How beautiful to offer a girl to marry. How to make a girl sentence

How beautiful to offer a girl to marry. How to make a girl sentence

The proposal of the hand and the heart of the girl is not such a frequent event in the life of any man and women, so you probably want it to become unforgettable for many years.

It is possible that in order to implement this purpose, you will need special romantic ideas that will be considered in this article.

In addition, you will learn what preparatory steps should be taken before the implementation of this responsible event.

1. Learn about the intentions of your girl

Before making a proposal to a girl, you should understand her attitude to marriage.

Make sure that the desire to enter into marriage is mutual, and your friend is not only ripe to family uzam, but also wants children.

Well, all the preparatory stages, before making an offer to the girl, already behind.

The background to make a sentence to the girl can not serve as a country trip, but also your joint journey in which you can go, visiting hot edges, ski resort, City of Love - Paris, Aristocratic London, Noisy New York, Eternal Rome or Romantic Venice.

8. Offer in friends

Invite to visit the company of friends or relatives, and at the right moment, asking everyone to wear T-shirts with the inscription "Marry me" or ensuring their balloons with similar words, make an offer to the girl.

Instead of T-shirts and balls, you can use open umbrellas from rain with similar inscriptions that look great in street conditions when friends are at a sufficient distance.

9. White chalk ...

Go together on a run and, stopping next to the inscription on the asphalt on the proposal of the hands and hearts, make the planned.

10. Interesting atmosphere

Fill out one of the rooms at home by balloons, attaching your joint photos to them.

After your girlfriend is surprised, make her an offer.

11. Pointers from candles

Turn off the light in the apartment and burn candles on the floor, acting as pointers leading to a shining circle, in the center of which will be a wedding ring.

Instead of candles, you can use rose petals.

12. Morning surprise

Put the ring with a girl on the finger while she sleeps, and then prepare a romantic breakfast with champagne and fruit.

Oh yeah ... Do not forget to make a proposal of hands and hearts ..

13. Offer in photos

Ask someone to make a few of your photos, let's say 4 snapshots on which you will be captured by holding different posters, for example, with inscriptions: "Lena", "You", "Let's leave", "Marry me?"

After that, agree with the girl about the meeting at the appointed place, but do not appear first.

When you notice a girlfriend who is waiting for you, send it to her with a messenger made photos one after another, and then, seeing that the girl reads messages, suddenly appear in front of her and stand on the knee.

14. Internet offer

Create a website on the Internet where you post information about your sincere love, as well as about the proposal of your hand and hearts, sending a link to the web resource to the girl.

15. Ring in a gift basket

Make a Girl Gift, Hand Hand Hold her a gift basket filled with differentty, such as chocolate, coffee or fresh fruit, hiding among them a box with a wedding ring.

16. Photo session

Invite the photographer to capture the entire supply process to your girlfriend, but let us know that they just decided to make a joint photo session.

At the right moment, do that for which everything was arranged.

17. Offer in the Botanical Garden

Make an offer to the girl in this beautiful place where everything blooms and fragrant.

18. Unexpected picnic

Ask your friend to prepare a picnic area with wine, chocolate and fruit.

Then go to this place together with the girl, where you, "unexpectedly" stumbled upon a lounge romantic oasis, make it a proposal of hands and hearts.

19. Under the night sky

Choose a great place in nature, where you can watch the night sky and offer your beloved to become your wife.

20. Offer in the park

Park is a great place to implement your idea.

You can plan your relatives and friends nearby, who will appear a little later for a spontaneous celebration.

21. Proposal for the New Year

Make an offer to the girl on New Year's Eve, after which it will celebrate this dual event with a kiss and champagne.

22. Pet

Surprise your sweetheart, giving her a pet, which she wanted so long ago (kitten, puppy), pre-consolidated on his collar wedding ring.

23. Valentine's Day

The new year is not the only holiday that deserves attention.

24. Massage

Make your beloved sensual massage, and when to massage the right hand, put the ring on the ring finger and surprise it with your offer.

25. Proposition-Surprise

To make an offer to the girl, you can use magnets with letters for the refrigerator; Write it to lipstick on the mirror in the bathroom, provided two options "yes" and "no" (and maybe another "yes" instead of "no"?); Use the stickers glowing in the dark to hang them on the ceiling in the bedroom, or, ending, throwing a newspaper with a fake page on which the news will be placed about your hand and heart suggestion.

