How to find a common language with houses? How to find out if there is a house: signs.

How to find a common language with houses? How to find out if there is a house: signs.

First, I would like to tell why the houses sometimes begin to stitch, show their presence and in every way to annoy people. The reasons for this may be mass, but for the most part this is because the house is simply unhappy with people who live in his house. Unclean and lazy, evil and unkind people who love to scraper and shout, which lead the house in the launch, in every way harm the dwelling, can lead the wrath of the house. The manifestations of such anger can be very different, so to speak, by the heat of passion. It can be disappearing things, incomprehensible knocks, howl, voices in the walls and even bruises on the body, strange ghostly images that are visible to people, self-burning things and other phenomena, explanations for which only one thing - the house is trying to tell people.

In order for the houses to pacify or decay since ancient times, many different rituals were invented. If you are just looking for a way to pacify the house spirit, it is necessary to immediately discard the appeals to Christian clergymen, various consecration of apartments and houses. The houses are absolutely indifferent to this faith and no church manipulations, no matter how truthfully they look, do not have any action, but most likely everything will happen exactly the opposite. Spirit that will understand that you have decided to get rid of it by expuling "demons", will behave even worse than before. The only correct way is the personal impact on the house. In this case, there may be two approaches: the dilution of force and the towing is friendship. To achieve one or another, a lot of special rituals is invented, which we will talk about.

How to pacify the houses

Before you start talking about the methods of pacifying and making a house one, it is worth saying that it should be and what should not be done in order not to cause a negative attitude of the houses to you directly. As it is believed that the house is always and everywhere loves order, it is worth treating it especially carefully. When the houses are caught and clean, most likely, the house will not be stitched. If there is a cat in the house, then we should treat it affectionate and with kindness, never scold and not offended. The house very loves cats and anyone who offends these pets may feel the worship anger on himself. The house does not like scandals and stressful atmosphere in the house. The negative atmosphere in the house can provoke the spirit for various actions. Also stands in a certain way to celebrate the houses in his holidays.

It is believed that the day of the house - January 28th. This holiday is called Kudesa, whitens or tambourines. In addition to this holiday, in the traditional ideas of the Slavs, the house is sleeping or in a hibernation all winter and wakes up on April 1. On this day it should also be congratulated, because after a long sleep he is in a bad mood. However, the usual congratulations are best not to complete. It is advisable to treat the grandfather. To do this, you can leave on a plate on the plate on the night to leave a house piece of cake, cupcakes, pancakes, candies, bunks (porridge with nuts and fruits), buckwheat porridge, salt with salt, sugar on a saucel, the breadpage of bread flipped in some kind of secluded, dark corner In the kitchen (houses love quiet and dark places, do not particularly love sunlight and noise). The house can be pouring a glass of vodka or wine. Our ancestors except the treats brought home and gifts: Colored Loskutka, Ribbons, Slices of Sheep Wool, Coins. Also the legend and that bread for the house was usually wrapped in a red cloth, and porridge was well shed. You can treat your houses not only on his days, but also for all other holidays. In gratitude for the attention of the house, it will not be rolled and will help you in everything. It is better to offer a kushan with respect, for example, as follows: "Batyushka houses, acceptance treats, I'll bring metering!" Or come up with your appeal. No need to think that the house is eating all your treats and nothing will remain (although it happens). The houses like creatures are astral, existing in Navi, feed on the astral membrane. After that, it is better not to eat in food yourself, but simply throw away or donate birds, street cats or dogs. You can also please the houses and the following way. To do this, you need every first number of the new month at the threshold with water with water and say: "Master-father, sir-house, I am probably loved by my love, my good decellers, my cattle take care, my treats and water sending from the full bowl." Do not forget that the houses are very loved by cats. If you bring a kitten to the house, put near the stove and say: "I give you, a house-father, a shaggy beast on a rich yard," then the house one will definitely take a pet under your patronage, will take care of him and protect it. In addition, such a gift will make the house softer and kinder.

How to please the houses

If you are afraid of the house and consider this spirit with something terrible, then try to talk to him. Communicate, tell jokes, say goodbye when you leave home, welcome it when you come home. Such a game will calm down not only your nerves and even, maybe the imagination, turning the incomprehensible creature in a friend and good neighbor, but will be pleasant to the most houses, who is always happy to feel the care of himself from people. Sometimes things begin to disappear themselves. At the same time, many are accurately remembered that they put or put some thing in a certain place, and now it and the trace has bothered. All sorts of searches are unsuccessful, and the thing is later in some unpredictable places or even at the very place where it was looking for a minute ago. If you are looking for a thing and can not find, then for this it is worth saying such words: "House, house, played and give!". The thing after that will necessarily find.

