Sell \u200b\u200bdiet for weight loss. What are protein diets

Sell \u200b\u200bdiet for weight loss. What are protein diets

The protein diet has proven itself well, so many fans of healthy nutrition familiar with it. Already by title it is clear that the basis of the menu is protein food, which replaces carbohydrate-containing products. This is different from the famous Kim Protasov diet that allows any products.

To date, a large number of versions of protein diets have been created, including the greatest fame acquired the Kremlin diet, Duucan diet, "Drying" and others. At the heart of each of these diets, there are general principles that were developed by scientist Robert Atkinson. He is the author of the popular slimming method for several months.

Stellic diet Atkins

The main purpose of the protein diet is a rapid weight loss. Developed her scientist Robert Atkinson. She adheres to a lot of famous personalities - Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Jerry Hollyll. The main idea on which this diet is based, is to use every day. protein productsmainly meat and fish.

She also allows a small amount during the day vegetables and fruitBut in any case, the proportion of proteins will exceed the proportion of carbohydrates. An example of breakfast, composed in accordance with the weight loss method of Atkinson, may be fried egg with bacon, which needs to be without sandwiches or oatmeal.

In the efficiency and simplicity of this method, everyone may seek to lose weight, without exposing themselves to hard diets. If we proceed from the experience of people who have tried it, then in a few weeks you can reset up to 3-8 kg.

Slimming process itself can be described as follows. When the body is experiencing a shortage of carbohydrates, he starts hunger, although he gets protein food in excess. And to restore the balance, he is looking for hidden carbohydrate reserves and begins to consume them.

This process is accompanied by active water output and as a result, the body becomes more touched and slim. Following carbohydrates begins to spend proteinspresent in the muscles, and behind them comes a queue of fats.

This diet includes a large amount of protein in order to compensate for protein costs in muscles. Someone may seem like it is very simple. However, there are nuances here, and not always positive. Therefore, before abandoning the usual crop and pasta and switch to fish, meat, it is necessary to think carefully, whether you are ready for such a nutrition.

Pros protein diet and results

What attracts a protein diet that there is so many positive feedback, so it is a rapid weight loss. A person does not have to feel strong hunger, since with protein food he gets the required amount of energy.

Besides she does not establish hard limitations For the use of other products. The diet can most diversify. True, the ban is superimposed on the side dissertes and desserts, however, to withstand it is much easier than to eat with one oatmeal or drink whole days of kefir.

Another equally important advantage of a protein diet is that after achieving the required weight he saved for a long time. However, it should not conclude from this that, by completing the diet, you can go to the store for the cake to celebrate your results. If you are still moderate in food, you can not rejected by weight yet.

Cons Belkova Diet Atkins

Due to the shortcomings that this diet possesses, it is worth highlight a unbalanced menu. After you start less consume fat and carbohydrates, you will block for your body a source of replenishment of fat stocks, and together with them and many vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids.

It is necessary will affect health: After a few days, the nails will become brittle, the hair will hang out, the skin will be dry, the face will acquire an unhealthy color, the fatigue and breakdown of sleep is not excluded.

Trying to correct the situation with the help of tablets is useless. The thing is that a number of vitamins (A, D, E and K) should enter the body with a certain amount of fat, otherwise they will not be properly used.

There is a protein diet for 14 days and another drawback. Using every day in large quantities rich in protein products ,. And as the food arriving in the body, the kidneys have to work intensively and as a result the body displays fluid faster.

Therefore, if you decide to lose weight in this way, you can cause serious harm to your health without achieving a positive result. You can avoid this if you drink a lot of fluid every day, and best mineral water. But to reduce the burden on the kidney in this way. It should also be noted that during a protein diet the body requires a lot of calcium.

Sit on a protein diet 14 days can only be healthy peopleBut the elderly is contraindicated. This is due to the protein property to increase blood flowability, which increases the likelihood of blood clots in blood vessels. Do not go to this diet and those people who have kidney diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, gout.

Having learned about these contraindications, perhaps someone will not immediately decide on this diet. However, in reality, nothing terrible in it, you only need to accurately observe duration and frequency. The authors of the methodology advise her no more than once a yearBy observing the duration of 14 days.

Menu protein diet

Breakfast diet. In all variations, it provides for the same products. All begins with liquid: 10-15 minutes before receiving food you need to drink a glass of water temperature.

