What the Eskimo looks like. Eskimos: interesting facts from the life of the Northern people

What the Eskimo looks like. Eskimos: interesting facts from the life of the Northern people

All about everything. Tom 3 Likum Arkady

Where did Eskimos come from?

Where did Eskimos come from?

Eskimos are a kind of north-American Indians. They are similar to the Mongols, but not more than some other native Aborigines and South America. Eskimos, like the Indians, came from Asia. It is believed that the first Eskimos fell into North America through Bering Strait and Alaska 2000-3000 years ago. Then some of them moved along the Eastern and southern coast Alaska and reached the place where modern Anchorage is located. Others downtown on the Aleutian Islands, but most of the West moved along the northern shores of Alaska and Canada.

The first famous meeting of Eskimos and Europeans took place approximately 1000 of our era, when the Scandinavian travelers saw Eskimos in Labrador or Newfoundland. Later in Greenland, Eskimo met with Norwegians. During the XII and XIII centuries in Greenland, it was concluded a large number of Mixed marriages between Europeans and Eskimos. Today, many Eskimos looks like Europeans.

It is important to understand that Eskimos differ from each other as well as most Europeans. Some of them look like bright Scandins or Germans, others - on dark-haired Italians. Probably the reason for the residence of Eskimos in the north is that they are hunters, and their country is one of the best in North America for hunting.

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Where did the names of relatives on marriage come from? Dmitry Sumyavastar, Researcher, Department of Corps Linguistics and Linguistic Poetics of the Russian Language Institute. V. V. Vinogradova Ravor Russian and other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthere are a number of words denoting


Eskimi -s; mN. The people living on the coast of the Chukotka Peninsula in Russia, on the Arctic Coast of North America and in Greenland; Representatives of this people.

Eskimo, -a; m. Eskimo, - and; mN. Rod. -the juice, dates. -Sim; g. Eskimo, and ,y.


(self-calf - inuit), group of peoples in Alaska (USA, 38 thousand people, 1995), north of Canada (28 thousand people), Island of Greenland (Greenlandians, 47 thousand people) and in Russia (Magadan region and Wrangel Island, 1.7 thousand people, 1992). Eskimo language.


