Appendix yes no online. Fortune telling yes no

Appendix yes no online. Fortune telling yes no

To start the ritual, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Hold down a deck While the feeling comes that it is time to finish to interfere with the card.

Online divination Well no Allows you to get an answer to the question whether you have come true, and if not fulfill, for what reason. In our reviews, we immediately managed the "Wheel of Fortune" by the card, and it is she who is the most accurate predictor of whether any event or a desire or not. There are practices in which through just one "Wheel Fortune" is invited to change the negative attitude of the world to the Queen, but today is not about that. So, as a result, you will know not only the prospects for the execution of desire, but also with the possible negative outcome of the intended. Simplicity and elegance of this prediction allow it to apply it even completely inexperienced fortunekam, after all, it will be necessary to see in which of the four columns the Map "Wheel of Fortune" will fall out, but in detail the methodology will be described in the next section.

Technique performing free fortune telling:

For a burning, we will use the Tarot deck. You will need to remove the "Wheel of Fortune" before burning and postpone her aside. Tune in to align, make a desire or expected event. It is necessary to do so that the cards can give an answer in the format or not. That is, loves me Petya or Vasya will not fit, and if I can already with Vay. Carefully shook the deck and move part of the card with your left hand to yourself. Then it is necessary to remove seven cards from it and putting the pre-"Wheel of Fortune" from them, to once again make a tack. Next, you should decompose these cards in two rows of four cards in each. If the "Wheel" map fell in the first column, then the desire will undoubtedly turn if in the second it will be soon enough, in the third - with the execution of the desire, there will be a problem and is not at all the fact that it will be fulfilled, loss of the map "Wheel" in the extreme row It suggests that your desire is unlikely. In the case of an answer, there is no obstacle, it is necessary to look at the second card in the same column, to determine the reason for which the desire is not fulfilled. So the pentakli will tell about financial problems, persecution of unforeseen changes, swords about the resistance arisen, the Cup of unsuccessful circumstances, if there is a senior arcan, then this means that nothing depends on you. For a burning with our help, click on the map just below on the page.

If you want to look into the future, but you do not have time and desire to understand in complex techniques, then the "Question-answer" fortune telling will become an excellent way to find out what awaits you, without resorting to too complex actions.

In the article:

Divination "Question-Answer" - what it is

Divination "Question-Answer" will help you quickly find out the answer to any question you are interested in. However, the answer can only be unequivocal. This is either "yes" or "no". If your question implies just such an answer, you can safely try to get simple and understandable to each prediction, which do not have to decipher.

Such fortune tells take a few seconds and give accurate predictions.. With their help, you can easily decide on any action or come out of a dangerous event, refusing to participate in it. Such a fortune telling will make your life much easier and teach anyone to make decisions yourself.

In order to or use any other way to identify an accurate answer to it, specify this question mentally, and then proceed to fortune. Try at this moment not to think about anything other than your important question, then the fortune telling will be true.

Fortune telling "yes, no, I don't know" on a coin

Almost everyone twine a coin into the air in order to decide on any action or take a complex solution. As a rule, such divisions are used to receive a response to a not too important question or to choose between two options, both of which are quite suitable.

So, in the classic version of fortune telling, the rush means "yes", the eagle is "no", and the fall of the coin into the wrong position for it is "I do not know." Under the wrong position it is understood as a fall on a small subject, because of which the coin lies uneven (for example, a wire from the charger), as well as enter the pit on the street or somewhere far from the furniture that you do not want to move away.

Hold the selected coin in your hands for a few seconds, asking her question mentally, and then throw it into the air and the word in the palm or let it fall on the table. By how the coin fell, they interpret the answer to the question. It is very simple, because you have only three answers.

Divination to the question on threads

The fortune telling to the question on the threads is perfectly suitable for needlewomen. If you are interested in sewing, knitting or embroidery, and in your house there are enough multicolored trimming of threads, such an easy way to find out the future is created as if specifically for you.

Take eight threads of any length - brown, sullen, black, yellow, green, blue, white and red. Put them in any container without looking, mix and pull one thread. You can run into the bag or box two hands, because one is very easy to pull out several threads instead of one. Now you can look at the color of the thread and its meaning with truthful fortunes, the answer of which will be "yes" or "no".

