Information monitoring of additional education programs. Monitoring the quality of education in the additional education of children

Information monitoring of additional education programs. Monitoring the quality of education in the additional education of children

Municipal educational institution

additional education

"District Extractive Work Center"

"Organization and monitoring

in the establishment of additional education of children "


Anna Valerevna Creator Methodist MOU to "RCVR"

r.P. Corovenino

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

  • Monitoring is a continuous monitoring of some kind of process in order to identify its compliance with the desired result or initial provisions.
  • Monitoring in an educational institution can be defined as a system of organization, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information on the activities of the pedagogical system, which ensures continuous tracking for its condition and forecasting of development.

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator


This is a system for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information

Designed for the information support for the management of the educational process

Monitoring data allow to make reasonable judgments about the state of observation object at any time and predict its development.

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Organization and monitoring in the system of additional education of children

  • this is the process of continuous scientifically based diagnosticity - prognostic tracking for the state, the development of the pedagogical process, which is carried out in order to optimally choose educational purposes, tasks and their means of solving

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Types of monitoring




"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

The training system of studies includes:

  • Preliminary identification of the level of knowledge, skills, skills of students
  • Current check in the process of assimilation of each studied theme, with each level of individual program elements is diagnosed.
  • Repeated check - in parallel with the study of the new material there is a repetition of the material passed
  • Periodic check of knowledge, skills, skills on a whole section of the course to observe the assimilation of the relationship between structural elements educational programstudied in different parts of the course
  • The final test and accounting of the learned knowledge gained, skills is carried out at the end of training under the proposed educational program.

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator


  • Changes in the filling of the children's association over the past three years, showing the dynamics of changes in demand for children for learning for each type educational activities (indirect indicator).
  • Number of students participating in extra-prone events, exhibitions, competitions, festivals, the results of participation in the results recent years (direct indicator).
  • Number of children who have tied a future profession with the activities studied in the facility (direct indicator)
  • The period of time spent in children in an additional education institution (indirect indicator)
  • Creative reports, contests, exhibitions, played by performances, etc., Evaluation of teachers for the quality of completed work (direct indicator)
  • Parents' opinion on the quality of education obtained by their children in the walls of the institution of additional education of children (direct indicator)

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Diagnostics of educational results

Diagnostics personal Development Pupils can be held two - three times a year in the following parameters:

  • Character for changing personal qualities
  • The direction of the child's position in life and activity, the nature of life values

Criteria for evaluation

Criteria for assessing the level of theoretical training (approximate):

  • Compliance with the level of theoretical knowledge software requirements
  • Morning latitude
  • Freedom of educating theoretical information
  • Development of practical skills to work with special literature
  • Measurement and freedom of using special terminology
  • Criteria for assessing practical training (approximate):

  • Compliance with the level of practical skills and skills of software requirements
  • Freedom of ownership of special equipment and equipping
  • Quality of practical task
  • Technological practical activity
  • Criteria for estimating the level of development of children's educationalities (approximate)

  • Culture of the organization of its practical activity
  • Culture of behavior
  • Creative attitude to the performance of a practical task
  • Accuracy and responsibility in work
  • Development of social abilities

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Principles of monitoring organization

  • The principle of activity and eventful approach to the organization of monitoring
  • The principle of concentration on students
  • The principle of ambivalence of the monitoring language (professional - pedagogical, terminological and non-professional, sociocultural)
  • The principle of information efficiency and accessibility

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Subject, object and subject of monitoring in additional education

  • Monitoring subjectis not only one who actually performs evaluation activities, but also the result of whose activity is estimated
  • Monitoring objectin accordance with modern requirements for the formation of children, for example: the purpose of the activity, the results of training,
  • education, development of children, the results of the implementation of social and pedagogical functions

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Monitoring Subject - Resume Change Dynamics

  • The subject of monitoring at the level of the childmaybe become a change in the identity of the child - changes in its knowledge, skills, skills, character traits, behavior, motives, emotions, volitional aspirations, self-regulation and other
  • The subject of monitoring at the level of the teacher Mthere is no change in the professional position of the teacher - changes in the level of building relationships with children in the educational process, achieving professional goals, personal growth, etc.
  • The subject of monitoring at the institution level -implementation of the objectives of the institution and influence on the achievement of the status of all components of the system of activity

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Criteria and monitoring indicators

  • Criterion - Merilo, evaluation, judgment;the rule, a sign, on the basis of which can be judged by the accuracy or value of something
  • The indicator is the data by which you canjudge about the state or development of something

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Monitoring indicators

  • 1 group - quantitative indicators,which give a partial idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance of the UDO.
  • These include: the coverage of children, the preservation of the contingent, the achievements of children and teachers, the duration of training, as well as quantitative indicators of resource support (financial, personnel, economic) and other indicators.

  • 2 Group - indicators characterizing compliance with standards or stated programs.
  • These include: fulfillment of load standards, performance of sanitary standards and rules, completeness of the implementation of educational programs and other indicators.

