Good tactic world of tanks. WORLD OF TANKS BOOK TACTICS

Good tactic world of tanks. WORLD OF TANKS BOOK TACTICS

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 3

Having studied the article, you can master theoretical skills of fighting on the middle tank in World of Tanks. Each representative of this class has its own characteristics and pronounced benefits not only before other types of equipment, but also among themselves. Do not think that if you play on the middle tank well, that this article will be useless to you. After all, this is a kind of generalized text guide on average tanks, in which there are already three and more peppers, which are chosen with the mind, taking into account all the features of certain techniques.

What is the average tank?

So. Most Opinion - Middle Tank Game is a combination of lightweight and heavy tank tactics. That is, it is a skillful and stable, efficient fire on enemy technique. Do not agree with this can not. But, many people forget that some medium tanks have a large armor than a heavy tank and speed than that of the lung. The average tank is a certain ideal that can be used in any situation and with any scenario. Simply put, the average tank will not be a burden in the overall group or defa with heavy tanks. Next about everything in order and more in detail.

How to simultaneously shine and contribute to the promotion of the attacking alliance group?

From the very beginning of the battle, taking into account the card, it is necessary to take such a position from which an enemy group of tanks will be well shot, opposing the attackering group of the Allied Forces. Even one medium tank is able to influence the outcome of this fight, if everything is worked out well and efficiently. It is clear that words words, but in practice another matter. Therefore, consider on the example.

Map "Rybatskaya Bay", Nizhny Respaun.

On the right flank went definitely the number of allied tanks. We are on the T-62a we go to the center and occupy a position in the bushes somewhere on 6 or 7 lines. If you are lucky, then we will be lit a few enemy tanks that are sent to the city. The ideal situation, if in the center, in this mini-town with an expensive, no one. In this case, nothing bothers to help allies in, distracting enemy tanks, inflicting damage from an unexpected place. This will give an advantage in firing strength, since the distracting enemy technique will be vulnerable to the weapons of the allies. At the same time, it will be possible to constantly maintain a stable lit up of enemy tanks, which will reduce the time of their destruction due to permanent fire from several sides - the center, cities and fire from artillery.

Well, the essence of the example should be clear. I am embodying in reality by skill, skill at the same time and lit up, and Damag. With the total tactic, with such a fight, there will be a change of position, after discovering opponents. Of course, getting a damage must be minimal. And this applies not only to games on medium tanks ...

You need to sum up the following.

The game on the middle tank should not include passive aspects. It is necessary to constantly press the enemy. And if the enemies will curse you in a fighting chat, then you know, you are on the right track.

I decided to try myself on the field of writing tactics and reptiles to the MMO game "World of Tanks". It turned out like not bad (for beginners).

Golden Rule

Bind the opponent of the battle in unprofitable conditions and avoid getting a fight in conditions unfavorable for you. Following this rule looks like this:

1) Remember about the art. If possible, simply light up the enemy by working art not hurry to enter the battle. In case of cooling, try to arrange your tank so that it is hidden from the enemy's art style, and the opponent's tank was available to your art.

2) Do not go out due to an angle into several trunks or a weaker barrel against stronger. In general, try to get away from the windshield against a stronger enemy.

3) Use maneuver to change the battle's conditions in your favor. If your tank is faster, come up with the enemy from the rear, try to circle around a slower enemy, you can go at all from a weak flank and save your tank for successful action on another site of combat. If your tank is slow, use the shelter type of buildings, stones, slopes.

4) Use bushes. Bushes are a permitted cheat, about how. If you do not see through the bushes, then you will not be lit after a shot: keep this distance when shooting from bushes on someone else's light.

5) Avoid the heroic temptation alone to cover the fully open flank. If your team does not pay attention to one direction, and sometimes even two, it means that, as a rule, the defeat is inevitable, and your task becomes time to do the greatest damage. Alone on an open flank against 3-4 enemy tanks, you rarely be able to produce more than one shot.

Silver rule

Constantly follow the overall picture of the battle on the mini card and act quickly according to a changing situation:

1) At the beginning of the battle, see how you choose the directions of the tanks of your team and try to choose the most adequate to your tank position.

2) Touch the enemy to take a picture of the distribution of the enemy tanks. Change this picture along the course of the battle and take into account the dropped tanks of the enemy.

3) The mounted, but not destroyed tank opponent continues to act and disappear from lighting. Be sure to try to predict the actions of such tanks, at least close to your position. This is especially important when you light the flying light and breakthrough of one of the flanks of your team.

