Drawing of a fox on the hand. The meaning of the fox tattoo

Drawing of a fox on the hand. The meaning of the fox tattoo

Nowadays, people devote a lot of time to the aesthetics of their appearance and body, strive for changes and improving the quality of life. For this, beautiful tattoos with a deep sacred meaning and influence on karma are often stuffed. Ideas favorites are wild animals with strong qualities. For example, fox tattoos for men are in the top in popularity today.

What does a fox tattoo mean for a man? First of all, he is a cunning and dexterous strategist who always achieves his goals. It is also a predator capable of rapidly attacking and defending itself. Much depends on the sketch itself, as the master will present the animal on the man's body. The meaning also changes from where the fox will be stuffed.

Tattoos for guys are always a way of self-expression, manifestation of their strengths, priorities and life position. If it is a fox, it can carry different meanings, for example:

  • cunning and ingenuity;
  • vanity;
  • independence and freedom of choice;
  • agility and flexibility;
  • insidiousness;
  • narcissism.

As you can see, among the qualities of this predator there are both positive and negative qualities. A detailed designation can be obtained by seeing in front of you a finished sketch for a tattoo. In 2018-2019, the most recent sketch ideas are as follows:

Fox with a sly look - a squint in her gaze symbolizes open curiosity, malice and even deceit.

Bending fox - a manifestation of sensuality, passion, sexuality, the owner of the tattoo is a playful and seductive nature.

Fox grin - a symbol of hidden aggression, a manifestation of anger and readiness to attack in any dangerous situation.

A fox rolled into a ball - denotes devotion to family ties, the presence of worries and a certain vulnerability in the character of the owner.

Fox with another animal - the internal struggle of some qualities and characteristics with the opposite.

Important! It is believed that the sacred meaning and designation of a tattoo with a fox in men can be equated with the interpretation of tattoos with wolves, that is, loyalty to one partner for the rest of his life, self-confidence and a high level of self-esteem.

Why do men get the fox tattoo?

To understand what is the reason for such popularity of tattoos depicting a fox, it is enough to dig a little deeper into the history of different peoples and cultures. For example:

  • Ancient Rome - then it was believed that the animal is a messenger from hell, which means that it symbolizes evil, dark forces;
  • native american tribes - the fox was considered a sacred animal, bringing good luck, goodness and honor to man;
  • scandinavian peoples - here the fox was identified with the god of death Loki, the animal was considered a symbol of cunning and deception;
  • China - a symbol of the peace of the deceased, it was believed that if a person met a live fox, it was a deceased;
  • Korea - here the fox is perceived as a symbol of sexuality, procreation and female energy;
  • Japan - the fox is identified with wealth, protection, and they also say that the animal is a symbol of rain;
  • slavic peoples - the fox is considered the personification of cunning, deceit, sneakiness and even meanness.

Today, men are stuffing fox tattoos to emphasize such qualities as the sharp mind of a strategist, cunning and ingenuity, speed and an adequate assessment of oneself.

Where do men apply fox-themed tattoos

The fox is a compact animal that can be applied even to the most secluded places on the body. But the choice of place is not so much determined by free space as by sacred meaning. A fox on a hand or a tattoo with a fox on a leg may suggest radically different decryptions.


A fox on his shoulders is an indicator that a man is confident, reliable and able to defend the honor of his family. In this place, any animal will be a symbol of whether it is possible to rely on such a man, how responsible he is.


A fox on the forearm is more of a challenge to society, a demonstration of its qualities, which this animal also has. That is cunning, sneakiness, skills of a skilled strategist and leader. If the animal looks predatory, the man declares his strength and readiness for battle.

Wrist tattoo

The wrist is a special place on the body, where fox tattoos are most often applied to protect themselves from bad luck, ill-wishers, meanness and deception. In this zone, the fox is often accompanied by symbols of sacred and mystical meaning in order to strengthen the amulet.

Tattoos on the palm, hands and fingers

With his hands, a man is able to do things and influence the environment, and if a fox is drawn on his hands, palms or fingers, it means that a man strives to take the maximum about life, but without losses for himself.

Tattoo sleeve

The sleeve is a whole artistic masterpiece that completely covers the entire arm with a tattoo pattern. The fox sleeve has a reinforced sacred meaning, since it is larger and complemented by other details. More often it is a man's desire to adopt the qualities of a predator and imitate him.