  • 3 Group - Qualitative indicators, towhich can be attributed, for example, the creative potential of pedagogical personnel, the values \u200b\u200bof children and teachers, the moral and psychological climate in the team, the satisfaction of children and parents and other indicators.

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

By components (tasks) of monitoring:

  • tracking methods and fixation of educational results:observation; Abstract ("Photo"); video confixation; reporting report logs; Diaries of pedagogical observation and self-surveillance; Book of success and achievements, bank achievements, etc.)
  • analytics and assessment methods:analysis of classes; typological characteristics of the educational process; Actually, the analysis method for specified or selected parameters; Methods of pedagogical assessment and self-assessment of students; testing; Scaling, etc.
  • methods of summarizing results:methodical or practical summarization of experience, description of the efficiency of educational processes, analytical report; The formats of generalization include matrices, free tables, graphic forms, systematized video fond and methodical fund.

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Classification of monitoring technologies

In the direction of monitoring:

  • external monitoring(attestation procedures, open classes; classes - workshops, joint analysis of classes with teachers, etc.);
  • internal monitoring(self-analysis; Diary of self-observation; collective analysis of the case; solving problem situations; intershotting; credits, etc.).

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Classification of monitoring technologies

By the number of participating entities:

  • group methods
  • collective methods
  • individual ways.

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Classification of monitoring technologies

According to the external expression of the method:

  • verbal methods(graphic, written, technical)
  • creative Active Methods(The game specially organized to observe and identify anything; social sample; creating a problem situation; search and research methods for organizing the educational process)
  • On the subject of monitoring.With such a choice of base for classification, a great multitude of groups of methods can be. For example, on the scale of the subject - methods for monitoring educational, training, etc. Results

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Pedagogical diagnostics of students in additional education


  • assigned Knowledge
  • molded ways of activity (skills and skills)
  • experience of emotional and value relations
  • Specific:

  • experience of creativity
  • communication experience
  • experience independent activity
  • experience of social and significant activities

Parameters of the effectiveness of the educational process

I. Speed \u200b\u200bof the development of theoretical information

II. Experience in practical activity

III. Experience of emotional and value relations

IV. Experience of creativity

V. Communication experience

Vi. Experience independent activity

VII. Experience of social and significant activities

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Forms of presentation

The norms of presentation




Clarity, persuasive,

Evaluations of observers

Children participate with pleasure,

The possibility of comparing works (including children themselves)

Not all children are involved,

Dependence on logistical equipment,



Brightness, entertainment, festivity

Limited number of children



Clarity, brightness, entertainment,

Diversity themes

Traditional shape, visual, obvious

Stress for the child


Validity, visibility. Can be stored for many years

Material and Technical Equipment Dependency

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of the educational process (for students)

Methods "Educational needs"

Self-assessment map of students and expert assessment of the teacher of the competence of the student

Questionnaire "The World of Your Hobbies"

Methods of learning skills and skills

Information card of development of educational program

Analysis of the composition of students

Information card of the results of children's participation in contests, festivals and competitions of different levels.

Information card of self-assessment of the development of the educational program

Questionnaire for studying the level of students' satisfaction

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

Questionnaires for parents

"Parent position in educational process"

"The world of hobbies of your child"

"Study of parental satisfaction with the level of additional education of children"

"Organization and conduct of monitoring in Udod" A.V. Creator

We invite you to cooperate!

606570 Nizhny Novgorod region

r.P. Corovenino

ul. Karl Marx, D.8

Topic: Monitoring in additional education.

The concept of "monitoring" comes from Lat. Monitor - resembling, supervising. Initially, this term was actively used in ecology .. in lately This term acquired a wider sense. This term is denoted by a constant monitoring of any process in order to identify its compliance with the desired result or initial assumptions. (monitoring the educational process in order to identify the quality of knowledge ,)

Today, monitoring is actively operated in other sciences, including pedagogy and psychology.

Monitoring is used in cases where in constructing a process, it is necessary to constantly track the phenomenon occurring in a real objective environment in order to include the results of current observations in the management process.

The concept of "monitoring" is close to such general scientific pedagogical and psychological concepts as "feedback", "reflexion", "control", "certification", however, according to E.F. Zeera, all these concepts are separate elements of monitoring or its special cases.

The management of the pedagogical system and the quality of education requires a certain system of information. Create it can be based on monitoring.

Monitoring- It is a constantly organized monitoring of any process in order to compare consistently replacing each other of states with expected results, tracking the course of any processes on clearly defined indicators. Aspects of monitoring: · Quality of education and upbringing, · educational needs of students and parents, · The effectiveness of the educational process, · Innovative and experimental activities, · efficiency and effectiveness of educational programs, etc.

Types of monitoring: Sociological, psychological, pedagogical, educational, medical, etc.

Varieties of pedagogical monitoring:

· didactic / tracking different aspects of the educational process /,

· educational / tracking the various sides of the educational process /,

· management / Tracking the nature of relationships at various levels: Head-pedagogical team, parent manager, head-external environment /, · Socio-psychological: tracking of official relations, psychological atmosphere of pedagogical team, parents, children,

· medical / Tracking the health of children, the use of health-saving technologies.

