How to insist ginger on vodka. Ginger tincture on vodka

How to insist ginger on vodka. Ginger tincture on vodka

The ginger tincture is a unique alcoholic beverage that is easy to do at home. You can look at it from two completely different sides.

First, the ginger tincture can be considered as the original alcohol of their own preparation. Thanks to the ginger root, it gets an interesting taste and aroma that will enjoy all your guests.
Secondly, the ginger tincture on vodka can be considered as an effective folk drug. It is believed that the best recipe was invented on a mysterious Tibet.
Remember, if you plan to take infusion from the root of ginger as a medicine, do it you need small doses. In no case, not as we used to drink alcoholic beverages.

Therapeutic recipe from Asia

The Tibetan recipe of ginger tincture takes care of the availability of components and ease of preparation. Proponents of traditional medicine argue that this is an incredibly effective means for the treatment of many diseases. I recommend cooking it on dilute drinking ethyl alcohol.
For its preparation, we will need such ingredients:
Ginger root - 600 grams;
diluted ethyl alcohol or vodka - 750 ml;
Fresh honey - 3 tablespoons;
Ripe lemons - 7 pieces.
Correct action when cooking.
1. Wash the root of ginger, clean, hide with boiling water and cut into thin slices. After that, grind them in a blender to a state of homogeneous mass. You can also use the meat grinder.
2. Put the ginger mass into a three-liter jar, fill with alcohol and tightly block the plastic lid.
3. The tincture should be withstanding for 14-15 days in a dark room with room temperature. Take the contents of the bank every day.
4. After this time, in any way convenient for you, squeeze juice from lemons.
5. Skip the tincture through a gauze filter. Pour lemon juice and honey into it. Mix thoroughly and let it be broken for 1 week.
The healing ginger tincture prepared by the recipe from Himalayas is ready. It should be stored in tightly closed glass jars or bottles in a cool place.
It is recommended to take it on medicinal purposes on one teaspoon twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals.

Fast recipe

We will need such components:
High-quality vodka - 1 liter;
Ripe lemons - 2 pieces;
Fresh honey - 2 teaspoons;
Purified ginger root - 40 grams;
Salt salt - 2 chopping.
1. Lemons need to be flushed out in hot water and wipe dry with a clean towel or a segment of the fabric. So we remove chemicals with their peel, which are processed by the fruits.
2. With the help of a finely, the grater remove the lemon zest. It is necessary to make sure to separate the yellow part of the peel from the fruit. The underlying white flesh, give a drink excessive bitterness.
3. Ginger root rubbed on a shallow grater and spend in a glass jar. We also send lemon zest, salt and juice of one lemon. How to mix everything.
4. Inspect the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. Then add honey to it and overflow vodka. We are tightly clocked with a can with a lid and look carefully. Insist for 15 minutes.
5. We skip the drink via a gauze filter. Additionally, we press the flesh remaining in the bank.
5. From the halves of Lemon to squeeze juice to the bank, mix again.
6. It is insisted with a mixture of 5 minutes, add vodka and honey. Close the lid, shake intense several times, insist another 5 minutes.
7. Profilgeling a homemade ginger throat after 3-4 layers of gauze, press the flesh well.
Dessert ginger tincture on vodka Fortress from 33 to 36 degrees is ready. Tasty tasting you.

Beneficial features

Many know that women can use a mildness of ginger to lose weight, and men to increase potency. However, in addition, it helps with many other diseases and pathological conditions.
Including this drug is capable of:
normalize blood circulation and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system;
eliminate inflammatory process;
accelerate the metabolism in the body;
beneficially affect the digestive system;
help with colds, sore throat and influenza;
put in order nervous system;
strengthen immunity;
Remove pain.
However, you should remember that modern official medicine has a skeptical approach to this kind of therapy. Therefore, before being treated with such a tincture, consult with a qualified doctor.
Recipes of useful infuses from ginger on vodka
Only everyone knows about the beneficial properties of ginger. After all, this is not just a product that is used as seasonings to dishes, but also an independent ingredient for the preparation of a delicious and useful drink. The ginger tincture is extremely useful in various diseases and an indispensable assistant in overweight. Preparing a drink is very simple, anyone can cook it in your kitchen without any problems.
A tincture of ginger on vodka improves blood circulation, normalizes the metabolism, relieves inflammation, helps the work of the stomach, lowers the temperature, eliminates the cough and pain in the throat, removes spasms, cleans the body from slags, burns extra calories, strengthens the immunity, restores cholesterol, is favorably acting For vision and nervous system.
Ginger root is an excellent painkillers that no equal, it easily removes migraines better than any medicinal product. All the healing forces of ginger can be obtained correctly prepared a tincture. The recipe can be taken according to individual tastes, because the root of ginger is perfectly combined with honey, citrus and even burning pepper. This alcohol is used quite a long time, while maintaining all its useful substances and properties.

Ginger tincture on vodka: classic recipe
To prepare a classic drink, infused on the root of ginger, you will need a piece of ginger with a finger and 0.5 liters of vodka. If the future ginger tincture is intended exclusively for the treatment and prevention of colds, then the recipe also includes burning pepper. It is also added clean if desired - depending on what sharpness and burning you want to get a healing drink.
Ginger root rinse, clean the skin and cut into small cubes or scrolling through the meat grinder.
Ship the crushed product into a clean bank and pour vodka.
If you plan to use burning peppers - add to the hammer ginger.
Capacity tightly close the lid and remove it in a dark place.
A tincture of ginger should stand a couple of weeks, she needs to shake daily.
After the expiration, the liquid is filtered using a gauze filter and pour into a bottle.
This medicinal drink must be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place for no more than a year. It should be taken on an empty stomach, both inside and as rinsing throats (tea false tincture on a glass of water).

