What exercises will help to remove a big belly. How to remove belly: Basic rules, tips, features and exercises

What exercises will help to remove a big belly. How to remove belly: Basic rules, tips, features and exercises

A beautiful figure is great, the fat on the stomach is not very, besides, it can lead to health problems. After reading this article, you will learn how to get rid of excess fat on your stomach.

A warning:Any thoughts expressed in this article regarding health, nutrition and exercise should be considered as one of the points of view, and not unambiguous nutrition and health recommendations. Any information about health should come from a certified health care certified. Never start another diet or training complexes without consulting a qualified physician.

Some women live, being confident that lush forms are great, others seek to be thin, and both options are equally good. When I'm talking about getting rid of fat on your stomach, I do not mean lush forms. They are beautiful. But excess fat on the stomach is harmful to health and it would be nice to get rid of it.

I want to say that in the modern world, people are very often influenced by fashion trends that determine how the woman should look like. But there is no single ideal of beauty. We are all born different. It is necessary to get rid of fat on your stomach or for health, or to give the belly of the desired shape - skate or flat. It should not turn into a hellish drying of the body in the desire to get rid of all fat stocks. It is also very harmful.

Strive to be healthy and happy and that's all!

Why is it important for health the absence of excess fat on the stomach?

The best way to find motivation for any classes is to understand why you are doing it. Let's figure it out in more detail.

A small amount of peripheral fat on the stomach is normal. However, when fat too much and he begins to penetrate into the internal organs (interior fat), then this is not so fun. There is a proven interconnection between these fat and numerous concomitant diseases, including cardiovascular diseases that cause heart attacks, and diabetes.

Knowing it, you can concentrate on, which will allow you to get rid of unnecessary fat. It will not only save you from potential diseases, but also will allow you to feel happier and cheerful.

The reasons for excess fat on the stomach - everything is not as simple as you think

So, you have an excess fat on your stomach. So you eat badly and do not play sports, right?

Of course, the reasons can be in this. Food and sports are two important weight control factor. However, there are more hidden reasons. Let's figure it out in more detail.

One of these reasons can be stress. When we are experiencing stress, the so-called is produced in the body. Stress hormone. This hormone, in turn, sends the body a signal that it is time to stock up energy, which makes us forever hungry and that accordingly leads to obesity. The body in such conditions seems to be preparing for hunger or difficult times.

The connection of the cortisol hormone (one of the hormones generated during periods of stress) and obesity was scientifically proven. In addition, this hormone is able to move fat from other parts of the body, where it is stored in normal quantities, in the abdomen area. How to normalize the level of cortisol? In addition to getting rid of stress, these are regular sports.

Another good way to control stress is to perform breathing exercises. As soon as you felt that we were in the situation of stress, start. If you are at home, you can try to perform special complexes of breathing exercises (unfortunately, in the office it will not work).

An excellent means will get rid of stress personally for me to read the book "How to cure back pain. People need to know the truth! " For the authorship of Dr. John Sarno. He indicates how depressed emotions (about which we can not even know) entail pain and illness. I used it by the technique when it struggled with office syndrome, and she put me on his feet during a couple of weeks (and I was just in a terrible state). Moreover, I cured emotionally. I recently felt stress and took up this book again. She will be able to tell you how great the strength of your mind is, and that you can take advantage of it at any time to heal yourself.

Unregular Son.

We need a dream. No one argues with it. We also have circadian rhythms tied to the environment that tell us to go to bed when darker, and awaken when the lights are. That is why many have problems when you make a flight across the ocean, and this rhythm is broken (this is called a daily biorhythm disorder).

The circade rhythm also affects the level of cortisol. This level is maximum in the morning and day when you are most. Then it drops and reaches minimal concentration by midnight.

If you start shoot down circadian rhythms, you will begin to shoot down the levels of cortisol production. As mentioned slightly higher, it leads to stress and accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdomen.

In addition, when we are tired, we want to eat, since we need energy. If you work late, then the body will require food to replenish energy reserves.

Of course, there are people who fall to bed before or later. It is important to note the permanence of sleep rhythms. Try to go no later than midnight. For harmony with nature, the best time is 10 o'clock in the evening, but, apparently, there are still owls among us ...


This is part of stressful symptoms, but sometimes we do not perceive this condition as stress, but simply feel unhappy. You may have moved to another city, and feel lonely. Maybe you have a nasty boss. Or maybe you lost a loved one. You will optionally perceive it as stress. You are just sad and you feel unhappy, but in fact, it is the same emotional stress.

Emotional stress often leads to the fact that people begin to consume food, which contains a lot of sugar and fats, which briefly increases the mood. However, on a long term, this will only strengthen depression, since such food has a negative impact on the body, including it affects the production of chemicals in the brain responsible for the appearance of poor mood.

In addition, food is rich with sugar rich leads to a surge of blood sugar levels, and when then his level falls again, you feel tired, lifeless and yes, hungry. And starting there even more.

I have two hands for a cup of tea with a cake after a long, hard day. I am sure that emotional nutrition has the right to life. Problems occur when sugar and fat accompany the diet constantly. Food should not constantly calm the nerves. If so, it is necessary to find the reasons and start fighting with them.

And further. Remember that finding the root of the problems is great, but, in addition, it is also not bad for this problem, in the end, overcome. I remember one book, whose name now I do not remember, about the guy who realized that people involved in therapy are unhappy, since all the time they think about what makes them unhappy, and think about their problems. To become happy, you need not only to realize the problems, but also to start to deal with them. You need to concentrate on what you want to become and what you want to do.

We were born to be under the sun. Not ten o'clock in the air under the right sunlight (it will not be better), but at least stroll through the shadow and get your dose of sunlight. And therefore it does not matter what time of year is where you are where you are, trying to at least once a day for half an hour (and better for an hour) to get out of the outdoor walk. For example, walking from the car or bus to work / study and the fifteen-minute walk during lunch are able to create real wonders.

Without sunlight, we feel sluggish, and it affects the excess fat on the stomach. And if we feel lethargy, we often stretch to a calorie snack with coffee to feel a little cheerful and only aggravate the situation.


Later we will talk about the exercises that can be embedded in our day schedule, and let's just talk about breaks at work.