Eskimos, the people in the northern polar regions of the Western Hemisphere (from the eastern tip of Chukotka to Greenland), live in Alaska (USA, 44 thousand people, 2000), North of Canada (41 thousand people, 1996), Greenland Island (50.9 thousand people, 1998) and in Russian Federation (Chukotka and Wrangel Island, 1.7 thousand people., 2002). The total number is about 130 thousand people (2000, evaluation).
Eastern Eskimos call themselves inuita, Western-Jupics. They speak Eskimo language, which is divided into two large groups of dialects - Jupik (Western) and Inupik (Eastern). In Chukotka, Jupik is divided into the Syranyak, Central Siberian (Chaplinsky) and the Nabikan dialects. Eskimos of Chukotka, along with their relatives, own Russian and Chukotka languages.
Anthropologically Eskimos refer to the Arctic type of the Mongoloids. Eskimo ethnic community has formed about 5-4 thousand years ago in the Bering Sea area and settled to the east to Greenland, reaching it long before our era. Eskimos adapted to life in the Arctic, creating a swivel harpoon for the hunting of the marine beast, boat kayak, a snowy dwelling needle, deaf furry.
On the feet of the Eskimo, fur stockings and the Nerpi Torbas (Camcic) were put on. Waterproof shoes were made from the selected sealing skins without wool. Clothes decorated with embroidery or mosaic from fur. Up to 18th century, Eskimos, a porch of the nasal septum or a lower lip, suspended the walrup teeth, bone rings and glass beads. Eskimo men's tattoo - mugs in the corners of the mouth, female - straight or concave parallel lines on the forehead, nose and chin. A more complex geometric ornament was applied on the cheek. Tattoos covered hands, brushes, forearm.
For movement on water, they used boats Biders and kayaks. Easy and high-speed Baidar (Angayapik) was distinguished by water resistance. Her wooden frame was tightened by a walrus skin. Baidars were different types - from single boats to 25-seater sailboats. On land, the Eskimos moved on the dugokopny narts. Dogs hardened the "fan". From the mid-19th century, Narti pulled the dogs harnessed by Tsugom (Eastern Esibirsk Type Hard). Short Curly Sanya with Laschi Fangs (Kanrac) were also used. According to the snow, they went on skis (in the form of a frame of two slats with fastened ends and transverse struts, intertwined straps of malproy leather and beaten with bone plates), on ice - using special spikes from the bone fortified on the shoes.
For the original culture of Eskimos in the 18-19 centuries, a combination of hunting for the marine beast was characterized by a deer caribou, significant relics of primitive-collectivist standards in the distribution of production, the life of territorial communities. The way of hunting for marine animals depended on their seasonal migrations. Two whale hunting seasons corresponded to the time of passing them through Bering Strait: Spring to North, in the fall - south. Whales shot harpunas from a few Baidar, and later - harpoon cannons.
The most important object of the fishery was walrus. Since the end of the 19th century, new fishing weapons and equipment appeared, the hunt for fur animals has spread. The mining of walrus and seals replaced the whaling collapse. When the marine animals lacked, they shot wild deer and mountain rams from the onion, birds, caught fish.
The settlements were located in such a way that it was convenient to observe the movement of the marine beast - at the base of the pebbleth-emitted spots, on the elevated places. The most ancient type of dwelling is a stone building with an in-depth floor. Walls folded from stones and whale ribs. The frame was covered with reindeer skins, laid a layer of turf, stones and tops again covered with skins.
Up to 18th century, and in some places, the Eskimos lived in semi-flowing skew dwellings. In the 17-18th centuries, skewed buildings appeared similar to Chukotka Yaranga. Summer dwelling is a quadrangular tent, in shape resembling an oblique pyramid, and the wall with the entrance was higher than the opposite. The frame of this dwelling was built from logs and stories and covered with firing skins. Since the end of the 19th century, lightweight houses with a duplex roof and windows have appeared.
Traditional food of Eskimos - meat and fat of seals, walrles and whales. The meat was raw, dried, dried, frozen, boiled, harvested for the winter: quasil in the pits and fir with fat, sometimes in a semi-wood form. The delicacy was considered a raw whale fat with a layer of cartilage skin (mantack). Fish was dried and dried, fir-frozen fresher. The venison was highly appreciated, which was exchanged in Chukchi to the skins of marine animals.
The expense of kinship in Eskimos was conducted on the father's line, the marriage was Patriocal. Each settlement consisted of several groups of related families who occupied a separate twilight in winter, in which each family had its own canopy. In summer, families lived in separate tents. The facts of working out for his wife were known, there were customs to match children, marry the boy on an adult girl, the custom of "marriage partnerships", when two men exchanged wives in friendship (hospitable generism). The marriage ceremony did not exist. In wealthy families, many regulations were met.
Religion of Eskimos - the cults of spirits, some animals. In the 19th century, Eskimos did not have a generic and developed tribal organization. As a result of contacts with the emergency population in the life of Eskimos, there were great changes. A significant part has moved from marine fishery to the hunt for the sands, and in Greenland - to the commercial fisheries. Part of the Eskimos, especially in Greenland, became hired workers. Eximos of Western Greenland have been formed into the ethnic community of Greenland, who do not consider themselves with Eskimos. In Labrador, Eskimos is greatly mixed with the old-timing population of European origin.
In the Russian Federation, Eskimos - a small ethnic group, living mixed or in the close proximity to Chukchi in a number of settlements in the east coast of Chukotka and on the island of Wrangel. Their traditional occupation is a marine hypership. Eskimos practically did not undergo Christianization. They believed in the spirits, the owners of all animated and inanimate objects, the phenomena of nature, localities, wind directions, various states of a person, in a related communication of a person with any animal or subject. There were ideas about the creator of the world, called his forces. He was the Creator and the owner of the Universe, followed the compliance of the customs of the ancestors. The main marine deity, the hostess of marine animals was Sedna, who sent prey to people. Evil spirits were presented in the form of giants or dwarfs, or other fantastic creatures that were satisfied with people and misfortunes. In each village there was a shaman (usually it was a man, but the women's shamans are known), which was a mediator between evil spirits and people.
Eskimos created a distinctive decorative and applied and art. Excavations are open to the end of the first millennium BC, the bone tips of the harpunov and arrows, the so-called winged items (presumably, decorating the nasal parts of the boat), stylized figures of people and animals, kayak models, decorated with images of people and animals, as well as complex carved ornament. Among the characteristic species of Eskimo art of 18-20 centuries - the manufacture of flag of walrus (less often soap stone), wood carving, art appliqué and embroidery (patterns of deer fur and skin, adorning clothes and household items).
The mining of a large beast dedicated commercial holidays. Among the Eskimo fairy tales, the cycle of Vorona Kuthe occupies a special place. Early stages of the development of Eskimo culture include bone carving: sculptural miniature and bone artistic engraving. The ornament covered the hunting equipment, household items; Images of animals and fantastic beings served as amulets and decorations. Eskimo music (Aignananga) is predominantly vocal. The tambourine is a personal and family shrine (sometimes used by shamans). He takes a central place in music.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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    Eskimos ... Wikipedia

