Best PT Sau in World. Top PT-SAU in World of Tanks

Best PT Sau in World. Top PT-SAU in World of Tanks

To choose the tactics on which we will play on, I need to determine why they are needed. What is the class PT-saau? This is an excellent tool with a good one-time damage and huge armored. What else have classic PT? Their low silhouette determines excellent disguise. What is PT not? PT-SAU has no tower that seems trifle. It seems that an excellent tool and great booking outweighs such small flaws, but it is not. The lack of a swivel tower (not always, but in most cases) very prevents you from quickly reacting in melee. It defines PT-SAU as a class of technology that shoots from a long distance. We recommend to familiarize yourself with the guide on LT in WOT.

PT-SAU Tankers

But in the game there are such beautiful devices as T110E4, T110E3, 263, JG.PZ.E100 and AMX FOCH 155. It's a shame to hide such armor in the bushes. These machines belong to the class of assault PT. They will pay a little more attention in our guide.

How to play on T110E4 in WOT

Beautiful American PT, which is very similar to TT. The essence of its use is absolutely the same as heavy tank. Due to low accuracy, it can not throw from a huge distance along the enemy. In such a situation T110E4
It will not be very effective. And as a heavy tank, which can go, to catch a ricochet and cause 750 units of damage, it costs a lot. But the armor here is very controversial: sometimes the most powerful guns in the game do not pierce it, but in the near distances the turret commander suffers from frequent breaks. Do not give the enemy the opportunity to get into it.

Tanking on T110E3 in WOT

The younger brother of the previous PT. Unlike E4, this unit, as a classical PT, has no towers. But the thickness of his armor is 303 mm - the biggest in the game. The commander turret has been booked so much that often the most powerful weapons of ricochet from it. In some cases, it makes the best gold shells. Try to leave for a hill or vegan, hiding at the same time the lower frontal item. It is even the strongest on the damage, but is a weakened zone and makes himself with powerful guns. So you can hide the commander turret for the mask of the gun, and the cutting will be under such inclons that the cosmic values \u200b\u200bof the cosmic values \u200b\u200bwill take it.

How to exchange damage on jg.pz.e100 in wot

The use of this German mammoth in battle is very similar to the use of T110E3. Hitch the bottom frontal item and try to become a diamond after a shot. So you protect the cutting for Gold, and add a few degrees to the inclination of the NLD, which will help get a saving ricochet. In cases where there is no possibility to get no breakage, you can exchange damage. With such an instrument, you can always exchange your HP profitable.

263 and amx foch 155 in WOT

These two cars are very similar in use, except that FOSH is more intended for shooting from afar. Its boards have a thickness of 40 mm, it is very easy to break through the rule of three calibers. But both PTs are fast and have excellent frontier booking. The biggest problem they have to move quickly enough, so as not to give the enemy to force vulnerable places. For this, Fuch is also not very suitable, especially after the nerfic, as it makes his way in the forehead, but when trying to trust, we open the board.
Generally PT-SAU in WOT - This is a very interesting class, but assault PTs should not use inexperienced players. This class is afraid of art, someone because of a weak booking on top, and others because of small mobility. We hope we managed to answer your question how to play Fri in World of Tanks. To new meetings.

Players who choose anti-tank self-propelled installation are rarely unhappy in the sandbox. Among the tanks of the first, second and even third level, the starting "Petshi" is beneficial to stand out with firepower and the ability to break through any armor. Yes, you have to pay slowness and lack of tower, but it is perceived as proper.

But at the next level everything changes. The player begins to throw to the "big uncle", traveling on "thirty parts" or kV, actually invulnerable for Fire PT Sau third level. In addition, a serious artillery appears, for which a low-live "Petshka" is an ideal goal. At this place, many novice players are disappointed in anti-tank installations.

However, it is not at all useless, but simply requires special thinking and tactics that make it possible to fully realize all its advantages and level the shortcomings. So how to turn a PT Sau in a truly dangerous car?

Pros and cons of PT Sau

A very accurate straight shot is one of the main advantages of the class.

Let's start with the fact that PT Sau is inferior to tanks in a literal collision. Of course, in the "honest" duel from the site "Petshka" can cope with the tank of its level (there is a lot of specific machines). But, alas, - the owners of tanks also know this and therefore do not rush in an honest shootout, preferring tricks. For example, taking advantage of its mobility, go to the flank or in the rear and calmly charm the car, cutting circles around it.

PT SAU has no towers and cannot shoot and maneuver at the same time. To catch the enemy in the sight, "Petshka" you need to turn around to all the case. However, the enemy also does not stand still, moving along the line of rotation of the machine to be beyond the reach of its gun. And at the same time leads continuous shelling of the side and stern. About what will be, if you manage to knock the caterpillar from Fri Sau, and I don't want to say. Thus, it is possible to lose their "Petshka" even when meeting with a relatively weak tank, without making any serious shot on it.

