What does the edge of science mean. Zvіdki pіshov viraz "grizzle the granite of science

What does the edge of science mean. Zvіdki pіshov viraz "grizzle the granite of science

Gryzti granite of science

Gryzti granite of science
From one of the leaders of the coup d'etat of Lev Davidovich Trotsky (party pseudonym of L. D. Bronshtein, 1879-1940) on the V All-Russian Z'ezd (July 11, 1922) of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM): science, including granite, and you need to grind it with young teeth. And also: “Come on, grit the granite of science with young teeth, get ready and get ready for a change!”
Inshomovno: diligently, diligently read (jokingly-iron.).

Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and viraziv. - M: Locky-Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Marvel at the same "Grizzy granite of science" in other dictionaries:

    GRANITE, a, m. Hard granular rock, which is composed mainly of quartz, feldspar and mica. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    Gryzti granite of science- Yaky. Rozg. Express. Diligently vyvchati yakus science. Stepan went to the front in the first days, but I didn’t spend the war, because my right leg didn’t bend in a knee. So I didn’t have mercy, while my peers fought, I studied at the university, griz ... ... Phraseological Dictionary of Ukrainian Literary Movie

    Knizhkovy. Visoka. or hot. Read on, get enlightened. BTS, 226 ...

    Gryzti granite of science- Learn, touch, gain knowledge ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    grizzly granite science- Zhart. Obsessively, uncompromisingly read, open up knowledge ... Dictionary of bagatioh viraziv

    Jarg. school Zhart. Learn at school; see what l. Nikitina, 1998, 205. Approved on the basis of the popular newspaper stamp є granite of science ... Great dictionary of Russian orders

    - (French Granit, Italian Granito, Latin Granum grain). The widest mountain rock, granular bud, which is composed of quartz, feldspar and mica. Glossary of inshomonic words that have gone up to the stock of Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. GRANITE ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    Grizu, grizesh; griz, la, lo; nsv. 1. (St. Razgrizti). what. Mіtsno zdavlyuyuchi teeth, podrіbnyuvat mіtsne, hard; bite. G. kistka. G. now, crackers. With crunchy grizzly carrots, shmachok tsukru. * A squirrel of a dog is sleeping That peas are all grise ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary

    GRANITE, a man. Hard rock is a granular rock that is composed mainly of quartz, feldspar and mica. Gryzty granite of science (roz. joking.) arrogantly open up knowledge. | dod. granite, oh, oh. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    Grizzly granite of science. Knizhkovy. Visoka. or hot. Read on, get enlightened. BTS, 226 ... Great dictionary of Russian orders


  • Academy of Chaklunstvo, Oleg Shelonin, Viktor Bazhenov. Importantly, the granite of science, but even more so. Student's fates are forgotten by the long life. And even better they remember vikladachi, especially in the Academy of Chaklunstvo, Vіdёmstva and Navstva ...
  • Adept. Navchannya. Holidays, Oleg Bubela. Our people, Oleksiy Vitrov, leaned not for nothing at the world of magicians, demons and dragons! Vtіm, here yogo is called Alex Dragon. Vіn far away from the Imperial Academy of Magic, ready to grizzle granite.

In this article, we can look at the meaning of the viraz "grim the granite of science." Vislovlyuvannya of a similar kind has taken root in our life and the meaning of phraseology has gained. Svoєridny and in its own way ingenious viraz may have his own "father", you can recognize about our material.

Fathers of the revolution, or "Do you remember, how did everything start?"

The Gromadyan war was coming to an end. On July 11, 1922, the Fifth All-Russian Z'izd of the RKSM was announced in Moscow, and a decree was adopted that would designate the development of the country. The very same Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronshnein’s correct name), having voiced his famous phrase, seemed to be looking at the first thing, and carried in himself a cry: “Come on, grit the granite of science with young teeth, get ready and get ready for change.”

From the phrases of a political playman, the word “young” falls out from time to time, adding, in our opinion, to a special flavor. The author of the phrase “hotiv pіdkresliti”, that the youth is not ready for similar difficulties, that the youngest people themselves are exalted by their special indulgence and strength, and, obviously, who is not intelligent, knowing his right teacher, you can of the young generation is the correct and necessary direct implementation of what was conceived for the benefit of the country and that society. Well, it doesn’t seem like pride in the heart and soul, if you marvel at the generation of talented youth!

irony of fate

Trotsky proved the fates of political isolation, and they liquidated it after Stalin's order as the enemy of the people. Trotsky was mortally wounded by the head of the Spanish communist Ramon Mercader with an ice pick, appointments for driving in small stones at the granite rock. The political fiend Trotsky was killed on 20 September 1940, vin bov tim, who did not slander to intercede with the condemned policies of Stalin, Zinov'ev, Kalinina a hundred times NEP. Vin bov tim, who said: "Grizit the granite of science!" - the same primordial phrase, as it became fatal in historical cases.

