I do not spoil the meaning of phraseology with a finger. Phraseology s "finger

I do not spoil the meaning of phraseology with a finger. Phraseology s "finger



Do absolutely nothing.

Worrying about uvazi, what person, group osib ( X) baidik, do not take any part in yakomus l. right through the negligence chi nevminnya pratsyuvati. Speak to uncomplaining. informalX do not hit a finger on a finger . Named part nezmin. Maybe upot. without zaperech. In the role tell me. Order of slive-components nonfix.

⊛ Anfisa sighed. She has a good man for everyone, but at home do not hit a finger on a finger. F. Abramov, Two winters and three years. No, it's nasty to crush you Ivan. Bad. Ninishniy cholovik without shit do not hit a finger on a finger. But how about your head? The head can’t, like a stench, spit and wave at everything with your hand. F. Abramov, Ways-dorozhzhi.

Nothing, get up and dress dumb in scho, but stink at least hit a finger on a finger. M. Isakovsky, On the Elninsk lands.

⊜ (fam.) - You miraculously know and without my hints, what you care about, but in three months finger on finger without hitting. M. Kolesnikov, School of Ministers.

You are in the state і finger don't hit your finger! What a helper for me! You won’t bring water. M. Sholokhov, Raise the qilina.

Bach, diloc here. You can earn. So good vіdsotok, and you won’t hit a finger on a finger. A. Serafimovich, Place near the steppe.

⊝ (Ridko upot.) - Yes. Know now Kostyantinopolishka Mikanora Sirtsova! I won't hit a finger on a finger. I fold my hands and sit. Corrected and... A. Averchenko, Argonauts and golden fleece.

"Viraz calmly Russian, from the folk language, about what to say about the common and dialectal options: don't hit a finger on a finger, don't stab a finger on a finger". ( M., 2001. S. 477.) Image phraseol. peregukuetsya with the most recent form of somatic notification, tobto. bodily part as a whole. Component phraseol. finger be consistent with the somatic code of culture, the sequence of components finger about finger- with a spacious code, with which the receiver "o" indicates a close zіtknennya, zіtknennya, perebuvannya vpritul something. from smb. Component hit converse with anthroponym, tobto. Vlasne human, culture code. At the heart of the image phraseol. to lie metonymically, in the yak interspersed with a rich synecdoche - similar to a part of the whole: finger - hand - hand - hand - diyalnist. In image phraseol. component finger the hands are likened to the її іinstrumental′ function; div. also virazi fingers of the line (nezgrabnі, nevmilі, spritni, spritni, spritni, vmilі). Behind the character of the figurative-metaphorical imitation, the smallest movement is more stable in general, the presence of movement - to the point of inactivity. Image phraseol. accepted and natomist cultural attitudes, expressions of folklore: You won’t stretch out your hands, so you won’t get away from the police; Legs to wear, and hands to wear; Hands drooped, shoulders pulled; I'll fold my hands and don't practice. phraseol. in a flash convey the stereotype of the statement about the total lack of deeds of a person, about the non-participation of a person. right. M. L. Kovshova


who [ for whom, for what ]

Don’t report the annual zusil, don’t work anything.

Worrying about uvazi, what person, group osib ( X) can't or don't want to sho-l. robiti for helping another person, another group of osib ( Y), To get a solution in yakіy-l. difficult situations ( R). Speak to uncomplaining. informalX do not hit a finger on a finger [for Y-a for P]. Named part nezmin. Maybe upot. without zaperech. In the role tell me. Order of slive-components nonfix.

⊛ I was even amazed that, knowing my brother closely, [director] finger on finger without hitting, schob vryatuvati yogo. O. Stuchenko, Our fate is enviable. I team is not less without touching a finger to avoid scams. MK, 2001.

As the head of the HOZU of the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR, V. Kasatkin was an organizer and a restorative. And it is not a moment not to know about the wild steal that thrives on the object. Knowing, ale finger on finger without hitting, shchob yogo pinit. Vechirnya Moscow, 1998.

Vtіm, no one in Murman bazhav hit the finger on the finger at the cost of interventions. V. Pikul, Z deaf kuta.

Pantyukhov? Well, you know what kind of person do not hit a finger on a finger, to chat about Olya N. Atarov, A story about the first kohannya.

Vin [Ivan Aksakov] conceived a new vision of Fyodor Ivanovich's works. Ale Tyutchev finger on finger without hitting for the sake of such an important thing for the skin author, do it. Yu. Nagibin, Dream about Tyutchev.

⊜ (fam. s convict.) - Tee now and don't hit a finger on a finger, to help vibrate with the history of all others. ( Promote.)

