Vіdkrite occupied with familiarization with the letter a. Lesson for literacy training "Knowledge with letter and sound A outline of the lesson for literacy training (senior group) on the topic

Vіdkrite occupied with familiarization with the letter a. Lesson for literacy training "Knowledge with letter and sound A outline of the lesson for literacy training (senior group) on the topic

Acquaintance with sound (a) and letter A.

Meta: learn children from the vowel sound and the letter A. Read the words with the sound a on the cob, the middle and like the words. Give the first notice about the vocal sound. Develop fine motor skills, focusing on arches with frail lines under the hour of writing letter A.

Ownership: lyalka, pictures: kavun, Aibolit, bus; little ones from the images of the letter A, red-coloured olives, simple olives, rahunkov sticks, ball.

Hid busy


Lads, we have a guest this year Lyalka. Your name is Anya. Vaughn prepared a meal for you.

What is called sound? (tse those that we see and feel and feel)

What is called a letter? (tse those that we write and bachimo)

- Guess riddles.

What a marvel - a blue house!

Ditlakhіv is rich in the new.

Wearing a gumi

І harchuєtsya gasoline. (Bus)

All the best in the world,

Rejoice in sick animals,

І once from the swamp

Vityag wine hippopotamus.

Vіn vіdomy, vidomy.

Tse doctor .... (Aybolit)

Vin is great, like a football ball,

As soon as you ripen, everyone is satisfied,

Such a welcome wine for relish.

And call Yogo ... (kavun)

What sound do you hear in these words?

Sound "A" is heard correctly.

Let's say the sound "A" at once.

Wide mouth open

Lyalka gently rock. (Speak individually and in chorus, with a different voice power - quieter, louder.)

The mouth is wide open.

The lips are calm (not tense and not rounded).

The tip of the tongue is located at the lower teeth, the tongue is flat.

If we make a sound, how to get out of the mouth again? (easy, free)

Chi є pereskoda? (repeat not zustrichae pereshkodi)

As with the sound of a voice, it is easy to enter the company easily and freely, without sounding a change, such a sound is called voiced.

What color is the vin?

Gra “Bang in the valley, you will feel the sound “A”:

a, y, o, a, s, i, a, e, y, a.

om, uv, am, ur, at, it, ik, ar, ay, ok

catfish, whale, cancer, abetka, pineapple, angel, indicator, England, smart, sheep, shoes, slippers, bow, bandage, rebellion.

Gras "De sound?" (On the cob, in the middle or in the end of the word)

Leleka, hmara, aistra, bus, cotton wool, frame, rocket, clay, river, stone, tank, pipe, hiding place, bear, winter, cancer, belongings, month, park?

Gra "Come up with a word z sound A" gra z m'yachem

(- at the beginning of the word, at the middle of the word, for example the word)

Gra "Come up with a proposition"

(Come up with a proposition with the word Anya)

Physical culture. Leleka.

Leleka, Leleka dovgonog

Show me the way home.

Stomp with your right foot

I call with my right foot.

I renew - with my left foot

Pislya - with the right foot,

Pіslya - with the left foot,

Then you will come home.

Sleepy charging

Lift us up.

Raise our hands.

Behind the team - once!

And above us fun

Leaves rustle

We lower our hands.

For the team - two.

Familiarity with the letter "A". Display letter "A".

Axis nibi nache kuren.

Not true, chi is good!

And even though it looks simple,

And start the Alphabet.

Axis two steps navskіs,

And between them is a belt.

Do you know this letter? BUT?

Letter A is in front of you!

What does the letter A look like?

What elements make up a letter?

Gra "Know the letter A"

Vikladannya letters from sticks.

Stay letter A from fingers. Who guessed, how can you rob?

Painting the letters in reverse.

Literature to a friend.

- You corrected and your fingers got tired, let's talk about them.

Finger gymnastics "We shared an orange".

(Hand clenched into a fist) We poured an orange.

(Turn your fist to the right and left) We are rich, but there is only one wine!

