Golden or silver thread for embroidery. Gold and silver threads very thin thread for embroidery 8 letters

Golden or silver thread for embroidery. Gold and silver threads very thin thread for embroidery 8 letters

Gold and silver were widely used in different types: Forged, dragged, stirred, strained ...
The threads could be rounded (Voloka) or flat (Plushing, beat) Golden and silver threads are not durable, they can not be ruled through the fabric, they almost immediately break. Therefore, metal threads were treated with very small stitches on the front side of the embroidery, or twisted with silk, so as not to rush.

And still used thread called "Danitel" - This is a thread in the form of a helical spiral. Such a thread is more beautiful, due to the spectacular overflows of color. See photo.

In the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron, read: "used in large quantities The diverger was the most diverse .... headed in the palace at the beginning of the XVII century. Cannient production, the Germans of the Wizard were called and an enabler plant. "
And in the same dictionary you can read about how the canite is made.
"Wire takes very thin, about 0.1 mm, round or flattened, so called." Beat "; the first is called usually on the round rod, the second on the triangular; when it is removed, the elasticity causes it to unwind a little, as a result, it turns out the correct distribution of the Fatar. , producing spectacular overflows of light. For hinting, the panicers exist continuously acting machines: a short rod is made out of its tightly fitting tube and quickly rotates, like a spindle turning machine. The outer edge of this tube is cut across the screw line of that course, which the manufacturer should represent. To begin with, the wire is wound on the entire outstanding part of the rod, pressed by a special roller and allow the typewriter into the move. The friction between the rod and the wire is enough to wind it further, and the stuffing edge of the stationary tube constantly encounters the finished spiral and relieves the place for the new wire. In the work, the caniler usually cuts into short pieces and is sewn with silk, drowned along the axis of the spiral. "

Embroideries - the occupation is very difficult. From here and the expression was born - "cannient matter" i.e. Pouring, tedious.
Currently, the caniler is used as before, for decorative trim.

Until the XVIII century, metallic lace was very common in Russia. In the encyclopedic dictionary of the Brockhaus and Efron, this is said so: "Nowhere we find such wealth and diversity of the material for lace, as we have in Russia. It included drafted gold, and silver German, and partly the Turkish, scanish and strained with silk , Gold and Silver Beat or Drawer, Truncall or Stringl, Cartulin or Cartulen and Different kinds of so-called. Brows, asteris, Pelpel, Plates and Hynechkov, etc. There were still lace ... With Misheo and Figure Things ... "

Gold and silver not only embroidered and kneading lace, but also fabric fabrics. "... one with gold and silver patterns in a colorful fabric background, others were gold and silver, so silver, and silver - gold patterns and figures, like, for example, scales, large and small circles, jets, rivers, herbs ... "*
Such fabrics with gold and silver threads are called brocade. The production of brocades was known even at the beginning of N. e. In China, from where it passed to the countries of Malaya Asia (Syria, Persia, etc.), and then south of Europe. The Persian word "Parch" is translated as a "piece, fabric." It was in the pieces that brought the pass to Russia from Persia. From the brocade, sewed with cap tops, kaftans, serfs, fur coats, pants. The first attempts to produce brocade in Russia were made at the end of the 16th century.

Metal threads were widely used for the manufacture of sauas products intended for decoration. This is: Galun, pose, braid, brushes, fringe, shoelaces, etc. Baspens products in military uniforms of the royal army were very widely used.

Golden I. silver Nights Only in antiquity were produced from pure precious metal, later them, like other decorations, began to do from alloys with the content of precious metals.
And then settled the production of mushroom threads, ie gold-plated and silver plated copper threads. This is how the meaning of the word is explained."tinsel" in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron. " Tinsel - The name of the pancakes, brocades and bubbles, not real, and made of silver and gilded copper. In figurative sense denotes deceptive gloss and shine. "

Currently, metal threads are made of copper, brass, nickel alloys and are a thin metal wire anodized with gold or silver. It is produced in very limited quantities, used mainly for historical costumes, such as finishing and decorative material.

In modern elegant fabrics most often use flat split threads from aluminum foil (Lurex, Aluminite) or Placedlelex.