⊝ (Call at bud. temp. like a threat.) - ... How to inspire you and imprison you for a yak_s mystetstva ..., I I won't hit a finger on a finger. G. Matveev, New director.

May on the street, what more am I don't hit a finger on a finger! Rozshlinuy himself qiu porridge! V. Kaverin, Open book.

I would not have been able to hitting a finger on a finger for their onukiv, for the Vadkovsky brothers and Zakhar. Ale z Oleksiyem - especially on the right. A. Glumov, Dolya Pleshcheevikh.

cultural commentary: Main comment div. in I FINGER ABOUT THE FINGER DO NOT HIT 1.. div. so in the Gospel: "And to you, lawyers, woe, that you put heavy burdens on people, and you yourself do not stick to them with one finger" ( OK. 11: 46). phraseol. as a whole, it conveys the stereotype of the phenomenon of being baiduzhist, baiduzhist people according to their age to smb., to sth. M. L. Kovshova


who [ for the sake of whom, for the radical ]

Don't rob the people of your life, don't rob anything.

Worrying about uvazi, what person, group osib ( X) do not need to help another person, another group of people ( Y) in yakіy-l. difficult situations ( R). Speak to uncomplaining. informalX don't break a finger [for the sake of Y-and R]. Named part nezmin. Maybe upot. without zaperech. Often after phraseol. get used to supplement. pronounce. with an alliance, which turns out to help, help, hand over, prohannya. In the role tell me. Order of slive-components nonfix.

⊙ There are such attitudes: you bash a person in front of you, like you have mercy, and, in fact, it’s so easy to reveal the truth, and still you don’t want to destroy for whom finger. I. Potapenko, Lyubov.⊛ The mustache felt vaguely, strained and unsettled, but nothing and without breaking a finger to defuse the atmosphere. Y. Nagibin, Alien.

... Khlebnikov scurried, if you don’t want to leave, but trembling through the daily life .... Khlebnikov waited until the dark kut. Just nothing for the sake of something without lifting a finger. N. Mandelstam, Spogadi. Another book.

Himself tired to the light, - grumbling out, - zdaetsya, on offense, you have the right to repair, but stink and do not steal a finger, Docks do not see yourself. M. Prishvin, Kashcheeva Lansyug.

And who is it? - she was sleeping, pіdrakhovuchi in the mind, sіlki їy can manage the svіlnennya svvgromadyan. How expensive, won and the finger is not around- let's sit, think, learn Russian wisdom. O. Andreev, Gotel.

⊜ (fam.) - Ti and not with a finger mess up so that they gave us a decent apartment (Rich.)

⊝ (fam. Ring at bud. temp. like a threat.) - Mi - I'm out of fear, and you're out of spiritual malice - didn't lift a finger in order to get rid of this negidnik. Y. German, My dear people.

You, apparently, really z'їhala from the depths, as if you dare ask me about such speeches! No, I'm for you and I won’t steal a finger!.. L. Filatov, Robin Hood's Great Kokhannya.

"The coming week is coming," having said goodbye to me, "people want to celebrate my dress." - "I swear to God, I I won't lift my finger for the sake of this shameless winding," said aunt Katya. F. Iskander, Sandro z Chegema.

cultural commentary: Main comment div. in I FINGER DO NOT HIT ABOUT THE FINGER 1.. and don’t bend your finger, don’t lift your finger, keep your finger that in.), and in other language: Bel. ani finger abgarnuti, lit. ne pirstu nepajudinti, … new. keinen Finger ruhren nach etw, fr. ne pas bouger (remuer) le petit doigt…". Melerovich A.M., Mokienko V.M. Phraseological units in Russian language. M., 2001. S. 483.) Components steal, vouchnut to introduce an element of etalonization of the minimum disruption, which is interpreted as the least manifestation of activity, the participation of people in a succulent l. right. phraseol. in general, it conveys the stereotype of the statement about navmisnu idleness, about the non-participation of people in the world. right. M. L. Kovshova
  • - 1. PA / LETS PA / LETS ABOUT PA / LETS DO NOT GOOD / RITI htos Absolutely nothing to do. Toil on the ground, that a person, a group of special people, do not take a part in the same way. help through the negligence chi nevminnya pratsyuvati ...

    Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian language

  • - do not steal with your finger, do not steal the Rod. Unpraise. Only owls. Don’t rob anything, don’t rob anything for the sake of reaching, be sure to aim, but be sure to help someone. = Don't hit your finger with your finger...

    Initial Phraseological Dictionary

  • - B/A and C/A div div. _Supplement II turn and turn turn and turn turn and turn 235 cm. _Addendum II turned! 237 cm. _Additional 2nd turn 242 cm. _Additional 2nd turn A/B pr...