    Eskimos, Eskimos, units. Eskimo, Eskimo, husband. Nature, living along the polar coast of North America and in the north-eastern tip of Asia. Western Eskimos. Eastern Eskimos (living along the shores and the islands of the Bering Sea, the same that ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    The tribe, numbering about 100 thousand people and the Labrador Island and Labrador Island through Arctic Canada, North and Western Alaska to East Chukotka inclusive. Eskimos created a distinctive decorative ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

    - (Samonazv. Inite) A group of peoples in Alaska (USA, 38 thousand people, 1992), North of Canada (28 thousand people), oh. Greenland (Greenlandians, 47 thousand people) and in the Russian Federation (Magadan region and about. Wrangel, 1.7 thousand people, 1992). Language… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Eskimos, s, units. OS, A, M. A group of peoples living on the polar coast of North America, in Greenland and in the north-eastern tip of Asia. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Tribe living in sowing. Polar, America countries; Engage in hunting and fishing. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The people settlered from the eastern tip of Chukotka to Greenland. The total number of about 90 thousand people (1975, evaluation). They speak Eskimo language (see Eskimo). Anthropologically belong to the Arctic type of the Mongoloids. Eh ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The people settlered from the vehicle The tip of Chukotka to Greenland. The total number is OK. 90 thousand people (1974, Evaluation). Eskimo belongs to the Eskimo Aleutian family of languages. Anthropologically E. belong to the Arctic. Type of Mongoloids. Like the people ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    eskimi - Representatives of the people living on Chukotka and Kamchatka (as well as in the USA). Eskimos differ great unpretentiousness, diligence, will of the will and excerpt. They are benevolent and indulgence in relations with representatives of other ethnic ... Ethnopsychological Dictionary

    eskimi - Eskimos, OV, MN (Uzh Eskimo, A, M). A group of peoples living in Alaska (USA), North of Canada, O. Greenland and in the Russian Federation (in the Magadan region and about. Wrangel); People belonging to this group of peoples; Yaz. Eskimo, Eskimo ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • As Eskimos retain their children in warm or the most practical approach to the upbringing of your child, Hopgud M .. The American journalist in a fascinating manner talks about the methods of raising children in different countries. With a large share of humor and cheerful irony, she shares his impressions from the way ...

Where do Eskimos live? And got the best answer

The answer from the user is deleted [Master]
Greenland, North America,

Answer from Evgeny Kuadzha[guru]
In Yurts and Yarangi if they cavoge.

Answer from Maria Travin[expert]
In Yurts and Yarangi.

Answer from User deleted[expert]
Eskimos - the indigenous people inhabiting the territory from the eastern edge of Chukotka to Greenland.