.Literary sources:
encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron.
* N.I. Kostomarov. "Essay of the homework and the morals of the Great Russian people in the XVI and XVII centuries"
Vardugin V.I. Russian Clothing: History of People's Costume from Scythian to Soviet times. - Saratov: region. Volga Publishing House "Children's Book", 2001
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

To conceive a thread in the needle, clamp a neatly cut end of the thread between the big and index fingers so that the tip of the thread just looked slightly. Apply the needle to the threads and expand the pillows of the fingers. Usually, the thread automatically slipped into the UCHO.

Now you know what features work with threads when gold sewing.

Metallized Nights

Metallized threads can be divided into 2 categories: a hollow canor and threads for embroidery - with some exceptions. Threads of different quality and from various metals are available, including threads containing up to 2% of gold, gilding, 90% of silver, silver braid, copper. Many threads are of different sizes (thickness).

Map of thread


There are 4 types of hollow vacuinee: shiny faceted, twisted faceted, smooth and matte. They differ only on the appearance, and are used equally: cut into pieces and ride a thread as beads. As a rule, a ragged thread of polyester or silk is used, sometimes metallized to hide stitches.

Threads for embroidery

What are the features of working with threads when gold sewing? Embroidery threads are made of stripped threads made by thin metal strips. They are very fragile at the ends and easily spinned, so it is necessary to leave the allowances at the beginning and at the end, then stretch these threads on the wrong one and fix it there.

Japanese gold threads: round in cross section, high quality, very bright and smooth;

Imitation of Japanese Gold: Round in section, gentle shades;

Gold plated: round in cross section, very flexible, thin threads, smooth or twisted;

Corrugated and 8x2 corrugated: round in cross section, zigzag form;

Rococo: Round in cross section, soft, wave-like;

Flat: round in cross section, slightly flashed;

Elizavetin yarn: very thin, double;

Twisted threads consist of several threads twisted with each other. You need to handle them in the same way as with ordinary. There are several varieties of twisted threads.

Threads are sold in motges or coils

Threads for embroidery

These threads can be invested directly in the needle and embroider them. It is best to cut off the threads of a short length, as they are very soft.

Reinforced thread: Very thin metal thread. It happens gold and silver.

Thicks: Triple metallized thread. It happens gold and silver.

Cords: Thin metallic threads of different colors.


Wide tape: Strips of the Split Metal, by type resembling tape.

Twisted Tape: Wide strip of flattened metal wrapped with fine metal wire.

Corrugated Tape: Wide braid with a corrugated surface.

MLEINARIY: Elegant openwork thread.

Sequins: Same as sequins.

Like: Metallized leather, available in different shades.

Colored threads

Available in various color shades. Below is a selection of some of them, including a shiny faceted pan, vitua faceted pan, smooth caniler, matte rope, triple twisted thread, Milaria and Rococo.


Gold sewing can look different, depending on various combinations of materials and technicians, as shown in the following examples.

Golden sewing - Embroidery gold and silver thread - very ancient kind of needlework. The very first information about the gold sewing includes KI II century BC. e. When in the Pergamsky kingdom (North-West of Malaya Asia) Rules Attal. According to legend, it was from there and came to the Romans Attaline embroidery - so then called the sewing golden thread.

Selected metal thread in a special way - hanging, obtained the finest wire, which was called water gold (or silver). Shuffing the linen thread by hand, received a sideways that they called strains. Later began to produce a strain thread of dragging gold, silver and gilded silver with felt. Such a thread got a name skan. Fourth variety of metal thread was beat (named so according to the method of obtaining), which was a very thin and narrow strip. From whipping by twisting this thin strip in the spiral was obtained vitushualso called also recipe. Of course, due to the high cost of the material and the complexity of the manufacture of different threads, the price of the threads themselves were very large.

