Tchaikovsky and Nature - presentation. Preparation for GIA, a compressed presentation, the receipt of simplifying the exception of one or more proposals

Tchaikovsky and Nature - presentation. Preparation for GIA, a compressed presentation, the receipt of simplifying the exception of one or more proposals

Powesty stories

Summary of the story "Squeezing Hollows":

A story about an interesting case from Tchaikovsky's life: he had a manor in a pine forest. It was an old awesome house in which he loved to compose music. Tchaikovsky had a servant and a housekeeper who lived with him and helped him. One day, Vasily came running to the house to Tchaikovsky and said that his landowner sold the whole forest to the Kharkiv merchant, who ordered to put the entire forest for axes. Vasilya tearfully asked Tchaikovsky to help preserve the forest. Peter Ilyich immediately left to the governor, but he said that he could not help in this matter, since everything was legally, the forest is the property of the merchant, which means he can do everything he wants with him. Then Peter Ilyich decided to smash the forest from the merchant Troškchenko, but he put a very high price. Tchaikovsky had no such money, and the merchant refused to take a bill of his music. Then Peter Ilyich decided to leave the manor to Moscow, so as not to see this barbarism. In the evening, Vasily came to his house, I realized that Tchaikovsky could not protect the forest and left, and at this time a merchant Troškchenko approached the house. They laughed with Vasily and the merchant left.

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Story "Squeakbing Halls" - read:

The house is dealing with old age. And maybe, from the fact that he stood in a clearing in a pine forest and from pines all summer pulled the heat. Sometimes the wind blew, but he did not penetrate even in the open windows of mezzanine. He was only noisy in the tops of the pines and joined the vintage of cumulative clouds over them.

Tchaikovsky liked this wooden house. The rooms weakly smelled of turpentine and white cloves. They were in abundance bloomed in the glade in front of the porch. The disheveled, dried, they did not even look like flowers, but reminded the flocks of the fluff sticking to the stalks.

The only thing that annoyed the composer is a screeching floor. In order to pass from the door to the piano, it was necessary to cross in five rowed flooring. From the outside it looked, it should be funny when an elderly composer made his way to the piano, looking at the floor-sized eyes.

If it was possible to go through so that none of them would creak, Tchaikovsky sat down for the piano and grinned. An unpleasant left behind, and now the amazing and funny will begin: the saved house will sing from the first sounds of the piano. Any key will respond with the finest resonance dry rafters, doors and an old chandelier, who lost half of their crystals similar to oak leaves.

The simplest musical theme was played by this house as a symphony.

"Beautiful orchestration!" - thought Tchaikovsky, admiring the singer of the tree.

For some time, Tchaikovsky began to seem to seem that the house is already waiting for the composer, drunk coffee, sit down for the piano. The house missed without sounds.

Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard, how, crackling, it feels one, then another floorboard, as if remembering his daily music and snatching his beloved note from it. It also reminded the orchestra before the overture, when the orchestrants set up the tools. It is here, then there is in the attic, then in a small hall, then in a glazed hallway - someone touched the string. Tchaikovsky through the sleep pulled the melody, but, waking up in the morning, forgot her. He strained the memory and sighed: what a pity that the night trample of a wooden house can not be lost now! To lose the uncomplicated song of dry wood, window windows with a cramped smear, wind tagged on the roof.

Listening to the night sounds, he often thought that she had a life, and nothing was really done. All written is only a poor tribute to their people, friends, beloved poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. But I have never managed to convey that easy delight that arises from the spectacle of the rainbow, from the auchany of peasant girls in more often, from the simplest phenomena of the surrounding life.

The simpler was that he saw, the harder it was on the music. How to transmit at least yesterday's case when he was hiding from the pouring rain in the hut at the trampling of Tikhon!

Fenya ran to the hip, the daughter of Tikhon, the girl is fifteen years old. Rain drops with her hair. Two drops hung at the tips of the little ears. When the sun hit the sun, the drops in the ears of Fenia were slaughtered like diamond earrings.

Tchaikovsky admired the girl. But the phenya shakeped the drops, everything ended, and he realized that no music would be able to transfer the charm of these fleeting droplets.

Fet sowed in his verses: "Only you, the poet, the wing word is enough for the summer and suddenly and the dark nonsense of the souls, and the grazing smell ..."

No, obviously, it is not given to him. He never waited for inspiration. He worked, he worked like a rider, like an ox, and inspiration was born in work.

Perhaps most of all helped him the forests, a forest house, where he stayed by this summer, rates, thickets, abandoned roads - in their rings poured with rain, reflected in the twilight of the sickle of the month, - this amazing air and always a little sad Russian sunsets.

He does not exchange these foggy dawns for any excellent marriage sunset Italy. Without the rest, he gave his heart of Russia - its forests and villages, gods, paths and songs. But every day it is increasingly tormented by the inability to express all the poetry of his country. He must achieve this. You just need to not spare yourself.

Fortunately, in life are amazing days - such as today's. He woke up very early and did not move for a few minutes, listening to the disbelief of the forest larks. Do not even looking out the window, he knew that there was a piggy shadow in the forest.

On the next pine cuckoo cuckoo. He got up, went to the window, lit.

The house was standing on the hill. The forests went down, in a fun distance, where the lake was lying among the thickets. There the composer had a favorite place - it was called Rudym Yar.

The detention facility always caused excitement. In winter, in a crude hotel in Rome, he woke up among the night and began a step by step to remember this road: first, according to the promissory, where the pink Ivan tea blooms, then a birch mushroom melts, then through the broken bridge over the overgrown river and Raughty - up, in the ship boron.

He recalled this way, and his heart beat himself. This place seemed to him the best expression of Russian nature.

He called the servant and hooked him to wash it away, drink coffee and go to the Yar. He knew that today, having been there, he will return - and long-lived somewhere inside the favorite topic about the lyric strength of this forest side perceivers through the edge and rushes streams of sounds.

So it happened. He long stood on the cliff of Ore Yar. From the thickets of Linden and Becklet Kapala Rosa. So much raw gloss was around that he involuntarily squinted his eyes.

But most of all on this day Tchaikovsky struck the light. He peered into him, saw all the new layers of light, falling on familiar forests. As soon as he did not notice this before?

From the sky, the lights raised with straight threads, and the tops of the forest seemed especially convex and curly, visible from above, with a cliff.

The oncoming rays fell on the edge, and the nearest slices of the pines were the soft golden shade, which happens in a thin pine plank, lit from the back of the candle. And with an extraordinary morning in the morning, he noticed that pine trunks also discard the light on the underproles and on the grass - very weak, but the same golden, pinkish tone.

And finally, he saw today, as Yves and alder over the lake thickets were illuminated from the bottom with a blown outflow of water.

The familiar edge was all over the light, heated to them until the latter blade. A variety and lighting force caused Tchaikovsky's condition when it seems that something is about to happen something extraordinary, similar to a miracle. He experienced this state before. It could not be lost. It was necessary to immediately return home, sit down for the piano and to write to record the luminous paper lips.

Tchaikovsky quickly went to the house. In the glade stood a high empty pine. He was called "Lighthouse." She quietly noishes, although there was no wind. He, without stopping, ran his hand over her heated crust.

At home, he ordered a servant to himself not to let him go to a small hall, locked up a rattling door and sat down to the piano.