  • - not.
  • Yellow - yes.
  • White is unknown.
  • Green - yes.
  • Black - no.
  • Brown - no.
  • Blue - no.
  • Gray - no.

Truthful fortune telling "yes-no" on the bones

This fortune telling suits you if you have a playing cube. You can guess both the same cube, and on two, you can choose any fortune telling you. His advantage is that playing bones can be carried with them in his pocket and receive predictions anywhere and at any time.

In order to ask a question to one cube, you need to mentally ask him a question and throw on any surface suitable for this. See what number you fell and look into the interpreter:

  1. - Yes.
  2. - not.
  3. - not.
  4. - I do not know.
  5. - I do not know.
  6. - Yes.

In order to guess on two cubes, you need to throw them in turn and remember both numbers. So, if you consider such an alignment as an example: the first cube is of value 1, the second - 3. This will be true prediction under a combination of 1/3, and not 3/1.

1/1 - yes.
1/2 - no.
1/3 - no.
1/4 - yes.
1/5 - yes.
1/6 - no.
2/1 - yes.
2/2 - no.
2/3 - no.
2/4 - yes.
2/5 - yes.
2/6 - no.
3/1 - no.
3/2 - yes.
3/3 - yes.
3/4 - no.
3/5 - no.
3/6 - no.
4/1 - no.
4/2 - yes.
4/3 - no.
4/4 - yes.
4/5 - no.
4/6 - no.
5/1 - yes.
5/2 - yes.
5/3 - yes.
5/4 - no.
5/5 - no.
5/6 - yes.
6/1 - yes.
6/2 - no.
6/3 - yes.
6/4 - yes.
6/5 - no.
6/6 - yes.

Fortune telling "Question-Answer, yes-no" on the maps

In order to apply this method of card divination, you need to come up with four questions - no more, no less. The technique is very simple, the alignment is suitable for ordinary, 36 in the deck.

First, select all from the deck ame. For each Ace, you need to make a right on the question. Now drag the deck from the remaining 32 cards. After that, lay out 8 cards near each ace. Do it ways to suggest intuition - around them, rows, the order of the order also does not play the role, the main thing is that in the end, there are 8 cards in each ace.

Now turn the cards and see where the kings were. Ace, near which lies most of the kings, predicts a positive answer to the mysterious question. If there is no kings near the ace, the answer is "no". If only one king is lying near the ace - the answer is uncertain. If there is no fortune telling near each ace, there is no fortune telling, you can get answers next time the next day.

If the question you have only one, but fortune telling on the maps you trust the most, try another option that is even easier than the previous one. Drag a deck, spread it in front of yourself, ask a mentally question and pull out one card. By its meaning is interpreted by the answer to the question. Usually if it is positive, the answer is "yes", if negatively "no", and if it is impossible to express the focus - the answer is uncertain.

Accurate fortune telling "yes-no" on paper

There is very simple, but accurate divination that can answer "yes" or "no" to your question. This is a fortune telling on sticks. With it, you can find out the answer to any question. To do this, take a sheet of paper and handle and draw sticks until you understand what you need to stop. It is better to ask someone to stop you so that you cannot cheat. Then consider the number of sticks. Even means a positive answer, odd - negative. With help, you can learn about love, on our site there is a separate article about this type of progress.

There is another no less easy way to pay for a question and get an answer with paper. Take the sheet and draw it on twelve sectors. Sign the sector in this way:

  • I do not know
  • May be
  • The answer is later
  • No answer, and will not
  • Everything will be fine
  • Everything will be bad

These are the options for answering the question. Now take a coin or buttons and throw it onto a sheet. On which sector it will fall, this is the answer to your question.

Divination "Yes, no": 10 options + 5 useful tips.

In the life of each person there are times when it really needs a hint over. Moreover, it is enough to get a simple single response to choose the right direction.

The fortune telling "Yes, no" is just a way out of the situation for such people, because it specifically indicates how to act in one way or another. The main thing is to ask the question correctly so that there is no ambiguity.

There are several options for such a sparming, including those that online.

