What does phraseology mean, bitch or bully. "No bitch, no bully": the meaning is applied

What does phraseology mean, bitch or bully. "No bitch, no bully": the meaning is applied

No bitch, no bully Rozg. Express. Without any waters, nedolіkіv. Vaughn thought that she would live in a foreign country, that in the new world she would not be a bitch or a bully.(F. Reshetnikov. Own bread).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian language. - M: Astrel, AST. A.I. Fedorov. 2008 .

Marvel at the same "No bitch, no bully" in other dictionaries:

    no bitch no bully- No bitch, no bully... Spelling dictionary-dovidnik

    NO HITCH- 1. WITHOUT KNOCK / І WITHOUT BAR / RINCA WITHOUT KNOCK /, WITHOUT BAR / RINCA; WITHOUT KNOCK/; WITHOUT ZADO / RINCA go, go through; Buti Without a reshkod, it's easy, it's easy and smooth. Maєtsya on uvazi, scho yaks l. on the right, or podia (P) seems to be without any l.

    no bitch no bully- without a knot and without a tease Rozg. Unchanged. Good, bezdoganno, without difficulties; without daily reshkod i reshkod (about help, podії, work). = Yak in butter. Three words. nesov. that owl. mind: go, robiti, go through, robiti, go through ... yak? without… … Initial Phraseological Dictionary

    no bitch, no bully- scho Bezdoganny. Maєtsya on uvazі, scho zroblen (P) є bezdoganny for yakіstyu vykonannya. ✦ R without a knot and without a badass. The role is inconsistent. visa. or the name part of the report. Oleksiy Maksimovich gave the most complete range of these inaccuracies, ... Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian language

    no bitch, no bully- no knot/, no teasing; at zn. adv.; force. 1) Without yakiho l. vad, nedolіkіv. Vіrshi vіdminnі, without a knot, without a badass. 2) Smoothly, freely, without reshkod. The premiere passed without a hitch, without a badass. Vistava went miraculously, without a hitch, without ... ... Dictionary of bagatioh viraziv

    Without a bitch that badass- Without a knot and a tease (іnsh.) without any shortcomings. There is no knot, no bullying, everything is smooth. Porivn. After wailing about the fence that was lying on it ... it was already scurrying about clean and free, which seemed to be without.

    No bitch, no bully- (Inosk.) Smoothly, there’s nothing to prichepitissya. Porivn. “One is a breeze, if you want to put your fists in, the other one is a breeze, don’t hit your head!” Porivn. Nothing was remembered for Kim, no knot, no rolling pin. Leskov. Tsіkavі people. Porivn. I will write to the cholobite like this, otherwise, ... Mikhelson's Great Tlumach Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    without a bitch that badass- (Inosk.) Without any short cuts There is no knot, no bullying, everything is smooth. Porivn. After wailing about the fence, which was lying on the mattress ... it became absolutely clean and free, tobto. bulo, as it seems, without a knot and a bully ... M. Makarov.

    no bitch, no bully- (Inosk.) Smoothly, no matter what, Porivn. One is a breeze, if you want to put your fists in, the other one is a breeze, don’t hit your heads! Porivn. Nothing was remembered for Kim, no knot, no rolling pin. Leskov. Tsіkavі people. Porivn. I’ll write a petition like this, what else, what a bitch ... The Great Tlumach-Phraseological Dictionary of Mikhelson

    no bitch, no bully- adverb, kіl near synonyms: 11 without difficulties (10) without transitions (6) without difficulties ... Glossary of synonyms

    no bitch, no bully- adverb, kіl at synonyms: 3 without reshkod (6) without a knot, without a tease (11) smoothly ... Glossary of synonyms


  • Manipulator. Volume 1. Three autumn days, Chingiz Abdullayev. A private agency, as a guarantee to its clients of an eligibility for deputies, no matter how equal. Abi got paid! Earlier everything went without a hitch. Hello now!!! Before choosing… Buy for 320 rubles
  • Vasil Tyorkin. Tyorkin in that world (audiobook MP3), Oleksandr Tvardovsky. Tvardovsky Oleksandr Trifonovich - Russian poet, gromadsky playboy, editor-in-chief of the Novy Svit magazine. "Vasil Terkin (The book about the fight)" - the song of the flooring of the people and understood by anyone.