    Dictionary of Russian voices

  • - turn the div. steal...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Vorushiti, -SIA div. steal...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Move, voruhnu, vorukhnesh, sov., What and chim. Give the deaky hour, thieves. Twist your fingers. || Disrupt a little. "The indiscreet pressure of the nephew, having turned the mystery in his heart." Goncharov...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

  • - turn the owls. transition i non-transition. 1. Bring it to the Rukh, sponkati chimos. 2. transfer...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ephraim

  • - having turned, -їв, -їв...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Thief with BRAIN. Twist your brains. Simple. Express. understand; remember to think, rozmirkovuvat. You will need to drink it to another workshop, there to bring it to a conclusion, carefully drink the maister - in a word, to shake with the beats ...
  • - steal brain. Twist your brain. Simple. Neglect Well, those who steal with their mouths. - And I'm on tsikh poses shovesni. I know a large public...

    Phraseological Dictionary of Ukrainian Literary Movie

  • - Div. THUNDERSTORM -...

    V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

  • - Rozg. Unpraise. Don't save your own zusill for chogos. FSRYA, 309; BTS, 1493; BMS 1998, 429; Mokienka 1986, 127; Mokienka 1990, 64...
  • - Kar. Touch something, touch something. SRGK 4, 377...

    Great dictionary of Russian orders

  • - 1...

    Form words

  • - no finger.

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - Throw with a rose, cook with a cauldron, count horseradish to your nose, throw a member to your nose, wow, think, throw wits, wrinkle, think, whack with wits, brain, think, think, ...

    Glossary of synonyms


6. What do you think of the stench under your finger?

From the book Ієroglіfіka author Nile Gorapollon

6. What do you think of the stench under your finger? finger means alive

With one finger

3 books Near Sea the author Andreeva Julia

With one finger Marina Orgasmus wrote her book "Hemorrhoids, otherwise Marinochka, you are so low" in the form of a hand. Fragment after fragment, step by step, it was wondrous, vіdverta, in some ways it was accommodating, and in some ways it was a story that looked like something. Seeing Twelve Rocks That


From the book Say hello to Jerelu author Harding Douglas

10 PUSHING WITH YOUR FINGER Stretch your hand and press with a pointed finger on the great shoe ... Remember, where the vice is known from the current facts - tobto in these speeches. І respect, de є vіdsutnіst vise, - you have like no-speech, that you absorb in yourself tsі speeches at once


From the book of Chotiri fishing season [Secrets of successful fishing at any time of the year] author Kazantsev Volodymyr Opanasovich

GALMA WITH A FINGER A lot of fishermen, who especially put a multiplier cat up in front, vvazhayut that she will kill everything herself. Indeed, most modern kotushkas are equipped with a galmium system, as they are regulated in such a way as to prevent the adoption of the “beard”. ale

§ 154. Did you paint a poster with your finger?

From the book "Cunning" author Lebedev Artem Andriyovich

Right with your thumb

From books author Bates William Horatio

Right with your thumb Sit hand on the stile with your back. Eyepieces can be removed, but not. Vityagnіt in front of him trohi below the line, I look at the hand with a raised thumb. Stare at the finger. Your eyes are slanted in the middle (stars).

Finger on finger!

From the book Almighty mind chi simple and effective techniques of self-healing author Vasyutin Oleksandr Mikhailovich

Finger on finger! First, take up these other methods of self-regulation, ask yourself: “What do I really need? Why is it not given to traditions, fashion, the pressure of others? If you really need self-regulation, then you will bring it from health to you

finger massage

From the book Healing. Volume 2. Introduction to Anatomy: Structural Massage author Underwater Absalom

Finger massage Small. 2.11. Arrow Arrow (Fig. 2.11): an absolutely straight finger of the hand, straightened most of the time perpendicular to the surface of the client's body. Mal. 2.12. Boomerang Boomerang (Fig. 2.12): a straight finger from bent to the middle of a distant loam, spreading so that yoga

You won’t be able to swipe, you can twist it with your finger

3 books Don't think author Paley Chris

You won’t be able to see the light, you can turn it around with your finger. You can blame the illusion that there is nothing simple, but demonstrate that you have full control over the powers that be. Clench your fists, and now straighten one finger, left or right -

A hand with a brush finger

From the book of 1000 miracles from the earth author Gurnakova Olena Mykolayivna

A hand with a brush finger U 1780 Mandriving Pier Sonner on the western birch of the island of Madagascar, commemorating the unimaginable nature near the crown of the trees. The stench of the boules was zavbіlshki from the intestines, small long-time food tail, majestic ears and round yellow eyes. Yani Island

