Ancient worlds of vaga in Russian presentation. Presentation "old times come in wag"

Ancient worlds of vaga in Russian presentation. Presentation "old times come in wag"

Vikonali uchni 5 "B" class
Kostina Kristina
Greblova Irina
Popenko Polina

At our hour, do not hesitate, robimo
calculus in meters, grams, liters too.
Adzhe tse zruchno, single system SI vlashtovu
Mayzhe all. Ale, zvichano, don’t start like that.
I axis, starting from the most ancient hours of paganism,
right up to the 19th century our ancestors
other visits and loneliness. We often
we can feel the words: Pud, fathom, spool - ale,
Skilki tse at the translation, we don’t know. Axis deakі

Relevance of topics

Feeding the importance of being alone
vimiryuvannya forever more relevant, to that
metrology must always be known in the center
respect for human activity.
That's why the theme of us
zatsіkavila, showing interest before
history of mathematics, to our history

Purpose and tasks

Forgive the history of the vindication of the world for a long time
vaga in Russia, її thoroughly in the hours
sanctify the Rus of the Don.
Show the historical significance of the vindication
came to Russia.
Tasks set:
Pick up literature with a method of omitting information
about come in dozhini and vag in Russia,
insert a call
folk art,
practical por_vnyannya old Russian zakhodіv dozhini
ta vag iz sushasnymi

Peace of mind

Peace of mind
Value in
Value in
0.044 grams
44.43 mg


BERKOVETS - what a great world vaga,
got used to the wholesale trade
important for calling
wax, honey, etc.
Berkovets is the name of the island of Björk.
This is how mira vaga was called in Russia 10
pudіv, yakraz standard barrel s
wax, as one person could
go to the merchant's tour,
what is the fuel on this very island.
(163.8 kg).
Vіdoma the riddle of berkіvtsya at XII
capital at the statutory charter of the prince
Vsevolod Gavriil Mstislavich
Novgorod merchants.


Pud - (from the Latin pondus - vaga,
gravity) not only the world
vaga, ale and vagovimіryuvalne
attachment. When calling
metal pud buv like loneliness
vimiryuvannya, so i lіchlnoї
loneliness. Find out if results
zvazhuvan bul tens i
hundreds of pounds, they were not transferred to
Berkivtsy. Shche XI-XII cent.
lived in various vagaries
equal-shouldered and uneven-shouldered
yoke: "pood" - rіznovid
vag zі minnoy fulcrum that
unruly kettlebell, "skele" equal-shouldered vaga (two-cup


POUND (from the Latin word
"pondus" - vaga, weight) dorivnyuvav 32
lots, 96 spools, 1/40
pood, in the present
billed 409.50 rubles.
Vykoristovuetsya at poednannyah:
"not a pound of raisins", "recognize
Let's sweat a pound down the drain."
Russian pound accepted for
Oleksiy Mikhailovich.
Zukor was sold by the pound.
pharmacy (istor.) -
old-fashioned zahid
apothecary vaga, rіvna
approx 360 grams abo
12 oz.


LOT - old Russian unity
vimiryuvannya masi, rivna
three spools abo
12.797 grams


Spool - close to 4.3 p. At X Art. axis
clock of Kiev Prince Volodymyr
Svyatoslavich was born
coin, yaku was called
"golden man". From the end of the XVI century. spool
serve alone
expensive metals and stone. Before
1927 near Russia bula
accepted by the spool system
appointed for the sake of
expensive metals (gold,
srіbla, platinum) in alloy, so
called a test. For example, rich
84th proof, prepared with
srіbla, revenge 84 spools,
or 84 x 4.3 \u003d 361.2 (g) pure
sreblo in a pound alloy. AT
test at once
appear at the metric


Chastka - Naydrіbnisha
old Russian loneliness
vimiryuvannya masi, rivna
1/96 spool or 0.044

Vershi about vaga

One gram
Daremno do not need to be screwed,
you need to speak in a gram.
At the grami tsiomu - delve into it yourself -
a quarter of a piece of gold.
One hundred grams
So the whole world is led -
check in grams of weight.
Translation and simple:
a quarter of a pound - a hundred grams

Two grams
Here rozrahunok I'm sorry again:
like a quarter of a pound - a hundred,
Match in one second
two grams per pivlb.
Pound - chotirista grams
Stick to the point
new mind of rage:
The weight of the old pound is close to the chotirist.

