Is it possible to transplanted a pear for 4 years. When to plant a pear. Planting pears in spring and autumn - secrets of success. What conditions are required for pear

Is it possible to transplanted a pear for 4 years. When to plant a pear. Planting pears in spring and autumn - secrets of success. What conditions are required for pear

Many gardeners grow not only an apple tree, but also pears. Those who want to enjoy their garden with this tree, it is worth remembering that it is not winter-hardy. Therefore, before planting a pear, pick up the right grade that takes place in your region. How to choose pear seedlings, how to plant, how to care for a pear? Reply to these and other questions.

Grow such a crop of pears - not so difficult!

Seat selection

What kind of pear is to plant? In order for your church to get along, and all your works were not in vain, it is important to choose a seedling correctly so that the landing of pears and care is not in vain spending time.

Before going after him, learn about varieties, select those that feel comfortable in your area, which care for the pear is required, etc.

You buy a seedling of a tree that will grow on your site for many years, so we take it seriously, because there is a big difference between different varieties.

Nursery seedling - Warranty of varieties

It is not worth buying a seedling in the market, since there you can sell at all what you wanted. It is better to immediately go to the nursery. There, not only the favorite variety will offer you, but also give recommendations on its cultivation, they will tell that it is for a pear, how to care for. If it is not possible to visit the nursery, agree with the supplier. A responsible seller must be attached to a seedling label on which there is also the name of the variety, its description in a few words, information about the breeder, recommendations on how the pear seedling should be landed.

Favorite Clappa - One of the best, proven varieties of pears

When to plant

When to plant a pear? You can do it in the spring. Then it is worth hurry, since it is important to make it before the seedlings will dissolve, that is, the landing of pears should be completed until the end of April or the beginning of May. Most often, this village is planted in spring in the northern regions, where winter comes quickly, and strong frosts can destroy the tree. But most gardeners on the question about when it is better to plant a pear, they answer that in the fall. Why landing a pear tree is held in autumn? When exactly do it?

Landing pears in autumn guarantees rapid growth in spring

  1. Autumn seedlings are better than spring. By this time, they fully anticipate the root system, develops an overhead part, and more chances to choose a high-quality church.
  2. When autumn comes, the sellers have a richer assortment, you can choose a variety that, and much cheaper than at another time of the year.
  3. In the autumn there are more chances to get young seedlings (one or two years). They are better than others, since it is easier to take root.
  4. At this time of the year, the soil still does not have time to freeze, it warms up the sun. In the spring, when you have to dig a freezing, cold earth, it is poorly reflected on the health of seedlings. For the thermal-loving tree, these conditions are not quite comfortable, so the probability of the death of seedlings is high.

Column-like pears are also better to plant autumn

In the southern regions, the pear is landing in autumn, since at this time the most favorable environment for new roots, the ground is wet, so the seedling quickly takes. But even if you decide to plant a tree in the spring, the pit is digging in advance, better from the fall so that the soil in the pit sat down.

Accurate landing time guess hard, but in spring best time Between April 20 and 30, and in the autumn - until mid-October.

We will tell about how to plant a pear in the fall, what kind of care for pear in the fall is needed.

Choosing a place landing

Before planting a pear in the fall or spring, choose a place to land. It is important to immediately decide on the landing site so that then you did not have to carry a tree to another place. This tree very badly tolerates a transplant, this is his biological feature.

Therefore, it is important to immediately choose a plot for it: smooth, light, where you get sun raysDry. It should have a fertile loose soil, but not too wet.

The tree is not very close to the residential house or buildings, at a distance from 3 m. Nearby you can land the other varieties, which is important for pollination of the flowers of the tree. What distance between pears when landing must be observed? She does not like darkness, so you should not put trees close to each other, leave a distance of 5 ̶6 meters between them. You can reduce it, make the distance between trees in 3 m. It depends on the variety. Observe a number of rules:

  • Place a tree to a sunny place where there is no shading.
  • Choose a smooth and dry area.
  • Make sure that the soil waters are not too high, otherwise the roots of the tree will refuse, and the harvest will not be.
  • Choose a place without drafts that it does not tolerate.


How to plant a pear right? Landing pear seedlings, as mentioned above, can be carried out in autumn, and in spring. There is no special difference, but we will tell you how to put a pear in the fall, because more often it is planted at this time of year. If you bought not one sapling, but a few, do not forget about the distance between pears, and otherwise the same.