26. Ring and chocolate

Buy a box of candies and replace one candy with a wedding ring.

When your girl detect a surprise, stand up on one knee to complete the started.

Instead of candies, you can use a bouquet of flowers with a note to which the ring should be attached.

27. Welcome home

When your girl returns from another city, invite your friends to the station or to the airport, where each of them at the time of your chosen one will keep a poster containing one word: "Favorite", "Come out" for "" Me "" Marry ! ".

Make sure that the poster with the word "me" is in your hands.

28. Restaurant

The restaurant is a fair place enough to make an offer to the girl.

Combining your idea with the administrator of the restaurant, you can get valuable recommendations.

Perhaps it will be words with a proposal of a hand and hearts, engraved on a plate, or the waiter will bring the wedding ring to the table along with the menu.

29. Offer on the sand

Being on the beach, tell the girl that you are going to draw a picture, but make it close to close your eyes and not spy.

Write a phrase with a suggestion on the sand, and then show her a sandy artwork created by you.

30. Text message

Send the sweetheart text offer to get married, while at the same time in the same apartment, but in different rooms, having prepared a champagne in advance, chocolate and a suitable melody on your phone.

31. Romantic campaign

Do you like stay in nature? Then you can organize a hike with overnight in a beautiful place.

If you succeed in making an offer to a girl near a waterfall or on an elevation with a beautiful view, you can thus be able to strengthen the emotional effect of this important point.

32. Offer in the open sea

There is nothing like calm and privacy in which you are staying in the middle of Marine Stroy.

A proposal made on a boat or yacht is one of the most romantic options.

33. Offer on the ski lift

Write a phrase with a proposal of a hand and hearts on a snow area, which will be good noticeable when you climb on the ski lift before making a descent.

34. Amusement Park

The amusement park is interesting because his visit causes a special emotional lift.

You can realize the conceived when you find yourself with the girl participants not too dynamic attraction. At the same time, be very careful in order to accidentally do not pick up the wedding ring.

35. Dinner for two

Surprise beloved with delicious food with candles, wine and romantic music, completing a wonderful evening unexpected for the girl.

You can spend the evening both at home and in some beautiful and specially equipped place for this place, with a beautiful view and an open-air, for example, on the roof of the building, on the seashore or river, etc.

36. Parachute jump

This is a truly adrenaline proposal of a hand and heart.

You can make an offer after landing or laying on Earth with huge letters appropriate words.

Please advise with the instructor.

37. A balloon offer

Invite your girlfriend to make a flight in a balloon, and, when height, make a prepared surprise.

38. Bicycle walk

Go for a bicycle walk in the forest array by making some preparations in advance.

On the path of your following, set the signs, each of which will be indicated by one word of your proposal about the marriage.

When a girl reacted with surprise, stop the bike and stand on one knee.

39. Air banner

Contact a representative of air advertising services.

The plane fluttering on a low height above the place, for example, your picnic, with a huge banner containing a proposal of hands and hearts, will be a huge surprise for a girl.

40. International Sports Event

It was previously said that a sports match is not the best option to make an offer to the girl.

However, even minor details of the proposal made during a visit to the event, which in humility happens once in life will remain in memory forever.

41. Cruise liner

Surprise the girl, inviting her to travel on a journey on a cruise liner.

Even if the beloved will be the peak of emotions, you know what action you can increase their level.

42. Serenada

If you are on a short foot with music and musical instruments, this method will be quite appropriate.

Write a musical composition specifically for your girl, invite it into a significant place for you, after which you hit your creativity by clean love.

43. Music offer on the beach

Imagine that you perfectly spend time together on the beach under the rays of the sun next to the water stroke.

How suddenly there is a company of young people with musical instruments, who, by performing a romantic song, are suitable for you.

Is it not the reason to make an offer to your girlfriend?

44. Slideshow

Invite a girl to watch the film, saying that the film is a surprise.

However, instead of showing the cinema, launch a slide show from your joint photos for romantic music.

At the end of the slideshow, write not "End", and "Marry me!".

45. Matrychka Ring

Put the wedding ring into the smallest of the dolls and hand their girlfriend set.

When she gets to the last matryoshka, surprised the beloved with his idea.

46. \u200b\u200bFireworks

Having made a proposal in a meaningful place, add your impressions by making a solemn event with a bright firework that your friend will take place in the background.