He played. Entry to the topic seemed vague and complex. He sought the clarity of the melody - such that she was clear and Mila and Fennel, and even the old Vasily, a grilling forester from the next landowner manor.

He played, not knowing that the Fenia brought him a fairytale strawberries, sits on the porch, firmly squeezes the tanned fingers the ends of a white head headscarf and, open his mouth, listens. And then Vasily raised, sat down next to the phenya, refused the city cigarette offered by the servant, and twisted the cigar from Samosha.

Plays? - asked, silent by the treasury, Vasily. - Stop, you say, it is impossible?

In no way! - answered the servant and grinned on the uneducation of the forester. - He composes music. This, Vasily Efimich, Holy Case.

The case, of course, is holy, "Vasily agreed. - And you would still report.

And do not ask. It is necessary to have an understanding of things.

And we, we do not understand? - angry Vasily. - You, brother, guard, and in moderation. My business, if you figure it out, more hard, than this piano.

Oh! - sighed the phenya and still tightened the ends of the handkerchief. - All the day he had heard!

She had gray eyes, surprised, and brown sparks were visible.

Here, - said a servant with reproach, - Barenoga girl and she feels! And you protest! The meaning of you will not achieve. And it is unknown, for what you came to.

I did not come to the restaurant, "answered Branchily Vasily. - In the restaurant we will meet - let's hit, boiled until the morning. I came to Peter Ilyich for advice.

He removed the hat, said the gray cosma, then swallowed the hat and said:

I could not hear? My landowner did not pull out, weakening. The whole forest sold.


Here you and well! Well, yes, there is a tongue on the pine!

What are you kidding? - offended servant. - And I can answer!

The vest you are velvet, - muttered Vasily, - with pockets. And what to put in them, unknown. Lollipops for girls? Or scrape and go to feed under the windows? You go out, the prodigal son. Who are you!

Fenia snorted. The servant was silent, but looked at Vasily contemptuously.

Something! Said Vasily. - It is necessary to understand where the truth is, and where the lawlessness. Forest landowner profudka. And what? With the debts they will not be enough.

Who sold?

Kharkiv merchant Troshenka. Brought him here, for thousands of the miles, not easy from Kharkov! .. I heard about this?

Merchants a lot, - the servant answered evasively. - If he was still Moscow ... yes of the first guild ...

I did the merchants in my century what kind of guilds. Such a variety of converts that save the Lord! And this one - seemingly a decent gentleman. In golden glasses, and a beard seamless, combing combing. Pure beard. Retired headquarters-captain. Not like. It seems like church elder. In Circular jacket goes. And in the eyes, brother, do not look - there is empty. As in the grave. Card came with him, everything praises: "My, says, the Wolfhounds of the Forest breathed across the Kharkiv and Kursk provinces. Solid logging. He says, to the woods of evil - nothing will leave anything to the seeds. In the forests there are big capital. Thought, of course, that the cradle is lying. They are pleased with monetary people; They are to lie or man squeezing is empty. And it came to the verification that the clerk would not sore. Bought Troškchenko Forest, Shubuha has not yet changed, and he drove the lumberjacks and pins. From tomorrow, the forest will begin to pour. Everyone, they say, ordered to put under the ax, to the last Osine. So that!

A serious man, "the servant noticed.

Ho-ogeen! - viciously shouted Vasily. - His neck from some Moslakov, Anathema!

What do you want? What is your trouble? What we are told, then do. Just keep up the cap to throw.

You serve you from a good Mr., "Vasily said thoughtfully," and you have a shower like a rotten nut. " Click - and in it is a white worm kernel. I would be your Barin, I would definitely kill you. District! How language turns such asking - I'm something! Yes, from my twenty years to this forest attached. I climbed him, nursing. As a woman, the guys do not grow.

Won! - the servant died mockingly.

- "Won"! - messed up his Vasily. - And now what? Robbery! Yes, I still have to make a tree to death. No, brother, my conscience is not paper. You can not buy me. Now one way is to complain.

Who? - he asked the servant and let the tobacco smoke from the nostrils. - Tsar Gorokhu?

How to whom? Governor. Navy. And will not help - in court! Get to Senate.

There will be a senate with such a thing to be worn!

And it will not be - so to the king of the emperor!

Well, how does the king not help?

Then to become all the world and stand. Wall. I will not allow, they say, a scope. Leave where it came from.

Dreams! - I sighed the servant and flooded the cigarette. - With these words, you are better to Peter Ilyich do not start.

We will look at it!

Well, sit, wait! - the servant was angry. "But I also have in mind that if he played, it will not come to the night.

I suppose! You do not scare me. I, brother, not from timid.

The servant took the Mahotka with strawberries and went to the house. Fenia has long sat having hurt, looked in front of him in surprised eyes. Then quietly got up and, looking around, went away on the road. And Vasily walled the cygar, the scraver, waited. The sun has already exceeded in the evening, long shadows went from pines, and the music did not sink.

"Saws! - thought Vasily, raised his head, listened. - Lord, but it's like a friend! Surely our rustic?" Among the dollane "! No, not that. And similar! Or then the shepherds played in the meadows. The flock evening? Or then the nightingas hit immediately, as if they were talking, in the surrounding bushes? Eh, old age! And the soul, it can be seen, does not surrender. The soul remembers youth. With youth youth to part where it's a pity. Not from the hands to part! "

When the windows fired a crimson right fire in the windows, the music finally broke off. Several minutes were quiet. Then the door creaked. Tchaikovsky came out on the porch, pulled a cigarette from the leather cigarette. He was pale, his hands trembled.

Vasily rose, stepped toward Tchaikovsky, became his knees, pulled the burntable card with his head, sobbed.

What are you? - Quickly asked Tchaikovsky and grabbed Vasily by the shoulder. - Get up! What's wrong with you, Vasily?

Save! - Cooked Vasily and began to ride through the power, leaning his hand about the step. - My urine is not! Scream would shout, but no one will respond. Help, Peter Ilyich, do not let the Palacium happen!

Vasily pressed against the eyes of a sleeve of a covered blue shirt. He could not say anything for a long time, frowned, and when he finally told everything as it was, he even turned his eyes off: he never seen Peter Ilyich in such anger.

The whole face of Tchaikovsky went red stains. Wrapped to the house, he shouted:


Frightened servant jumped out on the porch:

Called, Peter Ilyich?

Horses! Led to lay.

Where to go?

To the governor.

Tchaikovsky badly remembered this late trip. The stroller threw on the potholes and roots. Horses sorkened, frightened. From the sky fell the stars. The cold hit the face of a wetlands.

At times, the road broke through such a thick of the flashes that it was necessary to sit bent off, so that the branches do not evolve face. Then the forest ended, the road went under the mountain, to the spacious meadows. Kucher was gicked, and the horses went to drag.

"Do I have time?" Tchaikovsky thought. "In extreme cases, wake up. Tomorrow will begin to throw the forest. What kind of meanness is!"

With the governor, he met somehow at a charity concert in the provincial city. Vulcably remembered by a fat man in a close syrotuk, with swelling, sick centuries. They rummed that the governor - Liberal.

Here is the city. The wheels trembled along the bridge, recalculated all the logs, then rolled on soft dust. In the windows churchly walked coots. Stone labases stretched. We drove past the dark calent, past the garden for a high fence. The stroller stopped at the White House with replete columns.