Honey-lemon ginger vodka: Superior recipe
This drink is perfect for both the treatment and prevention of colds and festive table. In addition to a piece of ginger root and 0, 5 liters of vodka as ingredients will also need natural honey (two tablespoons) and lemon juice (2 teaspoons). As a result, the drink will not only be delicious and fragrant, but also extremely useful. But the pepper is not recommended to put here.
Rinse the root of ginger, clean from the peel and grind in any convenient way.
Finished Cashitz put on a piece of gauze and wrap like a bag.
Separately mix the damaging natural honey with lemon juice (squeeze out fruit).
Garl bag with ginger put in the bank and add a honey-lemon mixture.
Components pour pre-cooled vodka and close the can with a lid.
Capacity shake well and put in warm (which is very important) place.
The peculiarity of this option is that it is not necessary for weeks to insist - the tincture is ready to eat after half an hour. This is a great opportunity to diversify a festive evening with a pleasant drink. Before serving on the table from the bank, you need to remove a gauze bag with ginger, strain and pour into a bottle. But it is important to remember that this version of the tincture is suitable for consumption for no more than three days.
Ginger tincture: Slimming Recipe
Ginger root - is an effective weight loss means, with its help fats are burned much faster than with any other diets. This recipe does not include vodka, it will take only medium-sized ginger root, liter of water and a couple of garlic cloves to prepare this useful drink. You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Such a ginger tincture accelerates fat burning processes.
Ginger wash, clean, cut into small pieces and pour into thermos.
Add garlic there (not shredding), lemon juice and pour hot water.
A drink to insist two to three hours and straighten through gauze or fine sieve.
Store in the thermos until it is over, and take hot or warm.
The healing agent from ginger helps to dump three or four kilograms per week, but provided that flour and sweet dishes are limited in the diet. Use tincture on one cup per day during the month, after which make a little break.

The ginger tincture on vodka has unique drug properties. The chemical composition of the root includes the optimal amount of vitamins A, B, C, trace elements, essential oils and organic acids. The effective composition fully passes with a solution of alcohol, as a solvent, much stronger than water. At the same time, useful substances after extraction are preserved in ethanol for 3-4 years. Therefore, ginger tincture on vodka, moonshine and diluted alcohol is more effective than all other dosage forms.

Useful properties of alcohol hoods from ginger

From whether the tincture on the moonshine, alcohol or vodka depend on the properties of the obtained composition. In order to enhance the action, complex compositions are used with the addition of honey, or spicy therapeutic herbs. Feature of alcohol tinctures in the use of small doses with multiple dilution for reception inside. Alcohol is pre-diluted to the desired concentration and only then used to obtain the drug.

Studies based on ginger infused on alcohol, showed the impact on the body as follows:

  • strengthens the walls of the vessels, regulates cholesterol exchange;
  • enhances metabolism, participates in weight loss programs;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  • improves the operation of the digestive tract;
  • tits the body.

But there are specific problems in the body, which are solved by the use of ginger tincture. Thus, the use of ginger tincture on vodka to increase the potency is associated with improved blood circulation process. It is useful to take 1 teaspoon of ginger to meals, or drink tea with the addition of the same amount of tincture and slice of lemon. It is impossible to exceed the dosage, there may be problems with the stomach mucosa.

The ginger tincture on vodka strengthens human immunity. Adding ginger tincture in a dish or drink, it is important not to exceed the dose. Two teaspoons of ginger vodka during the day and only for a month will strengthen the body.

To improve the vision, besides traditional treatment, it is useful to take a ginger tincture. Take the drug once a day, but a tablespoon.

What else does the ginger tincture on vodka help? The rinse with a diluted tincture solution will remove the throat pain caused by inflammation. Women suffering from the Moma and during menopause, taking the tincture, facilitate painful phenomena, the nervous system is strengthened.

However, such a strong drug should be abandoned by allergic to components with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the aggravation stage of peptic diseases.

It is impossible to use tinctures with nursing mothers and pregnant women. With existing tachycardia, the admission of the tincture may worsen the patient's condition. It will be right before using the drug to consult with the attending physician.

Types of tinctures and their difference in the composition and application

Predated Eastern Medicine used the drug properties of plants. An old Tibetan ginger tincture recipe is available for cooking at home, if you take:

  • floor liter vodka;
  • lemons with thin skin 5 pieces;
  • natural mountain honey 2 tablespoons;
  • grinding 400 grams.

Only in a glass jar with a dense lid for two weeks, the mass is insisted in warmth and darkness. Daily composition must be shaken for mixing. After 2 weeks, infusion is filtering. Liquid fraction to pour into a bottle with a dense plug, stored in the refrigerator 3-4 years. Use a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals twice a day for a month.

The ginger tincture on vodka is prepared using 400 grams of the root per liter of vodka. The rest of the tincture is preparing for a Tibetan recipe for 2 weeks with a daily shaking of the vessel.

On the alcohol, the ratio of ingredients is several others. On 250 grams of the root, 300 grams of ethyl alcohol and 600 grams of water are taken.

To obtain a ginger tincture on a moonshine, you need to take a clean product with a minimum content of sigh oil. Moonshine must be double distillation, not Pervach. It is not necessary to dilute this product, but after cleaning it should not be stronger than 50 degrees. Ready infusion on a moonshine keep six months.

Video about the preparation of ginger tincture

Despite the huge number of advantages and beneficial properties, there are a number of contraindications to the use of this tincture at the root of ginger, so it is necessary to use it with caution so that the medicine does not harm. .

The basic contraindication to the use of tincture on the spicy root of ginger can be a banal allergic reaction.

Allergies may occur on any of the trace elements contained in the root. Therefore, people who have intolerance to the components of the burning spices, such a tincture is not recommended for use.

Patients suffering from gastric diseases should also be abandoned from this drink.

Contraindication to use such diseases may be:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer.

Another contraindication to receiving means is the presence of a rapid heartbeat. Since the tincture on the root of ginger has the properties of increasing blood circulation, it can slightly accelerate the reduction of the heart muscle, which is quite dangerous at a given ailment.

If tumor diseases occur in the body, it is categorically impossible to use tincture. It may aggravate the patient's condition by provoking the progression of the disease.

A tincture on a ginger root, like other alcohol-containing drinks, is not recommended to apply with alcoholism and liver diseases such as cirrhosis.

People having pancreatic diseases, in particular pancreatitis, also need to refrain from the use of this therapeutic agent, since its use can lead to exacerbation of the disease.