Answer from Vitalik Ido[guru]
in the refrigerator with popsicle

Answer from Guter[newcomer]
In yurts

Answer from \u003e Egorkin< [expert]
In Eskiosia. -)

Answer from Nikolai[guru]
where is the squirrel on a stick 🙂

Answer from Enidential[guru]
Georital - Greenland Island, North Canada, Alaska (USA)
Type of housing - portable halars from poles and skin of marine animals, most often - walrus skin. As often, in winter, build houses from ice, called "needle". To do this, in the ice massif, pieces of cubic shape are cut down and stacked on a spiral layer on the layer, in the ceiling of this hemispherical structure necessarily left. T Hole - chimney, the entrance is usually directed to the south side, or from the subvener side.
Modern Eskimos prefer comfortable comfortable accommodation of european type (ordinary houses)

Answer from User deleted[active]
in tundra

Answer from Chimera.[guru]
Eskimos - the indigenous people inhabiting the territory from the eastern edge of Chukotka to Greenland. Total - less than 90 thousand people (in 2000, approximately). Languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the Eskimo branch of the Eskimo-Aleutian family.
Anthropologists believe that the Eskimos - the Mongoloids of the Arctic Type. Their main self-inflammation is "Inuit". The word "Eskimo" ("Syroed", "The one who eats crude fish", "the one who comes from another land", "the one who speaks someone else's language") belongs to the language of Indian tribes of Abnakov and Atabasov. From the names of American Eskimos, this word turned into self-esteem for both American and Asian Eskimos.
In the Russian Federation, the number of nationality - 1718 people. Language - the Esko-Aleutian family of languages. Relief is the Chukchi Autonomous District of the Magadan Region.
The most easient people of the country. Live in the north-east of Russia, on the Chukotka Peninsula. Samulation - Yuk - "Man", Yugyt, or Jupik - "Real Man".
But if you proceed from one version of the translation of the Eskimo, namely "The one who speaks in someone else's language," I myself have a fair question \u003d)
Where do Eskimos live?
Probably in the needle, Yarange, the plague, depending on the dislocation.

Eskimos (a group of indigenous peoples, which makes up the indigenous population of the territory from Greenland and Canada to Alaska (USA) and the eastern edge of Chukotka (Russia). The number is about 170 thousand people. Languages \u200b\u200brelate to the Eskimo branch of the Eskimo-Aleutian family. Mantropologists believe that Eskimos - Mongoloids of the Arctic Type. Their main self-confusion - "Inuit". The word "Eskimo" (Eskimantzig - "Souroed", "The one who eats crude fish") belongs to the language of Indian tribes of Abenakov and Atabaskov. From the name of American Eskimos, this word has become self-confined both American and Asian Eskimos.


Household culture of Eskimos are unusually adapted to the Arctic. They invented the turned harpoon to hunt the sea beast, kayak, a snowy house needle, a house from Yaranga's skins, special deaf clothing from fur and skins. Ancient ancient culture of Eskimos. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. The combination of hunting on the marine beast and on deer Caribou, the life of territorial communities.
In the XIX century, Eskimos did not have (except maybe Beringomorsky) generic and developed tribal organization. As a result of contacts with the recovery population in the life of foreign Eskimos, great changes occurred. Significant part of them moved from marine fishery to the hunt for the sands, and in Greenland - to the commercial fisheries. Many Eskimos, especially in Greenland, became workers. Here the petty local bourgeoisie appeared. Eskimos of Western Greenland have been formed in a separate people - Greenland, who do not consider themselves Eskimos. Easterns of Eastern Greenland - Angmasassalik. In Labrador, Eskimos is greatly mixed with the old-timing population of European origin. Everywhere the remains of the traditional culture of Eskimos quickly disappear.

Language and culture

Language - Eskimo, Esko-Aleutian family of languages. Eskimo languages \u200b\u200bare divided into two major groups - Jupik (Western) and Inupik (Eastern). At the Chukotka Peninsula, the Jupik is divided into the Sisthenik, Central Siberian, or Chaplinsky and Naban dialects. Eskimos of Chukotka, along with their relatives, own Russian and Chukotka languages.
The origin of the Eskimos is controversial. Eskimos are direct heirs of ancient culture common since the end of the first millennium BC. On the shores of Bering Sea. The earliest Eskimo culture is ancient-Beringomorskaya (before the VIII century. AD). It is characterized by the extraction of marine mammals, the use of multi-family leather butdar, complex harpunov. From VII century AD until the XIII-XV centuries. The development of whaling fishery, and in more northern areas of Alaska and Chukotka - hunting for small lastonous.
Traditionally, Eskimos - Animists. Eskimos believes in spirits living in various phenomena of nature, see the connection of a person with the world around him surrounding it. Many believe in the Unified Creator of the Strike, which manages everything that happens in the world, all phenomena and laws. The goddess that giving the Eskimos of the riches of the marine subsoil is called Sedna. There are also ideas about evil spirits represented by Eskimos in the form of incredible and terrible creatures. Shaman, living in every Eskimo village - an intermediary, aware of the contact of the world of spirits with the world of people. Tuben for Eskimos - a sacred subject. A traditional greeting, called the Eskimo Kisses, was a world famous gesture.