Pedagogical monitoring includes the following directions: · Diagnosis of educational and software documentation, · diagnostics of effectiveness of pedagogical activity, · diagnosis of the level of students' formation, · diagnostics of the development of students.

Methods of monitoring: · Current observation, · Testing, · Analysis of results learning activities, · Evaluation and self-esteem, etc.

Monitoring stages: · Starting diagnostics / primary information review /, · Forecasting / description of the expected results /, · Intermediate diagnostics, · Correction / development and implementation of correctional measures /, · Title diagnostics, · Evaluation of results.

Stages of the diagnostic activity of the teacher D / O: · Determination of the object, objectives and tasks of diagnostics, · Selection and development of the diagnostic technique, · Processing of the materials obtained, results, · Development and formulation of the pedagogical diagnosis of the object of the study and the reason. Causeing this state, · Development and wording · Development of correctional measures in the form of a certain plan of influences on the object in order to bring it to the desired state. Registration of monitoring results: pedagogical forecast, trends in the development of this object, · Consolidated tables, · Charts, · Analysis, · Information sheets, · Correctional work plan, etc.

Monitoring An educational institution can be identified as a system for organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information on the activities of the pedagogical system, which ensures continuous tracking for its condition and forecasting of development.
Monitoring to one way or another existed in the system of general and additional education always. These are test work, and exams, and checks. However, experience shows that all these forms of traditional monitoring today are not effective enough.
Modern system Education is diverse and complex, it continuously changes, the processes of self-development processes are dominated. In this regard, it is needed in universal criteria to assess their condition. One of these criteria is the quality of education. This is a measure of conformity between the reference defined by the state educational levels - qualifications, with what is in fact, which is the result of training and education. An example of such censes are the standards of education, which are designed to set a structural and meaningful minimum, and various means of establishing the achievement of the students of this minimum (in educational school - This is a single state exam, in an additional education - certification

students). The organization and conduct of monitoring in the establishment of additional education of children is the process of continuous scientifically-founded, diagnostic and prognostic tracking for the state, the development of the pedagogical process, which is carried out in order to optimally choose the educational purposes, tasks and their means of solving.
Changed quality Modern life today requires a graduate of OU DOD not so much ability to instruct the teacher, how much to solve the problems of life independently. Any action is recognized as qualitative only when a personal meaning is behind it, the inner component that provides external recognizable by other quality of this action.
With organization and monitoring the quality of the educational and educational process in the EMA DOD special role is given to the diagnosis, which allows to obtain objective data on the level of pupil, the development and training of the studying.
In the establishment of additional education of children, the integrated diagnosis of the quality of education includes three main aspects: didactic, methodical and psychological.
Didacticthe aspect of performance includes work in two directions: diagnostics of training and diagnosis of trained.
Training - These are the consequences of learning reached, i.e. The results of diagnosing the level of implementation of the intended purpose. Learning principles are objectivity, systematic and visibility.

Learningit involves measuring the quality of the activities of students in the pro-processing of training.
Methodical The aspect includes an analysis and assessment of the quality of the implementation of educational programs, on the basis of which an educational process is carried out in the institution.
Psychologicalthe aspect includes: an increase in the level of socio-psychological adaptation of children, an increase in communicability, creativity.
In the light of the allocated aspects, the monitoring of the educational and educational process in the proviso on three directions: development, education, training. Depending on the tasks, the choice of diagnostic tools: testing, questionnaire, pedagogical observation, reports, etc.
The most important condition for improving the effectiveness of the educational process in the system of additional education of children, improving the learning process is a systematic analysis of objective data on the state of the results of education, development and training. Analysis of the educational results obtained allows to judge the achievement of the goals. The analysis path lies through the identification of pro-blem as breaks between the required and real results, the search for their most important reasons and the construction of a strategy that guarantees their elimination and promotion forward.
An analysis of key problems in children's associations is from the end (i.e. results as consequences) to the beginning (that is, processes and conditions as reasons).
Training as an indicator of the quality of the educational process
The training system of studies includes:
1. Finishing identification of the level of knowledge, skills, learning skills.
2. For a meager check in the process of assimilation of each topic under study, the level of individual elements of the program is diagnosed.
3. The corresponding check - in parallel with the study of the new material there is a repetition of the material passed.
4. Periodic testing of knowledge, skills, skills on a whole section of the course to observe the assimilation of the relationship between the structural elements of the educational program studied in different parts of the course.
5. Forgetful checking and accounting received by learning knowledge, skills, skills are carried out at the end of training under the proposed educational program.
Materials on monitoring of training give an objective assessment of the assimilation of learning materials of the program (software material) and are reflected in graphs and diagrams compiled by a teacher or methodologist. The following indicators are subject to tracking:
- changing the filler of the children's association over the past three years,

