Astroprognosis for Lviv and other signs of the zodiac: what to expect this month and year? What to wait in the year of the dog with different signs of the zodiac? That's what they prophesy to individual signs.

Astroprognosis for Lviv and other signs of the zodiac: what to expect this month and year? What to wait in the year of the dog with different signs of the zodiac? That's what they prophesy to individual signs.

Life is unpredictable, so it is difficult to find out what awaits us in the future. However, it is possible to do with the help of a zodiac horoscope. Thanks to him, you will learn what to expect from 2018.

According to astrologers, in 2018 the yellow earthen dog in the life of each sign of the zodiac will occur significant changes. The beginning of the new year is associated with new endeavors, achievements and disappointments. To avoid problems and troubles, as well as to find out what way to quickly lead you to success, seek help to the zodiac horoscope. Site experts Site will help to find out what should be prepared in the new year.


In 2018, Aries awaits a mass of change, and they will begin from the very beginning of the year. Good luck is guaranteed to you, and the influence of Mars will only give energy. However, due to the huge number of new events and changes, you will often have to change plans. It is this instability that can disappoint you.

Of course, you need to listen to the advice of loved ones, but sometimes you should remain with our opinion. In the new year, you need to decide what you want from life, and move towards your goal, and the help of friends and relatives will be a reliable help.

Take care of your health. Perhaps next year you will be susceptible to colds. To protect your health, sometimes you give time to physical exertion. If still ailments could not be avoided, take advantage of the folk remedies from the cold.

To climb the top of the career ladder, you need to show your qualities and skills at work. You should be brave and openly talk about your ideas - perhaps it is your creative approach to help you achieve goals.

In the personal life of special changes does not expect you. If you have already found your love, then, most likely, in your relationship, the whole year will be stability. If you are alone, it is likely that by the end of the year you will have to be in search. However, the dog is an unpredictable animal, so it may well give you a pleasant surprise.


At the beginning of the year, disappointment await you, but everything can change in the spring. To avoid chagrins, look at your circle of communication: it is possible that your close person will be the cause of your misfortunes and trouble. Do not get upset: In the middle of the year you are waiting for a new period of dating, and at this time you will have the opportunity to make new friends.

Health to disturb you will not. Next year, only minor diseases will be expected to pass quickly. The most important thing is to avoid factors that may cause serious diseases. First of all, get rid of bad habits.

If your job or salary does not suit you, the beginning of 2018 is the most favorable period for changing the scope of activity. However, do not take hasty decisions and do not strive for the first announcement of the free vacancy - it is better to spend time, but find the work of your dreams.

You will be pleased to make changes in your personal life. Perhaps you will move to a new level of relationship with the second half. If you have not found your love yet, then get ready to let the new person in your life.


For the twins, the next year will become an adventure time, so it's time to think about traveling and the countries in which you want to visit. However, risk should be avoided: Extreme entertainment in 2018 can harm you.

In 2018, it will be especially detrimental to you for you, so review your diet and avoid oily, fried and calorie foods. Also pay time at least easy physical exercises. This will help you strengthen the body and always be in shape.

From the very beginning of the year, take over the implementation of your plans. The faster you do this, the faster to achieve your goals. At work is not scary to go for risk, so boldly try on large projects and participate in business negotiations. If the boss notices your desire, then it will definitely encourage you.

In personal life there will be significant changes, and it is possible that they will not please you. However, by the end of the year everything will work out. The most important thing is to avoid gusts and be less emotional. If you fell in love with first glance, do not think that this is love for life. If you are confident in your second half, you can safely associate life with her.


Rakov next year awaits success. The most important thing is not to miss important moments. Changes in life can be both positive and negative. It should be reacting to them adequately and not to panic.

In terms of health, you will be fine, you just need to maintain this condition. At the beginning of the year you can experience easy-to-leopa, but soon it will pass. To avoid problems, strengthen immunity and refrain from overeating in New Year's holidays.

In the career of special changes is not expected. If something does not work at work, you should not immediately change the scope of activity. Most likely, you lack concentration and effort. If you refer to work more responsibly, your work will bring you not only the benefit, but pleasure.

There will be no significant change in your personal life, but it will not be disappointed for you. In 2018, scorpions should be preferably alone and sort out themselves. Thanks to this you can understand what kind of person you need, and by the end of the year you can safely begin searching for the second half.


For these representatives of the zodiac circle, the next year will become a turning point. It will be necessary to accept many important decisions, and it is advisable not to make mistakes. By the end of the year, you will have the opportunity to relax from constant problems and establish your life.

Health will make you bother, but it is not for long. The most problematic period will be autumn for you. Not only your physical, but also mental state can suffer. In September, you may encounter Handrea and a small depression, and later you have to fight with colds. But in the winter your body will not threaten anything to threaten.

In the professional sphere you are awaiting a breakthrough. You can fulfill your plans and approach the goal. However, even the most minor problems can make you think about changing the work. It is advisable to get rid of these thoughts, as for the Sagittarius of 2018 - not the most favorable time for such changes.

Next year, many new acquaintances and romantic adventures await you. However, not all of them will end for you well. You should not avoid interesting meetings and dates, but it is not necessary to perceive every one of them seriously. Carefully look at your surrounding: it is possible that there you will find a person who will become your beloved.


In 2018, Capricorns will be on top of happiness. Success awaits you in all areas, and new beginnings will frig. The only thing that could prevent you is lazy and frivolous, but if you can overcome them, then you will not have to complain about life.

Health will not create trouble, if you yourself harm him. If you feel small malaise, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor. It is advisable to avoid stress and lack of sleep, to always feel cheerfully and energetically. After all, it is active and energy to help you in the struggle for happiness in a life path.