If you work 8 hours a day, and especially if you are standing in standing or sedentary work, you need breaks. If you do not take breaks, you will soon feel lethargic, as if you lack sleep or sunlight. And, again, you will pull to snacks. Stress can also develop that, as we already know, will not help get rid of the fat on the stomach.


Finally, we turn to one of the two most important factors: nutrition.

If you read at least one profile magazine over the past 5 years, you should have learned that opinions about diets and products could help get rid of fat, as many people on the planet. For six months, one diet is considered the best, after six months, a new one comes to shift, and everyone who introduces a new diet is confident that it is she - the best.

All of them have common features (and they are not deprived of common sense):

  • avoid the use of too much high processing products, since they have many components harmful to the body, including salt, sugar and harmful fats;
  • avoid products from purified grain, including white bread, rice and paste - better replace them for whole grain products;
  • the same applies to the products with a high content of starch, including potatoes, since the starch quickly disintegrates to sugar, which is harmful to the body;
  • observe the healthy balance of proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates in the diet;
  • drink more water and herbal teas in the intervals between meals;
  • avoid high sugar products (especially refined), including white sugar, corn syrup and glucose, but also do not abuse honey, maple syrup, and fruit (although they need to be used in the diet, just do not abuse and all);
  • eat raw and cooked vegetables for every taste and color;
  • avoid hydrogenated fats and do not eat a lot of animal fats, if only it is not a fish.
  • avoid "dietary" sweeteners like aspartam, it is better to use natural kind of stevia or xylitol (though, do not overdo it, otherwise the laxative effect may appear)

When the fashion for a diet has become popular, it is very useful to remove fat from the body very useful, but in fact fat needed a body in order to consume it and in general that the body function normally. At the same time, many of the popular "degrees" products often contain unhealthy fats. And often they can also find sugar, as in fragrant low-fat yogurts.

Most people who have decided to eat right, without high processing products, without white bread, paste and refined sugar notice that they really begin to discharge weight.

Tips on proper nutrition for quick weight loss

Recent studies have shown that between the types of calories there is a certain difference - the body reacts in different ways to calories coming from different sources. For example, it was noticed that those who sits on a crude diet (when food is not prepared at a temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius to preserve all useful enzymes and nutrients) do not receive as much calories as those who are sitting on a regular diet . In addition, lovers of raw diets are faster than weight.

Among other popular diets, you can allocate atkinson diet and Paleo. Both diets do focus on the consumption of meat, eggs, as well as vegetables that do not contain starch. These diets deny potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, grain like rice, oatmeal, bread, flakes and pasta produced from grain. These diet are still slightly different from each other, but in both of the protein. Opinions about fruit differ, but in principle the attitude towards them is not very positive, since there are a lot of sugar. This is especially emphasized in the Akinson diet. People often forget that vegetables are free from starch and some types of berries can and should be a significant part of these diets.

If you are sitting on one of these diets for a long period of time, you must definitely not forget to make a sufficient amount of nutrients. People sitting on raw vegetables often do not consume enough protein and vitamin B, and those who prefer the Atkinson diet often suffer from constipation, because there are few vegetables and fiber in their diet (at the same time, science definitely says that the fiber is very useful for good health).

Another good way to reset the weight is to sit on the juice diet. However, sometimes for such a diet may need a consultation with a doctor.

This diet has become popular thanks to people like Jason Vale, who offer courses of source and books that reveal the essence of diet and recipes for her.

Some people are convinced that Sokotorates do not help improve health and should not be resorted to it at all, but it is hard to deny the actual positive results of those people who used this diet for a long period of time.

If you are interested in this diet, then for a start you can see the documentary Vaila's documentary about the diet itself, as well as the films "Harmful fat" and "almost dead" Joe Cross - a man who has changed his life thanks to Sokotorate.

Remember that juice therapy is a temporary measure. And let someone be able to stick to her months, for you it is not the best example, because you can easily harm your health. It would be nice in the process of diet to do blood tests and other medical tests to control the situation. With this, all those who wrote books / shot films about Sokotherapy were engaged in this - so you can clearly prove their safety for health.

Diet and long-life

In general, this is an article about how to get rid of the fat on the stomach, however, I would really like to say a couple of general words about nutrition in general and diet in particular, because for many women seeking to lose weight, these questions become a stumbling block.

I read many different information about diet and their influence on health and began to frankly confront all this information. In one book it is said that a better vegetarian health diet can nothing can be, and the results of scientific research are given. A protein diet without cereals is praised, and the research results are also given. And it led me to confusion. After all, diets are completely different. The only thing that united them is to describe the benefits of solid, healthy products, without recycled food, without additives.

I wondered how food affects the life expectancy, and began to google the average life expectancy in different parts of the world, remembering that this is not the only factor. Then I came across the concept of "blue zones". These are places on our planet, where people on average live longer than usual. In other words, in these places to live up to 100 years or more - quite normal.

Studying "Blue Zones", I noticed that many (but not everyone) nations in these zones are rich in legumes and vegetables, and there are few meat. They eat homemade food, and not recycled. Often organic. Among other factors can be noted a low level of stress, daily exercises or active types of hobbies (walking, gardening, public events, etc.), a sense of community and family priority.

If you want to learn more about the "blue zones", you can refer to Wikipedia wisdom or read the book Dan Buttner, dedicated to this topic. So far, understand yourself that adhere to a specific diet for too long may not be the wiser decision.

Imagine that you are not going to drastically change your diet, but do not mind go to a healthy, solid food. What tips on the discharge of extra kilograms can be given in this case?

  • Drink a lot of water in the breaks between meals, it suppresses a sense of hunger. Often when we are hungry, our body just torments thirst
  • Eat a salad leaf before each meal, it will fill the stomach and reduce the desire to try high-calorie food
  • Do not eat anything for 4-5 hours before sleep
  • Avoid high sugar or starch products (potatoes), as well as grain products. If you use sweeteners, use natural kind of xylitol or stevia (the latter is characterized by the characteristic aftertaste, so use it in those dishes, where this taste can be masked, and, if necessary, combined with xylitol, honey or maple syrup).
  • Arrange one unloading day a week when you can eat everything you want. Think about it as a remuneration for your efforts.