How to plant a pear in the fall - step-by-step guide:

At least 4 weeks, and better 2 months before landing, dig a yat with a diameter of 1.2 m and a depth of 0.6 m. Roach it correctly: in one direction we remove the fertile land, which is from above, to the other - the rest. Do not make a cone-shaped pit, so that the soil has sedated evenly. It is impossible to leave smooth walls, since it hinders the growth of roots. Therefore, on the walls of the pit, make notches using a shovel. There should be from 3 to 6 m.

Pit preparation includes fertilizer refills for 2-3 years

If it is pear and landing and care are important. Take care of the fertilizer of the soil. Mix the fertile land + peat + compost + overwhelmed manure in the same proportions. In each pit lay 3 buckets of this mixture. Do not use fresh manure, because the gentle sapling roots may suffer because of it. If there are lack of any elements in the soil, mineral fertilizers are added. This is a potassium chloride (150 g) + superphosphate (800 g) + lime (1.5 kg).

Try to avoid blindness. Tree pear, how to plant right? Make sure that there is no blowout, and otherwise you will destroy the seedling. Root neck must be above the ground. Do not confuse the root neck and a place similar to it where the vaccine is made. If you pour land to vaccination, then the plant will perish. It may not happen immediately, a sapling will grow for some time, and will give the fruit, but then it will begin to get quiet, and over time will die.

Proper planting sapling

We need to be 1.5 m in the pit. It is needed in order to tie a weak tree to him.

How is the landing of pears?

  • First, in the hole, we smear a little ground to get a holmik.
  • We put a tree to the top of the Holloch and Root Roots. I smell the earth.
  • From time to time, the plant shake so that no emptiness remains.
  • Root neck - just above the ground level, the distance between the level of the earth and the root neck - 5 ̶ 6 cm.

Pour the tree. So that the water is not dried, make a small hole for watering. For one plant, approximately 3 buckets need.

Now we need to pull the soil. This is done after irrigation, and otherwise the layer of dense land will not give water to penetrate as deeply as possible. Utapting is necessary, and otherwise emptiness can remain in the ground. Roots without land then rot. So that the soil does not dry, it is covered with a compost. It remains to tie a seedling.

Powder roots - should not be emptiness


How to make care of pears in the fall? It is moderately watered. Then loosen the soil so that there is no crust. Remove weeds that pull out the useful substances necessary for the growth of the tree. If a pear grows, care is simple. In the fall to the strains of trees tied fir branches to save them from mice and hares. For the winter, some gardeners make a tent from Agril to cover the village from Morozov. There is a way behind a pear - this is a trimming, but how and when to do it, this is already the topic of another article.

Juicy, sweet pears always occupy an honorable place on the table, standing out among other fruit attractive external species and excellent taste. A pear tree lives to a hundred years, so, putting it on his plot, you will provide delicious fruits not only yourself, but also your grandchildren and even perhaps great-grandchildren.

When and how do you need to transplant the pear so that it goes well and made a rich harvest every year?

Choosing a place to land a pear

To choose a place for your pear tree, it is necessary to take very responsibly, because if it is unsuccessful, one more transplanting a pear may not be transferred. She is very badly experiencing any violations of its root system, and the transfer to another place for it will be the strongest stress.

It does not tolerate groundwater, arguing roots, so in places where the primer is too wettered, for planting the pears have to pour an earthen hilly.

It should be smooth, dry and well-lit place, and there are no less than 4 - 5 meters away from other trees, buildings and structures. Pear is a large individualist and does not tolerate close neighborhood, preferring to grow alone. But to organize cross-pollination, providing the best crops, gardeners practices advise to plant a few pears near each other.

Selection of pear seedlings

Choosing seedlings, you need to pay special attention to the roots of plants. The more developed the root system, the greater the likelihood that the tree will hurt and go further into growth. For the middle strip and the northern regions, the optimal age of seedlings is two years: they are already strong enough and strong, but still retained the flexibility and adaptability necessary for transfer to another place.

For the southern regions, the landing of annual seedlings is allowed. Trees older than three years are practically not subject to transplant and are often dying when trying to move them to another place even within one site.

It is important that the seedlings have flexible, elastic branches and trunk covered with smooth bark without damage and stains. Roots also should not have modified or blackened areas. All damage to landing must be removed with a sharp knife.

In general, the tree should have an attractive look and cause sympathy to himself - this is an important detail, which, despite its irrationality, provides good rooting of the plant in a new place.

Dates of planting pears

The pear tree can be transplanted both in spring and autumn. The autumn transplant of pears is carried out at the end of September or early October, when the movement of juices has almost stopped, but the frosts have not yet come.

Warm weather in October will give the treeper the opportunity to adapt to the new place and to the upcoming winter. In the spring, the pears are performed in April, before the start of the saxation and reversal of the kidneys.