4) In the threat of an enemy breakthrough into the area of \u200b\u200bpositions of your art or even the base, it is necessary to immediately make a decision: to continue to fulfill your task or return to the aid. It is good only the help that turns out to be on time. Tip: Any decision taken is better than charagian from one decision to the opposite. Do not be afraid to make mistakes - be afraid not to do anything.

5) When setting many tanks of the enemy, learn to choose priority goals: First, that tank that can be done by one shot, especially if he can leave. Exception: This tank will surely finish your weaker ally, and you have the opportunity to apply a powerful damage to a strong tank. Then: the tank of the enemy, according to which your ally shoots and which threatens you or an ally. Then, perhaps art. Etc.

Bronze rule

Learn to interact with allies:

1) Follow the dialogue in the chat. Contact the allies when you need their help. Tell them important information for them.

2) The most important thing is: protection of the art, lit up for the allies, coordinated shooting, covering allies-vet, etc.

3) Be polite and indulgent.

That's all, good luck!


The whole technique in the game has armor that protects against the enemy's fire. Different cars are different, but for most of them there are general principle: Front units are better protected, and board and feed are more vulnerable. Armor is measured in millimeters and is indicated in this format: the thickness of the frontal / on-board / feed armor. And if the value of the armor, for example, is indicated as 75/45/45, then an armor with a penetrative ability of 60 mm with direct hit will be able to break through or stern, but there is no front armor.

An example of booking IS-3. Color variations show places with different thickness of armor in millimeters.

In addition to the side and the stern, almost the same technique of the same weaknesses: the lower armorist, hatches and the roof of the tower.


Bronophobia mainly depends on the corner under which the shell falls into armor. The best breakage is achieved when hit at right angles - in this case, the projectile overcomes the minimum thickness of the armor. The trajectory of a shell meeting with armor at a right angle is called normal.

Deviation from normal is the angle of entry of the projectile. It determines the thickness given armor - Distances that you need to go through the projecture to cause damage. The greater the angle of entry, the greater the value of the armored armor.

The projectile may be like not to break through the armor, and it is completely offended by it - this is a ricochet. The ricochetic of armor-piercing and podkalibar shells occurs if the angle of entering the projectile is more than 70 °, and the cumulative shells of ricochets at an angle are greater than 85 ° (see ammunition). Not ricocheted only fragantive-fugasic shells: if they do not break through armor, then explode directly on it, regardless of the angle of entry.



Another important rule for mechanics for the mechanics of the armor-piercing and podkaliber shells are: if the projectile caliber is more than three times higher than the thickness of the armor at the site of the hit, then the ricochet is impossible at any corner of the projectile meeting with armor. Cumulative shells of ricochets at an angle of more than 85 °, regardless of the caliber.

Take into account the mechanics of armored and rickest, when we are on the enemy's fire: try not to shoot on the tangent, and do not become at right angles to the shelling, to lower the chance to get a break.

Effective shooting

There are a number of tricks that will help you in battle and increase chances of damage.

Shooting with Protection

The most important skill that will be useful to you when shooting on moving goals. Aim and twist in the front of the enemy machine or for some distance in front of it and shoot. The further enemy and the faster it moves, the greater the improvement will be required.


Useful feature if you yourself are in motion. The use of automotive allows you to fully focus on maneuvering and at the same time continue the shelling of the selected goal. Hover over the opponent and right-click, and your instrument will be guided by the chosen opponent.

Autodiating is made approximately in the center of the machine and does not take into account its booking, the location of the modules and the necessary improvement.

Module shooting

Can't you give a well armored opponent? No problem. Open the sighting firing along its modules - in particular, on the caterpillars. This tactic is especially good against high-level and more durable machines. Your ability to "hold" the enemy on a shot down caterpillar will not allow him to hide from the fire, and your allies will be able to focus and quickly destroy it. To you, such assistance will definitely go.


Favorable positions

Enter the relief on the maps in your favor! Spicy stones, cliffs and buildings to quietly wait for recharging or completely hide from the enemy. To protect yourself from artillery fire, hide around the mountains and other large objects.

But the relief is not only shelter, it is also an opportunity to effectively fire, without getting damage. Take a look: This tank is behind the hill so that all its vulnerable parts are hidden, and only a powerful armored tower looks at the opponent.

Relief hazards

On any map maneuver with caution. Do not attempt at speeds from cliffs or cliffs. IN best case You will lose strength points and break several modules, and at worst - completely break the car.

On many maps there are reservoirs - these are small lakes, and bays, and a deep city river. Be careful, crossing the water or the river bridge. Remember: if your technique is in particular, the engine compartment, - went under water, you have 10 seconds to get out, otherwise the car drowshes.