Therefore, our task is to fight from afar, not subparent machines of the enemy and keeping their tanks with fire. Especially since one of the main advantages of the class is a very accurate straight shot. But here, not everything is so simple, because a low-modular and painful "Petshka" becomes very vulnerable if it is detected.

Armor, able to withstand the entry of 76-mm and above, is only the most serious self-propelled lines, the early PT SAU armor weakly, and one or two hits it is enough with your head.

From this it follows the most important conclusion: the main thing for the anti-tank installation is the choice of the correct position and disguise.

Artillery loves us ... nothing can be done about it

Precise! PLC! Someone will not last now.

The skillful masking is generally a very important thing in the game, but for PT Sau is a chief trump card class and the key to understanding the right tactics for these machines. Rightly disguised SU-85 will easily destroy the early heavy tank (KV or T1), but, being discovered, will not endure and a few seconds of direct battle. The ideal situation for us is to fire the enemy who does not see the PT SAU attacking him and cannot respond, or to bring the fire of artillery to the position of the anti-tank installation.

The most impressive and pleasant experience in the game of this class - when a couple of absolutely invisible for the enemy "Petshi" stops the attack of superior enemy forces, having fallen off a couple of tanks and forcing those who survived to retreat before the unknown and from the even more terrible opponent.

To achieve such an effect, it is necessary to present well how the disguise system works in World of Tanks.


In addition to such basic indicators, as the thickness of the armor and the engine power, all machines have a characteristic. "Review Radius" . It determines the distance with which the tank can detect the enemy car. If the viewing radius is 400 meters, then at 401 meters the tank of the opponent for the player is simply invisible. The maximum possible viewing radius is 500 meters.

It seems to be simple. In addition, there are light "Svelli scouts" in the game! Thanks to them, heavy cars are fighting on distances exceeding their review radius. In fact, everything is much more complicated, because there are many factors that reduce the visibility of the tank.

Thickets in front, thicket right - I almost invisible from the enemy.

I see him, he is not, there is no better situation and do not come up with it!

First of all, the dimensions of the car itself. How easy it is to guess light tank less noticeable than heavy, and the high machine is noticeable low. Thus, low-profile and light PT SAU are less noticeable than the tanks of similar levels, and, given its low vitality, they are simply obliged to use it.

The second factor is the relief and terrain landscape. With the relief, everything is obvious - for the blocking line of review by the hill, your car for the enemy is not visible, but you can't see it. With the elements of the landscape a little more complicated. The walls of the houses act, in principle, the same - blocking and lines of visibility, and shots (only note that small village houses are destroyed and long shelter from the fire will not serve). But all sorts of bushes partially block the appearance, making the tank that covered in them is much less noticeable.

Consequently, to detect the hidden car, you need to drive up closer. At the same time, it sees the approaching tank is absolutely clear, because near (if to be accurate - from fifteen meters) bushes are considered absolutely transparent - the so-called "curtain effect" acts. Thus, the masked car receives serious advantages, as it can some time be able to overtake fire on the approaching target.

It is important:from fifty meters, tanks see each other in any case, even if there is a impenetrable obstacle between them.

Please note that the shot or movement is demasked, for a few seconds increasing the visibility of the crossing machine. The demasking effect is the stronger than the greater the caliber of the gun. But, despite this, a unauthorized PT SAU, masked at the very border of the radius of a heavy tank review or shelter in thick thickets (the effect of lowering the visibility is the stronger than the more bushes between the machines), can fire from the most powerful cannon, remaining completely invisible.

Masking rules

An example of incorrect disguise. The PT Corps SAU protrudes from the thickets, and the enemy can see it.

An example of proper disguise. Detect PT SAU from this side will not be easy.

To disguise, it is enough to stand behind the bushes that fully hiding the outline of the tank from the expected appearance of the enemy. To check the care of your disguise, you can hold the right mouse button and turn the camera so as to inspect the tank from the expected appearance of the enemy. The gun sticking out of the bush does not demasse the tank, but a part of the body or the tower is reduced due to the bush. It is also necessary to always remember that the enemy intelligence officer approached from an unfailed side easily will easily find and give data to his team. If you are sure that they were for a short time, but detected, - change the position, the enemy can fire the "illuminated" position and in memory. Also remember: especially skillful artilleryrs can calculate your position on the projectile tracer (it is the easier to make, the more caliber of your gun). Therefore, to change the position after a series of shots is not harmful anyway.


Circular defense on a non-name height.

The World of Tanks tour operator provides you with a pleasant opportunity to hunt for "Tigers"!