Come in doujini



“We of them are not a mile away!” - I'm not equal to you
Imovirno the word "verst" looks like
old-Russian "vervst". The sound "v" was erased from the roman language.
The word is like the ancient "verv", "vervlennya" - peace,
vimir space.
"Verstati" - miryati in dozhina (old)
“Need” - nazdoganyat, hurry up.
"Verstannya" - vimir vіdstani, open space.
(“Earth-making” - peace (return) nadіlu.)
a) Russian verst \u003d 500 sazhens \u003d 1500 arshins \u003d 1066.8 m.
b) Kolomenskaya verst = 700 sazhens. Old verst.
c) Myrna verst = 1000 sazhens (1629 rubles). At 1649r.
installed to the packing of 1000 sazhens of three yards.
At one hour, a verst was grounded near 500 "royal" sazhens.
An analogue of the version - "tertya" (other Russian) - troch more than a kilometer.
d) Term = 700 sazhens with a half (XV century)
e) Teren = 1000 sazhens (1629 rubles)


Sadzhen - zustrichaetsya from the XI century. name
look like the word "syagati" tobto.
get as far as you can. Zvіdsi
the word "nedosyazhny" - about mistse, kudi
it’s impossible to get away, about people,
what is impossible
repeat. Distinguished two types
sazhnі: makhova that scythe.


Sadzhan - Makhov's sazhen - Perekhoplennya -
stand between the pointed fingers
parted hands \u003d 2.13 - 2.36 cm. (Sakharov).
Spit sazhen - imovirno
rise from the fingers of a hand curled up in the air
to fingers
opposite legs. Sadzhan Russian = 3
arshin \u003d 48 vershoks.
"Drukarskaya sazhen" - exactly the world of dozhini
signet, which zasvіdchuє її accuracy.
(Untruthful peace).


Arshin - one of the main Russian entries
dozhini, which victorious from the 16th century.
The name looks like Persian
the words "arsh" - likot. The cost of everything
curly hand in the form of the shoulder
suglob to terminal phalanx of the middle
finger. In arshin 71 cm. Ale in different
provinces of Russia were their own
vimiryuvannya dozhini, that merchant,
selling your goods, as a rule,
they measured yoga with their arshin,
deceiving your buyers.
Shchob turn on the swindler, boo
zaprovadzheno state arshin, tobto. standard
arshin, what is
wooden line, on kіntsyah
like metal riveted
tips with sovereign


Likot - the most recent dream of dozhini,
with which richly koristuvalis
people of the world. Qia vіdstan vіd
end of the crowned middle
finger of the hand abo clenched
fist to the elbow bend. Yogo
dozhina was injected from 38 cm to 46
see abo 11 - 16 tops. Seems like:
"You don't taste the close one,"
“He himself is from nails, and the beard is from
litok". Yak peace dozhini in Russia
traplyatsya from the XVI century.


A span, a span (or a quarter) is one of the oldest entries
dozhini. The name looks like
old Russian word "p'yast",
tobto. fist or hands.
Razrіznyayut p'yad small vіdstan mіzh kіntsami
the great hero
vkazіvnogo fingers, scho
become close to 18 cm, and p'yad
great - come out of the city
twisted little finger to the end
thumb, 22-23 cm

Come in doujini

1 verst = 500 sazhens = 50 poles = 10 lances =
1.0668 kilometers
1 fathom \u003d 3 arshins \u003d 7 feet \u003d 48 inches \u003d 2.1336
Spit sazhen \u003d 2.48 m-code.
Makhov fathom \u003d 1.76 m.
1 arshin \u003d 4 quarters (n'yads) \u003d 16 vershoks \u003d 28
inches = 71.12 cm
(On the arshin, the sound was applied to the tops of the handicrafts)
1 cubit = 44 cm
Great p'yad = 1/2 likt = 22-23 cm - vіdstan
between the knights of the great and the average
(or little finger) fingers.
Mala p'yad \u003d 4 inches \u003d 17.78 cm

Vershi about dozhina

- Remember, rozrahunok is more respectful:
Two meters is about a sazhen.
Malyuєmo, to save the skin of the moment.
Chotiri centimeters - one vershok.
Remember: this job is not hard:
One centimeter is a quarter of an inch.