With extreme maneuvers, the technique can fall on the side or turn over - especially often it happens with light and fast cars. If the technique fell on board, it is not only immobilized, but also practically defenseless: the overview, accuracy and speed of shooting are sharply reduced. If the car turned over, it cannot fire at all and self-suite after 30 seconds. Return the car on both caterpillars can help the allies, carefully pushing it in the right direction, but it is not always possible.

Detection and disguise

Overview of the car

It is difficult to fight the opponent you do not see. The sooner you find rivals on the battlefield, the more chances you have to capture the initiative in battle. Detection is one of the key elements of the World of Tanks game mechanics.

The review is the maximum possible distance, within which your car can detect the enemy technique. This parameter is determined by the characteristics of the tower, as well as the skills and skills of the crew.

On the minicar, there are several radii around the icon of your car. This is an overview of your car, the maximum review in the game and the cutting circle of technology.

  1. Circle review. The value of the review of your technique, taking into account the skills and skills of the crew, as well as installed equipment.
  2. Circle of maximum review. For all the equipment in the game, the range of maximum review is 445 meters. Even if the overview of your car exceeds this value, independently detect the enemy at a greater distance will not work. However, in this case, it will be easier for you to find unauthorized enemy machines within this distance.
  3. Circle draw. Shows the maximum distance on which the players technique will be displayed on your screen - it is 565 meters.

A huge role in the detection of equipment on the battlefield plays the range of communication of your car - this is the distance in which you with allies can exchange data about the position of other players. Communication range depends on the characteristics of the radio station, as well as from the skills and skills of the crew.

If your ally discovered the enemy car and gave you the intelligence, the icon of this machine will be displayed at your minicar, even if the machine itself is outside your wheel circle and is not visible on the battlefield. Therefore, do not neglect the installation of a powerful radio station to your machine!


The later the enemy will find you, the more chances you have to survive and show yourself in battle. Mask to become more accurate!

The easiest way to disguise is to hide in vegetation, for example in bushes or fallen trees. Make sure that the car and the tower do not look out of the bush. But if from the foliage, the trunk of the gun will remain, it will not affect the disguise.

When you stop at a distance of 15 meters and less from vegetation, it becomes transparent for you: you can see the enemy, and he is not. So the bush is not only a disguise, but also the ability to fire from the ambush.

The shot and movement of the housing completely demasked the car, and the rotation of the tower and the movement of the trunk on the disguise do not affect.

How to improve review and disguise

Equipment "Stereotrub"

Gives + 25% to a radius of a review from a fixed machine.

Equipment "Enlightened optics"

It gives + 10% to the radius of the survey of the machine both in motion and in a fixed state.

The ability of the commander "Eagle eye"

Increases the range of review, especially effective when dismissal monitoring devices.

The skill of the radio operator "Radio Hat"

Increases the range of review.

Equipment "Masking Network"

Removable equipment that comes to the whole technique and gives a bonus to the camouflage of a fixed machine.

The skill of the crew "Masking"

Begins to act from the beginning of the study. If the skill is fully studied by all crew members, the machine's visibility is significantly reduced.

Welcome to you, guests and guests of the portal website! Today we will tell you about one World of Tanks - Top. The map is very simple and predictable, perhaps it is Although she did not deserve great love for players. However, let's talk about her and maybe you will learn something new.

General information.

Picture 1.

Top Refers to summer cards (Summer camouflage is used), available for 4 - 11 levels of battles, only in random battle mode. The size is standard for our game - 1000 * 1000 meters. The Wot Map appeared in our game for a long time, in patch 0.7.0. However, the gaming community and the developers themselves were almost immediately recognized as not suitable for the game and already in patch 0.7.4. was removed. For a long time, she dust in the archives of the Minsk office of cards while updating 0.8.8., Prederev, some changes have not been added again in rand. True and then the players did not love the card and the developers had to drastically remake the Wot fusion in the update 0.9.9. To this day, the card is available in a random battle, although she did not make a special love of tankers even after serious changes. Let's figure it out that with this card is not so.

Main components cards:

Picture 2.

1. Top base.
2. Positions for DEPA top base
3. Comfortable hill with bushes (Used tanks of the upper base for the bars and enemy positions near the base).
4. Gorka (Convenient directions for quickly pressing a team lower base And the exit to the enemy base, but more often quickly hesitates the top base team due to the fact that the positions of the upper base are located near the slide and the opponents came here, having met resistance, simply turn out to be compounded in their actions).