(With my other hand we open our fingers, folded into a fist, starting from a great one) This is a small part for a zhak,

(Spread out the middle finger)

(Spread the ring finger) Tsya chastochka for cochineal

(Razginaemo little finger) Tsya chastochka for a beaver,

(Vidkritu dolonu is turned right-left) Well, and vovka is a shkirka.

(With two hands we show the sheep's pasture) Vіn angry with us - bіda!

(We clasp our hands like a budinochka) At the budinochka, it’s good - come here!

Lyaltsі Any hour to turn back home. Let's say it until the end!


Children, guess, with what sound did you get to know each other today at work?

With what letter?

What color does it mean?

Meta occupation: learning the letter A, forming the basics of reading, the basics of elementary graphic learning, the development of a moving mind, a thorough phonemic hearing.

  • recognize a preschooler with the letter A, the correct vim sound;
  • learn to write the letter A for letters;
  • to formulate interest to the point of learning with verses and riddles.

What to ask to tell the doctor if you look at your throat? (Ah-ah-ah…)

Name what is painted on the pictures below:

Astra Aist Watermelon Bus

Ask, what sound do words start with - name the pictures?

To say A, you need to open your company wide and “turn on” your voice. Repeat: AAA.

Do you respect the tongue, do you destroy your teeth? Show respect, as the mouth opens wide, if we say A.

Write the letter A once on an arch paper without cliches.

Guess and name the words, yakі pochinayutsya z A - creatures, objects and names.

Just like a child, it’s important to propagate a simple task:
AAALIK, AAAN - what do you hear on the cob of the word?

Task: letter A for preschool children

Place flecks in the clumps of flowers with an olive or a bag handle; paint - sticks neatly behind the clitins.

In quiet moods, if the child is encouraged to write the whole row of letters, the way the words are written - a mature one is written on the cob of the row.
If a preschooler blames difficulties, then an adult can draw two orientation lines, or put reference points, like a child with two lines, or write the letters in full, and simply circle the child with a different color. There is no trace of calligraphy at this stage.

Vershi about the letter A

Axis two steps navskіs,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
Before you letter A.
(S. Marshak)

Axis nibi nache kuren.
Chi is not true, the letter is good!
And even though it looks simple,
And start the ALPHABET.
(Y. Tarlapan)

Abetka let's go
Start with AISTA -
Vin, yak and abetka,
(V. Zakhoder)

We see,
Letter A - the letter is more glorious.
Before that letter A
The alphabet has a head.
love the sound
I Andriy, i Allochka,
Club so and club so,
I in the middle of the stick.
(E. Uspensky)

Tale about the letter A

Why A persha?
At the kіmnati there was a terrible homin. Usy letters vilazili zabeki і vocally quarreled: why tse And the first letter of the alphabet?

Get out the impostor A - shouted voice letters.
- Long live "Abracadabra"! (tobto swindler).
- What's the point of fighting, huh? - hissed the hissers.
- Lіteru, zakoi angіna that shark starts, put alphabets on the choli! Nothing so sh-zharti.
- That's right, - the movers thought in a voice of letters, - even if it's not without reason that the most beautiful speeches - kavun, orange, apricot, pineapple - start at A.

Ale louder shouted the letter Y.

I don’t understand, why is it all the same first A, and not I ?!
- And to the one, - said A., who muttered dosi, - that the first word of the skin baby starts with A.
- Why is that a word? - I didn’t get in.
"Yeah," O said.
- And besides, I look like an admiral, who should stand on the captain's station. And everyone knows that the admiral can get ahead of himself!
- So! - saying a firm sign.

Sending orders to the letter A

Abeta is a gathering of wisdom.
Accurateness of a farbuy people.
Treasury is not needed, if it is in the same way.
Not that friendship is strong, which is entrenched in words.
Under a lying stone, that water does not flow.
Mathematics cannot begin without letters and grammar.
Without difficulties, there is no fruit.
Maliy and boa constrictor.
Guin yourself, and rut your comrade.