showing the dynamics of the change in the demand of children for training for each type of educational activities (indirect indicator);
-The nature of students participating in extra-prone events, exhibitions, competitions, festivals, the results of participation in recent years (direct indicator);
-The nature of children who have connected their future profession with the activities studied in the facility (direct indicator);
-Teriod of time spent by children in the establishment of additional education of children (indirect indicator);
-Thetical reports, contests, exhibitions, played by performances, etc., Evaluation of teachers for the quality of work performed (direct indicator);
- The presentation of parents on the quality of education obtained by their children in the walls of the institution of additional education of children (direct indicator).
The level of training is determined by conducting a test of knowledge, skills, skills - storage rates, testing, creative reports, protection of creative works, participation in contests, exhibitions, etc.
Diagnosis of personal development of students in the CVR "LAD"
The diagnosis of educational results is the most difficult aspect of pedagogical activity. Creative associations focused on the development of personality and citizen. Not so important, what kind of activity is the child is busy. The main thing is to create conditions in which his personal and creative potential will be able to develop. It is important to help the child to form a positive image of his "I", peace, the future, teach to establish and maintain communication connections in society.
Pedagogical diagnosis allows you to create a psychological portrait of students, examine their personal features and professional orientation.
The diagnosis of the personal development of students in the CVR "LAD" is carried out twice a year in the following parameters:
-Karakter change personal qualities;
-Forgency child's position in life and activity, nature of life values

The level of development of children is determined using teachers reports on the results of observations, tests, questionnaires, questionnaires. The level of pupils - in terms of the development of ethical culture, socio-psychological qualities with the help of questionnaires, tests, questionnaires, teacher observations, assessments of comrades and self-esteem, participation in the mass events and public life of the team.

For level diagnostics social and psychological adaptation of children use projective techniques ("Family drawing", "non-existing animal", "house-tree-man", etc.). The society of children is determined on the basis of classes with elements of role-playing, using special tests. Creativity of children is determined by the application of techniques developed by A.Ya. Ponomarev, Torrance test, etc.
Conclusions of studies in the CVR "LAD"
1. Dynamics Changes in the demand of children to teach each type of activity in the last few years allows you to see the degree of interest of children and parents in the development of a particular type of activity. Increasing interest can only be in the case of a visual manifestation of high quality learning, good creative results of children.
According to the existing lists of children, you can make a schedule or a chart of the contingent of students by type of educational activities (the timing of the implementation of the educational program of the teacher).
2. The results of the participation of students in various competitions, exhibitions, festivals of any level, expressed in the number of conquered prize pools, can also be reflected in the chart or diagram. These data show changes in the professionalism of students on this educational program, i.e. The quality of the obtained additional education in terms of acquiring knowledge, skills, skills.
3. The number of children who have tied their further profession with the facilities studied in the facility, a bright indicator of the teacher's ability to captivate the child with an interesting business, give him full knowledge capable of clearly orient him in the future profession.
4. The exercises conducted by students in the institution talk about supporting the teacher of their desire to comprehend the skill, about the quality

implemented educational programs, relevance and correctness of the selected pedagogical direction. If children attend the institution for many years, then it is interesting and useful.
5. The Museum reports, contests, exhibitions, performances and other types of reporting activities As the educational program is realized, clearly show what knowledge, skills and skills are obtained by children for the op-reded learning period, as far as they coincide with the tasks set in the program. The level of knowledge and skills is reflected in the reports of teachers, opinions of parents, comrades to unification, reviews of viewers, etc.
6. The date of the parents on the quality of education obtained by their children in the institution is one of the weights of monitoring. Parents encourage and contribute to the training of children in the institution only if they clearly see the positive results of creative labor.
7. It is possible to use any other parameters if they allow you to see and evaluate knowledge, skills and skills gained by children.

This article will be interesting for the methodologists of the additional education system.

Today, the pedagogical team is increasingly aimed at obtaining a qualitative expected result, to find those psychological and pedagogical forms and methods that allow you to identify the results of the child's development during the implementation of educational programs. different species creative activity.

Everyone knows that in additional education there is no standard system for estimating the educational process, in connection with this, each pedagogical team independently develops ways to track all aspects of the activities of the institution. In this article, the experience of MBOU DOD "DDT No. 2" is presented.



Monitoring the quality of education in the establishment of additional education

Trep M.G., Methodist

Today, the pedagogical team is increasingly aimed at obtaining a qualitative expected result, to find those psychological and pedagogical forms and methods that make it possible to identify the results of the development of the child during the implementation of educational programs of various types of creative activities.

Everyone knows that in additional education there is no standard system for estimating the educational process, in connection with this, each pedagogical team independently develops ways to track all aspects of the activities of the institution.

Monitoring the educational process in the house children's creativity Encompasses several areas of work institution:

  1. Assessment of the quality of the educational process of the teacher of additional education;
  2. Evaluation methodical work Additional education teacher;
  3. Assessment of the performance of students.

For evaluation quality of the implementation of the educational process We take into account the training and educational work, as well as the professional level of teachers - qualifications, passage of the course retraining, compliance with the educational program with modern requirements. The quality of educational planning, knowledge of educational material and skillful conduct of classes using effective traditional and innovative forms and methods of training and education, the ability to interest children is assessed.

For evaluation methodical work The teacher is revealed by a qualitative level of personality and professional development of teachers.