Choose the dates forsense of phraseology words, find the root of the meanings of the number, and reinforce them.

According to the text, scho viyshov, conduct a physical training with the audience

Stand up for the beginning...

("Yak kopanі", "all like one", "if the cancer is on the mountain whistle")

Turn left-handed and right-handed so that ...

(“the soul went to five”, “joden hair without falling from the head”)

Try to bend over.

("Three Deaths", "Shivorot-Navivorit")

Show me how to change my mind correctly

"on your own two", so...

(“sist in galoshes”, “get lost in three pines”, “fall through the ground”)

With whom to go only ...

("without looking back", "seven miles")

sit down

(“to open the eyes”, “not two, not a second time”)

Raise your head uphill like that, nibi vi ...

(“Arshin was forged”, “not with a face”, “mirror of the first magnitude”)

Reveal that after physical vilinks you ...

(“you will go far”, “in the sky”)

Take your place and continue pracsyuvati, ale ...

(“at potі chola”, “a hundred times better”)

Task 2.

  1. Read the text clearly

If you have done it, then cut yourself on your nose, and if you want blood from your nose, beat the smut rule: more for it!

If something is right with you and tries to lead you by the nose and make you run out of your nose, then, having stuck with him from the nose to the nose, tell him: "I'm not up to my nose!" I immediately stop twisting your nose and bully your nose.

Do not peck with your nose, burying your nose against the pillow, and do not show your nose over the top. Diet! And if I tell you that you don’t have a good time, then try to bring it: you can rub it with anyone. Ale, just like that, so that the mosquito of the nose is not podtochiv.

Find in the text the phraseological turnover with the meanings:

endure failure; get rid of what you spodіvavsya, rozrakhovuvav, what domagavsya___________________________________

Task 5.

Vikoristovuyuchi phraseological dictionary, describe who has clothes.

(Take phraseological units to the obvious elements of clothing)


Task 4 .

Write a flamboyant voice over the victories of these phraseological units

Grati on the nerves, the language is kindly advanced, put clubs in the wheels.


Task 6.

Vznachte, z what profession pov'yazane vyniknennya skin phraseological turnover




For dovodok: likar, kravets, vchitel, carpenter, zaliznichnik, farrier, cook.

Task 1 .

Finish the row at Rome. Explain the meaning of phraseology.

Be like a mustache girl
I didn't want childishness.
I don’t shed tears, I don’t farb -
I AM A CROW … .____________________________________________

Oh, our messy Taras -
Checked on a friend BITIY ... . _____________________________

Disappear for nothing summer -
No internet at the dacha

Robiti nothing Illushi -
Tsiliy day of vin b'є … ______________________________________
Do not draw, do not read,
Just an HOUR… ____________________________________________

Head office 7

Choose phraseology, how to give a skin feeling, emotions. Enter them in the table.

For dovodok: wear on your hands, tear and throw, buti in the sky, razi axis, inflate your lips

Front view:

Lysikhina Nataliya Oleksandrivna

Meister class

Topic: "Vykoristannya phraseologisms during the hour of lessons in Russian."

VІDOMO, what about In the daytime, from the main indicators of the illumination of the people, the speech is literate. It will do all life, but it is especially productive during the school period. In the development of mov children, to lay down the success of the study of these subjects.


Calling interest to the word, what to sound

Learn to flaunt him

Prepare children to the full extent of their creativity

AT RISHENNI TSIKH ZAVDAN HELP US TO HELP PHRASEOLOGY - he rozdil the sciences about language, for whom the stems of word formation are developed, they are equal for their meanings to one word, to a whole speech, tobto. phraseology.

WHEN THE VICTORISTANI OF PHASEOLOGISM IN THE CHILDREN'S STOCK OF vocabularies will become rich and varied, the language will become brighter and more varied. Adzhe "phraseologisms, as V.G.Belіnsky said - to establish the national physionomy of the language, її original zasobí that її…wealth".

Assimilation of phraseological units is a trivial process, which saves its relevance by stretching the school language.