Time, climate

The pear tree loves dry, stable moderately continental climate (middle strip of Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Mongolia, Canada). When summer is roast, and the winter is cold. That is, where during the season there is no strong temperature difference.

The northern, harsh climate is completely not suitable for this plant. Such conditions simply will destroy it. Professionals are advised to plant a pear in autumn. Before the onset of the first frosts when foliage falls.

Better, if the weather is still warm (September, October). Time for planting pears in spring is the end of April.

Selectance selection and preparation

Any planting of the fruit tree begins with the choice of high-quality seedling. Seriously attribute to this issue in order not to disappear your work. The best pear additives of 1-2-year-old age. Make a careful inspection.

The tree must be durable, whole, elastic. Roots - without rotten sites. The dense root system will allow the plant to grow faster.

Barrel with branches - healthy. If there are damaged areas - delete.

  • Remove all leaves from the tree. Since the roots of the plant still do not work, and the foliage pulls moisture on themselves; dunk the roots additive in the water for a day. This is especially true of trees who have a slightly dried root system. If the upper part also saved, then all the plant is immersed in moisture.

Landing place, soil

Pear is a lover of light, heat. Choose the southern side of the garden for her. The plant is better to immediately attach a permanent place of residence.

It is poorly tolerates transplant. All the tree grows large, has a powerful high trunk, a wide crown, then take care of the spacious for him. Some varieties are up to 20 meters high. (The average height is 10-15 meters).

Technology landing

How to plant a pear? Start with the preparation of the pit. It should be a little more roots.

Its depth - up to 80 centimeters. For autumn landing, the pit is digging a week - two. For spring - it is prepared in autumn. The soil is needed, the top layer of the Earth is thrown into one direction, and the lower (dense) is another.

This soil is focused by the organichea: humus, peat. They will nourish the soil with nutrients, and also increase its looseness. In addition, the minerals of phosphorus, potassium mineral preparations.

Sour soil lime. Everyone is mixed. Going away from the center of the pit about 30 centimeters, drive the wooden peg. Height of it - to the lower branch of the seedling.

Make around him a hormick. Near the cola (north) to plant a pear. Her root neck should be either in the earth, or rise above it by 5 centimeters.

Sometimes the neck of the neck is very noticeable - this is the transition of the color of the trunk from the dark to the lighter. All the roots thoroughly straighten. Fall as a fertilized soil, well tumped. When plotting the earth, shook the saplth so that it is tight.

Proper landing - when the tree cannot be pulled out with power. Delightened, the trunk of the plant is fading to the support. Make a priority circular well, pour plentifully. The last stage is to conscientiously clinging the circle.

Follow the mulch to be around the trunk all season. You can use manure, grass, humus. The soil sends, it is necessary to plunder it. Since this can lead to dry drying.

A deep landing of pears can cause illness, even her death.

Video "Preparation of pit and landing pear"

This video will tell you how to properly prepare a pit and put a pear seedling.


What should peer care?


Adults pear trees perfectly carry dry soil. However, it is still necessary to water them. The best moisture is rain. If it is impossible, the rolling circle is watered. 2-3 water buckets for the year of the plant.

Optimal watering: the first time before flowering. The second time - after. Third - autumn, after harvest. In arid weather to water if necessary.

You need to pour water slowly so as not to wash the roots. Effectively will still be moisturizing with the help of a sprayer. After the plant requires stable humidity. It helps to save thorough mulching.

For aesthetics, mulch can be filled with small rubble, freshly curved grass. Slow drops from drought to abundant watering will lead to cracking of fruits. If the soil waters run a shallow, then you need to water less often.

Since the root system of these fruit is characterized by power. Deep slanting roots are able to extract moisture themselves. In winter, the lower part of the trunk needs to be snowing.


In the care of a pear, the soil fertilizer is of great importance. It depends on the peculiarities of the growth of the tree. When it is plentifully fruit, it needs more feeding.

If it goes into growth - it is not necessary to fertilize. Perhaps the plant has been reconciled. Print fertilizers take into account the composition of the soil. Therefore, it is advisable to make it agrochemical analysis.

If there is no such possibility, then the fertility of the Earth can be judged on a thick, wildly nearby (lops, nettle). So the food is needed moderate. Example recipe for the annual feeding of pears with fertile soil:

  • 3-4 kilograms of organicities (for example, cow manure); 40 grams of ammonium nitrate (or 15-20 grams of urea); 50 grams of superphosphate; 25 grams of potassium sulfate (or 3 glasses of ash).

