Infinitive and its turnover in English. Infinitive turnover in English

Infinitive and its turnover in English. Infinitive turnover in English

The design of "nominative case with infinitive" - \u200b\u200bComplex Subject - consists of a subject, "inserting" verb and infinitive.

All Students are Supposedto Study It is assumed that all students are Four Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bat this University. Four foreign languages \u200b\u200bin this university are about.

This turn is used after verbs expressing:

    mental perception: to Think, to Consider, to Know, to Expect, To Believe, etc.;

    sensual perception: to see, to hear, etc.;

    approval, assumption, message, etc.: to Suppose, to Report, To Prove, to Turn Out, To Appare, To Seem, To Say;

and also after phrases:

to Be (un) Likely probably unlikely, hardlyto Be Certain, To Be Sure be sure to probably

Verbs to.comeout., to.turnout. turn outto.seeem. seemto.appear. turn outto.prove turn out, to.happen. happenthey are used in a valid pledge and when translating always acquire the nature of the introductory words. The remaining verbs are used in the form of a persistent collateral, for example, iS.believed, iS.considered., iS.reported, iS.said. et al. and when translating also acquire the nature of the introductory words. In general, the Russian language infinitive turnover is transmitted to an uncertain-personal offer.

The People of All Ancient Civilizations are known that people of all ancient cy- are Have Made Maps. Viliations were maps.

She. dOESN "T SEEMto Be Intereted In It seems that she is not interested in his Her Specialty. specialty.

The Temperature. iS. unlikely. to Fall is unlikely (hardly), that Tempe- These Days. Rature will decrease these days.

As can be seen from the above translation options, sentences with this turn can be translated. from the middleor using introductory wordat the same time, the infinition is translated by the lean.

Depending on the form of the infinitive, when translated, the verbal verbose is expressed by the verb of a perfect or imperfect species in the present, the future or the last time:

Not is unlikely to. come today. - It is unlikely that he is today will come.

Do not Seeemed to Be Sleeping. - It seemed he slept.

Not IS Said to Have Madea good report. - They say he donegood report.

THEY ARE KNOWN. to have been workingon this Issue for a year. It is known that they workover this problem for a year.

Sometimes it is possible only one of the above ways to translate the turnover of "Complex Subject":

They Worked Out. what seeemed. to. bE. qUITE A RELIBLE SCHEME. They developed a scheme which seemed to bequite reliable.

Single Currency. wAS CONSIDERED TO BEa Way Out. Considered (believed) thatsingle currency is anoutput from the position.


There seems to beaT Least Two Scenarios of the Government "S Actions.

Apparently existsat least two scenarios of government actions.

This Approach. may Easily Be Shown To Befar More Product. Can easily show, what is this approach is an much more productive.


New European currency was approved and it turned out that she satisfiesall countries belonging to the European Union.

You should pay attention to the translation of the following words in the COMPLEX SUBST design.

(HE) is reported to ... transmit / reported / reported that (he) ...

(HE) is believed to ... believe / believe that (he) ...

(He) is considered to ... they consider / it is believed that (he) ...

(He) is thought to ... they consider / think that (he) ...

(He) IS Understood To ... no. information (he) ... consider / it is believed that (he) ..., according to

arrangements (he) ...

(He) IS EXPECTED TO ... it is expected / assumed that (he) ...

(He) is alleged to ... they say / believe that (he) allegedly ...

(He) is Heard to ... there is information that (he) ...

(HE) is seen to ... it is considered / considered / consider that (he) ...

(HE) is felt to ... believe that (he) ...

(He) Sems To ... it seems that (he) ...

(He) Appears To ... Apparently, (he) ...

(He) is Likely to ... apparently, (he) ..., it seems that (he) ..., in all likelihood, probably (he) ...

(He) is unlikely to ... it is unlikely that (he) ..., hardly / hardly (he) ...

(HE) HapPens (haped) to ... by chance (he) ..., it happened so that (he) ...

(He) Is Sure (Certain) to ... (He) necessarily / for sure / definitely ...

Object infinitive turn, or complex addition, consists of nouns or personal pronouns in object case (ME, HIM, HER, US, You, Them) and infinitive , and is used only after the verbs expressing the desire, perception, assumption, orders, request.

Noun / pronoun



In the proposal, he, as it should be add-on, ranks third, that is, it is for the faithful.