The protein diet allows a cup of coffee with a small amount of milk 0.5% fat. Instead of a wicked drink, you can also drink a glass of tea. For drink to be more pleasant to taste, you can use sweetener or fructose. In addition to the above-mentioned products, one low-fat curd or yogurt same calorie.

Perhaps you will not be insufficient in the first three days of one curd. In this case, it is allowed to increase its number up to two. But each time, try to eat less from the second curd. So, you can teach yourself to manage less food, and in the end you will be enough for one cottage cheerleh.

Usually after breakfast takes place a little time, as a person feels a feeling of hunger. In this case, it is allowed to drink a glass or two green tea with mint. 3 hours after breakfast, you can eat an apple or other fruit. 2 hours after it can be prepared for dinner.

Lunch menu

Here, as in the case of breakfast, you need to prepare the body to receive food and drink a glass of room temperature in 10 minutes. You can select one of the following menu options as lunch:

You can improve the taste of salad by adding one tablespoon olive oil and lemon juice. Forget about salt. From seasoning only pepper is allowed. Try at least for a while do without potatoes. 2 hours after lunch, you can arrange a snack from one apple or eat a small portion of vegetable salad.

After this meal, you can not rush to drink glass of skim kefira one%. If after this feed, you feel hunger, you can additionally drink a glass of green tea with mint.

Diet dinner

Traditionally, first you need to drink a glass of water room temperature. You can submit for dinner one of the following options:

  • The precast salad cooked from the squid rings from the preserves, chopped eggs and 2 tablespoons of corn. As a refueling, lemon juice and olive oil can be used. There you can add a little garlic or bow. Salad can be served with frozen boiled shrimps (500 g) and wild rice.
  • Cooked in the oven chicken fillet (250 g), do not forget that salt and oil are prohibited. You can file it with grapefruit.
  • Another option is to be cooked in the oven with garlic (200 g), which can be served with a half packaging of broccoli or cauliflower. Previously, it can be fed in a frying pan with 1 spoon of olive oil and soy sauce. At the end, you can add one raw egg.
  • A small piece of baked in the oven without oil and salts of fish (150 g). It can be served with a vegetable side dish - a salad of tomatoes and lettuce leaves, a small amount of cedar nuts, 2 cucumbers, halves of sweet pepper, 1 welded eggs.

An unusual taste of this dish can be given by adding an extinguished on one tablespoon of olive oil and soy sauce glowed grains.

Also for dinner protein diet permits small slice of black bread. Dessert can serve several pineapple circles. If you can no longer continue to stay and strongly want sweet, you can prepare a protein dessert.

Protein dessert

Start the preparation of dessert with the fact that you need to connect all the ingredients other than proteins. The latter must be selected in the foam, after which it is shuffled to a common mixture and mix well.

Product composition:

  • ground nuts - 200 g.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • soluble coffee - 2 h. spoons;
  • egg proteins - 3 pcs.

Next, you need to put the mass on the stove, bring to a boil, constantly stirring. As a result, a mixture of dense consistency should be. When the mass be cooled, out of it make small balls, calculate in cocoa powder or grinding nuts, or coconut chips.

Stellic diet
In conventional nutrition, a person receives 10-15% of the energy from the digested proteins, 35-40% is made of fat and 40-50% from carbohydrates. The most important of the three listed components are proteins, since changes in their share is very significantly affected by the body of the body, while the change in the ratio of fats or carbohydrates takes place without much damage to health.

When a person is losing weight, a lot of needs arises from the body that he satisfies the proteins coming with food. Therefore, with a decrease in the volume of food eaten, it is necessary to provide the body with a certain amount of proteins so that no health problems occurred. So the protein diets appeared.

A fragile diet can be considered as protein, since the protein content in its diet reaches 20%, while in the usual diet, the proportion of the protein does not exceed 10-15%.

The essence of such a diet is to increase proteins in the daily diet while reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Products containing many proteins are usually rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, such products are faster cause a feeling of satiety. The protein content in protein diets can sometimes reach 50% or more. In a protein diet, according to its adherents, the weight decrease occurs even faster than with other diets with the same level of calories, but fewer protein.

In the diet, a protein diet includes products such as chicken and fish that are rich in protein. At the same time, all drinks and products containing fats and carbohydrates are abruptly limited or completely excluded.

