Phraseology with the word "head" and its meaning (with butts). Are you really the ones that the ostrich has its head in a pisok? Yak all is fair

Phraseology with the word "head" and its meaning (with butts). Are you really the ones that the ostrich has its head in a pisok? Yak all is fair

“Don’t worry about your head” - it’s more popular to think about attracting people because of problems. At the same time, an analogy is drawn with an ostrich, which for the first time it is not safe to come up with it this way. However, let's take a look, why is this behavior typical for birds?

The head is at the squeak - myth is reality?

Forward, about those who the ostrich has a head in a pisok, speaking the Roman writer and the philosopher Pliniy the Elder. Investigations in their treatises revealed that the ostrich would often bury itself in the ground, which would see a threat. So a pardon was born, like two thousand rockies.

If the ostrich bows its head?

The ostriches do not hang their heads in the sack, but press them down to the ground, see them in the following droplets:

If you are not safe, the ostrich rushes in the flow. Ptah, if required, expands speed up to 95 km / year. Of course, the ostrich is very good at sprinting and middling, it shows a high rate of 10-15 minutes, for which birds are consumed. Renewal of forces is seen shvidshe, if the head that shilyayutsya down.

Do you know about ostriches?

You can roll over, ostriches press their heads to the ground, and do not feel like they can be on the Izborsky Ostrich farm, roztashovany near the Pskov region. Why don’t you skushtuvaty with a gourmet bird in a cafe? And don’t fetch the meat of that ostrich egg that don’t get a gastronomic banquet from a company of old friends?

Get your head into a pisok - a stiff viraz, which will put on those who are angry, having faced all the problems. Tsei visliv is good for respecting the ostrich, which is just the way to go if you need it. And if you want to have the best bird in the light in such a wonderful way, if so, then why would you help me with a good situation?

Meshkans are singing, it’s the very same thing to see. The head of the ostrich is small, it is callous, it is bad and it is a great way of dealing with problems that are on top of it. Such an image is hidden behind the creature and appears in phraseological units, and in cartoons, movies, anecdotes. Protest, however, the ostrich nikoli does not take a head in the pisok. There are only one of the number of folk myths that they did not know about scientific confirmation.

Snyut fіlmy, in which for the scenario the ostrich is guilty of the knowledge of the famous poses. Schob zmusiti creature play the role, bringing the vicopati a hole that reminds me of gourmands. Leave the ostrich lasuvv in the parts, the operator knew the needs of the frames.

The stars itself take care of the root of the tverdzhennya, it is impossible to say unequivocally. A long time ago, people used to kick an ostrich with their heads down and rob their heads. Long ago, writing in his forefathers: "Ostriches stick, if the stench sticks their head in the ground, all that is on the side will be built on the side." Mandarin people from the Old World often brought tales about overseas creatures. Ymovіrno, so I went to Europe and the Kazka about gigantic birds, as for some reason to stick my head into the ground. For the reason, the myth has become wider in Europe, but it is a type of "stick your head in the pisok" in all European movs.

The ostrich has a head at the dogs

Isnu kіlka version, yakі to explain, for the great bird to bury his head in the ground. Go tsіkaviy lantsyuzhok, if one myth is peoplezhu іnshy.

Myth: the ostrich hovers its head through fear

Nayvidomisha version, that the ostrich has a good taste. Schob її її easy to finish, to finish with nebagato logic. Yakbi beat the hijak, ptah got a good rank, win buv bi creation and without giving offspring. In nature, these signs are genetically transmitted; Yakbi ostriches are magalized to see, roaring in the pod_bn_ hovankas, the stench would have long been wimer.

For the most part, ostriches are natural biguni, the stench of the growth rate is up to 70 km / year. Dovgі legs of a two-meter bird rocking crocs by 3.5-4 meters. There are practically no chances for the transfer of a healthy bird, more so for krill ostrich, the ostrich quickly changes straight to the bottom. Navigate the bird in one month at a speed of 50 km / year.


Tim is not mensh, the version of z khovanka has the right to live. Don't be rational, it is even more energetic and less busy. It’s not safe far away, the ostrich just crumpled to the ground and clung to it. In chagarniki, it is very important to pomit yogi. It’s the same, and the female is robbing, she’s sitting on the nest. Tim is bigger, the females are masquerading barbecued in gray tones. Pkhati's head is not bound to the ground.