(2 )







turnover "Complex Supplement"


secondary sentences

but) If the infinity is UPOTR. in the shape of Active., he expresses the action committed by the person or subject indicated by the beings. / The pronoun facing infinitive.

b) And if the infinitive itself is in the assistant pledge ( Passive), then he expresses the action on this face / subject.

This is how the English proposal is built when they want to convey at once two are different object / subject and two different actions. In most cases, the Russian language is translated by the apparent additional offer with alliances. to; what; as .

However, not every English verb (2 ) It can take after a complex addition. Need to keep in mind that:

1. Such a verb should be transient;

2. The list of these transient verbs is strictly limited;

3. Even those verbs that are included in this list are divided into those that accept infinitives with a particle to. and those that accept infinitives without particles to..

After these verbs, the second part can be expressed by the second part in the design of the "complex supplement" or commander I. Difference:

For example:

True, if the verb himself expresses a long-term nature, then this difference is not so noticeable and transferred to its means of Russian when translated. Only infinitive is used to designate a number of consecutive actions.

Object infinitive turnover is used:

I. hate. hER TO USE. These Words.

I do not like (I hate) What it uses such words.

I don't like. them to do. IT.

I do not like, what (as) they make this is.

I. want. you to come back. (round.: I Want You Back.) (I want to, so you returned.

She. wanted. Them to Read. That Book.

She wanted so they are read This book.

I. wish. you to be Happy.

(I wish, to be happy.

Infinitives in the assistant pledge:

2 After verbs expressing mental activity . In this role over all these verbs, the general meaning is assume to assume . After the verbs of this group (except To Expect) The infinitive of the verb is most often used. to be:

We. know HIM TO BE. a good artist.

We know, what he Good artist.

I. expect hIM TO ASK. That Question.

I am waiting, that he will task this question.

And after the verbs to Consider, To Declare, To Find, To Proveinfinitive marked with verb to beoften descended:

I. consider. Him. (to be) Wrong.

I believe, what he not right.

They declared. him. (To be) The Winner.

They announced his Winner.

3 After verbs expressing movement (order, request, permission, warning). Often, the order of words of the English proposal with this turnover completely coincides with the word of words of the Russian version of this proposal:

to Advise - advise

to all - let

to ask - ask

to Command - order

to Force - forced

to get - to make

to order - order

to permit - allow

to Request - ask

to Tell - told

to Warn - warn

The Teacher. allowed. uS To Use. Dictionaries.

The teacher allowed we use dictionaries.

I. aSK. you NOT TO BE LATE This time.

I ask you are not late this time.

I'll. get. HER TO COME.

I will make her come. (I will do it so that it came.)

The Doctor. tOLD. me to Stay. in bed.

Doctor ordel i stay in bed.

If the person on which the order is sent / permission is not specified, then Passive is used:

Infinitive without a particle to.:

1 After verbs: to make in meaning - Force, force , to Let.allow to allow. Moreover, the object infinitive turnover is translated by an additional pressing proposal, and an uncertain verb (coinciding with the Russian construction):

They made HER COME.

They made her come.

What makes. You Think. SO?

What makes thought you So?


Give me to knowWhen you are ready.

Let. me See!

Let me) think!

2 After verbs expressing perception with help sense organs . As a rule, the verbs of the perfect species are translated:

I. felt. somebody Touch My Shoulder.I felt, how someone touched My shoulder.

I Never saw. Him Cry..

I've never seen, so that he is crying.

We. watched. The Train Arrive..

We observed how the train approached.

Note1:If verb to See Used in meaning understand, and verb to Hear. in meaning find out (that is, do not express physiological feelings), then in these cases they do not take complex additions, and it is possible to only build a conventional additional supplies:

Note 2: Verb to Feel may matter count / believeIn this case, the turnover can also be used, but already with a particle to.:

He. felt. them to Come Back Soon.

He felt / believed what are they

Completely subordinate proposal with the main proposal, pronounced impersonal turnover iT IS Said - say, IT IS Reported - report, IT SEEMS - it seems, IT IS Likely - Probablycan be replaced by a simple offer:

When replacing such a complex subordinate sentence, a simple pronoun iT. Sleeps, subject to the apparent offer (they) is set instead of pronoun iT. Before the legend of the main offer, which is consistent with this new to those subject to the person and number, the Union that. Also descended, and the leakage of the appendage (Know) takes the form of an infinitive (to Know).