Eskimos in Russia

In Russia, Eskimos - a small ethnic group (according to the 1970 census - 1356 people, according to the 2002 census - 1750 people), living mixed or in the close neighborhood with Chukchi in a number of settlements of the east coast of Chukotka and on the island of Wrangel. Their traditional classes are marine hunting fishing, reindeer herding, hunting. Eskimos of Chukotka call themselves "Yuk" ("Man"), "Yuit", "Yugyt", "Jupik" ("real man"). The number of Eskimos in Russia:

The number of Eskimos in settlements in 2002:

Chukotka JSC:

village New Chaplino 279

sirenik village 265.

village of Lawrence 214.

pGT Providence 174.

city Anadyr 153.

village Welkal 131.

Ethnic and ethnographic groups

Asian Eskimos in the XVIII century were shared on a row of tribes - Wallians, a scoreboard, Chapliners, the Syrapenik Eskimos, which were distinguished by linguistically and some features of culture. In a later period, in connection with the processes of integrating the cultures of Eskimos and Coast Chukchi, Eskimos retained the group features of the language in the form of the Naban, Sirenyakovsky and Chaplin dialects.

Along with the cores and confinements, the so-called "continental" group of populations of the Arctic race, which, by origin, is associated with Pacific Mongoloids. The main features of the Arctic race are presented in the northeast of Siberia in the paleoanthropological material of the turn of a new era.


In 1848, the Russian missionary N. Tyzhnov was published by the Investment of the Eskimo language. Modern writing based on the Latin graphics was established in 1932, when the first Eskimo (Yutsky) letter was released. In 1937, translated into a Russian graphic basis. There is a modern Eskimo prose and poetry (Ivanga, etc.). The most famous Eskimo poet. M. Anko.

Modern Eskimo alphabet based on Cyrillic: A, b b, in in, g g, d d, e e, oh, zh, z z, and and, l l l, m, m m, n n, n in, o o, p p, p p, with c, t t, u, ў ў, Ф ф, x x, c, hh, Ш, Ш, ъ, s s, b, uh, Yu Yu, I am.

There is a version of the Eskimo alphabet, created on the basis of a Canadian syllable letter for the languages \u200b\u200bof indigenous peoples of Canada.

Eskimos in Canada

The Eskimo people of Canada, known in this country under the intruding "Inuit", achieved its autonomy, with the creation of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory allocated from the North-Western territories.

The Labrador Peninsula Eskimos also have now their autonomy: in Quebec part of the peninsula, the Eskimo district Nunavik gradually increases its level of autonomy, and in 2005 and in the Peninsula part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Eskimo Autonomous District Nunatsiavut was also formed. Inuitis receive official payments from the government for the fact that they live in severe climatic conditions.

Eskimos in Greenland

Greenland (Eskimos of Greenland) is the Eskimo people, the indigenous population of Greenland. Calallitis from 44 to 50 thousand people consider themselves in Greenland, which is 80-88% of the population of the island. In addition, about 7.1 thousand Greenland residents live in Denmark (2006, estimate). They speak Greenlandic, Danish language is also widely distributed. Believers in the main Lutheran.

Live mainly in the south-west coast of Greenland. Three main groups are allocated:

western Greenland (Calallit itself) - South-west coast;

eastern Greenlanders (Angmasassalik, Tunumit) - on the east coast, where the most mild climate; 3.8 thousand people;

northern (polar) Greenlanders - 850 people. on the northwest coast; The world's northernmost group of the aboriginal population.

Historically, the self-confusion "Calallit" belonged only to Western Greenland. Eastern and northern Greenland people called themselves only their self-tasks, and the dialect of Northern Greenlanders is closer to the dialects of Inuit Canada, rather than to Western and East Greenland dialects.