Harm from a protein diet
Medical studies of the protein diet on the body showed that the effect of weight loss occurs due to the reduction in the holding of water in the body, and not by burning fatty deposits. In fact, human obesity is not reduced, even if there is a significant weight loss.

Thus, the real effect of weight loss occurs when the food caloric content is reduced, no matter what substances it receives them - proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

Nevertheless, despite confirmation of harm from this diet with serious medical research, many people believe that protein diets have a wonderful effect on the body.

Such an effect encourages them to watch through your fingers on the obvious fact of harm from them.

One of the essential drawbacks of protein diets is their bad balance due to a small amount of allowed products. This is quite harmful to the body.

Another danger is that the restriction of the use of fluid not only creates a false impression of a significant weight loss, but can also create a significant threat to human health.

According to the results of the latest medical research in the center of reproductive medicine in Colorado, it was found that compliance with high protein diets can lead to problems with the conception of the child. So, in experimental mice with a diet with a 25% protein content, a significant decrease in fertility was observed.

In the course of medical experiments, less than 30% of mice contained on a high-flow diet were able to become pregnant, while from mice, whose diet contained no more than 14% of proteins, and 70% of individuals turned out to be pregnant. In addition, only 65% \u200b\u200bof embryos conceived in the first group developed into the fruit, while in the second group this figure was 81%.

According to the head of the research project, in women such an effect will arise with a diet with a 30% protein content.

This is due to the fact that with an increase in the number of proteins, the risk of accumulation in the sexual excess amount of nitrogen increases, which is a product of protein processing.

In the future, the accumulated nitrogen causes violation of fertilization processes and interferes with the introduction of a fertilized egg to the mucous membrane. It is believed that it is able to influence a certain gene in the body.

Finally, it should be noted that, since protein diets are based on a large consumption of products containing protein, they are usually very expensive. In addition, they do not contribute to the establishment of a regime. Thanks to which it would be possible to maintain permanent weight for a long time.

Diet saving protein
The passion for low-calorie diets and starvation, which lead to the rapid achievement of the effect of weight loss, gave rise to many problems.

In particular, the great harm of such diets is that the body is due to the insufficient flow of nutrients and calories to replenish their needs begins to burn the protein, which should be used to restore fabrics.

It negatively affects the metabolism of substances in the body, as all exchange processes slow down, as a result of which the internal energy need is reduced. The human body is rebuilt, after which it is very difficult to reset weight.

To avoid this, nutritionists have developed special low-calorie diets with high protein. Such diets should prevent the loss of protein in the body.

Some nutritionists offer to take protein in the form of amino acids before eating, while adding vitamins and minerals.

Harm from diets saving protein
Supporters of such diets argue that they really prevent the loss of protein by the body. Meanwhile, such diets are suitable only for people with strong obesity.

At the same time, a person who adheres to such a diet must be under constant medical control.

Prolonged adherence to such a diet can also lead to disruption of metabolism and digestibility.

With this nutrition, the body begins to use excess protein, processing it into energy or transforming into fat. Thus, the increased protein content in the usual diet can lead to the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

Since protein is contained mainly in animal products, it is often associated with people with animal fats that poorly affect digestion. In addition, such products are quite expensive. In this regard, some people adhere to diets with a reduced protein content. In fact, they go to a vegetarian diet, which will be mentioned in more detail below.

Harm from low protein diets
The danger of such diets is that the body begins to spend protein designed to update cells. This is fraught with serious health problems. As can be seen from Table 13, any low protein diet should include at least 38 g of this substance per day. Children and pregnant women require even more protein.

Any low-protein diet also includes very little fats. Thus, the diet mainly consists of carbohydrates, which is not useful for the body. For example, carbohydrates can be in the form of starch and sugar, which are undesirable in large quantities. In addition, such products are harmful, they are also high-calories that can reduce the effect of weight loss. Adherents of low protein diets will need to carefully monitor its weight and tightly control the daily calorie intake, refusing to itself in many delicious dishes. Such food will be distinguished by quite low taste quality and low utility.
In the next article about fats

The protein diet for weight loss and retention of the result is the optimal option, but only if it is competently organized and gradually becomes a way of life.

Why the organism is proteins

For normal life, the human body should be provided by the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro and microelements, water.

Proteins occupy second place in the list of unconditionally necessary substances.