Monitoring performance is conducted in the following indicators:

  1. according to the results of participation in exhibitions, contests, competitions,
  2. in terms of assimilation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Measuring a high-quality level of academic work is fixed in the following tables:

  1. The age composition of students:

2. Support by year of study

3. Distribution of students in the direction

4. Software contingent for years

FULL NAME. Pedagogue

Group number

Number of students

1 GO

(norm / fact)

2 GO

(norm / fact)

3 GO

(norm / fact)

5. Control for educational activities includes the preparation of the Cabinet, conducting training sessions, monitoring labor protection, regulatory documentation.

6. Implementation of educational program teachers

Additional educational program

number of hours on the program

FULL NAME. Pedagogue

20 ..- 20 .. uch.


2 half year

per year




Measuring the quality of the level of educational work is noted in these tables:

  1. Participation in educational events
  1. Work with parents

Measuring the professional level of teachers is carried out in the following indicators

1. Understanding information about pedagogical workers



Total pedagogical workers:

Of Education


sR prof.

according to the results of certification

according to pedagogical experience

from 0 to 5 years

from 5 to 10 years

from 15 years to 20 years

over 20 years old

by age

from 20 years to 25 years

from25 years to 35 years

from 35 years to 45 years

from 45 years to 55 years

from55 years and older

  1. Information about improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers

FULL NAME. Pedagogue

theme courses


Evaluation of the methodological work of the teacher of additional education

Measuring a qualitative level of personality development.

1. Level of professional knowledge of the pedagogical worker


FULL NAME. Pedagogue

Form of raising


2. Packed teachers

Article title




year of issue

3.Soaming teacher

4. Education of teachers in contests professional skills

5. Pedagogues

FULL NAME. Pedagogue

Award year

View of award

Effectiveness of the educational process

  1. Accounting for participation of students in contests, exhibitions, competitions.

No. P.P.

Title competition


Competition level

Creative Association


Competition outcome


The first year of study

The second year of study

Third year of study







1.Toretical competence:

2.Practical competence:

3. Personal development

4. Personal achievements of students

3.Rastics of intermediate and final certification of students in creative associations

Organization and forms of monitoring.

Monitoring the quality of education is carried out annually and divided into several stages:

  1. Initial - held at the beginning school year In the form of test tasks, interviews, views, listening and fixes the source level of the studying.
  2. Current - held during the school year to identify the level of mastering learning knowledge, skills and skills.
  3. Intermediate - as a rule, coincides with the stages of pedagogical control, designated in the educational program, the results of the execution of these control tasks, exercises, standards, etc. Fixed in the Journal of Accounting Group.
  4. The final is held at the end of the school year with the aim of determining the level of development of the educational program, the implementation of the tasks in training, education and development and correlation of the result obtained for the purpose of the educational program.

As a result, I would like to note that, despite the lack of federal regulatory documents regulating the system of evaluating the effectiveness of activities in the Udod, each educational institution is obliged to build its assessment model. In the phrase "Additional Education", the main, in my opinion, is the word "education". Those educational services we provide should be high quality, and the creation of an assessment system for achieving results and is a guarantee of the quality of our work.

The organization and conduct of monitoring in the establishment of additional education of children is the process of continuous scientifically-founded, diagnostic and prognostic tracking for the state, the development of the pedagogical process, which is carried out in order to optimally choose the educational purposes, tasks and their means of solving.
The changed quality of modern life today requires an OU graduate to not so much ability to instruct the teacher, how much to solve the problems of life independently. Any action is recognized as qualitative only when a personal meaning is behind it, the inner component that provides external recognizable by other quality of this action.



Monitoring in additional education

The concept of "monitoring" comes from Lat. Monitor - resembling, watching. Initially, this term was actively used in ecology. Recently, this term has acquired a wider sense. This term is denotedpermanent monitoring of any process in order to identify its compliance with the desired result or initial assumptions.(observation of the educational process in order to identify the quality of knowledge)

Today, monitoring is actively operated in other sciences, including pedagogy and psychology.

Monitoring is used in cases where it is constantly necessary to build any processtrack What is happening in a real object of the phenomenon in order to include the results of current observations in the management process.

The concept of "monitoring" is close to such general scientific pedagogical and psychological concepts as "feedback", "reflexion", "control", "certification", however, according to E.F. Zeera, all these concepts are separate elements of monitoring or its special cases.

The management of the pedagogical system and the quality of education requires a certain system of information. Create it can be based on monitoring.

Monitoring - it is constantly organized observation For any process in order to compare consistently replacing each other, states with expected results, tracking the course of any processes on clearly defined indicators. Aspects of monitoring:

· Quality of education and upbringing, · educational needs of students and parents, · The effectiveness of the educational process, · Innovative and experimental activities, · efficiency and effectiveness of educational programs, etc.

Types of monitoring: Sociological, psychological, pedagogical, educational, medical, etc.

