Scho means important ptah. Important ptah

Scho means important ptah. Important ptah

Our staff: 1. Z'yasuvati, who knows the class of phrases about birds. 2.Diznatisya, how to symbolize the names of the birds in Russian phraseological units. 3. Z'yasuvati, where the name of the bird is in the phraseology is tied with it. 4.Slasti table on the topic. 5. Pidgotuvati razdil about birds in the thematic vocabulary "Brothers our mens in Russian phraseology".

Hid Doslidzhennya: 1. We have introduced literature to the beginning. 2. Conducted the study of the class. 3.Z'yasuvali, so - 50% of the scientists of our class know from 6 to 10 phraseological units 35% - from one to five phraseological units 15% more than 10 phraseological units, which may be called birds in their warehouse. However, the promovi have become vicious in phraseological terms less than 7% of the researchers.

Crow Karka is a yak of a crow. - Transmission Vishy raven. Bila crow. - The figurative sensi - rіdkіsna for its own qualities, an unviable person, well, it is very quick to see the chimos from the midst of the midst. Viraz vidomy from 60 years old to 127 R.N. So in a glamorous talk about a ludin, as if he wants to be meaningful, not out of sight, and to that he is seen as funny and zhayugidnym. Kudi crows without bringing in kistok. - Far away. Get the crows in. - Look around, spend an hour at the ice. Nі pava nі crow. - Lyudina, as for her glances she came to see some people and did not come to others. Nalyakana crow. - About a man, a yak, she became afraid of everything when she came. Crows are not a falcon.

Gusok Naychastishe tsey ptah symbolize buvalu, cunning, lyudin. Yak from gander water. - Nothing. Drazhniti geese. - Viclicati anger. Gander of lapchast. - Cunning, spritny. Do not graze geese (Krilov "Geese"). It’s an anodyne idea - don’t bother anyone, don’t get overwhelmed by self-esteem, don’t drag out.

Smoke On chicken nіzhkah. - Іnshomovno - about scho - not even more German, unstable, unreliable. Run, yak a cock with an egg. - Give me special respect. Chickens for fun. - Bezgluzdo, bezgluzdo. Yak hammer with a paw. - Indiscriminately. The trigger is wet. - Ludina is wicked, characterless. Slip of the trigger. - Shortsighted. Don't bite a penny. - It’s even more abundant. Eat yak chickens at the cabbage soup. - Have a meal in a nespodivanu, at a halepu. They chat in the fall.

Everybody knows everybody is a bird with a worm-worm on its head and special growths on its legs - spurs. For its importance and establishment, the character of the pivnya is victorious for the occasional important piven. Badass yak piven. Walk for a while. Viglyadati pivnem. Chervoniy piven. - Pozhezha, p_dpal. Let the chervoniy piven. - Vlashtovuvati I will, I will get it. Piven gamburzky. Eat yak chickens at the cabbage soup. - Have a meal in a nespodivanu, at a halepu. Ale not only on the move, but the bird’s zealousness, brutalized ludin’s respect. Spіv - the axis of what is famous for pіven.

Eagle Vcheni is in the third millennium BC. among the Sumerian powers, having removed the coat of arms - an eagle with a left head. The coat of arms of the Great Empire is a two-headed eagle. The eagle was shown on the sovereign seals. For example, until the end of the 15th century, two images were left behind on the seals of the Russian state: on one side there was a top, a hostile snake, on the other side - a two-headed eagle. At the XVII century. The images became vvazati the Russian national emblem. Spostering on the behavior of birds, having remembered the characteristic rice, the people followed the orders: an eagle to produce an eagle, and an owl to give birth to an owl. Eagle does not catch flies. Orly are scared, but the youngsters get the feast. Phraseology: Marvel at the Eagle by the Eagle of the Literature

Sokil Gol yak sokil. - Douzhe bіdny. Tsei phraseologism of not tying a bird: sokil-stinbitna zbroya. Goal, ale sokil. - Bidny, ale proud and independent. Prisliv'ya: Sokil maliy, that thorny. І sokіl vische santsya not lіtaє. The pig does not give birth to the Falcon. Do not kick the falcon with a crow. Crows are not a falcon. Long ago, the people called a garny, bold, inveterate cholovik as a falcon.