In a simple sentence - THEY ARE SAID TO KNOW CHINEESE VERY WELL.- subject to the lean are not one pronoun they, and combination of pronouns They with infinitive to Know. Such a complex subject (They ... to Know) is a turnover "Nominative with the Infinitive".

Infinitives in the turnover "Non-infinitive" is used in all forms:
1. INDEFINITE INFINITIVE (both Active and Passive) expresses the action simultaneously with a pronounced verb in personal form:
Not iS SAID TO LIVE in leingrad.
Say he lives In Leningrad.
Books In The Soviet Union are Known to Be Published In 119 Languages.
It is known that books in the Soviet Union published In 119 languages.
He. was Said To Know Sevel Oriental Languages.
Said he knows Several eastern languages.

2. Continuous Infinitive expresses a long action, simultaneous with the action, a pronounced verb in personal form:
The Water. seems to Be Boiling.
Water seems to pigs.
He. was Said To Be Writing a New Play.
Said he writes New play.

3. Perfect Infinitive (both Active and Passive) expresses the action preceding the action, a pronounced verb in personal form:
Not iS SAID To Have Lived in leingrad.
Say he housing In Leningrad.
Not iS Said to Have Been Appointed Director of a Big Plant.
It is said that his prescribed Director of the Big Plant.
The Steamer. was Known to Have Left Port on the 15th may.
It was known that steamer releasedfrom the port of May 15.

4. Perfect Continuous Infinitive expresses a long action during a known period of time preceding the action, a pronounced verb in personal form. At the same time, Perfect Continuous Infinitive may express both an action that is still occurring at the time of the action, pronounced by the verb in personal form, and the action that has already ended to this point:
The Goods. are Reported to Have Been Awaiting SHIPMENT FOR SEVERAL DAYS.
Report that goods expect Shipment within a few days.
Not iS Said To Have Been Traveling And Great Deal About the Soviet Union.
They say that he is a lot traveled According to the Soviet Union.

Note. It should be borne in mind that indefinite infinitive expresses simultaneous, a perfect infinitive preceding action in relation to the action, a pronounced verb in personal form, regardless of time in which the verb is in personal shape:
Not iS. Known To Work. Hard.
It is known that he works diligently.
Not wAS. Known To Work. Hard.
It was known that he works diligently.
They are Reported to Have Arrived IN MOSCOW.
Report that they arrived to Moscow.
They wERE reported to Have Arrived IN MOSCOW.
Reported that they arrived to Moscow.

Cases of the use of turnover "Maldly case with infinitive".

With a prisoner, pronounced verb in the assistant pledge.

The turnover "The nominative case with infinitive" is used when the following verbs are pronounced in the assistant pledge: to Say - Talk, to State - Say, report, to Report - to report, to Announce - to announce, to Believe - to believe, read, to Suppose - to assume, to believe, to Think - Think, consider, to believe, to expect - expect to know - know, to understand - in the meaning to find out, to have information, to Consider - count, to see - see, to hear - hear and etc.:
Not IS Live. in kiev. \u003d IT. iS Said. That he lives in kiev.
They say that he lives in Kiev.
This Fruit Is. known. To be grown In The North. \u003d IT. iS Known. That this fruit is grown in the north.
It is known that these fruits are grown in the north.
They Were believed to be ON THEIR WAY TO MOSCOW. \u003d IT. was Believed. That They Were On Their Way to Moscow.
They believed that they were on the way to Moscow.
The Delegation Is. reported To Have Left. Levingrad. \u003d IT. iS Reported That the Delegation Has Left Leningrad.
Report that the delegation went from Leningrad.

1. INDEFINITE INFINITIVE After the verb to Expect Usually express the action relating to the future:
Not was. expected to Arrive. In The Evening.
Expected he arrive in the evening.
2. After verb to Consider Verb-bunch to be Sometimes goes away:
Not IS considered.(To be) An ExperieNed Engineer.
It is believed that he is an experienced engineer. (It is considered an experienced engineer.)
3. You should pay attention to the translation of the verb to Suppose At the turn of "Non-infinitive":
Not IS supposed To do this work. His relying do this work.
You are supposed to Know IT. You Relying This is known.