Varieties of pedagogical monitoring:

· Didactic / tracking different aspects of the educational process /,

· Educational / tracking the various sides of the educational process /,

· Management / Tracking the nature of relationships at various levels: Head-pedagogical team, parent manager, head-external environment /, · Socio-psychological: tracking of official relations, psychological atmosphere of pedagogical team, parents, children,

· Medical / Tracking the health of children, the use of health-saving technologies.

Pedagogical monitoring includes the following directions: · Diagnosis of educational and software documentation, · diagnostics of effectiveness of pedagogical activity, · diagnosis of the level of students' formation, · diagnostics of the development of students.

Methods of monitoring: · Current observation, · Testing, · Analysis of the results of training activities, · Evaluation and self-esteem, etc.

Monitoring stages: · Starting diagnostics / primary information review /, · Forecasting / description of the expected results /, · Intermediate diagnostics, · Correction / development and implementation of correctional measures /, · Title diagnostics, · Evaluation of results.

Stages of the diagnostic activity of the teacher D / O: · Determination of the object, targets and tasks of diagnostics, · Selection and development of the diagnostic technique, · Processing of the materials obtained, results, · Development and wording of the pedagogical diagnosis of the object of the study and the reason that causes this state, · Developing and wording · Development of correctional measures in the form of a certain plan The impacts on the object in order to bring it to the desired state. Registration of monitoring results: pedagogical forecast, trends in the development of this object, · Consolidated tables, · Charts, · Analysis, · Information sheets, · Correctional work plan, etc.

Monitoring An educational institution can be determined as a system for organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information on the activities of the pedagogical system, which ensures continuous tracking for its condition and forecasting of development.
Monitoring to one way or another existed in the system of general and additional education always. These are test work, and exams, and checks. However, experience shows that all these forms of traditional monitoring today are not effective enough.
The modern education system is diverse and complex, it is continuously changing, the processes of self-development processes are dominated. In this regard, it is needed in universal criteria to assess their condition. One of these criteria is the quality of education. This is a measure of conformity between the reference defined by the state educational levels - qualifications, with what is in fact, which is the result of training and education. An example of such censes are the standards of education, which are designed to set a structural and meaningful minimum, and various means of stateing the achievement of the students of this minimum (in the educational school is a single state exam, in an additional education - certification

teaching ). The organization and conduct of monitoring in the establishment of additional education of children is the process of continuous scientifically-founded, diagnostic and prognostic tracking for the state, the development of the pedagogical process, which is carried out in order to optimally choose the educational purposes, tasks and their means of solving.
The changed quality of modern life today requires an OU graduate to not so much ability to instruct the teacher, how much to solve the problems of life independently. Any action is recognized as qualitative only when a personal meaning is behind it, the inner component that provides external recognizable by other quality of this action.

With organization And to monitor the quality of the educational and educational process in the OU to a special role is given to the diagnosis, which allows to obtain objective data on the level of pupil, development and student's training.
In the establishment of additional education of children, the integrated diagnosis of the quality of education includes three main aspects: didactic, methodical and psychological.
Didactic the aspect of performance includes work in two directions: diagnostics of training and diagnosis of trained.
Training - These are the consequences of learning reached, i.e. The results of diagnosing the level of implementation of the intended purpose. Learning principles are objectivity, systematic and visibility.

Learning it involves measuring the quality of the activities of students in the pro-processing of training.
Methodical The aspect includes an analysis and assessment of the quality of the implementation of educational programs, on the basis of which an educational process is carried out in the institution.
Psychologicalthe aspect includes: an increase in the level of socio-psychological adaptation of children, an increase in communicability, creativity.
In the light of the dedicated aspects, the monitoring of the educational and educational process in is carried out in three directions:
development, education, training. Depending on the tasks, the choice of diagnostic tools: testing, questionnaire, pedagogical observation, reports, etc.
The most important condition for improving the effectiveness of the educational process in the system of additional education of children, improving the learning process is a systematic analysis of objective data on the state of the results of education, development and training. Analysis of the educational results obtained allows to judge the achievement of the goals. The analysis path lies through the identification of problems as breaks between the required and real results, the search for their main reasons and the construction of a strategy that guarantees their elimination and promotion.
An analysis of key problems in children's associations is from the end (i.e. results as consequences) to the beginning (that is, processes and conditions as reasons).
Training as an indicator of the quality of the educational process
The training system of studies includes:
1. Finishing identification of the level of knowledge, skills, learning skills.
2. For a meager check in the process of assimilation of each topic under study, the level of individual elements of the program is diagnosed.
3. The corresponding check - in parallel with the study of the new material there is a repetition of the material passed.
4. Periodic testing of knowledge, skills, skills on a whole section of the course to observe the assimilation of the relationship between the structural elements of the educational program studied in different parts of the course.
5. Forgetful checking and accounting received by learning knowledge, skills, skills are carried out at the end of training under the proposed educational program.
Materials on the monitoring of training give an objective assessment of the learning of the learning material of the program (software material) and are reflected in graphs and diagrams compiled by a teacher or methodologist. The following indicators are subject to tracking:
- changing the filler of the children's association over the past three years,

showing the dynamics of changes in the demand of children for training for each type of educational activity (indirect indicator);
-The nature of students participating in exhibitions, competitions, festivals, the results of participation in the recent years (direct indicator);
-The nature of children who have connected their future profession with the activities studied in the facility (direct indicator);
-Teriod of time spent by children in the establishment of additional education of children (indirect indicator);
-Thetical reports, contests, exhibitions, played by performances, etc., Evaluation of teachers for the quality of work performed (direct indicator);
- The presentation of parents on the quality of education obtained by their children in the walls of the institution of additional education of children (direct indicator).
The level of training is determined by conducting an inspection of knowledge, skills, skills - cuts, testing, creative reports, protect creative work, participation in competitions, exhibitions, etc.