On the neck, the tattoo is located as close as possible to the head and heart. This means that a fox in the form of a tattoo in this place is needed to reassess values, change thinking and lifestyle, demonstrate loyalty and devotion to one partner.


For a long time, tattoos on the chest were needed for men at risk. If you correctly select a sketch of a fox on the chest, the animal can become a real talisman against difficulties, mistakes, dark forces and evil.


The perfect solution for a tattoo that is purely personal. If the fox is located on the left under the heart, its meaning will come into contact with love affairs. If on the other side, it means that the man wants to strengthen the talents and qualities similar to the fox.


Girls often wear tattoos on the hips, but men today can also depict a tattoo with a fox here. The meaning will be closely intertwined with the intimate component, symbolizing the sensuality and passion of the male nature.


On the back, men most often depict a fox today. This zone is responsible for the rear, which means that such a predator will become a shield from dark forces and troubles, endow a man with a sharp mind and sufficient strength to defend himself in dangerous situations.


Tattoos on the shoulder blades are designed to pacify the dark sides of the soul, while strengthening others important qualities - strength, courage, intelligence and ingenuity. The fox will do an excellent job with such tasks.


Legs are responsible for choosing a life path and a man's actions for implementation. A fox on his feet will become a faithful companion helping to move in the right direction, avoiding obstacles and difficulties.

Not every man can get a fox tattoo. It is extremely important that the tattoo and its drawing are in harmony with the character, disposition, image, age and lifestyle of a man. A tattoo with a fox can be applied to those who have the following features:

  • high mindset - since the fox is by nature an intelligent and savvy strategist;
  • the ability to find a way out in a difficult situation - the fox, in case of difficulties, shows flexibility and sneakiness;
  • sexuality - the grace and passion of the animal should be expressed in the nature of the owner of the tattoo;
  • grace - it is unlikely that a tattoo with a fox will adequately look on a brutal man with a beard and huge muscles, unless it is an aggressive predator;
  • indifference to public opinion - a fox, like a wolf, is in a sense a loner and a detached animal, therefore, the owner of a tattoo must be an independent person;
  • desire not to be like everyone else and to be different - in this case, the fox is stuffed on visible parts of the body.
  • large areas on the body (back, chest, arms, forearms, legs, sides, shoulder blades, and forearms) - here you can apply a close-up animal in a jump, a fox in a ball, a hunting animal, as well as decorate a tattoo in various interesting styles, add details, symbols or other characters;
  • small areas on the body (hands and wrists, fingers, neck) - if the space for a tattoo is limited, it is better to choose a sketch in the style of minimalism or similar, where details, symbols, different colors, lines and other elements of the picture are involved at a minimum.

Pay special attention to whether you need to periodically hide the tattoo. If so, give preference to places such as chest, back, sides, shoulder blades. For the rest, you can safely experiment with different sections and sketches.

Fox Tattoo Styles & Colors

The style of the tattoo can also affect the perception of the wearer and the environment. Today, there are several dozen styles and trends, but for fox tattoos, the following options are more common:

fairy design - accurate execution of the fox on a reduced scale;

realism - with the help of different shades and shadows and light transmission, a believable pattern is obtained;

tribal - visually resembles a pattern, but conveys the image of a fox;

geometry - the image of a fox using geometric lines, angles and shapes;

old school - a colorful show in a cartoon, but at the same time daring and brutal performance.

Colored paints are practiced in the case of tattoo designs for old school and realism. The master most often uses shades of red, red, brown. In other cases, only a black and white sketch is appropriate.

Symbols with which a fox tattoo can be combined

To enhance the sacred meaning of the tattoo or slightly change the direction vector, various elements and objects are added to the image of the fox. For example:

  • glasses - a symbol of a sharp mind, resourcefulness, developed thinking;
  • cigarette or smoking pipe - a symbol of cunning, self-interest, cunning, as well as sneakiness;
  • flowers - a sign of devotion to one partner and the sensuality of the soul;
  • flame - a symbol of thirst for life, sensuality and passion, inner transformation;
  • weapon - a sign of risk and danger, a desire to defend against evil and enemies.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

You only need to get a tattoo in an official salon where qualified and experienced tattoo artists work. The salon must have a license as a permit for this type of activity. If you stuff tattoos in unverified places and for beginners in such a business, you can injure the skin, infect an infection, and get poor-quality work.

Do you consider the fox to be your totem animal?