The second best way to lose excess fat - do physical exercises. In order for the belly to be taut, his muscles need to train. Lose weight help cardio and strength training. Remember that the muscles weigh more fat, because the heavy weight of the body does not necessarily indicate the presence of excess visceral (harmful) fat. At the same time, the muscles help the body better transport blood, allowing it to be saturated with oxygen, which is very good for health. Cardiography helps reduce the heart rate at rest, which is also great. And this is only the top of the iceberg, since moderate regular workouts positively affect almost all organism systems.

Another reason to start practicing exercise is that it stimulates the brain to develop special chemical compounds that allow you to feel much better (hormone of happiness). As noted earlier, it does not give you a reason to stuff your stomach food to raise yourself a mood (at the same time it is quite normal to go on a tight dinner in Fast Food, if you recently broke up with your loved one. In combination with watching a good romantic comedy, it will allow you to escape From bad mood. The main thing is not to accompany it with bad habits).

And further. Do not overdo the exercises. An hour per day is quite enough. Forget about problems through constant hiking in the gym - not right.

What exercises help to remove fat on the stomach?

Enclosures, right? Work on the press ... However, not everything is so simple. Relief from excess fat on the stomach is better than any power exercise help cardiography. True, in order to maintain the tummy in a tone, it will also need to train, but we will start with Cardio.

When you go, go on a bike, run a coward, dancing, swimming, engage in martial arts, practice Hatha yoga, and perform other forms of aerobic exercises, you burn fat. This is the most effective way to get rid of it in the whole body. It is almost impossible to get rid of fat on one particular area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

As for fat on the stomach, then the most important thing is to get rid of visceral fat. You do not see him, but it surrounds your internal organs. Often it is the result of bad nutrition, stress and a sedentary lifestyle. No enclosures will help you get rid of it, for this you will need Cardio.

Short series training

The first thing comes to mind when you are talking about what you need to do more is the lack of time. Exercises should not take too much time, while each minute spent behind them is with the benefit of the time spent. You will spend more time lying on the bed with another disease, if you do not exercise exercise. Protection against depression, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and perhaps even cancer - here are the reasons to make you spend on exercise for 30-60 minutes a day.

Tim Ferris talks about the benefits of a 2 minute workout before each food intake in his book "Perfect body for 4 hours." He suggests that if the muscles develop a pretty muscles before eating, then useful substances obtained by the body with food will be more likely to build muscle, rather than accumulating fat.

Here is how you can embed exercise in your schedule:

  • Arrange the fifteen-minute walks during lunch breaks. It will not only turn away the blood in the body, but also will give you a chance to get your portion of vitamin D in the sun.
  • If you have a sitting job, then once an hour should get up and warm up, brew tea on herbs, walk around the office, go to the toilet ... so anything, most importantly - move.
  • Before each meal, perform exercises from the book by Tim Ferris "Perfect body for 4 hours." There can be no excuses here, these exercises can be done anywhere - even at work they can be done in the toilet. Other two-minute complexes can be performed - just use those exercises where the maximum possible number of muscles is involved. Exercises can be performed at any other time of the day. They can be performed even during cooking (I very often exercise my legs, standing behind the stove, and I advise you to do the same), but you can dance and cook, why not?
  • If you are at home, turn on the radio and dance 1-2 songs as you can.
  • Park the car or leave the bus a little on from the destination, than usual.
  • If you have a staircase at home, run there and here. Take breaks on vacation and run a couple of times up-down. And in general, use the staircase as often as possible.
  • Start your day with a ten-minute charging and warm-up. This is a great way to wake up.
  • Correct cardiotry with such activities as hiking with friends or hiking on the beach for organizing a picnic. Paintball, climbing, surfing, beach volleyball, dancing (dancers or Latin dancing) and other events with friends.

Muscle extensions can contribute to burning fat on the stomach, since calories are needed to maintain muscles in the tone. Therefore, the more muscles you have, the more you burn calories. It is not necessary to say that it will also not allow the food that you eat, turn into fat.

If you visit the gym several times a week and work for a mass, it will allow you to grow muscle. There are exercises for building muscles that can be done without weights and simulators. Enclosures of the case, push ups, squats, etc. Also able to help you grow muscle, if you make each other exercise.

There are many programs designed for a set of muscle mass. But we will focus on 10 basic rules for increasing muscle mass for girls, they are presented on video:

Exercises on the press will not remove fat specifically on the stomach, they contribute to burning fat throughout the body and make the abdominal muscles work, which leads them to the tone. But if you need a press "cubes", then without exercises, it is specifically for the press could not do.

Work on the press is not just squats and lifts of the case. You develop your press when walking, especially when fast walking, when you straighten the body and strain your stomach (in other words, while walking the posture and do not relax the stomach completely).

And push-ups will also make your press strong, like Pilates with dancing. So if the enclosures of the housing seems to you boring - do the dancing. This is a more creative process, at the same time, maybe someone will get acquainted ...

Press is a very important part of the body, because it is his middle. This is a rod, along with the back muscles. Dancers constantly talk about how important it is to keep posture, that is, the back and the case right.

In order to keep the muscles of the press in a tone, you need to alternate various exercises. In addition to regular housing raises, try to perform twisting exercises (lying on your back with hands behind your head, pull the right elbow to the left knee). Also perform exercises where you need to raise your legs and the case towards each other.

We present to your attention the video " effective press exercises «:

Just as with other muscles of the body, the muscles of the press should not be trained every day. 2-4 times a week will be enough. In the intervals, do a fast walking (from this press muscle also train, but not so efficiently) or swimming.

How not to throw training

Every time you start to deal with something new and useful, like training or taking healthy food, there is a chance that you will soon think this. Maybe you will go on vacation, and after returning to lose the motivation, and it may be difficult at work, and it will simply not before that. There may be such days or weeks when healthy food or training will not be among the priorities. This is normal. The main thing is to return to the rhythm as soon as this possibility appears.

There are several tricks that will help you not to throw useful habits.

Should not start all and immediately

If you decide to become an avid vegetarian, which spends at least an hour of time for daily workouts, and at the same time you eat in fast foods and have never visited the gym, it is very likely that nothing will come out. Some uncomfortable to tune in to such sharp changes, but for most of us to start to eat in a new way and play sports is very difficult. The food is largely similar to the drug: when you first refuse to harmful fats and refined sugar, you have breaking syndrome. If you have changed the diet from very harmful to very useful, you after that can have 2 weeks to hurt your head. Some people noted that they began to be suddenly sick with a cold or influenza. In addition, the transition to a diet with a large amount of fiber can lead to diarrhea.