Initiative will help you achieve success at work in 2018. The most important thing is not to overdo the colleagues do not think about you badly. It is advisable to establish relationships with the boss - in this way you can implement all your plans. Be more open with colleagues, since the help of employees does not hurt.

At the end of the year, pleasant changes in personal life await you. It is this period that is favorable for new acquaintances, marriage conclusions or making important decisions. If you think about long-term relationships, it is advisable to start searching for love in advance so that the next New Year's Eve you do not spend alone.


For representatives of this sign of the zodiac, the next year will be restless. This is associated with changes that will be constantly. To benefit from them, perceive any changes as proper. No need to be afraid that your life will be worse: if you make efforts, then everything will be the opposite.

In 2018, you need to follow your psychological state, since, because of the big workload, strong stresses, sleep disorder and even protracted depression are possible. Work as much and remember that health is more important.

Work will please you and disappoint. Sometimes your work will give you pleasure, but any little thing can upset you. Since the year of dogs for water - time of change, you can think about changing the place of work. The most important thing is not to make a mistake, so any solutions are thinking carefully.

In the personal life of the Aquarius does not expect anything new. Relationships will be stable. If you do not have a second half, then all 2018 you spend alone. However, this can be corrected if you are going to search for romantic adventures.


In 2018, representatives of this sign of the zodiac will have many reasons for joy. Your life will change significantly for the better. Your task is not to spoil the harmony and calm around you and do not stop striving for the better.

To avoid health problems next year, it is advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Of course, sometimes you can afford small relaxation, but do not swim for the bugs. It is possible to exacerbate chronic diseases, in this case it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

The year of the dog will be favorable for the realization of ideas. However, it is necessary to think about everything in advance if you do not want to become irresponsible in the eyes of the head. Talk about your plans to others only if you already know how to realize your idea.

Next year will bring much joy to lonely fish. You are waiting for a lot of dating and romantic dates. You can plunge into the world of love. However, you should not fall in love with the first counter, if you want a serious relationship. We take very carefully to choosing a life satellite.

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There is not a single woman who would not want to look into the future. Let it be the near future and small details, but curiosity always takes the top. What expects all the signs of the zodiac in the new 2019. How many positive moments will give yellow earthen pigs?

2019 Yellow Earthy Pig Year is the final in the twelfth cycle. This is the time of conclusions and important solutions. It's all time to weigh and rethink. Do not be afraid to change something. Pig will help everything to normalize and complete the best way.

Aries and lives in the year of pig 2019

2019 for a woman Aries will be very well safe in terms of large shopping and accumulation. Take the "snack" simply necessary during this period. It will be very successfully replenished. A stable income will delight the woman of the Aries in the year of the yellow earthen earthy pig, because it is more likely it is most likely to rise through the career staircase.

If possible, in 2019, the Aries need to travel. High probability of interesting acquaintance at this time. The journey will leave a lot of pleasant impressions and will allow you to relax.

On the love front, the Aries woman this year will not feel the lack of attention. The most likelihood of creating a family this year. Pig will help you meet exactly the person and the development of good relations.

In 2019, a woman of Aries should pay special attention to his health. Throughout the year, the high risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system will continue.

Taurus and horoscope for 2019

The beginning of the year will be filled with affairs and care. Woman to the Taurus will have to find an approach to the earthen pig and find contact with it. It is advisable to curb your bad habits and defeat them. Unlike the dog, the pig will not forgive the calf like.

In the spring life will enter the usual channel and the calf will set the relationship of the year's symbol. Horoscope for 2019 promises to lift lifting in a quarry and improve cases. From now on, everything will go their turn.

Family couples can seriously think about the continuation of the kind. This year the birth of a child will be very appropriate. In the emotional and material plan everything will turn out.

Lonely calves Horoscope 2019 promised a meeting with his second half. The main thing is not to miss this meeting due to employment at work.

This year, the Taurus will have to control their behavior and internal state. Therefore, special attention should be paid to its psychological health. The year will look like American hills with take-offs and problems. However, the woman's calf will come out of everything with a high head.

Gemini and lives in the year of pig 2019

Horoscope for 2019 undertakes twins to be responsible. During the reign of the yellow earthen pig, these girls will have to take many important decisions. However, fate will be favorable. The most hardworking representatives it will present unprecedented heights.

In the new year, it is extremely not desirable to relevant relationships on the side and generally get involved in intrigue. The huge risk of gossip and overwhelms. Try less life in sight and give your strength to your family. In addition, you will be at work at work.

At the end of summer and in the fall, it will be possible to relax a little and go to rest. Everything will pass calmly and help recharge the rest of the year.

Pig (boar), as a symbol of fertility, bless the twins at the birth of a child. This is one of the most favorable periods.

In terms of health per year, the boar will be smoothly and smooth. High probability only injuries.

Cancer and lives of life in the year of pig 2019

The year of the earthen pig promises cancer a lot of changes. It can be a change of work or even residence. Everything will be favorable, the main thing is to save a positive attitude.

In the work of a woman, cancer will easily achieve good results, but only if it will work in the team. Command activities should be the main direction during this period.

Find your love this year will be not many sign representatives. Family crayfish will have to collect all their efforts to preserve the psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family. It is worth calming down and react adequately to what is happening.

The health of the woman of cancer in the new year will be strong and will not let down. However, it is not necessary to be treated without the help of a professional. This may entail complications.

According to the horoscope 2019, the cancer should be afraid of scammers and deception. If everything goes well and finance will be able to save, then a pig and the opportunity to make a large purchase.

Lion and lives of life in the year of pig 2019

First, the horoscope predicts the lion a lot of worries and important decisions. The beginning of the year and the adopted steps will be asked the pace for the entire period of the reign of the yellow earthen pig. From this point on, the career will not remain at the same level. She will go or up or down. Be careful. The competitor will lie on you at every step.