Riddles for children on the letter A

Maple leaves pozhovtilo,
At the edge of the pivdnya they saw
Shvidkokrili swifts.
What a month, tell me!

Don't fly, don't jiggle,
The beetle lives in the street.
I burn in the eyes of a beetle
Two gleaming lights.
(car, bus)

Day and night to stand on Dahu
Tsey miracle posts:
To babble everything, I will feel everything,
Let's share with me!

They came to us from the chestnut
Smugasti balls.

On the side of the primer
Thirty-three heroes.
Know the skin vcheniy.

To marvel, to stand a budinok,
To the brim with water infusions,
Without vicons, but do not frown,
Three chotirioh sides prozory.
Whose house has a baggy -
Mustaches were swimmers.

Such a port has my friend,
De zovsim nemaє drive dovkol.
Ale went to the port for the whole hour
With people and a vantage ship.

I stand on the edge
Usikh pipes are higher.

Sub-bags for the lesson:

  1. Vimov's new words behind the pictures increase the preschooler's stock of vocabulary, develop the memory of language.
  2. Right for the clients to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Vіrshi vplyvayut yak on the development of memory. It has been reported that if a row of sprats is planted today, a new neuron connection is blamed on the brain, the massive building moves up to the beginning.
  4. Riddles are developed in children by intelligence, cleverness to analyze and bring. Teachers zastosovuyut riddles pіd hour navchannya children pіdvishchennya zatsіkavlenosti pіd hіkonannya folded tasks.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Primary Mortgage


Synopsis of employment with literacy from the senior group

Sound that letter A


Perevozchikova Albina Akramivna

m. Nizhnyovartivsk



  • recognize with the letter and the sound “A” and with their recognized signs;
  • read to give a description of the vocal sound;
  • see the sound with the voice, assign the place to the sound of the word;
  • write to the drafted letter "A".

Correction and development:

  • to adopt the development of sound-letter analysis and phonemic hearing through the games “Signals”, “Who is respectful”, “Fourth zayviy”, “De shovavsya sound”;
  • to develop a healthy mind through the gymnastics and the game “Find out and circle all the letters “A”;
  • memorize and speak through the same words on the food how to verse that memorize the words with the sounds “A”, as if to be used in the text;
  • respect and logical thought through didactic games;
  • motor skills through the writing and encircling of the letter "A", and physical vilink.


  • vikhovuvat sit and be careful when vikonannі zavdan.

Glossary. Sound, letter, movny, non-movny, voiced.


Distribution material:

  • gra Signals - cards
  • red olive;
  • card - write a letter
  • card - find out and circle the letters “A” card - circle the pictures, in the words of which there is the sound “A”
  • gra "De shovavsya sound" red square.

Integration of lighting blinds.

Methodical accept

Hid busy.

Organizational moment.

Good day, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Good day, my friends!

Usikh glad to bachiti you!

Sound characteristics.

Boys, today you are violating with him at the edge of sounds and letters. In the country of letters and sounds, there is a school, in a kind of leather, whoever wants, can learn to read and write. The world has a lot of different sounds, the woods make noise, the woodpecker knocks on the tree with its dagger, the leaves shove the bug, the phone rings, it seems people. All sounds can be divided into moves and sounds. Sounds of a strange world can be heard before the silent sounds, and the sounds that we feel, if they are a person, are called moving.


The witch with the hedgehog wants to revise and remember how to make sounds and sound the alarms in the group. If you hear the current sound, you lift the card from the image of the fairy, and if the sound is not current, you lift the card from the image of the fairy.At the beginning of the hour, the teacher cackles, why the lads pick up this card.

Acquaintance with the sound "A".

Today we are known to you by the sound of the sound "A". Marvel, if I move the sound “A”, my death is in a calm state, my mouth opens wide, the tongue lies calmly by the mouth, the neck “practices” (to control the robotic vocal cords, children put their hand on the neck). I can sing this sound, my voice does not respect anything. Sounds that we can sleep are called vocal sounds. Voice sounds are signified by a red square.