Sending orders

About whom do they seem: “The new one has this poison on his forehead”?
About a reasonable, wise people.
About whom do they say: “At the shoulders of a scythe fathom”?
About the people - the hero, the velet.
What does the order mean: “For this verst of jelly
Come on, go far without special needs.
What does viraz mean: "Make the world"?
Go to the great sight.
About whom it seems: "Yak arshin forged"?
So talking about people, yak tremaetsya
unnaturally straight, "on the line."

We looked at the most old-fashioned houses, come in and out.

Vymirali vaga
classmates that
they were translated from the old
come in masi

With the appointed growth of people and creatures
rahunok vіvsya after two arshins (obov'yazykovyh for
normal ї grown up people): yakscho
it was said that vimiryuvany buv 15 vershkiv
srostannya, then tse meant that vin buv 2 arshin 15
Vershkiv, tobto. 209 cm.
For the people vikoristovuvali two ways to renew
virazi growth:
1 - the day "growth of *** liquids, *** p'yad"
2 - podednannya "zrіst *** arshin, *** vershkіv"
from the 18th century - "*** feet, *** inches"
For their wildest creatures they victorious "zrіst *** tops"
For trees - "height *** arshin"

Name's name
Mass in kg
Masa in
Masa in
Bilkova Viktoriya
Tataeva Katerina
Bilokhvostov Anton
Kostina Kristina
Lapteva Polina
Popenko Polina
Sharoshkina Nastya
Korsakov Kirilo
Yakhin Dmytro

The result of the translation from the old town come in

№ Prіzvische
Zrostannia in m
Growth in arshins,
Bilkova Viktoriya
2 arshins 5 vertices
Tataeva Katerina
2 arshins 3 vershoks
Bilokhvostov Anton
2 arshins 1 vershok
Kostina Kristina
2 arshins 2 vershoks
Lapteva Polina
2 arshins 2 vershoks
Popenko Polina
2 arshins 2 vershoks
Korsakov Kirilo
2 arshins
Sharoshkina Anastasia
1 arshin 14 vershoks
Yakhin Dmytro
2 arshins 1 vershok


1) The merchant had 10 bags of grain, 1 berk
in the skin. Next day wine buying 3
bear 2 berkivtsi in the skin. Skіlki ushogo
kg of grain became a merchant?
Weight: 26208 kg
2) On the 1st day, 10 poods of boroshn were brought to the kramnitsa.
Another day 100 pounds more, lower
first. On the third day they brought 4 pounds 30
pounds. Skilki total kg of flour was brought for three
day? Round off to the nearest number.
Weight: 446 kg


3) Tsar diliv treasure:
4 bears of gold squad, 6 bears on the royal
do it, on the other side you need 3 less bears,
chim vіddav squads and do it at the tsar's at once.
Like a mass of all treasures, like one bear
cost 2 poods?
Value: 34 poods
4) Princess Volkonsky to work on
pearls were needed with embroidery. White
I needed 23 spools, black for 8
spools are less than white, and horn by 6
more spools, lower black. Skіlki ushogo
did you need gram pearls for embroidering?
Vidpovid253.7 g


Most definitely possible
try to grow in the present
units of the world: in meters,
centimeters and millimeters.


A robot was carried out for us. My nearest
get to know the old Russian loneliness
vimiryuvannya vaga and dozhini. They made a call between the ancients
loneliness dozhina that oral folk art -
by injunctions, orders. Sending those orders are short,
ale marks and viraznі. Most of the old entrances are forgotten,
veyshlo z vzhivannya, but richly they figure in
literary creation, historical memos. pong
mortgages in old spores, in old recipes
likіv and all the fears. Come in, lived, sometimes
they grew old and died, sometimes they revived to a new life.
History of visits - the whole history of trade, crafts, agriculture
dominion and everyday life, and zreshtoy - whole part
history of people
Visnovka, that this topic is relevant. Yak z'appeared come in,
how did they change what they carried to the peoples and how they poured into their lives?
Tsekavo and today.


