The most terrible stories for the night 18. Horror films

The most terrible stories for the night 18. Horror films

wed, 04/23/2014 - 15:54

With these ridiculous and absurdly absurd ruins, kids scare each other, whose childhood had to be on the era of the USSR and the beginning of the 90s. Being in the pioneer camps, sitting by the fire late in the evening, each in turn told the bikes, who were allegedly true stories, from whom the children got up their hair on end! And rereading them now it becomes just funny! We offer you to return to childhood and remember the most popular ridiculous horror stories of the pioneer camps.

Abandoned house

Next to the village there was an abandoned house. Every night in this house burned light. Rustic boys and girls decided to check why light burns there. One night, they gathered: three boys and three girls. And then went to this house. They saw a large empty room, and only on the wall was hung a picture with a plan of their village. Suddenly, the guys noticed that the door disappeared and the voice rang out:

You will never come out of this house.

The guys were frightened, but entered the next door. This room was smaller than the first. And suddenly water was poured out of the walls, gradually flooded the room. But everyone was able to swim, but some of the water began to stretch his hands and grab the children. Two children (boy and girl) drowned. Other guys got into the next room. In this room, the floor split, and two more (boy and the girl) were gone. There are two people left. They saved and hit the third room. From the walls, sex, the ceiling of this room rose knives. The girl hurt her leg and could not go further. And the boy went on one. He wanted to stay, but the girl told him that he would escape, and then tried to save the rest. The boy managed to get out of this house. He collected the next morning of people, but there was no room in this house, and there were no children. The house was burned.


Once 4 girls were sitting opposite the abandoned house. Suddenly they saw a large scarecrow, which moved, but there was no wind. It ran on them, the girls were frightened and ran away.

The next day, they went past the stuffed, it was not there. Girls gathered to go back. They turned and saw a huge stuffed, it hit their oblique, and they were dead.

Spirit of black cat

There was a girl with parents. The girl was called Alice. And on her birthday, the parents bought her a black cat.

The next day Alice went to the party. Returned late. She was very tired and, without undressing, went to sleep. The cat slept near the bed. Alice did not notice the cat and crushed her head. In the morning Alice saw the corpse of the cat.

The next night the spirit of the cat killed Alice's parents, and then Alice himself.

Hands of painting

A daughter with dad decided to give mom for a birthday picture. They came to the store and ask:

Do you have pictures?

No, ended.

Let's go to another store - there is also no. Let's go to the third, ask:

Pictures are there?

No, just ended.

They were upset and gathered to leave. But the cashier says them:

Wait! I have another one. I left her for myself. Let's go, let's see, maybe you will take it.

I liked the picture. They took her and took it, hung on the wall. At night, the mother who slept in the room where the painting hung, he felt someone touch. She, frightened, shouted and turned on the light in the room. Seeing the hands sticking out of the picture, Mom called her husband, and together they cut off their hands in the painting. The next day, they went to the grandmother and all told her. She says to them:

Give the picture to someone who sold it and cross the person.

Father went to that shop and saw that that cashier had hands were bandaged. Father threw the picture in her and crossed her. Cassis walked and ran into the back. On this all ended.

Black piano

There was a family: Mom, dad and girl. The girl really wanted to learn to play piano, and parents decided to buy it. They still had an old grandmother who told them so that they would in no way bought black piano. Mom and dad went to the store, but there they sold only black piano, and they bought black.

The next day, when all the adults went to work, the girl decided to play piano. Only she pressed on the first key, the skeleton got out of the piano and demanded that she had a blood bank. The girl gave him blood, the skeleton drank it and climbed back to the piano. So it lasted three days. On the fourth girl got sick. Doctors could not help, because every day, when everyone went to work, the skeleton came out of the piano and drank the girl blood.

Then grandmother advised to break the black piano. Dad took the ax and began to chop and with the piano he drove the skeleton. After that, the girl immediately recovered.

