family - Labor Peasant Economy aimed at meeting the needs of family members. And first of all - natural - consumer traits of this farm, and in the second - his commodity - market traits. Here he formed such basic concepts as:

1. Organizational plan - Subjective mapping of the peasant system of goals and funds of economic activity. It includes the choice of the direction of the economy, the combination of its industries, linking labor resources and work volumes, the separation of products consumed and sold in the market, balance of cash receipts and expenses.

2. Concept of employment balance - suggests a peasant who seeks not to the maximum of net profit, but to the total income. And, accordingly, to equilibrium production and consumption, production and natural factors, uniform distribution of labor and income throughout the year.

And highlighted six types of farms :

1. Capitalist.

2. Freewood.

3. Weight family - labor.

4. Poorborn family - labor.

5. Polisoltar.

6. Proletarian.

A. V. Chayanovopposed the nationalization of cooperative considered it , what:

1. Increase the efficiency of the agricultural sector it is possible only in the case of the mass propagation of cooperation, which should have anti-capitalist and antiboocratic orientation.

2. Profitability of cooperation concerning relatively low prices for products and in the additional income of its members.

3. Individual peasant farms are capable it is independently to conduct effective processing of soil and animal husbandry, and the remaining activities are subject to gradual and voluntary cooperation, since their technical optimum exceeds the possibilities of a separate peasant farm.

A. V. Chayanov Created the theory of differential optimoths of agricultural enterprises :

- Optimum available Where, with other things being equal, the cost of the products obtained will be the smallest. He depends from the natural - climatic and geographical conditions, as well as biological processes.

All elements of the cost in agriculture A. V. Chayanov divided into three groups:

1. Decreasing in the enlargement of farms (Administrative expenses, costs for the use of machines, buildings, etc.).

2. Increasing in the consolidation of farms (Transport costs, losses from worsening quality control).

3. Farms independent (Cost of seeds, fertilizers, loading - unloading works, etc.).

Optimum comes down to finding a point in which the sum of all costs per unit of production will be minimal.

In 1919 A. V. Chayanov In Moscow, the highest seminary of agricultural savings and politics, on the basis of which, then emerged from agricultural economy. In February 1921, he entered the Agriculture People's Commissariat. And after, headed the Department of Organization of Agriculture of the Economics Faculty of the Timiryazevsky Agricultural Academy.

Essence of the position Representatives organizational and Industrial Schoolthing is the cooperative concentration of production in agriculture turns out to be the more economically advantageous, the further to be able to cooperate with the sphere of agricultural activities from the direct work of the peasant with biological organisms..

Formulating its socially - ethical position, school economists paid close attention to the country and regional peculiarity, having laid the foundations russian economic geography. One of the most important tasks here A. V. Chayanov He considered the search "... formulas in which equilibrium occurs between the local population density, the position of the district against the market and its natural historical features».

Scientific the way of organizational and manufacturing school led to the creation of a fundamental direction in economic theory - teachings on non-capitalist economic systems , which is large explains the economic behavior of any organizationsnoting the purpose of their activities to receive profits.

New directionmanaged to create and develop family-labor theory of resistance of peasant economy which was a significant contribution to the global economic science of the beginning of the last century. The correctness of Russian judgments (later Soviet) scientists are confirmed by practical experience in the development of agriculture in different countries of the world up to the present.


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