Vipadki is drunk, if the birds are zazyvavsya, and hijakovs in the distance creep close. It’s very big, because the ostrich is out of the deaf kut, in the hid go boovі navichki. The lower prints of a two-hundred-kilogram creature produce blows with a force of close to 30 kg / cm2. Such a blow can be fatal for an over-grown left. When you are out of pererakhovannyh vische facts, you can create a visnovok, which ostriches may have a tsily arsenal navichivannya. Tom will not become so blindly and ineffectively.

Ostrich to prey on the hijaka

Myth: an ostrich hoves its head through a bazannya to sleep

Do you not want to eat the ostrich's head in a pisok, why not get some sleep? Duzhe tsikava, ale as an implausible version. Zvychayno, buvayut creatures, like sleeping standing, for example, horses chi chapli. And those who stink shvidshe perebuyut for example, are not allowed to turn on. Ostriches live in a dormant fashion, vvazhayut for beautifully seated, legs bent down to themselves, and their head at all is located in a vertical position. The stench doesn’t look good, because it’s worth eating a lot of birds. At tsei moment ptah everything is wonderful, he has a wonderful hearing. Ale schob gliboko fall asleep; The most reliable hour for an ostrich. If you don't live alone, you can't live alone, sleep alone and drink. We'll help our relatives go by in fantasies. In such a way to secure the safety of the game.

Please note! Myth still has a singular basis. On the right, in the one where the ostrich, which has been crushed by the dovgoy chase, can have a shia. Todi, leaning at the bezpezi, let them see, bowing his head down. I don’t put it on the ground, and I won’t bury it anymore. At the moment I am going to graze, gaining strength for a marathon run.

Myth: an ostrich has a head in a pic at pohukah їzhі

Tsya version is built in nylogichnishoyu. In truth, from the earth there can be coma and larvae, like an ostrich, and wandering around. Ale zalishaєtsya vіdkrytim nutrition: yak vіn dikhaє u pisu? The statement is simple - niyak. Ostriches gnaw on the tim, so they grow, they grow big on the savannah. In the main part of the plant is їzha: grass, fruit of roslin, kviti and nasinnya. With the power of the creature, do not see comas, other lizards and grisons. Chicks and young individuals gnaw only on the creature's hedgehog. An overweight male needs close to 3.5 kg of weight for good, for that it is more likely that it’s worth it, because it’s a head that is hard to the ground.

Chim grubs ostrich

Є In some birds, there is one specialty - for over-etching, it is necessary to use the scraps. Qia specialty lured and ostriches. The stench often puffs out the pebbles, the sack and everything that tramples on the feet. Mozhlivo, the version went, the ostriches in the earth are whispering to the ground. Smell for the sake of truth, the sack itself, and it’s not necessary for it to be embedded in a new head.

It is not a matter of admiration for food, for which the ostrich has its head in a pisok. Zhoden vchenii dosi not fixing such a fact. Nayimovirnishe, upholstered a male, like a hole for a nest, and robbed a visnovka, so it’s like that.

Nini ostriches grow bagatiokh farms, spawn in Russia. A large male can be put on the back of a lyudin, which can ride the tops on ostriches. In Bagatiokh krainsky svitu popular type of rozvaga є ostrich drive.

The greatest bird on our planet is the ostrich, which lives mainly in the specter lands. There is a great number of fun-filled holidays and special features. So, to know the children know that the majestic bird with the new ones didn’t beat the eyes at once, and immediately buried his head in a pisok. About tse know cartoons, vigaduyut anecdotes, is it so good?

In truth, why does an ostrich have its head in a sack, because in such a rank it is not safe to be safe, but only to stink? Chi so ptahi ugly? For the sake of it, the stench is even more reasonable and the sound, like all judgmental representatives of the food, because of the peresliduvach. The stench can easily go majestically at close to 75 km / year, and in case of a threat, it is not safe to rise up to 97 km / year.

The nebilitya about those ostriches who are heading to the pisok came to us from the very hour of Ancient Rome. If the conquerors fed up foreign lands, they brought before the homeless truthful and no worse stories about distant lands and creatures that they inhabited. So it was that ostriches love the plain space. Oskilki on the plains grow out of the grass, їm it is brought to constantly nahilyatsya for їzheya. If you are sposterigach to bach, then you can trim your head in the grass, you might as well bury it there.