In 2019, the girl of Leo may have to go to another city for a loved one. And it is possible to another country. This trip will be successful, so do not doubt the acceptance of this decision.

Do you worry about holidays and do not download yourself to work. Resting, too, it is necessary for health to be normal. Because this year a psycho-emotional state of threat.

Single lionesses have high chances there is love. Family women on the horoscope in 2019 everything will be fine too. Passion and love will reign in their relationship.

In the year of Kaban, a woman of Lion should learn to keep calm. Especially starting from the summer period. Nervous tension will be so shrinking that some girls will get away from work on the basis of a quarrel with employees and bosses. Therefore, it is better to remove the time the workflow and the less thing is the nose in other people's affairs.

Virgo and lives in the year of pig 2019

Virgo in 2019 will be one of the pets of the Earthy Pig. Everything will be folded as a click in all spheres of life. If you wish, the Woman of the Virgin this year can roll the mountains and the horoscope they are only an assistant.

In the spring period, a very high probability of service novel. Even family virgin risks to get under the spell of love. Relationships will be serious and can even pour into the family.

Woman Virgin in the year of Kaban should be more attentive to his own words and manifestation of emotions. Especially in relation to loved ones. Relationship with them can be easily destroyed.

Do not take hasty solutions and weigh every step to make not making mistakes from the past.

Be careful to your own health, but you should not get involved in rest. If you want to be rich, it is focused on a career.

Scales and spheres of life per year of pig 2019

The year of boar for a woman scales is simply designed as a year self-development. Even women aged can go to learn and it will bring them profit and satisfaction in the future. Sign up for contests, Improve in the new hobby and do everything that you like.

Usually, the frequent scales in 2019 on the horoscope will not be separated by health. Everything will favorably develop and prosperity.

Lonely scales in 2019 will definitely meet their halves. This connection will be successful and strong. In their face you will gain real friends and loved ones. Family scales will swim in the comfort and understanding. Relationships in the family will only please.

Web are not to get involved in intrigues. Try to keep good relations with employees. Disputes, these are not your fee methods of boar. Horoscope recommends solving all questions peacefully.

Scorpio and Sports of Life in the Year of Pigs 2019

Scorpio in the year of yellow pig is waiting for a lot of changes. All its areas of life will comply with financial well-being. Even romantic links will improve the career position. Women Scorpions will work a lot that year and all their work will be rewarded.

At the beginning of the year will have to take a lot of decisions and maybe even move to another city. Ride, definitely, there will have a lot. Do not be afraid to take an unexpected solution. Until spring, everything will be resolved and will fall into place.

In love about women Scorpion, the Year of Pig will be a real war. It will be very hard to find a common language and meet real relationships. In addition, past relationships will not be able to leave representatives of the sign alone.

Family women stands Eurasia patience and stop finding farewell to their partner. Less complain about life and on the chosen one and there will be happiness.

Sagittarius and lives in the year of pig 2019

2019 for Sagittarius will be a very difficult period. In all directions of life, you will have to try to sweat. The whole year will need to be carefully referred to finances, otherwise the earthen pig will not forgive negligence.

It will be possible to improve its position to those representatives of the zodiac sign that can do work on mistakes and take into account their mistakes. By correcting them, by the summer it will be possible to talk about stabilization in the material and psycho-emotional plan.

Since problems will be in all areas, it is worth paying the priority to your family and relationships to relatives. Require more carefully to your loved one. If Silver has children, all their strength and attention should be devoted to them.

With all the troubles and problems, the women of Sagittarius in 2019 will be all good with a love horoscope. Family girls will feel support for her beloved. Single women will be able to meet a reliable and faithful man.

Capricorn and lives in the year of pig 2019

Horoscope Woman Capricorn for 2019 predicts a lot of good. You need to abstract attention on purchasing an apartment or repair. Even if at the beginning of the year it seems unreal, do not worry, everything will turn out.

In the year of Kaban, the woman Capricorn felt felt in his plate and understand how to fully implement. The symbol of the year will be favorable to representatives of this sign.

Financially everything will go as it is impossible. If the situation requires, you can take a loan without fear. Everything will work out as you plan.

Be careful. The threat to the family will continue all year. Do not give in to the novels on the side and even a light flirt. If everything opens, the divorce will be inevitable. It will end it extremely bad for you, so the family should be treated and improved relationships in it.

Lonely Capricorn will have no time to start the novels, but the development of relations is not excluded. The main thing is to be afraid to take steps to meet and develop flirt.

Aquarius and lives in the year of pig 2019

The beginning of the year of the Earthy Pig will not be very favorable and for Woman Aquarius. It will be necessary to have time to surpasses everything that has accumulated since last year.

Aquarius will pass the love sphere and they will be lost long between new and old lover. However, soon after the beginning of the year, they will remember the rest of the spheres and everyone will slowly come to normal.

For career growth, modestness and indecision can become a stumbling block. You need to learn to be more active and discarding doubts. The financial sphere will not bring sharp changes. However, material difficulties are not foreseen.

Family women women should pay attention to the family and house. Be sure to schedule the journey with the whole family.

Fish and lives in the year of pig 2019

The symbol of this year will give women to the fish to real defense. Special patronage Earthwood yellow pig will give creative images. They will feel whole and calmly.

In the horoscope fish in 2019 there will be complete financial stability and well-being in the love sphere. The main thing is to maintain peace of mind and independently do not boot the problems. If you confuse yourself, then the solution and the decision will look for a long time.

Single representatives of the sign this year most likely not only lead to relationships, but also legalize them.

The pig will not be cruel to one sign of the zodiac and prepared harmony and calm.