Propaedeutic - acquaintance is practical, without the need for terms (pochatkovі classi)

Systematic - a division of the "Phraseology" division (5-6 classes)

Aspectny - a look at phraseology at the link with other divisions (8-9 grades)

ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF "PHRASEOLOGY" OF SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS In showing that their authors emphasize, mainly, respect for the integrity of meaning, figurativeness, evaluativeness of phraseological units. Prote zdatnіst danikh loneliness mov vіdbivat spiritual and material culture of the Russian people, the stench is practically not seen. Until then, the assistants to take care of the obmezheniya nabіr zavdan, yakі can secure an individual pіdhіd.

THEREFORE, the teacher's task is to virobite such a robotic system, as it will beit is straightened out as a form and expansion of the phraseological competence of a schoolboy, and such a work as an individualization. Surely, it is necessary to reopen the bank in advance.

All tasks can be divided into three blocks:

Task for replenishing the vocabulary of learning;

For the development of creativity of thought;

For awareness of the achievements of spiritual and material culture to the people.

Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Task for the replenishment of the vocabulary of learning.

  • Pick up phraseological phrases before the pictures, which are suitable for the zmist, and explain their meanings:

« Dance to someone else's tune"(children are not of the will of the will)

"Sist on Shiu "(Become an Utriman, tighten, tighten)

  • "Guess-but!"

The students are given riddles-zharti: for proponing phraseological units it is necessary to guess what to go about.

1. Do not win, but win; doloni, and caress them; not whiteness, but scaling them


2. Vin at the head of a light person; yoga to please shukati near the field; throw words and pennies on him(wind)

3. Yogo can be shoveled; pull for a new one; on a new one spin those who decide the axis-axis; yoga trim behind the teeth, sob not to say zayvogo(movie)

  • PRACTICAL 1 . Finish the row at Rome. Explain the meaning of phraseology.

"Dviyok" at Borka about the fourth two.
So, WITHOUT THE TSAR, my friend U ... .

Be like a mustache girl
I didn't want childishness.
I don’t shed tears, I don’t farb -

Oh, our messy Taras -
Checked on a friend BITIY ... .

  • PRACTICAL 2 . Transfer to the robot with text. It is necessary to know the phraseological turnover from the song meanings in the text.

After the victorious task, you can give a historical conclusion, tell about the journey of these phraseological units.

Such a technique can be used in biology lessons on any song topics. For example, the whole text, which should be avenged by phraseology, is less about nose.

2. Task for the development of creativity of students.

  • PRACTICAL 3 . Put together a fіzkhvilinka with vikoristannym phraseological units. For example, if the “Numerals” were taught by those “Numerals” in the Russian language, the task might sound like this: choose the correct phrases for the phrasal words with the words that the root of the meanings of the number can be found.

Such a technique allows you to most productively win an hour of the lesson, and the shards to navitate for an hour to repair the work on the topic. Yogo can be vikoristovuvaty on be-yakoy urotsi, pіdіbravshi vіdpovіdnі virazi.

Also, wine helps to relieve emotional tension, tse tsikavo, fun, befits children.

  • PRACTICAL 4. "Pen test".Write in a jarring voice for additional phraseological units (phraseological units are written on the tablet). Clear texts are stunned:I insert clubs at the wheel; I'm learning to grieve on the nerves; I will buy a good translation of the language.

3. Task for awareness of the achievements of the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people.

  • PRACTICAL 5. "Who has clothes on."Vikoristovuyuchi phraseological dictionary, to dress a person, tobto. take phraseological units to all elements of clothing (parts of the body).

Such a task can also be taught at the technology lessons with the same “Clothes”, “Kharchuvannya products” or so.

  • PRACTICAL 6. "Misto Maistrіv".Tse gra. Vznachte, with some profession, the blame for skin phraseology is due.

1) a non-grab robot; without a knot, without a tease; take the shavings.(Joiner)

2) for one kriy; crack at the seams; sewn with white threads.(tailor)

3) you won’t lure with a roll; make porridge; push water in the steps.(Kukhar)

Such a task can be carried out at the lessons of technology and at the entrances of vocational guidance.

  • PRACTICAL 7. The next game can be played and for an hour of lessons in social science with those “Emotions and Feelings”. Whole loto.

Manager. Choose phraseological units, how to give a skin feeling, emotions.