If the soil is poor, then the number of fertilizers is increased by a quarter. Nitrogen minerals, as a growth stimulator, contribute in spring (2/3 doses). The rest is at the beginning of summer.

All feeders are entered into wet land, or with watering.


Pear care provides for the mandatory crown crown due to the turbulent growth of the tree. It suffices to comply with simple rules:

How to transplant the fruit tree

  • The cropping is carried out twice a year: spring, autumn; thin the crown, removing extra, thick planted rods; branches make one length. Too long just shortening; the lower branches are not removed, with the exception of the wild row. It can settle the causative agents of diseases. Therefore, it is cut immediately when the appearance. The piglery also negatively affects the quality of the crop; for trimming, a sharp secateur or knife is used; they are cut off the shoots at a right angle with a rapid movement; the cutting space is treated with a garden dressing.

Sometimes you can observe how the tree trunk during growth falls on the side. So that it does not grown curves, you need to do the following. Prepare powerful, thick wooden count.

Drink it deeply, with the opposite side of the sides. Slightly shove the soil, trying not to damage the root system. Gently pull the trunk to the support, tight it firmly.

Note that the roots during the procedure can be listed. Therefore, fall asleep their land, wonder well. Pour plentifully, then climb as when landing. Now you know the main rules for landing and care for pear.

With careful execution, after 5-7 years you can enjoy juicy delicious fruits. If the fruit tree does not start fruit after 10 years, then it is necessary to look for a serious reason. Each of them per season gives about 100 kilograms of the crop.

If the fruits are without damage, they are stored up to 250 days. Support correct care His garden pet. Then he will provide you with vitamins for almost a whole year!

Many daches in the middle lane would like to have more pear trees in the gardens. But, unfortunately, the pear is a capricious apple tree. Today there are already varieties that can be grown where pears have not grew at all at all. Choosing the right variety, taking into account climatic conditions, competent landing and good care will increase the number of pear trees in the gardens.

What to take into account

Climatic factors: the provision of plants with heat and moisture during the growing season, the conditions of the overwhelming. It should be remembered that the trembling of trees affect not only the absolute minimum temperature, frequent thaws, but also the sum of negative temperatures.

How to choose the right place to land a pear garden

It is necessary to plant a pear on an exalted place, with good impact of the wind. But at the same time, the place must be protected from dominant winds. It is impossible to plant pears on low sections, in brand, where cold air is stared.

The soil

Soil acidity is needed with pH not lower than 5.5. Deep, water-permeable soils with a power of a rooted layer at least one and a half meters, provided irrigation.

Without it, the layer should be 2.5-3 meters. Surrounding agronomy or just a gardener with experience, looking at the plants that there are nearly supposed to land the pear plot, can say whether this section is suitable for the landing of pears. If alder, the willow, the sash, the horsetail will be growing nearby, then the pear will be bad.

But the oak, hazel, linden, maple, Rowan will prompt that the pear can be planted. In the negarnamer, the pear should be planted only in the spring, but it is advisable to dig a pit in the fall. Usually, the pit is digging a depth of 60 and 100 cm wide.

In one pit, 20-30 kg of compost or humidiation, 120 g of superphosphate, and 60-70 potash fertilizers are recommended. It is impossible to make fresh manure or immature compost. When the pit is digging, the ground is thrown out of the top horizon in one direction.

From the lower horizon, the grounds are scattered in the gardens. The top layer of the soil on the side of the pit must be mixed with the organic and mineral fertilizers. This mixture pumped out into the pit on 2/3 of the depth in the form of a holmik. The roots of the seedling place on the hilly and fall asleep with fresh soil from the garden.

The root cervix should be 2-3 cm above the soil level. The soil will fall, and the root neck will be in the right place. It is necessary to pour a seedling, 20-25 liters per plant.

And to climb the rolling circle to peat or compost. In the first summer, if necessary, you will have to pour a pear 2-4 times. After irrigation to loose soil or mulch it.

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When to plant a pear. Planting pears in spring and autumn - secrets of success.

Pear, as well as an apple tree belongs to a group of seed crops and refers to the family of pink-colored (Rosaceae). This culture is the second to be cleaned and by spreading after an apple tree. Winter hardiness in pear, alas, Xebn less than the apple tree, in connection with this, its use is limited to warm reions, in the northern regions grow inexpediently. Grush - a tree with a lot of positive qualities:

  • she is durable, can give live and harvest for about 100 years, her Croon Pyramidal, that is, it is less thickened, and in the holes of pears you can envy, for the fifth year it will give the first harvest, and the maximum can reach 100 kg from the tree.

How to plant a pear in the spring.