Tchaikovsky called the wicket.

From the garden came the voices, laughter, blows of wooden hammers. There, it should be played when lanterns in a crocket. So, there was young people in the house. It reassured Tchaikovsky. He believed that he would be able to convince the governor. No matter how the governor is dry and official, he will be ashamed of his youth to refuse Tchaikovsky in such a right.

The maid in the Cittz, to the squeak of a starchy dress, held Tchaikovsky on the veranda, where the governor saw tea. He was a widow, and the tea poured the elderly housekeeper with an offended face.

The governor rose hard, took the step towards. It was a silk white mowing with an unbuttoned gate. He apologized, looking at Tchaikovsky with swimming eyes.

The knock of crocket balls in the garden ceased. Must be, youth learned Tchaikovsky and stopped playing. Yes, and it was difficult to not know him - an elegant, graying, with a friendly portrait of gray attentive eyes. And when he, slightly bowing, took a glass of tea from the housekeeper, the youth saw his hand, - a thin, but strong hand of the musician. In portraits, he was often depicted flatly on this hand.

Existing submitters, "the governor said slowly, squeezing lemon slice with a spoon in a glass, unfortunately, they do not give me opportunities, Peter Ilyich, I do anything. Forest cutting is allowed to be a trimple on the basis of the existing instructions. Mr. Troshchenko Vain to act to his benefit. Nothing here you can do!

The governor squeezed lemon and won it with a spoon from a glass.

And what, in fact, are you in the actions of a tercher of criminal? - he asked politely.

Tchaikovsky was silent. What could he say to this man? What is the death of forests carrying him a ruin? The governor may be, but, guided by laws and explanations to them, immediately will immediately take this objection. What else to say? On the valid beauty of the earth? About your killed inspiration? On the powerful impact of forests on the soul of man? What to say? "We are both wonderful that they recalled and fought their national force in harmony with this amazing nature"? Or just admit that it is a pity to pain of these forests, their freshness, noise, air radiance in the glades?

Tchaikovsky was silent.

Of course, "said the governor and raised his eyebrows, as if he's thinking about something, - Forest predation is the thing ugly. But I am powerless to help you in this difficulty. I would be glad to soul, but I can not, Peter Ilyich. I share your indignation. But the aspirations of artistic nature do not always coincide with commercial interest.

Tchaikovsky got up, spoke and silently went to the exit. The governor hurriedly walked behind.

Over the crocket platform hung on the branches of the lanterns. Two girls and junkers stood in the garden with crocket hammers in their hands and silently watched Tchaikovsky.

Back drove slowly. At times, Kucher flooded. His head was dulling, like a drunk, while the stroller did not shake on Ugab. Then Kucher woke up, smoked for horses: "But, Lodii!" - And he dug on goats. Horses accelerated a minute for a minute, and then again flew, fused, stretched to the dark grass along the roadside.

Tchaikovsky smoked, leaning back on the back of a leather seat, raising the collar coat. What to do? One way out: Sprinkle in Trootoroga Forest. But where to take money? Would you send tomorrow the telegram to his publisher Jurgpson? Let him get the money where he wants. By the mortgage of his writings ... This decision was somewhat reassured Tchaikovsky.

Do not drive, Ivan, for God's sake! - He said, although Kucher never seven horses.

Tchaikovsky wanted to go long, all night, - in Dremot, easy, unclear, to submit himself to traveling among this dark plain to friends, where he is waiting for recognition, happiness ...

When Tchaikovsky woke up, the stroller stood on the river bank. Dried thickets. Kucher tears from the goat and, by correcting the whipping horses, said:

Ferry on that shore. Sleep, should have carriers. Shout, or what? - He came up to the water itself, she knew himself, knocked himself quietly: - Translate-Oz!

Nobody answered. Kucher waited, shouted again. There was a light on the shore. Someone went with the treasury. Ferry, creaking, despair.

When the ferry came up, Tchaikovsky came out of the stroller. Kucher cautiously reduced horses on the boardwalk. Then I bowed the rope for a long time, Kucher quietly talked to the carrier. From the close forest pulled warmth.

What relief! He will save this corner of the Earth. He was attached to him. These forests were inseparable from his reflection, from music that born in the caches of consciousness, from the best minutes of his life. And there were not so many of them, these minutes.

If the composer asked how he wrote his famous things, he could only answer one thing: "According to conscience, I do not know." He sometimes spoke sometimes about his music as a suitable work, but he knew that this was not so. And he said about it as something ordinary only because he himself could not understand how it was happening.

Recently, in St. Petersburg, an enthusiastic student asked him what the mystery of his musical genius. The student said: "Genius". Tchaikovsky flashed, blushed - he could not accept this high word in relation to himself - and answered sharply: "What is the mystery? In work. And there is no secret at all. I sit down for the piano as a shoemaker sits down the boots."

Student left distressed. Then Tchaikovsky seemed to be right. And now, in front of the face of this night, listening to how the water is murmur of the ferry log, he thought that it was not so easy to create. It comes suddenly, as in the forgotten verses: "One wave to rise to life is different, I teach winds with flowering shores ..." Wind with flowering shores! He froze his heart. What surprises lose life! And as well, that we do not know when she opens them - is there, on the ferry, in the brilliance of the theater hall, under the young pine, where swinging from the imperceptible wind of the Lily of Lily, or in the radiance of women's eyes, affectionate and inquisitive.

How well know that in the Commonwealth with these forests, in complete serenity, he graduates from the work launched yesterday and dedicate her ... who? To the young, shy fellow, the former Zemskoy doctor, whose stories he reads and reread in the evenings: Anton Chekhov. Let the musicians be angry. He is tired of their arrogance, solidity and insincere praise.

After crossing, sitting in a carriage, Tchaikovsky said to the Kumor:

In the manor to Lipetsky. There this merchant stopped ... How ... Troškchenko?

It is necessary to be there. Yes, I will arrive, Peter Ilyich. It just starts to develop.

Nothing. I need to intercept him early.

In the manor, Tchaikovsky Trootchka did not find.

Already cuttingly. The entire manor courtyard overgrown with a ruin. Among the reurenik, the husky dog \u200b\u200bran across rusty wire. The muzzle was in Brian, and the dog, a little haul, started to rub the face of the paw, rip off the barbs.

A curved man in red curls came to the porch. From him was abused onions. The redhead indifferently looked at the carriage, on Tchaikovsky and said that Troškchenko had just left on the rod.

And what did he need to do you? - the redhead asked displeasure. - I am the ruler.

Tchaikovsky did not answer, touched the back of the goon. Horses from the spot took a trot. Redhead looked after the stroller, sleep long:

Noblemen! Talk to disgust. Many we were letting them down the world, with a blank pocket!

On the way, logged out lumberjacks. They walked with axes, with blurred saws, bluish saws. The loggers asked to smoke and said that Troškchenko was not far from the fifth quarter.

Near the fifth quarter, Tchaikovsky stopped the stroller, came out and headed to the other side where the voices were heard.

Troškchenko, in boots and a hat, which was called "Hello and Farewell," - a helmet out of the hollow with two visors, in front and behind, went through the forest and methyl pine tree himself.

Tchaikovsky approached, called himself. Trolchenko asked:

What can I serve?

Tchaikovsky briefly outlined his proposal - to resemble the whole forest on the root.