Are you ready for new adventure? From Monday, all the zodiac signs will feel the lifelike force of the New Moon. It is time to meet changes, build and implement plans, make new connections, friends and relationships. Some will have to part with obsolete beliefs and habits, as well as pass the update phase. What awaits everyone on the way to the new season?


New Moon will give representatives of the sign of determination to bring attitudes to a new level of development or to stop an unprotected union. This week is a great time to start cooperation on a new project or to consider the candidate of the applicant to the post of business partner.

The coming period emphasizes the attention of the representatives of the sign on the finance and business sector. With an excellent Venus, retrograde present in the horoscope, and active Mercury, which commenced from Tuesday, it will be possible to achieve significant progress in business development and in any financial matters.


The beginning of the week is the ideal time to make changes to your life. If I have long wanted to make new habits or get rid of the pair of soothed weaknesses, then the new monday, coming on Monday, will make this task easily feasible. Starting the process now, there will be many chances to secure the victory and achieve progress on this path.

Relationships with people is the main leitmotif of this week and the near future. Now there is a lot of opportunities to make new friends, fans, business partners, or find new love. Cosmos encourages the representatives of the sign to solve long-term problems, especially if they are related to partnership in business or in other important areas of life.

Perhaps, at times it will be difficult to talk with long-familiar people, but time will put everything in its place and transforms some friendly or love alliances into something completely different.

Friday this week can be a very productive day for all types of meetings and conversations, especially related to financial or business issues. Successfully collaborates on the organization of a trip or a new project.


The representatives of the sign from Monday can a new life - the desire to master the new hobby will appear, join another sport or go to a fascinating journey. This period is great in order to bring love relatives to a new level. With retrograde Venus, twins will be able to look at their novel from an objective point of view. Any shortcomings of a partner or inexpensive in relationships will acquire clear areas.

The coming period focuses on the attention of the representatives of the sign on their lifestyle. Some proportion of reflection will help revise the well-established beliefs or habits that inspires cardinal changes. It may be felt strong internal resistance, but if there is confidence in the need for change, the result will be brilliant.

On Friday, you can contact the expert for help and advice. Professional consultation will answer what areas of life require change, including health and business issues, which will fully realize their potential.


The new moon will help cancers to make a decision on the implementation of any homework. If before that day it was difficult to decide on the construction of a new house, difficulties have arisen with the choice of a project, then the coming period will help to make the right choice and get a momentum for rapid construction.

But if the issue of selling or buying real estate was solved, then it is necessary to show wisdom and wait a little more, since Venus continues retrograde movement. The period will last until mid-November, it is better to postpone trade transactions until the end of the retrograde phase.

Rest, pleasure and romance can play a big role in the life of crayfish, there are many events around and they are all interesting in order to completely take possession of attention. There was an opportunity to get out of the cycle of permanent dating and the emergence of new persons surrounded. Now you can choose a new friend and build a permanent relationship with it to have fun and fruitfully spending time.

a lion

The beginning of the week will give a new idea or will open additional opportunities for the implementation of long-standing plans. The new moon will become an incentive to enter into a profitable transaction, start writing a project or developing a marketing business development strategy on the Internet. The coming period is ideal for the emergence of new connections, useful for business or personal life.

Much attention will be needed in work or everyday life, which is associated with the entry of Mercury and Jupiter to the active Union, as well as with the retrograde phase of Venus in the sign. To choose friends and acquaintances for a party or simple gatherings worth come up with all thoroughness, some of the buddies can disappoint. Despite some difficulties, any parties will become an excellent reason to raise the mood. The best day for cleaning in the house - Friday.


Representatives of the sign that solved financial issues will receive a stimulus on Monday to make it well. Opening an account, budget formation for the project - everything will go smoothly and easily. It will also just be able to get rid of unnecessary things that favorably performing a trading operation. The new moon will be able to encourage virgins to show activity on online sales sites.

Most of the signs of the sign will be occupied by administrative tasks, social networks throughout this and several next weeks. Useful dating and dizzying opportunities will appear from nowhere. Unfortunately, not everything will be absolutely smooth, you will have to look for compromises, lead long negotiations.

From Tuesday Mercury to move to the zone of communications, so it is worth careful to select words to not hurt anyone. The thoughtlessly abandoned phrase can touch someone seriously, and the consequences will have to smooth for a long time. Empathy will help better feel the interlocutor.


For weights, one of the best periods occurs. There is an opportunity to start and brilliantly implement long-conceived projects. Any undertaking started this week, whether business or new relationships will develop and bear fruit for a long time. So that it is intended to do now.

Most representatives of the sign are focusing to move to finances, which will give a powerful stimulus to profit. Perhaps over the next few weeks will have to immerse the solution of some problems with cash flows and many other related issues.

It will take a fairly long period of time before it becomes clear that events are developing in the right direction, and the decisions are true. Additional money will bring sales of part of personal belongings that have already lost the relevance.


Scorpions that began spiritual practices will come to peace of mind and will be able to see prospects in their lives or its individual areas. New Moon will push to develop in this direction. Many will delete the potential and willingness to begin self-improvement programs. A teacher or coach may appear in life, ready to support and send in the desire to change the lifestyle.

Personal life will be very active, the previously faced relationships can awaken new, exciting feelings. In the sign of Scorpio, Venus bursts and hints that it will have to work a lot before the money will appear or the relationship will bring returns, all unfinished cases will have to be completed.

At the same time, do not forget about new plans and projects. This week there may be difficulties in the negotiations, but in perseverance and desire, all questions will be closed in the best possible way. Negotiations on business and its development should be transferred to Friday.


The new moon will bring activity in this sign in all areas of interest, social interaction comes to the fore. If there was a desire to join any group of people or take part in the project with like-minded people, then the starry hour has come.

Some shooters focus will be shifted to the spiritual sphere, it will want to privacy and reflections. This is due to the departure of Mercury from the sign. For those who wanted and could not discuss their feelings or a situation with close people, now came the most gracious period for frank conversations.