Ptah important ptah. - Lyudina, a yak of a zaymaє a temple camp. Vilna bird - Vilna bird. - Vilna, Lyudina is square. Live yak ptah heavenly. - Without turbulence. Ptah is very good. - Vplivova lyudin. Ptah low favor. -Lyudin, the yak does not borrow a small, significant camp in the suspension. Blue bird. - tse tmnitsya of speeches, a symbol of happiness; those who are inclined for someone to find happiness. Strilaniy ptah. - Duzhe novіdchena lyudin, yaku it is important to lead, to fool. The bird is visible in goodness. - It can be seen that the yak is a lyudin, judging from his vchinks, right to behave. From a bird's-eye view. - Zgori, from the arch of the great hanging. On bird's rights. - Without legal documents. In the same birdie. - Young Lyudin, yak doesn’t care about it.

Results We have seen literature on the topic We have learned, but Russian phraseology is even more abundant, and those who develop the name of birds. We remembered, but not all phraseological units, but to avenge the name of the creature, they were tied with it. For example, goal yak sokil. Mi vazhaєmo, the table we have created is more useful to learn more about the symbolic meaning of the creatures. Mi vvazhaumo, what we have done is a vocabulary-guide to fill in the promos of our one-liners.

Viktoristani resources of Adamov Є.A. Crylata words. - M: Childish Literature, 1979 Allikmets K.P., Metsa A.A. Let's talk, let's talk. -L .: Education, 1987 Bulat M. Krilata words. - M: Education, 1958 Gvozdarov Yu.A. Rozpovidi about Russian phraseology. - M .: Prosvitnitsvo, 1988 Sergov V.M. New meaning for old people. - M .: Education, 1987. Phraseological vocabulary of Russian language. -M: Russian mov, 1986

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Slide 1

Project of studies for the 5th class MBOU "ZOSH №24" m.Cheboksary "Pernati in Russian phraseology"

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Our meta: Z'yasuvati, name how birds are often used in phraseological units. Dіznatisya, as the character of the people is symbolized by the birds

Slide 3

Our staff: 1. Z'yasuvati, who knows the class of phrases about birds. 2.Diznatisya, how to symbolize the names of the birds in Russian phraseological units. 3. Z'yasuvati, where the name of the bird is in the phraseology is tied with it. 4.Slasti table on the topic. 5. Pidgotuvati razdil about birds in the thematic vocabulary "Brothers our mens in Russian phraseology".

Slide 4

Hid Doslidzhennya: 1. We have introduced literature to the beginning. 2. Conducted the study of the class. 3.Z'yasuvali, so - 50% of the scientists of our class know from 6 to 10 phraseological units 35% - from one to five phraseological units 15% more than 10 phraseological units, which may be called birds in their warehouse. However, in their own promotions, they are victoriously phraseological in terms of less than 7% of scholars.

Slide 5

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Swan Lebedin's song. - Ostannіy, zazvychay the most significant, tvіr kogos, ostannіy show talent, zdіbіs.

Slide 7

Pavich Ni pava ni crow. - Lyudina, as for her glances, she came from some of the interests and did not come to the others. Crow in paviche pir'ya. - Crow in pir'ya pavich (I.A. Krilov "The Crow"). So at the glazed one talk about a ludin, as if he wants to be meaningful, not out of sight, and to that one, seemingly funny and zhayugidnoy.

Slide 8

Crow Karka is a yak of a crow. - Transmission Vishy raven. Bila crow. - The figurative sensi - rіdkіsna for its own qualities, an unviable person, well, it is very quick to see the chimos from the midst of the midst. Viraz vidomy from 60 years old to 127 R.N. So in a glamorous talk about a ludin, as if he wants to be meaningful, not out of sight, and to that he is seen as funny and zhayugidnym. Kudi crows without bringing in kistok. - Far away. Get the crows in. - Look around, spend an hour at the ice. Nі pava nі crow. - Lyudina, as for her glances she came to see some people and did not come to others. Nalyakana crow. - About a man, a yak, she became afraid of everything when she came. Crows are not a falcon. In ancient times, the crows are tame, intelligent, tyamusch, and movchazny. In nimetsk_y phraseology, winners are not indifferent, indulgent, unkempt. For example: daddy-crows - throw their children. In the Russian phraseology, the wine is all-knowing, overlap.