Not every society and circle of people will correctly and positively perceive a tattoo with a fox. In the underworld among criminals and prisoners, the fox is interpreted as "FOX" - love and death. The following fox tattoos are not recommended:

  • grin of a fox - aggression can be perceived as a manifestation of evil and the dark sides of the human soul;
  • fox form - a person's tendency to deliberate deceit and lies, deception and betrayal;
  • creeping fox - such tattoos were stuffed with card sharpers, it will cause a feeling of fear, anxiety and distrust in the surroundings of the owner of the tattoo.

In order for the fox to be perceived in a positive way, it is extremely important to choose the right tattoo sketch, knowing its detailed designation.


The fox is a savvy and dexterous animal with both good and not quite qualities. Therefore, different formats of male fox tattoos can be perceived in different ways. We advise you to carefully consider the meaning of the selected tattoo sketch, compare your features with the qualities of this animal, choose the right place and style for body art.

Each strives for individuality manifestation in his own way. One way to stand out from the crowd is to get a tattoo. In addition, each tattoo carries some meaning. What can a fox tattoo tell about its owner?

Total value

The fox tattoo is, of course, primarily associated with cunning and cunning. This attitude towards red-haired beauties is understandable: it develops under the influence of stereotypes rooted in Russian and Ukrainian folk tales, as well as myths and legends of the Scandinavian tribes. In the works of the fox, as a rule, the role of a skillful deceiver is assigned, she is credited with almost devilish habits.

However, the peoples of the east have a different attitude to this animal. In China, for example, the fox symbolizes longevity. There is a belief that a fox, having reached the age of fifty, acquires the ability to turn into a woman, after a hundred years of life - into a young girl, and after a thousand years - into both a man and a woman. In addition, the fox is revered in China as a symbol of good luck.

In Japan, the attitude towards the fox is no less favorable than in China: there the image of the fox is associated with luck in monetary and business terms. It is believed that a fox tattoo on the body promotes entrepreneurial ability and can attract profit.

In ancient Egypt, as well as in Russia, the fox was credited with the habits of the devil. In addition to cunning and cunning, she was also credited with seductiveness, frivolity, playfulness and depravity. Therefore, sexuality can be considered another meaning of the fox tattoo.

Thus, the following general meanings of a fox tattoo can be distinguished:

  • 1 value - Cunning and cunning;
  • 2nd value - Longevity;
  • 3 value - Wealth;
  • Success;
  • Sexuality.


It is only natural that the fox tattoo is more common in girls than in guys. The owner of such a body image gives a signal to everyone around that she is not as simple as they might think. She, like a fox, can be cute and cute, but she will not let herself be offended. In addition, the image of the fox also carries a sexual message. These animals are characterized by resourcefulness and cunning, which, as it were, the owner of such a tattoo wants to warn.

As a rule, a tattoo in the form of a fox can be seen on the body of a woman who is wise by life experience and has seen a lot in her lifetime. The image reflects her inner attitude and willingness to face troubles and overcome them.

Young girls are also supportive of such a tattoo. However, they stuff the fox on the shoulder or back, not really studying its meaning. Rather, they are attracted by the external data of the animal, rather than character traits. They associate the image of a fox with grace, beauty and mystery.


The image of a red-haired beauty can be seen much less often on the body of a representative of the stronger sex. And in vain, because, as mentioned earlier, such a tattoo, according to the Japanese, can bring income and prosperity, success in any business. Of course, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of the image itself so that it looks organic on the male body.

Prison value

Prisoners often have the abbreviation LIS on their bodies, which stands for "love and death" and such a tattoo has nothing to do with fiery red animals. If, however, an animal is stuffed, then on the zone it does no honor to its owner: such a tattoo has a meaning that this person is devilishly cunning and cunning. Such a prisoner cannot see the confidence of inmates as his ears.

So, let's summarize. The image of a fox can symbolize both cunning, cunning and resourcefulness, and longevity, success and prosperity. More often, such a tattoo can be found on the body of the fair sex, but for men the image of a fox is also suitable. And, of course, it is important what value the person himself puts into such a tattoo.

Each sign on the human body carries a certain energy. Some signs are given from birth. For example: beautiful moles and flies on the face go to the lucky ones. They bring fame and fortune. But with the help of drawn signs - tattoos, you can attract not only luck into your life. Images on the body: animals, pentagrams, numbers, hieroglyphs can change character traits, add strength and fearlessness to their owner.