The biggest problem here is not that you have a different kind of unpleasant symptoms, and in the fact that many people are clearly not aware of what kind of diet they sit down. You suddenly fall 3 times a day to prepare dishes that you have never prepared before. It takes a lot of time and effort, if, of course, you can not afford to eat in a good restaurant.

My main recommendation when changing the power model - start changing / eliminating certain dishes from the diet systematically. For example, in the first week, get rid of your diet from refined sugar and switch from cereals to food from a coarse grinding flour (plus brown rice, bread with bran and paste from coarse grinding flour, etc.). This means that if you are accustomed to eat every day on a pate (refined sugar and flour), you will have to find a healthier replacement for your snack. In the same way, you can find a replacement to the sweetener for your coffee, then replace cereals for dinner and bread from which you are used to making sandwiches. Here are some examples of excellent changes!

You can also try to change one dish and one drink at a time. During the first week, change what you usually eat for breakfast during the second - for lunch, the third - for dinner. Then change the habits concerning snacks and drinks.

As for exercises, switch to permanent watch workouts and walks at lunch in conditions when you have never done it, maybe difficult. Alternatively, you can start walking at lunch during the first week, and then gradually introduce two-day workouts in your rhythm. On the third week you can begin to warm up in the morning, go for walks at lunch and engage in the gym already 3 times.

Olya Likchev

Beauty - like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious :)


The waist area is the most problematic in many people. In women, there is genetically laid the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, as an assistant during childbearing, then it increases due to lifestyle. In men, another type of fat is more often formed, which envelops internal organs. The physical activity aimed at the problem zone will save the figure from imperfection. There is a large variety of effective workouts, among which you yourself will be able to choose which exercise is best removes the stomach and contributes to the resorption of fat on the sides.

What exercises you can remove the belly

Make a stomach flat and beautiful will help an integrated approach. It is impossible to expect that the execution of a single exercise will solve all the problems. It is important to combine two types of training: aerobic and power. Aerobic workouts make the heart work, improve blood circulation and saturation of cells with oxygen. It enhances the metabolism, and with it and weight loss. If the waist has accumulated a layer of fat, only classes in the form of run, rope, bike, swimming in the pool, fitness will help him help it.

The power training is the exercises that we perform, raising the goods or the weight of your own body. They do focus on certain muscle groups. Combining them together with aerobic load, you will provide simultaneous weight loss and formation of a beautiful relief. In order to tighten the belly, you need to use:

  • Top press The exercises "Planck" work with him, the lifts of the body, the "clamshell", squatting, a lot of rod.
  • Lower press. For this, "scissors", "bike", leg climbs.
  • Side and oblique muscles of the press. Publy with twists on the back, side, phytball.

Exercises for burning fat on belly

Belly is three classes that make the outline of the press beautiful. They comprehensively work out all the muscles and quickly reduce the fat layer:

  • Bicycle. Performing it, you will give the load on the straight and oblique muscles. It is done lying, legs are raised by 45 degrees. One leg when inhaling leaves the heel to the buttocks, when the knee exhale pulls up to the chest. The second leg at this time is straight. Then everything is repeated with variable legs.
  • Twisting with phytball. They force to work direct muscle, working as the upper and lower press. To do this, you need to lie back on the phytball, take your hands behind the head and lift the body up. At the top position, strain the muscles.
  • Lifting legs. Worry direct and oblique muscles. To perform you need to hang on the crossbar and pull the legs to the chest.

Exercises for belly and waist

All classes for the abdomen will use and waist. With regular charges with the following exercises, you can note a decrease in the amount of a month for several centimeters:

  • Twisting with lifting pelvis. This movement is performed from the position lying, the legs need to be bent in the knees and lift over yourself. At the same time, lift the housing and legs, folding in half.
  • Side twists will make the maximum focus on the waist. Lie on the side, hand, which is located below pull forward. Twist a head. Try to lift up the housing and legs, keeping the position on the side. The knees are slightly bend.
  • Lower the pelvis. Lie on the side, go for one elbow. Lower the housing until it stops down, then go back to the initial position.
  • Slopes. They work out the sides. For greater efficiency, you can perform with burden in the form of dumbbells.

Exercises on a flat belly

Reset a couple of kilos will help one effective exercise. Performing 5 times a week, twice a day on an empty stomach, in a month you will notice the result. We are talking about the exercise of the "Vacuum", which increases the tone of the internal muscles and gives the stomach flat shape. It will suit those who have no skin at thenime, and the muscles are strongly stretched. Made in positions standing, sitting, on all fours. The bottom line is that at first there is a deep breath, and then a complete exhalation so that the stomach walls are like stuck to the back. In exhalation, we spend 15-20 seconds, inhale and repeat again.

It seeks the answer, what exercise is best removes the belly, many come to the conclusion that it is rolling roller. Performing this movement, you feel the colossal tension of the muscles of the press. It is not easy to adapt to it, but the result in the form of cubes is worth it. Start riding, standing on your knees. Slowly ride the roller back and forth how much strength allow. In the stretched position, delay for a couple of seconds. First, do not make more two approaches 10 times.

Stomach exercise complex

If once you had a flat tummy, but gradually he became fat, apron appeared, such a simple complex helps to lose weight. It includes the most effective exercises for the abdomen. It is necessary to perform them every other day and try to bring the number of repetitions to 3 approaches 25 times. You can start from the amount you are able to master:

  • Scissors. The movement is done lying. Put the hands under the buttocks. Hips lift about 30 centimeters from the floor, cross them, alternately set up one leg, then a friend.
  • Push. Made from the same position, but the legs bent in the knees. Slide your knees to the chest, then dramatically pushed the legs up, straightening them. Buttocks, the loin is lifted up, then smoothly return back.
  • Complex twisting. From the position lying down the legs, the housing up at the same time. Hands that were on the stomach, pulling between the knees during the folding of the body.
  • Planck with a turn. Turn the face to the floor, lift on the elbows. The whole body is stretched into one line. Then rotate on the side, taking one hand from the floor. Return back, turn over the other side. In all three positions, hold on for 30 seconds.

