Arabic language - Paradise language? Hadith: Arabic language - language of the inhabitants of Paradise.

Arabic language - Paradise language? Hadith: Arabic language - language of the inhabitants of Paradise.

Assalym Aleikum Va Rokhamatullahi Va Barakatuhu!
"Arabic language - language of the inhabitants of Paradise!" (Approximate meaning)
Dear brothers ask to clarify the question regarding this hadis, is he credible? In general, whether these words are the words of the Prophet Muhammad, Aleihi Savolya Va Salam?
Barakallahi Fikum UA Jazzakumullah Hayran!

Vas Aleikum Salam Va Rakhmatullahi Va Barakatuh!

AT-Tabrani in Al-Ausat, according to Abu, Khruire reports:
"The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "I am Arab, Kuran in Arabic, and the language of the monastery of Paradise will be Arabic."

Sheikh albani brought him to "Silsil Ad-Da'ifa" at number 161, saying:

"This hadice is invented (Mudu '). In fact, there is not a single reliable Hadith, who clarifies what language the inhabitants of Paradise will be talking in, so it is necessary to keep silence and do not dive into conversations about this issue, providing knowledge about him to Allah, and deal with only what will lead to Perform those acts that will benefit in the world in the world!
Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Taimiya, yes, he raves his Allah, asked: "In what language people will talk on the day of resurrection? Will the Almighty Allah turn to people in Arabic? And is it reliably the statement that the language of the inhabitants of Hell Persian, and the inhabitants of Paradise - Arabic?
To which he replied: "Praise Allah Lord Worlds! It is unknown in which language people will talk on that day, as in what language their Lord will turn to them, he is great and sounded. Neither the Almighty Allah, nor his messenger, peace and blessing, did not told anything about it, is also not reliable and the fact that the language of the inhabitants of hell will be Persian, but the language of the paradise inhabitants is Arabic. And we are unknown in order to be among the associates, and they will be pleased with them Allah, there was any disagreement. On the contrary, they abstained from this, since the conversation about it is useless. However, among the following generations, disagreement appeared on this issue. Some said that they would communicate in Arabic, others said that this did not concern the inhabitants of hell, as they would answer in Persian and this is their language in hell. Third - that people will communicate in Assyrian, as this is the language of Adam, from which all other languages \u200b\u200boccurred. Fourth - that this does not concern the inhabitants of Paradise, as they will communicate in Arabic. However, none of them has argued in favor of their words, neither from the mind, nor from Sharia sources, but these are just a statement free from any evidence. Almighty Allah Same Better Better! " See "Majmu'ul-Fatava" 4/299.

December 18th World Arab Day. The holiday was established by the United Nations in 2010 and is one of the six official UN languages. According to the latest data, there are 300 million people speaking in Arabic and dialects in the world. Moreover, for 240-ka millions it is native. Arabic and religion Islam are inextricably linked. One is unthinkable without the other, for, already during the age of one and a half thousand Muslims of the world five times a day read prayers in Arabic. On him was the Sacred Quran Nisplains, and said the Prophet Muhammad (peace to him).

The Grozny clergy has noted in his own way significant date. With the appeal to the residents of the city, IMAM was made by the Mosque "Heart of Chechnya" Magomed Dadaev. He explained the role of Arabic language in the life of Muslim:

Do not own Arabic, a person cannot know Islam. Therefore, among Muslims, this language, time immemorial efforts. Prerequisite Studying the religion of the Prophet (peace to him) is the analysis of Arabic texts, almost all of which are written for a very long time. In modern Arabic, there are more than 12 million words (for comparison in Russian, there are 131,000, and in English about a million ...). This is a very rich and complex language. When I studied at Islamic University in Syria, our teacher, philologist, brought us such an example: In Arabic, the number of synonyms only one word "camel" reaches six thousand! His grammar is as highly complex and multifaceted. Its study requires fairly intellectual and volitional efforts. Therefore, among the interpreters of the Quran and the Hadithov of the Prophet (peace to him), there are no amateurs. It is almost impossible to delve into the meaning of the sacred text, not possessing the solid Arabic lexicon and knowledge of syntax, semantics, phonetics of this language. Sometimes there are people who call themselves connoisseurs of the Quran. They give quotes from the Epistle of the Most High, give people advice. But if you ask them about the source of knowledge - you get the answer: "I read the translation." Such people are very dangerous for Islam, since, without knowing what they do, they can bring confusion and inaccuracies in the interpretation of the Epistle of the Most High. In Islamic educational institutions The following teaching technique is practiced everywhere: several years of initial school students are studying exclusively Arab philology. And only, mastering sufficiently the necessary volume of material, gain access to the study of the kiluctic texts. Thus, Arabic is a kind of springboard to mastering information about Islam. In addition, Arabic language is a language in which the inhabitants of Paradise will speak. Glory to Allah that he made us Muslims! What gave us a beautiful, rich Arabic language to comprehend your will!