Slide 9

Gusok Naychastishe tsey ptah symbolize buvalu, cunning, lyudin. Yak from gander water. - Nothing. Drazhniti geese. - Viclicati anger. Gander of lapchast. - Cunning, spritny. Do not graze geese (Krilov "Geese"). It’s an anodyne idea - don’t bother anyone, don’t get overwhelmed by self-esteem, don’t drag out.

Slide 10

Indik Indik in Russian phraseology symbolizes arrogance, foolishness. For the Kyrgyz, wine is a symbol of grumpiness, for the French, for stupidity. Naduvsya yak іndik Durna іndichka.

Slide 11

Smoke On chicken nіzhkah. - Іnshomovno - about scho - not even more German, unstable, unreliable. Run, yak a cock with an egg. - Give me special respect. Chickens for fun. - Bezgluzdo, bezgluzdo. Yak hammer with a paw. - Indiscriminately. The trigger is wet. - Ludina is wicked, characterless. Slip of the trigger. - Shortsighted. Don't bite a penny. - It’s even more abundant. Eat yak chickens at the cabbage soup. - Have a meal in a nespodivanu, at a halepu. They chat in the fall.

Slide 12

Everybody knows everybody is a bird with a worm-worm on its head and special growths on its legs - spurs. For its importance and establishment, the character of the pivnya is victorious for the occasional important piven. Badass yak piven. Walk for a while. Viglyadati pivnem. Chervoniy piven. - Pozhezha, p_dpal. Let the chervoniy piven. - Vlashtovuvati I will, I will get it. Piven gamburzky. Eat yak chickens at the cabbage soup. - Have a meal in a nespodivanu, at a halepu. Ale not only on the move, but the bird’s zealousness, brutalized ludin’s respect. Spіv - the axis of what is famous for pіven.

Slide 13

To praise Zozulya Zozulya for those who praise in Zozulya. (І.А.Krilov "Zozulya and Piven".) Ironically respectful - about mutual wickedness, uncompromising ladyships. Zmіnyuvati zozulyu for yastruba. - Z nasty vibirati naygirshe, have mercy.

Slide 14

Gorobets Korobets shorter than the gorobets' nose. - About a short period of an hour. Streliany Gorobets. - The Lyudin has been duly approved, it is important to lead, fool, the Lyudin has been approved. Old Gorobets. - Tertiy kalach (You will not spend the old gorobts on myakinі). ...

Slide 15

Sinitsya Narobila Sinitsya glory, but the sea did not ignite (I.A. Kryov "Sinitsya") So ironic to talk about khvalko, about a man, like a lot of things, and there can be no viconati. Golub. Z fist n_s. - It’s not enough. Lastivka Persha lastivka. - Nairansh, nayersh, signs, show up, nastaniya chogos. Do not rob one spring of spring (Ezop). Sense of visceralism: it is not possible to rob the visitor, to the point where it goes from one vipad to an insignificant fact. Magpie Balakucha magpie. -Ludina is loathsome.

Slide 16

Eagle Vcheni is in the third millennium BC. among the Sumerian powers, having removed the coat of arms - an eagle with a left head. The coat of arms of the Great Empire is a two-headed eagle. The eagle was shown on the sovereign seals. For example, until the end of the 15th century, two images were left behind on the seals of the Russian state: on one side there was a top, a hostile snake, on the other side - a two-headed eagle. At the XVII century. The images became vvazati the Russian national emblem. Spostering on the behavior of birds, having remembered the characteristic rice, the people followed the orders: an eagle to produce an eagle, and an owl to give birth to an owl. Eagle does not catch flies. Orly are scared, but the youngsters get the feast. Phraseology: Marvel at the Eagle by the Eagle of the Literature

Slide 17

Sokil Gol yak sokil. - Douzhe bіdny. Tsei phraseologism of not tying a bird: sokil-stinbitna zbroya. Goal, ale sokil. - Bidny, ale proud and independent. Prisliv'ya: Sokil maliy, that thorny. І sokіl vische santsya not lіtaє. The pig does not give birth to the Falcon. Do not kick the falcon with a crow. Crows are not a falcon. Long ago, the people called a garny, bold, inveterate cholovik as a falcon.