Dihalna right

Let's all at once deeply inhale through the nis, and see, let's move the sound "A" wide open our mouths, back to back quietly, A ..., then loudly, A .... Repeat 4-5 times

What sounds are called voiced?

Sounds, how can we sleep, how are they called?

What color do we mean voice sounds?

Folding the speech behind the supporting pictures.

Let's get tired, let's try to fix it and guess, it's time for rock at once?

Children: Osin.

Teacher: And why do you think so?

Children: It's cold on the street, the birds are climbing into the forest, leafing yellow, the day is getting shorter.

Finger gymnastics "See, see"Є. Blaginina

Teacher: Let's play with you at the group "See, fly".

Soon there will be khurtovini Wrap the hands

Snow rises from the ground. Lower the hand and raise it

thieves with fingers

The cranes have flown! waving the reshtoi, like krills

Don't feel a little zozuli in the hai, Doloni put for the wind and

turn your head to the side

I putty was spoiled. Fingertips tingle

imagining dah budinka

Leleka with krills polshe - Thumbs up

Vіdlіtaє, flightіv. waving the reshtoi, like krills

The sheet hits the viserunk Dolony zadnuyut and heal them

at the side

At the blue kaluzha on the water. Doloni come with an edge

one to one, uphill

To walk a rook with a black rook

On the city, on the ridge. crocoy table

Sagging, pozhovtili fingers in different sides,

thumbs up cross on cross

Sunshine, change your fingers


Awaken, flew, Thumbs up

The rooks flew. waving the reshtoi, like krills

About some birds can be found at the top?

Children: At the top there is about rook, shpak, zozuli, crane and leleki.

Teacher: The name of which bird comes from the sound "A"?

Children: Leleka begins with the sound "A".

Who is respectful

Leleka wants to play with you in the game "Who is respectful." Listen carefully to the verse and remember all the words with the sound “A”, you will feel it.

Leleka the alphabet vchiv,

І f'yatirku won.

І this year without prompting,

I read fairy tales myself.

How many words with the sound "A" did you feel that you forgot?For consumption, the teacher reads the other way around.

Guess who the verse was talking about?

What robiv lelek?

What otrimav lelek?

Why did the lelek learn?

Fizminka "Leleka"

The children croon at the same time as the teacher, lifting their legs high, hands on their belts.

Leleka, leleka long-legged,

Show me the way home!

Leleka badyoro vіdpovidaє:

Stomp with your right foot

Stomp your left foot

I call with my right foot,

I renew - with my left foot,

Potim - with the right foot,

Let's sweat - with the left foot,

Then you will come home.

Interactive game "The Fourth Zayviy"

Lads, cherish the pronunciation of the play "The Fourth Zayviy", but in order to know the correct way, remember that we know in the country's letter and sound.

Think, like a picture, what is painted here: kavun, parasol, bus, orange.

Children: Zave the image of a parasol, to that a kavun, a bus and an orange start with the sound “A”, and a parasol, with the sound “Z”.

Teacher: On this card are painted: pineapple, annual, vovk, blizzard.

Children: Zaive the image vovk, to that in the words pineapple, annual, blizzard - the sound "A", but in the word vovk, yoga is silent.

Self-supporting robot "Find and circle".

Leleka has prepared another meal for you. Circle the pictures on the cards, the words of which have the sound “A”.Children win the task independently, after which there is a re-verification on the screen.

Where is the sound?

Forty children also want to play with you, you won’t even love to play in the group “Where did the sound go?”. As the word begins with the sound “A”, take the red square in the dziob. Aaaaaarbuz

If the sound “A” is in the middle of a word, take the forty square on the edge. Baaaaaant.

And if the word ends with the sound "A", there's a yogo on the tail. Cataaaa.

Self-supporting work of children from re-verification on the screen. Gris Cards

What does the letter "A" look like.