Belly is a part of the body where the process of accumulating energy from food and converting products to energy is carried out. In most countries of the world in the older times, a slender physique was regarded as a poverty indicator, and a full body and a huge belly - an indicator of material well-being. After all, to grow belly, it was necessary to overly eat and conduct a low-wear lifestyle, and this could afford not all in those distant times.

However, in the modern world everything is aware that a big belly is not beautiful, and even unsafe for health. This is a sign of overweight, which can lead to serious diseases.

In this article, you will learn how to remove the belly and pump up the press without harm to health, how to make a figure beautiful, slim and tightened. Also here you will find the menu and the most effective exercises that are guaranteed to help "cut out" the perfect body.

Causes of Big Belly

A full belly indicates the presence of overweight - deferred energy in the form of fat. The stocks of this energy the body of a person does in the case when it gets it much more than spending.

But besides, there are other reasons for the formation of a large belly:

  • stretched and weakened abdominal muscles;
  • disturbed intestinal work;
  • slow metabolism.

How to remove the stomach. Exposing myths

To date, there are several myths about how to get rid of the abdomen. Let's look at the two most common.

  1. Myth about local fat burning in the abdomen. Locally to lose weight. The fat burning in the human body is launched due to the presence of stress hormones in the blood, which together with blood is spread throughout the human body. That is why burn fat only in the abdomen area is impossible. If you create conditions for weight loss, then the whole body loses evenly.
  2. The myth that, if often and multiply swing the press, make a massage or wrapping, then the stomach will become flat and beautiful. But this is far from the wrong, since various mechanical effects on the abdomen do not create stressful conditions for the body. Without stress in the body, hormones are not produced, which provide the process of weight loss.

These myths are misleading many people, as a result of their actions turn out to be unsuccessful and most of them disappears the desire to work on themselves to have a beautiful and slender body.

The most faithful condition for the correct weight loss is the lack of calorieness of the diet. This shortage can be achieved by increasing physical activity or reduce calories.

Ways to remove the belly

People wishing to lose weight are asking for help to fitness coaches, specialists from the field of dietology, and most of them have the only request - help remove the belly!

In turn, competent experts argue that there is no specific wonderful means that can get rid of excess weight. They allocate a few simple ways, following which, you forever spread the problem of hanging abdomen and sides. For this you need the following:

  • drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day (this leads to the acceleration of metabolism and all internal processes in the body);
  • it is possible to arrange frequent, satisfying foods (otherwise, any starvation will perceive, as stress, and the protection against this stress will be a set of excess weight);
  • play sports, do special exercises for problem areas (this activates blood circulation, which promotes fat burning);
  • observe sleep and rest mode (this contributes to the restoration of energy and forces spent all day).

How to remove the stomach in a short time

Most modern girls dream of an ideal flat tummy. For this, one of them is trying to remove the belly of the hoop, someone extends their body with all sorts, and someone disappears round days in the gym. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to quickly remove the stomach and what exercises make the waist fine and expressive.

To lose weight in the abdomen, a comprehensive approach to resolving this problem is necessary. This complex must include:

  • balanced diet;
  • eating 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated water per day;
  • regular fulfillment of fat burning training.

Many are interested in how to remove the belly for the week. In order to lose weight for the shortest time, you will need to strictly observe, perform and remember that it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

An example of a dietary menu for a week


  • afternoon person (200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of berries or raisins);
  • dinner (omelet of 3 eggs, vegetable assorted);
  • afternoon person (200 g of natural yogurt with a handful of berries or raisins);
  • late dinner (250 ml kefir 0.5%).
  • breakfast (porridge from oat flakes on water with honey and handful of raisins, tea or coffee can be with a sugar substitute);
  • second breakfast (100-200 g of degreased cottage cheese);
  • lunch (200 g of baked dietary chicken meat, vegetable salad, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • afternoon person (boiled egg, tomato with greens);
  • late dinner (250 ml kefir 0.5%).
  • breakfast (oatmeal porridge on water with honey and a handful of berries, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • second breakfast (any fruit or berries);
  • lunch (200 g baked fillet of innocent fish, vegetable stew, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • afternoon school (200 g of skim curd with raisins);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled dietary chicken meat, vegetable assorted);
  • late dinner (250 ml kefir 0.5%).
  • second breakfast (boiled egg, tomato with greens);
  • lunch (200 g of baked dietary chicken meat, vegetable salad, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled fillet of innocent fish, vegetable stew);
  • late dinner (250 ml kefir 0.5%).
  • breakfast (oatmeal porridge on water with honey and a handful of berries, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • second breakfast (any fruit or berries);
  • lunch (200 g baked fillet of innocent fish, vegetable stew, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • afternoon school (200 g of natural yogurt without additives);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled dietary chicken meat, vegetable assorted);
  • late dinner (250 ml kefir 0.5%).


  • breakfast (porridge from oatmeal on water with honey and raisins, tea or coffee can be with a sugar substitute);
  • second breakfast (boiled egg, cucumber with greens);
  • lunch (200 g of baked dietary chicken meat, vegetable salad, tea or coffee can with a sugar substitute);
  • afternoon person (200 g of degreasing cottage cheese with a handful of berries);
  • dinner (200 g of boiled fillet of innocent fish, vegetable stew);
  • late dinner (250 ml kefir 0.5%).

Observing such food and regularly engage in sports, you can remove the stomach in 5-10 days. But this is provided that the fat content in your body does not exceed 35%. Under other circumstances, less time will need to lose weight.

Low-calorie Tiramisu Cooking Recipe

In the classic Italian dessert prescription, the Biscuit Cookie Savoiardi is based on the fact that we need to prepare a dietary Tiramisu, we suggest cooking cords from bran, which will be replaced by the original basis of the delicacy. Highly liquid Mascarpone cheese with low-fat curd (0-5%), which will be connected with low-fat milk and get a delicious dietary cream for our dessert.

So, for low-calorie Tiramisu, designed for 6 servings, you will need:

for korzhi

  • egg protein - 2 pcs;
  • wheat or oat bran - 100 g;
  • dough dough - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp.;
  • strong coffee - 300 ml;
  • sugar substitute;
  • a pinch of salt.

for cream

  • degreased cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • cocoa - for decoration;
  • vanillin.