Would you like to round possession? - Laskovo asked Troshchenko. - There is no price to this forest. Hear? - Troškchenko hit the topor with a pine tree. - Sings Wood! And about your words you need to think. A kind of surprise. The whole thing, how you know, in price. For your price, I can not pay you. There is no point. In addition, expenses. Some lumberjacks bring yes to feed something worth! Well, and the bosses to us, timber industry, is expensive. The bosses like a magnet - gold greatly attracts.

Name your price. I'm not going to bargain. If the price is similar ...

Where you bargain! You are a man of elevated spheres of life. I will tell you the right price ... - Troškchenko paused. - Ten thousand will, perhaps, the most price.

And how much did you buy this forest?

This is the tenth business. My product is my price.

Okay! Said Tchaikovsky and felt the chill under his heart, as if he put all his life on the card. - I agree.

Something painfully agree, - said Troškchenko and stretched out a Tchaikovsky wooden cigarette party. - Ask!

Thank you. Just smoked.

Do you have money? - Suddenly, Troškchenko asked rudely.

Will be.

The kingdom of God will too. When Pomrem. I ask cash about cash.

I will give you a bill.

Under what? Under this manor? Yes, she is two thousand - the red price!

This manor is not mine. Bill I will issue under your writings.

So-s! .. - stretched out Troshchenko and lit. - to the music! .. Her listen, of course, nice. Listened - left, and there is no trace! "He stretched out to Tchaikovsky's palm and screaming on it with curved fingers." - Aerial thing. Today it can, and in price, and tomorrow - smoke! Bill I, sorry, not take. Only cash.

I do not have cash now.

No and no court! And again, we had a very approximate conversation.

That is, as? You prescribed price!

You still need to examine. Forest examine. To realize it. Yes, perhaps, and a frivolous thing. Who is so negotiating - on the go! .. No! He said sharply. - Useless conversation! If you, tomorrow you laid out fifteen thousand, then I would have retreated.

Yes, you, - Tchaikovsky said, and his face again went on red spots, - in his mind?

My mind is always with me. I do not live in empires.

You're just a maclak!

Then there is nothing to you with a mackey and talk! - snapped Troškchenko. - We lived with macas and scratch macas, but in honor and prosper. We do not have noble fur coats. Honor I have to bow!

He raised his hat and walked into the depths of the forest.

"Always I am so!" Thikovsky thought. "- I will flash, make a sharpness and torn all the case."

He drove home, trying not to listen to the top of the ax overlooking the forest.

Horses carried a stroller into the glade. Someone ahead shouted warningly. Kucher with the go asked horses.

Tchaikovsky got up, grabbed the shoulder of the Couteron. From the foot of the pine, bent, bent like a thieves, scattered loggers.

Suddenly, the whole pine, from the roots to the top, shuddered and groaned. Tchaikovsky clearly heard this moan. The top of the pine swung, the tree began to slowly tear to the road and suddenly collapsed, the root of neighboring pines, breaking birch. With a serious roar of Pine hurt about the ground, fluttered all the cheese and froze. Horses backed up and scared.

It was a moment, one only the terrible moment of death of a mighty tree, who lived here two hundred years. Tchaikovsky squeezed his teeth.

The pinnacle of Pine tanned the road. It was impossible to drive.

You will have to guess to Bolshak, Peter Ilyich, "said Kucher.

Drive! I walk go on foot.

Eh, clouds! - sighed Kucher, picking up the entrance. - Chick and then do not know how to go human. It's not ourselves - to pump a large tree first, and small break into the sins? You first fallen first, then a lot in the spacious one will fall, the loss will not give ...

Tchaikovsky walked over to the top of the pine trembling. She lay a mountain juicy and dark needles. It was still preserved on the needles, characteristic of those air expanses, where this needle was just trembling under the breeze. Thick broken branches covered with a transparent yellowish film were full of resin. From her smell cured in the throat.

Immediately lay broken pine branches. Tchaikovsky remembered how birch trees to keep the falling pine, take her to their flexible trunks to soften the deadly fall, - from him a far from hacked the earth.

He quickly went home. That right, then to the left, then the buzz of the falling trunks was heard behind. And the earth is still stupid. Birds rushed over the rod. Even the clouds seemed to have accelerated their jog in indifferent to all heavenly blue.

Tchaikovsky all accelerated steps. He almost ran.

Self! - he mumbled. - the abomination of the monstrous! Who gave the right to man to cripple and urge the land for the fact that some TroChenko slumming at night at night? There are things that do not appreciate whether rubles or billions of rubles. Is it really so difficult to understand there, in St. Petersburg, this multi-dimensional state husbands that the country's power is not in one material wealth, but also in the soul of the people! The wider, this soul, the greater the greatest and the power reaches the state. And what brings up the latitude of the spirit, like not this amazing nature! It must be preserved, as we care about the lifetime of a person. The descendants will never forgive us the emptying of the Earth, the abuse of the fact that the right one belongs not only to us, but also them. Here they are where, "Drained fathers"! ..

Tchaikovsky chuckled. He could no longer go fast. In the chest there was an attacks a fainting emptiness. After her, he began to knock the heart so hard that his blows hurt him in the temples. He thought that both the death of the forest, and a sleepless night - all this aged him at once for several years.

So, now he will never finish the work started yesterday. You will have to immediately leave not to see this barbarism.

The separation of the favorite places occurred. Familiar state! Why are your favorite places when they need to part with them, are there particularly good? Why do they shine such a farewell beauty? So now everything was extraordinary. And the sky, and air, and wet from the dew grass, and a lonely web in blue.

Yesterday, he could stop, calmly follow the flight of the web and guess, whether she hooked over a birch branch or not. And today it is no longer possible, there is no rest, it means there is no joy. There is nothing.

At home, he ordered a servant to lay suitcases.

The servant immediately came to life:

To Moscow, Peter Ilyich?

While in Moscow. And there will be visible.

Having looked at the face of the servant spread from happiness, he frowned, passed into a small hall, sat down to the piano. So! So, the Kharkiv merchant in the creamy boots, the brazen, broken Maclak, is impunity to land. And the started symphony died, not having flourished. He grinned. "Not blossomed and plowed in the morning of cloudy days ..." And there, in consciousness, where yesterday there was still so many sounds, one emptiness remained. Some ladies kicked him out of these amazing places, raised his hand on his work. Ahead again, the Scheductivity, loneliness. Again, life as a solid hotel, where for everything is indifferent care, relative peace, the ability to create your own things - you have to pay on time and on expensive accounts.

He threw back the lid of the piano, took the chord and frowned: one key did not sound. Obviously, the string burst at night.

He sharply sharply than he shoulded, "the lid slammed, got up and left.

And by the evening, Vasily came again. The house was locked, empty. Vasily looked around, looked through the window into a small room - no one! And Storaby, should, was delighted that Barin went, he was riddled to the village to his son.

Ta-a-ak! Said Vasily, sat down on the steps of the porch, lit.

The earth fell and shook up: Troškchenko Valil Forest without tired, without a term.

"Here is a good one, I wanted to achieve a good truth, yes the hand, I see, not strong," Vasily thought. "I retreated. I flew away. And I here live alone, in ruin."

Vasily raised his head. Someone went to the house on the road. It has already been felt, and Vasily, at first, could not disassemble who comes. And when I saw, got up, wore a shirt and stepped towards Troškchenko.