They perform various functions:

  • Construction, being the basis of muscular, bone and other fabrics;
  • Transport - hemoglobin transfers oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • Enzymatic;
  • Exchange;
  • Digestive;
  • Energy;
  • Immune

Proteined molecules - macro papers consisting of separate fragments, amino acids interconnected. Of the 20 known Amino acid science, 8 are indispensable. This means that the human body cannot synthesize them and the stock is replenished only from outside, with food.

Since, protein in food products differ in composition and energy value, it is important to make a balanced menu so as not to harm the body.

The essence of the diet is a predominance in the diet of protein food with a maximum refusal of carbohydrates and fats. Without getting fat with food, the body of the Will-Neils begins to consume existing reserves, due to which weight loss and weight loss occurs. The protein allows you to keep muscle in tone, as well as provides the necessary level of energy.

Variety varieties

The reference among proteins is the chicken egg protein. It includes the greatest amount of amino acids, it is easily absorbed and is an ideal food product when choosing a protein diet.

The proteins that are included in the composition of the lactic serum are split faster and digested. The composition of such proteins is as close as possible to the composition of muscle fibers, the serum proteins are actively involved in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, stimulate digestive processes.

Vegetable proteins provide the organism with the necessary amino acids only with their competent combination. This fact must be taken into account when making a menu in case of complete abnormal food. In addition, vegetable proteins are digested for a long time and difficult to digest.

Meat proteins are quickly absorbed and ensure the required stock of amino acids. The composition varies significantly depending on the type of meat.

Fish protein on digestibility is ahead of meat, contains in its composition replaceable and essential amino acids and becomes an integral component of a protein diet.

The daily need for protein is quite modest: 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of human weight. However, with a decrease in the consumption of carbohydrates and fat, the excess of the daily rate will not affect the figure (excessive growth of muscle mass), at the same time, the protein is significantly longer and more difficult to convert into energy.

Types of protein diets

Different types of diets are developed for weight loss, each of which is the predominance of protein food in the diet.

Major postulates with protein dominant:

  1. Full refusal of alcohol
  2. Frequent meals, not less than 5-6 times a day
  3. Evening food intake - no later than 2-3 hours before sending to sleep
  4. The fat content in the products should be minimal
  5. During the day you need to drink about two liters of pure non-carbonated water

Daily calorie content is, on average, 700 kilocalories.

Ducan's diet

The greatest popularity, thanks to the achievement of a visible result in a short time, acquired a diet developed by the French Pierre Duucan.

It consists of 4 stages, gradually replacing each other:

  1. "Attack" It lasts 3-7 days, it allows the use of only protein products, with the addition of 1-2 tbsp. l. Bran daily. Protein products (skimmed!) You can eat in any quantities throughout the day, combining them with each other. Egg protein is not limited, yolks - no more than two per day. Do not get involved in crab chopsticks. Tea, coffee are allowed as drinks.
  2. "Alternation" Adds vegetables to protein food, with the exception of potatoes, beans, beans, lentils, corn, avocado, olives, olives. Bran is still a mandatory component of nutrition. Depending on how many kilograms need to be reset, the duration of the stage varies from two weeks to several months.
  3. "Fastening" Helps to keep the acquired weight. Its duration is considered by the formula: for each lost kilogram - 10 days of diet. You can allow 1 fruit per day, except for bananas, grapes, figs, cherries (cherries); a piece of cheese with fatty up to 40% (except for goat, soft grades and cheeses with mold); Fried pork or lamb meat - 1 time per week. At this stage, once a week, it is possible to afford products containing starch (potatoes baked in uniforms, 1-2 medium tubers; rice-simply 100 g; pasta; Grech). Once a week - eating without any restrictions. For a balance, one of the days a week should be pure protein.
  4. "Stabilization"rather, not the stage, but the way of food for further time. Every day you need to eat 3 tbsp. l. Bran, not to get involved in sweet and flour, drink clean water and not forget about the protein day.

A protein-vegetable diet allows you to maintain the desired weight without prejudice to health.

In order to lose weight on a protein diet, you need even at home, add physical activity: walking, walking, running, jumping, exercises.

Atkins diet

Atkins diet is not in pure form protein: the restriction on carbohydrates leads to an increase in the proportion of the protein.

At the first stage For two weeks, the daily rate of carbohydrates is 20 g. Fish, poultry meat, seafood, eggs, solid cheese varieties, vegetables (limited cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, peas, onions), mushrooms.