Bloody numbers

In one school was the old courtyard. Once he came into it to walk 4 "a" class. The teacher did not allow far from him to leave, not explaining the causes. But two girls and two boys were able to run away the courtyard. Since the yard was huge, the teacher did not notice anything.

The guys slipped into the darkest corner of the yard and saw a black door. Bloody figures 485 and 656 were written on the door. Children tried to open the door and she succumbed. They entered the terrible room and saw a terrible sight. Everywhere in the room was lying bones and skulls. Suddenly the door slammed. And numbers 487 and 658 appeared on the door, of which blood flowed.

Statue of drummer

20 years ago, when the "Friendship" camp was only built, the central gates put two sculptures - the stone drummer and the skit.

One day in the hill at night, lightning hit and destroyed it. The drummer began to raise the horn in his friend. Since then, she walks along the "Friendship" camp and is looking for a similar boy, and if finding a similar one, will turn him into a stone and put it next to him, and will protect the entrance with him.

And if the wrong boy comes, she will catch it and grind his heart.

Disco on the cemetery

There was a disco on the site of the old cemetery. All nights there are dances continued there, music was heard. One young man met there with a girl. They met every day, but she never allowed themselves to accomplish.

But one day he began to turn around behind her to find out where she lives. He saw the girl sits in a black car, all windows in it were curtained with black cloth. The young man went for the car on his motorcycle.

The car was driving at high speed towards the forest - there, where there were old graves. At this time, a black sheet flew out of the car and rushed to a young man, she closed his face, and he could not break her. He did not see the road, fell into the cuvette and crashed.

A few days later they began to search and found several broken, broken motorcycles in the forest, but did not find bodies. Then the disco on the cemetery was closed, and the place was damned.

Old basement

In the same house there was an old basement, where no one was allowed to go. Once a boy came there and saw that there, in the corner, a terrible woman was sitting in a cage.

Then they found out that during the war they caught her Germans and fed only with human meat. She is accustomed to and found a new victim every night.

Red stain

One family got a new apartment. And there was a red stain on the wall. He did not have time to smear. And here in the morning the girl sees that her mother died. And the stain was even brighter.

The next day at night the girl sleeps and feels that she is very scary. And suddenly she sees that a hand is cast from the Red Spot and stretches to her. The girl was frightened, wrote a note and died.

Camp "Zarya"

The camp "Zarya" was very good, but strange things were going on in it: children disappeared there. Boy Vasya, as he was very curious, decided to ask what was happening, at the director, he came to him in the house and sees: he sits and he grows his bones, Vasya was frightened and wanted to escape, but the director caught him and cut off her tongue, and The next morning, all missing children returned, but they behaved strangely: they did not play anyone and silent.

One day you managed to escape from the camp, he went to the police and wrote on a piece of paper about everything that was in the camp. Militiamen came to the camp, interrogated the director, but did not know anything and left. And then I walked and Vasya: He went to walk to the forest at the camp and saw the old destroyed body, went there and saw his missing comrades, but they were transparent and all the time moaned. Noticing Vasya, they pounced on him and killed, and then the director came and devoured his legs, because they didn't fly to ghosts ...

Coffin on wheels

I lived-there was a girl at mom. Once she was alone. And suddenly they transmit on the radio:

Girl, girl, coffin on the wheels drove from the cemetery, looking for your street. Hide.

The girl was frightened, does not know what to do. Dreaming around the apartment, wants mom by phone to call. And the phone says:

Girl, girl, coffin on the wheels found your street, he is looking for your house.

The girl is scared scary, all locks locks, but it does not run away from the house. Tremble. Radio transmits again:

Girl, girl, coffin on wheels Your house found. Going to the apartment!

Then the militia came and did not find anything. One policeman shot in a red spot, and it was gone. And then the policeman came home and sees that a red stain appeared on the wall on the wall. He sleeps at night and feels that someone wants to strangle him. He began to shoot.