The offer with the turnover of "nominative case with infinitive" is translated into Russian with a difficult-subordinate proposal. The verb in the assistant pledge is translated into Russian the verb in a valid pledge in the form of a 3rd face MN. h. With an indefinite-personal value (they say, communicate, etc.), which plays the role of the main offer, followed by an appropriate proposal with the Union what. The noun or pronoun facing the verb in the assistant pledge becomes in the Russian proposal to the apparent offer. The infinition is translated by the verb in personal form, which serves as a fault destination:
THE MOTOR-VESSEL "SMOLNY" iS Reported to Have Arrived in Odessa.
Reportthat the ship "Smolny" profit to Odessa.
The proposal with the turnover of "nominative case with infinitive" can in many cases translate into Russian and a simple proposal in which the verb with an uncertain-personal value plays the role of the introductory offer: Smolny ship, as reported, arrived to Odessa.

The definition appropriate offer with the turnover of "nominative case with infinitive" is always translated into Russian by a proposal in which the verb with an uncertain and personal meaning plays the role of the introductory supply:
THE MOTOR-VESSEL "SMOLNY" which is reportedto Have Arrived in Odessa on Monday, Brought A Large Number of Passengers.
The ship "Smolny", which, as reported, arrived in Odessa on Monday, brought a large number of passengers.

When such a definitive attachment is replaced by the involvement of the turnover, then the involvement of the turnover is also translated into Russian by a determining attachment, in which the verb with an indefinite-personal value plays the role of the introductory supply:
THE MOTOR-VESSEL "SMOLNY" reported to Have Arrived in Odessa on Monday, Brought A Large Number of Passengers.
The ship "Smolny", which, as reported, arrived in Odessa on Monday, brought a large number of passengers.

In a proposal, with the turnover of "nominative case with infinitive", the leakable can be expressed by a combination of modal verb with an infinitive in the sufferment pledge:
The Ship. can Be Expected. to Arrive at the End of the Week. \u003d IT. can Be Expected. That The Ship Will Arrive At The End of the Week.
You can expect a steamer at the end of the week.
The Weather. cAN "T BE EXPECTED To Change Tomorrow. \u003d IT. cAN "T BE EXPECTED That The Weather Will Change Tomorrow.
It is impossible to expect the weather to change tomorrow.
This Question. should be Considered. to be settled. \u003d IT. should be Considered. That This Question Is Settled.
It should be considered (you need to consider) that this issue is allowed.

In a proposal with a turnover, "nominative case with infinitive" before the legend is sometimes an introductory adverb tHERE:
THERE Are Said to Be Rich Coal Deposits in this Region. \u003d IT IS SAID THAT tHERE Are Rich Coal Deposits in this Region.
It is said that in the area there are rich coal deposits.
THERE CAN BE EXPECTED TO BE A Very Good Wheat Crop in the Ukraine This year. \u003d IT CAN BE EXPECTED THAT tHERE Will Be a Very Good Wheat Crop in The Ukraine This year.
It can be expected that this year there will be a very good wheat harvest in Ukraine.

In a proposal, with the turnover, the "nominative case with infinitive" after the responding is sometimes worth an addition to the pretext by And thus, the infinitive is not directly behind the verb in the assistant pledge. When translating into Russian, addition to the pretext by It becomes subject to the main proposal, and the verb in the assistant pledge is replaced by the verb in a valid pledge and becomes a led by the main offer:
The Goods Are reported by The Sellers To Have Been Shipped on Monday. \u003d IT IS Reported by The Sellers That The Goods Were Shipped on Monday.
Sellers are reportedThat the goods were shipped on Monday.
The Price Is. considered by the buyers to Be Too High. \u003d IT IS Considered by The Buyers That The Price Is So Too High.
Buyers believethat the price is too high.

With a surehead, pronounced verbs to Seeem, to Appear, to Prove, to Happen, to Chance.

The turnover of "nominative case with infinitive" is used when the verbs are pronounced To Seem, To AppEar - To see, to Prove - Write, to Happen, to Chance - Camthat are used only in the actual pledge:
He. seems to Know English well. \u003d IT Sems That He Knows English Well.
It seems he knows English well.
The weather, apparently, seems to be improving.
She. seeemed to Have Forgotten HER PROMISE. \u003d IT Seeemed That She Had Forgotten Her Promise.
She seemed to forgot his promise.
This House. aPPEARS TO HAVE BEEN BUILT By a good Architect. \u003d IT APPEARS THAT THIS HOUSE WAS Built By A Good Architect.
This house, apparently, was built by a good architect.
He. pROVED TO BE a good engineer. \u003d IT Proved That He Was a Good Engineer.
He turned out to be a good engineer.
I. hapaned to Be. There At That Time. \u003d IT HAPPENED THAT I WAS TheRe At That Time.
It happened so I was there at this time. (I was accidentally there at this time).