In Russia, the Mention of Gold Sowing Makers is found in the chronicles, old documents, as well as in the reviews of foreign travelers, starting from the XI century, but especially many descriptions and even products have been preserved from the XV century. Products related to this time are various church accessories (Pokrovtsy and Pokrov, Pellena, Drazes, Curtains, etc.), as well as icons, Schytie iconostasis, Horugwi, Znom. Performed embroidery on expensive dense tissues: taffeta, atlas, parcel, velvet, and also on the sleeper and skin. The metal thread is not only expensive, but also very continuing - fragile, it cannot be sewed, like a simple linen or silk thread. It was placed on the pattern on the fabric and attached silk thread into the color of the metal or very bright contrasting colors, creating monochrome and multi-colored patterns.

Gold Summer Works were performed in those distant times in the monasteries. In the XV century, the golden sewage began to apply and for decorating clothes of rich people. On embroidered products, the names of the workshops are often found, which indicate that with the courts of princes, boyars, rich merchants have already existed their workshops - "Svetlitsy"where specially selected and well-trained embroiderers have worked. The leading position from the end of the XV century was occupied by the Moscow Grand Duct "Svetlitsy", which at the end of the XVI century were called "Tsarznyy Svetly Flaws".

At the same time, but according to some information, even before the gold sewing, appeared in Russia pearl sewing. After all, in many Russian rivers in abundance there were river pearls. Masters of gold and pearl sewing used in their works and gems, and beads, and glassware, as well as a colored gar for a natural slaughter. Ented hats, kokoshniki, dealers, collars and cuffs, shutters, diverse sums, bags and handbags, wallets, cases for weapons and arrows, sheaths, etc. They were all very expensive, passed by inheritance, constituted the most valuable part of the dowry .

Gradually small workshops enlarged, arose gold Slow ART. One of these centers has become an existing workshop in Torzhok.

Starting from the XVII century, various substitutes of natural expensive metals began to enter into gold-and-extensive work. So, gold and silver threads were replaced by gold-plated and silver-free copper and bronze, expensive stones and natural pearls - artificial and glass beads and buttons, instead of natural silk began to use artificially, and later synthetic. In the 20th century, we began to replace the metal with artificial film. So appeared lurex, and then threads with the addition of a synthetic shiny fiber that gives the metal glitter of silk and cotton thread. Abundance of new materials called zolotnyMissing metal and metallized threads made it possible to engage in the zero sewing more special workshops and individual embroiderers. However, new materials remain fragile and fragile, which requires skill in working with them and knowledge of special sewing techniques. In the next issue of the magazine, we will introduce you to the rules, seams and techniques of zero sewing.

Golden or silver thread for embroidery

The first letter "K"

The second letter "A"

Third letter "N"

Last beech letter "b"

The answer to the question "Golden or Silver Thread for Embroidery", 8 letters:

Alternative questions in crosswords for the word

Pulling thread

Tighomotine and Volokita

Annoying time loss; Story A.hehkhov


Tag Chekhov

Story A.hehkhov

Definition of the word rope in dictionaries

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the Encyclopedic Dictionary dictionary, 1998
Reciper (from. Franz. Cannetille) Very thin metal (usually gold or silver) Thread for embroidery. In a figurative sense - tedious, with wires stretched out.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
Danitis, MN. No, g. (Fr. Cannetile). Thin twisted golden or silver wire, ejetr. For embroidery. Pull the rope (make it). Motok Drawers. . Annoying time loss; What-n. Very boring, monotonous (spacious.). I'm tired of this ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-Ah, g. Very thin metal thread for embroidery. Pull to. (Make it). Golden to. Over Tedric, with wires stretched business (talk.). K. pull, breed. Pretty Danitis! arr. Requaliable ,y ,y, (to 1 meaning). Cannient production.

Examples of the use of the word rope in the literature.

The rain was poured with her needles, on the branches glittered autumn cobwebs reanitis, under the legs of Khrushla Bertolet Salt, depicting snow.

I slightly patted the pitching on the shoulder, and said: - Hold on, jacket, now Braga Liter Hapnesh, and everything will be fine, you will pull it out revuel.

Now he saw her face: dark courses of eyebrow, pure high forehead, chubby rotted mouth with flashing pearls of teeth, small ears with earring from gold reanitis.

After all this - not revuel Does life, not zerodilovka if, is not a boil?

In land where the agriculture, combined into the cartel, grows a carotel and pulls, pulls revuel.


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