To plant a pear in the spring you need:

  1. Determine with a variety of pears, choose the zoned varieties, a different period of ripening. Easily choose the landing site and prepare a hole. To plant a pear seedling in the spring, the landing point according to the rules is prepared in autumn, for autumn planting seedlings pears - spring. Support pears into the landing pit, according to the description below.

Where to plant pears. Choose a place to land a pear.

For planting pears, they are chosen, as a rule, the most illuminated place is sufficiently dry and even. In order for pollination to be full, it should be planted on a plot of several different varieties blooming at the same time. The most suitable substrate for the full development of pear is loose, water-and breathable, capable of keeping moisture in the corrunt layer.

The best fruiting can be achieved on soil rich in nutritional elements. Do not land a pear in lowlands, in such places, the level of groundwater, as a rule, is quite high enough, which in combination with cold accumulating in such places in such places, can be negatively affected on the plant. He really loves a pear shading, so posted on the territory Sapitan, try to highlight him the place, retreating from the country buildings at least 3 meters.

Planting scheme Pear - the distance between the seedlings of pears and the yyablock should be 5 - 6 m.

When to plant a pear.

The landing is usually produced by two years, and it is possible to plant in spring and autumn. Most often pear suits in the fall, in September, but if you decide to plant a pear in the spring, then try to meet the beginning of May (to the dissolution of the kidneys - in this case, the planting of pears is possible). In the southern regions where spring comes very early, the pear plant is better in autumn.

When to plant a spring pear - the spring landing of pears is recommended at the end of April - early May, to the blossom leaves.

When to plant a pear in the fall - in the first half of October. The advantages of autumn landing in these regions are obvious - it contributes to a more rapid formation of the apparent roots due to the content in the soil large number moisture, and this has a beneficial effect on the observing of plants and is positively reflected in the growth in the new season.

How to put a pear - secrets of success.

Planting the seedlings are produced into landing pits, which are digging based on the size of the root system, the roots should be freely located in the hole without bends and the chances. For a faster survivalability of a seedling in a new location, it is necessary to add nutrient soil in the fossa, mixed with humus, superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

On dense soils in the base of the boarding pits, you can add a bucket of coarse-grained river sand. After planting a pear, a wooden peg is driven into the landing jam, about half a meters high. The peg must be located on the south side, which will prevent a seedling from overheating in the summer from sunburn in the early level period. Among other things, the peg will help to maintain the stability of a non-fastened seedling under the gusts of the wind, in the first year of life.

  • The pit is digging with dimensions of 70 - 80 cm in width, in a depth of 60 - 70 cm. Copy a hole with a sheer walls, folding down the fertile layer of the earth in one direction, and if the clay / sand goes in the other way. In the pit. , fertilizers, mix the earth, make a holly leather in the hole and drive the peg in it. After the peg is installed and the mixture is ready, it is necessary to pour it into the pocket to formed a small holmik. On the Kholmik put the pear seedlove, straightening the root system so that they look down and fan. Soil is falling asleep so that the root neck in the end turned out to be about 6 cm above the soil level, the upper roots at the ground level. In order for between the roots, the voids during the landing, the seedling, holding the trunk, shake several times, after which the soil in the rolling circle is compacted. To make a pear seedling to a peg. When the sapling is securely piled up to the soil and it is sealed, a small hole is fastened. With a diameter of 20 -25 cm, it is necessary for watering. When watering is manufactured, the wells should be closed by peat, or by humus to keep the soil moisture.

How to determine where the root neck is pear:

Pear varieties for different growing areas:

  • The best varieties of pears for the Moscow region and the Central region - Chizhovskaya, Lada, Cathedral, Memory Zhegalov, Efimova, Muscovite, Veles, the memory of Yakovlev, Bryansk Beauty and Petrovskaya. The August dew is ideal for the Central Black Earth region, the Augusts of Michurinska Allegro, memorable, beauty Chernenko, marble alenushka, extravaganza. For colder areas with protracted winters will be like a field of field varieties, Lida, theme, Olga, granddaughter, Dibrovskaya, September fun, beta, Arab.

How to plant a pear?

Pear seedlings in the middle lane of Russia are planting in autumn and spring. The autumn landing is carried out in the first half of October, the spring - in late April - early May, to the dissolution of the leaves. In the southern regions of the country, planting seedlings are best carried away in autumn.

Landing pear seedlings in ground

In autumn, the landing of pears has several advantages: improves the conditions for the formation of new roots; A lot of moisture accumulates in the soil that contributes to the best survival of plants and their good growth in the spring, especially in areas of insufficient moistening; Increases the landing period. However, with autumn landing, trees are harder to maintain rodents from damage, in some cases their drying is possible, especially in areas with strong dry winds, or frozen underground part and roots with a significant temperature drop.