Point your finger at the sky

From the book Business and business - 3. Don't give up: 30 words about the quiet, who started raising the knee author Solovyov Oleksandr

Finger to the sky

From the book of Shaleny Limonov [The Great March on the Kremlin] author Dodoliv Evgen Yuriyovich

Just as Zhirinovsky today is more evil for Russia, lower Yeltsin, then the third head of the beast is less unsafe. It’s not safe for the team, if you want some of the power, that grime for her! I want to say to Zyuganov: Gennady Andriyovich! Stop calling yourself a communist!

finger gesture

Whoever does not speak, is guilty of death (Facts against the mafia) author Polken Klaus

Finger gesture One participant of the conference in Apalachin, the sergeant knew well. For the river to the river - at the Zhovtni 1956. - Vіn is already mav on the right with the cієyu people. It became so. Police road service on one of the main roads for the transportation of a driver's license in a car


From books Duel 2009_9 author Newspaper Duel

A THIRD of Europeans are aware that the main reason for the current economic crisis lies with the Jews, still close to 40% of the inhabitants of the European Union, that the injection of Jewish businessmen in the financial sector of the world economy is great. Such data of the sociological

Finger to the sky

What is written on the birth? [Scenario of your share] author Stepanov Sergiy Sergiyovich

With a finger at the sky, the All-light so mirkuva: "Turn, About happiness and grief, people and death. Forever I tlumach truthfully, understand, Ale, you understand the essence of them wrongly ..." Rabindranat Tagor

don't shake the rod. Unpraise. Only owls. Don’t rob anything, don’t rob anything for the sake of reaching, be sure to aim, but be sure to help someone. = Do not hit your finger with your finger. 3 nouns zi value individuals chi suupnostі osіb: susіd, kinsman, group ... not a finger in the hand; do not steal a finger for someone? for others, for you.

At your hvilin, if you showed yourself that Nadya was suffering alone, and you couldn’t lift your finger for help, you became ashamed. (N. Pomyalovsky.)

Pannochka write to you [Alpatov] in an inaccurate handwriting about yakіs ... books. Ale won’t voruhne with a finger for your happiness. (M. Prishvin.)

Everyone thought to themselves vaguely, strainedly, but without slamming a finger into anyone to lighten the atmosphere. (Yu. Nagibin.)

Initial Phraseological Dictionary. - M: AST. Є. A. Bistrova, A. P. Okunova, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

Marvel at such a "do not turn your finger" in other dictionaries:


    Don't twist your finger (don't crush, don't twist)- Rozg. Unpraise. Don't save your own zusilla for something. FSRYA, 309; BTS, 1493; BMS 1998, 429; Mokienka 1986, 127; Mokienka 1990, 64 ...

    І DO NOT DAMAGE WITH YOUR FINGER- 1. [I] PA/LETS PA/LETSA PRO PA/LETS NEVER WA/RITI who does absolutely nothing. Mine on uvazi, scho person, group of osib (X) baidiki, do not take part in yakomus l. right through the negligence chi nevminnya pratsyuvati. Speak to… … Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian language

    turn upside down- Don't move your finger. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar ones for the splendid language. pid. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. turn the divas. Glossary of synonyms

    don't lift your finger- sleep, bovtatisya, don’t stick your finger in, don’t rob the crocus, don’t rob the crocodile, ledariti, dream, play prankster, baidik, don’t turn your finger, glare, don’t turn around, don’t rob the crocodile, ganyat the elephants, talk Glossary of synonyms

    Don't bend your finger- Dial. Unpraise. Those same, scho do not move a finger. Mokienka 1990, 64 ... Great dictionary of Russian orders

    Do not beat with your finger (do not poke)- Volog. Unpraise. Those same, scho do not move a finger. SVG 6, 121 ... Great dictionary of Russian orders

    Don't twist your finger- Girko. Unpraise. Those same, scho do not move a finger. BalSok, 49 … Great dictionary of Russian orders

    - Don't move the rod. Unpraise. Only owls. Don’t rob anything, don’t rob anything for the sake of reaching out, or else I’ll help someone. = Do not hit your finger with your finger. 3 nouns zi value individuals or the sukupnosti osib: susid, relative, ... Initial Phraseological Dictionary

    do not put your finger in, do not turn- Div... Glossary of synonyms


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In a skin person, the authorities have a lesser side of the character, as if they are among other people, very rarely. But our body can also mother unique rice.

website rozpov_st about 11 vinyatkovyh novichok and special features of the human body. Read, but for the quiet, who wants to learn some tricks, we prepared a bonus for example stats.

