Best positions for lev. Lowe - Premium Heavy Tank Eighth Level

Best positions for lev. Lowe - Premium Heavy Tank Eighth Level

The oldest German premium tank, armed with an accurate and punching gun. Middle Booking Cases and Bad Mobility Do not allow to go in the forefront. It is mainly used in the role of support tank, which is convenient to keep the unacted flanks.

Luxury equipment



  • Accurate tool
  • High armoredness
  • Not bad damage for a shot
  • Good angle of declining guns
  • Strong mask guns
  • Excellent review


  • Weak booking
  • Bad harness and towers
  • Low speed
  • Vulnerable engine

Crew skills and skills

Equipment and equipment


Lowe has an excellent instrument and review at its disposal, thanks to which you can successfully fight on medium and long distances. It is not recommended to switch to the nearby battle, since damage to the frontal part of the hull lead to fires. The board of the hull is very high and make their way with almost all opponents.

Despite the fact that Lowe, first of all, it is a tank of support, can be tank, but only at the expense of the tower. It has a streamlined form, which leads to frequent ricochets. A huge mask of the gun closes almost the entire frontal part of the tower.

The dynamics of the tank is simply terrible. Therefore, it is necessary to fit the position with caution.

How to play

Before us is a classic German tank with the front location of the transmission. Who played in German technique, he knows that you need to prepare for the collection of rich critting. I recommend buying lowe only after running the German gravity 7-8 levels and understand their weak and strengths.

Do not forget that Lowe is a premium tank, which means it is weaker than his classmates from the main branch of pumping, because his main task is to earn silver. In skillful hands, this tank can bring weight gain and even fan.

When you play at Lowe, not under what circumstances do not go ahead of all. Your task to maximize the use of shelters and not substitute. A good option will be the game in the style of PT Sau. In addition, you have an accurate gun and a good review.

Do not wait for a comfortable game, as it often throws up to tanks level 10, and there are five art on each side. Sometimes we will be in the top, but also it is impossible to relax. Use tank flaws for good and straighten your hands.

1. Low speed

Especially in order to protect the nonsense player from rapid in the hangar, the engine tank is capable of developing a speed of about 27 km / h. In the disgusting dynamics of Lowe and is hidden the main meaning of tank on it: shooting game on medium and long distances near the base.

2. Weak booking

Forget about what you have armor. Rather, you have it at all. The only thing you can count this is the hull ridges and the impact of the gun mask. Hitch the lower armoredist, use the reverse rhombus and substitute the waste paths, which as if for the intelligence.

3. Small corners of vertical tip

It is not necessary to drag on a slide, barrels of the lower Brononistist only in order to break the frag or damage. You risk being destroyed before you understand that the trunk cannot fall below. The most interesting thing is that for you already an art will not miss the moment to send a projectile for you.

4. Dimensions

The shednosis of Leo does not give us the right to travel under the art print. Here, of course, it all depends on the card, but as far as possible, try to get up so that you will not get an enemy projectile. Never of my attempts to get out of the shelter and move to the nearby battle did not lead to success.

Survive in the world of pain will help you:

  • pumped crew transplanted from another tank;
  • modules are mandatory;
  • consumables, without a gentleman set, it is better not to leave;
  • gold shells to take damage more often;
  • gaming experience extracted later and blood.

In conclusion, I want to say that for competent tanks on Lowe need a non-odd skill, otherwise it will become easy prey for the enemy.


Historical reference

PZKPFW VII LÖWE ("Lion") is the official designation of a heavy breakthrough tank. The tank in the metal was not embodied - there are only various flawed drawings. A rough layout made of one tree of one of the options with the placement of the tower in the stern part was created.

The tank "Lev" should have used the modified Tank Chassis PZKPFW VI "Tiger" with improved booking and an artillery weapon of greater power. As a tank gun, the installation of the gun 15 cm kWK L / 40, 12.8 CM KWK L / 60 or 10.5 CM KWK L / 70 was assumed.

With an estimated powerful booking of any of the options of the Lion tank, and artillery armament, against the armor-proof of which could not resist the armor of any type of Soviet tanks of that time, it had low mobility (due to low specific power), and even serial severe German tanks.