All modern sounds are symbolic of the LETTER. Sounds mi chuєmo i vymovlyaєmo, and letters mi bachimo і write. And now, sit more comfortably, I will recognize you from the letter "A".

A krokuє on the road,

Widely spaced legs.

The letter can be entered,

You need to contact me.

And raptom on the mountain pretended to be

I swayed softly.

How to remember this letter?

And it looks like a rocket.

Managed by the police,

That and us from a cry.

Showing the spelling of the letter "A"

Wonder how the letter "A" is written. The letter "A" starts writing from the lower left kut, rises to the middle of the square, and then descends to the lower right kut. After that, in the middle of the square, a line of two dead sticks will follow.

Write the letter "A"

Children, now try to write the letter "A" for the cells yourself

Zorova gymnastics "Vesela Litera".

The boys of the letter "A" want to play with dreams, toss and move, just like an acrobat at the circus. Let's respectfully follow our letters.Children guard for the appearance of letters and її movements on the screen, simping the Zorov gymnastics.While we watched over the letter, our eyes did not look, but victorious gymnastics. Now he needs to know, blink your eyes (3 sec), close (5 sec).To win the right threechi.

Find out and circle all the letters "A"

And at the same time, take a red olive and circle around the letter “A”, as if you were going to put it on a piece of paper.Afterwards, I revise the task of the children on the screen.

Busy bag.

About what sound and letter mi today spoke. What does the medical officer tell us? Let's guess, the letter mi ... but the sound ... The sound "A" what kind of sound? What color mi yogo means? The youth of today have run into many things, what have they recognized, and what do you especially remember?

Well, the axis and the time has come to turn around, the onset of time, we’ll go to the land of letters and sounds for new knowledge, and immediately to the beat.

Synopsis of the frontal speech therapy lesson from preparation to literacy on the topic: "Sound [a], letter A"

Target: familiarity with the sound [a], with the letter A.


Know children with sound [a], yogo characteristic:

Let's understand about the misunderstanding of the sound of the word (cob of the word);

Learn with the letter A, fill in the visual image;

Recognize the recognition of the sound of letters;

Read to see the sound from the low voiced sounds;

consolidate knowledge of children fruits;

Corrective and developing:

Develop auditory respect, phonemic recognition;

Develop articulation, fine motor skills;

Vikhovuvati vminnya hear one alone.


Front view:

Synopsis of the frontal lesson with sound education and preparation for literacy

Topic: Sound [a], letter A.

Target: familiarity with the sound [a], with the letter A.


Correction - lighting:

Know children with sound [a], yogo characteristic:

Let's understand about the misunderstanding of the sound of the word (cob of the word);

Learn with the letter A, fill in the visual image;

Recognize the recognition of the sound of letters;

Read to see the sound from the low voiced sounds;

consolidate knowledge of children fruits;

Corrective and developing:

Develop auditory respect, phonemic recognition;

Develop articulation, fine motor skills;

Correction - wihovnі:

Vikhovuvati vminnya hear one alone.

Demo material:Lyalka, a picture of the image of a girl who is crying, the castle of Princess Golosi, a symbol of the sound [a] - a red big gurtok, a short and long marriage, a card with the letter A.

Distribution material:individual mirrors, handouts of leaves from directors (from the Konovalenka zoshita “Write and read”), red olives.

Hid busy

I. Introductory part (Organizational moment)

Hello lads. Sit down the one who called the fruit.

Articulation gymnastics.

And at once, let's prepare our tongue and lips until they are busy, and let's get right. Take a mirror, put it in front of you, and it’s better to work right.

- "Laugh" - "tube"

- "Shovel"

- "Holochka"

- "Shovel" - "Holochka"

Well done. Put the mirrors down.

II. Main part.

1. Informed by those busy.

Children, our little fox Anya is visiting us today. Vaughn prepared a task for you:

Listen and name the first sound in the words:

bus, antenna, kavun, acrobat.