The growth of an ostrich is 2.3 m, the length of the vehicle is 150 kg, and I have two-fingered taut legs, so it’s not easy for that one to stand in a clean, if attacked by huts. Maybe you should be, oh, the ostrich has its head in a pisok, I want to pretend to be alone. Ptah lyagak on a sack and, poklavshi on a new head, a wondrous haystack nearby. If you don't fool the hijack without going into the distance, it includes the speed and rush to us couples, rushing in the flow. As soon as it goes nikudi, the ostrich prefers and fights for its life. The blow of the yogi paw of the floor is straining, but when it is irradiated in the head, you can easily drive a ludicraft.

The ostrich is even dull, through the whole, maybe, and the history of his free hovanki. Until then, win often nahilyaє his head to the ground, so listen carefully, as he doesn’t obstruct your safety. Live the birds in herds, sleep on the devil. Leave one person to see, to walk and to quit, not to come close to them hijacks. Through the high growth and the miraculous look, I can smell the stench nearby, about seeing my relatives. For the reason they beat them for the beautiful grazing of the rich creatures.

There are a lot of people wondering about those who have an ostrich in their heads, they don’t think so, but it’s just a vygadka, nonbilitia, invented by the ancient Romans. Until now, there have been a lot of myths, vigadan chi non-revised facts, which are sacredly vivid. If I want to feed ostriches, I’ve shown myself to “shake your head in a pisok”, so that you are afraid of difficult and unique examples of problems, the scarlet way of proud birds and do not shy away.

Vvazhayut, when be-a-good-for-nothing, the ostrich has its head in a pisok. Remember the famous joke? On the volєri viviska: ostriches are not lyakati, pidloga is concrete. Oskіlki richly hto perekonnuyu, so overflowing the stench to top up, shaking his head in a pisc, then the whole heat becomes zrozumіlim. Ornithologists reconnected, but ptahs of a concrete podloga can not get a shkodi, they can’t be nailed too much.

As a rule, we will ask the nutritionists to learn about the average education and establish the course of biology in the process of teaching the course of biology, as well as the man has grown up, as he stumbled upon the phraseology "take your head in a pisok". It’s popular to see how it’s related to people, because it’s trying to solve the problem of problems, or to worry about better ignoring the problem in the hope, because it’s like it’s not possible to see it by itself. At the end of the day, it’s like an ostrich, which in case of an uncomfortable situation, should be like that. Chi hoa an ostrich head in a pisok for good reason?

Forward, it’s about those that the ostrich will wrap its head in a squeak out of fear, bulo said by the Roman writer and misler Plinin the Elder. The same philosopher, having copied with his vigados, has described in a song how many ptakhiv pid an hour before they read the contamination, but when they put their head into a squeak, they puff up a small part of the vigilance that calmly, like an ostrich trembling in front of a hooded ostrich.

With such a rank, the grave was born. Mifu, before the speech, it’s already 2000 rocky, ale vin doesn’t let the ostrich see its head in the song. Surely, the philosopher has mercy very much. At the same time, a close one for the meaning of rephrasing viraz "bury your head in a pisok" has grown in popularity among Great Britain and Low Countries.

Chi khovak ostrich head in a pic (video)

Vicrittya mifu

If you are picking out the one whose head the ostrich has in the pisok, it is not possible to clarify the simple and real situation, ptah just whack to the ground, to keep the pisces, and not to cling to his head. Vona kovtaє pisok that pebble, which is hard;

Seemingly, the females can hang their heads to the ground when they need it for an hour. The stench of being so timid about the worldly stature of one who is uncomfortable and angry about the newfound middle-class. So the ostrich itself is to sleep, that is, his head lies on the sack. However, as soon as the birdie, she partook, she could go noiselessly, she would instantly be buried and in the process.

As a rule, we will ask the students to ask for the study of the average education in the process of teaching the course of biology, or the lyudin has grown up, as he stumbled upon the phraseology "take your head into a pisok"

Imovirno, some of the fellows of Pliny the Elder, having become a witness to the stage of implanting a bird with a bird, or masquerading in the midst of a new community that is wrongly meaningful.

One more fact: ostriches have even tighter legs, as well as saws and rather large ones, it is possible to say, majestic eyes (before the speech, more, no brain). It’s possible to go unstoppable: get your head in a gossip without a glitch, the ostrich ostrich can see it and wonder in my life.

