Tactics games in Chinese TT WOT. How to play for a heavy tank

Tactics games in Chinese TT WOT. How to play for a heavy tank

All known online game World of Tanks has gained considerable popularity for its three years of existence. As in other similar games, your task is to compete with other players. But the peculiarity of this game is based on such small details, as separate modules where the level of armor, or damage is always different, and therefore vulnerable points - have different locations.

Playing in the World of Tanks, you often had to hear the phrase "not struck", or the "armor is not broken." It is not so trite as in other games that if, let's say, the sword damage is less than the enemy armor, then you do not break through anyway. No, it is not. In this tank simulator, you just have to look for weak, easily breaking points.

The most armored class of equipment in the game is undoubtedly (TT). The whole salt is that this technique is booked (if you take all the modules separately) more than any other class.

If you, playing against TT, can not be pierced, remember - every TT (no matter what level) is always there is a front of such a point where you can easily break. Of course, in such points it is not always convenient to shoot, but what to do? Therefore, the first, and perhaps the most basic rule of the game on the TT - know where the tank is nailed, and including yours, so as not to substitute the punishable points.

Second rule . It is not necessary to teach and sharp all the points on all tanks. The main thing is to be able to play on your tank. Knowing where there is a tanker in the tank, the corner of the "safe" tilt tank, the level of booking, and easily (and hard) punishable places - you can fully own your tank, which is an important topic during the game.

Third Rule . Proper to put the housing of the tank. To escape from the next hit, on many (mostly German) tanks, the position of the hull is rumb. At the expense of its rectangular shape, German tanks substitute their forehead corner straight to the dunge of the enemy. With this you guarantee a ricochet. Playing the Tanks of the United States and the UK, you become not a rhombus, but straight our forehead to the enemy, shifting the body in terms of 10-20 degrees. The position of the rhombus on the Soviet and Chinese (as well as French) tanks does not apply.

Rule fourth. Playing on the TT, you will often have a tank. If you know the right corner, which you can leave without opening the front enemy, then such a system will be very useful. If you do not know how to tank - do not play at TT!

Rule number five . If you like to play with such TT, where the tower is greatly booking, or lowly lowers the gun (and even better - both), then you can easily use the relief. It is best when the enemy on the mountain, and leaving, he substitutes vulnerable places, and you are on the slope of the mountain, where you can easily touch the enemy, while remaining integer. For such tactics, the tanks are best suited and (mainly after the 8th level of technology).

Sixth rule . Playing on TT, remember one thing - art is the most terrible your enemy. Even taking into account the release of the latest updates, where Artu was strongly cut, it is not a reason to relax. Remember that the main goal has always been, there is a slow technique (in particular TT).

Rule number seven. The real amateur TT will never take the French. TT - it is difficult to attribute to real hill, since their level of armor does not correspond to the category of such tanks. So all the rules listed before do not concern French (as well as).

Important in the correct, team game will be eighth Rule . Since you are playing at the TT (it's not to treat the French, again), then remember - you are TT, and you should always go first, and take the first shots using those skills that you gained this article. This is your task. The rest depends on your allies.

Rule number nine Treat not only to TT, but also to other types of equipment. Follow the mini card. As you play a slow tank, then you will need to try to predict the action on the map, even before the start of the fighting. From this depends the result of the battle, as well as your position. Following the mini card, you can change the position of the battle.

Last, as well as global Rule Is that you need to know your task, the situation, as well as understand how much you are responsible for the fight, and what can depend on you.

It seems like just a game, but it has been done in it in it in detail that for many World of Tanks has become more than just a game for holding free time, or to play with friends.

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As B. game world Of Tanks exists a large number of Heavy tanks, then we will not be able to disassemble the features of the game on each car. For example, American heavy tanks are characterized by excellent booking of the forehead Tower and the mediocre booking of all other parts, which involves very specific tactics. In French heavy tanks, high levels are practically no armor (so they are sometimes called "cardboard") that they make the game on them very unusual.

It's later goes, for example, about such tanks as Soviet KV-1 and T-150. or French ARL 44.That is, quite slow tanks, the advantage of which is strong armor. There is no sense about the tanks of higher levels, since the Willy-Neils, by the time they acquire them, players will already learn to play heavy tanks. But, for example, with the purchase of KV-1, the tactics will have to radically change after the classical medium tank T-28.