How do fortune telling "yes, no"

If you do not need a complex card alignment, and everything you want is to get an unambiguous answer: "Yes" or "no" on your question, then this option of divination is just for you.

But stick to the basic rules to guarantee yourself the truthfulness of the results.

The advantages of divination "Yes, no"

Just imagine how much your life simplified, if, asking complex questions about each of their life situations, you received a unambiguous answer: "Yes" or "no".

For example, you ask: "Do I do with this guy correctly," and the pendulum in response to you: "No." And you know exactly that your actions are erroneous and you need to choose another model of behavior.

Or, for example, you address you a deck of playing cards Question: "Do I need to change jobs?" And she definitely answers you: "Yes." You throw away away doubts and start moving towards new features.

Of course, it is impossible to trust in making important decisions. In the end, this is your life and you must be responsible for it, but also to completely refuse to help the otherworldly forces in making important decisions.

The main advantages of this type of divination are:

  • Simplicity. And most options are extremely simple, and the results interpret is completely simple. In general, time and effort such a type of extinguishing takes a little bit.
  • Availability. In order to get the answer "Yes or No", you can use different magic items, ranging from the pendulum and ending with playing cards.
  • Truthfulness. The simpler, the option of divination and the interpretation of the results, the greater the chance of his truthfulness. People, often practicing vorozh "Yes, no," argue that the magic subject rarely sends a false path.

Several tips on how to properly spend the fortune telling "Yes, no"

In principle, for divination "Yes, no" do not need to create a special atmosphere, to acquire rare ingredients, to wait for some day, etc.

This is practically deprived of conventions, but if you want to increase your chances of getting a truthful answer, several advisory ski tips are better to stick to:

  1. Ask your question so that it can be answered: "Yes" or "no." This means that you need to avoid words: "When", "where", "why" and the like.
  2. Use the magic items for fortune telling. If this is a pendulum, then you do not need to make you to make a fear of the first rings. If you are guessing on the maps, they should be precisely fortuneful - it is impossible to play on them.
  3. Tune in correctly. If you can guess on any day and at any time, this does not mean that it is necessary to do it with a lot of cluster of the people. Need a special mood, complete silence and lack of witnesses.
  4. Do not ask several times the same question. If the answer you did not satisfy you, you do not need to constantly ask the same thing - get a false result. It is better to wait for the time (at least a couple of days before returning to this exaggeration).
  5. Do not abuse this fortune. You should not demand from magic items to answer you: "Yes" or "no" on petty reasons for household issues. These can be resorted if we are talking about making fateful solutions.

As you can see, no special difficulties of fortune telling "Yes, no" does not represent "by itself. Tips are extremely simple and easy to perform. Do not ignore them if you really need a truthful answer, and not you just decided to subfoliate.

Divination on "Yes, No": Different options

As I said, there are so many options for this divination that everyone can choose the appropriate, focusing on their capabilities and taste addiction.

The presence of this or that magical subject when choosing a vorozhba also needs to be considered.

Fortune telling on the pendulum "Yes, no"

The magic pendulum is some kind of a sufficiently long chain or rope, because it gives answers to a question with swaying.

Today, even in small cities, esoteric shops work, so you will not be difficult to buy a pendulum for gadas.

Try it right in the bench, asking a question, the answer to which you know to check the truth of this subject. In order to clean the experiment, you can ask a few questions. If the pendulum lies you, do not buy it.

You can and independently make such a magic item using a thread or a chain that is passed through the ring that you constantly wear on your hand. Used for the tip of the pendulum natural stones, coins, and so on. The main thing is that everything worked.

The fortune telling itself for "yes", "No" with the help of a pendulum extremely simple: tie it to the tip of the index finger, ask a question and see how it pegs: horizontally - the answer to your question: "No", and if moving from you to you , imitating the nod head with a positive response, is: "Yes."

It happens that the pendulum refuses to break at all. In this case, the answer is "I do not know." Higher forces can not help you and have to either make a decision on your own, or come back to fortunening a little later.

Fortune telling tarot "Yes, no"

For fortune telling "Yes, no" perfectly fit tarot cards. It is better to use a deck of 78 cards so that the results are as truth as possible.