Important! It is not recommended to apply a drink for the treatment of adolescents and children, since alcohol may cause serious harm to the rapid young organism. . Despite a number of restrictions on the use of ginger tincture on vodka, it is not necessary to underestimate the efficiency and therapeutic properties of the drink

Despite a number of restrictions on the use of ginger tincture on vodka, it is not necessary to underestimate the efficiency and therapeutic properties of the beverage.

The magical properties of this fund were described in antiquity by Tibetan monks. They actively used miraculous infusion for the treatment, rehabilitation and strengthening the body, for breeding in body and well-being.

Thanks to their knowledge, preserved to our times, we have an excellent opportunity to apply this unique tool in practice to this day.

Recipes cooking tincture from ginger

Currently, for most admirers of alternative medicine, both in our country and around the world, a tincture of ginger root is the most popular form of its use, they drink it for therapeutic purposes and for weight loss. The cooking technology is one, regardless of the goals in which they are going to take. The gingerbell drink can be made in the required quantity for the entire course, since it is stored for a long time, and all the beneficial substances are saved.

For cooking tincture it is very important to choose a good ginger: it should be smooth and dense, with thin skin. Wrinkles, stains and noticeable fibers say that the old root, and it is better to search another option

If fresh ginger hide a little nail, then a characteristic spicy smell will appear.

The benefits and use of ginger oil ginger plants: useful properties and applications to properly pick up ginger for sushi?

For cooking tincture it is very important to choose a good ginger: it should be smooth and dense, with thin skin

There are several recipes for cooking tinctures, with each of which you need to read it to choose your own option. So:

  1. Ginger tincture on vodka. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash and clean the root from the skin, cut into thin pieces, put them in the glass container and pour with vodka in a ratio of 1: 400 (per 1 liter of vodka 400 g of ginger). After that, the vessel is required to close the lid and put in the dark, but warm place for 2 weeks. Capacity should be vigorously shake so that the ingredients are better mixed. After 14 days, the gyrical infusion is ready, it remains only to strain it and add 2-3 tbsp for taste. l. Honey and lemon juice. A tincture prepared for this recipe is suitable for strengthening immunity and for the prevention of colds. In addition, infusion is used for external use, for example, for rubbing and compresses for joints.
  2. Alcohol tincture. As can be understood from the name, the basis of this recipe is a medical alcohol. Pre-alcohol must be prepared, because in pure form it is impossible to use it. The alcohol is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2. As a result, high quality vodka will be obtained. A tincture of ginger on alcohol is prepared by the same recipe as above. The alcohol product is recommended to be taken in medicinal purposes, since there may be harmful impurities in store vodka, and there are no them in alcohol.
  3. For people who are contraindicated alcohol, the question is relevant how to prepare a tincture of ginger on the water. The recipe for such a ragger also exists, and prepare it quite easily at home. For this, the following ingredients will be needed: 30 g of fresh ginger, 300 g of water, 1 tsp. Lemon juice, 10-15 g of honey. To begin, it is necessary to clean the ginger root from the peel, thinly cut it and fold it into a small saucepan, add water there and bring to a boil. The decoction must be kept on low heat for 15-20 minutes. It remains to cool the ginger drink to room temperature, strain and add lemon juice with honey. Take it on medicinal purposes before taking food.

Gallery: Ginger tincture (25 photos)

Ginger slimming tincture

For many women, the question is very relevant how to make a tincture of ginger to reduce weight. It is usually created from the root of the plant in combination with citrus. There are many recipes for such a drink, but you can select the 2 most common and efficient. So:

  1. Ginger tea. Ginger's root must be cleaned and thin to cut, add clean drinking water to it (0.5 l of water per 100 g of product) and cook on the stove for 10-15 minutes. Several lemones are added to the finished tea, you can sweeten with natural honey. Such a drink is recommended to use after meals, it accelerates digestion and contributes to the burning of excess fats.
  2. Lemon-ginger tincture. For the preparation of the extract, you need to cut the ginger, but to skip lemon through the meat grinder. The resulting mixture is poured with vodka or alcohol so that it covers it for several centimeters. The substance is insisted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 7 days. For slimming infusion take 2 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. Or 40 drops, drinking tea or milk.

How to cook drink at home

Any of the proposed options is invaluable to the body.

Ginger tincture on the moonshine


  • ginger - 75 g of fresh root;
  • honey - 110 ml;
  • moonshine - 1 liter.

Instead of honey as a sweetener, you can use sugar. But the effect of treatment with such a tincture will be less effective. Honey will help soften the burning taste of ginger.


  1. Clear washed ginger. Choise and send to the meat grinder. Scroll.
  2. Pour alcohol. Add honey and mix.
  3. Hold the lid and set back for a couple of weeks. The mixture is regularly necessary to shake.
  4. Prepare gauze, which will be needed to fold in several layers. Strain the tincture.
  5. You can store the prepared mixture two years.

Babushkin Recipe


  • medical alcohol - 320 ml;
  • ginger root - 450 g;
  • boiled water - 630 ml.


  1. In alcohol pour water. Mix.
  2. Choise purified roots. Pour the prepared mixture.
  3. Staging for a couple of weeks. Strain.

Dishes with the addition of ginger are 10 times tasty. And what to talk about domestic tinctures? This is a real find for gourmet.

To prepare a home tincture, you can use vodka, alcohol to 40-45% or a good moonshine without a sharp smell.

Ginger Vodka.

A classic recipe that does not have a sharp taste of alcohol, but only possesses the mild and fragrant aftertaste of ginger.

If you prefer a concentrated product, then you should increase the amount of ginger up to 75 grams.

The finished drink has a warming property and improves appetite.


    Ginger root - 50 g

    Vodka - 1 l

    Honey - 100 g

Method of preparation

    Ginger must be washed, clean and grated or use the meat grinder.

    Then all the ingredients fold into the glass container, mix and leave for two weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Do not forget once a couple of days to shake the contents of the bank.

    After 14 days, the tincture of ginger is filtered through the siete, and then filter.

    Ready drink spill on bottles.

    Store tincture in a cool place for no more than two years. The fortress is about 36-38 degrees.

Aromatic express tincture of ginger on the moonshine

This version of the tincture is prepared in just 15-20 minutes.