N.Ya. Vilenkin, V.I. Zhokhov, A.S. Chasnikov,
S.I. Shvartsburd Mathematics Grade 5
"Mnemosyne", Moscow, 2006.
G.I. Glazer "History of mathematics in school"
IV-VI class. - Moscow "Osvita", 1981.
I Ya. Depman, N. Ya. Vilenkin
"Behind the Sides of the Assistant of Mathematics"
Moscow "Osvita", 1989.
SOUTH. Kruglov, Literary Library
"Russian folk riddles, sluts,
orders", Moscow "Osvita", 1980.

slide 1

Description of the slide:

slide 2

Description of the slide:

slide 3

Description of the slide:

For other visits, the base value of the bula, zastosovana spokonviku in Russia of the world - "p'yad" (since the 17th century - the dovzhina rіvnu p'yadі was called earlier - "a quarter of an arshina", "a quarter", "a quarter"), s as okomirno, it is easy to take smaller parts - two vershoks (1/2 p'yad) or a vershok (1/4 p'yad).

slide 4

Description of the slide:

The main Russian pre-metric volume of the world is water - water = 1/40 barrels = 10 cups = 30 pounds of water = 20 hot platters (0.6) = 16 wine platters (0.75) = 100 cups = 200 scales = 12 liters ( 15 - for other dzherelami, rarely) St - zalizny, wooden or shkiryany utensils, most importantly cylindrical in shape, with ears or a bow for wearing. In the booty, two buckets on the yoke are on the line of the booty in the "female woman". Podіl on drіbnіshі the entry was carried out according to the two principle: the cebro was divided into 2 pіvvіdra or by 4 quarters of the wind or by 8 pіvchvertі, and also by the kitchen and the cups. The most recent "international" world obyagu - "zhmenya". The main Russian pre-metric volume of the world is water - water = 1/40 barrels = 10 cups = 30 pounds of water = 20 hot platters (0.6) = 16 wine platters (0.75) = 100 cups = 200 scales = 12 liters ( 15 - for other dzherelami, rarely) St - zalizny, wooden or shkiryany utensils, most importantly cylindrical in shape, with ears or a bow for wearing. In the booty, two buckets on the yoke are on the line of the booty in the "female woman". Podіl on drіbnіshі the entry was carried out according to the two principle: the cebro was divided into 2 pіvvіdra or by 4 quarters of the wind or by 8 pіvchvertі, and also by the kitchen and the cups. The most recent "international" world obyagu - "zhmenya". The barrel, like the world of natives, was stagnant mainly in the process of trading with foreigners, as a way to fight for distributing wine trade in small towns. Dorivnyuvala 40 buckets (492 l)

slide 5

Description of the slide:

BERKOVETS - the world's great vaga, which got used to the wholesale trade is more important for calling wax, meager honey. Berkovets is the name of the island of Björk. So in Russia the mira vaga was called in 10 pounds, just a standard barrel of wax, like one person could go to a merchant's tour, which she poured on the island itself. (163.8 kg). We see the riddle of berkivtsy in the XII century at the statutory charter of Prince Vsevolod Gavriil Mstislavich to the Novgorod merchants. BERKOVETS - the world's great vaga, which got used to the wholesale trade is more important for calling wax, meager honey. Berkovets is the name of the island of Björk. So in Russia the mira vaga was called in 10 pounds, just a standard barrel of wax, like one person could go to a merchant's tour, which she poured on the island itself. (163.8 kg). We see the riddle of berkivtsy in the XII century at the statutory charter of Prince Vsevolod Gavriil Mstislavich to the Novgorod merchants. ZOLOTNIK cost 1/96 of a pound, in the daily calculation 4.26 rubles. They said about him: "maliy spool and roads." Tse word, spochatku meant a gold coin. POUND (from the Latin word "pondus" - vaga, weight) having finished 32 lots, 96 spools, 1/40 pood, in the daily calculation of 409.50 g. ". Russian pound of acceptances for Oleksiy Mikhailovich.

slide 6

Description of the slide:

Slide 7

Ancient world of dozhini in Russia, which is 71.12 cm. Possibly, on the back, "arshin" designating the length of a human's crock (about seventy centimeters, when walking on the level, at an average pace) and the base value for the other great entrances of a long distance, a distance (a fathom, a verst). Nadali began to self-sustain under the name of equal size - the back of the hand.

SMALL SPAN - stand between the points of the great finger and the middle finger = 17.78 cm. P'YAD Z KUVIRKOM - n'yad іz davannyam dvoh suglobіv vkazivny club = cm

Old Russian shlyakhovyy zakhіd (yogo early name - "" tereni ")). In the same word, they called the verst, I went through one turn of the plow until the last hour of the orange. 1000 sazhens were planted in 1 verst before Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich, 1000 sazhens were planted in the 1st verst. "five hundred miles").