Retrograde Venus in Sagittarus opens up the opportunity to solve all the controversial issues in finance and relationships. It is not necessary to rush at all problems immediately, it is necessary to show delicacy and try to discuss issues in an informal setting.


Representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be in the center of attention for several coming weeks, thanks to the sign of the Sun of the goals and ambitions. The new monday that came on Monday will demonstrate to Capricorn new opportunities that gives a chance to take off on top of success. Prospects are present in all areas - business, love, new projects.

Social life will continue to play a leading role in life. Participation in many projects will keep in suspense, it may have come a little distance from some people or communities where there is no special mutual understanding. The prospect of creating the necessary connections to obtain advantageous offers is maintained.


The new moon will call the Aquarius in traveling to new adventures and will bring out the comfort zone. The turn of fate can caustize the surprise. Perhaps vacation will be held in an unfamiliar country or in a new area, which can cause a feeling of discomfort. No matter how it happens, you should take the first step and enjoy new experience.

Changes can be overtaken in friendly or loving relationships, there will be plans in building a career, personal ambitions will undergo metamorphosis, and plans will receive a significant extension. In almost all spheres of life, movement will begin, this will happen thanks to the retrograde phase of Venus, which hints at the need for an urgent solution to the accumulated problems, and the sooner the better.


Up to this point, many representatives of the sign cubized new plans and craved change. The new moon will help to implement all the desires and launch the necessary processes. Perhaps many fish will feel anxiety that will push to action. The step of the phase will help to quietly release the unpromising relationship or close the permissive business.

Some will pay attention to profitable ideas, new places or will find interesting people. There will be a desire to go on a journey, promising discovery. It is necessary to prepare for surprises and surprises that are due to the opposition of Mars with uranium, perhaps there will be sensational news or unexpected information that will encourage action.

For the ravines 2019, it will be a completely prosperous period. You will be in harmony with others and in constant communication with them. You will have the opportunity to make new friends, useful business contacts and even find your soul mate, if you are still alone. You can prove yourself from the best side, and your value in the eyes of others will increase.


You will have to choose some of the goals from a large number of goals and direct all your strength on its execution. Do not try to have time to do everything at once, during 2019 you have, unfortunately, will not get to keep up with two hares. Also, the stars recommend that you do not be wasteful and save our finances and other resources. In communicating with close people, it will not hurt to show sensitivity and tolerance to avoid conflicts.


For twins 2019, sometimes there will be some real adventures and bright emotions! Stars recommend you to be open and not afraid to try something new, healthy adventurism will bring you the necessary charge of energy and a lot of impressions! It is possible that someone from your nearest environment gradually or dramatically leaves your life, but a new person will come to his place or even a few.


Representatives of the sign of the zodiac cancer in 2019 waiting for a real test for strength. In particular, it concerns your business grip. You will need to show wisdom and smelting so that your career achievements are appreciated, and all the benefits of your ideas and projects did not get someone else. As for family life, at some point you will feel that you do not receive from close expected support, but do not be discouraged, confidence in your family will be back to you.

a lion

2019 for you will be generous for new acquaintances. You will definitely shop new friends, and they can radically change your life, at least for some time. New people in your surroundings will bring you new hobbies and ideas. In this regard, you will feel very inspired, and this will have a positive effect on your career and personal life. However, you should be neat and avoid too self-confidential statements and deeds.


Dev with the beginning of 2019 can overcome apathy, which is why it is possible to stagnation in affairs and personal life, as well as gray everyday life and the lack of new impressions. Some new type of activity will help you to get out of this state. Perhaps the time has come to find a hobby in the soul or look back around the search for a new sympathy object. You simply need a charge of energy and enthusiasm, so do not let yourself stay in despondency and inaction!


In 2019, you can dramatically change the point of view regarding things in which the hardness was previously satisfied. It is likely that your attitude to someone who you have previously underestimated will finally become more favorable and vice versa. In general, you can count on a certain revaluation of values. However, do not get carried away by excessive self-confidence, just go to meet those who show warm and kindness to you, and you will not be mistaken in choosing.


Representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio waiting for a very productive period. You can solve most of the existing life problems and tasks in 2019. In the career and business you will be waiting for success and a new round of development, and the members of your family will also be delighted with the successes. In communicating with your nearest environment, it is very important to hear them, so at certain points try to calm your ego and understand the interlocutor.


Sagittarians should be careful in their desires during 2019, because they can be fulfilled and turning against you, as nor paradoxical. In addition, in some periods you will suddenly be in some confrontation around others, your opinion in many situations will be radically different from the opinion of the majority. Make sure that this does not end up the cause of your loneliness and isolation from your community circle.


Capricorn should be confident in themselves, because during 2019 you will no longer underestimate your strength and thereby deprive themselves chances for success. If it seems to you that you do not have sufficient professional qualities, this is not a reason not to try to express yourself, remember it. The same is your personal life: to achieve the location of the right person, you should drop all doubts and realize our own value, only in this case success is possible.


For water, 2019 will be a very good period in all spheres of life! The mass of impressions, development and update you are guaranteed! Already at the beginning of the year, the stars promise lonely representatives of the sign of mutual feelings, and the Aquarius in a pair - strengthening relations. A sharp jump will happen in the quarry, which will immediately find its financial expression. In addition, you are waiting for a very rich and dishearter time this year!


For fish 2019, it can become a very difficult period. At some time you will not understand what the surrounding people are waiting for you and what actions you should take in order to establish one or another sphere of life. In addition, you will be inclined to rapid and incorrect solutions, which can suffer your reputation and relationship with loved ones. Stars recommend that you be frank with others and ask for support and advice from your family and the second half.