5. Lower base.
6. Positions for Defa Lower Base (There are some shelters from artillery).
7. Comfortable hill with bushes (used by the tanks of the bottom base for the bars and enemy positions near the base).
8. Urban development (Convenient position for heavily-rolled tanks to face the thickness of the armor, however, similarly to the hill, most often simply beware of the tanks of the lower base with the support of allies from the positions near its own base).
9. Central Nizina (The swampy place is mostly not playable and is used only by fireflies for reference and trolling rivals on the hills; closer to the end of the battle, when the situation on the battlefield becomes clear, is used to quickly travel to an enemy hill and positions for Def near the base).

How to play on the map of the hill?

Friends, look good on the ministry. Does it remind you anything? Yes, yes, it is very similar to the card. Here there are also two parts separated by the swamp and each of the parts of one team is easier to defend and urge the other team. For example, part of the card with a slide is easier to capture the top base team, and part of the card with urban development is easier to capture the bottom base command. However, on this map, unlike Erlenberg, it is still easier to sell the enemy part of the card, just it will be necessary to make a little more tanks than usually go in random.

Tactics on the map Top Wot for the top database team:

Picture 3.

In Picture 3 shows a standard gameplay scheme for fusing for the top base command. Such tactics can be traced in every battle random on this map. PT-SAU and other lovers to shoot on someone else's light occupy positions near their own base (zones displayed in blue): From these positions, it is quite good for the central swamp and enemy hills, and also provide comfortable conditions for protecting our own database in the event of a breakthrough of enemy Tanks. These positions are good if the swamp is not gullived on the swab, which will inevitably highlight you and troll. Fast tanks break through the slide and with the support of allies cleaned it. Other tanks pass along the hill, shooting around the enemies going to the hill, and then they, uniting with fast tanks from the slides, break through and press to the enemy positions near the base, gradually swaying defense from different sides with the support of PT-SAU. Often you can observe and tanks that go to the town from the top base. This is not always the best solution, because you will be shot at the entrances to safe areas, and therefore do not be surprised that you will come to the city already "inhabited." From the upper base, it makes sense to go to the city only if allies are supported by allies (go there at three - four tanks do not make sense, since the opponents will certainly be more and they will have support from PT-SAU positions). It is worth saying that even if you are supported in the attack on the town and you successfully capture it, then further promotion will be difficult, as the departure from urban development is located in a direct shot from a more comfortable PT-SAU position. Artillery on the map Top from the upper respauna should take positions behind the Allied Forces and as far as possible to move towards the hill.

Tactics on the map Top Wot for the Lower Base Team:

Picture 4.

As you can see in the picture 4, the tactics from the lower base is practically no different. The only exception is that the team takes the city and moves out of it to an enemy base, but it does not always make sense to go on a slide because of the fact that opponents are often more and under the cover of PT-SAU. Of course, for heavy and slow tanks on the fop, it will be very convenient to play under the sheeping of urban buildings and from your respauna to take the town is much more convenient than your opponents. However, after the occupation of the city (where it is not always possible to meet resistance) this position is almost completely realized, because there are no sharpness for enemy positions, and shoots on your own base are strongly limited to the position of your tank and are possible only while someone can give you backlight . For artillery, there is a comfortable lowland leading to the town, along which you must occupy the position and, in the event of a breakthrough, enemies need to hide in urban development.

Besides the foregoing I want to note that on the map Top WOT Both bases are located on an open, well-skilled area without shelters. And try to capture any of the bases makes sense only when you make sure the opponent is far away.

Also fast tanks (more often light) on the map, the Top can try to play through the central swamp. From here you can constantly highlight and troll enemies. However, if opponents are put on you, you will not have time to escape and you can only hope that your allies will shoot on the descending enemies on time. On the swamp, however, there are several hills that you can hide on time.

In conclusion, I saythat the hill is played much faster and more dynamic than the same Erlenberg, but tactics also do not differ here and, as a rule, the situation is repeated from the battle. There are enough shelters from the "suitcases" of artillery and distant strips, but being not careful, it is easy to get into an inconvenient position, as they say, to be in the son-position, when your opponent has an unambiguous advantage.

Dear readers, today everything. See you at the new map!

World of Tanks. - A unique game, the basis of which are tactical battles between players using combat vehicles. At first, it may seem that the game has an arcade basis, but in fact everything is much more systematically located and is a place to use tactical tricks. On the expanses of virtual battlefields there are tactics that belong to the class of equipment and team tactics. We will try to disassemble every one of them and devote you to all the nuances of the right and successful battle. At first, it is worth disassessing the tactics of the application in the class of technology, and then go to command battles.