Skin and fat food can be used together, carbohydrates are always separate, no earlier than 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after it.

In the second stage The daily rate of carbohydrates increases twice and is accompanied by constant body weight control.

Protekovo-carbohydrate diet

One of the variants of protein food was protein-carbohydrate alternation (bus).

By making the menu for a week, it is necessary to distribute the products as follows:

  • Mixed day
  • Two protein days
  • Carbohydrate day
  • Two protein days
  • Carbohydrate day

A specific diet is not limited if the diet is suitable, then the bus becomes a way of life.

Elena Malysheva diet

Another fantasy on the theme of "protein food" - from the popular TV presenter Elena Malysheva.

The diet is based on common postulates - divided nutrition, water is at least 2 liters per day, refusal of alcohol, sugar, salt, animal fats and fast carbohydrates. Express diet lasts 3-5 days, in some cases the diet duration is two weeks.

Menu for the day:

  • 8 h - 2 tbsp. l. oat flakes fervent boiling water, add grated apple or 2 tbsp. l. unsweetened berries, 100 g of degreased cottage cheese;
  • 10 h - one fruit (apple, orange, grapefruit);
  • 12 h - 100 g of chicken meat (fish), 3 eggs, greens;
  • 16 h - one fruit;
  • 19 h - vegetable salad, cup of kefir

Protein express time for a week

For a quick result, an express diet, calculated for the week, will help on the eve of an important event. Recipes dishes are simple, but at the same time, varied, protein food saturates and will preserve this feeling for a long time, and the result will certainly surprise and delight.


  • Breakfast: 150 g of degreased cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • Lunch: 1 tbsp. Prostokvashi;
  • Lunch: Tofu and stew vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots);
  • Afternoon school: apple (orange, grapefruit);
  • Dinner: Apple and Celery Salad with Apple Vinegar
  • Second dinner: 1 tbsp. kefira


  • Breakfast: omelet, green tea;
  • Lunch: Fruit nectar (unsweetened);
  • Lunch: salad of greenery and stewed meat;
  • Afternoon person: egg, cucumber;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled beef;
  • Second dinner: 1 tbsp. Tomato juice


  • Breakfast: 100 g of fish for a couple, 100 g of brown rice;
  • Lunch: low-fat natural yogurt with berries;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup;
  • Afternoon person: 1 tbsp. milk;
  • Dinner: Seafood;
  • Second dinner: tea


  • Breakfast: boiled egg, 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: Apple;
  • Lunch: Fish soup on vegetable broth;
  • Afternoon: Natural yogurt with nuts;
  • Dinner: chicken breast, carrot salad with prunes;
  • Second dinner: 1 tbsp. Ryazhenki


  • Breakfast: cabbage salad, scrambled eggs;
  • Lunch: a cup of berries (unsweetened);
  • Lunch: Turkey Meat with Podle Beans for a pair;
  • Afternoon person: cottage cheese casserole without sugar, 1 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • Dinner: grilled fish fillet, vegetable salad;
  • Second dinner: 1 tbsp. Green Tea


  • Breakfast: rice with vegetables;
  • Lunch: Orange;
  • Lunch: 50 g oatmeal, 150 g of boiled meat (chicken, beef, turkey);
  • Afternoon school: fruit cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled fish, tomato salad;
  • Second dinner: 1 tbsp. kefira


  • Breakfast: 100 g of buckwheat porridge, 100 g of boiled meat;
  • Lunch: 1 egg;
  • Lunch: seafood soup;
  • Afternoon school: cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad;
  • Second dinner: 1 tbsp. Prostokvashi

Over the week, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water daily, eliminate salt, increase physical exertion.

The benefit from the diet will be only if the weight loss is responsible, be prepared for the restrictions in nutrition. In order not to "break out", it is worth planning the menu in advance and purchase the necessary products, and from the forbidden to get rid of the temptation.

The protein diet gives an additional burden on the kidneys, so people having chronic diseases, as well as pregnant women, should be previously consulted with a doctor.

Common protein diets menus are distinguished by the amount of allowed products, calorieness of the diet, and the "fatness percentage". Food plans are designed for a person capable of functioning normally on the deficiency of calories and carbohydrates. Protein diets are divided into ketogenic or highly modes, and low-aluminum low-calorie. Doctors do not support and use the first and second. It is believed that in the diet of an ordinary losing weight, there should be no less than 50% of carbohydrates. That is, if the caloric content of the diet for weight loss 1500 kcal minimum 750 kcal should come from carbohydrates. It is known that less than 140 g of carbohydrates in the diet is a critical deficit that affects the work of the brain. In addition, the lack of carbohydrates helps to reduce productivity in work and sports, and increases the risk of disruptions. However, supporters of protein diets in the modern world more and more.