    Purified ginger root - 20 g

    High-quality moonshine - 500 ml

    Honey - 1 tsp.

    Salt - 1 pinch

    Lemon - 1 pc.

Method of preparation

    First you need to prepare lemon and ginger. Lemon - we run in boiling water, wipe dry, remove the zest and squeeze the juice of half of the lemon. Ginger - rubbed on a shallow grater.

    Cedra, ginger and salt shift to the jar, mix.

    Add lemon juice and mix again.

    Now let's breed a ginger-honey mixture for about 5 minutes.

    Then add honey and pour the alcoholic component. We close the lid, we are well with the contents of the container and let it stand another 5 minutes.

    After the specified time, the finished tincture must be strain, while pressing the flesh well, and then profile.

    Ginger drink ready! You can start tasting.

Burning ginger tincture

The finished tincture is obtained by burning, but very tasty. Drink the tincture is best with ice or home lemonade.


    Ginger root - 200 g

    Vodka - 1 l

    Sugar sand - 480 g

    Water - 240 ml

Method of preparation

    Ginger root clean and cut a thin straw.

    Then we shift it into the scenery, add sugar and pour water. Cook as long as the ginger is not soft.

    After cooling the ginger syrup, overflow it into a glass container and pour vodka. Let me breed a drink for about 30 days.

    A month later, the ready-made ginger tincture is filled and skip through the purchase or self-made filter.

Ginger is an aromatic sharp root, which is often added with tea, baking. Recently, it has become popular in pickled form - this is promoted by the popularity of Japanese cuisine.

It has a lot of useful properties - the root of ginger helps with weight loss, in the treatment of male diseases, with proper use of the beneficial effect on the liver and stomach, improves blood circulation.

From the root you can prepare a ginger tincture at home. At the same time, for the alcohol base, you can take any alcohol that is in the house. Drink, if it is prepared for all the rules, will benefit the body, you only need to follow the dosage and rules of use.


Ginger tincture is a unique tool that can help losing weight and fight various ailments. Often, ginger is used in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases.

Properly cooked ginger-based medicine is capable of improving blood circulation, get rid of pain in the stomach, as well as cough. In addition, ginger tincture can clean the body from slags and toxins.

In order for you to know how to prepare such a tool, we want to present to your attention a few simple recipes for the preparation of ginger tincture at home. At the same time, you will not need a huge list of products. Just arm our recommendations and prepare an excellent medicine from many diseases whose miraculous properties you can experience.

About medicinal plant

For the treatment and eating, only one part of the plant is suitable - rhizome. The appearance of the root of ginger:

  • rounded, branched, beige stopper;
  • it has a glossy shine, when cutting the inner fibrous structure, the color of the flesh is yellow;
  • there is a pleasant and sharp smell;
  • the taste is caustic, well suits meat and fish dishes.

The root powder is sold in the Spice Department, and the fresh root is in a vegetable department. From fresh root can be cooked:

  1. delicious additive to the first or second dish;
  2. decoction to increase resistance to infection;
  3. tea weight loss with adding honey and lemon;
  4. infusion on alcohol or water.

The tincture on ginger is easily prepared at home, because the product can be bought in almost every supermarket. The means for increasing immunity can be prepared during the ARVI epidemics.

Beneficial features

From whether the tincture on the moonshine, alcohol or vodka depend on the properties of the obtained composition. To enhance the action, complex compositions are used with the addition of honey, lemon or spicy herbs.

Feature of alcohol tinctures in the use of small doses with multiple dilution for reception inside. Alcohol is pre-diluted to the desired concentration and only then used to obtain the drug.

Studies based on ginger infused on alcohol, showed the impact on the body as follows:

  1. strengthens the walls of the vessels, regulates cholesterol exchange;
  2. enhances metabolism, participates in weight loss programs;
  3. reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  4. improves the operation of the digestive tract;
  5. tits the body.

But there are specific problems in the body, which are solved by the use of ginger tincture. Thus, the use of ginger tincture on vodka to increase the potency is associated with improved blood circulation process. It is useful to take 1 teaspoon of ginger to meals, or drink tea with the addition of the same amount of tincture and slice of lemon. It is impossible to exceed the dosage, there may be problems with the stomach mucosa.

The ginger tincture on vodka strengthens human immunity. Adding ginger tincture in a dish or drink, it is important not to exceed the dose. Two teaspoons of ginger vodka during the day and only for a month will strengthen the body.

To improve the vision, besides traditional treatment, it is useful to take a ginger tincture. Take the drug once a day, but a tablespoon.

What else does the ginger tincture on vodka help? The rinse with a diluted tincture solution will remove the throat pain caused by inflammation. Women suffering from the Moma and during menopause, taking the tincture, facilitate painful phenomena, the nervous system is strengthened.

However, such a strong drug should be abandoned by allergic to components with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the aggravation stage of peptic diseases.

It is impossible to use tinctures with nursing mothers and pregnant women. With existing tachycardia, the admission of the tincture may worsen the patient's condition. It will be right before using the drug to consult with the attending physician.


  • 50 g of ginger;
  • 0.5 l vodka;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 6 pcs. walnuts (kernels);
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 50 ml of water (optional).


  1. Fresh ginger root clean and cut into small pieces.
  2. Stay in the bank, add a gravel of half lemon, the kernel of walnuts, vanilla and ordinary sugar.
  3. From sugar, you can pre-weld the syrup in 50 ml of water, but it is not necessary, just a jar will have to shake daily for sugar completely dissolved.
  4. Insist the liqueur of 1-2 weeks, and then profile and pour on bottles.

Orekhi, by the way, acquire a very bright, unusual taste, so I recommend not to throw them away, but leave for desserts, baking or snacks. You can also try to create something with ginger, I rely on your fantasy here.

This ginger liquor is very gentle, with a pleasant ginger burning and vanilla aftertaste. Sugar may seem a little or a lot - here we will have to play with its number. The ginger and nut liquor can be drunk with 50/50 milk, they say very tasty.

  • 200 g of ginger root;
  • 480 g of sugar;
  • 240 ml of water;
  • 1 l vodka.


