Sirna casserole at the multicooker birch. Sirna zapіkanka recipe with photo pokrokovo in multivartsi

Sirna casserole at the multicooker birch. Sirna zapіkanka recipe with photo pokrokovo in multivartsi

Sirna zapikanka is a good option for a snack or a snack during the day. You see, it’s easy to prepare, in fact, we just need to mix all the ingredients and bake, and everything is ready. It’s worth trying to get the culinary-cook himself, but even with a casserole cooked in a multi-cooker, you won’t cause problems for anyone!

Vipіchka with syrah is already savory, that pre-river. Aje tse miraculous wind for a mother, if they can’t tempt their children to eat, sir, and the casserole with sour cream will always go with a bang. Ta th for people, yakі stezhat for their eating, varto zavzhd mother a couple of recipes in stock, to cook її before tea, if you really want malt.

Zagalom, majestic number of pluses in the casseroles, to that I propagate to your respect the collection of the simplest and most delicious recipes for the miracle of marvelous passion, as, I am, I am happy, they are good for you and your families. Let's go!

Important! Set an hour on your multicookers, depending on their characteristics, even if all multicookers are different with different strains.

Classic Sirna casserole with semolina

For me, the recipe for siru and semolina is classic. I love all sorts of casseroles, abi in them, boo, but she herself will go out even lower, soft, like a child’s garden, or most of us.

We need:

  • sir - 600 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • semolina - 3 tablespoons;
  • tsukor - 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.


Sirna casserole with semolina and kefir, like a child's garden

This casserole with syrup, semolina and kefir will go even lower for rahunok kefir in this recipe. Vin nadaє їy softness, lightness.

We need:


Pishna sirna casserole with starch

This is the recipe for a casserole without boroshna and without semolina, ale with starch, for the rahunok of which there is no way to go out like a poultry.

We need:


  1. Vіdokremlyuєmo zhovtki vіd blіkіv. Proteins are taken to the refrigerator to cool.

Cooled proteins beat faster and faster.

Sirna casserole with borosnoy at the multicooker

A casserole with a boroshnoy comes out with a big povnya, for example, with semolina or starch, but not less savory.

We need:

  • sir - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • borosno - 4 tablespoons;
  • tsukor - 4 tbsp.


Povіtryany lassoshchi with garbuza with syr

Garbuzov's casserole with cheese - it's unrealistic relish, obov'yazkovo try to prepare її for a cym recipe. Harmelon at the vipіchtsі vzagalі not vydchuvaєєtsya, go out podvіyno korisna strava - karbuє podnuєtsya sire, scho can be korisnіshe?

We need:

  • sir - 500 g;
  • seamelon - 500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • tsukor - 0.5 bottles;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • sіl - pinch;
  • zest of one orange (for bazhannyam).


Orange and watermelon miraculously combine.

Recipe for carrot casserole with syrup at multivartsi

One more inconspicuously brown weed - a carrot-syrup casserole and one more nameless syrah with a vegetable.

We need:

  • sir - 500 g;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • tsukor - 2 tablespoons;
  • pea hairs (behind the flowers).


Prepare a casserole with cheese and apples

Syrno-apple casserole comes out more watery, with a fruity aroma, you can add cinnamon to it, like a garna with apples.

We need:

  • sir - 600 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs;
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • tsukor - 4 tablespoons;
  • semolina - 6 tablespoons;
  • rozpushuvach - 1 teaspoon;
  • rodzinki - zhmenka (for bajannyam).


It's also savory with cheese and banana

Sirno-banana casserole - savory and even lower. Everyone knows that sir and banana - tse vіdmіnne poednannya, then why not victorious yogo when cooking.

We need:


  1. Dіstaєmo after її povnogo achieved.

Pasta casserole with cheese at the multicooker

Tsya zapіkanka go with a bang for the children, even if the stink even love pasta virobi.

We need:

  • sir - 400 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • tsukor - 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • vermicelli - 450 g (packing);
  • Vershkov oil - 1 tbsp.