In ancient cultures, decorating the body with drawings had a sacred meaning - it was a connection with the gods, with the forces of nature. Some symbols gave protection from dark forces, while some, on the contrary, could summon demons. Modern body art is not associated with some otherworldly forces, it is more art. People admire tattooing and use it to emphasize their individuality. But still, let's turn to history, because it's interesting.

The traditional meaning of a fox tattoo

  • In the East, to this day, the fox is considered a good sign, even a talisman. In China, it is a symbol of health and longevity. In Japanese culture, the red-headed predator has become the patron saint of business, and the white fox with nine tails is personified as a deity. In Korea, the image of a furry animal is associated with feminine beauty and sexuality. This sign is also associated with procreation.
  • The ancient Celts considered the fox to be a mythical symbol associated with the other world.
  • In ancient Rome, the fox was not revered, it was feared as a messenger from hell itself.
  • In ancient Egypt, in a country that worshiped many gods (birds, animals), the red cheat was treated with caution. She symbolized deceit and deception.
  • Well, in Russian folklore, the red-haired beast is always cunning, smart and resourceful.

What personalities prefer fox tattoos

An image with such a cute, and at the same time, cunning beast is most often chosen by confident ladies who like to demonstrate their sexuality. These are extraordinary personalities, ready for much for the sake of what they want. Passionate seducers for men and very cunning for rivals. However, you should not consider a fox tattoo as only a female sign. A drawing with a cunning beast is also suitable for male energy. The owners of fox tattoos are very resourceful, quirky and endowed with good intuition. Perhaps it is this sign that enhances all these qualities.

The image of the fox is the embodiment cunning without cunning... This perception was facilitated by numerous tales and legends in which the fox invariably tried to deceive the protagonist. This predator aimed at its goal, using cunning tricks, but without resorting to extreme measures.

At the same time, in the symbolism of the eastern peoples, the fox was practically deified.
The fox is a beautiful small predatory animal with a bright fluffy tail. Many find this beast to be very cute.
The external attractiveness of the animal, the image is full of sometimes opposite meanings, explain the popularity of tattoos with a fox.

Who is it for? The symbol is suitable for purposeful individuals capable of thinking outside the box.
Intelligence, speed and charm are the inherent qualities of a symbol and the person who chose him will have to match them.

Places and style of tattoo. The fox image is versatile and looks great on both men and girls.
It is very difficult to single out the most popular style. It might seem like photos of brightly colored tattoos should prevail, but surprisingly black and white sketches are almost as popular.
Geometric tattoo style - when small figures consisting of straight lines are put together into one image, it looks very impressive.

Symbol meaning

The general meaning, despite its ambiguity, in most cases carries a positive meaning.
Such a tattoo in the modern sense:

  • The combination of evil and good;
  • the desire to develop simultaneously in mind, dexterity and ingenuity;
  • purposefulness;
  • wisdom and confidence

The meaning of the tattoo depends on the expression of the face and the position of the beast in the sketch.
Grin - more cunning than cunning.
If the main emphasis in the tattoo is on the face the beast is curiosity and dexterity.
Fox's tail - agility and agility.
Squinting - cunning and ingenuity.
Curved body - seduction and attractiveness.
Fox, curled up into a ball - tenderness and vulnerability.

Symbol in history: In Russia, she was called a cheat and a deceiver.
In a number western countries, during the "holy" Inquisition, she is a symbol of the devil.

Chinese style fox:
Men in China such a tattoo was used to decorate their body as a protective "amulet". The fox here symbolized good luck and longevity. There was even a proverb "where foxes are not found, you should not found a village."
Chinese fox for women - a symbol of a cunning and insidious lovemaker. It was believed that this symbol helps the rival in seducing men and destroys families.

nine tailed fox is a symbol of reincarnation. There is a myth according to which a fox is capable of transforming into a young man or girl of amazing and incomparable beauty once every 1000 years.
The number of tails in a symbol can be either 3 or 9. In the modern sense, it is protection from monetary failures and love fiasco.
Japanese style - originally a symbol of fertility and prosperity. It was believed that the fox helps Inari (goddess of rice fields). Figures of rice could be found in the dwellings of almost every farmer.
Now the symbol means a craving for self-development in different directions at the same time: ingenuity, speed, fortitude and observation.

Fox in celtic style... Here, the symbol is considered a reliable protection against thieves and robbery. It was believed that the tattoo of this beast contributes to the development of intuition in warriors.
For the Celts, the symbol meant wisdom and knowledge of the other worlds.