Myth about ostriches, for why an ostrich has its head in a pic (video)

Diy birds when overworking

Having risen at the fact that ptah nicoli does not have a head in a sack, it is also possible to know, as it is necessary to come to ptah when changing. If you feel a threat to life, an ostrich, whose legs can develop the speed of a car, then cross the highway (50-70 km / year), just go through it with a lot of sprint. Crocs in 3-4 m (yak at the speed-walking chobots) are as fast as they are, and also the bird is good enough to live on the road with a quick turn and without a gallop turn, tobto. zmіnoyu directly bіgu with the help of krill. Repeat the same step to win the rogue hijackers absolutely no force. To navigate at the one-thousandth bird of the feathered creature the speed of life when trying to get out of the way is not safe to grow at a minimum of up to 50 km / year.

Vona kovtaє pisok that pebble, which is hard;

Having looked at the photographs for the profit of ostriches, one can easily see through the eyes, but one can hardly allow one to think about the fear of a bird, and about the fear of prying one's head in a head when overworking. One, whom one may be afraid of, is an annoying interest to his person, but not a thief.

In addition to an ostrich hijack (for example, a jackal), an ostrich simply ignores or shtovhaє, if that one gets in trouble. The legs of a bird in 200 kg are applied with knockout blows with a force of 30 kg / cm2. However, a bird at once in a nearby chase is overwhelmed with snow, so ptah, tikayuchi are not safe, can get tired of it, and simply in the absence of strength, become immature. Yak is the result, the head falls to the ground, and the creature will kill the adversary.

For misinterpreting people, that memory is the brain that is in the head. It’s not surprising that the word “head” is used in the phraseological turns of phraseology, in the memory of the processes of memory, the word “head”. The head is our brain center, take care of it. Guided by the text, butt to help the intelligence of the meaning of this phraseology.

Mati head on your shoulders
But we’re smart, smart, smart.

It is only necessary to put your head on your shoulders, and the result is not to get stuck.

Lamati head
It was possible to raise awareness of the problem as to the problem of the employees.

It’s not easy to spend an hour at the laboratory, or it’s not to burn the lamati’s head over the cym foldable manifestation, which can appear like a zilch.

Gold head
Reasonable, cinnamon for the suspension of lyudin.

- The head is gold, - the director of the collective department said about the veterinarian Pєtukhov.

Take your head
Buti in the camp of ruin chi sum'yattya, it is often so to speak about zakhana lyudin.

Through a small person, he is called into a head.

Removed the head
So to talk about the smilivu lyudin, grasping to the rizikovannyh vchinki.

Yak vi wisely remembered: head start!

Vikinuti from the head
By the way, think about it, as a rule, about the problem.

For Ugor Ivanovich, the image of this red woman, who was a hvatsko prancing horse on horseback, didn’t go into the head.

Viletity from the head
Completely forget about something.

I have a lot of viletylo from the head, so many lectures are given for the present.

With their heads
Negative message about the people of the people, because when they reach their goals, they don’t bother the people who are desperate. It is often so to speak about kar'єristiv, as they grow up on the mountain with kar'єrny gatherings, “razshtovuyuchi” their competitors.

To achieve the required result, Vasil Kindratovich does not make a mistake before chim. These heads are the principle of yogo.

I see with my head
To bear again the visibility for the future, to navigate through life.

For the successful implementation of the project, you, Kastrulkin, turn your head.

Sadov's head
About the bad, "empty" lyudin. Viraz priishov from the garden-city terminology - the “garden head” was called the city lyakalo.

And what about it? Sadov's head.

Ide's head wrap
About the camp of the people, if you see the right and the turbot, the building is clearly missed for an hour.

I’ve got a head that’s near the corner of the right hand, it’s piled up.

Porridge in the head
The visibility of clarity in the thoughts of a pirate when comprehended by a great amount of information.

Before going to sleep from physics, I have a little mess in my head.

Beefed up your head
Introduce it unscrupulously, do not forget about the inheritance of chi, which is conducive to the destruction of other forces. For a long time in the war, before the essence of the day, they used the tip of the sword to knock their own heads, vazhayuchi, so they can shoot them out of blows.

Nicholas are not varto strimgolov throwing themselves for the right, you know a little about yaku.

Shake your head
Bend a strong razpach chi troubles. It was a long-standing tradition, if people at the time of grief didn’t often sip their heads on their heads and poured the earth.

Grab your head in a pic
About the situation, if people are talking about problems and not just mentioning them. Vvazhayutsya, when ostriches are not safe to drink their heads in a pisok, naively when they are vvazhayuchi, how the stench will rise prikhovani.

Take a head in a pisok - tse the share of ostriches, take it, show your character, and all you see.