First of all, PT SAU combat support machine, its task - remaining in the shadows, maintain fire from the position of defense and the offensive. The choice of position is the most important part of the tactics that defines the success of Petshi in battle. Best position Combines three advantages: the first - the terrain is shot from it in straight as far as possible and as much as possible radius, the second one - it has it where it is good to disguise, the third is a heavy tank in front of it.

"Petshka" can, of course, to buy something like that, but it works best in the team, where its task is to maximize the density of fire. If a pair of equal tanks come to arrive, tend to win, as a rule, one whom it will better keep fire, so your task is not to yawning and shoot good.

To make shooting effective, examine the characteristics of future goals and your gun. If you know that this tank does not make your way from your gun with an armor-piercing projectile either in the forehead, nor aboard, "turn off" first the target is easier. If this is not observed, and the stock of premium shells on the "black day" is not, try to fire the armored monster with a fragmentation fugasny (always engage with me pieces 10-15). It is not possible to break through what does not break through armorboat, it will not work, but a strong explosion on armor is an unpleasant thing. After all, he can damage some of the external systems of the tank, but also to contapulate someone from the crew, which will greatly facilitate the "work" with the goal for those who can punch armor.

On a note:the effect of a fugasal charge depends on its caliber.

The enemy broke up straight to the database, nothing good here shines.

Rare spectacle - PT SAU in an independent attack, and in a successful attack.

If the heavy tank is moving to your position, the fire will have to open in any case, but if he bypasses it - do not hurry to shoot and rate the setting. If it comes out that it was you "lit up" the impenetrable monster for our team, it is possible, it is better not to issue your presence and work for some time an artillery fire adjustment. Esley an invulnerable enemy noticed you, it is better not to heroge in a deliberately lost battle, but try to hide behind the building or in the folds of the terrain. So you can, occasionally sticking out from there, transferring data on the situation of the enemy super heavy tank, which will annoy him much stronger than your death mosquito bite.

Do not rely on the route (for PT Sau it is almost always harmful). If you have fire on the armored car, preference gave out weakly precipitated planes and direct or close to them corners of the hit. If the tank started a turn, hold the shot until it substitute side or stern under a good angle. If at this moment your gun will be recharged after the shot sent to the windshield ricochet, it will be a shame. An exact hit can be knocked off the caterpillar even the hardest enemy, which will make the enemy an easy goal for your artillery and other teammates.

In the offensive, move at a distance behind your cars, "running" from one good position to another. However, if the situation dictates the attack "Raster", just fade for some kind of well armored machine. She will take on damage - you support it with fire. However, if you ride a heavy PT SAU, such as Ferdinand, you can already serve as a steel wall for easier technology.

The caterpillar knocked down - now it's time to quickly retreat for this house!

In the near battle, PT Sau is not very good, but this accurately try to teach.

When choosing equipment, always prefer a cannon with a larger damage to a weapon with greater armority. Still, your task is to beat heavy, rather than easily-protective goals (medium tanks will cope with it). At the first opportunity, buy a camouflage network - "Patshke" in ambush it is absolutely necessary. Considering that artillery loves us, we also buy an anti-skid piping.

I recommend to carry out the standard Remkomplekt and the first-aid kit with you, the SAU is also suitable for the SAU, the engine speed regulator is also suitable. Although this thing hurts the motor, it is completely indispensable if it still has to fight with a slight or middle tank that breakdown in the near battle.

No revelations regarding the development of the crew of PT SAU does not exist, the class specificity itself dictates the only answer: the "masking" skill is our all.

On a note:the "masking" skill lowers the visibility of the tank, even if he moves.

Anti-Tank Park

Although PT Sau and were an important part of the American military doctrine, there are no American machines of this class in the game. Consider shortly sixteen Soviet and German "Petshi", available now to choose from players.

AT-1 and Panzerjager 1

Soviet and German PT SAU have a number of serious differences, but these two cars can be considered in a pair without concerning anything. Early "Petshi" stand out against the background of "sandboxes" impressive firing characteristics. AT-1, however, looks impressive, the instruments of this car easily spread the tanks of the first and second level, so skillful tankers happen to fill on this PT SAU 8-9 "frags".

Panzerjager1 Although maneuverin, but cannot boast similar results. However, at the next level, German PT Sau will play.

SU-76 and SU-85B

In fact, it is the same case, only with different "stuffing". Weak armor and vitality forcing the commanders of these machines to fight exclusively by the "appeal" way. Otherwise, they simply do not live for a long time.

However, even the best guns available on the SU-76 are weak off the republic and PZKPFW IV. Su-85b in this regard is favorably different from the previous model, but the experience to open serious tools you need a lot and first you have to ride with the same boring cannons.

Marder II.