How to plant a pear?

The pear is planted into landing pits with a diameter of about 100 cm and a depth - 60, refilled by fertile soil. Their main purpose is to provide favorable conditions for the growth and development of seedlings.

Therefore, the more pit, the longer there will be a favorable period. It is well anchored by the soil or pre-prepared shafts (hills) can be planted and without landing holes. Walls must be sheer.

In the cone-shaped hole, the soil is uneven, stronger in the center, which causes the root cervix. They cannot be chopped by a shovel, making the semblance of a clay pot. The captured walls limit the growth of pear seedling roots and make it difficult for air exchange.

Therefore, you need to make notches on them. For the same reason, it should be maximized to break down the bottom of the pool. I need to be in advance (from autumn) not just dig, but also fill the fertile soil. Then to the Spring Planting, she will have time to settle.

Since usually sedimentation takes place on 1/5 depth, a tree, planted in just a dug hole, will definitely drag down and there will be a dangerous shower for it. For refueling, as a rule, a mixture is used fertile land with overwhelmed dung or compost and peat (2-3 buckets per pit). In landing Pits, it is impossible to make fresh manure - it will cause the root burn.

Mineral fertilizers are added depending on the chemical analysis of the soil. For example, 1 kg of granulated superphosphate and wood ash are dominating in the middle strip and wood ash. It is dangerous if the kidney dried on the top of the pear seedlings.

The plant needs to be planted, and then cut the dried part to a healthy place. Many people know that it is necessary to plant to the root cervix, and put to the place of vaccinations, taking it for the root neck. It leads to raw and heavy clay soils, it leads to reinforcing a swallowed bark, as it is not able to breathe normally.

Such trees some time can normally develop and even fruit, but will gradually begin to crack and will eventually die. Agenial increase in the upper layer of the Earth due to mulching, the introduction of organic fertilizers also leads to a bullion of the tree. Therefore, the landing is better to carry out in such a way that the root neck is towering under a small bias to the general level of the Earth. It is necessary to position the plants with a curved or one-sided crown so that its bare part is in the most illuminated place: from the southeastern or south side.

Sverhead and branches will reach the Sun, Crohn gradually lines and flies off from all sides. The seedlings should be put on the landing point so that its top rests on the base of the roots. This will avoid air emptiness between them.

Fall asleep, seedling slightly shake, pulling up. Then the soil will be evenly distributed between the roots. When the pit will be filled, plenty of pear seedling. After this empty, fall asleep and drip the ground, putting the leg along the radius from the trunk.

The procedure should be only such. It is first to completely pull the land, and then water, since the compacted surface delays water and contributes to the formation of the air bubble between the roots. Without contact with the soil, they can mold and bend.

To protect against drying the soil around the seedling, cover with any girlfriend (peat, compost, up to paper). Another successful survival is promoted by the fixed position of the roots. It is possible only without swing a seedlings by the wind.

Therefore, it is necessary to fasten it to a deeply driven cola. Grush is a wonderful fruiting tree, it develops well and grows in the garden, but it is important for this to produce the right landing. Pear landing has some rules that cannot be broken. It is necessary to choose in advance, preferably for half a year before the landing.

Since the pear plant is usually in the spring, the pits for it are better to prepare in the fall. If the land is not fertile, in a prepared yam with a diameter of about 1 meter and a fertile soil is added to a diameter of 60 centimeters. It is necessary to provide favorable conditions for the growth and development of a seedling.

For refueling, you can prepare a mixture of fertile soil, rewinding manure or compost and peat. Each pit need to add 2-3 buckets of the mixture.

In no case cannot be made of a mixture with fresh manure, it will cause the burn of the gentle roots of pear. In dependence on chemical composition Soil can add mineral fertilizers. On the sublinks that prevail in the middle strip of Russia, wood ash and superphosphate in granules should be saved with the walls.

If it is a cone-shaped, the soil will settle unevenly, which can be dangerous for a seedling due to the root of the root neck. The walls should not be smooth, because it will worsen the air exchange and prevents the normal growth of the roots.

On the walls should be made of woven shovels and caustious the bottom of the pits of the pits as possible. For the winter, the land in the prepared pit will be able to settle down, and then the planted pear will not delay down, it will not happen so dangerous for the seedling of this tree of glukes. If the soil is quite evilurined and fertile, Or special shafts for planting are prepared, you can not cook landing pits. Saplings are planting in recess with the size of the root system.