Often inexperienced players, hitting a heavy tank in top list, Amenable to the feeling "I'm in the tank" and fearlessly go to the enemy, hoping for strong armor. Indeed, it is unlikely to break you in the forehead with the tanks below you with the level, if they are not, of course, use the "gold" shells, and in low levels there are practically no one uses them.

But, firstly, without the support of allies you can easily surround and killAfter all, the sides and feed all tanks makes itself much easier. Moreover, even if you substitute only the forehead, under the real squall of the shells, even he may not resist, especially if the enemy can get into the lower frontal part, which is always renovated rather mediocre. Secondly, do not forget about enemy sauwho are able to disassemble even a very armored enemy, as their shells are damage even through thick armor, and they can also get to your roof, which can be just minimal.

Having went to the hangar after such a "rush" times ten times, many players begin to make another mistake: they get up somewhere in the bushes near the base and begin to shoot someone else's light. Or hiding behind shelters, fearing enemy sau. It leads to the deplorable results. If you at the bottom of the listYou simply will not bring the benefit of the team, and yourself will lose most of the silver and experience that could get, playing correctly. If you are at the top of the list, then, most likely, your incorrect actions will lead to the defeat of the entire team.

Since you on a heavy tank, then you must be on the first line, that is, the first to meet the enemy. It does not matter here, your team attacks or is in a deaf defense in this direction. Fat armor allows you to get the impetus and ricoches are much more often of medium tanks or PT-SAU. While the enemy will unsuccessfully try to break through your armor, the allies will be able to inflict damage and get around them from the flank, and light tanks, probably, can even break through to the enemy SAU, highlight them and even destroy them. Also, you have the largest margin of strength (HP), so you can experience more breaks with damage than other team members.

In this way, stand in the bushes near the database you categorically it is impossible . But it should not go thoughtlessly on the enemy. remember, that World of Tanks. He is a team game, so you have to play a team of a certain role, and not act alone. A heavy tank is less dependent on other team members than, for example, "Svetlyk" or SAU, but still depends on.

To get a maximum of impetus and ricochets there are several simple tips. Do not substitute the enemy on board and stern. The strongest part of the tank - the mask of the gun, so try to substitute it under the enemy shots. The housing of the housing of the tank always consists of the lower and top winding parts, which are forming a kind of wedge on the junction. If the top log detail and heavy tanks are well boded, then the lower frontal part is much thinner, so it can also break through not very good tools. Therefore, the lower frontal item needs to be hiding behind a variety of objects, bodies, market folds.

Good way Increase the chance of atmospheres or ricochet - stand rhombus. You need to be protected the housing of the tank so that the enemy is forced to pierce the forehead at an additional angle. The enemy in this case can try to pierce you aboard, but it will be under a very sharp angle, so that the enemy is unlikely to succeed, or damage will absorb the caterpillar.

If you play a heavy tank, then you are a priority goal for enemy SAU due to several reasons. First, you are slowly moving, so it's easier to get into you. Secondly, you have big sizes, which also makes you a profitable target. It should also be said that heavy tanks are distinguished by low inconsistency rates, so you find more often than other tanks, therefore, more often for you and shoot.

Obviously, it should be behind the shelters, so that enemy saau will not get into you. The main thing is that the shelter is high enough to protect you. Some sau (for example, Su-5) are able to hit targets that are even for quite high shelters, as their shells fly along a very cool trajectory. So, for example, even a high stone may be unreliable shelter. It is also necessary to remember that the fugasic shells do not ricochet. The edge of the feed of your tank, which sticks out due to shelter, enemy heavy or medium tanks can and do not break through, but the SAU's fuzane shell can apply full damage, so be careful.

It is also necessary to represent where the enemy SAU is approximately located for the shelter from the right side. The situation is greatly complicated if several SAU in the enemy team. Experienced artists occupy various positions that practically eliminates the opportunity to find a completely safe shelter.