It does not differ from the Su-76 in terms of armor and is almost no difference in the survivability (170 against 150 at the Soviet car), the mass and power of the engine. It would seem that we have the same weak PT SAU, doomed to sad stagnation in anticipation of the next car. However, a para-triple of important differences turn Marder II in a truly dangerous "Petshie", compared to which Su-76 looks like a poor relative.

Firstly, a stunning radius of a review of 460 meters (the largest among all PT SAU in the game!), Secondly, very large horizontal angles horizontally (SU-76, like all Soviet cars, is guided only in a very narrow cone) And excellent late guns. The shelling of the KV from Su-76 is not a hopeless thing, but close to that. Marder II breaks apart at any point.


The transition to Fourth-level AGC will quickly cool the dust of the "German" armorboos. Hetzer in all except armor is inferior to the previous car. It is slow, possesses a kut with a radius of a review (300 meters), and the best of its guns is a little inferior to the "top" instrument of Marder II. And then there are also strange corners of the guidance (the tool is almost not rotated to the right) - and before us is one of the most unloved players of PT Sau.

Very small sizes and frontal armor in 60 millimeters (giving good chances against light and early medium tanks) do not help this car rehabilitate. Many players prefer to install a 105-millimeter tool on the "hugery" and shoot exclusively with fragmentation fugas. At least this method allows you to be guaranteed to spoil enemies health.

Su-85 and Su-100

A player who develops a line of Soviet fighters of tanks, is waiting for the opportunity to transfer on SU-85 as a new year's child. After the Su-85 harness, this machine looks impressive. Her armor allows you to not be afraid of light tanks, and the tool breaks the first IP and Tigger into the board. Pay for it falls less mobility. Yes, and it is not possible to enjoy the grown characteristics - it throws it to even more serious opponents, and when not the "stearty" and A-20, but "Panthers" come to "shining" with the enemy side, and "Panthers" ... however, the player already On the organization of ambushes, will know what to do with it.

Su-100 is essentially the same Su-85, only with improved armor and impressive guns. The vehicle name of the car Stomomyllimeter gun D-10C has a chance to break through the standard armor-piercing projectile IS-4 into the forehead, and the fragant-of-grade projectile, released from such a gun, removes from a super heavy tank about 5% of life. Well, a 122-mm gun, the same by armority, but with a larger damage, demonstrates even more impressive results.

Stug III, Jagdpz IV and Jagdpanther

These cars are very similar to SU-85 and SU-100, only better armored front, worse from the sides and somewhat movable, which makes them more comfortable in the offensive.

The ability to defeat the enemy tanks grow from the car to the car. So, Stug III can break through the "tiger" aboard, and the "top" gun Jagdpanther threatens the usual armor-piercing projectile lOVE Tank in the game.

It is worth noting the very low profile Stug III and JagdPZ IV, thanks to which these machines easily disguise.

Su-152 and ISU-152

If you compare these heavy PT SAU with superheavy tanks, then the armor they do not have very serious (90 millimeters of frontal armor in ISU-152). But the "Petshi" have a stunning firepower. For example, with a small proportion of luck, one shot is enough to destroy the average tank. In addition, no heavy tank will be next to them. Sufficient armor to fight medium tanks allows them to act autonomously, but still covering heavy tanks very simplifies the game.

Ferdinand and Jagdtiger

These self-deviating fortresses are the peak of the German tank-building thought. 200 millimeters of frontal armor at Ferdinand and 250 millimeters from "Yagdtigra" allow them to be in front of completely invulnerable to most tanks in the game and are difficult for the most heavy machines. For this you have to pay the relative vulnerability of the sides ("just" 80 millimeters!) And quite high for class notice, as well as somewhat smaller in comparison with SU and ISU-152 damage. However, for these armored monsters, capable of participating in attacks on a par with superheavy tanks, this is not such a problem.

Object 704.

The object 704 is the most powerful Soviet SAU. It has the firing power of the ISU-152, but at the same time it is stronger, and the armor is allocated on the body much more rational due to the larger angle of inclination of armor-leafs. All this makes this Fri Sau one of the most dangerous machines with which you may encounter on the WORLD OF TANKS.

5 years and 5 months ago Comments: 1


The first thing I would like to note is that if you are new to you do not swing a twig of PT in game world Of Tanks.because You have a lot of problems. First, you need to play very competently on the pitching, not being discharged, and inexperienced players in this area are not enough for. Secondly, novice will be very unusual to play without a tower, and many problems associated with the discomfort of the gameplay will appear. Thirdly, the battle tactics on PT are very diverse and neat, well, and inexperienced players have so much, they know little about neat tactics.

Varieties of PT-SAU.