Systematically vikoristannya zavdan іz phraseological units allows:

  • uriznomanitnitis a lesson in Russian language;
  • incrementally popovnyuvat vocabulary stock of children;
  • zdіysnyuvati іndivіdualny pіdkhіd;
  • to expand the statements of schoolchildren about culture, history, and that will inspire the people;
  • install intersubject links at the lighting activity

With this trick, you can beat it like a reflection on any lesson.

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Captions before slides:

T Municipal Continental Educational Sovereign Mortgage "Ust-Perska Main Educational Educational School" S E R - K L A M A S "Teaching Phraseology at Russian Language Lessons" Lisikhina Natalia Oleksandrivna Teacher of Russian Language and Literature of the 1st Category

І T H C G G E S T N About one of the main indicators of the level of illumination of a person is to speak competently; people protyazhit life thoroughly their promo; the most productive stage for improving the vocabulary stock is the school period; in the development of mov children

Z T A D G A C A viklikati interest to the word, what to sound; learn to show off to him; prepare to the full extent of modern creativity

E Phraseology - a division of the sciences about language, in which the st_yk_ wording is twisted, equal for its meaning or one word, or the whole proposition - phraseological units O L O Z A R F І G Ya

R T O L E vocabulary stock of children will become rich and varied; using phraseologisms in writing and using modern language, schoolchildren can speak more clearly, differently O L O Z A R F І G І

“Phraseological units to establish the national physionomy of the language, її original zasobi and її ... wealth” V.G. Belinsky

A T K T G U A L Etapi: propaedeutic - knowledge on a practical level, without the introduction of terms (pochatkovі classi); systematic - the division of the "Phraseology" section (5-6 grades); and perspective - a look at phraseology at the link with other divisions (8-9 grades)

U T H Є G B N І a accentuate respect for the peculiarities of the symbolic nature of phraseological units and their systemic links (phraseological synonyms, rich meanings, antonyms), the protezdnistness of these loneliness, movement, and spirituality and material culture of the people practically do not look at the people s otrimayut obmezheniya nabіr zavdan, yakі not secure іndivіdualny pіdhid

N T A P G R A In the formation of that expansion of phraseological competence of a schoolboy; individualization of work L Є N І I

Z T A D G A N I I am replenishing the vocabulary of learning with phraseological turns; for the development of creativity of thought; to get to know the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people



Z T A D G A N I I "Guess!" Chi is not good, but v'yanut; doloni, and caress them; not whiteness, but їх rozvіshuyut Vіn at the head of an easy-going person; yoga to please shukati near the field; on the new one throw the words that pennies Yogo can be forged; pull for a new one; on a new one spin those who decide the axis-axis; try yoga behind the teeth, schob not to say zayvogo (wuha) (wind) (mova)

Z T A D G A N I I Close a row near Rome. Explain the meaning of phraseology. Be like a mustache girl I didn’t want childishness. I don’t shed tears, I don’t farb - I AM A CROW ... .

Z T A D G A N I I Close a row near Rome. Explain the meaning of phraseology. Oh, our kopusha Taras - Checked on a friend BITY ... .

Z T A D G A N I I Close a row near Rome. Explain the meaning of phraseology. Disappears for nothing summer - No Internet at the dacha Robity nothing Ilyusha - This is the last day of wine ... Not a little, not reading, Just an HOUR ...

Z T A D G A N I Ya Robot with the text If you have done it, then kill yourself on your nose, and even if blood comes out of your nose, beat the rule first: more for you! If something is right with you and tries to lead you by the nose and make you run out of your nose, then, having stuck with him from the nose to the nose, tell him: "I'm not up to my nose!" I immediately stop twisting your nose and bully your nose.

Z T A D G A N I I “lose my nose” In pre-Petrine Russia, swag was called “nose”. Khabarnitstvo flourished in that era, but honest officials still tried to change, as if they were encouraged to accept “nіs”. They said about a person who, when trying to give swag, got caught up in such a thing, they said that she “lost her nose.”