47. Message in the bottle

Scroll on the beach an empty bottle, putting inside a note with a proposal and a wedding ring.

After that, invite the beloved time to spend time on the beach, and slightly the weather "by chance" dig a bottle of sand and pass it to a girl for inspection.

48. On your birthday

Invite guests and organize a holiday in honor of your.

Then take the word and, using a steep turn, borrowed from the best representatives of the detective genre, make a sentence to a girl.

49. Billboard offer

You can negotiate not just write the name of the girl and your offer on the billboard, but also post a photo of the beloved.

50. Quadcopter

Agree with a girl about a meeting, and when it appears, direct the quadrocopter directly to it with an attached note and ring.

51. Offer on ice rink

You can simulate your drop on the ice, but instead of standing on your feet, find yourself in front of a girl on one knee.

List of creative words to offer girl

  1. Let's drive together at our wedding.
  2. You are the only one I want to share my life.
  3. The story of our love is just beginning. Let's give her a new round of development.
  4. There are many ways to gain happiness in life, but everything that I really need is you.
  5. When I look in your eyes, I see a reflection of both of us and our lucky life together.
  6. I am sure that without you my life is worth nothing.
  7. When I look into my heart, I see only you. Let's spend the rest of our life together.
  8. When you are in my thoughts, I begin to clearly understand that my heart belongs only to you.
  9. Life is able to deliver many problems. But I know that they are all overcoming if you are next.
  10. I think that if we were lucky enough to find each other, we must stay together all your life.
  11. When I met you, I immediately realized that you were my fate. It remains only to wait for this moment, and so he has come.
  12. My heart was desert until you revived him. Let's spend the rest of life, enjoying the colors of our love.

When you go to the elevator, click on all buttons. The cabin will stay on each floor, and your beloved is to read one word from the proposal of the hand and hearts. (Yes, the words will have to print in advance and put it on the walls.) When you get to the last floor, it will only say "yes."

A win-win way to conquer the heart of the one that is crazy about domestic animals. The main thing is to accurately clarify whether the girl is ready to take care of the pet. If so, give her a kitten or a puppy, on the collar of which there will be a small postcard or a medallion with your offer.

Well, or damage the message to the bird cage or aquarium.

3. Arrange the film

Rent a small cinema or hall with a projector in a time cafe or invite the girl to watch the movie at your home. Show the video that you made from joint rollers or photos. The credits will be your offer.

4. Connect Drone

Assign her a date in the park or any other place in the open sky. When a girl comes, direct to it with a ring and a note.

This method will suit the amateur of intelligent fun. Just follow up to your brief message at the end of the game. Let even have to break the rules a bit.

6. Find a note bottle

Take a century bottle, put a ring and a note with a confession and hiding on the banks of the river, lake or the sea. Invite your beloved on the water picnic, "by chance" find the bottle and give the girl. Perhaps it will not be easy to open the find. But the content is worth the effort.

7. Rent Billboard

Let the big billboard, by which the girl passes every day, paste your or her photo with a proposal.

8. Invite it in the photo tab

When you breed the faces, laugh and take a photo, suddenly get the ring. The historical moment will be captured in the picture.

9. Make a website

Create a page with your photos and video and send it a link. When the girl is smoking to the end, he will see a proposal of hands and hearts. It will remain just clicking on the button "Yes."

10. Print offer on a T-shirt

At the right moment, remove the sweatshirt and demonstrate the message on your chest or back.

Buy the same book like that that your beloved is read now. Cut the box from the pages and put inside the ring.

12. Give the girl to where you first met

Do not speak in advance where you go. Let it be a surprise. When you find yourself on the spot, make a girlfriend offer.

13. Order or bake a cake

A win-win way to offer the hand and heart of a sweet amateur. A beautiful cake on which important words are written will surely be the most delicious in her life. So order. And better - prepare yourself.

14. Make a birthday offer

Give her a big beautiful box. Inside the girl will see one more, then also. In the end, your favorite will get to the cherished ring. It will become the main gift.

15. Collect thematic playlist

Make a selection of songs that like your girlfriend. When it comes to the last track, then you will hear your offer.

Write your offer to the marker at the bottom of the white mug. When the girl will thank coffee, he will see an inscription and probably will not be able to refuse. If coffee was tasty, of course.