Large perspectives September draws for calves. Especially on his support can count those representatives of the sign, the life and activity of which is related to creativity, sports and greater risk. The month will be very active, saturated, competitive and gambling. Perhaps you will have to prove your championship more than once. And even though the victory will not be easy, it will only be sweeter. Opponents and even enemies will express their recognition for talent and the work done.

It is unlikely that any selection process is also afraid of the assessment center. What are the tasks for applicants? And what should be considered when preparing? In the interview, the applicant may appoint almost any ability that increases its chance on the vacancy. Stress resistance, motivation, teamwork is the standard answers to the question about your own strengths. But in order to make sure that there are no unpleasant surprises in real work, it suddenly turns out that the new statistics do not even know the small table of multiplication and changes the number even in the smallest situations, many companies use a test test when choosing personnel.

Such success may greatly be headed, and here the Taurians need to be extremely restrained in their pride, which risks the opposition and spoil all the fruits of victory. Vigilance will be required to communicate with friends and colleagues. Not everyone can safely survive the success of Tales. Envy on the outside of the surrounding will help to cut out those who benefited to be prevented by a friend. It's time to remove the masks! Binding from this loss will build successful purchases, which calves have long dreamed of or even afraid to dream.


September is in love with Dev, so he prepared a lot of pleasant surprises and amazing events. Business makes awaiting business success or professional activities. They will be able to disclose one hundred percent, to show decisiveness where it is needed, and the softness where it does not expect it from uncompromising maids. Work and forces spent on it will be assessed more than in dignity. Provisure representatives of the sign will be able to invest in capital investments, purchases, charity. Intuition will be a reliable render for all virgins.

Take the devies that decide to dedicate September health, diet, sports or traveling. The first month of autumn is good for the accumulation of energy, creation and learning new. But special surprises are waiting for the girls who are tired of loneliness or have disagreements in the family. Romantic September bachelors "set up" a random meeting with an ideal person for love and life, family girls will create favorable conditions for strengthening or resuming mutual understanding and love. A new round in relationships can be marked by the appearance of a child. In any ideas and beginnings of the Virgin, success and unprecedented prospects for a new happy life, which will begin in September.

Who am I, and if so, how much?

But this does not mean that you cannot expect even non-specialized tasks. In addition, the hiring test does not always put your work on the test, and some companies combine it with an audit. Other related articles about recruiting test. Personality tests are not devoid of disagreements in the selection of personnel. Critics complain, for example, that questions are manifested too clearly, to which they are actually aimed. Thus, the subjects are experiencing a temptation not to judge by their convictions, but to choose the answers that, in their opinion, leave the best impression.


Thunders with success in September will have both scorpions, but only those that will not move its strength test in several decisive moments that happen for a month. So, participating in the negotiations and concluding working transactions, you should not hurry and lose vigilance. Dry, inattention and excessive credulity can cause an erroneous decision. Attention and concentration on important situations (including those relating to love and health) - the key to success.

In addition, for many, it is doubtful whether a number of questions with multiple choices can really make reliable conclusions about the character. However, for a quarter of all tests for the set in the application, individual tests are also installed. Through them, companies hope to form more simple judgments about your sympathy, communicative skills, teamwork, motivation and self-esteem. Phrases, such as "I regularly train" or "I find it difficult for me to harm to anyone's solutions," they must evaluate them "fully agree" with "absolutely disagree."

The most favorable period for scorpions will be the first two decades of September. One day is a high probability to cross on a life path with a person who will drastically change his life and make it look at it differently. Scorpions can find themselves in new activities, reveal the talents that were not suspected or afraid to admit and finally fall in love, and so that the envious will start to burst like soap balls. But here should not be off the ground without insurance. September scorpions checks: Do they really believe in their happiness?

Mathematics, German, English - and much more

On the other hand, in other tasks you need to decide whether you want to be a pilot or a kindergarten teacher, and whether you spend time in the expectation room only with logs or talk to other patients. But most of the time you will come across the tasks that will check your technical know-how, your overall education and your intelligence. How significant the individual areas of knowledge depends on the work that you have addressed. In the workplace, you can request your knowledge of the specific market, while the engineer is likely to be tested for its technical understanding.


Capricors can be called the dumplings of September. Good luck will attack them like a shadow, and will follow the heels, whispering in the ear, in which direction to move. And the move oh how will you have! September will be saturated with travel, trips or just walks that bring a lot of positive, bright emotions and unforgettable impressions. The expansion of spatial horizons will push the personal internal boundaries, consciousness. It will be an impetus for spiritual development, the knowledge of the world and himself in it. To this end, the first decade of September can be effectively used to visit holies.

Good luck and those caperpashers, who are worried about material interests. On business field, representatives of the sign are great chances of success. In the first half of September, energy will beat the key, which will allow the vertex unoccupied in the profession, and all the decisions of the leadership or partners will be paid in their favor. During this period, the Capricors are waiting for unexpected, but pleasant changes and in personal life or in the family. We will weaken luck, starting with the third decade, but absorbed energy from good luck in the first two decades of the month is enough to overlap the depart of luck.

Most of these tasks must be solved in a short time. Together with an exhaustive exam, the exam look at how you work under pressure, and can you focus on the task even in stress. To raise the level of difficulty a little more, some employees even ask suddenly in an interview for a small surprise. However, good preparation is half the battle, because possible tasks quickly lose their horror as soon as you met them. Therefore, we gathered for you here on the tasks and tasks on the site that you may have to be expected in the test dough in the application.

How to catch good luck in September?