We prepare a delicious dietary dessert.

  1. Beat the two egg squirrels with a pinch of salt, pour into them bran, sugar substitute, cocoa, baking powder for the dough. It will be our korzh. All this is well mixed and send for 5 minutes to the microwave oven (at full power).
  2. Brew strong coffee.
  3. Connect cottage cheese with milk, sugar substitute, vanilla and sweat with a blender. It will be our cream.
  4. The cooled root cut out as it will be convenient for you to place it in the molds.
  5. Pour coffee into a cup, soak in it "cookies", and then lay in the mold in one layer.
  6. Lay out on top 2 tbsp. Curd cream and act further on the same principle.
  7. A formed dessert spray on top of cocoa and put in the refrigerator to be soaked for a couple of hours.

How to remove fat from the belly woman

The area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which is often worried about the girls, is the zone of the waist and abdomen. Therefore, if you want to get a beautiful tummy, then you must stick to the diet and regularly play sports.

In order to lose weight to a woman, her nutrition should look like this:

  • breakfast: complex carbohydrate (porridge) + fruit;
  • snack 1: cottage cheese / kefir / vegetables;
  • lunch: Difficult carbohydrate (porridge) + proteins (chicken, eggs, fish, turkey) + vegetables;
  • snack 2: cottage cheese / kefir / vegetables;
  • dinner: Squirrels (chicken, eggs, fish, turkey) + vegetables;
  • snack 3: Cottage cheese / kefir.

But even besides the nutrition, it is very important not to forget about sports. Training on the press for women have their own characteristics. All because wanting to have a relief press, for girls it is of great importance to keep the thin waist.

Complex exercise for the press - how to remove the belly

We present to your attention a set of exercises that will help you lose weight and achieve relief in the abdomen.

  • Classic twisting on the carpet. By performing this exercise, try not to put pressure on your neck and tightly press the lower back to the floor.

  • Twisting with elongated hands up. Performing this exercise, strongly draw the stomach and press the lower back to the floor.

  • Press (SIT UPS). By performing this exercise, try to slowly fall on the floor and tightly pressing your lower back.

  • Lifting legs lying. Performing this exercise, slowly lower your legs down and press the lower back tightly to the floor.

  • "Scissors" (crossing legs for weight). Performing this exercise, tightly press the back and lower back to the floor.

  • "Fold" (rises of hands and legs up at the same time). Performing this exercise, tightly press the back and lower back to the floor.

  • "Fold" sitting on a chair. Performing this exercise, the muscles of the press should be most tense.

Each of the presented exercises must be performed on 30 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. For more efficient fat burning, you can add training to this complex - any cardio load (jumping on the rope, cycling, etc.).

How to remove the belly after delivery

Young moms after having to wear a child often worry about their shape. They ask questions about when you can start playing sports, for what time you can bring your body in order, how should food should be and is it possible to remove the stomach after pregnancy.

Let's consider each of these questions in detail.

  • Doctors claim that fitness girls can begin after a month and a half after natural genera, and after the cesarean section - after a half or two months. At the same time, the loads must be gentle. Full training can be carried out only three months after the birth that has passed naturally. If Cesarean was, it would be possible to train only five months later.
  • Slimming after delivery - the process is gradual and leisurely. Cheating a child for the body is a colossal stress associated with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, a vitality of hormonal background and a reduction in physical activity. Therefore, the recovery period may take from 6 to 12 months.
  • Nursing mom's diet should be built on a fractional principle that implies 4-6 meals. Power must be balanced. Every day, the young mother menu must be present proteins (chicken, turkey, eggs, fish), products containing calcium (fermented milk products, cheeses, cottage cheese), many vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • Being a happy owner of a flat and beautiful tummy after pregnancy is possible. To do this, it is necessary to observe all of the above recommendations and regularly do exercises that will necessarily help losing weight.

A set of exercises for the press - how to remove the belly after delivery

  1. Pelvic lifts up. Lie on the floor, squeeze your back to the floor, bend the legs at right angles. At the same time, try strain the muscles of the press and slightly raise the pelvis up. Load in this position for 5-10 seconds. 10 repetitions in 3 approaches must be performed.
  2. Twisting on the carpet. Lie on the back, knees bend, keep your hands behind your head. On the exhale, make lifts to the tricks to the knees. It is necessary to perform 20 repetitions in 3 approaches.
  3. "Planck". Lying on the stomach, go to the stop on the forearm, spread slightly and strain your legs while holding them in a hard state. Your body must be a straight line. The elbows should be at the level of the shoulder, forming a direct vertical line. It is necessary to perform from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

To accelerate the fat burning process, it is recommended to add weakly intense. Young mothers you can start your cardio workouts with hiking, and then gradually move to the running of a coward or ride on a bike. Over time, it is allowed to increase the intensity of training and make interval high-intensity cardio.

How to remove the belly man

The problem of combating extra kilograms is relevant not only for the female. In the modern world, a lot of men are also self-critical to their appearance, and the appearance of the "beer" belly forces them to analyze the lifestyle they lead.

Basically, the strong floor is worried about how to remove the belly and pump up the press with relief cubes. Therefore, many guys embark on enhanced pumping press, sincerely believing that it will help achieve the desired result.

In fact, men remove fat from the belly much easier than women. But for this, it is also necessary to act comprehensively. To get a beautiful torso, men need:

  • establish meals;
  • drink 2-3 liters of pure water per day;
  • regularly play sports;
  • forever abandon bad habits forever.

How to remove the stomach using proper power

The diet of a man who wants to spread with fatty deposits in the abdomen should be healthy and balanced.

The daily diet of a man for weight loss should look like this as follows:

  • breakfast: porridge (200 g), boiled eggs (2 pcs.), 2 pieces of whole grain bread with butter, coffee or tea without sweeteners;
  • snack 1: Green Apple (2 pcs.);
  • lunch: boiled chicken breast (200-250 g), vegetable salad, coffee or tea without sweeteners;
  • snack 2: Degreased cottage cheese (250 g), handful of raisins.
  • dinner: boiled fillet of innocent fish (200-250 g), Omelet from two eggs, vegetable stew;
  • snack 3: kefir 1% (250 ml).