17. Organize picnic

Purchase flowers, products and wine and ask friends to help with a surprise. Give a girl when everything will be ready, and tell the cherished words. Just let it occur alone. Friends better thank later.

18. Give origami

Make paper cranes, butterfly or rose. Hand a gift to the girl and offer her to deploy paper. Inside the girl will find the proposal of hands and hearts.

Treat the right route, invite a girl for a walk and fix your move on the maps in your smartphone. When you find yourself at the last point, show her a map. There will be the main words.

20. Place the scene from her favorite movie.

What girl does not dream to be on the site of the heroine of his beloved? Recreate one of the brightest scenes (for example, order a white limousine, as in "Beauty"), and at the end make a sentence.

21. Print offer on bottles

For this, the bottle of cola, juice, wine and even ketchup are suitable. Stick on them labels with the desired words, put in the refrigerator in the correct sequence, and then ask the girl to bring something tasty.

22. Come up with Quest

Make a route from the places that something mean for both of both of them, and send it along the route, sending messages with prompts. When a girl is at the last point, he will meet you, and you will say the main words.

23. Bake prediction cookies

If she loves sweet, then this is a win-win. Prepare small cookies, and put the notes inside with your message. When you meet, offer her to find out what is waiting for it further.

24. Go on a trip

When you find yourself where she has long dreamed of visiting, make a sentence. Just think everything in advance and order a table in the restaurant nearby to celebrate significant event Romantic dinner.

At first we intended to make a detailed guide with specific advice, how, where and when to make a girl's girlfriend. They say, go there, put on and hand the ring like this. But then decided to chat with a couple of dozens of girls to find out how they imagine the perfect proposal of their hands and hearts. And absolutely feared.

Perhaps, it is impossible to start getting married - it is simply impossible, so do not even try to pick up the most successful formula. We were sure that we guess the preferences of some acquaintances and colleagues, but flew with a whistle. Sometimes, even in moderation, the vain extroverts wanted a very modest and quiet version of the development of events, and sometimes romantic nature preferred a completely ordinary proposal by a passion for breakfast.

At first we wanted to write at all that it is better not to offer anything and sit quietly until you intend to explain what the fear of misses are waiting, nevertheless systematized accumulated knowledge and were able to sketch these recommendations.

Make sure the time has come

The point is not how long you meet and live together. Some couples go literally in two months, and someone and after the wedding partially lives into two apartments. Before you marry, get a conversation about the future, joint life, children, ideal old age and all the other serious topics that are not too accepted to discuss in the world. Suddenly, your girlfriend believes that marriage is an outdated system of values, and does not want to associate himself with his uzami. Or, for example, ready to get married only when you both grate, buy your housing and will be ready to start the children. Most people in their head have a clear idea when it is time to move to the wedding. And even if you are happy together, it does not guarantee that your attitudes towards marriage absolutely coincides.

Refuse to cliche

And although some of our interlocities said that it was not against a pathetic dinner in an expensive restaurant with candles, most girls still called all cinema scenarios too vulgar and beaten. So do not write in the sky by the aircraft "come out for me" and order a string quartet to her office.

Do not put a ring in food or a glass

This is perhaps the most common format of the proposal from the movie. And he is so terrible that we devoted to him a whole separate point. First, alcohol and food can spoil the ring. Secondly, the girl can swallow it. Thirdly, it may not be added or not to do. Fourth, well, who wants to put on a ring, which has just blued in a player or impregnated with a cupcake? It is sticky, slippery and smells food. There is no categorical.

Try to be spontaneous

The highest aerobatics is a planned spontaneity. Even if you have long thought about how to make an offer, try to make the girl not guessed that this is all the pre-written script. Live on schedule or on plan few people like, so the majority prefers that romantic gestures are gusting the soul, and not a clearly verified act. Try not to sleep and do not give yourself earlier than the moment will come to say cherished words.

The optimal option is to do it during the holidays.

There were a lot of disputes on how large-scale the proposal of the hand and hearts should be. But most of the girls still would like this event to remember, and did not go crumbly and fussy. In order not to rearrange, but also do not get out, make an offer during a joint trip somewhere. Even if you ask her to go for myself just at dinner, it will still remember, because another atmosphere, circumstances and people around.