Unfortunately, not all the signs of the zodiac september prepared good luck. You can, of course, submract and postpone all important things to better times when the stars are saved to enter you in your plans for happiness. But the law is not written by good luck, she is a free waist, and also loves those who will not languish in anticipation of their starry hour, but goes and without hesitation takes their own. And the rooster, which "oversees" 2017 is also favorable to bold and decisive. Therefore, astrologers are convinced that now is the time to "prove their happiness." Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the first month of autumn, you can "enhance" a good luck and with great success to accomplish the conceived, not even being familiar with the Favorite of September.

The song called "Waiting for Me" Singers Sandy with the participation of the singer Tiago York can relate to family relations that the clip represents. Perhaps before we come up with another, perhaps, we need to fight and understand who we actually are in the middle of the storm, so we do not fall apart with the tornado, with which we will face in life.

Rather, we are faced with those who are in fact, whether it is lull or inner turmoil. And if you look at the mirror, how long do you think? How many parts can you save? How many pieces of glass do you have? These versions that represent themselves during the day change situations. We may have melancholic, paranoid, depressed, euphoric versions; Everything will depend on how the external environment will not be achieved. You stopped to think about how much these versions are masks that we use, because it can be unstable with real?

The most favorable period for the implementation of fateful changes will be the first half of September. At the same time, it is possible to count on good luck in any field of life. Stars will be generous in the first, and in the second decade of the month, so these days you need to plan the most important things. The magical power of the influence of the full moon activates the ability to easily implement the incredible September 6, and the Direct Mercury will reveal the potential of creative natures after September 5. People with material desires are also worth showing activity, because these days dynamic Mars, which stays in Virgo, will open sources for new income. During its activity, you can draw inspiration and build contacts.

Therefore, we act as excellent actors, because we show a clean face, sometimes expensive. This is a simpler way to capture liquid happiness than to feel it in essence. Do you still see yourself for all chaos? External or internal environment? Was there only responsibility for life? Are we not responsible? It seems that this is a simpler way to shift the guilt instead of take responsibility.

And if you could look into the mirror now, can you know yourself in a storm? Can you find this child, these dreams that may be lost? Can you meet when you meet your opinion? How much do you have a sense of satisfaction in life? Do you accept what you left?

Is it possible to predict what awaits any person on earth in terms of the number? Such science as Numerology implies forecasting the fate of a person in his day of birth. So, that Waiting for you in 2017, if you consider your birthday, or rather the date. Numerology allows you to determine which vibrations at the moment to manage your life at the moment.

If my advice is faithful, try not to get used to the self-disconnected monotony. Sometimes we are our worst enemies, even in the face of hostility, which we "recruit" in our lives. Do not fall into a rut that keeps you in steroid behavior. Allow yourself to change every day, for example, change the way home. It may be a stupid demonstration of changes, but if we are open to life, it matters.

Even in the face of difficulties, do not forget yourself. Do not forget that the child who was like an adult was looking for his essence in the midst of a tornado. If, from childhood, these tornadoes were present, meaningful and active, try to look at everything you encountered, even if you have overcome them not by day, but by the hour. But do not forget that these explosions should be useful to simply displace the sensations.

To find out your numerological forecast, to start determine your personal number for 2017: fold the date and month of your birth so that the result is one digit.

To this number, it is necessary to add 1 - this is the number of 2017 (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 \u003d 10; 1 + 0 \u003d 1). So, 4 + 1 \u003d 5.

In the end result 5 - this will be your personal number for 2017.

Your personal number - 1

Do not explode with relationships that can mean life. Understand that there are important moments to look deep into our eyes. Talk to yourself: "I'm going to return," exteriorize and do not keep in myself what bothers you, and repeat again and again "wait for me." It will repeat for you, but it is nothing more than a way to recognize the side of the "Little Angel", which we all have, and not to give way to the "hell" that our ears surround.

Oh, yes, my dear reader. Disappointment is part of life, but it is important not to give up to them or to give up their place that has nothing to do with what you consider by. Who can't lose line: My sincere congratulations and make us a favor of a recipe.

The new year comes, time does not wait - and you do not advise you to wait for the weather by the Sea. The unit is the number of start, the beginning of a new cycle, a symbol of independence, active activity and initiative, which means you have to start the exercise of your cherished dream. To do this, the coming year promises you to give you all the necessary cards and remove everyone from the road, who will reimborn you. Perhaps you lack allies? It is not scary, you will quite handle your own. Your memory is some episode from the past? It's time to say goodbye to him and forget. Believe in your own capabilities, look straight forward and show in force of character. Vibration numbers 1 are favorable for those who seek to realize their ambitions, become more independent and move forward. The famous proverb about "Cherry Cherry" for you in 2017 does not work: boldly turn on the motorway and press gas.

Identification itself is also a difficult task, you may need a lifetime, maybe life will be short. But if we are open to this issue - to contact yourself and find out who we are, we can get closer to the concepts of our Constitution or deposits of the social and family environment in which we live, and what we form for ourselves. Who knows, this vision helps to distinguish how much we owe another thing that we have.

However, do not despise yourself and do not know how to appreciate the "monuments" that you yourself created. Storms of life are part of and are on our grace, shifting us. Watching each negligence, every imbalance to attack us. However, she is not a villain. We can express anger, disgust, sadness, blinding us vanity thinking so that we can look into the face alone, lose focus, the land that supports us, even air. All this, because we allow our break-even point to fall as rainwater falling from the sky.

Your personal number is 2

Attention, sensitivity, patience, insight - 2017 advises you to arm yourself with such decent qualities and look at what is happening. Vibration numbers 2 are favorable for those who know how to humble their impatience and wise follow the course of events. Learn to negotiate, cooperate and find allies, and if something does not suit you, try to show diplomaticity and find a compromise option. Do not be stubborn and intractable, do not pue oil into the fire - better lubricate their keys and key wells. In any conflict, try to find equilibrium interests and the ability to negotiate. Work will also be more fruitful in the team, and not alone. In other words, the year 2 is advised to remember only two rules. If the situation does not suit you - look for communication and try to unravel them. And if you feel the support of other people and circumstances - we can easily move forward.