Neighbors came running. They see, the policeman lies strangle and there is no spot.

Black coffin

One boy had an older sister-Komsomolka. And this is somehow he wakes up at night and sees: his sister rises from the bed, his hands stretched forward and closed her eyes went out into the window. The boy thinks: where is she she? And he left, and his sister walks through the garbage, without turning, and so - it comes into a black forest. The boy is behind her. Then looks - and in this black forest there is a black house. And in this black house - the door, and for her - a black room in which the black cushion is worth it. The sister fell into it, passed the eight minutes, then got up and, no matter how it happened, I got out and returned home to sleep. And the boy also wanted to try how it was lying in the coffin, he remained. Loe in the coffin, and can not stand. He lay so day, and now - the night came, and his older sister-Komsomolka enters the room: the eyes are closed, the hands are elongated, in the teeth - an account card. The boy asks from the coffin: "Sitver! Sitver! Take me from here! "," And she doesn't hear anything, the coffin closed, she won the cover with silver nails, then he demolished him in the underground and buried the big scandal shovel right into the ground. Here. Sister after all these cases, of course, did not remember and married a negra, and the boy died, probably.

No one probably knows how true the history of the story, which are presented here, however, at one time they were able to bring horror not only by chance that they were at the open spaces of users, but also harrores challenged lovers.

History №1 - Mister Bear Basement

This case allegedly occurred in 1999 in Canada. One day, the blogger named Elliot came across the local TV channel, which broadcast very unusual and even scary shows. She saw so shocked the guy that he decided to conduct his own investigation and find out who was behind all this. Soon, Elliota managed to replace that the channel was owned by the local maniac mafios, and his employees lure themselves to the children's show, in order to bring them sacrificing.

One of the programs that was broadcast on this channel was called "Basement Mr. Bear". Its essence was that a psychopath, dressed in a bear suit, gave rise to the camera and spoke strange (and at times they are not at all) things, that is, he behaved absolutely inadequate. All this psychedelia looked very terribly, and how else the schizophrenic dances can look like a bear costume, and in the wet, the cellar cheese. In one episode, Mr. Bear was angry with children. In the other, he went out of himself and ran straight on the child, from which the baby shouted loudly.

The show called Booby was broadcast on this channel. Here, the characters were an adult man's hand (Booby) and a child's hand. Bubi demonstrated how dangerous scissors, cutting off a large finger partner. They say it can be seen blood and a cry is heard. After this incident, Mr. Bear disappeared, and his channel closed. By the way, changed in the suit of the Bear Moafios himself.

History №2 - Locking well

This story talks about a certain person who stopped for several days in a small hotel. When he received the keys from his room, a woman behind the desk did a strange warning: she said that on the way to his number he will see the door without a number, behind which various things are stored, but it is impossible to enter or even look there. It surprised and intrigued a man, but still he listened to the hotel worker and went around the mysterious door. At least, the next day, curiosity took over him, and the man decided to verify that such a forbidden hides behind the door without a number.

Through the keyhole, he saw a number, very similar to his own. And in the corner opposite the door was a woman with very light skin, leaning her head against the wall. An embarrassed man returned to his room, but on the third day decided to spill once again. This time, everything he saw is red. Perhaps the woman in the room realized that someone peeps behind her, so I decided to shut something like a locking well, he thought. When a man spoke about it with a hotel worker, she asked if he looked into the keyhole.

He replied that yes, I looked, and then the owner of the hotel told him everything: many years ago in that very number the husband killed his wife, and since then her spirit is looking for a killer. It is said that the ghost is very pale, almost white, but his eyes are red, like blood.

History №3.

Some hacker sent by email this picture, supported by the message "Smile! God loves you!" Many photos caused strong fear, and sometimes even attacks of epilepsy.