Sometimes you can simply place them on the explosive land, falling asleep the roots of fertile soil, and then expand the resulting Hollyk. It will emphasize that it is extremely dangerous for a pearlet, so you need to take steps against it. Support Pear needed to the root neck, not to confuse it with the vaccination location. ! If you hang up the land before vaccination, the bark will be rotated, which will lead to the death of the tree.

Sozhenians planted in this way can even for some time develop and bring the fruits, but over time they will dry and die. In the landing point, the seedling needs to be put in such a way that the root base rests on the earthlings. Such a method is applied to avoid the formation of air emptiness between roots.

The seedling should stand so that the root neck is above the level of the earth in the pit and located with a slight bias. This is done so that when mulching and making fertilizers does not occur blindness of the tree. Soil is uniformly distributed, you need to pull the seedling to pull the ground when filling the pan. When the pit is completely fill in the ground, it should be completely covered with a sapling.

Then add an earth if empties were formed, and drown it. It follows only after irrigation, otherwise the compacted layer of the soil will not give water to penetrate all over the space of the ground, which also can lead to the formation of voids extremely dangerous for the roots.

Roots that do not contact the soil will mold and rot. After the tree should be covered with some kind of grain material - a compost, peat or even paper. The soil under the passionate layer will dry less. This seedlock did not swing the wind, and the position of his roots was recorded, it is desirable to knock the peg deep near him.

Next, with the help of a rope tied in the form of the eight, attach a seedling to this peg. Such a type of attachment will not pose a tree trunk. If the seedling is a single-sided crown or it is curved, it should be orienting it so that part of the crown with a smaller number of branches is most highlighted - on the southern or south-east side.

This position will adjust the crown, because the branches and the trunk will reach out to the sun. Over time, the crown is leveled and will become fluffy on all sides. The center with the raspberry kidneys on the top is quite possible to plant, only after landing it is necessary to cut the dried part. If landing and care for pear will be correct, it will delight gardeners with their delicious and healthy fruits.

It happens that there is a need to transplanting pears, transfer adult trees (7-8 years old) to another place. This work is recommended to perform in the winter. Sleeping largests dig up with a room of land, which does not appear in the frozhable state. Thanks to this, the transplant becomes less painful.

Perform such work better at the end of winterWhen the danger of severe frost passes. The technology of its implementation in brief is as follows. On the borders of the crown, the trench is a depth of about 1 m. Thick roots are rented, the lower - cut the loop from the metal wire.

Replanted in advance digsthat should be a bit more than an earthen com. The fertile mixture is poured, the tree plant and mulch the entire zone of the roots of the loose substrate (peat, humid), protecting against low temperatures and drying.
But this method is quite time-consuming.
To whom it is impossible, we can recommend more accessible, however, requiring preliminary preparation of roots.

As in the first case, but only early in the spring (Before the start of the scattering of the kidneys), the ditch dumps the same size around the tree. Fill it with loose fertile soil and watered.

Since the side roots are cut down when the ditches will be cut down, the tree will shove the growth rateBut will continue to develop due to the vertical remaining intact. For the season at the ends of the vertical roots, a young globe is formed, which in the spring will help the tree tolerate the transplant.

You can make a more gentle 2-year operation. In this case, first handle half the roots, and the remaining one in the second year. We also transplanted early in the spring. Dut the tree from the outside of the ditch, so as not to damage the formed young roots. Bottom roots are grilled.

When digging and transplanting, it is important to save on the roots of the lobe, not allowing their cliff from the severity of the earth comers. Therefore, it is better to peel the earth with garden forks or washed with water. If transportation is to be transported, nude roots need to be covered with moistened sawdust or moss, burlap, dense film, grass.

When landing, it is impossible to assume that the pear seedlock is plugged. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that the tree still falls under its own weight (especially on bulk or too loose soils), and it is better to put on 20-30 cm above the level of the plot.

The roots fall asleep the earth and abundantly watered. The emptiness appeared after watering is filled. Next to be mounted on top. If necessary, the tree is strengthened with stretch marks between the barrel and deeply robbed stakes (from three to four sides).


It would seem that everyone knows how to plant a pear in the fall, and there is nothing new here, but, nevertheless, many trees disappear, they are sick after the winter, very slowly developing. And some bring the owner of the fruit only in 5-6 years. To get delicious and juicy pears in 2-3 years, and so that the seedling grew quickly, productively and correctly developed, it is necessary to start to put it in right place and provide all the necessary minerals. How to prepare the ground for landing where it is necessary to plant, what depth and what to add - read more!