It is necessary to guess as follows:

If you found a cherished card in the first column, the answer is unequivocal: "Yes," in the second - "rather, what is not", in the third - "rather there is no, than yes", the fourth - no.

Not excess will be analyzed which cards fell in your scenario:

Financial difficulties
Changes in life, travel
Good circumstances that are eventually permitted positively (special attention should be paid to this if the cup of cups fell)
Senior maps
Indicate that it all depends not as much from you, how many Fortune smile
Court cards
The dependence of your situation from will and the help of other people, without which you can not cope

Divination "yes" "no" for every day

Fortune telling "Yes, no" on playing cards

If you have only on hand, you can also pay on "Yes, no."

Concentrating (mentally or loud) on its problem, how to drag cards, bypowing them with your own energy.

Then pull out 3 cards from the deck in an arbitrary order.

We are interested in not so much the advantage of cards, how much to suit. If a:

  1. all 3 maps are red suit - this means "yes";
  2. black - "no";
  3. two red and one black - it is "possible";
  4. two black and one red - "hardly";
  5. all 3 maps are red and at the same time - pictures, boldly take for the implementation of the plan, the stars to you are favorable;
  6. black pictures, it is better to choose another way.

To more detail to decipher the card alignment, you can pay attention to the advantage of the pictures, not only to suit them, given that every way yes means:

Pleasant and unexpected meetings
Luck in all endeavors
Fortune will not be on your side
Your success has limitations.
May not succeed because of the envy of others
These cards can mean both friends (if red suit) and enemies, if black.
KingsYou have a patron
Success is practically guaranteed, you will be the winner

Remember that you can not use a deck playing. You need fortune cards.

The fortune telling "Yes, no", regardless of the tools used, is an easy way to get a prompt to choose the easiest way that will lead to success.

Looking for an answer to the question? Divination and no - this is a simple online divination, which you can use to help in solving many life situations. Divination is suitable only for questions that there is a specific answer. Yes or Not. If your question does not apply to such, for you, fortune telling Tarot and runes.

Divination and no is based on the principle of mental strength, to which clairvoyance and other ability to see, hear and feel a person, the subject or event at a distance in space or time. Enough such abilities does not mean something outstanding or what you should be born with them. In fact, each of us possesses mental strength and intuition, which can be developed by practice. This helps, among other things, the fortune telling. This is a simple online divination and no will help you establish contact with your intuition, which will give you a right answer.

What questions can I ask? Examples of such questions: Does he love me / she? Will I get a job? Does he marry me? Does he miss me? He / she deceives me? Do I meet real love? And many other questions. Divination and no will help you in everyday life when searching for answers to questions that can disturb you. Remember that the same question is in despusting and no can be set only once. If you specify the same question several times, only the first answer will be correct.

How to guess yes and no

Focus and ask a question. Choose one of the three characters of the question that see below. Spend the cursor over them and stop exactly the vibration of which you will feel. Then click "Show" and you will open the answer to your question.

We often lack a small pink to make a decision, enough for someone just said yes or still not. But there is no always a person who can be told and ask for advice. For this reason, many are resorting to fortunate.

The fortune telling is yes - no, I decided to write for you for one simple reason, I myself used and I use for many years :). Yes, there is nothing special about it, there are situations in life when you want to throw out, but not to contact anyone.

The fact is that I would never use a simple primitive fortune tune on Da-No, which is only capable of two words. I got an interesting book from the ancestors (in the sense of great-grandmothers), a book of change. I will not describe all of her charms, I will only say that it works. On its basis, I did the fortune telling yes no, in which in addition to a direct answer to the question you will learn and reason, explanation, why yes, and why not. This explanation-interpretation describes exactly your current state and state of affairs.

In general, this is a full divination, to use which you need when assistance is required, and not every day. You wonder with such intervals, for which in your life it really can even change something from the moment of previous divination, otherwise everything is meaningless, you only get confused. And do not ask 100500 times the same question. One session - 1 request, do not abuse.

Yes or no?

Focus on the question, throw out everything too much, calm down and click on the button. Do not be distructed.


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