In one of the options, the German designers worked out the rear layout of the tower on the housing of the tank, which was a new solution layout of tanks. In the USSR 1950-1951, under the leadership of A. A. Morozov (constructor of the world in the world in the world T-54 / T-55), a self-propelled artillery installation Su-100m was made (the object "416") with a similar location of the rotating tower.

How to Punch Lowe

The threatening view of the tank should not mislead you: for the mask of Leo is hidden a defenseless kitten, which albeit weakly, but it hurts it very much. Overall, slow lowe - roast for art and high-level tanks.

Red: Engine
Blue: Fuel Tank
White: Boylayad
Yellow: Ekipa
Purple: Vulnerable

With the side, I prefer to shoot the fuel tank or alert. Damage to the fuel tank increases the likelihood of a fire, and the damage to the ammunition increases the recharge time or leads to detonation.

Meeting with Lowe forehead in the forehead is most preferable from the point of view that there is a wide scope for the attacker. The choice is huge. The cast tower in the forehead practically does not make it possible because of the huge mask of the gun, but there are cheeks, in which Damag is periodically arrive, there is still a hatch at the top. You can shoot under the tower and thereby damage it. The upper armorist is, albeit under the tilt, but still confidently breaks through. The lower armorist is the most vulnerable place of the tank. Not only is it at right angle, so the engine is located there, but Lowe is very good)

The rear of the tank opens access to the tallest places of the breakdown: fuel tanks and a waters.

Hello dear friends. Today I will tell you about the Lowe Tank.

This tank 8 of the level of all buns has only an accurate gun, and from the grief of the armor of the case and the side of the tower.

A bit of history

The Lowe Tank from the German Lion was intended for a breakthrough tactic, retribution. As it was assumed on the tank had to install a 15mm kwk gun. But the project was closed because Hitler did not want to invest money in it is not clear what. So the project remained only in the drawings. (Nemetfil will pay now))


Pumping does not need. Because Lev Premium Tank. But I will tell about the guns.

Weapon: 10.5 cm kw.k. L / 70 instruments with high damage and bending. (Punching - BB -234; Gold-294; of-60), (damage -bb-320; Golda-320; of-420).

The exact and lady tool, the battle can be conducted on any distances.


The profitability of the lion depends on how much you beat the damage and how much did the enemy crit. With some victories, the 130K silver and 3 to experience pulled. The yield is not consistently compared with the same Type59, which has the yield above its competitor. But quite profitable, and people stretch to this tank. Throws us to 8,9,10 levels of fighting

Lion's problems

The main problem of the lion is a reservation and availability for damage to all gas tanks and a wagging. So do not get up on board and in front and in general! Stay from the opponent at a distance. Otherwise, you will have to carry not only Rem.Komplekt and fire extinguisher but also a fire machine.

Also, leva is very often burning, for 4 seconds he managed to damage everything that it is possible that the burning crew in a panic runs through the cabin)).

I think there is still a blank in price. 12500 gold is not everyone can afford. Especially spend money on cardboard with low mobility do not want. Therefore, I am more inclined to the IS-6; T-34; Well, on the urnyak su122-44.

Pluses Leva

A fairly accurate instrument inherent in all German tanks.

1. Good tower armor.

2. Great profitable tank.

3. Very good review.



Stabilizer vertical pressing

Improved ventilation.

We take with you: a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, Rem. Set.


Tactics of Boy

Leva can perform sniper or support. There is no third. Sniper: We get up in the bushes track and kill the enemy. Do not forget to change the position. When detected, it is better to find the shelter. The main task of the lion in this mode to fill more damage on the enemy. Leve should not go along with the herd, eat with a minority because it is there your help will need. In the near the battle is not entering. We are quickly "refurbished" and will figure it out. Long in the bushes, do not sit changing tactics. Lev is afraid of artillery due to dimensions. Support is performed at a distance. That is, we are not going at the selected ally, we help everyone immediately.


Like any German lev tank has a high accuracy, but bad broening. So this is more PT-ST. At the expense of the purchase, if you want to enjoy the accuracy of your tank, then leva is your best friend)

Thanks for attention. With you was a Soviet tanker.

Many wORLD players Of Tanks are wondering how to play lowe? This German tank, premium class 8, is a powerful weapon in the hands of a skilled player. And even despite the fact that he can get out the winner in many battles, some players suffer defeat. Naturally, because they do not take into account the specifics of this tank.