Today's day

And on the Day of Knowledge, and on the Rest of the ringing at schools, and not only in them, but in the greater primary mortgages on the tract of the area and today, you can smell the phrase-advising schoolchildren and students: “Grill the granite of science!” - yak has not lost its relevance and current. For sure, in qi significant for students and schoolchildren, there is such a person in the days, who guesses the viraz. Pioneers, furnaces, riches have sunk from Summer, and the phrase "grizzle the granite of science" is alive and continues to live. Vaughn succulence and brilliance attach respect to your healthy feelings of irony, zmushyuyuchi think about being recognized in life and in modern life.

I’ll translate the main, or I’ll deja vu

Lenin called out to us: “Study, read, and learn more!” The phrase, like Trotsky voicing, also calls out to the young generation to read. Insanely, the leaders of that "father" of the revolution read Marx, at the practice of which there is such a miraculous whistle: "How richly you need to read, if you want to know little!" Who was the first to sleep on the thought of this miracle thought? It’s already unimportant, but important are those who thought the thought itself turned out to be correct. The proof of this fact is the hour itself, the fates that the history of the country has passed, to prove the correctness and inconsistency of what was said. Also, young people, continue the grizzly granite of science.

"Grisem" means alive!

Everything changes from time to time and develops, which is the direct law of life. Wimogi grow up to the young generation. You can often feed small children, as if they were already able to use clumsy robots on a computer, like on your mother’s and tat’s phones. Obviously, the beginnings of the industry of computer games are growing, and they are learning, developing, and, obviously, growing. And already on your first anniversary, the little one will take off not only a little ball, but (as you can often watch) your first tablet.

The current world will require the development of children already from the kindergarten age. It's just wonderful! And the little olives are brought to the relish of the "granit of science" with their milk teeth. The meaning (“grizzle the granite of science”) can be called to a single word - to read.

In the semantic "controversiality" in literature, one can speak of the prominent heroes of one's hour, for example, Suvorov saying: "It's hard for a teacher - it's easy in battle," - and in the description of "My Life" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, such a whistle: "We need to read, read it and read it." The English philosopher Francis Bacon gave the light such a phrase: “Knowledge is power!” And the ancient Romans repeated the phrase to their children for the whim process: “Repetition is mother vchennya!” So, madly, read varto zavzhd, even if it’s bit only in order to bring it to your teachers. Like saying to Leonardo da Vinci: “Skoda is the one who doesn’t change his teacher.”

word of propaganda

Gaudeamus igitur is the name and origin of the song-anthem of students, which glorifies life, science, and youth. The song appeared at the 13th hour of the 14th century, was transmitted orally, there are a few options. Songs, vislovlyuvannya, vyslovlyuvannya, and even richer in the way of promoting enlightenment. You look like a drop in the sea, but let the drop be one of the most beautiful and unforgettable ones, which will turn the respect of that interest of the young generation. Awareness of the value of enlightenment is the axis of the task of the main exercise of any democratic state. Starting from small things, moving forward in lanka with lanka, roaming crocodile after crocodile, reading book after book, putting in front of you all the new new tsili - tse and є peremoga, success for stale susils and prats. What does it mean to "grim the granite of science"? Tse motto for all generations!


Adding to the bag of what was said above, I would like to emphasize the importance and significance of illuminating the skin of a person in life, indisputable is the fact that it should itself serve as a “receipt for a better life”, for the sake of this varto grime of the granite of science. Phraseologism is alive and continues to live. In our modern society, we are illumined by people who have a great deal of trouble, stench can speak chirping conversation, speak chirpingly with them in be-like those. Let the material of the article itself become the butt of this one.

Exploring the meaning of the vanity of vyslovlyuvannya, I wanted to match this information with a snowy breast, to rush with a nameless swiftness, to gain a great baggage of knowledge: who is Trotsky, Chekhov, Suvorov, who has їhnіk in front of the Bat. I would like it if the skin leaked out of us with knowledge. "For what?" - Possibly, ask you. For life, for the world, for yourself. Knowing (like a chimerical vіzerunki merezhiva) grieves, intertwines among themselves, inspires people, gives the opportunity to spodіvatsya more, more beautifully, lighter. It’s necessary to read, not to waste your strength for an hour, even if you allow it to develop.

If you are in Linguistics, you will try to ask a full-text search for the virus grizzly granite science, then you know you will know, only you have seen information to spantelize you:

Universal (Ru-It)
grizzly granite science- ; scalare le vette della scienza (at the statue granite)

Universal (It-Ru)
spezzare il pane della scienza - vikladati; share knowledge
(at the article pane)

Two articles of one of the same vocabulary are clearly superequal to one alone. So what grizzle is the granite of science, what is the best way to make science itself?

Tlumach dictionaries of Italian spezzare il pane della scienza after all vikladati, rozpovsyudzhuvati knowledge or share them (insegnare, divulgare il sapere). Tse, zagalom, logical. The phrase clearly sends to the Bible, de Christ, breaking the bread as a symbol of his body, sharing yoga with his teachings:

Matthew 26:26І if stink or їli, Jesus uzyav bread, i, blessing, breaking, i, handing out teachings, saying: “Accept, go: all my body.”
Dії 2:42
And the stench constantly tried at the venerable apostles, at the conspiracy, and broken bread, and prayers.
1 Corinthians 10:16
… Bread, which is broken, which is not the receipt of the body of Christ?