Eskimo cuisine

The Kitchen of Eskimos consists of products obtained by hunting and collecting, the basis of the diet is meat, walrus, nerve, whitewash, deer, white bears, sheep, bird, and their eggs.

Since in the Arctic climate it is impossible to agriculture, the Eskimos collect tubers, roots, stems, algae, berries, and either eat them, or harvest. Eskimos consider that a diet consisting mainly of meat is useful, makes the body healthy and strong and helps to keep warm.

Eskimos believe that their kitchen is much more useful than the kitchen of the "White Man".

One example is the use of blood seal. After the use of blood and meat of seals, the veins increase in size and darken. Eskimos believe that the blood of seals strengthens the blood of eating due to the substitution of exhausted nutrients and the renewal of blood flow; Blood is a mandatory element of the Eskimo diet.

In addition, Eskimos believes that the meat diet warms, if you constantly eat in Eskimo. One Eskimo, Oleteo, eating a mixture of Eskimo and Western food, said that when he compared his strength, warmth and energy with similar indicators of his cousin, the o'clock only Eskimo food, it turned out that the brother is stronger and rustier. Eskimos in general tend to accuse the lack of Eskimo food in their diseases.

Eskimos choose food by analyzing three ties: between animals and people, between the body, soul and health, between the blood of animals and people; and also in accordance with the selected power mode. Eskimos are very superstitious with respect to food and cooking and eating. They believe that a healthy human body is obtained when mixing human blood with blood production.

For example, the Eskimos consider that the agreement concluded with seals: the hunter kills the seal only for the sake of the proceedings of his family, and the seal sacrifices himself in order to become part of the body of the hunter, and if people stop following the ancient agreements and the covenants of ancestors, the animals will be offended and Let's stop multiply.

The usual way to preserve meat after hunting is freezing. Hunters eat part of the mining right in place. Special tradition is associated with fish: the fish cannot be prepared within the day of the day from the place of fishing.

Eskimos are known for the fact that every hunter shares all the prey with everyone in the settlement. For the first time this practice was documented in 1910.

Meat eating, fat or other parts of the animal precedes the laid out of large pieces on a piece of metal, plastic or cardboard on the floor, from where anyone in the family can take a portion. Since Eskimos eat, only when hungry, family members should not go to the table, although it happens that the food is invited to everyone in the settlement: a woman goes to the street and shouts: "Ready meat!".

Food after hunting is different from ordinary feeding: when the seal is brought to the house, the hunters are going around it and the first to receive portions as the most hungry and cooled after hunting. The seal is separated by a special way, plowing the stomach so that the hunters can cut off a piece from the liver or pour into a blood circle. In addition, fat and brains are mixed and eaten with meat.

Children and women eating after hunters. First of all, the intestines and rest of the liver are chosen for eating, and then the ribs, the spine and the residues of meat are distributed over the settlement.

The separation of food was necessary for the survival of the entire settlement, the young couples give part of the catch and the extracted meat elderly, most often their parents. It is believed that, singing together, people are becoming connected by the Uzami cooperation.

Traditional dwelling Eskimos

The needle is a typical place of residence for Eskimo. This type of structure is a building, which has a domestic form. The dwelling diameter is 3-4 meters, and its height is about 2 meters. The needle is built, as a rule, from ice blocks or compacted by wind blocks from snow. Also, the needle is cut out of snowdrifts that are suitable for density, as well as in size.

If the snow is deep enough, the entrance is broken in the floor, and also dig a corridor to the entrance. In the case when the snow is still not deep, the entrance door cut through the wall, and a separate corridor, built from snow bricks, is attached to the entrance door. It is very important that entrance door In such a dwelling was below the floor level, since it is provided with good and proper ventilation of the room, as well as heat inside the needle.

Lighting in the home falls due to snow walls, but sometimes windows are also made. As a rule, they are also built from ice or seal intestines. In some Eskimo tribes, whole villages are common from the needle, which are connected by transitions among themselves.