Get on one knee

Several girls said that this is some extra archaism, which does not seem to be sincere, but nevertheless most ritual make an offer standing on one knee like it. Therefore, do not be lazy to accept the appropriate pose before removing the ring due to the sinus. We hope you make attacks in the gym and you can get knees without unnecessary grooves.

Do not overdo it

Even some in moderation, the vain extroverts prefer the proposal of hand and hearts with something personal, and not public. Therefore, from excessively wide gestures in the spirit to call her married from the stage during the concert of the favorite performer or in the presence of all colleagues and friends, many girls would prefer to refuse. Nevertheless, we managed to come up with a pair of cool and non-banking scenarios who found positive response:

  • buy an apartment, bring the girl there and make an offer - your serious intentions are immediately clear;
  • play your first date (many made a mark, if it was not too stupid or ridiculous), during which I call married;
  • go to the insanely beautiful place (mountains, ocean, desert) and make a sentence there;
  • "Randomly" find yourself in the jewelry, ask what a ring she likes, buy and stand on one knee (this option I especially liked the girls who are difficult to please with the gift);
  • go on vacation, agree with the pilot of the aircraft and make an offer on the speakerphone (if your girl is very modest and shy, this option does not fit you);
  • here you just walk together on the street, the sharply fall on one knee, take the ring and make a proposal.

Do not do it in someone else's wedding

(and do not combine at all with another celebration)

The bride will also kill the bride, who became a wife just that, and the girl you would like to see as your bride. One of you stole the celebration, which she had long planned, and the other made a proposal, because it was amenable to someone else's wedding madness.

Better get blessings from parents

If your girl has very close and trust relationships with parents, you can make her an offer right in them. But if you doubt whether it will want to divide such a moment with them, it is better to inform mom in advance with a dad about your plans and make sure that they agree. They can refuse not only because they do not like them, but for example, for the reason that, in their opinion, the daughter is too early to marry. And you know if parents think so, in their words there may be a grain of truth and make sense to wait. If everything goes smoothly, you can proceed and not get lost in guesses, whether it is important to her approval of parents. Exactly will definitely not be.

Be careful with the offer after sex

In principle, many liked the idea of \u200b\u200bsupplying hands and hearts immediately after gorgeous sex (here, of course, the question is, as the degree of smartness is measured, probably, if on my recommendations, then exactly success), but there were skeptics. They suggested that the idea was married was caused by hormones and the pleasure of orgasm, and not real intentions and desire to spend together all his life. We think it's beautiful to come out of the situation, if you are suspected of frivolousness, the ring will help you get from under the pillow. After all, even a chic sex with the subsequent proposal you could plan.

Have you managed to find your second half and no longer imagine life without it? Then it is necessary to switch to a new stage of relations to which you should well prepare. The first step towards creating a family is simply obliged to remember for life! Add romance and trembling to a banal phrase: "Get out of me!". And we will be happy to tell you how to creatively make an offer to the girl so that she will accurately agree to marry you.

How to prepare for the proposal of hands and hearts?

Do you start panicing? So you are fully aware of the seriousness of the intentions and are afraid that something will go wrong. Calm down and think the plan of your actions to the smallest detail. And we will tell you how to make an offer to the girl from which she will not be able to refuse.

How long does the wedding make a sentence?

It all depends on the amount of time that will be needed to prepare for the wedding, ranging from the engagement. Standard time can be considered a period of several months. There are cases when time from the engagement before the wedding is several years or, on the contrary, a couple of days. But this is more exclusion from the rules!

How to choose the perfect ring?

The ring will become a symbol of your serious intentions. Do not make an offer, giving a wedding ring, because it is put on the wedding day. Unobtrusively ask your favorite, what kind of design rings she likes, or pay attention to her decorations. You may notice the obvious preferences of your beloved.

A classic version of the engagement ring remains a model of noble metal with gemstone. You can on our website.

How to choose the right words?

Sincerity is the key to the success of such a touching event, as a proposal of hands and hearts. So it would be good before the question "will you marry me?" Say a few words coming from the heart. Tell the beloved about your feelings at the time of your dating, about how your life has gained the point after the start of the relationship. Do not skimp on compliments in such a responsible moment.

What do not need to do?