  1. Ginger clean and cut into straws, push it into a saucepan, add sugar and water.
  2. Cook (practically stew) until ginger becomes soft, and sugar does not turn into syrup.
  3. Pour everything in a jar (together with ginger) and pour vodka.
  4. Set the minimum of 1 month, after which itching through a dense fabric or coffee filter and pour on bottles.
  5. The remaining ginger can be used in cooking or for the preparation of the next batch of tincture.

The tincture will get a burning, but very tasty. She resembles green ginger wine with something (write a recipe anyhow). Drink a tincture is better with ice or lemonade.

Quick recipe on vodka

We will need such components:

  • high-quality vodka - 1 liter;
  • ripe lemons - 2 pieces;
  • fresh honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • purified ginger root - 40 grams;
  • salt salt - 2 chopping.


1. Lemons need to be flushed out in hot water and wipe dry with a clean towel or a segment of the fabric. So we remove chemicals with their peel, which are processed by the fruits.
2. With the help of a finely, the grater remove the lemon zest. It is necessary to make sure to separate the yellow part of the peel from the fruit. The underlying white flesh, give a drink excessive bitterness.
3. Ginger root rubbed on a shallow grater and spend in a glass jar. We also send lemon zest, salt and juice of one lemon. How to mix everything.
4. Inspect the resulting mixture for 15 minutes. Then add honey to it and overflow vodka. We are tightly clocked with a can with a lid and look carefully. Insist for 15 minutes.

5. We skip the drink via a gauze filter. Additionally, we press the flesh remaining in the bank.
5. From the halves of Lemon to squeeze juice to the bank, mix again.
6. It is insisted with a mixture of 5 minutes, add vodka and honey. Close the lid, shake intense several times, insist another 5 minutes.
7. Profilgeling a homemade ginger throat after 3-4 layers of gauze, press the flesh well.
Dessert ginger tincture on vodka Fortress from 33 to 36 degrees is ready. Tasty tasting you.

Recipe on alcohol


  • fresh root - 350 g;
  • medical alcohol - 300 ml;
  • water boiled - 600 ml.

How to cook

  1. Medical alcohol in pure form for cooking tincture does not apply. It is too strong and can provoke burns with internal use. Alcohol must be dissolved with water (in a 1: 2 ratio). Alcohol poured cooled water and stirred liquid.
  2. Ginger laid in the selected jar.
  3. From above, the product is poured with diluted alcohol.
  4. The tool is recommended for 14 days. But if there is an urgent need, you can use the "medicine" on alcohol after the seventh day.

Recipes of tincture on the moonshine

Ginger is an ancient healing plant, which is widely used in folk medicine. Using it in a tincture of a moonshine, we purchase a high-quality, useful product, with which you can treat diseases and carry out their prevention, improve the skin condition. There are several interesting recipes that bring the result.

Recipe 1.

The classic tincture of ginger and moonshine is easy. In addition, some components will only enhance the favor and give an aroma.

For tincture, we will need:

  • 900 grams of moonshine;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 50 grams of ginger.


  1. First prepare the root of ginger.
  2. It must be cleaned and cut into small pieces.
  3. You can use dry ginger.
  4. Put it in a liter jar, pour the moonshine, add honey and lemon juice.
  5. Mix the liquid and put a week in a cool place protected from light. Strain, store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Tincture on ginger with honey and lemon has a unique fragrance and taste. They drink it chilled, so it has a refreshing effect.

Recipe 2.

A tincture of mogon on ginger can be prepared in another way. It does not take you a lot of time and will not require many products.

We need only a few available ingredients:

  • 0.5 liter mogon.
  • 50 grams of ginger.
  • 2 tbsp. Tea spoons Carcade.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a glass jar.
  2. Cut the ginger pieces.
  3. Fill the moonshine.
  4. Add a carcade tea leaves.
  5. Insist in warm about two weeks.

At the outlet, the drink will acquire a saturated red shade and sour, burning taste. The tincture can be used both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes.

Recipe 3.

If you urgently need to make a refreshing and fragrant tincture, prepare:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 20 grams of fresh ginger;
  • salt;
  • 0.5 liter of mogon;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.


  1. Ginger and zest lemon on the grater.
  2. Ingredients Push up in the jar, spend, mix, add the juice of half of the lemon.
  3. Give a mixture for a few minutes and add honey and moonshine there, mix and close the lid.
  4. Leave five minutes to appease. Perfoliate and can be tasting.

The tincture will please you with a pleasant, lemon flavor.

Ginger liquor on cognac

  • 240 g of white sugar;
  • 120 g of brown sugar;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. crushed ginger root;
  • 3 booton cloves;
  • 1 tsp. black seeds of black cardamom;
  • 1 tsp. grated orange scene;
  • 250 ml of vodka (better than 50% alcohol);
  • 120 ml brandy.


  1. White and brown sugar pour into the pan, add water and bring to a boil.
  2. Add peeled, grated or finely chopped ginger root, carnation, cardamom and cook all this 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the fragrant syrup through a sieve to make a liquid without solid residues.
  4. Pour it into a liter bank, add oranges to a divorced to 50% alcohol or vodka and brandy.
  5. Insist the liqueur in a dark cool place 3-4 weeks.

Weathered liquor strain and filter through wool. Pour bottles and withstand another 1 week minimum. The drink is very tasty, but the ginger in it is felt very weak, so it makes sense to use the root a little more. It is better to cut it very finely so that during the cooking of Sirop, the ginger gave the maximum taste and aroma.

Home Ginger Honey Liquor

  • 250 ml of liquid honey;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 3 tbsp. crushed ginger root;
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest, grated;
  • 375 ml Whiskey or Cognac.


  1. Honey and water to bring to a boil and boil 3-5 minutes.
  2. Remove during boiling appearing foam (beeswax, it needs to be removed so that the drink quickly brightened).
  3. Add ginger and lemon zest, boil another 4 minutes.
  4. Remove from fire and cool to room temperature.
  5. Strain through a sieve, pour honey syrup into a liter jar and add whiskey or brandy (in the original recipe it is the Scottish whiskey, knowing how good the dramba liqueur, I still recommend using the tape, let and the cheapest).
  6. Insist the liqueur in a dark cool place at least 1 month, after which it needs to be strain and filtered through cotton / dense fabric.
  7. Pour bottles and withstand at least 2 weeks. This liquor is very gentle and is very different from ginger tinctures, where the ginger prevails. Here the root is needed for a pleasant aftertaste and fine fragrance. Try!