In a number indian tribes, the fox was considered a sacred animal. Just like a cow in India. In fact, this attitude from the Indians is not surprising. After all, the fox helped to accumulate a lot of knowledge about the usefulness of certain herbs.
The fox's cunning and caution were appreciated. A tattoo with a grin of an animal was a symbol of shamans and "doctors".

For northern peoples , the fox is the personification of new life. It was believed that the symbol helps expectant mothers.
The Scandinavians have a myth according to which the fox was able to outwit the god of treachery and deceit named Locke. The fox was able to steal the fire from him.
In the symbolism of these peoples, there is an image of a bracelet of two foxes. This bracelet was used by shamans and soothsayers. It was believed that he develops intuition and allows you to recognize lies.

Have Egyptians in the image of foxes, they signified the mediator between heaven and earth, the god Toloka.

In Peru - symbolizes the ability to control human consciousness.
IN Korea - female charm and attractiveness, sometimes promiscuity.
IN Ancient Rome - a symbol of the devil.

Meaning for girls and men

Before you decide on a sketch and a place for your future tattoo, let's remember that there are several types of foxes. The most familiar to us are red foxes.

More severe look at black-brown foxes. Appearance white foxes - the embodiment of friendliness and playfulness. Their image is perfect for a fun sketch.

A small chanterelle with big ears is called fennec... This beast lives in the deserts of North Africa, and not in the forests, like all the rest of it gather.

The gray fox is a very beautiful and graceful animal. To the traditional red color is added a gray “cloak” and a black tip of the tail. The expression on the face of such an animal is always calm and a little impudent.

Girls often choose the image of a graceful and graceful predator with a curved body. It is believed that the symbol helps the fair sex in the difficult task of seducing the strong half of humanity.
For men, the sign gives strength on the way to their goal.
However, it is important to remember that the main meaning of the symbol is cunning. And cunning is not as a last resort, but as a lifestyle. A person with this symbol will be cunning, even if it is not required, simply out of "love for art."

For girls a tattoo with a fox carries the meaning of cunning and seduction. The fox who curled up into a ball is a timid, gentle and slightly shy girl. Windiness and inconstancy can also be called the hallmarks of this sign.
For women, the fox symbol means duality. How the animal itself can be wild or domestic. So a person with such a tattoo can be a devoted wife or a depraved seducer.
The duality of the symbol is also manifested in the character: a girl can look cute, playful and gentle. But, the offenders of such a person will have a very difficult time.

The symbol is suitable for girls who are characterized by selfishness and self-confidence. The image of a fox suits a person with character traits:

  • Good mind;
  • Composure;
  • Grace;
  • Sexuality;
  • A trick that delights others;
  • Plastic;
  • Bravery;
  • The desire to stand out from the crowd.

For men the meaning changes to dexterity, ingenuity and determination. Sometimes men choose the image of a le's (Fox is a male fox).

Expressing the sex of an animal in a sketch is not difficult if you use your imagination. For example, you can depict an animal dressed in a tuxedo or with a huge cigar in hand, for the latter, of course, an image in cartoon form is best suited. But, of course, it's not bad to take into account the meaning of this symbol as well.

Tattoo with fox means - "one love for life." Because and in living nature, these animals are true "monogamous".

Place on the body: where to beat the fox?

Hands is probably the most popular place for such tattoos. The fox looks great on the shoulders, wrists or forearm.

In a number of Western countries, such a tattoo is common in the business environment. It is believed that this sign will help develop the qualities necessary for an entrepreneur.

Fox tattoo on feet - female tattoo. Tattoos that are symbolic and iconic for a person are rarely placed on the legs. Basically, the purpose of such tattoos is decoration.

Small tattoos are best placed on the feet, legs or calves. A crouching fox will look spectacular in the area hips.

You will find a huge number of photos and sketches with the image of a fox in ours.

Meaning in prison:

In places of imprisonment, as you know, their special attitude to tattoo culture.
The abbreviation "L.I.S." - "Love and death"
The image of a fox means the cunning of the prisoner, his tendency to deceit. Sometimes, such a symbol is the sign of an experienced card player or sharper.


Five-minute video: a girl gets a tattoo of a fox's face on her leg:

Video collage of photos and sketches for a fox tattoo:

Surely everyone remembers the tales of sly foxes heard in childhood. This red-haired cheat has become one of the favorite characters in instructive parables, fables, legends and myths, her image has penetrated all existing forms of art, and tattooing is no exception. This forest predator can often be seen on the shoulder of a bright guy or a confident girl, we will reveal the meaning of the fox tattoo today.