If the house does not give anything at all, then you should resort to more radical means. One of the ways was already described in the article "House", here I remind him of it. In order to pacify the house spirit, you need to take a whip and, bypassing your home, to knock on this whip, everything that comes across the eyes is furniture, things, corners, walls, floor, ceiling, while you need a self-confident voice to speak the houses that he should not Harm, and help people that he must follow the household, and not to interfere with people to live, not scare and not bold. In this case, it is not superfluous, you can even "three-story". Houses do not like when they scold and be sure to become humble.

Another way of pacifying is carried out using a broom. To do this, you need to take a broom and spent in all corners on top and bottom to say: "I slow down, someone else, a harmful house, I travele out." If you do so all week (except Friday), then the house will leave your home. The house will leave your home and in case you open the entrance door, tell me sharply "went out!" And stuck in the threshold of Shilo. As you understand, get rid of the houses perhaps, only the ancient Slavs did not recommend to resort to such methods, because the dwelling without a house can simply heat and in it may start much more scary creatures that will be able to spoil all their lives. Usually, the pasture of the houses from the house occurs only in the most extreme cases when there is no strength to endure it.

The house is a good spirit, the keeper of the house and everything that is located in it. Looks home as a small old old man (20-30 centimeters growth) with a big beard. It is believed that the older the house, the younger it looks like, as they are born with old men, but dying with babies. By the way the house of God Veles, from which the spirits got a few abilities, for example, the opportunity to predict the future, but most importantly, of course, this wisdom and ability to treat people and animals.

The houses live in almost every home, choosing secrets for living: behind the stove, under the threshold, in the attic, behind the chest, in the corner, or even in the chimney.

The house watches his home and family in every way, which lives in it, protects them from evil spirits and misfortunes. If the family holds animals, then the house will look after them, especially good spirit loves horses, but if the beast does not like the houses, he can score him to death.

The house very loves the purity and order in the house, and does not like when the inhabitants of the house are lazy. But much stronger the spirit does not like, when residents of the house begin to quarrel with each other or disrespectful of him. The angry house begins to know that a person is wrong: knocks the doors, windows; It hinders to sleep at night, making terrible sounds or screams, sometimes even wakes up a man, hooks him, after which there are large and painful bruises on the body, which are hurt by the stronger, the stronger the houses; And in the extreme cases, the Spirit is able to catch dishes, write bad inscriptions on the walls and arrange small fires. However, a serious harm to a person to a house will not cause, and sometimes the spirit dwelling in the house, refuses and without any reason.

The house is rarely shown by a man on the eyes, although children and animals can see him, often he even plays with them, but the spirit can be quite often heard, usually it is an unusual knock or incomprehensible grumble, sometimes a housework is foreshadowed. When moving, it is customary to call the brownie with you, for this put a basket in which the bread with salt or a cup of porridge is stored: "Grandfather houses, come out. We go with us to live! ", And in a new place again put the basket in the center of the room and they say:" Grandfather houses, come out home. Go to us live! ".


Lives a house in the Red Corner, on the furnace for the pipe, in bake and sun, at the threshold, on Golball (hence the nickname in some regions of Russia - Gol born), in the attic, in the corner of the cage, in the subfield. "Golbaschnik lives in the hut under the oven, it is in a wooden stove from the side of the underground" (Dal). He is often seen in Klelev (especially on the north side), in the nursery stable, Cenen Saraj, the attic. In some Russian areas, they believed that the house lives in a pine or fir-firing branch specially suspended for him in the courtyard, called the "uterus" for him. The place, challenged by houses, can not be occupied - you can get sick.

In the XIX century, in some rural parishes of the Kaluga diocese, a peasant, having moved to a new hut, transfers from the old oven to new burning coals and invited the houses in a lined housing, turning to him with greetings: "Milicia We ask, grandfather, in new housing". In the old manor, the gates or a laz from the underground opened, put in front of him and clicked the houses, then things were transferred to a new home, and the lap was dragged all the way on the rope where the house was allegedly driving. The first chunk of bread, sliced \u200b\u200bat the dinner in a new house, buried in the right corner under the ride and again clicked the house for the settlement. Or the owner with a bow to the east with a freshly baked carpet invited the housewarming of the house and left the carpet on the solder, - if the carpet was in the morning turned out to be inadequate, it means that the house came.