Owner here?

What do you think? - Ducho asked Vasily. - Whats up? Do you want to buy the rest of the forest? Cut down the root?

You have called the owner. I have a conversation with him, not with you.

I am the host of these places! I! Do not understand Anathema? So I can prick!

Are you angry?

Get away from sin! - Quietly said Vasily and swung on Troshchenko. - Found a manager! Wolf Fly! Blood!

You are not ... - murmured Troškchenko. - Not very ... Dook!

Troškchenko turned and hastily went away. Vasily was seriously glanced after him, he swore, flattened.

Behind the fresh rod, for the bulk of the pines, the dull prettier distance was opened. The bugger sun hung low above it.

Option of presentation 1.


Tchaikovsky woke up early and did not move a few minutes, listening to the chimelands of the larks. He knew that the forest was lying in the forest. On the next pine cuckoo cuckoo. He got up and went to the window. The house was standing on the hill. There, below, Lake lay among the thickets. It was a favorite place of the composer - it was called Rudym Yar.
The road itself called the Tchaikovsky's excitement. It happened, he wakes up in the winter in Rome and begins to remember this path step by step: first on the promissory, where Ivan-tea grows, then on the mushroom mellows, then through the bridge and upwards.
He recalled this way, and his heart beat more often. Ore Yar seemed to him the best expression of Russian nature. He knew that today, when he visits there, a long-term movement of the unusual strength of Russian nature rushes sounds of sounds.
So it happened. When he stood on the cliff Yara, dew glistening so brightly, that he involuntarily squinted his eyes. But most of all on this day Tchaikovsky struck the light. He raised with the sky with straight threads, and the tops of the forest seemed especially convex and curly. The oncoming rays fell on the edge, and the trunks of the pine were the golden shade, which there is a plate, lit from the back of the candle. And pine trunks themselves discarded the same golden pinkish shade on the grass. Iv and alder over the lake were lit down to the bottom of the blown of water. The familiar edge was closed by light.
Tchaikovsky felt that this was something that should happen. He experienced this state before. He knew that he could not lose him, and quickly went back to the house.
At home, he ordered no one to himself not to let, went into a small hall, locked the door and sat down to the piano. O ʜ played, seeking the crooks of the melody, so that Oʜa and Mila and Fee, and the old Vasily, a grilling forest from the neighbor estate.
O ʜ played and ʜe called that the fauy came to him. Oya sat ʜa the porch and with an open mouth listened to the sounds of music. Then I raised Vasily and sat down next to Fe. Oʜ asked the servant, whether to disturb the Tchaikovsky. The servant was smiling and replied that he wakes up music, and this is the sacred business.
What do you think, what role did Russian nature play in the life and work of the composer?
I believe that Russian nature was of great importance in the life and work of the famous composer. His whole life was connected with her. Thoving about the Russian nature lived Tchaikovsky abroad. The concept of nature for him was identical to the concept of the Motherland. In the Russian nature, the composer scratched inspiration. The noise of the forest, the chirping of birds, the smell of grass - all this was moving the creative search for the Great Russian composer. Tchaikovsky's music is continuously connected with Russian nature.

Option of presentation 2.

Tchaikovsky and Nature - presentation

Tchaikovsky woke up early and did not move a few minutes, listening to the chimelands of the larks. On the next pine cuckoo cuckoo. Do not even looking out the window, he knew that there was a piggy shadow in the forest. The house was on the hillock, and below was the lake - the favorite place of the composer, which was called Rudym Yar.
The road itself caused excitement to this place. In winter, Rome Tchaikovsky often recalled a step by step this way: a break with pink Ivan-tea, a birch mushroom mushroom, broken bridge and, ʜacoʜets, boron.
Oʜ remembered this path, and the heart beat himself. Oʜ called, which will go there, and when it returns, the driving the topic of the lyrical power of Russian nature is involved in the streams of music.
So it happened. Oʜ stood on the cliff for a long time, and brilliant Rosa made him squint. But most of all he was struck by the light. Under the straight light from the sky, the tops of the forest seemed convex; The oblique rays on the edge illuminated the pine trunks with golden light, the trunks themselves discarded the same golden-pinky light on the grass, the willows thickets and alder were illuminated with a blown out of water.
The familiar edge was closed by light. Tchaikovsky has a feeling that something must certainly happen. He used to have this feeling, so he hurried back home.
At home, he ordered a servant to him no one to him, passed into the hall, locked the door, sat down to the piano and began to play. He played, seeking the clarity of the melody, so that she was clear and Mila and a hairdryer, and the old grilling Vasily, the forester from the neighboring manor. He played, not knowing that the Fenia brought him strawberries, sits on the porch and listens, opening his mouth, music. Then Vasily raised and sat down next to the phenya.

The servant grinned on the uneducation of the forester and explained to him that Tchaikovsky composes music, and this is holy.
Why, from your point of view, the music of Tchaikovsky "understandable and mila" to all?
I believe that Music Tchaikovsky "understandable and Mila" because it reflected the state of the composer, which was experiencing every person on Earth. This feeling of delight before the wealth and beauty of the native nature, a sense of pleasure, which is experiencing a person, admiring the variety of fields, forests, steppes, listening to the chirping of birds and the noise of the forest. Anyone who hears Tchaikovsky's music, remembers the cute heart of landscapes.
The merit of the composer is that he managed to shift the music of nature on notes and brilliantly convey it in his works.

Option of presentation 3.

Inspiration in the nature of Tchaikovsky - presentation

Tchaikovsky woke up early and did not move for a few minutes, listening to the chime of forest larks. Do not even looking out the window, he knew that there was a piggy shadow in the forest.
On the next pine cuckoo cuckoo. He got up, went to the window.
The house was standing on the hill. The forests went down, in a fun distance, where the lake was lying among the thickets. There the composer had a favorite place - it was called Rudym Yar.
The road itself always caused excitement. It happened in winter, in a crude hotel in Rome, he woke up among the night and started step by step to remember this road: first, according to the promissory, where the pink Ivan-tea is blooming near the stumps, then a birch mushroom melts, then through a broken bridge over the overgrown river and - Up, in the ship boron.
He recalled this way, and his heart beat himself. This place seemed to him the best expression of Russian nature. He knew that today, having been there, returns - and long-lived somewhere inside the favorite topic about the lyric strength of this forest side perceivers through the edge and rushes streams of sounds.
So it happened. He long stood on the cliff of Ore Yar. From the thickets of Linden and Becklet Kapala Rosa. So much raw gloss was around that he involuntarily squinted his eyes.
But most of all on this day Tchaikovsky struck the light. He peered into him, saw all the new layers of light, falling on familiar forests. As soon as he did not notice this before?
From the sky, the lights raised with straight threads, and the tops of the forest seemed especially convex and curly, visible from above, with a cliff.
The oncoming rays fell on the edge, and the nearest slices of the pines were the soft golden shade, which happens in a thin pine plank, lit from the back of the candle. And with an extraordinary morning in the morning, he noticed that pine trunks also discard the light on the underproles and on the grass - very weak, but the same golden, pinkish tone.
Finally, he saw today, as Yves and alder over the lake thickets were illuminated from the bottom with a bluish waters.
The familiar edge was all over the light, heated to them until the latter blade. A variety and lighting force caused Tchaikovsky's condition when it seems that something is about to happen something extraordinary, similar to a miracle. He experienced this state before. It could not be lost. It was necessary to immediately return home, sit down for the piano. Tchaikovsky quickly went to the house.
At home, he ordered a servant to himself not to let him go to a small hall, locked up a rattling door and sat down to the piano.
He played. He sought the clarity of the melody - such that she was clear and Mila and Fennel, and even the old Vasily, a grilling forester from the next landowner manor.
He played, not knowing that the Fenia brought him strawberries, sits on the porch, firmly squeezes the tanned fingers the ends of a white head headscarf and, open her mouth, listens. And then I raised Vasily, sat down next to the phenya.
- Playing? - asked Vasily. - Stop, you say, it is impossible?
- in no way! - answered the servant and grinned on the uneducation of the forester. - He composes music. This, Vasily Efimovich, Holy Case.
(455 words) (K. G. Powesty. Squeezing floorboards)
Come up for text title. Retell text content as much as possible.
Answer: "What do you think, what role did Russian nature play in the life and creativity of the composer?"
Cover this text, briefly retell its content.
What do you think: "Why did the music of Tchaikovsky" understandable and mila "?"