From the inside, the needle is covered with skins, they also be hung over with them and walls in the needle. To ensure even more lighting, and larger heat applies special devices. Due to the heating, part of the walls inside the needle can be melted, but the walls themselves are not melted, due to the fact that the snow helps withdraw an excess heat outward. Due to this, the dwelling is supported comfortable for the existence of people temperatures. As for moisture, it also absorbs the walls, and because of this, inside the needle is dry.
The first non-Eskimo, who built a needle, was Williamur Stephenson. It happened in 1914, and he tells about this event in a variety of articles and his own book. The unique strength of this type of housing is to use the plates of a unique form. They allow you to fold the hut in the form of a kind of snail, which is gradually narrowed up. It is also very important to take into account the way to install these improvised bricks, which implies the support of the next stove to the previous brick in three points at the same time. In order for the design is more stable, the finished hut is also watered with water outside.

Russian Eskimos constitute a minor part of a sufficiently numerous polar people living in Russia - on the very tip of Chukotka, and beyond the coast of Alaska, in the indoor regions of Canada and Greenland. The total number of Eskimos is 97 thousand people, and only 1700 of them live in Russia.
Eskimos are direct heirs of ancient culture common since the end of the first millennium BC. On the shores of Bering Sea. From their distant ancestors, Eskimos inherited the Mongoloid features of appearance.

With the ethnonym "Eskimos" of Europeans for the first time introduced the French Pastor Bior: in his report on the trip to America in 1611, the word "Eskimantssik" was used, which in the language of Indians-Depotations meant "diligers of raw meat" - so they called the Eskimos, the crude skiing of China and similar disorders.

The self-assessment of the same Eskimos - Yugipit, or Yugyt, which means "real people."

Indeed, to the aliens, most often helpless in the face of the Arctic, Eskimo treated as the creatures are defective. Greenland Eskimos call such a "dog son" with a touch of irony and condescension.

The highest praise in the mouths of the Eskimo sounds the words that one English Admiral heard from the old Eskimo hunter after many years of joint wintering and wanderings: "You are almost like us."

Until the middle of the XIX century, Eskimos communicated a little with Russians. The rapprochement occurred when Russian fishers joined the main occupation of Eskimos - a hunt for a marine beast, mainly on China, Birza and the seal. However, the transfer of hunting fishery on industrial rails has threatened the traditional lifestyle of the Aborigines.

To date, no more than 20% of Russian Eskimos are fluent in their native language, and these people are mostly older generation. The rest can only understand the Eskimo.

Currently, the Chukotka has no purely Eskimo settlements. Everywhere they live with Russian, chukchi and other nations. The predominant part of the population they are only in 2 villages - a new chipper and lilacs.

Eskimos moved to the Polar, at the dawn of the history of mankind. And now they are better adapted to life in a cold climate than any other people. They have narrower nostrils than in people of other races, which reduces the loss of moisture and heat when breathing. They even had protective pillows of fat on the cheekbones and centuries, always open wind and frost.

However, the Eskims would not be able to survive in the Arctic, if not their clothes. Mittens and boots They sew from sealing skin, pants - from bearish skins, and on the shirts go skins Caribou and bird leather with full sheep. The seams are sutured as skillfully that they do not let the water. One person puts on two shoes at the same time and two pairs of pants - the bottom fur to the skin, the top fur outside.

Kochuya in permafrost, Eskimos built dwellings from snow, disturbing him with bars. Bruks were laid on each other converging up the spiral. These needle, as the Eskimos called their buildings, was sometimes supplied with a similar window: a piece of transparent ice was inserted between snow bars. But even in this case, the light was given a bark with fat. Heat burning fat with warm human tel. He lifted the temperature in this artificial snow cave up to 15 degrees, so its inhabitants dumped heavy clothes and half-lane comfortably were located on fur blankets.
The life of Eskimos was signed out of a turn of unthinkable deprivation. And however, "Eskimos produce the impression of the happiest people," researchers confirm together. Eskimo sees the world in bright colors. Is little reasons for joy? During the hunt, it was safely returned to the home hearth, provided family food ...
And what kind of harvesting feeling is - during a sudden blizzard on the road hastily build a needle, to breathe out from the whistle of the Purgi. Laying out the last lump of snow and closing the entrance, Eskimo laughs. This is a winner laughter. He did not surrender to evil spirits, overwhelmed them, he was a smart, leaning, a real man, he will always cope with difficulties. How not to rejoice at this?

"Laughter is twisted in the air", "says the ancient Eskimo saying.

Sergey Flowers, Histor

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