Despite the fact that in each nation there are PT-SAU branches (and some nations have several of them, they are very different, as in appearance and according to the characteristics. Mostly it's a PT with bad booking and a good tool. For example, in all PT-SAU to ISU-152 (inclusive) have a very bad armor, but a very powerful gun. These kinds of PTs should not download right away, but as long as possible. There is also a PT-SAU with good booking and middle tool. This can include a German branch of development going on Jag.pz.e-100. These PT-SAUs have a pretty good weapon and very good armor, but the top PT-SAU (level 10) jag.pz.e-100 has even a very powerful gun that has almost 300mm. Well, the last type of PT-SAU with the tower. Ptshka data are very diverse. There are tower PT-SAU with good booking (for example T28.Prot. Or T110E4), and there is very bad (for example Hellcat, borsch). But from the Tower of PT-SAU in the game, very little, and if you are inexperienced and just start playing on PT-SAU, I would advise you to swing a branch going on T110E4, because This PT is very close to the structure of a heavy tank and you will be more familiar.

Tactics of application.

1. Perhaps, perhaps, with PT-SAU, having a bad armor and a good gun. On such PT-SAU, it is best to become a very far distance and attacked the enemy from published. But the same, do not forget about additional modules. Take, for example,. His frontal booking is 90mm (and this is the most peak), but in the forehead there is also a well armored mask of the gun, which is very. But this mask should not be especially calculated by. Do not always fall into it. Well, let's go back. Suppose you are on Malinovka, what do we need? First, we can not, which means that you need to put a camouflage network. But, if you pour your crew of disguise perk (additional skill), then the network can not be put and busted a place for a more useful module. If you pump out the pep of disguise, you can put reinforced actuators, because The speed of information and the accuracy of the ISSu-152 (as well as all PT of this type) are far from perfect. Next, you need to put a stereotrub, so that you can highlight the enemies from the bushes. Well, and the last module is a large-caliber instrument. This thing will reduce us reload from 17 to 15 seconds, which is very important for PT-SAU.

2. PT-SAU with good booking.Data PT-SAU, as I have already spoken, have an average to the characteristics of an instrument and good armor. On this type of pitch, it is not so much fear of visibility (as on ISU-152 for example), good armor can save us about many hits, and even very powerful guns. For example, you can take the German Ferdinand. Its frontal booking is 200mm in the forehead (partially) and exactly 200mm cutting (completely, as well as + mask). That is, we can get up, for example, in a banana on Himmelsdorf and calmly firing enemies in it. If you are hiding the body, no one almost breaks your cutting. Well, the instrument has an average damage 490 and breakage of 246mm. There are enough such indicators to attack classmates.

3. PT-SAU with a tower. As I have previously spoke, this type of ptshki is quite different. There are with good armor, and there is a bad one. Let's start with well brown. For example, T110E4. The frontal armor varies from 150 ~ 200mm, as well as the tower with a huge mask of 300 + mm. The same story as with Ferdinand (Fedya). You can safely condefive the banana in Khimmelsdorf, for example, it will be even easier, because The presence of the tower removes some inconvenience. As for poorly armored PTs. This type of PT is mostly very good mobility, for example, schirut. You can easily break through some flanks, capture slides, etc. Thanks to good imperceptibility, you can travel to the bushes and attack 1-2 minutes, after which it is possible to change the position on all sails and attack again. This type of pitch, for beginners is very bad. These PT-SAU skill-dependent, i.e. They require very direct hands and a thorough strategy (battle tactics). They can start swing somewhere with 5-7k battles.

Brief characteristics of branches.


1 branch. Consider the branch ending on V.268. This branch is full of PT-SAU suitable for the first type (bad armor, good gun). But this branch ends with two PT-SAU with good booking, excellent tool and super imperceptibility, because 2.704 and 228. This branch I would advise you to download from 6-7k battles, because Requires very direct hands.

2 branch. This branch ends on about. 263. All PT-SAU have bad armor, but very good mobility and average gun. You cannot attribute them to the first or second type, it is something average. PT-SAU data requires a very diverse tactics. Sometimes you can rush, attack, but in other cases you need to define (defend). So that this thread I would advise you to download as possible as possible.


1 branch. Let's start with the branch ending on jag.pz.e-100. All PT-SAU in this thread, starting with Stug 3, have a good booking and average weapon, i.e. refer to 2 type. This branch, in principle, you can swing pretty early. With 2-4k battles, it is quite possible to start, because Particular hand is not required.

2 branch.In the second branch, very cardboard PT-SAU ending on 3 PT-SAU with a tower. This branch refers to 1 and 3 types. I would advise you to download in 7-8k fighting, because Very bad armor (not higher than 100mm) requires very straight hands and extremely neat game. So, for example, Nashorn has 30mm windshield armor. Do not know how to attack from afar and wait, you are on it in 2 minutes.