Slide 18

Birds of Teteya Sonna of Teteya. - Lyudin, yak love to sleep. Deaf grouse. - Lyudin, yak is nasty. Magpie Balakucha magpie. -Povitly lyudin Forty guests called Ostrich Bіzhit yak ostrich

Slide 19

Ptah important ptah. - Lyudina, a yak of a zaymaє a temple camp. Vilna bird - Vilna bird. - Vilna, Lyudina is square. Live yak ptah heavenly. - Without turbulence. Ptah is very good. - Vplivova lyudin. Ptah low favor. -Lyudin, the yak does not borrow a small, significant camp in the suspension. Blue bird. - tse tmnitsya of speeches, a symbol of happiness; those who are inclined for someone to find happiness. Strilaniy ptah. - Duzhe novіdchena lyudin, yaku it is important to lead, to fool. The bird is visible in goodness. - It can be seen that the yak is a lyudin, judging from his vchinks, right to behave. From a bird's-eye view. - Zgori, from the arch of the great hanging. On bird's rights. - Without legal documents. In the same birdie. - Young Lyudin, yak doesn’t care about it. Results We have published literature on the topic We have learned, but Russian phraseological units are even more abundant, and those who develop the name of birds. We remembered, but not all phraseological units, but to avenge the name of the creature, they were tied with it. For example, goal yak sokil. Mi vazhaєmo, the table we have created is more useful to learn more about the symbolic meaning of the creatures. Mi vvazhaumo, what we have done is a vocabulary-guide to fill in the promos of our one-liners.

Slide 22

Viktoristani resources of Adamov Є.A. Crylata words. - M: Childish Literature, 1979 Allikmets K.P., Metsa A.A. Let's talk, let's talk. -L .: Education, 1987 Bulat M. Krilata words. - M: Education, 1958 Gvozdarov Yu.A. Rozpovidi about Russian phraseology. - M .: Prosvitnitsvo, 1988 Sergov V.M. New meaning for old people. - M .: Education, 1987. Phraseological vocabulary of Russian language. -M: Russian mov, 1986



S, f. In gvinti: the sign "X", scho means design.

Dictionnaire of Ofremovo


  1. f.
    1. Warm-blooded backbone creature with peace, we will take it in peace, with two legs, krill and dziob.
    2. :
      1. Such creatures, scho bred for a special government (chicken, geese, pitching, іndichka).
      2. The meat of such ptahіv, scho get used to food.
      3. Strava, prepared for such meat.

Phraseological vocabulary of the Russian


Important ptah- a viscous one behind a settlement, a camp, a call

It can be seen ptah in favor- for the manner of behavior, for the vchinki, on the right you can immediately see that є lyudin

Live yak ptah heavenly- living without turbulence, without turbulence

Obstrilyana(abo strilyana) ptah- approved by lyudin

Ridkisny ptah- vinyatkova lyudina, unikum

Blue bird- about those who are happy for anyone

Ushakov's dictionary


bird, birds, wives

1. Tvaryn s class of ridge, s til, pokryim down and pir'yam, maє dziob, two kintzivki and krill. Bird huts. Home birds. Spіvochі birds. Transfused birds. Ptah waving a krill.

2. switch upot. ironically for the signified people, like Volodar, as for power, in viraz: an important bird, not a great bird, scho for a bird etc. (rod. fam.). Once you have taken it from me, you have gotten yourself up to goodness, what is it for ptah? Goncharov. "Three merchants - well, not a great bird." O. Ostrovsky.

Phraseological vocabulary (Volkova)


Early bird (rod.) - about a lyudin who gets up early.

-It's time, my darling, get up: that one, beautiful, is ready! About, P my early tashka! A. Pushkin.

Obstrilyana (abo strilyana) ptah (rod.) - advices, advices, to the whole sound of a lyudin.

Yogo's priest boo shelling ptah... Gogol.

Ptashin's milk (rod. hot.) - fantastic, nebuvala їzha, such as tilki і not vistachaє in case of extravagance.

-І stone house, і garden, і plant everyone, berries, fruits - everything is own. Only bird's milk was not boiled... Saltikov-Shchedrin.

A bird's-eye[Transition fr. virazi a vol doi- seau]

1) From the sight, from such a scene, everything is visible at once.

From the bird's side, the place was spread out, the little rychka circled.

2) switch surface, do not delve into the details ( ironia.).

All the stinks, moody, good people, you cannot judge them from the air of a bird’s favor.

On bird's rights(Live. hot.) - see about someone. vipadkovo, not lurking mіtsnykh pіdstav, camps.