Ginger useful, warming, with it easy to overcome cold and raise the mood. And scientists have proven that ginger reduces the risk of stroke. In general, the tincture on ginger is not only delicious, but also partly useful. Of course, if you know the measure.



  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%) - 0.5 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • ginger root (fresh) - 20 grams;
  • hammer cinnamon on the tip of a knife


On grapefruit

Application: for cholesterol output; from atherosclerosis; for weight loss; from constipation; to normalize digestion; In order to prevent the bleeding of the gums.


  • grapefruit is one fruit;
  • lemons are five citrus;
  • ginger - four roots;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. The root is purified and cut by thin stripes. Raw materials are put in a jar.
  2. Lemons, grapefruit purified from the peel and cut into pieces.
  3. Citrus pulp stacked into the jar. To prepare this tincture at home, you can use lime instead of lemons.
  4. Poured a mixture with vodka. Add water.
  5. The bank closes and shake well. It is a means of seven days.
  6. Drink is filtering. You need to take twice a day across the tablespoon.


  • fresh garlic - 250 g;
  • ginger - 250 g;
  • vodka - 1 l.

How to cook

  1. Garlic is cleaned and grinding in a blender. Ginger adds there.
  2. The resulting cleaner is poured with vodka.
  3. Insist the mixture recommended 15-16 days.
  4. Drink is filtering.
  5. Take ten drops twice a day, spreading tincture in water.

This recipe for cooking tincture is suitable not only to men. The tincture is somewhat capable of protecting women from breast cancer.



  • to improve vision;
  • from diarrhea and constipation;
  • for the treatment of inflammation in the digestive and respiratory system;
  • from cold;
  • in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases;
  • for the treatment of urogenital ailments.


  • blueberries (berries) - one glass;
  • ginger (flew on the grater) - three tablespoons;
  • honey - three tablespoons;
  • vodka - half-liter.

How to cook

  1. Blueberries diligently kneads. Cashitz fold into the jar.
  2. Fragrant pulp is added overcooked ginger.
  3. Add honey and pour vodka.
  4. The remedy is well mixed.
  5. Increase in a cool place for about 15 days. Then filler.

Berrycaken berries can be replaced by a lingonberry. As the reviews show, the crucible means also improves visual sharpness, helps protect the heart and vessels, effectively normalizes the digestion process.

The ginger tincture can be complemented by various components. So, entering the chamomile decoction into the drink, you can enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the elixir. And to strengthen the heart and positive impact on the breathing authorities, it is recommended to add chahalf or mint in the infusion.

Pep tincture with honey and ginger

You will need:

  • Ginger - 50 g;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Honey - 70 g;
  • Dried juniper - 8 - 10 berries;
  • Pepper sharp pod - ½ - 1 pc.


Ginger clean and crushing.

  1. Together with juniper berries, honey and pepper we send to glass dishes.
  2. Close it with a lid and remove into the dark cabinet for 2 weeks.
  3. From time to time, the container needs to be taken and shake. In the end, strain content.
  4. Eating such a drink is best when eating or after. It helps to carry out the prevention of colds and gastrointestinal disorders, tones the body and acts a warmer way.
  5. Take it in pure form or add to hot drinks.

Whatever recipe you choose, remember that the ginger tincture is a medicine and at the same time strong alcoholic beverage. Therefore, take it accordingly. As a rule, one-time dose is only 1 - 2 teaspoons.

Khrenovuha is a very common alcoholic beverage among the Slavs since ancient times. She treated the guests and treated from various diseases. In the original recipe for hrenovum is made on the basis of the root of Khrena. As an option, it can be both garlic and on ginger. In some recipes, ginger is added to Khrenovuhu along with horseradish.

The recipe for hrenovukhi on ginger is quite simple.

  1. In the bottle of vodka, to lower the root of ginger so that there is no vodka to cast.
  2. The resulting mixture must be put in a dark place for a week.
  3. When tasting, the tincture should not be unbearable by burning. There must be a feeling of a pleasant aftertaste.
  4. Individually, by the method of samples you can create that drink that you will be most acceptable to taste and the fortress. After a good horn, as our great-grandfather said, I don't want to eat.

Ginger ale

Ginger El continues the topic of infuses from ginger. To taste, he resembles a non-alcoholic drink Schweppes. It is also done quite quickly, in contrast to the store analogues, there are no chemistry in its composition, only natural products.

In his classic recipe, this drink in the composition has

  • roasted water
  • sugar.

The recipe for alcoholic ginger ELA provides for yeast and various spices. Very often add honey, fruits and years.

Ginger El in medicine is used in the treatment of colds, performs part of cocktails (mainly from whiskey), as well as simply as a refreshing drink.

Recently, the most widely and actively tincture on ginger is used for weight loss. People who want to adjust their weight are recommended to take a tincture on a teaspoon in the morning and during the day, but not in the evening, within a month.

Under the influence of ginger, metabolic processes in the body are normalized and accelerated, the appetite is reduced, which leads to loss of extra kilograms. For a sustainable result, along with the use of a wonderful tincture, it is necessary to reconsider its nutrition and add motor activity.

With mint


  • 2-3 tablespoons of grated ginger root,
  • 2-3 twigs of mint,
  • 500 ml of alcohol or vodka,
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

To taste the proportion of components for tincture can be changed a bit.

  1. Mint and ginger root Put in a liter jar, pour alcohol, put and carefully stir up honey until complete dissolution.
  2. Insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place.
  3. Then straighten and take on purpose.

A tincture on ginger and mint helps to calm the nerves, overcome insomnia, remove the spasms of the stomach.

To strengthen immunity

And now we will present you a recipe for ginger tincture on vodka to strengthen immunity. This composition will strengthen the body, give strength. For cooking tincture you will need:

  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • two lemon;
  • fresh ginger root (100 g);
  • 4 spoons (table) sugar;
  • 1/2 spoon (tea) cinnamon.