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This allowance is very useful to the teacher as a hint, since it contains the tasks for each text. Some different and waste texts can be shown to the disciples as a sample of the correct task. But it is constantly using this manual only in the case of independent preparation for the presentation to check whether the student actually acted correctly, placing one or another text in the collection of presentations.

L.A. Martynova,
Cand. Philol. science

Methods of preparation for examination presentation in the 9th grade

During the year during the preparation of the 9th grade disciples to the written exam in the Russian language, a number of problems arise to the teacher.

First, the technique of working with the texts of a large volume, different genres and styles, which are given in the collections are not worked out. The teacher is having difficulty in organizing training and training lessons for writing presentation.

Secondly, it is impossible to find time to prepare for the exam in full, because The program in the Russian language for the 9th grade is not provided for special hours for such work.

Thirdly, about working on syntax and punctuation of texts have to just forget, because The minimum cutting time of the lesson is dedicated to acquaintance with the content of the text and its retelling.

The Russian language exam is intended to check students' knowledge for secondary school: practical literacy, the ability to reproduce the source text and work on an independent written statement.

It is worth practicing it throughout the year, comprehensively working with the texts of examination presentations.

We bring a special notebook for lexical, spelling and syntactic work. In addition, we will work with a pencil in the collection of presentations. Recommend to acquire a guide "Preparation for examination presentation in the 9th grade", which provides a method for working on each of the 73 exam texts. In detail about this technique and will be discussed below.

You can work with each text sequentially, starting from the first, you can choose the texts arbitrarily from the beginning, the middle and end of the collection, calculating what the maximum number of texts you are able to work for the year. At the lesson, the student sets out not the entire text, but any part of it. It is then read out loud 2-3 works, errors are noted. Also, this work can be given not to the whole class, but selectively in the form of an individual task for 15-20 minutes.

In the training lessons need to be disclosed memorization receptions Turning to K. figurative, emotional, logical and visual memory student.

One of the techniques facilitating the perception and memorization of the text, is dividing it on microthelese.

Microthelers are minimal content excerpts of the text, which enclose the complete thought: they may not coincide with the boundaries of paragraphs. Each microtone should be entitled as a detailed layout of the text. Facilitates work on the presentation and allocation lexical supports.

Lexical supports are words and combinations of words within one microthelers, creating a shaped or semantic support of each passage. Having learned to see them in the text, the student will be able to allocate lexical supports on rumor, which will certainly help him on the exam when listening to the text.

Your students must constantly independently share the text on the microthelers, entail them and find lexical supports. You can set a similar type of work to the house, then check in whole or in part, you can devote 5-10 minutes on the work on microthem. You can task to set out the writing of one or two microtheses of the text being worked out by the whole class or separate students. Work on microthemes can be not only written, but also oral.

Let's show students marked text on the manual: L.A. Martynova. Preparation for examination presentation in the 9th grade. M.: Iris press, 2005 (excerpt of text 4).

Early awakening
Tchaikovsky woke up early and did not move for a few minutes, listening to the chime Forest zhavoronkov. Without even looking out the window, he knew that in the forest Lybed rosista shadows.
Ore yar near the forest lake
On the next pine cuckoo cuckoo. He got up, went to the window.
House stood on the hill. The woods Leaving down, in a cheerful distance, where the lake was lying among the thickets. There was a composer favorite place - It was called Rudym Yar.
The road to Ore Yar was remembered for life
Itself road To the tar is always caused excitement. Happened in winter in a crude hotel in Rome He woke up among the night and began step by step remember this road: first on the perisk, where it is pink blooming Sally, then birch mushroom meltsolem, later through Poland bridge overgrown with a river - up, in ship.
A visit to Ore Yar will embody into music
He recalled this way, and his heart beat himself. This place seemed to him the best expression of Russian nature. He knew that today, having been there, will come back - and long-lived somewhere inside the favorite topic lyrical strength of this forest side transfers through the edge and sounds of sounds.

The student feels how important the text is clearer and easier for the fee: already with the first independent reading, with such a submission of the material for the content "clinging" not only the eye, but also consciousness. Very productive can be repetition or oral retelling of any text along the title microthem.

Having highlighting microthem in printed or sounding text and finding lexical supports in them, a child learns rational work with the text of any content for retolding, writing a context or lecture record.

Historical and literary comments to the text

Consider another aspect of working with the text of the presentation.

The quality of the oral or written retrade with the text, according to our observations, is 90% due to the fact that the student has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, an event or personality, which are in question in this text. Historical and literary comments to each text (you can also find them in the book mentioned above) contribute to the expansion of the horizons and increase the cultural level of students, help to cope with the miniature. We recommend to acquaint with these comments by students immediately after reading the text of the presentation, making the necessary entries in the notebook to prepare for the exam.

Historical comment to text 9

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich (1874-1947) - Russian painter and theater artist. Archaeologist, writer, initiator of movement in defense of cultural monuments.
Nesterov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1862-1942) - Russian painter. Poetic religious images, portraits.
Kizhi is an island in the Lake Onega, where the complex of wooden structures of Kizhsky is preserved. From the XIV century through the lake there was a way from Novgorod to the White Sea. Located on the numerous islands of the village, they were united to the administrative center of the SPAS KIZHI FISH (more than 100 villages included in the XVI century).
In the middle of the XVII century, a log wall with guard towers to protect against Swedish and Polish-Lithuanian invasions was erected around the graveyard.
The complex includes the 22-main Transfiguration Church of the XVII century with a four-tier iconostasis of the XVIII century, the 9th Pokrovskaya Church of the XVII century and the tent bell tower of the XIX century (1874).

Lexical comments to text

When preparing for presentation, special attention should be paid to lexical comments. They not only introduce a student with a new word or a concept, causing his lexical reserve, but also facilitate the process of further perception and memorization of text.

Commenting unfamiliar words is already in the process of reading the text. Then we recommend writing the word most difficult from a lexical point of view to the workbook, highlighting the special section "Vocabulary" in it, numeraling lexical blocks depending on the number of the text you are working on.