Vin nothing can not be virishity, he himself is on bird's rights here.

Dictionnaire of Ozhegov

PT І CA, s, f.

1. Cover with pir'yam that in fluff the backbone creature with krills, two kintzivkas and dziob. Spіvochі birds. Transfused birds. Water birds. Yak P. heavenly life (don't talk about it).

2. zbir. Such creatures, yak a subject of breeding, love, a product of food. Home p. Bita p. Moroziva p.

3. For the doers of the day: about ludin (rod). Tse scho for p.? (hto tse ?; iron.). Small p.(About insignificant lyudin; neglected.). It is important p.(about those who are borrowed are more important than the stanza chi having zavazhiv). P. visoky polotu (About those who are borrowed are more important than the camp). Vilna p.(About vilna, no where to lay people).

Blue bird 1) spіvucha ptah this, who lives in the mountains of the ancient Asia. blackbirds with black-blue feathers; 2) Cossack bird iz blue feathers yak symbol of imperceptible happiness [for the name of the same p'usy-Kazka M. Maeterlinka].

| zmensch. Bird,і, f.(Up to 1 value).

| dod. birdies, i, e (up to 1 and 2 values). The bird is playing. The bird is nest. Ptashina klitka.

Ptashina mov(Disapproved) Nezumіla, bezgluzda mova.

Bird rinok rinok, de sell dogs, ptah_v, room creatures.

Pronouncements with the word "ptah"

Hizhak, having chased a green bird with a red head, without overflowing any brush or flap of flesh, depriving all of the unreasonable things in the life of taking in the good of it, and glaving the tree stump, but perhaps, wholeheartedly. ...

Є the most popular form of common birds among birds.

Yaky sense of that, why should you so much amuse the life of simple and simple, like all your rock, unaffected by rude, stupid, horrible joylessness, amused by the radiance of a small one, well, mabut, I didn’t need to sound like it?

For the first time, Volodymyr Putin will be able to see that 19 American farms will be included in the list of poultry meat exporters to the Russian Federation.

However, monogamy among birds is not easy to get along at the boundaries of the form of coyote with other forms of love.

F.P. Filin has shown the freedom of vocabulary and vocabulary, which can be attributed to the peculiarities of nature and nature, to the name of roslin, ribs, food and birds, term of agriculture.

The dragon has a lot of legends, so there is more gas exchange area than birds.

Step by step the greenery ptah fed up all the life of the twins.

Evidence of the thinness of those birds in the rural subworlds of five regions of Russia in 1991 and 2001 rock. hovered at tables

At the lisі it is dark, ale enters the cave with the horny glimpses of bagatty, on which Mila smeared the spied Yurk the bird.

Important ptah Rod. Express. Lyudin, yak zaymaє visoka huge chi service camp, maє vlada, great pouring. - Kudi z vіn їde? - To build, to Paris and London. - Hm! .. So important ptah?(Chekhov. Lev ta son). [ Lund:] Without checking your device here, once you become an important person now - editor of the socialist newsletter(A. Arbuzov. European Chronicle).

Phraseological vocabulary of the Russian language. - M: Astrel, AST... A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


Wonderful for this "Important bird" in the dictionaries:

    important ptah- noun, kil at synonyms: 35 big bump (30) boss (43) bosyar (14) ... Glossary of synonyms

    Important ptah- IMPORTANT, oh, oh; important, important, important, important and important. Tlumachny vocabulary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny vocabulary of Ozhegov

    important ptah- ridkisny (important) ptah Porivn. We've gotten a little prince ... We've gotten into the sound of your daughter’s proposition, that you think that you yourself have now become an important bird ... Worthy. Uncle's dream. 12. Porivn. Three merchants well, so not a great bird. Ostrovsky.