1 branch. This branch includes all 3 types of PT-SAU. On the 5th and 6th, there are tower PT-SAUs, 1-4 and 7 levels of bad-protected, 8-10 level armored levels. But I want to note that there are two very slow PT-SAU T28 and T95 on 8-9 levels. The maximum speed T95 13km / h, and the average speed of 7-9km / h. So that if you have very strong nerves and patience can throw this branch, because At the end, very good PT-SAU T110E3.

2 branch.This branch includes PT-SAU 3 type, with a tower. Almost everyone has a bad booking, but the top PT T110E4 has very good armor (I spoke about it earlier). Also, there is in this branch of the Schlut, about which I also spoke to you. So, that I would not advise this thread right to download right away, but to wait a bit (about 5-7k battles.)


In France, one PT branch with very good front armor and an excellent gun with good mobility. This branch can be attributed to 2 type PT-SAU. You can download them in principle early with 2-4k battles, because Direct hands are not particularly required.


In Britain, all PT-SAU have very good armor and refer to 2 type PT-SAU. This branch can even start swing with 1k battles. But at the end you will find a very cardboard PT-SAU with a very powerful gun, with a single damage of 1750 units. It is possible in principle to practice on other branches with PT-SAU of a similar type so that when you have had no difficulty pumping it.


PT-SAU is a very good and useful type of tanks in the game. Able to play well on them can be brought to a huge benefit of the team, as well as stuffing the status,

At the dawn of the popularity of multiplayer shooters, lovers of sitting in the corners with a gun were considered absolute evil. To earn honor and respect for experienced players, it was necessary to show that you were not shit. Worse than the "campaign" was considered only the king of other things from under the nose from the owner, while he dismissed from the disadvantages of opponents. But the times, as well as the dynamics of games, have changed, and with the advent of full sniper classes contempt for "Cepers", let him not disappear, but was much dumbed.

Rich American militarists love to go on a personal tank. W. Schwarzenegger Is there one - so, maybe it's time for him to acquire a real legend like M18?

Examined in the past material the best tanks of all weight categories, editors "Fugasal Bulletin", took up for a similar top of the "Campers" World of Tanks. - anti-tank self-propeller. Of all the types of PT-SAU technique, the most multifunctional due to the colossal difference in the model range of each nation.

The French became famous as "cards" with reload drums and good guns. Tips at the highest levels cause real panic due to non-stop ricochetes and their self-sufficiency. The Germans also have in their ranks as the most powerful self-propelled shirts and the most unusual. And they also have the most "dwarves" capable in competent hands to overcome even "heavy".

Hot stuff

In the archives of the "Fugasy Bulletin" there are curious publications that explain the differences between fighters of tanks and anti-tank self-propellas, as well as the reason why our first hero does not apply to any of them.

Ride such handsome in the city - one pleasure. The problem of traffic jams itself.

Sturmgeschütz III, she is Stug III- the next confirmation that the complexity of the design does not guarantee its quality. Even before the beginning of the Great Patriotic Officer of Wehrmacht Erich von Manstein The goal was to transfer a low-propelled and vulnerable artillery installation to a mobile platform.

By calling his concept to the "assault gun to support infantry," he could not think that not only put the beginning of the class of technology, but also created the most massive and demanded by the third Reich armored person. Over the entire production period from 1935 to 1945, 10,000 units of all conceivable modifications were issued, and everything began with a letter of Manstein general Beck In 1935 A year later, the firm "Daimler-Benz" Start the design of StUG III based on PZKPFW III. They managed to do, perhaps, the best sample in history is not only its own, but also the Reich armored industry.

Stug III, this "Razor of Okkama" by the giant of the Hitler's top, combined the simplicity of the design, the low cost of production, incredible efficiency and mobility, at that time many not affordable. Its ultimate cost was even lower than the foundation - PZKPFW III. Soldier was sad only a few nuances, but by 1943 they were corrected.

The final version of Stug III, named Auf. G., I received a machine gun MG-43 to protect in the near battle, 75 mm Stuk 40 / L48 gun, with ease of punching T-34 and with a little big effort - the horror KV-1, as well as enhanced armor and protection of rinks. The last, truth was often removed to reduce weight.

"Stuge" was so effective as the Wehrmacht, and the SS formed separate divisions exclusively of them. Some tank Assa shot several dozen enemy machines during the war, and it does not matter who was in front of them - a heavy kV-1 or the opposite "drying".

The virtual embodiment of "funny" is popular no less than the real one. It would be possible to call the best and fashionable T49.But he was very quickly "cut wings", with no benefit from the swivel tower. Stug III, even after a buzz of patches, continues to delight wonders in battle.

However, it is not recommended to climb into the frontal collision or PT-RASH. Will kill faster than you have time to shout "Achtung!".