Sirna casserole, cooked in a slow cooker, is good because you can cook it in the evening, and you can lie down in the bed without spending an hour on preparing snacks. I think now you have not run out of food, like spectacles of sirnі lasoshchi for an additional multicooker.

Hello again, dear cooks! Today we know a lot of things about the great casserole. This is a wonderland for the evening.

Yogo is easy to prepare and miraculously mastered. In addition, the grass is brown, to that in Syria there is a large number of brown microelements.

Otzhe, let's find out how to properly prepare the siren casserole at the multicooker.

I’ll figure it out first, how to prepare a casserole. You can choose a different recipe from semolina or without semolina.

Different supplements will help to improve the urinary tract. How to make a pokrokov's casserole, you can marvel at the video.

How additives are dried, frozen or fresh berries, dried apricots, chocolate and . If the grass is not licorice, then you can add greens that sir.

A dietary casserole for those who want to lose weight and surround themselves with eating at the camp of health.

Sob the grass was cooked, її it is necessary to bake it correctly.

  1. Read the instructions for the multicooker obov'yazkovo.
  2. After preparing the dish, it should be washed under the closed lid. Tse to protect the vipіchku vіd proіdannya.
  3. As we see the top of the viishov, we can decorate it with chocolate, or with jams.
  4. Pishna vipіchka viyde, like beaten eggs with a mixer. You can stir up okremo proteins.
  5. Soda can be repaid with lemon.
  6. At sirnu masu, you can put a handful of orange or lemon zest. If the grass is not licorice, you can stick a lime.
  7. If you want to add frozen berries, you need to defrost them on the cob. Sik, scho vitik, you can zastosuvat for abo sauce.

Variants of modes, which vikoristovuyutsya, lie down according to the brand of the model, for example, Redmond, Polaris or Panasonic.

The simplest recipe

It's just a zapikanka to fight with minimal zusills.

For the recipe, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 400 g syrah;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • a couple of spoonfuls of semolina and zucru;
  • a drop of salt;
  • a spoonful of vanilla zucru;
  • a little bit of olive oil.

Prepare the following like this:

  1. Sir good podrіbnіt. You can grind with a meat grinder.
  2. Add semolina, strong ta tsukor. Sumish can stand for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Spread the bowl with olive oil and pour the otriman masa into it. Check it out.
  4. Upload the multicooker to the VIP program. Hour next insert 45 quills.
  5. If the casserole is ready, let it be another 10 quills.

Child's casserole

A child's casserole is a miraculous way to swear to a child with sire, as if she were inspired by її їsti. For the help of a multicooker, you can cook a dish,.
You can add savory ingredients to the recipe for children.

The following ingredients are needed for the recipe:

  • sir - 500 gr;
  • half a bottle of tsukru;
  • a quarter of a bottle of milk;
  • 100 gr semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of butter | oil |.

Delicious vipіchka get ready like this:

  1. Olіy needs a farther rozm'yakshiti.
  2. Mix the cheese and other ingredients at the mist. Sumish may have a creamy structure.
  3. It is possible to infuse for the first time, so that the semolina swells.
  4. Coat the inner surface of the container with olive oil and lay a syrian warehouse on the beast.
  5. Whisk 45-50 quills, vikoristovuyuchi standard mode.
  6. If you succeed in baking, check 10 whips and win a top.

Smugasta zapikanka

Try zrobiti nezvychaynu vipіchku.

At the beginning, prepare the following components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 g syrah;
  • about two tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 50 g chocolate;
  • 3 spoons of sour cream;
  • a spoonful of tops;
  • half a bottle of tsukru;
  • oliya for smearing.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer, and then put zukor before them and beat them again.
  2. Sir mix with sour cream and put sumish from eggs.
  3. Pour the masa into two parts, and then add cocoa into one.
  4. Rub the dishes with oil and put a dough - a spoonful of white spoons, then cocoa.
  5. Let's check the surface.
  6. Activate the brewing mode.
  7. Chocolate needs to be melted. Tse fight for help water laznі. Take yoga with a spoonful of tops.
  8. Wiymіt zapikanka and decorate the dish.