The image of the fox in mythology and culture

In most European cultures, the fox is portrayed in a negative light. Her red fur was associated with everything related to vice, because red was considered the color of hellfire: treachery, deceit and lust.

In ancient Rome, foxes were called demons of fire. On the holiday of Ceres, burning torches were tied to the tails of animals and drove them through the fields, believing that this would protect the crop from fire. A starfish sprinkled with fox blood was nailed to the door to protect the dwelling from evil spells. The Scandinavians considered these animals an attribute of Loki.

In the Christian tradition, the red fox is the devil's henchman, the reason for this is not only its fiery color, but also the hunting tactics: pretending to be dead in order to deceive the victim and pounce when she does not expect it, it was believed that only Satan could act this way. The cunning fox was perceived as a tempter, a thief and a murderer who achieves his goals by skillful deception, and deception, of course, could not be associated with anything good. However, the fox still managed to become an attribute of Saint Boniface.
In medieval Europe, the "Novel about the Fox" was very popular, which tells the story of the clever and inventive Renard, who fights with a rough and cruel wolf and a strong, but stupid bear. Renard also became a character in the famous German cartoon "Reinecke the Fox" in 1930 and in the 2007 Luxembourgish remake.

These animals played a special role in Japanese mythology. - a fox, which could have up to nine tails, with a life expectancy of about a thousand years, was a master of illusions, could penetrate the human mind and take the form of a human There are a huge number of legends telling about how a kitsune turns into a girl and marries a mortal man, takes the guise of a young man to meet young women, an old man to bring wisdom to the masses. There is also a popular story about kitsune, who, in the guise of a man, forget to hide their tail (or tails), they are exposed and captivated.

The white fox is almost always depicted with nine tails, because their number depends on the degree of power. Upon reaching its highest point, the kitsune becomes white, silver or golden in color. The Japanese associate the black fox with good, and the white fox is considered the messenger of the gods. By the way, the god Inari, responsible for rice fields, abundance and wealth, the patron saint of entrepreneurs, chose a fox as a companion and part-time mount. If you see the work in the oriental style, it is safe to say what the fox tattoo means in this case, it is the kitsune.

Foxes have become favorite images of some artists. Among the works of the Dutch animal painter Ryen Purtvliet there are many realistic paintings depicting scenes from the life of these animals. Franz Mark, a bright German expressionist, portrayed foxes in a natural setting, considering them, like other animals, creatures much more perfect and beautiful than humans.

Nowadays, foxes are increasingly being raised as pets. Keeping these animals, of course, is more difficult than cats and dogs, but the owners of chanterelles say that their pets become very friendly and affectionate if you treat them with kindness.

What can a chanterelle tell about its owner?

So what does a fox tattoo mean? What qualities of character of her owner can she tell others about?

  • Cunning... This is perhaps the most obvious designation for a fox tattoo. She lies on her back and freezes, and when the trusting prey gets close enough, the fox grabs her sharply. Therefore, foxes have become a symbol of deceit and deception. It used to be believed that cunning is a woman's weapon, a fox tattoo on the arm, for example, among the fair sex can be seen more often for this reason. There is still a stereotype that women manage to weave a web of intrigue much more skillfully than men, and without entering into direct confrontation, they get their way faster.
  • Extraordinary mind... Cunning is an indicator of ingenuity and extraordinary intelligence. Such works are often chosen by people who want to emphasize their ability to think outside the box, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.
  • Longevity... A fox tattoo can become a talisman designed to give good health, a long and happy life, like the nine-tailed kitsune.
  • Wealth... This meaning also came to tattoo culture from the mythology of the country. rising sun... The fox is the messenger of the god of abundance, therefore, it promises its owner a life in abundance.
    For girls, a fox tattoo can acquire additional meaning - sexuality... In some cultures, these animals were considered some of the most voluptuous.

Image of a fox in tattoo art

As for the choice of the style of the future tattoo, the ideal option for depicting animals is realism, the fox tattoo will look like a painting, it can even be a whole forest landscape on the whole back or a sleeve with a fox and other forest inhabitants. Such works are often done from a photo and are hardly distinguishable from the original.

Realism is considered one of the most difficult styles to perform, so you should not contact the first master you come across just because he will offer an acceptable price. Still, the tattoo will remain with you for life, so you should not save money if you want a beautiful fox to please you every day, and not make you regret and think about how and how to cover an unsuccessful drawing.


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