1. After verb to Prove Verb-bunch to be It is often descended when it is followed by an adjective or noun with adjective:
She. proved (to be) very Clever..
She was very smart.
Not proved (to be) a good engineer..
He turned out to be a good engineer.

When for the verb liga to be noun without adjective, then to be Cannot be omitted:
Not pROVED TO BE a historian..
He turned out to be a historian.

2. After verb to Seem and to Appear may stand adjective or noun with adjectives without verb ligament to be. In this case, verbs to Seem and to Appear matter seem in terms of look:
She. seems. tired..
She seems to be tired.
Not seems. il.
It seems to be (looks) sick.
Not appears. an Experienced Teacher..
He seems an experienced teacher (gives the impression of an experienced teacher).
Wed: Not Seems il. It seems to be (looks) sick. And not seems to Be ILL. He seems to be sick.

not.usually stands when verb , not with infinitive. (Pay attention to the scene of the particle not In the relevant Russian sentence.):
He. dOESN "T SEEM To Know this Subject.
He seems to does not know This subject.
He. dIDN "T PROVE To Be a Very Experienced Engineer.
He was not Very experienced engineer.
He. dIDN "T HAPPEN To Be There At That Time.
It happened so that his did not have There at this time.

However, particles not. Sometimes occurs when infinitive:
Not seems nOT TO KNOW. This Subject.
He Proved nOT TO BE. a Very Experienced Engineer.
HE HAPPENED nOT TO BE. There At That Time.

Verbs to Seem, To Appear, To Prove, To Happen Can be used in combination with modal verbs, most often with the verb may.:
This Story. may Seem. to Be Rather Dull.
This story may seem rather boring.
This Picture. may Prove To Be The Best AT The Exhibition.
This picture may be the best at the exhibition.
They may happen. to be at home at that time.
It may happen that they will be at home at this time.

In front of verbs To Seem, To Appear, To Prove, To Happen Sometimes there is an introductory adverb tHERE:
There Sem. To Be No Changes in The Trade Relations Between These Two Countries. \u003d IT Sems That There Are No Changes in The Trade Relations Between These Two Countries.
It seems there are no changes in trading relations between these two countries.
There Appears. to Be Great Excitement about the news. \u003d IT APPEARS THAT THERE IS GREAT EXCITITEMENT ABOUT THE NEWS.
Apparently, this news caused great excitement.
There Proved. To be Many DiffiCulties in Solving The Matter. \u003d IT Proved That There Were Many DiffiCulties in Solving The Matter.
It turned out a lot of difficulties in resolving this issue.
There happened To Be Many People There At That Time. \u003d IT HAPPENED THAT THERE WERE MANY PEPLE THERE AT THAT TIME.
It happened so that there was a lot of people at this time.

After verb to Seem and to Appear Sometimes there is a supplement with the pretext to. and thus infinitive is not directly behind the verbs to Seem and to Appear:
Not seems to me. to know english well. \u003d IT Sems To Me That He Knows English Well.
It seems to me that he knows English well.
She Appeared to Them. To Have Forgotten Her Promise. \u003d IT APPEARED TO THEM THAT SHE HAD FORGOTTEN HER PROMISE.
It seemed to them that she forgot her promise.

With the pronounced adjective Likely, Unlikely, Certain, Sure with the verbal bundle.

The turnover "The nominative case with infinitive" is used when the attacked expressed adjective Likely - Probable, Unlikely - Unlikely, Certain - Certain, Sure - Faithfulfollowing the verb ligament to be. In this case, Indefinite Infinitive very often expresses the action relating to the future:
Not iS Likely. To Know Her Address. \u003d IT is Likely That He Knows Her Address.
He probably knows her address.
They are Very Likely. To Come Soon. \u003d IT IS VERY LIKELY THAT THEY WILL COME SOON.
It is very likely that they are soon come.
The Goods. are Unlikely. To Be unloaded Today. \u003d IT IS Unlikely That The Goods Will Be Unladed Today.
It is unlikely that (hardly) goods will be Unloaded today.
They are Most Likely. To Have Received Our Letter. \u003d IT IS MOST LIKELY THAT THEY HAVE RECEIVED OUR LETTER.
It is very likely (most likely) that they have already received our letter.
They are Certain. To come to MOSCOW. \u003d IT IS CERTAIN THAT THEY WILL COME TO MOSCOW.
They probably (certainly) come to Moscow.
He. iS Sure to Be Asked About It.
He probably (certainly) ask about it.