First of all, it is necessary to take care that the soil corresponds to the type of plant plant. As you know, each plant has its own "secrets" landing. Peach, for example, it grows better with iron in the pit, grapes in loose and sandy soil, hazelnut on clay soils ...

As for pears - here are suitable as sandy soils and rubble. It is very good "feels" in wetlands, but in this case it will be necessary to continuously increase the level of land and creating drainage, since with the roots time they can be installed.

The preparation of the pit occurs in stages and is carried out, as a rule, a few months before landing. The process occurs as follows:

  1. A hole of 80 cm with a diameter of 80 cm is digging, you can make a square pit - there is no special difference. G. lubina up to 50 cm for annual seedlingsIf the dimensions are greater, then, respectively, the pit increases in proportion to (60-70 cm for 2-3 year seedlings).
  2. Putting fertilizers - a mandatory part of the preparing pit for a pear, it "loves" superphosphate and ammonia fertilizers. They should be made in an amount of up to 2 kg of a mixture to 1 pit. For granulated mixtures of dose 2 times less. Organic fertilizers can also be forgotten - 1 bucket of humus to 1 pit. More throwing it is impossible - the roots can "burn". If dry and yellow leaves appear - this is the first sign of a large amount of humus and should be rich in water.
  3. If the pit is made on sandy soil, then in addition to the above fertilizers, it is still necessary to add half-or peat mixture. Clay is added to detention moisture to fertilizers and water, which will fall to the roots, delayed and benefit the plant.
  4. The top of the pit (3/4 approximately) should be filled with chernozem and other types of fertile soil. This is done in order so that the roots do not come into contact with fertilizers and between them was a layer of at least 5 cm. If not to adhere to this rule - the roots will burn and the tree will not receive the desired amount of mineral substances for growth.
  5. If the groundwater is very close to the top of the landing site, it is better to choose another place. Pear - a very large tree and long roots in a couple of years will get to the water in the soil, which adversely appears on its development.

If you dig a hole in advance, then it will be best to make it and give to settle a couple of months before landing. If the plant will be placed in it immediately, then the bottom of the pit should be swapped with a bayonet shovel or break the sharp item to a depth of up to 10 cm. Thus, the roots are better adapted and started inclined deep into, and not to side.

Technology landing

Pear landing technology is quite simple and practically no different from ordinary fruit treesWith which you may have already dealt. In order not to damage the tree, to provide him with a "quick start" and put it correctly, you need to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Before planting, be sure to trim the roots. It is necessary to cut them about 3-4 mm thick for a two-year seedlings and up to 2-3 mm one-year. Such a procedure significantly increases the absorption of the roots (absorption of moisture and mineral substances). If the roots do not cut, you will have to wait much longer until it is rooted.
  2. It is necessary to put a seedling for a pillow - a loose land. Do not add, easy to put and evenly sprinkle loose ground around. Fall asleep little, until all the roots disappear underground, then just throw the earth to the soil with soil.
  3. A little to catch the landing site. You can do it by foot, effort - up to 10 kg. If you do not know how to put a pear to the "pillow" or afraid of damaging the roots - fall asleep evenly the entire pit until the top of your hands. It takes only a few minutes, but you will be sure that nothing broke.
  4. Watering is a mandatory stage, since the roots need to put new processes, interact with the soil and can immediately supply minerals and moisture plants. Abundantly flood with water all the diameter of the pit, the buckets of 5-6 water will go.

If you fulfill these simple items and do everything according to the instructions, the pear will be planted correctly and the root system will develop as quickly as possible. Further, the case will be only for fertilizers, feeding, pesticides and other means that are necessary for each tree.

We introduce fertilizers and minerals

Fertilizers are the main catalyst for all plant metabolic processes. They allow you to get a crop much faster, and the fruits are more tastier, juicy and huge. Immediately after landing, it is possible to use fertilizers of a long-term action (despite the fact that you already have organic fertilizers and phosphate in the pit). Orthophosphoric granules are suitable, they need a little, and the effect of them will be for 2-3 years.

We take about 100g granules and scatter them evenly on the upper layer of the soil, which was already falling asleep into the pit, we fall from the top 5 more cm of the Earth, we abundantly water water. Also well affects the development of the plant's stem, especially one-year seedlings, ordinary ammonium nitrate. The effect of it lasts only a few weeks, but during this time the plant will significantly add green mass.

When the leaves are greening (and it will happen in the spring), a seedling can be fertilized by carbamide and other fertilizers for leaf feeding. This will give a significant acceleration of the growing season.

Choose the best moment for landing

The best time to planting pear - when the metabolism in the plant is slowed down as much as possible. This happens both in the fall and spring. There are several landing options.


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