But they can also be an ally, because, despite the damage, you need to see the hope that it will appear in the future, waiting for the sun. Do not forget: even in the middle of the storm, you are still there - do not get lost. Naturally, everyone expects peace, love, health, money, etc. But the Great Truth is that no one should wait for anything from the New Year.

Since the year is just a way to count the time, he cannot offer any of what we expect from him. The ability to think is, excellent, and it should be used. When we finish the cycle, it is good to think about what we did in it: if we take the right solutions if we do what we need to change if we achieve our goals if we see what is really important.

Your personal number - 3

Take what is happening with a light heart and rejoice in life, without preventing too hard claims to her - the vibrations of the figures 3. It seems, 2017 decided to revive the course of events and refresh your perception, awaken the imagination and expand the horizons. Connect to its joyful rhythm, express curiosity, express yourself and enjoy all the colors of life!

The coming year prepared you a lot of reasons for optimism, well, the old problems permits just throw out. Instead of going to ask yourself a serious question "Why?", Better to decide with a smile: "Why not!" In the same spirit, it is worth reconsidering both the circle of your friends and acquaintances - there is no place for boring pessimists and people with a difficult character. More often go out, having fun and go to new places, arrange bright weekends and crazy parties. By the way, it is better to treat everything in the same positive key: Meet and move more actively, make your dating and find out a new one, interest everything and have fun.

Your personal number - 4

Now let's go to serious things: it seems that in 2017 it is the work that becomes your priority. The vibrations of the number 4 are favorable for those who are willing to roll the sleeves, make efforts, to strudule their activities well and do not waste time. Since our life is developing with cycles, then at a certain point there is a phase when we must strengthen their positions to move on into the future. It should not be perceived as the pressure from the outside - you have to work hard to get a decent award and turn out to be at the height. At work, you will not have a case more than once to settle some complicated situation or take responsibility, confirm your competences or tell the decisive word. Show determination and perseverance, composure and objectivity, the ability to own themselves and make effective decisions. The results will not make himself wait and not disappoint you exactly.

Your personal number is 5

2017 Specifies the topic of freedom, movement and updates. The vibrations of the number 5 are primarily very dynamic, and what is happening will impress not only you, but also all the people around you. Treat attention to the whole new and meet with an open heart. Forget about the former doubts: the coming year resolutely relies the cards, you have a completely new alignment on your hands, and the game is to be fascinating. Let yourself succumb to Azart, show your ambitions, change the usual order of things, and if the road to the goal seems too long, then maybe somewhere and cut off the way. There is no complete certainty in life, it is simply boring, and the healthy spirit of adventurism allows us to feel truly alive and happy. This year, you will not have a case more than once to remember that the risk is a noble case, which as a result makes it possible to raise a glass with champagne and celebrate the honored victory!

Your personal number is 6

The vibrations of the number 6 set you up not to spray their efforts, but to show the organization, not scatter, but to gather and collect. The surrounding people need you, hoped you, trust responsibility - and in this mission you will probably show yourself on a decent height. In the coming year, you will often be in the very center of events - both at work and in personal life. The ability to concentrate forces, coordinate activities, find common interests and motivate our allies - all this will be very needed in the next 12 months.

On the contrary, beware of it to occupy a selfish position or exercise negligence and frivolity. Your status encourages you to make important solutions - and for this you need to learn to delve into the essence, listen to others, show friendlyness and hardness. Relationships with people will remain in the foreground, but you will also have the opportunity to strengthen the financial situation - for example, to make successful investments.

Your personal number - 7

2017 tunes you on the Zen wave - this time as if it was created in order to step back from the general race, to evaluate the situation from the side and find consent to themselves. The vibrations of the number 7 are encouraged to analyze their motivation, ask themselves faithful questions, identify their true desires. You will have enough time in order to disassemble what is happening "on bricks" - just try to stay away from people who take too much energy. At work it will be useful to learn how to delegate the secondary duties that you do not bring inspiration or satisfaction. Try to postpone your smartphone aside - and in general, try to conduct a revision of all possible dependencies. Of course, work is a very important thing, but no less important is free time, which makes it easier to breathe and restore forces. It is not at all about to retreat from your own goals - you just need this moment to reunite with you, and then move forward again, with the feeling of confidence and inner harmony.

Your personal number - 8

2017 sends you a challenge - and you are ready to take it! The vibrations of the number 8 are favorable for those who seek to show themselves, strengthen their reputation, openly fight the opponent and defeat competitors. Take weapons in your hands and do not regret the effort! Do not leave a place for doubts and do not give in to small fears: the coming 12 months give you a valuable opportunity to turn around and generously reward your determination. Naturally, each fight is in itself and the risk of loss - however, in any case, it will be more important for you to show that you are brave, strong and configured to win. Well, if you get a win, it will definitely be jackpot! So, the coming year gives you a clear advice: to show confidence in our own power, plan yourself ambitious goals - and do not retreat from them.

Your personal number - 9

The number 9 symbolizes the completion of the cycle, the time to sum up the intermediate results and check the internal clock. How do you see the path done and how to evaluate it? What you have the right to be proud of, and what errors would never like to repeat? Which of those who surround you, you can call a true friend, and who does not give you anything in the relationship, what will you please and inspire? Finally, what are your plans, and what prevents you from implementing them? These questions are useful for yourself to ask from time to time - and this is what you suggests to make the coming year. Sometimes the vibrations of the figures 9 themselves put an end to somehow not justified themselves with plans that have learned relations or exhausted love. And it is completely normal - what is the point of clinging for the past? Listen to your heart, trust your judgments - you have to cross the temporary line and go to a new, light stage.


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