When a new house was built in the underground lay a coin, or even four - on the four corners of the church - for the house. When the first loaf in the new oven baked, the hillside cut off, shed and threw up for a furnace - for the house. It was believed that the first resident of the house, or who would first cross the threshold of the new house - will then become a house.

How to find out if there is a good house in the house - general signs

The presence of a kind bride in the apartment is always noticeable if you listen to yourself. Their habits are usually very similar. If you do not have pets, but at night steps, similar to the steps of a medium-sized dog, it is most likely a house. You should not be afraid of these sounds, they only mean the fact that the spirit that keeps the house checks whether everything is safe on the territory subject to it, and has other responsibilities.

If you are interested in how to find out if there is a house in the house, watch your pet. Cats can begin to purr without visible reasons, which means that the houses will scratch them. Sometimes they play together, because houses, like young cats, love to play. From the side it looks like the cat is chasing and plays with someone invisible. If the cat behaves strangely, and at the same time he is not scared, and does not exhibit aggression, in your house there is definitely a good house. Dogs play with good spirits much less often than cats. Usually they simply consider something invisible, without reacting to the owners.

Notice whether you have a premonition before the knock on the door or phone call. The apartment in which the good spirit lives is nice not only to sleep at night, but also be. You will gladly come back to your home, your family has a good relationship, and even if the quarrel flared up, everyone is quickly soothing and adequately allow the dispute. With good houses should be friends, leave him a treat and toys, thank him for help and care. Sometimes they show discontent, but it will still differ from the manifestation of unclean power.

How to find out that in the apartment an evil house spirit

It is impossible to call an evil creature to the houses in principle, but they are very often confused, therefore such a classification is considered correct now. If that

the creature is in your apartment, sleep without light will be uncomfortable. Even adults in such conditions may be afraid to stay in an apartment alone, especially with the onset of darkness, which adds to the dark beings of the forces.

Quarrels and scandals, non-harmony alcohol consumption and other sources of negative energy are present in a residential room solely simultaneously with an evil spirit, which are often confused with the house. Sometimes, if people live "wrong", the good house is offended and leaves, and unclean power comes to change.

Frequent diseases of all family members are another sign of presence in the house of something bad. In the apartment in which evil lives, it is unpleasant to be. Perhaps you have no desire to go home after the working day? Try to clean the apartment from negative. It affects the desire of friends and neighbors to come to visit you. In the apartment, the tenants of which are adjacent to the unclean power, to be uncomfortable, usually people want to quickly go to the native walls. Any evil entity that lives in your home should be driven and called the real housekin, which will protect it from further attacks of evil forces.

In what cases do you need to make a house?

Houses - not very arrogant creatures, satisfied with small. He leads itself quiet and will never specifically detect himself, but, on the contrary, hiding from people. But if something does not suit him, he will be angry and indign. How does such anger manifest?

  • You began to disappear things.
  • Some items are often found not where you put them.
  • You often find outdoor cabinet doors or lingerie.
  • In the kitchen scattered crumbs.
  • Sounds are heard: rumble, rustling.
  • You often feel uncomfortable in your own home (houses can affect the atmosphere).

What to do, so as not to angry?

So that the house is not angry, it is necessary to provide him as comfortable living conditions. Here are some useful recommendations:

  • The houses do not tolerate scandals and screams, so do not swear, do not pronounce the shuffle words, try as you can raise your voice as much as possible. Emotions such creatures also feel, so negative chasing away.
  • Do not be lazy, housecom can not tolerate lazy people.
  • Tobacco smoke does not like the keepers of a homely hearth, so do not smoke in the apartment. And, in general, get rid of this bad habit.
  • And all the houses love order and clean. So if in your sink is constantly standing the mountain of unwashed dishes, then do not be surprised that something strange to occur in the house.