Those who looked this image, dreamed of a strange sleep, in which an unknown voice demanded to distribute the file smile.jpg. According to some rumors, the image is a frame of a video. A maniac kills a woman on it, while at some point a dog appears and the corpse begins. Ultimately, the maniac kills the dog.

History №4 - Reach

In the summer of 2003, residents of the United States began to terrorize a kind of mysterious man-like a rake. According to the descriptions, it is a sutured, bald and has black empty eyes, in addition, he has a rattling voice. This creature allegedly penetrates the houses of people and watches them. He, to whom the rake will be visiting at night, becomes the next victim. Some sources claim that the rake is known from the XII century, so you do not need to hurry to record it in the list of horror characters.

According to the legend, dating from the 12th century, a similar monster attacked the unfortunate family. The story says that waking up at night, the spouses saw a terrible naked creature in the room, sitting in the corner of the room. Fear sowed their bodies, but further - worse. The monster jumped on the bed, looked at the man, and then rushed into the room of children. The spouses ran after him, but broke into the nursery discovered a terrible picture - the walls were smeared with blood, and the inhibitory body of their child was lying on the floor.

History №5 - Normal porn for normal people

It all started with the fact that the people began to come to coming on the website. Of course, many it was interesting to go to the page with such an address! But it was a very ordinary resource with the text on the main page. Distinguished him from a million similar logo: "Normal porn for normal people is a site dedicated to the eradication of anomalous sexuality." There was nothing more interesting there, but it is only at first glance. Attentive visitors found that many words in boring text are actually links to various videos.

One of the records had the name peanut.avi. They showed a man, a woman and a dog in the kitchen. A woman is preparing a sandwich with peanut butter, which man then gives the dog. All this nonsense lasts about 30 minutes. A 5-minute video called Jimbo.AVI was discovered, on which bold mime was captured. By the end of the video, Mime begins to tear clothes, and then smears on the face of the makeup. Video stumps.avi demonstrated a non-good man trying to dance break dance in the kitchen, similar to the one that could be observed in peanut.avi. A few minutes later, the person falls and asks someone to give him a rest, but this leads to the fury of the observer for the scenes.

The entry called Privacy.avi began with the showing of a woman masturbating on the mattress, around which a man without foot, which was in the roller stumps.avi. At the end of the video through the doorway, you can see some animal running along the corridor.

The most terrible roller is useless.avi, which lasts 18 minutes. In the center of the room sits a woman tied to the chair with a gag in his mouth. A few minutes later the door opens a man and launches chimpanzees into the room. An animal looks terrible: probably beaten it, there are no wool in some parts of the body. The door closes, the animal begins to sniff the air and suddenly pays attention to the woman. Chimpanzee is pounced on it and begins to distort until its body changes beyond recognition. The roller ends with the fact that chimpanzees devour the exterposed body.

History №6 - Slenderman

It is he who is the most famous character of CRPIPIPAST. His story is full of nightmares. A subtle man looks like a very tall man with long, flexing random limbs and sometimes black shocking tentacles around the body; He has a hairless white head with a smooth face without eyes, mouth and nose. He carries a black funeral suit with a white shirt. It is believed that Slender has very good telepathy abilities. Slenderman lives predominantly in the forests and attacks lonely people who, as a result, disappear without a trace.

It is worth noting that last year he even "traveled" from the virtual world to reality. Two girls from Wisconsin were so strongly believed that they decided to bring him a sacrifice of her friend. They could not commit a murder, however, a subtle man settled deeply in the minds of people.

Perhaps you will be interested:

Boy Vova and Candy

Vova's boy at school was sitting at one desk with a girl Lena. One day, Vova's boy stole a candy on the girl.

Since then, the voyage every night began to dream of a terrible dream. The bud then comes to him Lena. Suitable close to bed. Makes terrible eyes and shouts by a terrible voice: "Give my candy !!! ...".

Boy Vova portfolio of the girl Lena to carry into school and home. And anyway, he dreamed every night. This terrible dream!