The content of the article:

It is believed that a person sitting on a protein diet will lose faster. Causes are called both real and fictional:

  • objectively protein diets are more satisfying than vegetable fruit and in the croups;
  • the protein is an indispensable component of the diet, we cannot receive amino acids from the "carbohydrate" products, and cannot be recovered without amino acids. The protein is important not only for the construction of muscles, elasticity of the skin and beauty of hair, but also for our immune system. High protein diets do not give the effect of "immunity failure", and practically do not increase the risk of colds;
  • it has been proven that 1.5 g of protein on the kilo of the current weight allow you to save more muscular mass In the process of weight loss. Therefore, protein diets say that they accelerate metabolism, and contribute to burning fat, not muscles;
  • many believe that the protein diet is an analogue of Cardio, that is, the body spends a lot of energy to digest the protein, and therefore you can almost do without exercise if you eat some sources of protein. In fact, energy, of course, is spent a lot, but the error is minimal, most of the people are not able to lose weight without cardio, especially given the minimum physical activity in everyday life. This fact about the protein menu should be considered a fiction;
  • the protein diet can be observed with a person who feeds out at home most of the time, especially if it is not a diet with strict requirements for the origin of products;
  • protein diets set, so everyone can choose to taste and a set of products, and the "number of approaches" to food.

Minuses of protein diets

As already noted, protein diets are not approved by nutritionists, and are not considered healthy. Eating some sources of protein is a bad idea for people with kidney and liver diseases. Diets with a predominance of protein food are not recommended to those who have problems with digestion, and suffers from constipation.

Protein diets can be poorly tolerated by people who regularly perform a high volume of power load. In sports, cyclic protein diets are widely used - at least 4 g of carbohydrates in a training day, and no more than 2 g - in the days of rest.

Protein diets are strictly contraindicated with pregnant and nursing, due to the possible high load on the kidneys and the liver.

Protein diets can in the same way provoke disorders of food behavior, as well as any plan that excludes a whole group of products. Psychologists warn us from using unusual rations. In any case, less downturn on food gives the following plan, not excluding carbohydrates.

Features: We consider only carbohydrates, there must be no more than 40 per day. Do not exclude sausages, semi-finished products, meat products. On the contrary, you can eat them, and cheese, the main thing is not what carbohydrate contains. After all, fat deposits, according to supporters of the plan, are recruited precisely because of excess carbohydrates. The diet allows both alcohol "0 carbohydrates" - vodka, whiskey, dry wine.

Sample menu

Breakfast: scrambled eggs of 2-3 eggs with sausages or sausage, tomato, ½.

Lunch: portion of baked with meat raw, any green vegetables, for example, beans..

Dinner: portion of fish on a pair or fried on oil without adding flour, vegetables - salad with vegetable oil, You can sprinkle with cheese.

Smells: cottage cheese, no more than 150 g, cheese, a bit of vegetables.

Menu Duiet Dukana

Features: The diet is both low-carb, and low-alcohol, it is not recommended at all stages. Eating fatty meat, fatty fish is limited to 1-2 portions per week. Cottage cheese It is also recommended to choose "zero", in addition, every day it is necessary to add 1-2 tablespoons of oat bran to the diet.

Stage 1

Features: Only meat, fish, cottage cheese and egg squirrel are allowed, plus a sugar substitute.

Exemplary menu:

Breakfast: degreased cottage cheese, baked with 1-2 egg squirrels and sweetener without calories. You can add any fragrance.

Lunch: beef extra-low fat steak, cooked for a couple or in the oven in foil.

Dinner: Portion Cod for a couple, you can add a little ukrop and lemon juice.

2 stage

Features: It is necessary to alternate "protein-vegetable" days and protein. The protein day menu remains unchanged.

Approximate menu of vegetable day:

Breakfast: fresh cucumbers and cabbage salad, 1-2 squirrel baked with chicken breast, spicy herbs.

Lunch: Breast of chicken or turkey, stewed with green beans in the podolkova, and the addition of garlic and orego.