Lexical comment to text 13

1. Pokrov-on-Nerley Temple - Nerlin - river.
2. Veil - Light female bedspreads on the head of Kiseus, silk, lace.
3. Fan - Device that is fanning, wanting to create a coolness.
4. Reliefs - Convex images on the plane.
5. Dudget Herbs - fragrant.

Work on spelling and punctuation

In a special package preparation for the exam, I highlight work on spelling and punctuation of texts.

When working with each specific text, we choose the most difficult to write words and group them.

Example from text 14

    Spelling endings

damn Personality and
to the queue and For kerosene
in her life and
Accession and Isituation
Said ordinary them voice
Gust wow

- Write down the words under the dictation, determine the part of the speech, select the end and explain the orthogram.
- Tell us about writing endings in nouns.

    Fusion, Defisc, Separate Writing

what something
any that
as- that
why- that
at the time
Lyuto hunger
For forget lie
for me
Speak "bye"

- Write down the words under the dictation, determine the part of the speech and explain the writing.

As you can see, a number of tasks are offered to each group of words, the structure of which is such that teaches a schoolboy to check, work out and memorize the spelling of words with this orphogram. Teacher can give spelling tasks selectively or consistently, for the whole class or individually in advance prepared card. All work is done in writing with the necessary explanations and graphic symbols.

Work on spelling can be held in the form of dictionary dictations, spelling five minutes, independent work-miniature. This reaches the repetition and fixing of spelling skills and knowledge, and also returns to certain semantic elements of the text.

Work on syntax

A special place in preparation for the examination should be given work on the syntax. We offer in-depth repetition of the total syntax school on the basis of specific texts.

In our manual, after each text, the material referred to the syntax of a simple proposal (isolated definitions and circumstances; homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions, circumstances, etc.), then material related to the syntax of a complex proposal (proposal with several apparent, non-union complex Communication etc.). Thus, the syntactic material of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades is repeated.

As a rule, all block proposals are recorded under the dictation, then a set of tasks selected to each block (for example, underlining the foundations, circuits). So go job above the structure Offers and repetition the theory of the syntax of a complex sentence, which is studied in the 9th grade. A complex proposal in principle can be partially studied on the material of the texts of presentation based on the proposed manual, and not only on the material of basic textbooks.

Example from text 15

    Non-union sentences

A. Holded Landau very modestly, was always ready to help out the comrades: to solve the control, prompt on the exam.
B. And suddenly the students understood: Landau Right.

- Write down the proposals for the dictation, emphasize the foundations of the proposals and explain the punctuation marks.
- Tell us about the formulation of dash and colon in the non-union complex suggestions.

    Complex proposals with various types of communication

Passing along the corridors, he raised his shoulders and tilted his head: it seemed to him that he would look much older.

- Record the proposal for dictation and explain the formulation of punctuation marks.

    Direct speech

A. Lukin smiled and, tilting his head, said loudly:
- Congratulations, young man. You found an original solution.

B. Lion was embarrassed. He did not know from awkwardness where to go.
- Read and write down a memory offer, keeping a height turnover and transferring speaking speaking in a proposal with a direct speech.

    "All signs"

A. came to learn - learn, do not want - go away.

B. In the year of receipt of Landau to the university for the first course of the physico-mathematical department, eighteen students were taken, next year - six more people.
B. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for a valid attitude towards Landau of his classmates.

- Record offers for dictation and explain the punctuation marks.


We pay special attention to the preparation for the miniature.

After each text, the presentation is given a task that includes two options. The first option includes three items:

1. Clause text.
2. Administrate text in writing.
3. Write an essay of the miniature, answering the question proposed on the content of the text or the problem raised in it.

Children usually attract the second option - a brief retelling of the text of the presentation. But in this case, the essay should occupy 3-4 pages; Children are confused and significant difficulties.

If during the year there is a permanent job during the year, then the fulfillment of the first option is a detailed retelling of the text - it will not be difficult for nine-graders.

Often, the nine-grader is not easy to encounter text - and it fulfills the task formally. In our manual, each text is given several variants of the title.

Examples to text 14

Memories of Akhmatova.
Glife and generosity
Generous selflessness
Strokes to portrait
Chukovsky recalls

Work on the title is one of the ways to draw the attention of the child to the source text, discuss its main idea, the main ideas. It can be discussed why these titles are chosen to the specific text, which substantive side of the text reflects each of them, which is more suitable and why; Pick the title yourself, compare them with the suggestion.

For the training of nine-graders, writing the composition-miniatures we advise you to take advantage of the questions of the theses proposed for each essay. Phased work from the thesis to the thesis, from the question of the question of teaching children to select the necessary material, build proofs, follow the logic of presentation and structuring its text.

We will teach schoolchildren to see in each point of the questionnaire and theses the keywords. We pay their attention to the fact that it is in the source text of the presentation that it is necessary to find arguments or counterproofing for its essay, while not retelling text. At this stage, work on the composition-miniature teach children to reason, turning to personal experience.

For each item of the proposed plan, you can write 2-3 sentences, then read them and ask yourself if they have an answer to the microcomposition delivered, then make the necessary amendments, then look at the link between the resulting parts.

Systematic work on preparing for the examination presentation with elements of the composition proposed by us contributes not only to the comprehensive training of ninth-graders to the written federal exam in the Russian language, but also repetition and deeper assimilation of the program for spelling and punctuation for courses 7-, 8th and 9 -Ho classes.

An integrated approach applied in our manual "Preparation for examination presentation in the 9th grade. Practical recommendations, "can be used in the work on any type of presentation from the 7th grade, and in this case the training material may be the exam texts of the 9th grade.

When I thought about the name of my system of interpretation of yogic sadhana, I had a great temptation to rephrase the romantic-odious slogan of the early Side: "The Way of Blade Blade", in a more pragmatic, already in the title of the migrating quintessence of Zen, and at the same time, one hundred percent effective in Russian The latitudes of the recipe for speedy brilliance: "The path of useful pink". But for considerations of the conjunctural, I decided not to pour extra water to the mill of a successful competitor from the yogic business, and it is called modestly, and with taste of ripe lingonberries: "ore Yar." I will explain more in more detail.

The ancient Indo-European Korney Yar is associated with the presentation of the spring fertility. The meaning of words with this root includes the concepts of spring, bread, fertility, youth, passion. Thus, in Russian dialectic dialects, the words "Summer", "Yarm" mean "Spring", "sown in spring". The word "Yarun" is used to designate an animal "at the time of estrus and rugs", a muffuhar during a shocking, anyone who "ties", that is, is in an excited state. "Yar" - fire, dust. In the Ukrainian language "Yar" means "Spring", and "Yari" - "young", "spring", "full strength", "passionate". In dialects of both languages, the word "rage" was constructed in such values \u200b\u200bas "lust, excitement, love readiness", and the verbs of "torture", "nailed" - in the meanings "do something quickly, without tired, tireless" and "be in Sexual communication, in the act of copulation. "

At the game of the values \u200b\u200bof these words, a mystery was built, having a move in the peasant-Christian environment, and therefore for a strictly Christian worldview of the dirty-scaberous, but for the people, with his deep natural wisdom, which answers the doors to the world of deified nature, full of secret forces and patrons: " Nerilko ran out because of the chick pillar, shook the Baba to hear, only knocking knocks. " We are talking about broom, an analogue of Shiva-linga (deified ereginated seven member). It is indicative that the witches both in Europe and we flew on a darling, sitting on a cutlery, rods in front, and not from behind. Pomelly symbolized the barrel of a member, and the rods - pubic hair on a male nature. The sorcerers flew to the bald mountain on the covers, castles, or on the benches that were analogues of the female sex seat, or pubis and abdomen.