Yes, farm on it is not as sweet as in French S35Yes, and his damage is not the biggest. However, its average in all of us only on hand. Not only is that "Gnome", so also yurt, with a good in general, a gun.

It is easier to cry than PT with turning towers, but trained crew and personal experience Apply this lack for no. Stug III is one of the few self-propellas (although correctly called the assault), on which the sensible tanker can be chopped out in the near battle even KV-5. Even at higher levels, not every machine is capable of such a feat, and American M18 Hellcat. enters their number.

Immortal Witch

M18 Hellcat The players lovingly called the "Witch", although more often I was kicked by a "cat." She protested on the battlefield long before the appearance of "boors", objects and other "waffles". Similar to the brix seal, she caused such horror that the caterpillars were shaking even at the highest levels, one "mouse" proudly hid in the bushes.

The reason is simple as the toothpick. The punishment of its gun was at least 243 mm, and this is on the sixth level. Its speed is 72 km / h, the swivel tower and excellent disguise turned the fight into a mousetrap for less damned tanks. Disadvantages - bad maneuverability and slow tower - experienced PT drivers were not terrible.

Alas, the reign of the "Witch" lasted for a short time. Average breaking in 243 mm now few people will surprise. And there is no high speed one possesses. However, Hellcat claws are still sharp. Like Stug III, the "Witch" passed the test of time.

Appearances are deceptive. The huge MAUS, in fact, is a pear for beating, and this modest gives death and horror to people ...

In reality, things were more interesting. The main participants in the Second World War did not differ not only by the doctrines of warfare, but also the concepts of the appointment of anti-tank self-propelled.

If the Germans and Soviets were the team players in need of support for infantry and other equipment, then in the understanding of the United States, mobility was most important factor, because the rest were avoided direct collisions of armored parts. So it turned out that their favorite principle of "divide and conquer" resulted in the specific tactics of PT-SAU platforms attacked by tank parts, like sharm flocks. If Americans do not have such differences, M18 would not appear in principle.

Many often forget about it, and then indignant: "Yeah, bought gold, and cool?!"

Unlike most tank fighters (on American classification), "Witch" was originally created on a special chassis, and not on the basis of another tank. Development of test samples, and subsequently serial production, from 1943 to 1944 a division was engaged Buick. Companies General Motors..

The United States did not expect to use M18 decades, so after the fall of the fascist regime in Italy and Nazi in North-West Europe, Hellcat was removed from weapons and sold to friendly countries, where she stayed in the rank until 2007. Yes yes, Venezuela, South Korea And Yugoslavia (until the United States flashes her) with pleasure used the services of the "Witches".

Sporter with machine gun

The title of the best killer of tanks at the seventh level unexpectedly received German premium E-25. It refers to the famous E-series - line innovative projectswhere the popular super heavyweight E-100. The view of this "Gnome" is not terrible at all, but, although he has no powerful tools, no thick armor, but its speed, maneuverability, fantastic imperceptibility and rapidity make it a unique member of the team.

Right E-25, below "Witch" and Su-122-44. Next to them "Tarakan" - he is "Tarakan".

Not every light or medium tank can boast similar mobility. To get into the maneuvering E-25 is as difficult as to skate "Bachats". But to consider this "cockroach with a machine gun", as it is gently called, it is impossible for a full PT-SAU. Misaful damage and low punching force make it useless as a positional sniper or database defender. But for the unexpected "planting on the husvy", the evil "light" or body of artillery in the deep rear, he is suitable as none of his "classmate".

Speed \u200b\u200bsometimes solves a lot. The one who first captures this bridgehead will be able to create inadmissions almost impunity, so take this stone much more important than chasing the enemy light.

The guidance of the Wehrmacht wanted to replace this car a whole pleiad of good, but morally outdated models, including the famous Hetzer. If Stug III is considered the most popular German army, the E-25 is his most worthy heir.

From the numerous E-series only E-100 and E-25 reached the stage of the iron prototype. Work on a 25-ton analogue of Hetzer was conducted from 1943 by the 6th Arms Test Control Department led by General Knammamp. For the ability to participate in the design of a new type of company, they fought to death, but the tolerance received a few.

Ambush performed by a pair of platforms of such a briefly guaranteed to dormit the enemy column in seconds. Even fat armor will not help.

The first connected company Adlerwho has assigned to the creation of a concept and control over development, up to a prototype. Later connected to her Porshe., Argus., Krupp. and Skoda..

A unique self-propelled gun - a unique tool, engineers decided and instead of proven 7.5 cm KWK 43 offered to establish a more powerful 7.5 cm KWK 44. It was its development to be engaged in Krupp and Skoda, and the latter was going to fix his autocharger to the E-25 to be fixed to E-25. Forty shots per minute. Fortunately for Reich's opponents, the Germans did not have time to bring the project to mass production.