Monitoring the quality of education in the additional education of children


teacher of additional education

MOU to DEC "Rodnik"


In the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"From 29.12. 2012 it is said that "the quality of education is a comprehensive characteristic of educational activities and training a student, expressing their compliance with federal state educational standards, educational standards, federal state requirements and (or) the needs of a physical or legal person, in the interests of which educational activities are carried out in including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program "(Ch. 1, Art. 2, p. 29).

Thus, the quality of education is determined by the set of indicators characterizing various aspects of educational activities educational institution: Contents of education, forms and methods of training, material and technical base, personnel composition, etc. In this case, the educational result will be qualitative if it corresponds to the expectations of customers and the goals set. In addition, the purposes must be selected adequately, the formation of activities, the necessary conditions should be selected.

The components of the quality of education can also be attributed: its availability, the presence of a certain set of educational programs, the degree of approximation of a practical oriented part of the program content to the requirements of potential customers, individualization of education, the use of modern training technologies, high qualifications of teachers, involvement in the process of ensuring the quality of each employee of the institution ; The presence of a system of motivation and promoting the professional development of subjects of educational activities (self-study, advanced training, etc.), transforming the problem of quality assurance into the task of the entire educational institution.

In this regard, great importance is given to monitoring in the educational activities of the institution. Considering the absence educational standards In additional education, and as a consequence, the lack of standard diagnostic techniques, the competence of teachers in their use, the presence of a certain system of monitoring activities becomes relevant.

Quality monitoring is multi-level monitoring, so it is necessary to consider it from three main positions, i.e. from the standpoint of the institution, educational process and students.

On the institution level

Material support;

Information Support;

Professional level of teachers;

On the level of educational process Evaluation of the quality of education is a comprehensive characteristic of educational activities and training a student, expressing their compliance ... federal state requirements and the needs of an individual ... In the interests of which educational activities are carried out, including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program (from the Federal Law on Education in RF ").

The main quality indicators at this level include:

Compliance of the objectives and results of the educational process with modern social requirements;

Compliance of the conditions for educational activities to the requirements of the health of students and ensure psychological comfort.

On the level study Under the assessment of the quality of education, the quality of education, upbringing and development understands the following aspects: psychological and pedagogical, technological, environmental, health-saving, theoretical and practical training on the subject, general educational (meta-delta) skills and skills.

Thus, monitoring the quality of education in the DW will develop from the monitoring of the quality of education institution, educational process and educational results of students in the institution.

The overall targets for monitoring the quality of education include:

1. Determination of the state and performance of the education process in the institution, its compliance with the needs and expectations of the Company in the development and formation of civil, domestic, professional competencies of the individual.

2. Determination of compliance of the conditions of the institution with the requirements allowing to implement the process of education at a highly high level.

As a tool that measures the quality of achievements of the results of educational activities of the institution, quality criteria are. Criteria are represented by a set of calculated indicators that can be adjusted if necessary.

Consider possible criteria and performance indicators of education in the establishment of additional education of children.

So, at the level of the institution The allegations of assessments of the quality of education in the parity can be attributed:

1. Material and technical support:

Training rooms, laboratories with an exhaust cabinet of their compliance with Sanpines;

Training boards, tables, chairs, cabinets, racks, laboratory equipment;

Computers, Printers, Scanners, Multimedia Projector, TV;

Organizational support, social partners: cooperation with general education schools, gymnasiums, additional education centers, libraries, museums, planetarium, zoo, dolphinarium, equestrian school, botanical garden, greenhouse ygpu;

Regulations on interim and final certification;

Regulations on the monitoring of educational results.

2. Information Support:

Regulatory acts, orders regulating educational activities;

Materials of non-periodic publications: encyclopedia, dictionaries, reference books, etc.;

Materials of periodicals: newspapers, magazines, collections, newsletters;

Audiovisual materials: Audio materials, video materials, photo materials;

Internet sources.

3. Professional level of teachers:

Compliance with the level of theoretical and practical preparation requirements professional Standard teacher before;

Quality of software materials;

Quality of training sessions;

Participation in MO and PMS (participant speaking, organizer);

The presence of premium documents, premiums.

4. Motivation to professional and innovation:

Participation in scientific and practical conferences of different levels;

Publications of teachers;

Self-education of teachers;

Participation in projects of different levels.