But this does not mean that since you play a heavy tank and with opponents somewhat saau, then you should stand at some home all the battle and be afraid to look for a shot. First, the thick armor protects well from the fugasal shells, so you can stretch under the enemy shelling for some amount of time. Secondly, if you do not stand in an open field or move in a straight line at a constant speed, you will be much more difficult to get into you. A heavy tank does not mean the "stand still and shoot" by the machine, this type of technology also implies a permanent movement, which avoids an unpleasant gift from enemy SAU.

Tactics games on Heavy tanks

Since in the World of Tanks game there are a large number of heavy tanks, we will not be able to disassemble the features of the game on each car. For example, American heavy tanks are characterized by excellent booking of the forehead Tower and the mediocre booking of all other parts, which involves very specific tactics. In French heavy tanks, high levels are practically no armor (so they are sometimes called "cardboard") that they make the game on them very unusual.

It will later go, for example, about such tanks as Soviet kV-1 and T-150 or French ARL 44, that is, rather slow tanks, the advantage of which is strong armor. There is no sense about the tanks of higher levels, since the Willy-Neils, by the time they acquire them, players will already learn to play heavy tanks. But, for example, with the purchase of KV-1, the tactics will have to radically change after the classical medium tank T-28.

Often inexperienced players, hitting on heavy tank at the top of the list, Amenable to the feeling "I'm in the tank" and fearlessly go to the enemy, hoping for strong armor. Indeed, it is unlikely to break you in the forehead with the tanks below you with the level, if they are not, of course, use the "gold" shells, and in low levels there are practically no one uses them.

But, first of all, without the support of the allies you can easily surround and kill, because the side and feed all tanks make it much easier. Moreover, even if you substitute only the forehead, under the real squall of the shells, even he may not resist, especially if the enemy can get into the lower frontal part, which is always renovated rather mediocre. Secondly, do not forget about enemy SAU, which are able to disassemble even a very armored opponent, as their shells apply damage even through thick armor, and they can also get to your roof, which can be just minimal.

Having went to the hangar after such a "rush" times ten times, many players begin to make another mistake: they get up somewhere in the bushes near the base and begin to shoot someone else's light. Or hiding behind shelters, fearing enemy sau. It leads to the deplorable results. If you are in the bottom of the list, then you will simply do not bring the command to the team, and yourself will lose most of the silver and experience that could get, playing correctly. If you are at the top of the list, then, most likely, your incorrect actions will lead to the defeat of the entire team.

Since you are on a heavy tank, then you must be on the first line, that is, the first to meet the enemy. It does not matter here, your team attacks or is in a deaf defense in this direction. Fat armor allows you to get the impetus and ricoches are much more often of medium tanks or PT-SAU. While the enemy will unsuccessfully try to break through your armor, the allies will be able to inflict damage and get around them from the flank, and light tanks, probably, can even break through to the enemy SAU, highlight them and even destroy them. Also, you have the largest margin of strength (HP), so you can experience more breaks with damage than other team members.

Thus, it is categorically impossible to stand in the bushes near the base. But it should not go thoughtlessly on the enemy. Remember that World of Tanks is a team game, so you have to play a team on a certain role, and not act alone. A heavy tank is less dependent on other team members than, for example, "Svetlyk" or SAU, but still depends on.

To get a maximum of impetus and ricochets there are several simple tips. Do not substitute the enemy on board and stern. The strongest part of the tank - the mask of the gun, so try to substitute it under the enemy shots. The housing of the housing of the tank always consists of the lower and top winding parts, which are forming a kind of wedge on the junction. If the top log detail and heavy tanks are well boded, then the lower frontal part is much thinner, so it can also break through not very good tools. Therefore, the lower frontal item needs to be hiding behind a variety of objects, bodies, market folds.

A good way to increase the chance of atmospheres or ricochet is to stand rhombus. You need to be protected the housing of the tank so that the enemy is forced to pierce the forehead at an additional angle. The enemy in this case can try to pierce you aboard, but it will be under a very sharp angle, so that the enemy is unlikely to succeed, or damage will absorb the caterpillar.

If you play a heavy tank, then you are a priority goal for enemy SAU due to several reasons. First, you are slowly moving, so it's easier to get into you. Secondly, you have big sizes, which also makes you a profitable target. It should also be said that heavy tanks are distinguished by low inconsistency rates, so you find more often than other tanks, therefore, more often for you and shoot.