As we have already written in the article: The fighter we discussed is very slow, and is not suitable for melee. And all because many players already know how to quickly disassemble the lowe, and now the natural question is like playing at Lowe.

To answer this question, you need to start the style of the game. If you prefer to protect the database (on the game slang: Defi), then you need to install a camouflage network for gaming loans, and stay as close as possible to houses, trees or bushes. You will also need a module reinforced actuating drives, which will help you play at lowe more successfully. It is important to remember that if an art is present in the team, then any of your shots, successful or unsuccessful, will give your location. Therefore, after each shot, try to change the position. If it is difficult to change the position, then try to hide behind houses or trees for a while.

If you prefer to go and fight together with the team, then the game on Lowe will seem a little heavy, at least because of his slowness. But if you are already accustomed to this, then go to install modules. The first thing is to be installed is to fill the CO2 tanks (+ 50% to the tank strength), the tool rate of a large caliber (-10% by the charge time of the projectile) and a heavy anti-skip support (+ 30% to protection against explosion and taran, + 30% Protection crew from injuries). These three modules will be very helpful to you in the near battle.

Installed modules, and then what?

Further to play well on Lowe, you need to pump your crew to 100%, after that it will be necessary to engage in the crew, i.e. Improve their skills. The first and most important thing is that you have to open, this is the sixth sense of your commander, it will come in handy in battle. The sixth sense warns you about the nearest attack if the light caught fire, then your tank was discovered by the enemy and the shells would be flying in you.

The rest of the crew is best to pump repairs, and when it is 100%, you can already develop other skills, such as a sniper or king off-road. But this is your discretion.

Several important advice for those who want to understand how to play at Lowe:

1. You must know the weaknesses of your tank. This is the speed of movement, time for charging a new projectile, and the speed of turning the tower. Considering these weaknesses, try not to be alone, always be surrounded, otherwise the middle and light tanks will quickly send you to the hangar.

2. You must remember your strengths. Do not forget that you have a powerful breakage, which means that you can easily help your team to destroy the enemy.

3. Do not shoot just so, always try to aim, use the SHIFT or wheel key for this.

4. Do not go to the tower of heavy tanks, as a rule, this is the most secure and hard-to-go place, try to get into board or stern.

5. Do not try to play alone, otherwise you will quickly be returned to the hangar.

6. Do not doubt the installation of modules and pumping the crew, it can significantly affect your game.

7. Avoid damage from PT SAU 7-10 levels, you should not go to meet such tanks like Ferdinand, Jpanther 2, etc. Otherwise, you will be dealt in two right.

8. When choosing tactics, lean more to protection, and not to attack or assault. But if you still decided to attack, be closer to your team.

10-06-2016, 00:01

Good day, tankers and heavy machinery lovers! Today we will talk about the real heavy tank, the famous and most expensive prema in our game, which you can buy through the hangar for gold - in front of you Lowe Hyde.

Probably, each player, even a newcomer, is known this famous car, German premium heavy tank The eighth level that everything calls the Lion or Lev. However, now you will see a detailed Lowe review and realize that this aggregate is.

TTH Lowe.

So, the analysis of all the basic parameters will we begin with the fact that heavy has a very good margin of strength and is really a good overview of 400 meters, which can be easily brought to the top value.

As for the way this car moves, here we are a real heavy tank. Even despite the fact that in the patch 0.9.17 Lowe, the characteristics of mobility were transformed, the engine power increased from 800 to 1000 horsepower and the car received more speakers, the tank still remained slow. The maximum speed we have 35 kilometers, now it will be somewhat simpler, but maneuverability is still very weak and twisted the proud lion will not make problems.

It's more interesting and ambiguous with armor, because it seems to be it, and at the same time it seems to be no. What does it mean? The fact is that the Lowe Tank can pull the seventh levels and even some classmates (the latter with difficulty), but the tanks of the ninth and tenth level pierce us without problems. And if you take into account our huge dimensions, then it does not make any special problems. Exceptions make up only situations when we show the board or the tower of the tower at a very good angle, but also in such a situation of Lowe World of Tanks can get a break.


We now move on to the consideration of weapons and here it is practically nothing. At the Lowe, the gun is its main pride and dignity and above all, I will say that we have an excellent potential of the pharmaceutical potential, because armor-proofs are more than enough, even to pierce a dozen.