Z T A D G A N I for the development of students' creativity

For the cob, get up ... ("like kopanі", "everything is like one", "if the cancer is on the mountain swiss") fell out of my head") Show how to properly change your head "on your own two", so that you don’t ... ("sit in galoshes", "get lost in three pines", "fall through the ground") When you go only ... ("without looking back", “seven miles”) Sit down (“to open the eyes”, “not two or two times again”) Raise your head uphill like that, nibi vi ... (“they forged an arshin”, “not with the face of the shield”, “star of the first magnitude”) Reveal that after physical vilinks you ... (“you will go far”, “in the sky”)

Z T A D G A N I I “Test of the pen” Write a flamboyant voice over the victories of these phraseological units. get on your nerves

Z T A D G A N I for acquaintance with the achievements of the spiritual and material culture of the Russian people

Z T A D G A N I I “Who has clothes”

Z T A D G A N I I "Misto Maistrіv" Vyznachte, s what profession is called dermal phraseology. negrabna robot without a knot, without a bully, remove chips

Z T A D G A N I I "Misto Maistrіv" Vyznachte, s what profession is called dermal phraseology. sewn with white threads on one edge

Z T A D G A N I I "Misto Maistrіv" Vyznachte, s what profession is called dermal phraseology. you can’t tempt kalach to brew porridge, pour water in a mortar

Z T A D G A N І I “Emotions and feelings” Choose phraseological units that sound like skin feelings, emotions. carry the kohannya on your hands anger tear and throw happiness buti on the sky somomu

Systematically vikoristannya zavdan іz idioms allow: urіznomanіtniti lesson russian language; incrementally popovnyuvat vocabulary stock of children; about іsnuvati іndivіdualny pіdhіd; to expand the statements of schoolchildren about culture, history, and that will inspire the people; at the establishment of inter-subject communications in the lighting activities

These days they did not pour from empty to empty, but practiced tirelessly. And at least a little bit weary, but they didn’t leave themselves, but they took it to their hands and continued the work. And there was no one among us who marveled at the work of the sucid krіz fingers.

Front view:

Pants, pants. Upper pants (Walk) hands in pants - baidikuvati, (roz.).

Kravatka, -a, m. Slay (fill) for a crib (for a comir) - drink alcohol (simple, hot).

Epancha, -i, f. That old wide old cloak (pіznіshe zhіnocha cloak). One cloth epancha - about similar people, objects.

Vest, -i, f. (Rozg.). A short man's robe without a coat and sleeves, over which a jacket, frock coat, tailcoat is worn, as well as a woman's robe of such a style. Cry / cry in an e / waistcoat (to whom - n.) - swear by bad luck, crying out loudly.

Kaftan, -a, m. Trishkin kaptan (rozg., Unapproved) - About frequent and ovnishnі corrections, only shkіdlivih right, and not bring coriste.

Kishenya, -a, m. Sewn on or a sewn-in detail in clothes - a place for khustka and other necessary things under the hand of speeches. Hit on the intestines - enter at the vitrata, zavdavat zbitkiv (rozg.).

Uniform, -a, metro.

Podil, -a, m. The lower edge of the bed, cloth. Twist the hem (simple, disapproved) - About the woman: behave with people in a roaring, roaring manner.

Mitten -i, f. An item of clothing that closes the hand in the presence of the wrist with the rest of the fingers. Throw a mitten (commun.) - Viklikati for a fight, for a fight, for a duel.

Belt -a, m. Strechka, cord, belt, or sewn smuga fabric for tying on the talin. Shut up (someone) by the belt - turn over the chomus at the chomus (rod.).

Shirt, -i, w. Clothes from light fabrics, which are worn on the upper part of the body (human) or as a back of the body (woman). Born at a shirt (rozg.) - about a lucky, happy person. Shirt - lad - vіdkritiy, simple for a splintered person.

Mitten, -i, f. An object of clothing that covers the entire hand, that thumb is okremo. Trimati in zhakovy mittens (whom) (rozg.) - behave with kimos suvoro, suvoro.

Sleeve, -a, m. (Practice, brother on the right) rolled up your sleeves - diligently, diligently, energetically (robity sho-n.).

Gate, -a, m. Pull for a comir (smb.) (simple, exp.) - Primushuvati, zmushuvati someone. work sho-l.