Obviously, it should be behind the shelters, so that enemy saau will not get into you. The main thing is that the shelter is high enough to protect you. Some sau (for example, Su-5) are able to hit targets that are even for quite high shelters, as their shells fly along a very cool trajectory. So, for example, even a high stone may be unreliable shelter. It is also necessary to remember that the fugasic shells do not ricochet. The edge of the feed of your tank, which sticks out due to shelter, enemy heavy or medium tanks can and do not break through, but the SAU's fuzane shell can apply full damage, so be careful.

It is also necessary to represent where the enemy SAU is approximately located for the shelter from the right side. The situation is greatly complicated if several SAU in the enemy team. Experienced artists occupy various positions that practically eliminates the opportunity to find a completely safe shelter.

But this does not mean that since you play a heavy tank and with opponents somewhat saau, then you should stand at some home all the battle and be afraid to look for a shot. First, the thick armor protects well from the fugasal shells, so you can stretch under the enemy shelling for some amount of time. Secondly, if you do not stand in an open field or move in a straight line at a constant speed, you will be much more difficult to get into you. Heavy Tank Game Tactics Does not mean the "stand still and shoot" by the machine, this type of technology also implies a constant movement, which avoids an unpleasant gift from the enemy SAU.

Beginner players in the World of Tanks, first encountered with heavy tank, are experiencing a small shock. It was just that everything was fine and just - the little tanks of the "sandbox" joyfully and thoughtlessly destroyed each other ... And then suddenly a huge invulnerable Mahina is rushing on you, able to kill one shot. Is it possible to win in general that?

Understanding how to act, comes later, but the impression of the first meeting remains and often changes development priorities for many players. Only reaching the first "heavy", they understand that the life of heavy tanks is also not sugar, but in order to realize their advantages, the necessary special tactic.

Basic principles

Heavy tanks are the most powerful combat vehicles in the game. They cannot boast the mobility and tactical flexibility inherent in average machines, but it is precisely the actions of heavy tanks most often form a tactical drawing of the game. The task of such a tank - using the benefits of armor, survivability and firepower, break through the defense of the enemy. After that, less protected cars rush to breakthrough, destroying artillery and bypassing the enemy from the rear and flanks.

Even if the armor is strong, the meeting immediately with several opponents is unlikely to end well.

In defense, a heavy tank does not give the enemy cars to act freely on their plot - try to slip past him more expensive, and it is not easy to destroy the skillful "hard". But keep in mind - left alone with a few even more lighter and less perfect enemy machines, your "heavy" can turn from a predator to sacrifice.

Therefore, the first rule is good "heavy" - no matter how well your tank is protected, you should not play alone hero. I find out that you are the only one who is going to cover an important direction, feel free to demand help.

Also, it is not worth it, like many beginners "chasing", to go to the enemy positions thoughtlessly and alive, relying solely on the power of the armor. Armor does not cancel and does not replace tactics, and cross-shelling, fire concentration and artillery support will be easy to disable any tank, which has impaired impenetrable.

Excessive caution, however, heavy cars also do not paint. A heavy tank sitting in the bushes while PT-SAU goes to the attack, - the spectacle is frequent, but this is no less shameful, and "heavy", remaining at the beginning of the battle on the basis, otherwise it is impossible to call ballast for the team. This came from the "sandbox", with the permission to say, "tactics" occasionally can bring success, but not a team, but a specific player. Before driving under cross-fire and shelling of artillery, brave appearance of KV (it is for some reason they are sick of this most often, with growth in the level goes ...) will have to undermine a couple of damaged cars and feel herself. But when the fate of the team was solved on the front line, comrades could just miss the armor and firepower.

Shelter and disguise

By a heavy tank in defense, nothing is slipped!

Most of the time of the battle, the heavy tank is in dense contact with the enemy, which means his location of the enemy is known. To make a big and not too maneuverable machine, it is easy to use artillery, it is necessary to use shelters on the area - buildings, stone boulders, hills, mountains, that is, everything that blocks the line of fire and makes the sighting artillery shooting impossible. Careful heavy tank comes from one shelter to another, to have a reliable position when meeting with the enemy.