The WOT tank Lion was also put on a good alfactant, but we have a low recharge rate, and therefore approximately 2000 damage per minute our ceiling (this is taking into account the pumped crew and installed modules).

Otherwise, everything is fine. The gun is very labored, able to beat exactly in the target at large distances, besides, it is not bad stabilized. Time information is also tolerable, and the corners of the vertical tank at the Lowe World of Tanks in -8 degrees are comfortable, it can be seen in the screenshot. But here there is a pleasant surprise, after a patch of 0.9.17 Lowe may lower a tool by 10 degrees, so the game from the tower will be even more effective.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, all the strengths and weaknesses of the German lion are visible with a naked eye, all these nuances stand out quite clearly. However, for ease of perception, let's decompose everything around the shelves.

Excellent indicators of armored
The gun is very accurate;
Comfortable angles of inclination;
Not bad alfactors;
Large margin of safety;
Good review.

Bad mobility;
Weak booking;
Huge sizes;
Not the best damage per minute;
Not a preferential level of battles;
Low imperceptibility coefficient.

Equipment for Lowe.

In view of the special style of the game on this tank (we will talk about it below), the modules must be installed on it. However, our main task, though, is the emphasis of the advantages of the tank and for these reasons on Lowe equipment the following is set:
1. - Long-term recharging and weak DPM must be compensated, so this module is incredibly important.
2. - will allow us to become another thing, and in some cases even shoot a similarity.
3. - An excellent option that enhances many important characteristics of the time.
The last option exists a few alternatives. The first of these is, with which the process of applying damage will be even more pleasant, because we are not very fast, and this module will help with the solution of this catch. The second alternative - with which Lowe tank World. Of Tanks is able to achieve maximum review and play from your own light.

Education crew

Another very important moment for any tank is the crew training. In our case, the machine is controlled by a universal set of 5 tankers and this is a great way to obtain an additional advantage, so that the mines are swinging as follows:
Commander - ,,,
Powder - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radist - ,,,
Charging - ,,,

Equipment for Lowe.

Consumables in our case are a completely standard option. If you wish to save the maximum and as much as possible, it is better to take, it is better to take,. However, we still advise you to carry a premium equipment on Lowe, because it significantly increases your survival. By the way, the fire extinguisher, if desired, can be changed on, but this is for those who are not afraid of fires.

Lowe Game Tactics

Playing on Lion, you should remember several the most important points. First, despite the strengthening of the engine power, we have weak mobility, therefore this litigation, in fact, is a machine of one direction. Secondly - although we and the heavy tank, and Lowe at 0.9.17 received your bookings, it can still be punished, especially if we are talking about the battles at the bottom of the list, so you need to act carefully and try to take your margin of safety.

Based on these two nuances, on the low of the tactics of the battle, at the top of the list, you may imply the placeare of directions and rapprochement with the opponent. But most often everything is still coming down to the game with the second or third line, the sort of PT-SAU style. Still, in addition to the two minuses described above, there is an excellent accurate instrument that allows damage at large distances. Thus, simply taking a good position and trying not to glow, you can apply very decent amounts of damage and export a lot of silver from the battle.
With such a strategy of the game, it is important to learn to count the distance to the target, since the Tank of Lowe World of Tanks Saraine and glow after the shot is very strong.

However, as already mentioned, you can successfully fight in urban conditions, even approaching the opponent. To do this, it is necessary to become a rhombus and slightly tangle. Either show your board or part of the tower at a good angle. So the likelihood of ricochets or impetus increases due to thick caterpillars, often eating incoming damage and streamlined shape of the tower.

In any case, remember, Lowe tank WOT. The most comfortable feels at the top of the list, but in battle against 9-10 levels this beast is quite capable of showing teeth. The main thing is to learn how to count your strength, analyze a mini card and always hide from artillery, we are her favorite goal.

Summing up, I will say, despite the various reviews, the German Tank Lowe is worth taking, and in the realities of the update 0.9.17, especially, because in the skillful hands, this car is really capable of much, besides, he is superbly farm silver loans. Even being at the bottom of the list without problems can be taken out of 50,000 silver from the battle on average.

The best baby in the world is Tigering!

At the beginning of the 40s, the third Reich was taught giantia. Hitler issued to the development of a heavy breakthrough tank led to hard rivalry among major concerns, represented by "", "" and "". Projects appeared one more fancy other.