About a stupid lyudin, yak nasty rozumіє.

Beat your head against the wall
Perebuvati at the stanі of a strong rozpachu.

In the case of bad luck, you don't bang your head against the wall.

Yak snig on the head
About yakus nespodіvanu, rapta podіya.

Glory overtook me, the zenatska fell like a snig on my head; ceased, if I published the remainder of the episode.

Fool your head
Zbivati ​​z panteliku, fool around, darken. From the old-fashioned word "haze", tobto haze.

The policeman should be able to fool the heads of the people.

On your head
On Skoda sob.

Do not go out from the head
It was forgiven for someone else to be lost in memory against the bazhannya.

The most important episode does not come from my head.

Do not wear your heads
About the situation, if people do not succumb to the punishment, or they can pay for their lives.

Pay with your head
Zaginit through shhos.

For his mercy, he paid with his head.

3 heads to p'yat
I am drawing about the building of people, which I characterize as a whole, I will grow.

Then again, having become against Krivtsov, looking around him from his head until he was pissed, and saying: Gratymesh ti.

See a soulful head
About khvatska, into the distance, see the soul of a man.

Empty head
About a bad, unserious person, or about a situation, if a thought is not obedient, it does not fall on a thought.

Glory saying: Can't I see with me? Feel the difference, marnosti. Empty your head. "

Your head on your shoulders є
About a human being, who thinks well, independently, and take an independent decision.

1. About ludin, yak maє garnі rozumovі zdіbnostі.
Our Petrovich is a man with a head!

2. About gliboke problems in the process of resolving problems.
Winning at the head of the head.

Have a healthy head
It is uncommendable to linger about a lyudin, yak to turn your guilt over to an innocent lyudin.

Wiggle your head
Shine your povaga.

I shake my head in front of the tsim sing.

Shvidko, shvidko, shy.

To rush, strikegolov, nazustrich rankovy zorі - tse bulo yogo hobі.

Lyudina, she is strong in the initiation of every soul.

Grab your head
Get angry, you will get very tired of the drive.

Good head to cook
Rough-grasping assessment of the good-humored health of the people.

Happy Pyaterochkіnu - a good head to cook!

I want my head by the water
About the situation, if a lyudin is ready to rizikuvati for someone else who wants to live.

For you - I want my head at the water!

I want a little bit on my head!
Oburene zavazhennya about the situation, if a person is marno perekonuvat in chomus, there is one thing to do in his own way.

I give my head to see
To vouch for someone who lives up to the price of his life.

“I’ll give my head on seeing, you don’t earn money and half of the sum, you’re talking about yaku,” said Luhanska to Ivanov.

Clear head
About a person who is very clear and clear about it.

Without a king in the head
About a carefree, close-minded person, I can't put my own environment in my life.

Viter in the head
About careless, lightly important lyudin.

Our new girl has a wind at her head.

The head is spinning
About the situation, if you can’t guess good at home.

Do not invest in the head
It’s forgiven, but it’s important to be reconciled.

The head does not have to invest, as it is so simple, albeit fantastically sound!

Don't hit your head
Don't take it too close to heart.

Visoko trimati head
But we are so proud.

Uninvolved in a twisted situation, I shaved my head high.

Head up
Perebuvati at the rozpachі, get tired, get tired.

- Well, Ivanko, isn't it fun? How are you hanging your head?

Heads to fly
About the situation, if someone knows from the plant.

Hot head
About the stick to Lyudin, you might as well gag.

Correctly saying the director - a hot head!

Trimati in the head
Gradually the memory of someone was forgiven.

Hammer your head
Re-engaging the brain of unnecessary information by the overworld turbots is forgiven.

Beat in your head
Naviate sob, no-nonsense.

Vona drove her sob into her dummy, so she needs to throw off the vagu.

Spin your head
Zakokhati with you. It can also make the building feel healthy.

The dashing hussar is calling his head spinning.

Usom's head
Forgiven naygolovnіshe.

Khlib's head!

Head two wuh
A zealous vidguk about a foolish man nearby.

Dirk's head
About rossiyana, forgetting lyudin.

- My head is dirka, hlib zabula buy!

Head is busy
About the situation, if a person is zooseredzhenna be-like zavdannya or taken care of as a right.

Head fluffy
So it seems at once strongly overturned, for a great number of rights, such as the demand of the Viconati.

And when I’m walking for a walk, my head is so fluffy that I’m not wearing a hat.


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