How to drag the house? 5 ways

  1. The houses are not simple called the host of the house. He loves purity and order. To back up the houses, it is enough just to keep the house clean: periodically make cleaning, take the garbage, ensure that the dust does not accumulate. If all things are in disarray, the house will begin to get upset and get angry, he can even start making strange things, but below.
  2. The house - spirit, a creature, which is always depicted and represent as an elderly man, grandfather. Like anyone aged, he loves respect for himself. And of course, he loves when they talk to him. It is important to give to understand the houses that you appeal to it. He can not read thoughts, but listen to you and understand - always please. If you want to draw your brownie, please contact him politely, with respect (Battyushka house or owner-father). He will also be happy if you will be with warm and tenderness to contact your home - thank it for keeping peace and comfort in the apartment.
  3. To back up the houses, you can treat it. Favorite houses' delicacies - milk and pastries that you have done with your own hands. Pour a little milk and put a little bun or porridge on a saucer and put it all on the highest kitchen cabinet away. Be sure to say that this gift is designed to be home, because he does not touch anyone else's. Not a gift to the houses do not eat from the bowls of domestic animals. Do not be surprised if it turns out that nothing is eaten. The house is the spirit, so it feeds on the Spirit or the smell of food. That is why, by the way, the house does not like dirt and lunned garbage - the bad spirit comes from them, unreleased energy.
  4. To drop the houses, you can put small toys to put it. He albeit an old man, but loves to play anyway. For example, it is good to use small beads that can be folded into a box (better self-made - houses like owners who are doing a lot of things with their own hands). A box with beads must be put in a secluded corner in the apartment, so that the house can calmly play with them when he wants.
  5. As mentioned earlier, the houses follow the energy purity of the house too. Therefore, the house should be smaller quarrels, the house very much does not like if a bad energy charge accumulates. So it happens if you carry offense for a long time and not express them. The house is loved by spiritual purity, openness and goodwill. Therefore, if you want to drop the houses, be sure to get sick with your relatives and be with them good and open.

How to pick up a house when moving?

When moving to a new apartment, you can take with you your faithful assistant. To do this, we need to fit together, then slightly scatter the garbage and invite a brine three times to go with you. Then the garbage is going and together with the broom is transported to a new place. There you should again scatter garbage and invite a bride together three times with you. After a day, the garbage can be collected and throw away the usual order, and to put a treat. Broom for this is better to take a new one, however, then you can use it. It would be nice to first put a cat in a new apartment, it is believed that she is able to remove negative and alien to you. If there are no cats, just bring the new broom - the result will be the same.

How to make the houses give things?

Houses are completely with different characters. Some strict and important, other funny and mischievous, also encounter evil and hostile.

Sometimes it happens that the leisureman of the house becomes small things. It would seem that a minute ago lay here before my eyes, and then suddenly disappeared. In such cases, it is necessary to move into the corner of the room and say: "House, house, play and give". If it's not a thing that could not be revealed to digest it: "Such an adult grandfather and give off. Oh no no no!" He will be ashamed, and he will definitely return the "loss." Or at night before moving to put him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and speak words: "The father, my owner, good my house. I'll give you a new choir, the chambers are bright. We go with me, without you, happiness will not be. "

Outroo in a bag or bag must be put in a sequel or angle, to offer the house once again the above described way to move with you and carefully translate the house.

How to drive an evil house?

If the house does not hurt and constantly harm everything, try to drive it. For this every day (start from Monday and skip Friday), sweep the floors by a broom, paying special attention to the corners. At the same time, say these words: "I slow down, someone else's harmful house, I travele out." Take it up until you feel that the house has gone. Together with your houses, and he will always help you and in everything. Mira and good your family!

Doms day

In Russia, the names of the houses is considered to be the 1st of April. On this day, we take to the houses more closely, and, together with the treat, tell me: "Congratulations to you, grandfather, happy birthday!" Consideration It is advisable to choose such that it does not deteriorate, and it is necessary to update it on the 1st day of each month. But the most important rule of communication with the house is a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Do not allow swearings, screams, a rapid clarification of relationships. From the constant sorry, the house will first become nervous, and then evil. There will still be big harm from him, but he will deprive you of his patronage and protection. Therefore, if you want to keep the world and comfort in your home, solve all the questions with a friendly and soft tone. And then your "home-owned" will help you in everything, protect and fill the house for good and well-being.

Vintage beliefs affect even those people who consider themselves atheists. Indeed, having lost in the middle of the apartment any thing, many are automatically referred to asking it, or communicate home that the loss covered the tail of the house. How to drop this mysterious creation, not many think about, but with a housewarmer, most of our country's inhabitants are allowed. They do so simply because it is so accepted, otherwise it will not be good luck.

Where did the tradition come from? Since ancient times, it was believed that the cat, mystical creation, his mysterious energy cleans the dwelling from Beshsurance, prepares a place for the owner. And this evil, our ancestors were sure, is a real owner of the house, the keeper of the dwelling. About babai told fairy tales, sang songs.

The beliefs say that the house (the owner, the drum, poltergeist, noisy spirit) lives in every home, apartment, castle.