At the level of the educational process The purpose of monitoring to identify:

Compliance of the objectives and results of the educational process with modern requirements;

Compliance of the content to its goals and cognitive features;

Compliance of the conditions for educational activities to the requirements of the health of students and ensuring psychological comfort.

Monitoring indicators:

1. Modern requirements for the educational process for the implementation of additional general education overall programs:

The integrity and unity of the components of its elements that have a certain connection with each other;

Freedom to choose a child to master knowledge, ways of activity, value orientations aimed at meeting the interests of the personality, its preferences, the inconsistencies, the abilities and the contributors of its self-realization and cultural (including social) adaptation;

Providing intellectual, psychological and pedagogical, educational, educational services based on free choice and self-determination;

Continuous, variable, multi-level, exceeding the basic component of the formation, implemented by a person in his free time and designed to provide the child additional opportunities for spiritual, intellectual and physical development, satisfying his creative and educational needs;

Availability of special educational spacewhere objectively sets a lot of relationships, where special developing cognitive games and the development of the experience of performing skills, creativity and emotionally value relations of students, but also expanding opportunities for the life self-determination of children and adolescents;

The presence of a search, variable education system, which is tested by other, not shared ways out of various uncertain situations in culture and the personality providing fan of the possibilities of choosing its fate, stimulating personal self-development processes aimed at:

· Satisfaction of educational requests for children due to a certain situation, and significant needs for them in assessing success achieved;

· Creating conditions for use of free time in positive for the development of the personality of purposes, adding new achievements to the already existing;

· Fulfillment of children's orders and filling out their deficits of information, knowledge, resources, etc.) due to the filling of their lives with new features;

· Resolution contradictions and expanding the ideas of children about themselves and the surrounding world;

· Optimization of the process of obtaining and productive use of the new (additional) information;

· Parallel mastering of different training materials, training courses, educational programs.

2. Modern requirements for the content of additional general education overall programs:

Availability, scientific, logicality, orientation on the "zone of nearest development", on the development of cognitive interest, differentiated and individualized, integrated with other areas of knowledge.

3. Requirements for health and psychological comfort

- compliance with the educational activities of Sanpins, including the prevention of emotional burnout of teachers;

Trust and high demanding members of the group to each other;
friendly and business criticism;
free expression of one's own opinion when discussing issues relating to the whole team;
lack of subjects of subjects on each other;

Sufficient awareness of members of the team about its tasks and state of affairs when they are fulfilled;
satisfaction with the belonging to the pedagogical team;
high degree of emotional inclusion and mutual assistance in situations causing the state of frustration (deception, disorder, destruction of plans) from someone from members of the team;
Take care of responsibility for the state of affairs in the pedagogical team by each of its members, etc.

On the the level of educational results The purpose of monitoring identification:

Compliance with the level of educational results, predicted by the results of additional general educational overall programs;

Compliance with the educational results obtained by the needs and expectations of students and parents;

The degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process.

Under the assessment of the quality of educational results of students understand the quality of training, education and development, including the following aspects: psychological and pedagogical, technological, environmental, health-saving, theoretical and practical training on the subject, general educational (meta-delta) skills and skills.

Indicators of the psychological and pedagogical aspect:

The development of common cognitive abilities (memory, attention, speech, imagination);

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere (patience, will, self-control);

Development of the cognitive interest of the child.

Technological aspect indicators:

Development of special abilities on the subject;

Development of creative abilities.

Ecological aspect indicators:

Participation in environmental events, in contests affecting environmental issues, in quiz, projects, competitions.

Indicators of a healthy-saving aspect:

Positive attitude to their health;

Compliance with the requirements of the teacher presented by the teacher;

Proper posture during tasks;

The presence is the absence of fatigue, aggression, anxiety.

Indicators of theoretical training on the subject:

Theoretical knowledge on the subject;

Possession of special terminology.

Practical training indicators:

Practical skills and skills on the subject;

Possession of special equipment.

Indicators of meta-delta skills and skills:

The ability to listen and hear the teacher and each other;

Ability to organize your workplace;

Compliance with the safety rules during operation;

The skill independently and gently perform tasks.

The degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process:

The desire to attend classes, overall satisfaction with the process and the result of training;

Cognitive activity and initiative;

A sense of security, sustainability, positive attitude to what is happening;

The desire for joint useful activities.

Social stability indicators:

Prestige among parents and the public;

The presence of presentable results of children;

Formation of educational environmental consciousness.

In conclusion, I want to say that properly organized and timely monitoring, in particular, diagnostic work will provide an opportunity to control the educational process, competently formulate the pedagogical objectives of the problem, relate them to the content, methods and methods of pedagogical activities with the requirements of society and the state; In a word, without monitoring activities (pedagogical diagnostics), it is impossible to organize a targeted, reasonable process of learning, educating and developing the personality of a study in the light of modern requirements for the quality of education in the institutions of additional education of children.


1. The concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 599
"On implementation measures public Policy in the field of education and science " the federal law from 01/01/2001 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
from August 29, 2013 № 000.

4. State Program of the Russian Federation
"Development of education" for 2013 - 2020
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 295),

5. « The concept of the development of additional education of children up to 2020. "


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