In battle, retreating for the shelter, "heavy" gets time to recharge and field repair of damaged modules. He will be able to wait for artillery support or approach, being in relative security. Therefore, the plain is the worst of possible landscapes for the offensive, and the city is the best. After all, in street battle, any building is ready-made shelter. There are no infantry in the game, and no one is preparing a surprise like a shot of a Bazuki / Banzerzhek from Satellite or Khpanka Grenate from the window, but narrow streets and high buildings complicate the work of artillery and do not give medium cars to bypass "heavy" from the flank. However, you should not underestimate enemy artillery! Always pay attention to the enemy tracers to roughly calculate the position of the artilleryrs and occupy the position accordingly.

Poor Leo hardly even managed to understand what was happening.

A common error in a positional battle is a way out due to the shelter at a right angle to the alleged line of fire. Many players are supervised due to shelter along the shortest trajectory, substituting the enemy board and simply turning the tower in his direction. This method gives a gain in speed, but even on machines with uniform booking, the board is more vulnerable (there are no side arcorneys from the side of the armored tilt), the breakdown in the board has more chances to damage some module, and shoot off the caterpillar to the side of the side much easier.

The high probability of complete loss of mobility under enemy fire levels all the advantages in the speed of the "perpendicular" method of leaving the shelter.

It is better to spend a little more time and go out on a spare section of the front armor forward - so as to take an enemy fire on the most secure plot. In addition, with such a situation, even having lost the caterpillar, the tank will not remain very defenseless.

On a well-skilled map without special shelters, heavy tanks resort to disguise on the same rules as PT-SAU. However, it is necessary to take into account that it is easier to detect a heavy tank, so if possible, change the position after the shot or the passage of the enemy scout.

Equipment and crew

The hull of the fears of comrades is a good shelter from direct fire.

The heavy tank assumes the greatest part of the damage caused by the enemy team, and fights in the near and medium-sized distances, where the bill goes on a split second. Therefore, from the equipment, he primarily needs tools to increase the density of fire, enhancing key nodes and acceleration. In principle, this is all said - an instrument rate, wet alert (alas, strengthen the strength of the gun can not) and the box with the tools is our choice. The crew should develop primarily the repair, and in the second - fire extinguishing. When the repairs will be well developed (in the area of \u200b\u200b80%), you can replace the box on something else, for example, on ventilation or instruments for improving the tip.

On a note:a damaged module is considered when his health points fall to 50%, declined - when the damage is equal to or exceeds 100% of its strength. Field repair from such a state returns a 50% strength module.

The camouflage network heavy machines is unlikely to come in handy - the larger the tank, the harder it is to disguise it, and the increase for imperceptibility will be very small. A set of consumables for a heavy tank is quite standard - a first-aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher Try to put automatic, it is not only more likely to be extinguished fire, but also reduces the likelihood of its occurrence, which is very important for heavy machines.

Antioxcine Stern.

From the explosions next to the tank podbo, it also protects, but the winnings and there will be a penny.

Antioxcine subboration is one of the most controversial modules in the game. Many players are very praised and strongly recommended for installation. + 15% to absorption damage from explosions and tarana - it sounds really great. But let's see how it really is.

The mechanism of work of fragmentation-fugasal shells in the game is: if the projectile got, but did not break through the armor, the damage from it is divided into two and takes away from the glasses of the tank's life, losing 1.3 points of damage for each millimeter of armor affected machine. Pigeon enhances the absorption of damage at this level, increasing it somewhere up to 1.5 points of life for every millimeter of the armor. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate that the gain from the side will be 20 points of life per 100 mm armor. The average damage of artillery gun B-4 (Su-14, C-51) is 1850 points. Take into account the same that a lot of things weigh and occupies a cell, which could be used for something else.

Soviet heavy machines are best balanced. If we compare tanks on mobility, security and firepower, the German and American machines of comparable levels often significantly exceed Soviet on one of the characteristics, but at the same time they are seriously losing in the remaining two.