He became the boy Vova to give his apples girl Lena. These apples in his school gave parents for breakfast. And anyway, he dreamed every night. This terrible dream!
When the boy Vova graduated from school, he married the girl Lena. Houses prepared lunches for the girl Lena and soap floors. And anyway, he dreamed every night. This terrible dream!

And when they had children, the boy Vova had repeatedly repeated them every day: "Do not take someone else's, do not take !!! ...".

And anyway, he dreamed every night. This terrible dream!

As if comes to Him Lena. Suitable close to bed. Makes terrible eyes and shouts by a terrible voice: "Give my candy !!! ...".

Athlete boy Peter

Walking in an abandoned garden, Petya boy saw the old well. Surprisingly became a pave. He came up to the well and looked into it. He strongly tightened through the edge of the well and fell.

The well was very deep. Below on the chest was water. Water eating leeches and other inquiries. Terribly became the boy's boy.

It is good that the rope whisked the well. Petya boy on this rope got up.

The next day, Petya's boy first received the top five on physical education. Because the boy Petya quickly climbed the rope.

Girl Katya and Frogs

Katya girl really did not love frogs. Because they were very unpleasant.

Katya was a very obedient girl. I went to bed at 9 pm. Suddenly, the girl Kati is exactly at midnight under the blanket began to appear frogs.

Tired of the girl Cate tolerate. She decided not to go to bed. He climbed into the closet. She began to patiently wait for midnight.

When the clock pierced midnight, the door to the bedroom began to be quietly turned away. Through a slit door of the cabinet, she saw her younger brother of the boy Misha.

Misha's boy on tiptoe approached her bed. In his hands, he kept three nasty frogs.

Gamed a little girl with a brother of the bear for her ears.

Since then, the frogs have not appeared in bed.

Mark and computer

The boy Mark loved to play computer games. Bread brand does not feed, just let you play computer games.

He especially liked the game "Insoplantyan's invasion."

There, the soldier of the earthquake had to run through the codings and to look for aliens. To kill them.

Aliens were terribly ugly. They were like octopuses and flew through the air. Could appear in an unexpected place from under the ground.

The game consisted of ten levels. The boy brand really wanted to pass them all.

It did not manage to him for a long time. Its that and the case had eaten aliens with their beaks. Everyone had to start first.

When he submerged the last level, it happened terrible.

A tired and wound soldier got out of the computer. The soldier gave him his machine and stuffed the boy brand to the computer.

Now the boy Mark runs through the basements and looks for aliens. I want to get to the last level to get out of the computer.

But him, then the point, aliens eat their keys. Everyone has to start first.

Ignat and Snake

When the Ignat boy slept, he was filled with a meter snake through an open mouth into the intestine.

It was not going to get out from there.

In the tummy, the boy Ignat snake was warm and satisfying. All the food that the boy Ignat swallowed, the snake eaten herself.

As for the snake told the Ponaroshka. In fact, it was so
Boy Ignat never soap hands before eating. Eveling with dirty hands. One day, together with the meal, the boy Ignat swallowed a small egg.

The egg was small. The testicle could only be seen under the microscope. Here is a testicle boy Ignat brought on dirty hands from the street.

I did not notice the boy Ignat, as with meals in the intestine, it fell eggs.

Soliter hatty hatched out of the jacket. Soliter is a worm of such.

Soliter grown. He became a meter long. It's not going to get out of the tummy of the boy Ignat.

In the tummy Ignat warm and satisfying.

The boy Kolya somehow walked in the yard. I saw a dog in the courtyard. The dog was small.

Therefore, Kolya was not afraid to throw a stick in her. The dog was angry, ran to the coola and bites him. Made a hole in a pant. Docused before the blood leg.

Quiet Kolya came home. Mom did not say anything. I was afraid that she would scold him. He went to his bedroom.