The story of Lion begins in 1941, when the first soviet heavy tanks hit the German designers. Kruppi was instructed to design a heavy tank under the codename name Tiger-Maus. However, by 1942, plans changed. In addition to the lightweight option (weighing in 70 tons and with a 150-mm cannon), the receiving commission was presented with a weighty project weighing 90 tons, the frontal armor of which was brought to 120 mm. According to rumors, one layout made of wood, which has seen few people.

Löwe variants turned around and multiplied, but everything was in vain ... in "Acceptance" chaired Ferdinand Porschewho clearly lobbied his brainchild. As a result, preference was given to the development of a superheavy tank. It would not even have helped the offer to use the work of Lion in the construction of the Royal Tiger. The project was completely buried. Instead of "Lion", a German masterpiece gave birth to "mouse" (as many as two pieces!), And it was symbolic.

Teeth and claws

In this "paper" project was delivered, smoked from dust - and he healed his special, unique life. In the game Löwe refers to the heavy tanks of the eighth level, being also the most expensive "premature" - as much as 12500 gold asked for him! Is it worth his money? Tell me.

To begin with, we walk on armor as the weakest place. She has "Levy" ... places. 120 mm frontal armor at an angle of 60 degrees - at the eighth level of this little to a tank. However, there are nuances. For example: a wonderful mask of the gun, which covers the entire front of the towers with its attachment and ricochet surface. Wide caterpillars sometimes absorb damage without consequences. Health allows you to catch a pair of groundless without loss of combat capability - 1650 hp. The body is already relaxing, because between VLD and NLD there is a small strip of armor at a right angle, in which all experienced players will be met. Therefore, try to hide the bottom of the tank for the folds of the terrain, and if they are not - becoming a rhombus, increasing the chance of the ricochet.

Gun from "Levy" above all praise. Only because of it it is worth taking this tank. Standard projectiles it sews 234 mm armor with damage in 320 hp. But this is not enough - the weapon is also very accurate! Get into the commander turret with a distance of 500 meters? No problem. The angles of the press in minus eight degrees are not ideal, but you can tolerate. To the small disadvantages include recharging time in 12 seconds, but everything is leveled by pumping crew and special equipment.

The fat mines of the tank are large size and slowness. The high and wide housing is glowing on all ranges, and the maximum speed of 35 km / h makes artists giggle and shed hands. Moreover, the roof of the tank is practically not protected.

What to download

Since the premium tank comes in the top configuration, we will immediately go to the crew. The commander is sure to jump the light bulb, and for dessert - "eagle eye", increasing the already chic overview of 400 meters. The rest of the crew is developing depending on how you are going to use this tank. If you want to work sniper, then your choice is "combat fraternity." Or take the "repair" at all, for cruel curls in the near distances.

Achtung! You can transplant in Löwe crew from any German heavy tank without fines to pump it one and a half times faster. However, the reverse transfer is impossible.

From special equipment Remember the following names: "Resselon", "Stabilizer Vertical Tinker", "Improved ventilation". This setup is most suitable for those who want to shoot more often and farm. Some sufferers replace one of the above modules to the "heavy anti-skip paddle" to get less damage from suitcases art.

Löwe - King Beasts?

Many players do not understand the essence of premium tanks. For some reason, they think that if they posted their blood, they simply must get a slaughter device flexing everything around. This is not true. Premium technique is needed primarily for making loans and pumping crews. If the tank is not a statistical on the battlefield, then understanding immediately comes, why he is so expensive. "Lev" I took at one time for the development of the German branch and never regretted it.

What you need to know for a comfortable game on this tank? Keep the distance - fight from the second and third line, even if you are in the top. Do not heroist. When the situation forces you to take your neighbor, look for a natural barrier and sell the mask gun. Fortunately, she can withstand many hits. When you find in a clean field, or on close streets of cities, rhobeum and playing from the side, riding back and forth, to make a sight of the weak points of the tank.

Do not break the tactical card. An experienced player on "Leve" from the start knows where he needs to go and which favorable point to occupy it. Given our turtle speed - time to turn around and go to another flank it will not be trite. Carefully learn the reservation schemes of opponents, as a last resort, set the modes with the armor indicator for the crosshair of the sight.

Otherwise, only you will help own experience And hundreds of battles spent on this wonderful unit. When you learn from each battle to take 100 thousand loans, you will understand why Löwe is called "Golden Tank".


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