First heavy machine soviet branch And the most terrible of the fifth level tanks. It is great for its level, it is almost awricted for tanks, to meet with more high levels of his armor, it is not enough, and the silhouette is too high, it applies to the top tower kV-2. But in battle with more perfect tanks of the KV can stand up for themselves due to the firepower.

The choice of guns is impressive - four units, not counting the base. Especially good powerful, excellently balanced gun 107-mm ZIS-6 (seventh-level gun on the fifth tank) and 152-mm M-10. Upon damage by a fugasal shell, it is equal to the Basic tool Su-152. Of the minuses - it is very long recharged, it is difficult to induce and has a huge scatter that forces it to apply it mainly in the near distances. But this cannon can destroy the T-34-85 with a good shot to stop this gun. Which of these guns is suitable for you more - it depends on your game style.

The strongest disadvantages of kV are not the best mobility and frankly rock radius of the review (350 meters). Without intelligence, this tank is guaranteed to arrive just in the arms of waiting for his ambush.


One of the options for the development of KV on the sixth level of the game. In fact, it is a more maneuverable and high-speed version of the whole square. Improving the running quality was achieved by lowering the security of the hull sides, and in front of the "kvass" is also protected as KV, which is not enough for the sixth level. Increased maneuverability This deficiency is not compensated, so many players call the KV-1C "Unsigned" Tank.

In general, the KV-1C is significantly inferior in the effectiveness of the KV-3 - another version of the development of KV - and therefore it is rare in the game.


This six-level tank is a real strong nut. Protected for his stage is simply excellent (120 mm on the forehead of the case - it is more than the "tiger"!), Weakly vulnerable with fire both in the forehead and aboard, and can fight with a "tiger" if not quite on equal , almost.

It can boast of excellent instruments of D2-5T and D10-T, tangible disadvantage of which is expensive service. In addition, these cannons require for opening almost as many experience points as the opening of the next tank in the branch. But if they explore them, they will serve as a Soviet tankist for a very long time, the D10-T is put even on the IS-4.

All disadvantages of KV-3 can be voiced in one word - slow. Slowly drives and turns (even with an improved engine and chassis), slowly turns the tower, slowly reduces and recharges the gun.


The Soviet heavy tank of the seventh level in comparison with the KV-3 does not really acquire in protectedness. All the same 120 mm armor on the forehead case, except that the tilt slightly increased. The tower lost it in generally - it was 130 mm, it became 100 (more streamlined forms, however, it will legate this flaw). IP wins first of all in dimensions and dynamics. It is compact, maneuver, turns faster than the tower and has an instrument of the D-25T to 25t, in everything similar to D2-5T, but more rapid.

There are practically no shortcomings. In short, this is one of the best tanks At the seventh level.


Outstanding in all respects machine. IS-3 is perfectly protected, it has revolutionary for its time low and streamlined forms and has an impressive firepower. At high distances in the forehead, IS-3 is almost invulnerable to the tanks of the lower and even equal levels. This car practically does not have drawbacks (if not considered such that there are several tanks in the game even perfect and deadly), and it can be calmly called the best heavy tank of the eighth level.



The most powerful of Soviet tanks and the fastest heavy tank in the game. IC-7 on mobility is not much inferior to some medium cars and can accelerate up to 50 km / h - this is two and a half times higher than the speed of "Maus". IS-7 brought approximately as IC-4, but the incredible corners of the frontal armor and the streamlined form of the tower make it an extremely difficult goal. Also has a huge firepower - 195-325 armoredness and 368-613 units of damage by the baseline. This is no doubt one of the best and most dangerous tanks in the game and the most balanced 10th level tank.

German branch

The German branch of heavy tanks is the shortest. Only four cars - from an easily protected tank, which seemed invincible at one time, before that did not come out of the prototype prototype of the self-moving fort.


Many players complain that this legend of Panzerwaff turned out in the game not so terrible, invulnerable and deadly, as it would be worth being. Well, indeed, for a heavy tank of the seventh level "Tiger" is not protected too well. Just 100 mm devoid of the inclination of armor in front and 80 mm on the sides.