It is not by chance that after renting "Harry Potter", the revived Society of Wickers (modern witching, analogue of the Hindu-Tibetan tantra teachings) of Europe and the new light, made a protest to the creators of the film. The boy flies on a broomstick, a larger behind, sitting on a stalk! For some, it is just a funny film about magic for children, but those who look deeper, saw in this episode, a clearly ready symbol of anal sexual intercourse between a man-priest and a nonophyt boy adopted in certain witchcraft cults. It would be a simple curiosity that deserves only a healthy laughter over the modern obscury of emancipated European women flirting with magic at leisure and trying to find a threat to the cruel chauvinist world of men in relation to children and women. But! If we take into account that the focus of the cinema has always been extremely loaded with thoughtful images that zombie the viewer in the video needs for customers, in order to create a key of the society in the socio-psychic field, then the protest of Wikikianok deserves attention.

Young, but stupid, hollowing on drugs, club life, prestigious consumption goods that do not give any offspring due to artificially grafted homosexuality associated with many generations ahead of the mortgage, the most excellent analogue of slavery. They are easy to manage. Smart, strong, suspended on spiritual development and organic immortality, which is achieved by this life, by refusing the benefits, social realization, pleasures, environmentally friendly, dismissed from any social and psychological conflicts of behavior. They are also easy to manage. Christianity, steeply flavored by Buddhism, with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe clutter of everything around the surrounding and yoga sanction (this is absolutely for gourmet-intellectuals Zakydon). Humility, non-violence, rejection of the fruits of its work, abstaining from sex contacts with persons of the opposite sex, truthfulness, subordination of themselves to the highest meaning, turned into secret, as a refusal of all sorts of ordinary, in favor of agreed speculations on numerous philosophical topics, sitting on an encouraged kitchen and treating fellow In the spirit of casual crust and water from the tap. Or another option: pilgrimage to enlightened, to whom the human milk, the media and generous investments with multimillion revolutions assigned the status of God. According to representatives of network marketing that divide the world on assistants in their difficult cases of enrichment and potential consumers of their products: excellent resources!

But I myself am engaged in a professionally prestressed, from the point of view of everyday consciousness by work: yoga-buildings. It is in demand, it brings me an income that I live myself and providing a cat, together with another home love. And few on my classes comes to enlightenment. Women dream of losing weight, men get rid of the belly. Well, so that "in the form of being". Abstract-philosophical tasks Patanjali wise yoga are not very worried about the eight-speed yoga.

And you will put on the classes about your winds to push, so then people came, well, let me listen, maybe they will hear something useful, but still decide: "Sony, angry grass. Calibian smoking Anasi would smoke. He himself did not smoke and not advise. But with her "Gallins" I do not climb. Shake the air, the emit winds once. Hatha is a dense mode of exercises, a sign of a bodily orientation. If we sometimes be in the tambourine, then I don't confuse stumps. On the outbound seminars, yes. As an element of contemplation, one of the types of meditation in the arsenal of my style is practiced with a shaman journey.

When I realized that by going out from the compilation of the Kiev school, I had an individual style of teaching, I was puzzled by questions how to get it. On the one hand, I learned a lot in the style of Side, called the Yoga-dhara-sadhana at that time. Yes, here is not enough. The presented information in the book of the Side "Sequence of the Zero Cycle" required in teaching newcomers of complete transfers due to more power elements, trauma-dangerous ligaments, which students, at 98% of ordinary women pretty for 30 were safely bypass, correlacing clothes, hairstyle, leaving According to natural necessary, frankly decaying or reverently contemplating my execution. It was not satisfied at all. And by creative search, I discovered the analogues of the bundles easier, which could fulfill the "man from the street" without unnecessary risk to worship.

The book of Andrei Lappa "The Tradition of Unity" helped me in personal practice, satuned by its power outlets in his hands. But in working with the group, I was more based on the materials of his seminars, which he spent from us. Again, understanding and recycling, removing unnecessary, in my opinion, theatricality of the greatest enlightened modernity, including in terms of abundant televisions. When Sidersky in the next article in the Moscow journal "Yoga" writes that "Yoga cannot be fat, the yoga is characterized by thinness and climbing", the paw in the next many hours of sleeping lecture is frying sharpening, shuffling from the perturbation of the eyes: "Who, who will undertake to say that yoga cannot be any volume in its understanding. Those who limit the relationship to yoga due to completeness, refusing complete yogi in the right to be called true yogins - chauvinists. Ugh on them! " Personally, I tend to the Side. I greatly disappointed LAPPa as a practitioner. In the book, he had the most complicated power Vigas, for example, from the rack on the forearm - a powerful way out in his hands. Moreover, with the description, which muscles at the same time "include". I watch the video even with the young Andrey Vitalyevich. Weakly and Correnenko. What could hide the fitted photographs, will not hide a reportage video. Yes, he says in a personal conversation, I do not do. Why did the book in the book, so that the impression was that you can? He, they say - this is a purely theoretical material. In fact, so that they looked and trembled: "Such units. And they are leaders. "

In general, I did not want to work under the Brand of Lappov's "Universal Yoga" because of excessive pathositudes "in public" and a tackle bordering Gogol characters in close communication. And the Siderian threatened the court, if suddenly, I will begin to issue my "insinuations" for adaptation, and then the next steps, stated, but not lit by the books that have never published by him. But he promised. Okay, everything is clear, I decided to contact the higher instances. To the patrons of yoga in the spirit of the Spirit.

After intense personal practice, I usually bought my fingers into a complex Kozulin, known to adepts under the codenate name "Mudra". Moreover, the wisers opened to me by staying in realities in Astral Double. Every wise brought from there was a key through which I could recreate in a dense body of the feeling tested by me earlier in this "fine dimension". SAMPURNA-MUDA in the option, personally reported by the spiritual mentor who appeared to me in the image of the Red Bull Hayagriva, one of the anthropomorphic hatch of the old ore, helps me set up my perception to a certain information platter in Akashi chronicles, and draw from the psycho-energy "inclubs" of yoga bodily practice Thanks to which it acquires the depth and content of sincere prayer practice.

One of the most interesting entities, with whom I had to communicate in the spirit of the Spirit, is the age of Ar ar. He has two powerful snake tails instead of foot, redhead and beard, a white shirt to his knees, presented with a patterned belt. I met him during my wanderings in Zoroastrian Egregore. He advised me to name my SMAT Sampurna wrapper system, which in the approximate translation sounds like "Royal Scorpions are copulating." At one time I called my style. But for the popularization of ideas outlined by me, I came to the Russian-speaking name "Ore Yar".

In essence, it is a mantra from the discharge of tantric bidja mantras. Single-sized wordform, huge magical power. She patronizes Rudra, one of the hatches of Shiva in the image of a bull ready for passionate soyathia. Ore Yar is the strength in the heal of his fertile celebration, this is a horny and phallus deer, if you conduct analogues with Slavic mythology, god-god, running in the image of the deer-male on the spring forest, splashes from under the hooves spring sparkling splashes of life-giving moisture.


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