In negative particle proposals not. standing with a pronounced adjective likely. With the verb bundle, and not with infinitive. (Pay attention to the scene of the particle not In the relevant Russian sentence):
He is not Likely. To Come Today.
He probably will not come Today.
The Price Of Copper Is not Likely. to Rise in the Near Future.
Copper prices are likely do not rise soon.

However, with a privilege, expressed adjectives cERTAIN and sure with verb-bunch, particle not. It is infinitive:
He will probably won't come to Moscow.
Not Is Sure nOT TO BE ASKED About it.
He will probably do not ask about it.

With adjective likely.instead of verb ligament to be Sometimes verbs are used to Seem and to Appear:
They sEEM (Appear) Likely To Come Soon. \u003d IT Sems (Appears) Likely That The Will Come Soon.
It seems likely that they will come soon.
The Goods. sEEM (Appear) Unlikely to Arrive at the End of the Week. \u003d IT SEEMS (Appears) Unlikely That The Goods Will Arrive At The End of the Week.
It seems unlikely that the goods will arrive at the end of the week.

Before adjective likely, Certain, Sure With the verb ligament sometimes there is an introductory adverb tHERE:
THERE ARE LIKELY. To Be Many Changes in the Plan. \u003d IT IS Likely That There Will Be Many Changes in the Plan.
Probably there will be many changes in the plan.
There Sem Likely. to Be some Objections to your Proposal. \u003d IT Sems Likely That There Will Be Some Objections to Your Proposal.
It seems likely that there will be some objections against your offer.
THERE IS CERTAIN. To Be a Discussion of this question. \u003d IT IS CERTAIN THAT THERE WILL BE A Discussion of This Question.
This question will probably be discussed.
THERE ARE SURE To be Many DiffiCulties in Solving This Question. \u003d IT IS Sure That There Will Be Many DiffiCulties in Solving This Question.
In connection with the resolution of this issue, it will probably (certainly) a lot of difficulties.

Infinitive turnover with adjective likely. Meet the definition additives:
The Delegates. wHO ARE LIKELY TO Arrive Tomorrow Will Be Lodged At This Hotel.

Along with the Putting Office wHO ARE LIKELY TO ARRIVE There is a turn likely to Arrive. which is translated into Russian by the pressing offer:
The Delegates. likely to Arrive. Tomorrow Will Be Lodged AT This Hotel.
Delegates who are likely to arrive tomorrow will be placed in this hotel.

4 To-Infinitive After Adjective or Noun

As in Russian, infinitives in English can act as add-ons with adjectives (usually acting in the function of the nominal part of the tame) or definition at nouns. For such structures are characterized by the following features.

b) In the event that the adjective expresses the attitude or subject of the speaker, the pronoun is often used as the pronoun iT. (The logical infinitive to be infinitive can be expressed using a design with a pretext of.).

but) Some adjectives are used in designs with difficult to be subject to, and at the same time the name group at the beginning of the sentence is logical supplement Infinitive (see The Problem IS Hard To Solve).

b) These adjectives can be used in a proposal to the subject - pronoun iT..

3) Infinition often acts as a definition for nouns formed from the verb or adjective. (However, in some, the infinitives associated with the verbs are not used, instead, it uses the proposed design with a gerundium ( Ing-form). Such a noun, in particular, belongs hope - Hope, Preference - Preference, Thought - Thought and etc.)

4) Infinition can also act as a definition for other nouns (and pronoun - nouns something, Anybody. etc., as well as pronouns with the basis - , for example ), which are a logical subject or an object of action expressed by the infinitive. In the latter case, the infinitive can be used both in the actual and in the assistant pledge.