The welfare of tenants depends on the owner, their sincere peace. That is why it is very important to draw the house. There are whole rites dedicated to the drum. Today, these rituals are in fashion again, perhaps because many are tired of the rapidness, the reality of the world.

The first of April is not only a day of fools or laughter. On this day, his birthday celebrates his house. How to drag it in this holiday? Of course, you will present a gift. It can be a saucer with milk, a piece of bread with salt, even a glass of vodka. Consumption should be set in a hard-to-reach place. If the next day the food will disappear - the drum is pleased with the gift. If it remains - the owner left it for birds that should give the remaining treat. If the gift is not pleasing, then the gifts will be scattered.

The drum celebrates its named after. It was believed that a good owner of housing would always find than to drag the houses on this day. The drum can be given to sweets, cooked with your own hands: Pie, well to pronounce a plot, calling the spirit to sit next to, relax, and then continue to keep peace and order in the house.

Not only people, but also the houses love to live well. How to drag it when there are no holidays? Make a sleeping place. It is very interesting to do with children.

You need to find a beautiful small box. It can be a shoe box, cube tin or beautiful bombing. There should be "bed linen": a sheet from a piece of elegant tissue, stitched with their own hands, a paddle, a pad.

Such a sleeping place is equipped in a secluded corner so that no one bothers the owner when he rests.

But only gifts have a little owner. It requires constant attention, then he and the house. How to drag it in in principle, as well as the rest.

Old people are confident that the Spirit does not tolerate dirt, mess in the house. In a non-disregard apartment, he begins to be injured, noise at night. Then he can stop playing the role of the owner, leave the house. The tenants of the abandoned house are waiting for trouble: the family in the family is not delayed, the husbands begin to drink, and wives are walking.

Therefore, the dwelling must be pure and neat. A good housewoman houses at night helps to clean the apartment, keeps the house from trouble.

It is very important when moving not to forget the owner. Otherwise he is very offended by the house. How to draw it after a severe resentment, no one knows.

Therefore, when changing housing you need to take a shovel, a large bag, a warm mitten (different areas in different places), put in front of the threshold and loudly invite a drum in a new housing. After some time, raise the improvised Sani and transfer to a new place of residence with honor. And already there to give him a treat, make a new sleeping place.

Of course, most likely, the house-myth who came to us from very long time. But isn't a fairy tale drop in our fussy life? What if the drip exists?

Houses - mysterious creatures living in every home, apartment and in the yard. It is often referred to as the keeper, the host or an old-owned owner. In ancient Russia believed that from the correct appeal to the houses, family well-being, material wealth and harmony depended. When moving to a new dwelling, the keeper was necessarily taken with them. He was moved on a broom, in Berestov, either on the bread blades, in a whisper of call: "Here you have good sleigh, go our cute houses with us!" In the event that the old man is loved by the head of the house, he feeds and cherished his cattle, the stove of everything, helps. Whose house will not love him, he does the dirtyness, contributes to the theft, bothers at night and survives family members for the threshold of the house. To be friends with the houses, receive help from him and gifts, you need to know special secrets, how to drop it.

How to draw the houses - purity

The house is not enough to have the second nickname - the house is a house. He loves to be in the removed house, where every thing has its own place, and the owners strive for cleanliness and order. In order for him to please, you need to carry out regular wet cleaning, to carry out old things and garbage on time, and also to follow, so that the web and dust in the corners do not accumulate. When the homemake sees scattered things, not by the dishes and dirty floors, it is very frustrated and starts to "shular" - turn off the light, scatter things, output the technique.

How to throat the houses - healthy energy

Also, mysterious creatures do not like to live and help families in which scandals are constantly occurring, fights, heard curses by Mat and screams. At first, they will try to negotiate from the home of the owners, and if they do not work, they themselves, which cannot be allowed in any case. It is believed that the house is the soul and the heart of the house, without which the walls and the family will fall apart. To avoid this, the family should reign understanding, love, care and peace.

How to draw a house one - attention

Those who saw the keeper describe it as an old man who has gray hair and a long beard. And like all the elderly, he requires attention, respectful relationship and reverence. And of course, he loves when he is asking for advice, help and thank.

If the topot of the legs are heard at night, doors open and plugs are constantly falling - the house requires attention.

To correct the situation, at least once a week, it is necessary to say loud: "Our home, our keeper, thank you for your help, for understanding, if you offended you - I'm sorry." When a long-lost thing is in the house or suddenly disappears dust, the keeper needs to thank. He also greets, congratulate on the holidays and ask to protect the house upon departure. When you need his help, ask him to fall in exchange for sweets, just definitely hold the promise, and then he can be offended.