The sound [a] is heard correctly. The sound [a] is voiced, it can be sung, so that it is easier to pass through and do not make a transition. The sound is alive in the castle of Princess Glaci. The sound [a] is designated as a chervonim, to the one that is voiced.

Look at the image: the girl is crying. What sound does she promote, if we cry? (Sound [a])

Correctly. Today, at work, I speak to you about the sound [a].

2. Clarification of articulation to sound.

Let's promote the sound [a] together. When the sound [a] is voiced, ruin a great mug. Let's say the sound [a] again and look in the mirror. Well done.

Now to marvel, I have a red gurtok in my hands - this is a symbol of the sound [a] (showing the symbol to the sound - a great red stake). So mi yoga is meaningful.

3. Gra "Catch the sound"

So, lads, you need to make a sound [a]. If you feel yoga, clear at the valley.a, y, o, a, s, i, a, e, y, a.

4. Gra "Dovgy - short"

L .: I have two marriages: one is long, the other is short. If I show my long-term husband, then you need to sleep the sound [a] for a long time, and if I show you a short one - short.

5. Finger gymnastics.

The time has come for the three of you to play with your fingers.

We poured an orange.Break open the orange.

Bagato us Show 10 fingers.

And there is only one wine. Show one finger.

Tsya chastochka - for the hedgehog.Bend one finger at a time

Tsya chastochka - for a haircut.from the great on the left hand.

Tsya chastochka - for Kacheny.

Tsya chastochka - for cochineal.

Tsya chastochka - for a beaver.

And for a wolf, it is a shkirka.Throw with the right hand.

Vіn angry with us - bіda!Clench your fists and squeeze to your chest.

Get loose - who cares!"Bіzhut" fingers on the table.

6. Work on handout sheets.

Lads, Anya brought you leaves from tasks. Look at the pictures respectfully and call them.Circle the pictures near the colo, name those that begin with the sound [a].

Young people begin with the sound [a] of the names of the pictures.

7. Familiarity with the letter A.

Children, wonder what is inscribed in me. Tse letter A. lads, remember, the sound [a] on the sheet is denoted by the letter A.

High and string of letter A.

Even more similar to the arch over there.

Find the letter A on your leaflet at the top right corner.Run a finger along it (circle it) and turn it into a black olive. Why chervonim, who say?

To that the sound [a] is voiced and mi is signified by yogo with a red color.

Listen to the rule of viability to the sound of the letter: we can hear the sounds, we can sing them, and we can write the letters, we can read them.

Let's try to spell the letter A from our fingers.

Letter A from fingers: the expressive and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down, the other fingers are clenched into a fist, and the expressive finger of the left hand makes a "belt".

So, now let's write the letter A with your finger at the window, on the table.

III. Busy bag.

Lads, who came today to us for employment? ( baby Anya)

Name the first sound in the name of Lyalka A - a - ani ( sound [a])

Today I got to know you with the sound [a].

And what kind of letter did we get to know?

What color is the sound [a]?

What deserved the most?

Well done, the best of the year, they were doing well, they listened respectfully, they responded to the food.

Let's say goodbye to little Anya.

Our busyness is over.

Distributed: Pochatkov school


  1. Through the game, relying on the knowledge of children, learn about the letter A (a).
  2. Vіdpratsovuvati vminnya conduct sound-letter analysis of words.
  3. Increase your interest in reading children's books, kindness and splendour.


  • sound squares,
  • kasa letters,
  • pictures from images of objects for a crossword puzzle,
  • PowerPoint presentation (addition).

Hid lesson

I. Organizational moment.

One, two, three - listen and marvel.
Three-two, one - getting ready for the whole class!

II. The main part of the lesson.

– It’s holy for our class today. Our classmate has National Day today. Guess who to talk about: good, foreign, pretty, with a long braid. (Alina).

1) Sound-letter analysis of words Alina, moon.

Sound analysis is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation (slide 1, program).

- We will conduct a sound analysis of the word Alina.

- “Read” the word in such a way that there was a slightly first sound (A-a-Lina).