How to remove the stomach using exercises

We suggest you to conduct excellent press training in the form of set. This network consists of three different and effective exercises.

The peculiarity of this training is that all 3 exercises are performed by each other and without a break on vacation.

  • A - Lie on the rug, pressing her back to the surface, hands behind his head, bend legs at right angles.
  • B - straining the muscles of the press, lift the top of the back and shoulders from the floor. Make another 20-25 repetitions.
  • In - without a break, press your hands to the floor, go hands under the buttocks and lift bent legs (in the starting position of the thighs should be placed vertically).
  • G - pick up your knees to the chest, slightly raising the pelvis from the surface. Take the starting position again and take another 15-20 repetitions.
  • D - Lie down exactly, pull your hands behind the head, and even legs forward.
  • E - in parallel, take off all the limbs from the floor and touch the socks palms. Completely accept the initial position and take another 10-20 repetitions.

Three easiest exercises to remove the belly

  • Raise legs with the ball. Lying on the back, leisurely raise and lower the legs, between which the ball will be squeezed. Make 25-30 repetitions.

  • "Fold". Pull your hands behind the head, and keep your feet on the weight. Lying on the back, on the exhalation at the same time, take off the floor and legs from the floor. Make 25-30 repetitions.

  • Rotary twist torso. Keep your hands behind your head, and keep your feet on the weight. On the exhalation of the elbow of one hand, thread to the opposite knee. Make 25-30 repetitions.

How to remove the abdominal

For many girls, the problem zone on the body is the bottom of the abdomen. Hate fat on it accumulates very quickly, and getting rid of it requires considerable effort. But it is not worth despair, as there are quite effective methods of combating fatty sediments in this place.

First, in order to forever become the owner of a flat tummy, the diet must be attended by:

  • various cereals and grains (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • fermented milk products (degreased cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, natural yogurt);
  • vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, etc.);
  • fruits and berries (apples, pears, citrus, apricot, cherry, etc.).

Secondly, you must regularly pay attention to physical exertion. In order to remove fat from the bottom of the belly, you need 3-4 times a week to allocate time for exercises that work on the abdominal press muscles.

Perfect bottom press - how to remove the belly using exercises

  1. "Scissors". Lying on the back, perform an alternate lifting of straightened legs. Make 30-50 repetitions depending on the preparedness.
  2. "Intensive Plank". Take the initial position as for pushups. Slowly tear off one foot from the floor and pull the knee to the chest. Hold in this position for a couple of seconds, after which you do the same action for another leg. Make 20-30 repetitions with each foot, depending on the preparedness.
  3. Twisting sitting on the floor. Sit on the floor, go back at the floor behind the floor, leg legs forward. After that, lift slowly knees to the chest. Movements must be synchronous - housing move to the legs, and knees to the chest. Make 30-50 repetitions depending on the preparedness.
  4. Twisting, sitting on a chair. Put on the chair, straighten your back and draw your stomach. Hold hands over the edge of the chair and slowly raise his knees to the chest. Make 30-50 repetitions depending on the preparedness.
  5. Lifting legs to the chest standing. Become near the wall, go on it with your hands. Now, holding a smooth back, raise alternately legs, striking knees to the chest. Make 20-30 repetitions with each foot, depending on the preparedness.
  6. Vacuum in the stomach. Lying on the back, release all the air from the lungs and draw your stomach as stronger. Hold in this position for 3 seconds, and then inhale. After the breath again exhale and delay with a drawn belly for 3 seconds. Make 10 repetitions.

Flat tummy rules Or how to remove the stomach. Video №1

Flat tummy rules Or how to remove the stomach. Video №2.

To get an attractive flat belly, many live in a fitness room and crush cabbage leaves, drinking them with probiotics. There are no questions: it is a healthy and the right way to physical perfection.

But if there is no time nor nerves or strength on the exercise and correction, use these elementary lifehams. They will help pull the belly to a more or less decent state. True, it's not worth counting on the cardinal deliverance from extra fat stocks in this case.

Place your shoulders and pull the stomach at any time as soon as you remember. You can't or do not want to remember - buy a posture corrector (for sale in almost every pharmacy) or the corresponding one.

We often underestimate the influence of the correct posture, although it is quite significant. The straightened spine helps add growth, give the shape of the chest and make the belly visually flatter.

Muscles have memory, including posture. So after two or three weeks, the belly will acquire the desired fitness traits. At least when looking from the side.

2. Drink more water

Yes, we were also tired of endless reminders about. However, the fact is a fact: at the first hint of the lack of water, the body immediately begins to strictly be stored Water Retention (Medicine) Living moisture, including on the stomach. If they caused the same cause of the enemy in their arms and legs to many, then the deception in the area of \u200b\u200bthe press we notice rarely. And in vain. Often it is she responsible for a discoverished tummy.

3. Regularly go to the toilet


This is an important point in creating a flat abdomen. The body is a very patient thing, and if you have learned him to endure the urge to urination, he will call you to the toilet only in the most extreme case. Over the rest of the water bladder walls will be expanded, the visual consequence of which often becomes overlooking the stomach.

Make sure you visit the toilet at least 5-7 times a day - this is exactly the amount of doctors consider How Often Shld You Pee? Normal.

The better than you grind your dinner or dinner, the less place it will take in the stomach. So, the overcrowded stomach will not be the cause of the swollen abdomen.

In addition, the longer you will chew, the less, eat before the brain gives a signal: "I am fed." This will allow not to gain extra calories, which, you see, in the future also affects the condition of the abdomen.

5. Breathe nose


At first glance, the Council is strange, but effective. The fact is that with the breath of the mouth we swallow air, which becomes the cause of the abdomen. Of the same considerations, it is not recommended to lean on the cheer. If you want after eating, it is better to use a spray or candy.

6. Control the hormones

The deviation of the female hormone estrogen from a normal level often leads to the appearance of the so-called visceral fat Belly Fat in Women: Taking - and Keeping - IT OFF - adipose tissue, laid mainly on the stomach. Therefore, do not be lazy to go to the doctor, pass tests to the estrogen level and, if necessary, adjust it to normal values.