* * *

Unguable german PT-SAU First level Panzerjager I.i ruined hundreds, even thousands of lives. No one was waiting for the Nazis to put artillery on moving boys and start shooting with fragmentation fugasal to fortifications.

Erich von Manstein entered the story just because he wanted to keep the lives of his people, creating a mobile artillery platform. So the legendary Stug III appeared. M18 Hellcat, MAUS, Object 268., Batignolles-Chatillon 25tand many others are forever entered the story as their creators. The next time the "Fugance Bulletin" will tell you about the best PT-SAU from the 8th to the 10th levels. Stay with us!

Immediately I will say - there are no best tanks in the game, the branches of pumping, position on the map, unreightented tactics. But I know how to help you. Having extensive experience in the World of Tanks, I guess that a similar question can ask a newcomer, who has not yet been long in the game and trying to choose which technique to start. On this, I will advise such a branch on which to play comfortable, there is no strong skew of some parameters to the detriment of others, there are no cars that strive to pass and forget about them (so-called "Cacti"). And since you decided to download Pt Sau, you need that in battle these tanks were performed purely the role of PT - mostly an appearance tank with a gun of high armored armor and a high one-time dam (so-called "Alpha-Strike").

1) French branch PT-SAU - not for beginners.

In general, the first 4 tanks of the branch are quite balanced with the role of PT, weaker mobility can be distinguished from the shortcomings. But cars 6 and 7 levels - passing. ARL V39 has an inaccurate tool, AMX AC 46 - and has more flaws than pluses.

Machines 8-10 levels have good mobility and accurate gun. However, playing them very important to feel the fight - French PT have extremely weak side armor, so if let the enemy go to the flank, you will quickly "end." Also, all the tanks of this branch, in addition to Foch 155, have low as for PT-SAU by a one-time dam, and the latter, in addition, also the charging automatic ("drum"), which will complicate a new life.

2) Tower branch of PT-SAU USA - And this is exactly a PT?
A feature of these tanks is that they are not all like a PT, they have a tower, a good booking. Often excessive. For most of these PT Sau, you need to play either on the middle tank, or as hard, depending on the model. The branch is distinguished by eccentricity, for a player who wants to try, as it is "pitch" the branch is not much interesting.

3) Worse branch of PT-SAU United States - spending right in battle!
The branch is especially the fact that almost all tanks have excellent booking, a huge mass and monstrously low mobility. Exotic, which is appreciated by a few.

4) British PT-SAU - good, but not for us.
In general, the interesting branch, which is replete with comfortable machines, which, due to good booking and high armor, it makes goodbye to newbies errors. Good branch for lag. But with PT-SAU, this branch is little in common, up to level 10 - the game on British PT requires an aggressive contact game, preferably in urban maps. An impudent tank on this technique is better not to abuse.

5) The German pt-saau branch without a tower is an excellent choice.
One of the first twigs of PT introduced into the game. Interesting, painfully stunning armored vehicles, distinguished by high accuracy, armored airproof and damage per minute (DPM). All PT of this branch is sufficiently comfortable in battle and are able to influence the course of battle. The author of the article advises to pump 8 level through JPanther II, and not through Ferdinand, unless you are not a big lover of armored vehicles of the Second World War.

6) The German branch of PT-SAU from the tower is better to pump over.

More precisely, not with a tower, but with a rotating log. Reference PT-SAU: A good layout level, stunning damage, armored vehicles, and accuracy. But - high dependence on player experience. Being discovered, PT of this branch immediately turns into a bunch of glowing metal. And all because of the weak, almost opposite booking. When these armored vehicles were introduced into the game, one of the LEAD-developers explained that the Tower of Germany fit into the so-called "glass gun" concept - a unit that has a squall firing power, but high vulnerability. I advise you to play experienced players.

7) Soviet second branch of the USSR PT-SAU - for the players with the developed effort of will.
I abound with "cacti", swing hard. But at 10 levels are very dangerous about. 263 - Movable and armored PT, ideal for contact fight in a narrow space.

8) The Soviet first twig of PT-SAU of the USSR is the crown of PT-Building.
It is this thread that it is best to download a newcomer, or just a player who wanted for the first time to try to play PT-SAU. Each branch machine is just perfect for the role of a sniper, which sitting in the bushes is ready to tear the floor of the cabin with an unlucky opponent.
The following cars are especially interesting:

Su-100 - Fri 5 level with 122 mm. Dulo - the entry of such a caliber will grieve even heavy tank 8 levels.

Su-152. - It has a fugasnitz ML-20, which (if lucky) causes damage up to 1138 units per shot - monster.

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