    Important ptah- Rod. Iron. About a ludin, a yak, there is a high, suspicious camp. BTS, 109; ZS 1996, 31, 219; SPP 2001, 358 ... Great vocabulary of Russian orders

    important ptah- Iron. About the person ... Glossary bagatokh viraziv

    ridkisny (important) ptah- Porivn. We've gotten a little prince ... We've gotten into the sound of your daughter’s proposition, that you think that you yourself have now become an important bird ... Worthy. Uncle's dream. 12. Porivn. Three merchants well, so not a great bird. Ostrovsky. Christmas dream before ... The Great Tlumac-Phraseological Dictionary of Mikhelson

    ptah high favor- an important person, a gog and a magog, an important person, a bird of food, in ranks, do not let it in at the door, a person, a gog and a magog, twists, a big bump, an important figure, an important person, a goat, a high lita, a big bump, an important bird , do not reach with your hand, tlo ... ... Glossary of synonyms

    ptah vishnogo favor- noun, kil at synonyms: 25 is a big bump (30) in ranks (17) a person is important (36) ... Glossary of synonyms

    important person- noun, kil at synonyms: 36 big bump (30) boss (43) bosyar (14) ... Glossary of synonyms

    important person- noun, kil at synonyms: 34 big bump (30) barefoot (43) barefoot (14) ... Glossary of synonyms


  • History of the crows Motroni and friends, Rogalova Irina Sergiyivna. Who does not know Cheburashka's friend, the upright crocodile Gena? Who didn’t buy at Prostokvashino, didn’t visit the brave Matroskin and the simple Sharik? However, it will be fair: some part ... Buy for 637 UAH (only Ukraine)
  • History of the crow Matryona and friends, Rogalova Irina Sergiyivna. Who does not know Cheburashka's friend, the upright crocodile Gena? Who didn’t buy at Prostokvashino, didn’t visit the brave Matroskin and the simple Sharik? However, it will be fair: well ...

Phraseologisms about birds are even wider, for that, in their lives, people often support birds, in addition to their specialties, to talk about them.

Bila crow
In nature, there are some albino individuals, which may be better protected by their relatives. The stench rіzko virіznyayayutsya on zalny aphid. That little man, as he sees it at the collective, is called "the bile crow".

Yak from gander water
Whatever waterbird does not get wet, droplets of water easily drip from them. If people like people are absolutely baiduzhe, vikoristyt phraseologism "Yak from a gander water".

Gander of lapchats
Viraz zastosovutsya to people, as if guilty to go out of hand, zalizhayutsya without inheritance. Synonymic viraz "Drive dry from the water." Yak, it seems, the water birds feel dry when they feel dry, because the stench is near the water.

Z garmati on the gorbts (shooters)
Vitrachati has a lot of strength and needs for simple, awkward right. Join is irrational.

Deaf yak grouse
For an hour, I’m not aware of anybody’s gnawing grouse, but the miser can go to see it close.

Newspaper pitching
Inadequate chi is due to the breach information. Phraseologicalism appeared because of the fact that, in one form, there was published a statute-rosigrash about pitching-vbivtsyu, as there are relatives. The author seems to think that it’s because of that hour that all the incomplete statistics are called “newspaper jocks”.

Pidsadna pitching
Myslivtsi vicoristovuyut poured ptahіv pіd an hour of falling, schob luring vidobutok. In the life of a piddling pitching - a lyudin, she was specially introduced into the team for the collection of information, for compromising.

Chickens on smіh
It’s accepted to talk about the situation, as it’s so funny, how to move the bad cocks over them.

Wet trigger
The chicken is afraid to swim, it gets wet easily by the water and the bird's eyebrows when the flock is beepless and haunted. To that, if Lyudin is already a zhayugidny viglyad, I call it “wet chicken”.

Yak hammer paw
Chickens are going to be stored in cunning and lost ones. To the one, if the handwriting is in the people, even if the handwriting is twisted, it is customary to say, well, write, "yak a hammer with a paw."

Lebedina pisnya
I know a legend, that in the end of my life a swan spins song. Ostanniy tvir chi talanovit robot famous people are taken to be called "swan's song".

You want bird's milk
So it is customary to talk about a ludin, yak bazhaєchogos clearly ill-advised.

After eating yak chickens at the cabbage soup / in the pluck
Near the villages, if it was necessary to prepare a meal for the unwanted guests, poultry meat was substituted for pork and yalovichini. Sensation of being licked - unsuitable to eat in the bidu.

Krill rose
Seize the life of a child for renewed strength, from the soul.

Shooting bird, shooting gorobets
Lyudina has a lot of life dosvid. Acknowledged Lyudin.

Crane at the sky
It’s important.

Take a tit for a tail
Take your luck.

Persha lastivka
Go to chi diii, to bring about positive and radiant feelings about the approach.

Take your head, yak ostrich
The ostrich doesn’t have an ostrich in its head, for it’s crunchy, vazhayuchi, but it’s so safe.


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