Language is a sign system that allows you to move from the value and the meaning of the concept to its designation.

A person is a verbal creature and, unlike animals, communicates with itself similar with the help of the language. Sometimes they talk about the "language of animals", but it is clear that such an expression is conditionally - in its wealth and opportunities, the language of animals does not like the human. Angels also do not need a language for their communication - it is difficult to submit them to speaking in Russian or in English.

Language functions can be different - in addition to transferring information, it helps to express feelings and evaluations.

Is it possible to translate Scripture?

The tongue of the church is the language of prayer, worship and Scriptures.

In some religions, the sacred texts initially exist in one language and are considered fundamentally untouvenous. So, the Muslim Quran is initially drawn up in Arabic. Moreover, Muslims believe that this book was created at the beginning of time.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsacred texts only in Hebrew, the Jewish scribes were leaning. The Christian Scripture was originally wrong.

In the III century BC The so-called "Seventy Translation" - Septuaginta - Translation of the Old Testament to Greek was performed. Moreover, some researchers believe that it was the Septuaginta who played the role of Holy Scripture in Emergency Times.

It is the existence of the septuagints became the main argument in favor of the principal transfers of Scripture. There is, however, even stronger. Now it is believed to be proven that Christ's apostles spoke in Arames. But the compilers of the Gospels, not doubting, passed these conversations in Greek.

Now there is a scientific direction - linguistic reconstructions. Their compilers are trying to understand how these dialogues sounded in the original. But still this is the subject of scientific styras.

Really in paradise cold?

When translating the language, problems sometimes arise, since the languages \u200b\u200bare not identical to grammatically. The values \u200b\u200band shades of words in different languages \u200b\u200bare also different.

For example, the phrase "Paradise is a scene and cool" clearly shows that Scripture was created in countries with a hot climate, where "coolness" is rather pleasant. In Russian, such associations would have happened hardly. And the verb "cool" in the sense of "relax", "nice to spend time" fell into Russian as a tracing of Hebrew through Greek.

All Slavs understood the Bible?

Scripture was brought to our ancestors not in Russian. Kirill and Methodius - Solun Greeks - developed a new written language on the basis of the spoken language of the Solun Slavs.

In the world, a lot of nations use languages \u200b\u200bthat do not have writing. While we are talking about life, there are no problems. But, as soon as this language needs to translate religious text or philosophical treatise, the language needs to be improved, which was made by Kirill and Methodius.

If we assume that Slavic tribes several thousand years ago it was easier to agree with each other than modern Slavic peoples, then we will be right - languages \u200b\u200bwere closer. But this does not mean that the translation of Scripture, made by Kirill and Methodius, was more understood by the Kievans and Novgorod, - the written literary language was different.

Perhaps this is a feature of the Russian situation, since the Russian literary language is closer to church-Slavyansky than to the Moscow Govor. In fact, the entire Church Slavonic language entered Russian as "high calm". For example, even modern communities - the type of crying, running - are formed precisely on the Church Slavonic model - in the Old Russian will be "weeping", "running".

Sometimes ancient Russian analogues and at all fell out - "good" and "woeful" in the title "Bologoye"; "Shell", which is only in the eponym, unlike the "helmet".

Close languages \u200b\u200band ... parallel

In ancient Russia there was a situation of Diglow. This is not what "bilingualism". Digliament is in a society parallel to two languages. For example, in the XIX used Russian, and French. French was a tongue of a high society, but, in principle, any text could be translated.

In Diglow, the languages \u200b\u200bdo not intersect in the sphere of use. They spoke in ancient Russian, in ancient Russian could write a domestic note. But prayed in Church Slavonic.