One of the widest in Russia, "Makhov's sazhen" - 1.76 m, stands between the wide-spread hands of a grown-up man with his fingertips. "Kosa sazhen" - 2.48 m, found: from the toe of the left foot to the end of the middle finger of the raised uphill of the right hand

Likot - "stand along the straight line of the elbow bend to the tip of the twisted middle finger of the hand." The size of the old days of the world, behind different dzherel, became 38 to 47 cm.

Pud - (from the Latin pondus - vaga, heaviness) is not only the world of the vaga, but the vagovimiryuvalny attachment. With the sound of metal, a pound of buv, like a single death, and a personal loneliness. Navit if the results were tens and hundreds of pounds, they were not translated to Berkivtsiv. Shche XI-XII cent. they implanted different vags with equal-shouldered and uneven-shouldered yoke: "pood" - a different vag with a changeable point of support and an indestructible weight, "scalvi" - equal-shouldered vaga (double-shouldered).

Sending that order “One, like a finger” - a person, like no relatives, no relatives, no friends. “A mountaineer looks like two inches, and yet a vkazivnik” - a young man who does not have a life record, but self-singingly speaks of everyone. “She has Saturday through Friday for two inches” - about a sloppy woman, who has a lower shirt for her back. “The skin is a merchant on his own arshin of the world” - the skin is to judge whether it is on the right one-sidedly, out of the interests of power. “Sit, walk, nebi arshin prokovtne” - about an unnaturally direct person “Vіn dіznavsya, skilki pound dashing”, - so to speak about a person who was a lot of negativity. “Kokhannya does not pacify for miles. A hundred versts of good fellows are not like that ”- you can’t be a fool for a kohanny.

Old-fashioned factory Factory 1 A dog waving a hare in 150 sazhens in front of him. A hare gets 500 sazhens for 2 quilins, and a dog 1300 sazhens for 5 quilins. In what hour is a dog alive with a hare? Solution: For one piece of wool, a hare passes 250 sazhens, and a dog 260 sazhens. Otzhe, for one piece of wool, change between a dog and a hare by 10 sazhens. Oskilki between a dog and a hare, if the dog had wobbled the hare, it was 150 sazhens, then the dog would not have a hare after 150:10 = 15 whilins.

Borrowing task Someone bought three quarters of an arshin of cloth and paid 3 altini for them. How much do you need to pay for 100 arshins of the same cloth? (1 altin \u003d 3 k.) Solution: Oskelki 3/4 arshin stand 3 altin, then 3 arshin stand 12 altin and 1 arshin - 4 altin. Otzhe, 100 arshins stand 400 altins, to become 1200 k. or 12 r.

Lessons of creativity 1. P.P. Yershov "Konik the Humpbacked Man": That toy of kovzan, Only three inches tall, On the back with two humps, That one with yard-long vukhs? … 2. M.Є. Saltikov - Shchedrin "Simeyni pіdbags": ... But the statehood in Pogorelivtsі was metushlivey, drіb'yazkove, looked like a shokhvilin special visually, and if you want to get the exact look there, where pіvshok add up pennies, and hryvnia, not pennies become hospitable to wisdom. , prote nebara won’t be small enough to know that you’ve changed the pardon. … 3. N.A. Nekrasov "Did smear and hares": ... I'm running on one small island - From skin fluffy water I picked it up To the wild animals; Below them, less than an arshin of earth was lost, Less than an arshina of zavdovka, Here I fell: murmur with hoots, Myself nі z mіstsya; I took one and commanded the others: stribait yourself! ….

slide 1

peace of mind
Gran (from the Latin word "granum" - grain, grain) - in the Russian system of victories, it was like a single vaga (masi) for faces and expensive stone, zokrem, for the ringing of pearls. One grain is 62209 mg.

slide 2

peace of mind
Spool - close to 4.3 p. At X Art. for the hour of the Kiev prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich, a coin was used, which was called "zlatnik". From the end of the XVI century. the spool to serve as a single mass of expensive metals and stone. Until 1927 in Russia, a spool system was adopted instead of expensive metals (gold, silver, platinum) in the alloy, this is the name of the sample. "a little thing is a little chervinchik, but the price is great."
Tea was bathed in spools.

slide 3

Pound (from the German word "pfund" or the Latin word "pondus" - vaga, heaviness, weight) - the old Russian world vaga (masi). Russian pound = 1/40 pood = 32 lots. = 96 spools = 409.51 grams. Pharmaceutical pound revenge 358.8 g.
peace of mind
"not a pound of raisins", "to find out why a pound is dashing". Zukor was sold by the pound.