Dinner: beef is non-fat, salad from tomatoes and cucumbers.

3 stages

Features: You can add to the interception menu 120 g rice or pasta every day. As a basis, you can take an exemplary menu of the second stage and add. One day a week arrange an unloading day on the proteins.

Features: This diet allows the use of cottage cheese, and the use of bread. The truth is only 150 g, and the second is a couple of pieces per day, but nevertheless, this diet is also known as "protein".

Sample menu

Breakfast: 2 pieces of rye bread with a glass of milk, a teaspoon of honey, cottage cheese for spreading.

Lunch: Chicken breast with vegetables on a pair or grill.

Dinner: Fish with vegetables.

Can be snacking in small portions of the same fish or chicken with vegetables.

Protein diets from the world of sports

A feature of anyone sports diet It is that it does not exclude carbohydrates completely. Usually recommended to keep in the diet buckwheat, perlovka or oatmealIn order to provide your exercise with energy.

A feature of such a diet is the need for independent settlements:

  • it is necessary to eat at least 2-4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. If serious strength training is practiced, in a training day 4 g of carbohydrates, on the day of training "Verkha" or restorative training - at least 3 g, 2 g of carbohydrates can be used in the days of rest, if we are talking about drying for sports, you can reduce the amount of carbohydrates in Rest days to 1 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • proteins should remain in the "zone" of 1-1.5 g per kilogram of body weight. Some sources recommend raising their number up to 2 g per kilo mass of the body, if there is no possibility to be saturated with the usual amount of protein. However, this is permissible only for people with healthy kidneys and liver;
  • fats should remain in the range of 0 8-1 g per 1 kg of body weight. In this case, the total amount of fats is divided by 10% to 90% and 10% is recommended to receive from saturated fats. In principle, this amount can be gained, if there is no degreased dairy products, and replace it with milk, kefir and yogurt 2.5% fatty;
  • recommended fractional food one or another periodicity. Those who are well absorbed food can limit the 4-time, but 5-6 one-time rations are more common.
  • The approximate menu of any "sports" diet may look like this:

    Breakfast: 30-50 g oatmeal in dry form, egg whites, 1-2 whole eggs.

    Second breakfast: 150-200 g of cottage cheese with bran. and cinnamon Or add yogurt and all of the above.

    Lunch: chicken breast, buckping buckwheat or barley, vegetables.

    Snack: grapefruit or green apple, nuts.

    Dinner: White fish, baked with spicy herbs, stewed cabbage, broccoli or green beans.

    We can replace 1-2 snack protein cocktails, whey protein is preferable. At night it is allowed to drink a serving of casein if it feels too strong hunger.

    Products prohibited on protein diets

    Many diets allow all products, the main thing is to fit into the permitted amount of carbohydrates. Such, for example, kremlin diet. Others prohibit us all sources of simple carbohydrates that can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. In fact, disputes about whether the same fruits are harmful to low-carbon diet Or useful, still underway. Training people advise these fruit immediately after classes to cause insulin surge and strengthen anabolic effect.

    Most of the "people's" format diet prohibits objectively unhealthy food - sausages, sausages, fatty semi-finished products. The latter, moreover, can contain starch and sugar in their composition, and they are not always indicated on the packaging.

    The Gold Standard of Drinks is something without caffeine and without sugar. All diet allowed to cheer up green tea or natural carcade With the addition of stevia sweetener. Coffee - the question is controversial. Some believe that its consumption contributes to increasing the level of cortisol, and therefore should not have revenge. Others think that coffee is quite possible to drink in front of the power training, but after it - no longer recommended.

    Protein diets do not combine at all with the use of juices, compotes and spacing with sugar. The exception can be drinks without adding sugar based on water and grapefruit juice, but they are not recommended to drink above the norm.

    In general, the transition to a protein diet increases the need for fluid. It is recommended to drink at least 40 ml of water by 1 kg of body weight, you can drink and more, but it is not recommended to drink the whole "water" norm with green tea and coffee.

    Some proponents of protein diets are recommended to reduce appetite to chew a chewing gum without adding sugar and drink gas with sweetened fuels. Others argue that from such products only swelling is enhanced and the burdens load increases. In any case, it is not recommended to sit on a protein diet more than 12 weeks to a row. The ideal duration of such a slimming plan is 6-8 weeks.

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    Especially for - Fitness Trainer Elena Selivanova


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