- Name the first sound - [a].

- Vіn vociferous chi prigolosny? ( Golosny).

- Why? (


- “Read” the word so that it was clearly a slightly different sound. ( Allina).

- Name another sound - [l].

- Vіn vociferous chi prigolosny? ( M'yakiy pogolosny).

- What kind of square is significant? ( Zelenim).

- “Read” the word so that the third sound was clearly pronounced ( Aliina).

- Name the third sound? [i] - meaningfully red square.

- “Read” the word so that there was a little bit of a fourth sound ( Alina).

- Name the fourth sound. [n] is a solid sound, meaningfully blue square.

- Yaka in the new m'yaka steam? Sound [N]

- “Read” the word in such a way that it would be a little bit five sound ( Alinaaa).

– Name the sound – [a].

- Vіn vociferous chi prigolosny? ( Golosny).

- Why? ( This sound does not sound like everyday shifts in the company.It is easy to move freely - [aah]).

- What kind of square is significant? ( Chervonim).

- Let's read the word.

- Vznachte, skilki at the word Alina sound [a] (two). What is the stink behind the rachunk? ( first and fifth).

- After some voiced sound, there is another sound [a]. ( The sound of a solid voice).

Remember the rule: after a solid voiced sound [a], it is written with the letter a.

- Independently conduct a sound analysis of the word month.

2) Familiarity with the letter A (a).

- Take a kasi letter, marvel at the letter, know the letter A (a): the letter " a" that small letter BUT" great - great. The letter “A” is written on the cob of words, which means the names of people (Andriy, Alona), names (Agrova, Abramova), names of creatures (Artemon), name the place (Arkhangelsk), krayn (Algeria), river (Amazon). And now let's replace the red chips with letters.


And now, lads, let's go!
Shvidko hands uphill lifted,
At the side, forward, back,
Turned to the right, to the left,
Quietly sat, I call for the right!

3) Fixing the new material.

Work with a table.

- We told you about what the word Alina after a solid voice sound [n], a sound [a] is felt - Alinaa - and the letter “a” is written. Let's put the letter "a" in the table after a solid voice: you can hear [a] and write "a". (Powerpoint presentation, addendum, slide 2).

Away, the completion of the tables is to be filled with voiced letters.

Gra "Live sounds".

- Go out:

  • 1st voice,
  • 1st soft voice,
  • 2nd voice,
  • firm voice,
  • 2nd voice sound [a].

Gra "Name the words with the letter A."

Letter A
Behind the first desk
They sat in front of the card,
And on the map the whole earth -
Rivers, burn that field.
I was sleeping, kim won
Articles mrіє, letter A?
- I want to be an agronomist,
I can be an astronomer
Architect, artist
And more ... a scuba diver!
And what are the words
Do you know the letter A? ( G. Sokoliv)

- Name the words with the letter "a" in on the cob the words.

- And now name the words with the letter "a" in middle words, in kіntsi the words.

Gra "Try to solve the crossword puzzle."

- Having guessed the riddle, you can guess the word from the crossword puzzle: (PowerPoint presentation, program, slide 3).

On the table stand out,
Take care of your eyes.
Like in the room it became dark with rapt,
That turn on її would not respect b! ( lamp).

Holy, holy was the gate.
Who zustrіchatime yogo pіde.
I and my true friend
Red, little...
And the great one? ( ensign - ensign).

Vin is great, like a football ball,
Like a stiglia - everyone is satisfied,
So take wine for a taste
And the sound of yoga ... ( kavun).

Above you, above me
Flying a bear out of the water,
Jumping into a distant forest
I lost weight and got sick! ( hazy).

III. Podsumok lesson.

- Well done, lads! You did better at the lesson. (Powerpoint presentation, addendum, slide 4).

- With what letter did you know me? ( "A(a)").

– What is the rule for writing the letter “a”? ( after a hard voice sound [a] is written with the letter a).

-Greetings to our Alina on National Day and thank you for all the best!