7. Contact


Lie on your back, put your legs on some hill (pillow or sofa roller), and under the lower back, jump the towel twisted into the roll. Pay attention to the stomach: in such a position he will be blown away, it will become impossible. 20 minutes of this lazy gymnastics per day - and soon the abdominal muscles will begin to get used to such a position (remember about muscle memory).

By the way, the Japanese consider such an exercise by the pledge of a slim figure and, that, you agree, there will not be too superfluous.

Solid press, lined with many cubes ... Dream? If a dream, then fully achieving both men and women. Although it will have to work hard for her incarnation. Exercises on the muscles of the press require serious energy consumption, but the award is waiting for a decent: perfectly flat belly. How to achieve this?

Our press is supported by two muscle species: straight and oblique. The developed straight muscle gives a beautiful smooth belly, oblique is called upon to strengthen the sides. Each of the species requires an individual study - to remove the stomach, only, for example, the lifts from the position of lying will not work.

By themselves, during the day, these muscles do not pump up, as, for example, the legs constantly involved by us or hands: to strengthen them, you will have to purposefully allocate time for training. Be prepared for the fact that even the most effective exercises of the momentary result will not bring: remove excess fat and form a beautiful silhouette - the task is not one month.

If the upper part of the direct muscle is amenable to pumping relatively quickly, then the lower strengthening is not in a hurry. Yes, and the sides pull it easy. It is also noteworthy that this task for men is much more satisfied than for women.

No discrimination, just a wise laid by nature mechanism: in women in this part, direct muscles are much less nervous endings so that they do not have too strong pain in the days of menstruation and during childbirth. In addition, the wider fat layer is needed for the mechanical protection of the baby formed in the tummy in the tummy. The man, of course, does not need to protect anything and defend anything.

Diet for the perfect press

Exercises are great, and yet to remove the stomach and sides, stick the diet, no matter how cool will have.

If your goal is to move extra fat, and not to increase muscle mass, like professional athletes or bodybuilders, try to abide by several non-hard rules:

  • down with fatty food, smoked, canned food and semi-finished products, mayonnaise and fast food;
  • discard any baking, bread from purified and bleached flour, sugar, sweets. Consolation in such a restriction can be served black chocolate, honey, but in small quantities;
  • fast carbohydrates in the diet replace the slow (cereal, fruit);
  • enter the taboo on alcoholic beverages (their use leads to dehydration), any carbonated water, salt (it delays an unnecessary liquid in the body);
  • a separate item, which is more concerned, of course, men - no beer! Lovers drink over a liter-two foam drink in the evening risk acquired by non-solid cubes, but a very soft beer belly;
  • carefully make sure that you consume a minimum of 30 ml of ordinary drinking water for 1 kg of your weight a day.

Swing according to the rules

Remove the stomach and sides are possible only with the correct execution of all exercises. What effective techniques you would neither would be in the allies, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the press, and not back, legs, or, for example, hands, as it often happens from newbies, frank lazy people and those who incorrectly distributes the load.

To avoid this, stick to several rules:

  • the warm-up - the most compulsory condition: turns of the neck, mahu hands, slopes, attacks that you will spend 10 minutes in plus to the main training session, help heat the muscles, prepare them for the upcoming load and protected from possible stretching and injuries;
  • overly active strength exercises are more suitable for men. Women are preferable to skinning muscles, which also bring an excellent result;
  • spin in most cases should be rounded. It is unacceptable to stretch into the string: the load on the back and the lower back is prohibited;
    Each exercise must be repeated at least 20 times in a fairly fast pace, gradually increasing the number of repetitions;
  • exercises as soon as possible. And do not worry if your speed at first will be very small: over time you will be subject to the most complex exercises, performed in a rapid pace;
  • it is impossible to breed the knees to the side, they should always be on the same line with your fingers;
  • strive for the abdominal muscles to be tense constantly;
  • do not neglect stretch marks (this rule is relevant for both men): After performing the exercise, lie on the stomach, step into the floor hand, lift the body on the elongated hands and drive it in the back. The muscles of the press should take place slightly. So you provide an additional oxygen influx of oxygen, fix the result achieved and prepare the muscles to the next lesson.

10 best exercises

These exercises, intended for both men, and for women, will help you remove the stomach and sides in just a few weeks. Source position in all cases - on the back.

  1. Feet raised and bent in her knees, hands behind head. Slightly strain the muscles of the press, tear off the shoulders from the floor, using the animal abdominal muscle. Launched in this position 2-3 seconds, go back to the floor.
  2. Raise your legs in such a way that they are perpendicular to the floor. Strain the press and effort of the abdominal muscles tear the feet of the fest. The spin should remain stationary.
  3. Legs are placed on the width of the shoulders, hand to remove the head. Hold your shoulder to the opposite knee, the second elbow should be securely fixed on the floor. Having dropped into the floor, stretch the second shoulder in the opposite direction. Boc must be involved.
  4. Feet raised and bent in her knees, hands behind head. Strain the muscles of the press, carefully lift your shoulders, then tighten one knee to the breast, straighten your leg and lift to its original position. Change your leg.
  5. The initial position is the same as in the previous exercise. Tinging the shoulders and blades from the floor, lift the top of the body. Having stayed in this position for a few seconds, go down to the floor.
  6. Feet straight, hands stretched along the body. Efforts of the abdominal muscles slowly lift the legs until they form 90 degrees with a floor, stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, gently lower them to the floor.
  7. Hands are divorced. Straight legs must be closed and raised perpendicular to the floor. Carefully lower one leg aside, watching it to form an angle of 90 degrees with the body. Almost touching the foot of the floor, return it to the original position. Same same for another foot. Thus, you strengthen the sides and help the body to remove excess fat from problem areas.
  8. The initial position is the same as in the previous exercise, but this time omit the legs down either alternately, but both immediately - in one and the other way.
  9. Feet closed and raised perpendicular to the floor. Hands Put the palms on each other. Tinging the shoulders from the floor, try to reach your hands to your fingers.
  10. Hands along the case. Raise your legs perpendicularly up, bend them in your lap so that the legs are parallel to the floor. Gently lower the bent knees alternately to the right and left.

These simple, but very efficient and for men, and for women exercises will help you to remove excess fat, form a beautiful belly and slender sides as soon as possible. The main thing at the same time is not to be lazy. Dare!


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