Mitten, -i, f. M'yaka winter gauntlet. Rozzyavlyat / open the mitten (simple) - Vkray zdivuvatisya, zdivuvatisya.

Suit, -a, m. 1. Clothes, cloth. 2. Cholovіche (jacket and pants) or woman (jacket and back and pants) upper cloth. The costume of Adam and Evi is a naked man, without any clothes.

Clothes, -and, well. The collection of objects, with which they cover, clothe the body. Don’t be fooled by any kind of robe - always be clothed in those same; wear the same all the time.

Shirt, -i, f. Those same, that shirt (div. Vishche). To be born in a shirt (shirt) - buti are lucky, happy.

Tail coat, -a, m. (Consumed in me) like a tailcoat, like a cuff pants, like a ribbed white (jokingly) - about a woman, like a chogos, like an undesirable one.

Pants, -iv. Clothes, which cover the lower part of the toelub and the skin leg is okremo. Wipe pants (rozg., joking) - take up office work, read it for a long time.

Ports, -iv (simple). Those same, scho pants. Without portkіv zalishivsya xtos.

Meter from a cap; arshin from a hat (oral, joking); second measure with a cap (zhartiv.):

Two chobotis pair; one cloth epancha (similar to what one can sew alone);

Put to the gut; crawl to the gut; run your hand into the gut, fill the gut (simple) (attract someone else);

In the intestines, louse on the lasso; near the gut the wind walks; intestinal dryness (simple); to whistle at the gut (penniless);

Not for the gut; b'є for intestines (expensive);

Dumb yak of felting; gray like a soldier's overcoat; bast shoes schі sorbaє (not illuminated);

Trimati in zhakovih mittens; brother in їzhakovі mittens (buti suvorim).

“I write “Vechirnya Odesa” on the day of sleep. Having left the first three numbers at the family archive, but, unfortunately, the stench burned down an hour later. I am writing an axis from some kind of drive. In addition, as at the number for 5 leaf fall in the heading “Tse tsikavo”, having read about the history of the journey of some virazians, thinking about such virazi, the sense of such wisdom to us, and the words, as they appear in them, are wondrous. For example, “You can’t see a single thing”, “Hot be damned”, “I used to be a hole”, “Run around like a burnt one”, “Uphill swarms”, “Without a bitch without a tease”, Through a stump-deck. the words - “zga”, “henna”, “tormushki” ... Bulo b tsіkavo read the rose's explanation” - Volodymyr MELNICHENKO.

Nothing is visible

Phraseologism "nі zgi don't bachiti" gets used in the meaning "so impenetrable temryava that nothing is visible".

Historians-linguists uttered an impersonal explanation of that word, forever ruined in the ancient times. At their hour they vowed that it was a metal ring on the bow of a horse, like in dark darkness it is important to remember.

So the thought was hung up that the stitch was changed - a stitch that was not visible in the darkness. Zgidno with a different version, zga - tse іskra, a glimpse of light in the dark. Vvazhayut also, scho zga, stga (from the dea word "stegati") - the whole stalk, rod, batig, how they spoiled the horses. You can’t see anything - it’s dark, so that you can instill things, so make a hmizu, if you want to bring it to your very eyes, but you can’t see it.

hoch bi hni

Whimpering and crying at different times.

The sound-sounding word “khni”, like our “khnikat”, meant in Russian language not only crying, but also other nasal sounds, for example, croaking, tormenting, hmikannya thinly.

The word "hni" signified and be some kind of obscure sound, some kind of person who is moving at the sound of the beast. That is, the outer sense virazu “hoch be hni” - he would like to give a voice, as if reagulating. The current meaning of this speech is: the baiduzhіst has finished, the reaction has been the same, nothing has been said, not hvilyuє.

І on the old buvaє hole

Zgidno with the dictionary of Ushakov (and in other authors tezh) a hole - a pardon, a pardon, a miss. Zvіdsi viraz "and in the old bovaє prorukha" means that no one is insured for misses and prikrih pardons, without regard for everlasting life.

Worn like a burnt

At the direct rosy burns - inhalation of fumes, ring out when you burn. At this station, a person is resting at a shoe, at a panitsa, you can’t be completely rational and sensible, rush here and there. Vіn sound filthy mind, where to bіgti and scho robit, pragne yaknaishvidshe vtekti filed into the fire. Zvіdsi viraz.