slide 4

peace of mind
The PUD was 40 pounds, for the daily calculation - 16.38 kg. Zastosovuvavsya already at the 12th century. Pud - (from the Latin pondus - vaga, heaviness) is not only the world of the vaga, but the vagovimiryuvalny attachment. With the sound of metal, a pound of buv, like a single death, and a personal loneliness. Navit if the results were tens and hundreds of pounds, they were not translated to Berkivtsiv. Shche XI-XII cent. they implanted different vags with equal-shouldered and uneven-shouldered yoke: "pood" - a different vag with a changeable point of support and an indestructible weight, "scalvi" - equal-shouldered vaga (double-shouldered).

slide 5

peace of mind
In 1737, roci dzvin suffered in the so-called Trinity Fire. In the midst of cold and uneven cooling, it was extinguished after the cracks of the fire, giving cracks, in the light of the new crack, the shmats of 11.5 tons were blown. After lying by the pit for over a hundred years. In 1836, roci dzvin buv z yami budivnik St. Isaac's Cathedral and Oleksandrivskoy colony by architect A. Morferrand and placing on a stone pedestal.
Tsar zvіn. The greatest call from the ussikh іsnuyuchih calls of the world. Vіn not mає sobі іvnіkh і z artistic littja. Vaga ringing over 12 thousand. pudіv, or 200 tons. The height of the bell is 5.87 m, the diameter is 6.6 m. Russian master of the livar, Ivan Motorinim and її son Mikhail.
12 thousand pudіv
For the forging of the letters of the vikoristan of the old ringing of the ringing of the hour of the kings of Ivan Godunov and Oleksiy Mikhailovich

slide 6

peace of mind
Dovzhina tsієї zbroї 5 meters 34 centimeters, caliber - 890 millimeters. The garmata is embellished with cast inscriptions, on the very stem it is written: “2400 pounds” - the vaga of Tsar-garmati, which becomes 39,312 kilograms. Bіlya pіdnіzhzhya harmati to lie chavunnі kernels, skin vag in a ton. The name of the Tsar-garmaty was associated with the images of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich above the bracket, and pointing to the unfinished value of the arch. The ancient Tsar-Garmat has a small name: "Shotgun Russian", the shards of the bula were invested in the shooter with a "shot" tobto buckshot. The Tsar-Garmatians did not have a chance to take the fate of the battlefields, but instead they acted as a battle squad, designated for the defense of the Moscow Kremlin. The back of the garmat was protected by the head gate from the side of China-town,
The Tsar-Garmata, as Andriy Chokhovim says, is one of the greatest znarads in the world. Created in 1586 in Moscow, at Garmatny Dvor

Slide 7

BERKOVETS - the world's great vaga, which got used to the wholesale trade is more important for calling wax, meager honey. Berkovets is the name of the island of Björk. So in Russia the mira vaga was called in 10 pounds, just a standard barrel of wax, like one person could go to a merchant's tour, which she poured on the island itself. (163.8 kg). We see the riddle of berkivtsy in the XII century at the statutory charter of Prince Vsevolod Gavriil Mstislavich to the Novgorod merchants.
peace of mind

slide 1

slide 2

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Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

You can download a presentation on the topic "Old-time Russians come in dovzhini, wag, volume" absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Suspіlstvoznavstvo. Barvy slides and illustrations will help you to win over your classmates and audience. For a review, use the player instead, otherwise you want to add additional text - press the appropriate text under the player. Presentation 10 slides.

slide presentations

slide 1

From a long time ago, in peace, that vaga was born a man: stretch out your hand with a hand, you can lift a hand on your shoulders. The system of old Russian entries in the old days included the following main entries: a verst, a sazhen, an arshin, a cubit, a span and a vershok.

Old Russian come in dovzhini, vaga, obsyagu

slide 2

Arshin - the old Russian world of dozhini, rіvna, in the daily calculation of 0.7112 m. A yardstick, yak i, was called a peace line, yak, sound, they applied a rose under the tops.

KROK - the average dozhina of the human krok = 71 cm. One of the most recent visits to the dozhina.

PYAD (p'yanitsa) - old Russian peace of dozhini. SMALL SPAN (they said - "p'yad"; from the 17th century it was called - "fourth") - stand between the lines of the great and impressive (or middle) fingers = 17.78 cm.

SAZHEN - one of the widest visits in Russia. There were more than ten saplings for recognition (i, apparently, size).