Hide torn pants under the bed. Locked the headscarm to the head. And before the usual Loe to sleep.

At night he had a blood infection. The foot has breaches and was very sick.

I had to call mom. All mom tell.

Now Kolya lies in the hospital. Three times a day, he makes very sick injections.

Joke is.

Does not lie by a kolya boy in the hospital. I did not bite a stabble dog. I did not throw Kolya stick in a dog.

Because there was no suitable stick in the yard.

10 short but very terrible stories for the night

If you need to work at night, and the coffee is no longer valid, read these stories. Cook. BR-R-R.

Persons on portraits

One person got lost in the forest. He wandered for a long time and, in the end, he came across the hut at the twilight. There was no one inside, and he decided to go to bed. But he could not fall asleep for a long time, because portraits of some people hung on the walls, and it seemed to him that they were convicted at him. In the end he fell asleep from fatigue. In the morning he woke his bright sunlight. There were no paintings on the walls. These were windows.

Catch up to five

Once in winter, four students from the Club climbers got lost in the mountains and got into the snowy storm. They managed to go to an abandoned and empty house. There was nothing in it to warm up, and the guys realized that they would frozen if they were falling asleep in this place. One of them suggested that. Everyone rises into the corner of the room. At first one runs to another, pushes him, it runs to the third, etc. So they are not falling asleep, and the movement will warm them. Before the morning they were overwhelmed along the walls, and in the morning they found rescuers. When students later talked about their salvation, someone asked: "If in every corner one person, when the fourth comes to the corner, there should be no one there. Why didn't you stop? " Four looked at each other in horror. No, they never stopped.

Spoiled film

One photographer girl decided to spend the day and night alone, in the deaf forest. She was not afraid because he didn't go hiking for the first time. All day she photographed trees and herbs on the film chamber, and in the evening it settled in his little tent. The night passed calmly, horror overtook it only in a few days. On all four coils, excellent pictures turned out, with the exception of the last frame. In all photos she was, peacefully sleeping in her tent in the darkness of the night.

Call from Nanny

Somehow a married couple decided to go to the movies, and leave the children with Babtsitter. They laid the children, so that the young woman had to just sit at home just in case. Soon the girl became boring, and she decided to watch TV. She called his parents and asked them to enable TV. They naturally agreed, but she had another request ... she asked if it was imposed to close something with an angel's statue outside the window and, because she was nervous. For a second in the tube, it became quietly, and then the father who spoke with the girl said: "Take away the children and run from the house ... We will call the police. We do not have an angel statue. " Police found all the remaining houses dead. The statue of the angel did not find it.

Who's there?

About five years ago, there were 4 short calls to my door rang deep at night. I woke up, got angry and did not open: I did not expect anyone. On the second night someone called again 4 times. I looked out in the eye, but there was no one behind the door. In the afternoon I told this story, and joked that, probably, death was mistaken by the door. On the third evening, a familiar came to me and dressed late. The door was called again, but I pretended to notice anything to check: maybe I have hallucinations. But he all heard perfectly and, after my story, exclaimed: "Well, we will deal with these joker!" And ran into the courtyard. That night I saw him last. No, he did not disappear. But on the way home, a drunk company beat him, and he died in the hospital. Calls stopped. I remembered this story because I heard three short call on the door last night.


My girl today wrote that I did not know that I had such a charming brother, and even twins! It turns out that she has just visited me home, not knowing that I was staying at work until the night, and he met her there. I presented myself, treating coffee, told several ridiculous stories from childhood and spent before the elevator.

I do not even know how to tell her that I do not have a brother.