  • Make a sentence under pressure girl or relatives. Believe me, nothing good will not come out of it. Only confidence in her love can make a man marry and allow to gain happiness in marriage!
  • Make a sentence as it were, "by the way." You can not tell the girl "Going out for me" by the usual tone or at the time of the everyday conversation. You can easily devalue a serious step and spoil the impression of an event that every girl would like to remember all your life.
  • Use template ideas. Try to avoid stamps. Every girl wants to feel special on this day. Show originality, forget about the rings in food and champagne, and the wedding will gladly prompt several creative ways to make an offer.

Creative proposal of hand and heart: 10 options to conquer your favorite

How to make a girl an original proposal? Each of the options proposed below can become the most memorable moment in the life of your beloved. All in your hands, inspire!

  1. Bottle of note.Lay the aged bottle in advance, put a note in it with recognition in love and ring. Hide on the shore of some reservoir. Arrange a romantic picnic, in the midst of which, find the bottle, give the lover and ask to open.

  2. Billboard.Choose a large advertising shield that is located on the daily route of your sweetheart (for example, on the way to work) and order her photos with your hand and heart offer.

  3. Photo booth.Invite your favorite "to think" and make joint photos. In the midst of shooting, get the ring - the most touching moment and the real emotions of your future wife will be captured in the photo.
  4. T-shirt.Make a print with a proposal on your T-shirt. At the most suitable moment, demonstrate a creative message.
  5. Book.Take the favorite book of the girl or buy the one that she has long dreamed of. Carefully put the ring in the book, unless, of course, the decoration does not have strongly protruding elements. Nothing suspected girl will be delighted with what she finds in the book.

  6. Roof restaurant.Gorgeous dinner in an expensive restaurant is one of the most common classic hand and heart offer options. Portal for brides advises add originality and organize a romantic evening on the roof. In addition, the offer can be made, rising on the elevator (if it is glass). Stay on each floor, where opposite the elevator will be discussed by one word from the main phrase (they should be prepared in advance). By the end of the way, the girl will only remain answer: "Yes."

  7. Dolphinarium.Who can resist you to swim with dolphins? Your sweetheart, no doubt, is guaranteed positive emotions. And if, after sailing, Dolphin swings to her and "present" the cherished box, she will definitely remember this moment for life.

I can not live without you.
I could love so much
That just alive alone,
And I see only one of you.

Love gave me wings
But without you closed the sky,
With you everything in the world is different
And I have long been clear that
You sent me fate
I want to ask a simple question
I agree to become my wife?

Dear, in the life of people there comes a moment when you are aware that your life is impossible without a person. I realized that I would not be able to spend the day without you, I was firmly sure that I want to go further in life only with you. You captured my soul and I offer you a hand and heart. Favorite, come out for me and we will build a strong happy family, we will give birth to wonderful kids and become wonderful parents, we will give each other every day only joy, tenderness and love. You agree?

For a long time I could not decide
But such a moment has come,
I want to marry
You are alone - my ideal.

I suggest hand with heart.
Be, please, my wife!
I just dream about one -
Together life live with you!

I understood suddenly what I want
All the time spend with you.
Any joy to divide
And console any pain.

Keys from my heart
Ready today i give
Does my wife agree
My beloved forever be?

There is no mile in the world,
Good, smart and more beautiful.
I want to connect forever
Our hearts and hands.

Accept, please, my ring,
And with him and suggestion.
You will be my wife for me
And life decorated?

You are for me, like a light ray,
You are for me like heaven,
You are the best on white light,
And I love your eyes.

You are alone on Earth.
I do not know happiness without you.
You are close to me and native
And I want to tell you.

Hand and heart here are mine
They belong to you
Accept this gift of my love,
What answer can you give?

I want to split with you
And happiness and any troubles
Family I want to live
So that in the house - children-fidgets,

Always their laughter to sound
I went to you only one,
And in the heart of the hymn of love played.
Native, be my wife.

Important solution
Hands and hearts offer.
Love endless promise
For life, recognition.

I promise to keep you loyalty,
Love give excessiveness.
Everything is capable of for you.
Will you marry me?

One Your Naughty Smile
My soul destroyed peace;
Now in your hands the keys to paradise:
Fate my decisions to you alone.

All I need and what I wish -
Residue to spend with you;
I call your heart now
And begging: be my wife!

I can no longer be silent about it,
I am infinite, sincerely love you!
You live my life with warmth and light,
I know for sure: you are my fate.

Therefore, tighten unable.
I will say like I feel.
I have nothing nice now without you.
So come out married me.


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