How to drag the houses - toys

Houses adore games, and when they get bored, shops begin to hide. Spiritual creatures prefer shine, buttons, decorations and beautiful coins. To please the old man in his possessions, give a small bowl or old chest in his possessions, in which to fold "toys" for him. Put in a dark quiet place and spend loudly, for whom they are intended. After these actions, the house cease to disappear things, because the rest is now there is nothing to entertain.

How to back up the houses - sweets

The fact that the keeper of the house is a terrible sweet tooth, for sure many know. But did many of them happen to indulge their domain? But just needed - exactly at midnight to put a saucer with a pair or shop milk, put a chocolate candy, cookies or a sweet bun, after which it is gentle by caking: "Grandpa-Domoyushka, acceptance from me a treat, taking you with great reverence ! " Especially the keeper should not be forgotten to congratulate and treat the day of the house - January 28. If the morning the dishes are taken, the dust will disappear, and the soul will become warm and cozy - consider the house that I took your treats and thanked!

For a long time, it is known that the house is a special spirit living in a dwelling, together with households. Actually, it has several names. His names and the owner, and the keeper, and the Spirit and the Domovnik. As a rule, this is a good creature, if, of course, it is not angry. Domunok likes to assist in the house, for example, he can find the missing thing and put it on the most prominent place. But most of all he likes to do home energy.

The keeper is perfectly disassembled both in bad and in good energy, it feels that the home is not the case, and how to fix it. To live without problems, you need to know how to back up the house. To do this, there are special rules that are easy to observe. First you need to find out what kind of houses like, and what he will not tolerate.

Not at all for the beautiful eyes of the house name is the owner. This creature adores order and purity. Periodically spend cleaning in your home - it will help you to back up the house. It is necessary to regularly endure the garbage, to get used and not to pour your home by unnecessary trash. If a mess reigned in the house, the keeper starts to be angry and clean "wonders" in style, but we will talk about it later.

Treat the houses to drop it

Domunok loves milk and pastries, cooked personally. Fill the mug with milk, and put a piece of cake on the sauce or several spoons of Kaskas. You can decay the keeper with a candy. Place this gift in a secluded place. Do not forget to say that this offer is intended to be domain, otherwise he will not take someone else's.

The keeper will never become your home pet's bowl of your pet. If no one has done to food, then you do not need to think that you failed to drop the domain. We said that the house is a spirit, which means that he should only eat "spirit", that is, with almost one aroma of food. For this reason, the owner does not tolerate the unclean, from which there is a heavy smell and negative energy.

As a rule, the house - the creature is not a young, requiring respectful relationship. In addition, he really likes to communicate. He must understand that your appeal is sent to it. Domunok is not, but he will listen to you very interesting. Interested how to drag the house? Show respect for him, calling the owner's father, or the Batyushka-house. He will have to taste and your good attitude towards your home. Do not forget to thank your home for the comfort, which he saves.

Place the house toy to drop it

An old-handed house is like to play with various things. Only he should not give. For this purpose, conventional beads laid in their own box are better suited. Leave your craft in some hidden place. At a convenient case, the house with them will definitely play.

As noted earlier, the owner is responsible for the energy security of housing. Therefore, the swearing in the house should not be. And if the family broke out in the family, then read (for a quick reconciliation). The houses do not like the cluster of bad energy, which occurs when misunderstanding and covered offense. From here it follows, if desired, the houses should be made as little as possible with its loved ones and be with them frank, responsive and friendly.

What to do if the house is angry

Each house has its own character. The keeper has an impact of the behavior of people living in the house. If you behave like the domain does not like, he begins to be angry. The owner can stop watching home order and start off - raise the noise or hide the things you need at secluded places. What to do in such situations?

Job with the keeper. This can be done in the kitchen, when there is no one except you there. Close the door and loud to the owner. This can be done even with a whisper. Try to show respect and tell about the difficulties that have arisen. Then promise to restore the world and order in the family.

Having treat the keeper with something delicious. Do it all soul, and explain that this offer is intended only to him. According to Slavic tradition on April 1, it was a day of the house. On this day he was awakened after the winter sleep. Purchase beliefs have long been forgotten, but you can shoot a tribute to the old traditions, and cook for a house a gift for April 1 to backward it.

Remember that the owner lives throughout the dwelling, and not only in one kitchen, and therefore the order should be everywhere. Do not confuse the domain with a junik that lives only in the bath or in the bathroom.


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