Raw fog

It was in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Climbers smashed the camp near a small mountain lake. About midnight everyone wanted to sleep. How suddenly the noise was heard from the lake: whether crying, or laughter. Friends (there were five of them) decided to check what's wrong. At the shore, they did not find anything, but they saw a strange fog in which white lights glowed. The guys went to the lights. Made just a couple of steps towards the lake ... And then one who walked the last, noticed that he was knee-deep in ice water! He jerked the nearest two to him, they came to themselves and got out of the fog. But two that they went ahead, disappeared in fog and water. Find them in the frost, it was impossible in the dark. Early in the morning, the survivors hurried behind the rescuers. They did not find anyone. And by the evening they died both those two, which was just plunged into fog.

Photo of a girl

One high school student missed the lesson and looked out the window. On the grass, he saw a photo abandoned by someone. He went to the courtyard and picked up a picture: it turned out to be depicted a very beautiful girl. It was a dress, red shoes, and she showed the hand sign V. The guy began to ask everyone, did they see this girl. But no one knew her. In the evening, he set a photo near the bed, and at night his silent sound woke up, as if someone screamed into the glass. In the dark outside the window there was a female laughter. The boy came out of the house and began to look for a source of vote. He was quickly removed, and the guy did not notice how rushing behind him, ran into the roadway. He was shot down the car. The driver jumped out of the car and tried to save the shot, but it was too late. And then a man noticed a photo of a beautiful girl on earth. She had a dress, red shoes and she showed three fingers.

Grandmother Martha

This story told grandfather grandfather. In childhood, he was with brothers and sisters in the village, to which the Germans were suitable. Adults decided to hide children in the forest, in a forest house. We agreed that I would eat for me to carry Baba Martha. But it was strictly prohibited to return to the village. So the children lived May and June. Each morning Marfa left me in the barn. First, parents were also ran, but then stopped. The children looked at Marfu in the window, she turned and silently, watched on them sadly and baptized the house. One day, two men came to the house and called children with them. These were partisans. The children learned from them that their village was burned a month ago. Killed and Babu Marfu.

Do not open the door!

A twelve-year-old girl lived with his father. They had excellent relationships. One day, my father was going to stay at work and said that he would come back late at night. The girl was waiting for him, waited and, finally, lay down. She dreamed of a strange dream: the father stood on the other side of the lively highway and shouted something to her. She barely heard the words: "Do not ... open ... door." And then the girl woke up from the call. She jumped out of bed, ran to the door, looked into the eyes and saw the face of his father. The girl was already going to open the castle, as she remembered sleep. And the face of the father was somehow strange. She stopped. The call again rang.
- Dad?
Dzin, Dzin, Jin.
- Dad, answer me!
Dzin, Dzin, Jin.
- There is someone with you?
Dzin, Dzin, Jin.
- Dad, why don't you answer? - The girl barely cried.
Dzin, Dzin, Jin.
- I will not open the door until you answer me!
The door was not called and called, but the father was silent. The girl sat, squeezing in the corner of the hallway. So it lasted for about an hour, then the girl fell into oblivion. At dawn, she woke up and realized that the door no longer call. She truncated to the door and looked again in his eyes. Her father was still standing there and looked right on her. The girl carefully opened the door and shouted. The chopped head of her father was nailed to the door with a nail at the level of the eye.
A note was attached on the doorbell, in which there were only two words: "smart girl."

If you already know how terrible to go on a dark corridor, then we can safely say that you looked at the horror. It is films that horrors are able to cause frost on the skin, especially based on real events. With us you can look in the online mode all the pictures in good quality HD 720 and 1080p.
The creators of Horror will do everything so that after watching you are afraid. There are special effects, various sounds and visual pictures, which are in our soul, the only thing that causes fear. Here the blood flows the river, the dead come to life, dying under scary torture, and the sounds of the otherworldly worlds are heard more and more clearly.

Horror - watch online list of the most terrible

It is the fear that makes returning to the films of the horrors of 2017 again and again, suffering from lack of emotions and acute sensations in the real world. We have prepared a section of the most popular horror films of 2018. We recommend that you get an unforgettable feeling from high-quality filmtin domestic and foreign production of 2017.


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