Gnuchka mova

For such tricks, you need a certain amount of strength and tone of the tongue. Crimium of genetics of ci rice infuse dovkіllya. So, the Indians are especially vigilant about my language. Vcheni vvazhayut, scho on the tse infuse the features of the Indian language.

The versatility of the language can be different, and on this topic, they conducted a follow-up. So, 63% of them were able to turn the language into a roll, 14% could turn it into a roll, and fold the potrynu tube less than 1% less.

Ruhlivі vuha

Yak bi vie did not swear, you can’t cheat with a skin finger on your nose. Everything that is known as m'yazi can only be done by the thumb and little finger, otherwise controlled by one set of m'yazi. It is not easy to move with the thumb with the thumb, and the axis of the thumb with the little finger may be smaller.

Before the speech, people, as if they could break the little finger around the eyes of the little fingers, the floorings give the meaning of special freedom, so you should not recommend going abroad for them.

Possibility to reach your tongue with your tongue

What do you care such smarts can be no more than 1% of people on the planet. Sob vykonat tsey trick, it is necessary for the mother to be more short before the cry and dovgu mov. But for the obviousness of these features, a garna stretching is necessary, which is even more powerful.


Vminnya lift just one eyebrow to lie, in addition, there are many excuses for the newcomer to manage the mischief. Tsіkavo often people get away at once from the newcomer ruhati vukhami. Vcheni vvazhayut that earlier people could freely collapse with their eyebrows, for example, as if at once they were able to slay people, you see the mavp, having succumbed to insecurity.

Dimples on the cheeks

With a small opening over the air, people about 5% of the population of our planet. Clearly, the United States has less than one hundred of such people, and the axis in the lands of Asia is especially diagnosed in approximately 10% of new people. Vcheni did not give a single visnovka about the reason for the appearance of that role of the opening over the air, but the deacons vvazhayut that the girl is a revolutionary rudiment of the rib'yachy zyaber.

Hitchhiker's toe

don't pick up with your finger don't pick up Rozg. Unpraise. Only owls. Don’t rob anything, don’t rob anything for the sake of reaching, be sure to aim, but be sure to help someone. = Do not hit your finger with your finger. 3 nouns zi value individuals chi suupnostі osіb: susіd, kinsman, group ... not a finger in the hand; do not steal a finger for someone? for others, for you.

At your hvilin, if you showed yourself that Nadya was suffering alone, and you couldn’t lift your finger for help, you became ashamed. (N. Pomyalovsky.)

Pannochka write to you [Alpatov] in an inaccurate handwriting about yakіs ... books. Ale won’t voruhne with a finger for your happiness. (M. Prishvin.)

Everyone thought to themselves vaguely, strainedly, but without slamming a finger into anyone to lighten the atmosphere. (Yu. Nagibin.)

  • - 1. PA / LETS PA / LETS ABOUT PA / LETS DO NOT GOOD / RITI htos Absolutely nothing to do. Toil on the ground, that a person, a group of special people, do not take a part in the same way. help through the negligence chi nevminnya pratsyuvati ...

    Phraseological dictionary of Ukrainian language

  • - Don't move the rod. Unpraise. Only owls. Don’t rob anything, don’t rob anything for the sake of reaching, be sure to aim, but be sure to help someone. = Don't hit your finger with your finger...

    Initial Phraseological Dictionary

  • - move /, -nesh, ...

    Spelling Dictionary of Russian Movies

  • - steal, -elyu, -їlish i -elish; -Lonnius; carry...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Thief, thief, thief. one-time to steal, those same ones who steal. “Having turned the bottom with a bridle, pinning it with a spur.” Pushkin. "The wind over the skeleton, which ziv'yala, voruhne grass." Lermontov...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

  • - steal owls. transition i non-transition. 1. single to the goal steal 1., 2. 2...

    Tlumachny dictionary of Ephraim

  • - sheveln "ut, -n" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - about the apparently chi it was given to be baiduzhost, peace of mind Porivn. Vona listened to her Suvora, without batting her brow; only little bits of the company її savoring the trohi of commemorating the judicial ruh. B.M. Markevich. Dayless...

    Mikhelson's Tlumach phraseological dictionary

  • - Warto with your finger. Rozg. Express. rob a little zusilla - I, before the speech, came here to listen, and not to listen to stupid questions ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of Ukrainian Literary Movie

  • - Komi. uncomplaining. Well, those who do not hit a finger on a finger. Kobeleva, 71...
  • - Rozg. Unpraise. Don't save your own zusill for chogos. FSRYA, 309; BTS, 1493; BMS 1998, 429; Mokienka 1986, 127; Mokienka 1990, 64...