However, it should be borne in mind that the game does not reconstruct the fighting of the Second World War, where "Tiger" would have to face mainly with a long-haired living when meeting with him "thirty parts" and "Shermans", but clearly shows us the history of tank-based thought and the development of tanks. The possibility of a collision with the T-29 prototype and post-war tanks, like an IS-3 or T54, the creators and the teaching "tiger" were not provided. Its relatively weak security "Tiger" compensates good maneuverability and remarkable accuracy and gunfire 8.8 cm kWK 43 L / 71. You can walk with this tool on the IS-3.


"Royal Tiger" books no longer as an example. 150 mm inclined front armor on the housing is very serious. However, to make a "tiger 2" a truly efficient machine, you need to replace the base tower as quickly as possible. What to shoot in perfectly protected housing, if you can beat the tower with a ridiculous armor to the 8th armor? The meeting with the IS-3 turns into a lottery - knows or does not know the opponent about this feature, is able to distinguish the "stock" tower from "top". It is anharged to meet with other CT - they know exactly! Upgraded tower with frontal armor 180 mm solves this problem completely and turns "Tiger 2" into the car, almost equal to IC-3. The one, however, seems to me preferable to lower silhouette and streamlined forms.

VK4502 (P) AUSF. B.


The 188-ton miracle Yudo is the largest, most armored and the hardest tank in the game. He pays for this very small mobility - its speed is only 20 km / h. Because of this, and also because of the size of the type "you want, you do not miss" very love artillery. Well suited for defense: stand up in an inadential for artillery fire, the plot so that no one has ever passed here is for him. Good and in the offensive - when the huge carcass "Musa" takes on the fire almost the entire enemy team, while comrades bypass from the flanks, it turns out just wonderful. Almost an invulnerable moving fortress - for the sake of it it is worth developing a German branch!

Meeting of equal cars - always interesting

American branch

American heavy tanks did not appear in the fields of the Second World War - the US Army cost the average cars and a large PT Sau PT. However, experimental work was carried out, and a number of distant prototypes were built. World of Tanks allows us to try out them in business.



Almost the same T1, only with reinforced to 102 mm front armor and a much more impressive nomenclature of guns. What is worth "topping" 90-mm Gun M3 - a wonderful gun (basic on the "punching", by the way!), Able to hit any goal of the sixth seventh level.

Of the disadvantages it is worth noting the same very poorly protected board and for a long time repair of the caterpillar. However, the latter concerns T1.





My favorite among the tetting tanks. T30, in general, - the same T34 in the "top" configuration, however, the excellent 120-mm replaced on ... It is difficult for me to find the right epithet, perhaps the word "Divine" here will not be busting. So, 120-mm gun was replaced by a divine 155 mm tool with armor-proof of 207-345 and damage 563-938. A gun capable of one successful shot to demolish the "sneaker" almost half of life is too good! Low on Merkov higher levels Protection such fireproof power, as well as good mobility compensated completely. The best T30 works as a tank of the second line, supporting the onset of better protected machines.

Each class of technicians in the game World of Tanks has its own specialization. Light tanks are scouts, artillery performs the function of support, PT SAU is ideal in defense and holding direction, and medium tanks, and including A-44 are universals. However, heavy tanks play a major role in any fight, no doubt play - tT in World of Tanks, or as they are also called - heavy. And today we have hyde on TT..

Top TT for tank

Possessing the most powerful weapons and armor, the machine of this class is able to sell a strategically important direction on the map and solve the outcome of the battle. However, for the same one has to pay a strong dependence on the team - without the flanking cover or competent art supplies, the traction will become easy prey. Plus "Serbogold", which allows the majority of cars in the game. As practice shows, currently "from armor" can play only a few cars. The legendary Soviet IS-7 and ST-1 (the latter has an uncomplicated tower) plus the German "slippers", which soon replaced by the prototype "Maus". We recommend to get acquainted with our article as a tank board correctly. This is the most important part in guide on TT.. For a successful game, you must realize how it is done correctly.

Comparison TT-10 What is better?

It is also worth mentioning drum Heavy Tanks in World Of Tanks - They have a reservation at the medium level, but thanks to the charging mechanism and excellent dynamics are able to produce a huge amount of damage. The game on the machines of this type resembles the game on medium tanks, so they can only be called "heavy". And finally, the video on the most popular drum TT in WOT - T57 Heavy.


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