Axis and vikladach, “breaking the bread of science”, bringing their scientists to the level of Knowledge.

PS: Don't change me until the end of that option scalare le vette della scienza. With these words, I immediately come to the riddle of quoting to the point of impossibility for radian hours the words of Marx: Science has no wide road, and only those can reach її syayuchih peaks, Who, do not be afraid of vtomi, fight on її stony stitches. Words are more mature, shvidshe, to the students, and not to the students, as they can still reach the knowledge.

And how to say "grim the granite of science"?

Do not know. I so called to the tsієї razhohoї phrase that I always respected її like a phraseological turn, I didn’t think that it was born. And tse, it appears, is a crying phrase, moreover, it is young and may be a specific author. :

From one of the leaders of the coup d'etat, Lev Davidovich Trotsky (party pseudonym of L. D. Bronshtein, 1879-1940) to the V All-Russian Star (July 11, 1922) of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM): “Science is not simple, and a huge science, including granite, and it is necessary to grind with young teeth”. And also: “Come on, grit the granite of science with young teeth, get ready and get ready for change!”.

Inshomovno: diligently, diligently read (Joke-iron.).

In order to come out, which turnover is required, or to translate verbatim, because the author’s words, phraseological analogues in Italian are still not found, or to go into tedious synonyms: studiare con assiduità/con perseveranza.

In metaphoricality, it is vtrachaemo, obviously. But I don’t fall for the idea of ​​any Italian analogies.

It is often possible to become a little older, to become young, but it is necessary to diligently "grim the granite of science."

What does it mean, everything is reasonable, "grizzle the granite of science" - it means to study, touch new knowledge.

And what do you know, the stars are pishov tsey vislav?

The phrase "grizzle the granite of science" for the first time lulled the mouth of a prominent party speaker and orator L.D. Trotsky. Vіn having said її to the 5th All-Russian Z'їzdі of the Communist Youth Union at Zhovtni 1922.

Polum'yany call to youth "grind the granite of science with young teeth", touching the knowledge accumulated by the older generations, getting ready to come to change and become the country's kerma. The very same zmist put Trotsky at the top of the word.

The phrase immediately became a catchphrase:

  • Її drukuvali at the newspapers.
  • Vaughn embellished, at once, from the profile of Trotsky, the student’s letters.
  • Tsya phrase sounded like a song.

Phraseologism "grizzle the granite of science", singsongly, one of the most popular in our days. Mi chuёmo yogo zі shkіlnoї lavi z wust vikladachiv and batkіv.

Having become students of vihіv i navіt priyshovshi vpershe to the work, I feel the words again.

The crying phrase of Trotsky became truly popular.

Hello hello!

Hello, hello!

Today, I pronounce to turn back a troch, and myself to the front release, and look at the bells and whistles that I once lacked without respect. Pochnemo s grizzly granite science. Viraz tse maє absolutely sung "father" and the date of the people's birth, and it came to us from the addition of one of the leaders of the Zhovtnevy coup, Lev Davidovich Trotsky, to the V All-Russian z'їzdі of the Russian Communist Union of Youth (1922): and get ready for change!”

Today, I may be on the verge, to go through a short bit, to the previous episode, and go to the viraz, I can’t walk for the rest of the hour. Let's start with “to gnaw the granite of science”. Tsei vislіv maє is absolutely the “parent” of that day bіk, and ominaє us vіd vodomlenie one sheet Zhovtnevoy Kut, Lev Davidovich Trotsky, at the V All-Russian Congress of Russian Communist Youth Union (1922): “Learn, gnaw with your young teeth granite of science, get tempered and ready for the change!”

To finish the article about this drive was published in the online journal "School of Life" (http://shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-9527/). Read, yakscho tsikavo.

A quite informative article about those who have published in the online store "School of Life". You can read it, if it's interesting to you.

Let's move on to another viraz: put in a dovga screenshot, which means to add to the right on the inconsistency of the term (nadovgo, in a slanderous).

Let's move on to the second expression: “Vikonati until the end of the century”, as a decision to improve the business for an indefinite period (for long time, in general).

For one version, the expression went three hundred years ago in Muscovite Russia, if Tsar Oleksiy, father of Peter I, punished him to set up a long scroll in front of his palace, where to lower the skin instantly. The scars were sinking, and it was even more difficult to reach the axis of resolution: months and fates passed. The people have changed this “dovgy” box from “dovgy”.

Apparently, up to one of the versions, expression appeared three remaining rocks in Moscow Rus, if Tsar Aleksei, my Peter I, straightened out on the installation of a tribal box in the front of the Yogo Palace, where the Yogo complaint could easily be made. The schemes were bad, but it wasn’t good, so we could take care of the weather: the months and the fates of the wines of the past. People have renamed the “long” box to “long time” box.

It seems that little has changed in the bureaucratic apparatus... 🙂

It seems that I can only change those in the bureaucratic apparatus … 🙂

All for today. Throw science and don't put it in a long box! As it seems, the age is alive - learn the age! 🙂

That's it for today. Drive nature and do not go at the old hour of the box! I want to stink, live for the century, learn for the century! 🙂


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