    Great dictionary of Russian orders

  • - ...

    Form words

  • - Adverb, a lot of synonyms: 3 in the world it’s light like a penny took a cili without consuming it in a cil ...

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - adverb, a lot of synonyms: 4 just enough to pull on about your bazhannya varto just brow line varto just want to varto just blink ...

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, steal, shake, shake, shake, shake, wip, turn over, ...

    Glossary of synonyms

  • - think, calm down, think, estimate horseradish to the nose, estimate the dick to the nose, cook with a cauldron, turn the balls, throw the balls, throw the roses, think, think, throw the beats, blow the mind, ...

    Glossary of synonyms

"do not steal with your finger" in books

6. What do you think of the stench under your finger?

From the book Ієroglіfіka author Nile Gorapollon

6. What do you think of the stench under your finger? finger means alive

With one finger

3 books Near Sea the author Andreeva Julia

With one finger Marina Orgasmus wrote her book "Hemorrhoids, otherwise Marinochka, you are so low" in the form of a hand. Fragment after fragment, step by step, it was wondrous, vіdverta, in some ways it was accommodating, and in some ways it was a story that looked like something. Seeing Twelve Rocks That


From the book Say hello to Jerelu author Harding Douglas

10 PUSHING WITH YOUR FINGER Stretch your hand and press with a pointed finger on the great shoe ... Remember, where the vice is known from the current facts - tobto in these speeches. І respect, de є vіdsutnіst vise, - you have like no-speech, that you absorb in yourself tsі speeches at once


From the book of Chotiri fishing season [Secrets of successful fishing at any time of the year] author Kazantsev Volodymyr Opanasovich

GALMA WITH A FINGER A lot of fishermen, who especially put a multiplier cat up in front, vvazhayut that she will kill everything herself. Indeed, most modern kotushkas are equipped with a galmium system, as they are regulated in such a way as to prevent the adoption of the “beard”. ale

§ 154. Did you paint a poster with your finger?

From the book "Cunning" author Lebedev Artem Andriyovich

Right with your thumb

From books author Bates William Horatio

Right with your thumb Sit hand on the stile with your back. Eyepieces can be removed, but not. Vityagnіt in front of him trohi below the line, I look at the hand with a raised thumb. Stare at the finger. Your eyes are slanted in the middle (stars).

Finger on finger!

From the book Almighty mind chi simple and effective techniques of self-healing author Vasyutin Oleksandr Mikhailovich

Finger on finger! First, take up these other methods of self-regulation, ask yourself: “What do I really need? Why is it not given to traditions, fashion, the pressure of others? If you really need self-regulation, then you will bring it from health to you

finger massage

From the book Healing. Volume 2. Introduction to Anatomy: Structural Massage author Underwater Absalom

Finger massage Small. 2.11. Arrow Arrow (Fig. 2.11): an absolutely straight finger of the hand, straightened most of the time perpendicular to the surface of the client's body. Mal. 2.12. Boomerang Boomerang (Fig. 2.12): a straight finger from bent to the middle of a distant loam, spreading so that yoga

A hand with a brush finger

From the book of 1000 miracles from the earth author Gurnakova Olena Mykolayivna

A hand with a brush finger U 1780 Mandriving Pier Sonner on the western birch of the island of Madagascar, commemorating the unimaginable nature near the crown of the trees. The stench of the boules was zavbіlshki from the intestines, small long-time food tail, majestic ears and round yellow eyes. Yani Island

Point your finger at the sky

From the book Business and business - 3. Don't give up: 30 words about the quiet, who started raising the knee author Solovyov Oleksandr

Brozdil 4 FBI shaking his finger

3 Books 11 September 2001 author Meissan Thierry

CHAPTER 4 The FBI is shaking its finger at the blatant self-indulgence of the organization that will make the glory of the Successful States, on that day, 11 September, the FBI destroyed the most important criminal investigation in the history of humankind, as it took away the name "Pentb-bomba" (Penttbomb). Tse

Finger to the sky

From the book of Shaleny Limonov [The Great March on the Kremlin] author Dodoliv Evgen Yuriyovich

Just as Zhirinovsky today is more evil for Russia, lower Yeltsin, then the third head of the beast is less unsafe. It’s not safe for the team, if you want some of the power, that grime for her! I want to say to Zyuganov: Gennady Andriyovich! Stop calling yourself a communist!

finger gesture

Whoever does not speak, is guilty of death (Facts against the mafia) author Polken Klaus