"To run like a mountain" is a phraseological unit, which means that you want to rob it more quickly, ale without a head and without a head, to fuss, to live strimgols unreasonably where and now, not picking up the road.

Burn out with your feet

Vіdomі raznі tlumachennya. Sometimes the word upside-down is connected with the word galma (standing by the sleigh for galmuvannya). If the sleigh rolled over, then the galma appeared on fire.

Ale and more gloomy: in some dialects, the words galma, tormani (legs) were saved. Obviously, these words got used more widely and at the same time. Aje more exact meaning - burn out with your feet, burn out with your feet. And the stіyke poednannya zakrіpilosa at movі that zberіgaєtsya dosi.

In this order, viraz burn down with a drig means burn out with your feet, with a flip, a sack, and in other days - in a completely bezladdi, burn down with a bottom, burn out with a bottom (butt: at the booth, burn everything out with a dredge).

No bitch no badass

Appearance of the phraseological unit “without a knot without a tease” was given to carpenters, as if they professionally beat their work: without a single knot to wash, and without a tease, without shorts and teases on a smoothly cut doshtsi.

That's what they said about the tree. The doshka was of high quality with a relatable finish, without shortness and wool. In this hour, if you are talking about be-yakі podії, come in, stop the phraseology “without a bitch without a bully”, which means: hopelessly, without difficulty, yakіsno, maisterno, without reshkod and nedolіkіv, without reshkod, good.

Through the stump

Viraz vinik among lіsorubіv. On the back of the phraseologism, getting used to the look of the porіvnyannya - rob one-nebud, like a deck of felling through a stump; something so unhandy itself, like pulling a stack of tovst through a stump.

Another option: a viraz of po'yazaniya s walking with windbreaks, deydesh "over the stump at the deck", so that, having stepped over the worm's stump, you can put your foot into a rotten deck.

For today's sensi, cei whislіv means: timidly abiyak, unsustainably, nedbaylivo; without parsing, ruthlessly; unsatisfied, intermittent.

About the goodness of the broken word, they say: “No bitch, no bully!” What does it mean, today we can choose.


It doesn’t matter to guess that the phraseologism came to us in the presence of quiet people, like for the old hours they worked with a tree. Like a tree with love caressed by the master and wines, having put a lot of effort into the fields, then it’s not the fault of shortness. No bitch, no bullying - so there are no irregularities in the dotik, no more than that, which tells about the past of the life of the material - rudimentary gilok.

In the course of the year, the trip to the viraz was overwhelmed, and the meaning was lost. So buvaє dosit often.

The word "vipili" is fashionable and the old phraseology

At the same time, often in the form of sports commentators (football zocrema), one can almost say the following proposition: “Yaku Messi blew the transfer.” It means that the Argentineans won the titles on a teammate with an easy pass, that only lost to hit the gate.

In a marvelous rank, the word “vipilyav” was fashionable, bringing listeners and gazers up to the old phraseological unit. To continue the line, we can say: "The transfer of Messi was amazing like a harn - no bitch, no bully!"

Shkіlny tvіr i viraz, scho to be seen

Let's move on to a more sensible wide-eyed butt. About the famous writers it seems that the stink of style. Zvichayno, write stinks kindly, smoothly. Look, if a person writes fluently, it doesn’t mean that she has a style. The author's manner of picking is similar to that of syntax - even more so.

If we are talking about high school TV, then it’s too early to talk about style, but it’s possible to talk about the smoothness of the text as a whole. As a reader, you revise your twirl (without pardons and corrections), you can praise it like this: “No bitch, no bully! Blissku robot! Obviously, we don’t forget that the robot is remembered less on the school level. Chi will become a child, who gives hope, a famous writer of chi, to lie only in her and її diligence.

You can pick up such examples. Golovne - the nobility of the sense of vislovlyuvannya. The athlete squeezes the barbell and technically beats everything without pardons and pardons. If you praise the coach, you should say: Well, Sidorov, well done! The occupation was not in vain - no bitch, no bully! And so from us. Why would a person not reach success. Not only can a tree be hewn roughly, but a detail can be cut unevenly on the layout, and a translation from English into Russian can be made “clumsy” and “short”. The proposition with the phraseological unit “neither bitch, nor bully” can be miraculous, or maybe not even true and accurate. Let the reader correct himself at the addition of words, even though he already miraculously knows the sensation of speech that we have looked at.