Light tanks

Light tanks are the most rare and not so popular class in the game, which has a small number of strength units, but this class has a unique opportunity to lead an active or passive intelligence of enemy forces. This type of equipment is strictly intended to conduct "lighting", which must be carried out qualitatively using unique places On location and taking into account the setup of equipment in rivals.

Setup must be studied to establish important goals in advance if there is a set of SAU and PT-SAU from rivals, it is necessary to maintain the active light of this technique, as it is the most destructive. The second task is the salts of the same light tanks, but it is necessary to do it carefully, as it is unknown, what kind of support they have, the best option is damage to the caterpillar and immobilization of the opponent, who will clearly unall all the naplam of the fire of your allies. Otherwise, when the opponent remains a middle mannia and heavy tanks, your task should be in touching them, but this goal must be installed only if you do not have another option for action or main combat units are already lined and destroyed. If you play on top light tanks, then the support of the allies can also be applied to your tasks, it is necessary to go to the enemy from the rear and shoot it to feed, which in most cases will be brewing almost with each shot.

Middle tanks

middle tanks are the main mobile power of the team that should act openly and actively using the entire card for their movement. Playing on this technique, it is necessary to accurately assess the situation in battle and correctly identify the option of supporting its allies or choose directions for rapid journaling to the opponent's base. But the main tactical direction should be the support of its allies. Using a high speed indicator and mobility, medium tanks should circle a rival in different directions, take it into the ring and is already massively crushed with subsequent destruction. In addition, the average tanks can serve as lightways, but taking into account their powerful guns, preference is better to give support to the allies.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are the main power of the command that must perform the assault function and the direction of direction. Heavy tanks should not act alone and in a group of 3-4 cars they can perform the assault function. Having good booking and powerful guns, these combat vendors serve as an excellent "breakdown log" on the way to an enemy base. But you should not count only on yourself, as TT need support from Art. Such a mixture of military equipment is destructive and able to achieve a high result in any battle. Remember, TT is the main force that takes on the damage and holds back the enemy, but despite its power, it constantly needs support.


The tactics of battle at PT-SAU is not very different from TT, since this class of military equipment has excellent characteristics and opportunities for such an application, it is worth noting that the most powerful tools allow the enemy's colossal damage. According to ideas, PT-SAU is necessary to control the direction and protection of the base, but it is worth using this tactics only in extreme cases if a preferential battle is held, then it is worth the directions along with its allies. If the enemy team has an advantage, then you need to use the tactics of the game from defense. Try to stay alone less, otherwise you will destroy any art, try to secure the path of retreat or at least the possibility of supporting the allies. And remember, PT-SAU is priority targets for artillery, so any litter can cause the artillery shelling of your position. Consider this factor and do not forget about the shelter.


WORLD OF TANKS BOOK TACTICS basically implies active actions that allow not only to survive and win, but also make a good contribution to the effectiveness of your battle. Regarding artillery, then the battle tactics differ greatly, since these combat vehicles are able to fill the entire game card and at the same time they need to stand on the spot for a long time, waiting for the charge of the projectile. This specific class in the game causes the highest damage and is able to damage several tanks at once or completely destroy one unit of military equipment regardless of the number of strength, however, with such a situation, it is necessary to use the possibility of aiming and shot as efficiently as possible. The tactical application of this class is that it is necessary to correctly determine the priority goals for destruction. In the first place should be artillery, in second place PT-SAU and already on the third emancles. If it fails to identify the priority goal, then immediately provide active support to its allies that have encountered hard resistance. That is how you can help your allies and increase the chance to win.

Command game

As for the tactical team of the command battle, then in this case, if you are not a commander, then you must simply obey orders and recommendations if you decide to improvise, then nothing good will come of it. The main, discipline and submission, and then a discussion of the played game. If you turned out to be a commander, then we often note - it can be very difficult to fight in these battles, so the experience and knowledge play a key role in the tactics of this battle regime. Watch the video, meet various recommendations and personally analyze all existing battle tactics and ways. Only so you will get invaluable experience and understand how to apply one or another technique, which teams to give and what to do with unexpected situations in battle.

Despite the fact that we considered the typical and basic tactical directions of battles, an important indicator of your tactics should be experience. Play not just for entertainment, try to think and correctly analyze the situation, all battles have a chaotic order and only the correct assessment of the situation will allow you to get out the winner even from the most difficult battle. Only with knowledge and desire you can succeed and make the right system of tactical use of technology. Remember - practice, experience, analysis and confidence in your actions, here is the key to success and superiority!


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