Finger gesture One participant of the conference in Apalachin, the sergeant knew well. For the river to the river - at the Zhovtni 1956. - Vіn is already mav on the right with the cієyu people. It became so. Police road service on one of the main roads for the transportation of a driver's license in a car


From books Duel 2009_9 author Newspaper Duel

A THIRD of Europeans are aware that the main reason for the current economic crisis lies with the Jews, still close to 40% of the inhabitants of the European Union, that the injection of Jewish businessmen in the financial sector of the world economy is great. Such data of the sociological

Finger to the sky

What is written on the birth? [Scenario of your share] author Stepanov Sergiy Sergiyovich

With a finger at the sky, the All-light so mirkuva: "Turn, About happiness and grief, people and death. Forever I tlumach truthfully, understand, Ale, you understand the essence of them wrongly ..." Rabindranat Tagor




Do absolutely nothing.

Worrying about uvazi, what person, group osib ( X) baidik, do not take any part in yakomus l. right through the negligence chi nevminnya pratsyuvati. Speak to uncomplaining. informalX do not hit a finger on a finger . Named part nezmin. Maybe upot. without zaperech. In the role tell me. Order of slive-components nonfix.

⊛ Anfisa sighed. She has a good man for everyone, but at home do not hit a finger on a finger. F. Abramov, Two winters and three years. No, it's nasty to crush you Ivan. Bad. Ninishniy cholovik without shit do not hit a finger on a finger. But how about your head? The head can’t, like a stench, spit and wave at everything with your hand. F. Abramov, Ways-dorozhzhi.

Nothing, get up and dress dumb in scho, but stink at least hit a finger on a finger. M. Isakovsky, On the Elninsk lands.

⊜ (fam.) - You miraculously know and without my hints, what you care about, but in three months finger on finger without hitting. M. Kolesnikov, School of Ministers.

You are in the state і finger don't hit your finger! What a helper for me! You won’t bring water. M. Sholokhov, Raise the qilina.

Bach, diloc here. You can earn. So good vіdsotok, and you won’t hit a finger on a finger. A. Serafimovich, Place near the steppe.

⊝ (Ridko upot.) - Yes. Know now Kostyantinopolishka Mikanora Sirtsova! I won't hit a finger on a finger. I fold my hands and sit. Corrected and... A. Averchenko, Argonauts and golden fleece.

"Viraz calmly Russian, from the folk language, about what to say about the common and dialectal options: don't hit a finger on a finger, don't stab a finger on a finger". ( M., 2001. S. 477.) Image phraseol. peregukuetsya with the most recent form of somatic notification, tobto. bodily part as a whole. Component phraseol. finger be consistent with the somatic code of culture, the sequence of components finger about finger- with a spacious code, with which the receiver "o" indicates a close zіtknennya, zіtknennya, perebuvannya vpritul something. from smb. Component hit converse with anthroponym, tobto. Vlasne human, culture code. At the heart of the image phraseol. to lie metonymically, in the yak interspersed with a rich synecdoche - similar to a part of the whole: finger - hand - hand - hand - diyalnist. In image phraseol. component finger the hands are likened to the її іinstrumental′ function; div. also virazi fingers of the line (nezgrabnі, nevmilі, spritni, spritni, spritni, vmilі). Behind the character of the figurative-metaphorical imitation, the smallest movement is more stable in general, the presence of movement - to the point of inactivity. Image phraseol. accepted and natomist cultural attitudes, expressions of folklore: You won’t stretch out your hands, so you won’t get away from the police; Legs to wear, and hands to wear; Hands drooped, shoulders pulled; I'll fold my hands and don't practice. phraseol. in a flash convey the stereotype of the statement about the total lack of deeds of a person, about the non-participation of a person. right. M. L. Kovshova


who [ for whom, for what ]

Don’t report the annual zusil, don’t work anything.

Worrying about uvazi, what person, group osib ( X) can't or don't want to sho-l. robiti for helping another person, another group of osib ( Y), To get a solution in yakіy-l. difficult situations ( R). Speak to uncomplaining. informalX do not hit a finger on a finger [for Y-a for P]. Named part nezmin. Maybe upot. without zaperech. In the role tell me. Order of slive-components nonfix.

⊛ I was even amazed that, knowing my brother closely, [director] finger on finger without hitting, schob vryatuvati yogo. O. Stuchenko, Our fate is enviable. I team is not less without touching a finger to avoid scams. MK, 2001.

As the head of the HOZU of the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR, V. Kasatkin was an organizer and a restorative. And it is not a moment not to know about the wild steal that thrives on the object. Knowing, ale finger on finger without hitting, shchob yogo pinit. Vechirnya Moscow, 1998.