If we have a perfectly perfected robot, then sound like we say: “Wow, no bitch, no bully.” Today we understand what the rest of the phrase means.


Phraseologism "neither bitch nor bully" came to us from the quiet, who worked on the tree. Ideally, the completion of the test will take into account the current assessment. Let's move on to our turn in the middle of our trip and pishov at the swimming pool. And many generations of Russian people absorb the wisdom of the language, not hovering over it, but like turns of expression “no bitch, no bully”? And yet we have already added to our respect, let's move on to a change of strong wording.


Yak has already been said three times more, so to speak about the goodness of a broken robot. Moreover, the scope of zastosuvannya virazu is large. Insha river, that phraseological units ring out in an informal setting. It is impossible to say at the party of the authorities that Petrov prepared a brilliant sound: no bitch, no bully. Tse will be transcendental freedom. Ale, in your office, you can praise the underdog like that.

Whether a robot can be likened to the craftsmanship of a craftsman from a tree for a job. For example, it is not uncommon for literary and non-literary mediums to talk about the smoothness of the text. As the book is easy to read, the author is to be praised for his style. Truth is, the second criterion, if it is important to read books, but they are still considered masterpieces of world literature. For example, create Kafka can not be called easy reading, but there is no comparison, it's a classic. That lightness and smoothness are not the best criteria for the quality of literature. Modern history knows butts of absolutely bezmistovy reading. And now there is a brutal respect for propositions from the phraseological unit “no bitch, no bully”.

Stіltsі, machines and shpakivnі

It would be simpler to continue the literary theme and allow me, as if later, to spread from the works of the classics to school work, but stand before the crowd, calmly, for you want something else. What does "no bitch no badass" mean?

Earlier, at the beginning of the lesson, the schoolchildren fanatically worked the stools. At the same time, obviously, the stiltsy roar not only from the tree, but also from the fire, the object of the kitchen interior is tied to itself with this material. Navіt uyava vіdmovlyаєєєєє іznati іsnuvannya zaliznoї stools, such illuminating zdaєta mayzhe unnatural.

How to correctly zastosuvat phraseology? Children are like that at school. The first axis is like a praise hanging: “Well done, Sidorov! I’ve broken my stool, not a bitch, not a bully.” At the offensive butts, we pronounce the reader's thoughts to add this viraz like praise.

Let's take it better, for example, cars. Irrespective of those that cars run out of the hallway, it is possible to get stuck in front of them. Hocha, zvichayno, tse on the right relish. It is possible, htos to act in such freedom, knowing the likeness of phraseology.

From the conveyor to go off a new model of a domestic car. І the head of the production department praised the engineer: “Well done, Evgene Petrovich! Designing a Yaku car! Blisk! Dali chitach can add viraz, which we analyze.

I renew back for radian hours. If the schoolchildren were completely swept away from pure love to birds, they were putty. And if someone made an ideal nest for birds, words of praise were said to you. Zvichayno, as if on the right there was a tree, here God himself commanded to win the word-to-word. So they worked. Vyslovlyuvannya with the leading phraseological unit, the instruction was filled with a deep sense, a small good-natured character. Sound the proposition from the phraseological unit "neither bitch nor bully" breathe quietly, for whom it is recognized.

Ideal unattainable

Think about the Russian mov pidshtovhuyut before you put a bed of food: "Ideal - wine like that?" Suddenly, but no one knows about nutrition. The work is considered ideal, on the thought of one posterigach, and conducive, as if to feed another. To be deposited is often not in view of objective criteria, but in view of subjective ones. For example, take high school TV. Readers of Russian language seem like this: "Be it a tvir, you can twist it into two, and into five." So, be it right, you can know and estimate the result on two, and on five. Why bother? Only to those who are not quiet. Forever there will be those who praise people, and those who criticize, lay. Deservedly chi nі - tse even more food.

We were bred on different butts, which means viraz "neither bitch nor bully".


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