VERSTA - old Russian Shlyakhova of the world (її early name - "beggar").

slide 3

For other visits, the base value of the bula, zastosovana spokonviku in Russia of the world - "p'yad" (since the 17th century - the dovzhina rіvnu p'yadі was called earlier - "a quarter of an arshina", "a quarter", "a quarter"), s as okomirno, it is easy to take smaller parts - two vershoks (1/2 p'yad) or a vershok (1/4 p'yad).

Our old icon painters measured the size of icons in spans: “nine icons - seven spans (1 3/4 arshins). Prechista Tikhvin on gold - p'yanitsa (4 inches). Icon of George the Great Day of Quiet P'yadey (in 1 arshin)"

LIKIT dovzhinyav dozhinі hands from the fingers to the elbow (for other danim - "stand along the straight line of the elbow bend to the end of the twisted middle finger"). The size of the old days of the world, behind different dzherel, became 38 to 47 cm.

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The main Russian pre-metric volume of the world is water - water = 1/40 barrels = 10 cups = 30 pounds of water = 20 hot platters (0.6) = 16 wine platters (0.75) = 100 cups = 200 scales = 12 liters ( 15 - for other dzherelami, rarely) St - zalizny, wooden or shkiryany utensils, most importantly cylindrical in shape, with ears or a bow for wearing. In the booty, two buckets on the yoke are on the line of the booty in the "female woman". Podіl on drіbnіshі the entry was carried out according to the two principle: the cebro was divided into 2 pіvvіdra or by 4 quarters of the wind or by 8 pіvchvertі, and also by the kitchen and the cups. The most recent "international" world obyagu - "zhmenya". The barrel, like the world of natives, was stagnant mainly in the process of trading with foreigners, as a way to fight for distributing wine trade in small towns. Dorivnyuvala 40 buckets (492 l)

slide 5

BERKOVETS - the world's great vaga, which got used to the wholesale trade is more important for calling wax, meager honey. Berkovets is the name of the island of Björk. So in Russia the mira vaga was called in 10 pounds, just a standard barrel of wax, like one person could go to a merchant's tour, which she poured on the island itself. (163.8 kg). We see the riddle of berkivtsy in the XII century at the statutory charter of Prince Vsevolod Gavriil Mstislavich to the Novgorod merchants. ZOLOTNIK cost 1/96 of a pound, in the daily calculation 4.26 rubles. They said about him: "maliy spool and roads." Tse word, spochatku meant a gold coin. POUND (from the Latin word "pondus" - vaga, weight) having finished 32 lots, 96 spools, 1/40 pood, in the daily calculation of 409.50 g. ". Russian pound of acceptances for Oleksiy Mikhailovich.

slide 6

2 poltinam = 1 ruble Poltina = 50 kopecks Piatialtinny = 15 kopecks Altin = 3 kopecks Gryvennik = 10 kopecks 2 groszy = 1 kopeck Grosh = ½ kopecks Pivushka = ¼ kopecks

Old Russian penny singles.

Slide 7

Last = 72 poods = 1.2 t Cad = 14 poods = 230 kg Berkovets = 10 poods = 1.64ts Pud = 40 pounds = 16 kg Pound = 454 g Bezmin = 96 spools = 409.5 g Spool = 4.3 g

Harvest of Russian zakhodіv vaga.

Slide 8

Mile \u003d 1600m Verst \u003d 500 sazhens \u003d 1.07 km Sadzhan \u003d 3 arshins \u003d 2.13 m Arshin \u003d 16 vershoks \u003d 71 cm

Old-time Russian come in again.

Slide 9

Ancient Russian world is worth 1.07 km Old Russian penny is worth 10 kopecks. The old Russian world is old, which is old to 16 inches.

4. Old Russian loneliness vaga, which is 4.3 g old. 5. Old Russian currency, equal to 1/4 kopecks. 6. Old Russian world dozhini, which is old 1600m.

Zapovni crossword

Slide 10

Arshin that kaptan, that two for patches. A mosquito was sniffing for this verst, and a mosquito was on its nose. Beard on an arshin, that rose to a span. I won't do anything. Myslivets for sim versts to walk kissel sorbati. You see the truth (the kind of service) for a day, and you see it for a fathom. Stretch a verst, don't be simple. It’s not bad that a bun from pivpuda. Your spool of someone else's pood is expensive. The new one has no brain (rose) in his head. It’s worse to bring down poods, but it’s good with golden spools.

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