5) Infinitive turnover is often used after adjective or nouns with the adjectives under which there are adverbs eNOUGH and too. . If the infinitive turnover has a clearly pronounced subject, it is introduced by the pretext for

6) There is a difference in the meaning of the valid and suffering pledge of the infinitive of the verb do. After pronoun something, Anything, Nothing. For example, nothing to do - nothing to do and nothing to Be Done - nothing can be done; nothing canbe done. Similarly for pronomies anything. and something. .

The use of infinitive turnover after adjectives in excellent degree and words fIRST, LAST, NEXT cm. SuperLative Degree: adjectives , 3.

5 infinitive

6 infinitive

7 extremist Terrorist Group.

8 infinitival Nominal.

9 infinitive Phrase.

10 nominal To-Infinitive

11 VII

V * + N + V- An infinitive of another verb is involved in this model, which is combined with the title verb. He can perform in any form: To Do, To Have Done, To Be Doing etc. Or it can be submitted by an infinitive group. Examples of phrases symbolized by this model are Help SMB. Do Smth., Believe SMTH. to Be True, make SMB. Do SMTH. The infinitive group can participate in the phrase in the deployment: Show The Boy How to Do It. The model is expressed by Formula VII SMB., SMTH. Do SMTH.

12 syntax \\ Features \\ Scientific / Style

The syntactic structure: slim, complete and, if possible, stereotypical; Combined complex offers are dominated, simple - deployed due to homogeneous members;

Mainly the direct order of words;

Widespread use of various types of definitions; Almost every noun has a postpositive or prepositive definition, the proposed, involved, gerundial or infinitive turnover

To Cover This Aspect Of Communication Engineering Theory of the Amount of the information, In Which The Unit of the Amount of Information Was That Transmitted As A Single Decision Between Equally Probable Alternatives. (N.wiener - Cybernetics ...)

Specific: prepositive identity groups;

automatic Gyrocompass Ship-Steering Systems, Anti-Aircraft Fire-Control Systems, Automatically-Controlled Oil-Cracking Stills, Ultra Rapid Computer Machines, Very Old Steam Engine Governor (N.wiener - Cybernetics ...)

Abundance and variety of unions and allied words, double unions (explicitly pronounced ties between elements);

13 Adverbial Clause of Purpose

but) If the verb in the main sentence is used in the present or the future ( Present Simple. , Present Perfect. or in one of the times of Future), then for alliances in order that , so That. usually follow may / CAN / WILL. It is also possible to use the present time. Union So That is more common in colloquial speech than Union in Order That.

Quite often, the goal is not expressed not a full-fledged attachment attached by the Union, but an infinitive turnover (see Infinitive Clause). Such structures are easier, they are more common in conversational speech. Infinitive turnover joins

b) either directly:

More naturally, the design with infinitive circulation sounds with an infinitive turnover (see Infinitive Clause) decorated by expressions sO as not to to, in order not to.

14 Empty Subject: IT and There

1) iT..

If the logical subject to the proposal is the syntactic turnover or a delivered proposal, then, as a rule, the formal ("empty") is introduced instead to iT.and the logical to be moving to the end of the sentence.

  • 15 For- Clause

    Infinitive turnover introduced by the pretext for

    1) If the infinitive turnover acts as a complex supplement under the transition verb, or when the verb that controls any pretext, the logical subject to such a turn is in general case (in the case of nouns) or in object form (in the case of personal pronients) (see Complex Object.)

    2) If the infinitive turnover is subject to or determined with adjective or noucent and has a pronounced, then the pretext is put to the infinitive turnover for .

    IT IS Essential for Developing Countries to Have Independent Policies of Natural Resource Use - Developing countries must necessarily conduct an independent policy of using natural resources

    16 Indirect Speech

    Proposals with indirect speech are suggested suggestions that are not directly quoted, and "retell" someone's statement. ( Wed.: "She Said She Would Be Home by Eight O" Clock. "She said that he would return home to eight o'clock.")

    3) Other transformations required when introducing indirect speech.

    but) Pronouns, as well as in Russian, are replaced in accordance with the meaning:

    "I. CAN "T See you. , "HE SAID. (Ave.) - He Said he. COULDN "T SEE me.. (Non.) - He said he did not see me.

    17 Infinitive Clause

    2) Infinitive turnover, except infinitive - a fag, may include:

    If the infinitive turnover depends on the verb, then it may have its own subject, which is expressed by the nouns / pronoun in object form (see


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