  1. Grind lemons in a blender, add all other ingredients to them (except vodka) and beat again.
  2. Put the resulting mass in the jar and pour with vodka.
  3. The root of the ginger must be washed, clean, cut or grated on the grater finely, add it to a container with vodka and lemon.
  4. Close the jar tightly and remove in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  5. After that, the composition can be strain. Thus, you have a ginger tincture on vodka.
  6. Reception of this composition is recommended for problems with biliary ways and some liver diseases (consultation with a doctor is required).
  7. Take the remedy for 1 spoon (tea), divorced in 150 ml of warm water, twice a day after meals.

Tibetan recipe

For cooking, 250 grams of ginger root (purified and crushed) are needed.

  1. In the glass jar, put the treated raw materials, pour it with vodka (to the top of the jar) close the lid tightly and put in a dark place for two weeks.
  2. Shake root regularly.
  3. Then the infusion is filtered and filled with vodka to the original volume.
  4. You can add some natural honey, but not more than one tablespoon.
  5. The ginger tincture on vodka by the recipe of Tibetan monks is effective not only with angina and colds. It increases human immunity, cleans blood, increases vitality. In addition, it is a very effective means to improve potency.

Take the therapeutic composition follows in the morning and in the evening in thirty minutes before the meal of 5 ml (teaspoon).

Covers for the use of ginger elixir

When the Tibetan ginger tincture is ready, it immediately arises the actual question: how to use this miracle tool? To ensure the body maximum benefit and significantly improve the health condition, the healing elixir is applied on the following nine rules.

For prophylaxis

Use the drink twice a day, early in the morning and before lunch.

  • It is not necessary to postpone the intake of ginger to the evening, because the product is very cheerritated and able to provoke insomnia.
  • For prevention, a single dose is a teaspoon floor.
  • The tincture is necessarily bred in a glass of water.
  • To take an undelivered ginger drink is prohibited. It can provoke a burns of the digestive system. The prevention duration is one month. Then take a break in 60-90 days.
  • After such an interval, it is possible to resume prophylaxis.

To strengthen immunity

To restore strength, improve health and fill the body with vital energy, you need to increase the dose to one teaspoon. Take twice a day, according to the same rules.

For diseases of the throat

The tincture will help cure laryngitis, pharyngitis. It is recommended to apply even with an angina. Use a ginger remedy for rinsing. To prepare a solution in the floor of a glass of water, one teaspoon of tincture is added. The liquid is stirred. Such a solution is recommended to rinse the throat for at least six times a day.

With bronchial asthma

The characteristics are recommended to use in the fight against Asthma Tibetan recipe for ginger tincture cooked on alcohol. It is he who is able to ensure an effective improvement in the patient's condition. Take twice on a teaspoon. The same treatment scheme is advisable to restore the lost vision.

In case of liver disease, intestines, stomach

Such patients require a special approach to treatment. Start immediately from the reception of one teaspoon is strictly prohibited. This can lead to aggravation of the ailment.

  1. It is recommended to start therapy with two or three drops of tincture.
  2. They are bred in 100 ml of water. Use twice.
  3. Daily dose increase by one drop, provided that no unpleasant symptoms have arisen.
  4. By the end of the week, a single dosage should already be a teaspoon. In such a volume, treatment is continued for 30 days. Break in therapy - two months.

To reduce discomfort and improve the state of the gums, it is recommended to process the mouth mucosa one or twice a day in the infusion of ginger, divorced in water (1: 1).

You can apply the mixture on the gum using a cotton wand.

From articular pain

Treat arthritis, arthrosis, radiculites allow compresses from the tincture. To reduce pain and eliminate inflammation, it is recommended to break the damaged areas with a gibber.

With acne rasp

If non-welltic acne appeared on the face, they can be buried tincture. But it is necessary to apply the tool very carefully by applying it with a cotton wand only in acne. If you hurt a healthy skin, you can trigger the burns of the dermis.

For diseases of the reproductive system

Equally both for women and for men, the tincture of ginger acts as an aphrodisiac that increases the potency and attraction.

  • Apply it twice on a teaspoon, carefully controlling their health state.
  • Women must be particularly careful.

When uterine bleeding, ginger agents are categorically contraindicated!

In order for the tincture to provide the body long-awaited benefit, it is necessary to take it only on an empty stomach. Otherwise, it will be useless.

To reduce weight

  1. The ginger tincture on vodka has become often used by people to correct their weight.
  2. In this case, the tincture prepared according to one of the above-described recipes takes on a teaspoon in the morning and in the afternoon for thirty days.
  3. Then, take a break for a month, after which the course can be repeated.

Undoubtedly, ginger tincture on vodka is an effective means that reduces appetite and toning. Nevertheless, nutritionists recommend to approach comprehensively to the problem of overweight.

The use of tincture will be more efficient if the patient eliminates excessive use of sweets, fatty products from its diet, increase physical activity. High calorie products are recommended to be replaced with fruits, vegetables, reduce appetite with a glass of water.

Elixir for male potency and treatment of prostatitis

From a long time in Eastern medicine, a recipe for an extract of a wonderful root for the treatment of inflammation of prostate in men was used. Miracle root translated from Chinese means courageous. The use of alcohol infusion based on ginger enhances the blood flow to the genital organs of men, tones and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate.

  1. Thanks to its chemical composition and microelements, a tincture on alcohol awakens sexual desire and serves as a real natural aphrodisiac for representatives of a strong sex.
  2. The treatment of impotence and the prostatitis of the alcohol tincture of ginger is much safer and more efficient than the use of many medicines.
  3. To date, this is the best antibacterial natural tool for the fight against streptococci and staphylococci, contributing to the development of the disease in men.

Preparation of therapeutic elixir does not require special efforts. The recipes of tinctures from the overseas root are set, with the aroma of lemon and juniper twigs or with the taste of bee honey. The main thing to get rid of the insidious ailment.

Properties and contraindications

The listed effects of the product can cause in the body and negative consequences.

The main property of the ginger root is stimulation: blood circulation, the development of gastric secret, bile. As a result, an increase in body temperature and blood pressure occurs, the intestinal motility is enhanced, cellular mechanisms are activated.