Vtіm, no one in Murman bazhav hit the finger on the finger at the cost of interventions. V. Pikul, Z deaf kuta.

Pantyukhov? Well, you know what kind of person do not hit a finger on a finger, to chat about Olya N. Atarov, A story about the first kohannya.

Vin [Ivan Aksakov] conceived a new vision of Fyodor Ivanovich's works. Ale Tyutchev finger on finger without hitting for the sake of such an important thing for the skin author, do it. Yu. Nagibin, Dream about Tyutchev.

⊜ (fam. s convict.) - Tee now and don't hit a finger on a finger, to help vibrate with the history of all others. ( Promote.)

⊝ (Call at bud. temp. like a threat.) - ... How to inspire you and imprison you for a yak_s mystetstva ..., I I won't hit a finger on a finger. G. Matveev, New director.

May on the street, what more am I don't hit a finger on a finger! Rozshlinuy himself qiu porridge! V. Kaverin, Open book.

I would not have been able to hitting a finger on a finger for their onukiv, for the Vadkovsky brothers and Zakhar. Ale z Oleksiyem - especially on the right. A. Glumov, Dolya Pleshcheevikh.

cultural commentary: Main comment div. in I FINGER ABOUT THE FINGER DO NOT HIT 1.. div. so in the Gospel: "And to you, lawyers, woe, that you put heavy burdens on people, and you yourself do not stick to them with one finger" ( OK. 11: 46). phraseol. as a whole, it conveys the stereotype of the phenomenon of being baiduzhist, baiduzhist people according to their age to smb., to sth. M. L. Kovshova


who [ for the sake of whom, for the radical ]

Don't rob the people of your life, don't rob anything.

Worrying about uvazi, what person, group osib ( X) do not need to help another person, another group of people ( Y) in yakіy-l. difficult situations ( R). Speak to uncomplaining. informalX don't break a finger [for the sake of Y-and R]. Named part nezmin. Maybe upot. without zaperech. Often after phraseol. get used to supplement. pronounce. with an alliance, which turns out to help, help, hand over, prohannya. In the role tell me. Order of slive-components nonfix.

There are such vipades: you bash a person in front of you, like you have mercy, and, in fact, it’s so easy to reveal the truth, and still you don’t want to destroy for whom finger. I. Potapenko, Lyubov.⊛ The mustache felt vaguely, strained and unsettled, but nothing and without breaking a finger to defuse the atmosphere. Y. Nagibin, Alien.

... Khlebnikov scurried, if you don’t want to leave, but trembling through the daily life .... Khlebnikov waited until the dark kut. Just nothing for the sake of something without lifting a finger. N. Mandelstam, Spogadi. Another book.

Himself tired to the light, - grumbling out, - zdaetsya, on offense, you have the right to repair, but stink and do not steal a finger, Docks do not see yourself. M. Prishvin, Kashcheeva Lansyug.

And who is it? - she was sleeping, pіdrakhovuchi in the mind, sіlki їy can manage the svіlnennya svvgromadyan. How expensive, won and the finger is not around- let's sit, think, learn Russian wisdom. O. Andreev, Gotel.

⊜ (fam.) - Ti and not with a finger mess up so that they gave us a decent apartment (Rich.)

⊝ (fam. Ring at bud. temp. like a threat.) - Mi - I'm out of fear, and you're out of spiritual malice - didn't lift a finger in order to get rid of this negidnik. Y. German, My dear people.

You, apparently, really z'їhala from the depths, as if you dare ask me about such speeches! No, I'm for you and I won’t steal a finger!.. L. Filatov, Robin Hood's Great Kokhannya.

"The coming week is coming," having said goodbye to me, "people want to celebrate my dress." - "I swear to God, I I won't lift my finger for the sake of this shameless winding," said aunt Katya. F. Iskander, Sandro z Chegema.

cultural commentary: Main comment div. in I FINGER DO NOT HIT ABOUT THE FINGER 1.. and don’t bend your finger, don’t lift your finger, keep your finger that in.), and in other language: Bel. ani finger abgarnuti, lit. ne pirstu nepajudinti, … new. keinen Finger ruhren nach etw, fr. ne pas bouger (remuer) le petit doigt…". Melerovich A.M., Mokienko V.M. Phraseological units in Russian language. M., 2001. S. 483.) Components steal, vouchnut to introduce an element of etalonization of the minimum disruption, which is interpreted as the least manifestation of activity, the participation of people in a succulent l. right. phraseol. in general, it conveys the stereotype of the statement about navmisnu idleness, about the non-participation of people in the world. right. M. L. Kovshova

Great Russian Phraseological Dictionary. - M: AST-Press. O.M. Telia. 2006 .


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