Such a situation existed to Peter, in the XVIII century it gradually collapsed. Now science and literature could develop in Russian, but only prayers still exist on church-Slavic. Translate to the church-Slavic announcement - and it will look like a joke or blasphemy.

Priest or Shepherd?

We live in a unique era. In Tsarist Russia, the Bible could be read in Russian, in ancient Russia - listen to Church Slavonic. But most people were illiterate, or not formed enough to read and perceive the Scriptures.

In Soviet times, everyone was competent, but there was no text of the Scripture.

Literacy is still saved and texts are available.

In addition to the actual Scriptures, we are invited to master some more Slavic texts - from prayers to worship. True, the existing translation into Russian is somewhat difficult for perception. In the XIX century, having no analogues, translators often transferred to the translation of Slavs.

So moved to the translation of the phrase "I am a kind shepherd". And here are some difficulties. Literal translation from Greek would sound: "I am a good shepherd," but such a translation is perceived as low. On the other hand, about the sublime "Shepherd" now the simple listener will be perceived as "priest". However, it is necessary to recognize that the literal translation into Russian many biblical properties is impossible - the phrase "the mouth of the child speaks the truth" - as the philosophical saying will not be perceived.

But overall to perceive the Slavic text of the Bible more prevents the meaning of meaning, and not words.

Separate complexity - grammatical structures. For example, there are a number of strengthening that are still from Greek. "Forgive sins and sins" means, just, forgive all sins. Similar structures like "Anger angry", "love loved."

When translating the sacred texts to other languages, problems also arise (although peoples, in whose languages, Scripture has not yet been translated, this is perhaps the 5℅ population of the Earth). That is, the work that Kirill and Methodius were performed for the Slavs continue.

Cyril and Methodius were not the first - before that there were translations to Ethiopian, Gothic. After Kirill and Methodius Stefan Permovsky transferred the Scripture to Zyryan's tongue.

Sacred and Profanny Translations

Is it considered to be a sacred text? No, but only to the extent that he adopted in church communities. For example, a synodal translation is not prohibited as a liturgical, but not accepted. But it is used as such a protestant, for example, Russian Baptists.

There are even modern flows of Protestantism, which believe that the biblical text should be available to everyone. Published including comics on biblical plots.

With the text of the new Testament there is no problem - its source is known in Greek. But the basis of the synodal translation of the Old Testament was the text of the Hebrew. Fragments from greek transformation Inserted only when the discrepancies were fundamental.

In the modern version it would be nice to have two translations - and with Jewish mashed texts, and from Greek. It would be convenient for those who do not know both languages.

Answers on questions

After the protoerer, Alexander was asked, Aleksandra was asked:

What language did Adam spoke?

- It is hard to say. On the one hand, the language changes while it is alive. But no one knows whether it was not a new property of languages, which appeared after the construction of the Babylonian Tower.

But, in any case, Adam's language was probably unlike any of the existing languages, including Hebrew.

Is the controversy about the translation of worship for Russian?

- This idea was discussed before the revolution, and was partly compromised by the update. They all did not serve in Russian, but the idea was supported by them.

The translation of the Bible into Russian was not easy, although the idea of \u200b\u200bMetropolitan Filaret is that it is necessary to translate with Jewish, and from Greek, it was a wise decision. Although it did not give us scientific transfers from both languages.

There are certain cases of using the Russian language - in Russian initially written by the prayer of the optical elders and the Akathist "Thank God for everything."

There are so many other translations, and the nuances will arise so much that it is easier to Russify somewhat, than to translate.

The spontaneously this process has long been going. Sometimes there are incidents: for example, in the "wedding rank", the dual number is sometimes unexpectedly replaced by multiple, and in modern acceptors is inconsistently used.

How to participate in the formation of different languages \u200b\u200bDivine fishery?

- Language exists in addition to human will. A person can create Esperanto, but natural languages \u200b\u200bexist in their laws.

Cyril and Methodius translated into Church Slavonic on inspiration over, but also for the model, which by that time was.

According to the inspiration, over, recording the Gospel in Greek, the apostles laid the idea of \u200b\u200btranslated the Gospel.

Prepared Daria Mendeleev

Photo Dmitry Kuzmin


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