Such processes adversely affect the body in the presence of such diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • ulcerative intestinal disease, stomach;
  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stones in the kidneys and a ureter;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke, transient ischemic attacks;

  • skin diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • chronic tendency to allergic reactions;
  • internal bleeding;
  • increased body temperature with influenza;
  • meningitis;
  • low blood clotting indicators, hemophilia;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • burns.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy, the root of ginger is advisable to take only at the very beginning of the period to eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis. After the first trimester, the product is contraindicated, because it stimulates muscle activity, respectively, will burn to cause a sharp cut in the uterus and provoke miscarriages.

Contraindications for oncology

It is important to note that the described means has a stimulating effect not only on healthy cells, but also pathological. Therefore, the reception of ginger root in any form in the presence of benign or malignant tumors will lead to aggravation of the disease.

The neoplasm cells will begin to share quickly, which will provoke the intensive growth and progression of cancer. In some cases, even metastases.

Possible consequences of the use of the product

In the absence of contraindications, it is still necessary to pay attention to the possible consequences of the use of the product:

  1. deterioration of the effect while taking hypotensive drugs and calcium blockers;
  2. strengthening the action of antidiabetic drugs, medicines to normalize the work of the heart;
  3. short-term, but fast and significant increase in body temperature;
  4. irritation of mucous membranes;
  5. expansion of blood vessels;
  6. acceleration of intestinal motility, metabolism;
  7. increasing the amount of bile produced.

Considering the above facts, it is not necessary to take ginger in parallel with medication drugs. In no case cannot use the product on an empty stomach, even if everything is in order with digestion.

Do not underestimate this amazing medical agent. The effectiveness of the ginger tincture is confirmed by the manuscripts of Tibetan monks who used a tincture for the treatment of different diseases over the centuries. Ancient wisdom and today helps a person to survive when the number of falsified drugs is too rapidly increasing.

Ginger tincture has become famous on Tibet as an effective toning and cleansing agent.

  • According to the folk drugs, Ginger is able to cope even with infertility.
  • There is also an unconfirmed by the science of the hypothesis that the drink restores and improves vision.
  • Mixed with raspberries, raspberry jam or syrup tincture doubles healing properties. This composition is particularly effective in colds, angina and exhausting dental pains.

History of recognition and popularity

The cultivation of ginger first began in India. It must be said that the initial ginger roots were used by the Phoenicians not as spices, but as a monetary unit.

In the ancient Egypt, Ginger got through the Philliks, already as a valuable and expensive spice and quickly Egypt, became the main center of imports of this expensive spice.

  1. An amazing plant immediately attracted the attention of the ancient scientists, his useful properties studied the ancient Roman natural backyard of Pliny senior and the Greek doctor and Pharmacist Dioscaride, who described the ginger in his famous book "On Medical Matter" as a means that improves the digestion and warming body.
  2. Dioscaride prescribed drugs from the ginger root to his patients suffering from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The ancient Romans treated the eye diseases with this spice, and the ancient Greeks eliminated the consequences of abundant feasts with a ginger wrapped in grain pellets.

The popularity of the plant contributed to the Arab merchants who began to bring it to the countries of Western Africa, where the ginger was subsequently not only used in culinary purposes, but also used the voices with the angina and mastering the voice.

About two thousand years ago, exotic spice hit China. Her unique properties immediately assumed the attention of scientists and doctors. Ginger is mentioned in the scientific works of the legendary Chinese philosopher of Confucius.

  • East Asian healers considered ginger root with a good natural stimulant and recommended it as a means to extend the youth.
  • The Chinese used it as a means to improve memory, especially in old age.
  • Chinese sailors chewed ginger to reduce the symptoms of the tech; The Japanese consumed the overseas root as a medicine from wounds, nausea, hangover.
  • In China, Ginger endowed the properties of Aphrodisiac, from here and its name translated from Chinese as "masculinity." As a means of inciting passion, the spice is mentioned in the Arab fairy tales "thousands and one night".

In the Middle Ages from Greece and Rome, the ginger root hit England, and then to other European countries. In the 10th century, thanks to the healing properties, the plant was introduced into the Anglo-Saxon Medical Directory. Ginger is more than once mentioned in the English scientific works of that time.

In England

In England, he was distributed almost as wide as red pepper. It cost the overseas root is very expensive, but despite this, his success increased the year from year to year. Ginger seasoned dishes from meat, birds and vegetables, it was added to pastries, jam, wine, beer and other drinks. Ginger bread, which loved the English Queen Elizabeth I was considered a big delicacy in those days.

On the popularity of ginger in Europe speaks the name of the street, where there were shops selling spices, - Jinger Street (in English Ginger means "Ginger").

British physicians prescribed an exotic root as a medicinal product from different diseases.

King Heinrich VIII, who heard a large spice admirer, recommended him as an anticipate drug. To strengthen the therapeutic properties of ginger, it was mixed with other spices, such as cardamon and nutmeg.

In Russia

In the post of Soviet space, ginger is known since the days of Kievan Rus.

  1. It was added to various dishes - kvass, emphasis, braga, shot, honey, buns and cakes.
  2. Gingerbread cookies were famous in the old days, which in the future thanks to his spicy taste gave the name to a new confectionery product - gingerbread.

In the XVI century "Domostroy" recommended the hostesses to preserve watermelon crusts in a spicy molasses with "ginger". In 1911, N. F. Zolottsiy wrote: "... The famous little-Russian borsch was prepared in the XVI century, and the beets sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles with seasoning ginger were given for the boyars pearts as a snack for appetite."

However, after the revolution, the old corners of the spices were lost, and many recipes of delicious and healthy dishes and drinks with ginger were forgotten. Useful overseas root appeared on our trading shelves relatively recently.

Instead of imprisonment

Ginger tincture is an excellent assistant for your immunity. Using it regularly, in the autumn and spring period, you can avoid problems such as Orz and ORVI.

Do not forget that it contains alcohol. If there are contraindications, it is better to prepare a decoction or a non-alcoholic tincture based on a rosehip syrup or citrus juice. Ginger decoctions also have healing properties, acting an excellent alternative to the tincture.

The only minus is a small shelf life. We will have to prepare a maximum of two to three days, even with storage in the refrigerator.


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