Strava on kefir

For the preparation of syrnoy vipіchka, you can use kefir. Such a strain fights not only for berries, ale and banana, but also for rodzinki.

For the recipe, you need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of the main ingredient;
  • 160 ml of flour or a multi-glass;
  • multiglass of kefir;
  • 300 g frozen cherries;
  • multiglass tsukru;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vanillin.

It's not easy to prepare a vipіchka:

  1. Pour syrah with kefir, sip flour | boroshno | and beat all warehouses.
  2. Mix eggs well and eat with cheese. Put vanilin.
  3. Put a part of the dough in the oiled bowl. Let's put some cherries and some leftover dough.
  4. Install the program for brewing next year.

Vipіchka is obliged to stand, the docks are not cool. Before serving, the casserole can be embellished with icing powder.

Recipe from additional boroshna

You can make a casserole with borosnoy.

You need the following components:

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive;
  • 4 large spoons of borosna and zucru;
  • packaging of vanilla zucru;
  • fruits and berries.

Prepare the grass as follows:

  1. Mix eggs with zucr with a mixer attachment or with a simple fork. Let's add some vanilla zukor, sir and oliya.
  2. When you mix it up, you can stay the same weight.
  3. Boroshno slіd sipati, do not hurry up and help the mass.
  4. It is important that the sumishi did not have breasts. For whom you can add a little bit of milk.
  5. Let's add some fruit. Tse mozhe buti midnight, pineapple, apple chi banana.
  6. Anoint the surface of the container with oil and pour the syringa warehouse.
  7. Slowly follow the vipkati on the "vipkatny" mode, and after 45 minutes, turn on the "pіdіgіv" mode.

If the vipіchka is okholone - put it on a dish, decorate with tsukrovy powder, and sour cream.

Strava with watermelon

An excellent option will be a harbuzov casserole.

Axis of what you need for the recipe:

  • 400 g of the main product;
  • 200 gr of garmelon;
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina and zucru;
  • 8 g vanilla zucru;
  • 30 g of butter | oil |.

The preparation is made up of the upcoming krokiv:

  1. Garbuzhte on shmatki.
  2. Put the pieces in the multicooker bowl on the crossbar for steaming the herbs, and pour water into the bowl.
  3. Increase steam mode by 15 minutes.
  4. For the help of a blender, make mashed potatoes from the harmelon.
  5. Sir, eat with milk and mix.
  6. In the meantime, add eggs, tsukor and vanilla tsukor. Beat the trail until the mass becomes bigger.
  7. Add mashed watermelon, semolina and sir. Mix all the ingredients for an additional mixer.
  8. Sumish put at the multicooker bowl.
  9. Sweep at the "sweep" mode of the year.

Don't crack the cap for once, but check 20 whips.

Strava without semolina is borosna

Strava without semolina that borosna weed is more light and povіtryanym. If you want to grow it, you can beat the wine.

The axis of the ingredients you need to prepare:

  • 400 g syrah;
  • 7 art. tsukru;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 spoons of raisins;
  • 2 spoons of sour cream;
  • vanilla;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch and olії.

And the preparation axis:

  1. Zhovtki razdelіt іz squirrels. Let's eat squirrels with a spoonful of water and make them drunk until I'm drunk. Give zukor.
  2. Put sir, vanilla, sour cream, starch and strength before zhovtkiv.
  3. Beat the masa with a blender until it becomes creamy.
  4. Enter squirrels and rodzinki, as if they were slid forward in the sprinkling.
  5. At the stashed container of the multicooker, put the otriman masa.

After vipikannya virib it is necessary to take it from the multicooker. Strava can be served with condensed milk or with sour cream.

Recipe with berries

You can grow grass not only with blackberry, but with cherries, currants or cherries.

Prepare the following components:

  • 400 g syrah;
  • vial tsukru;
  • 1.5 bottles of blackberry;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 spoons of starch;
  • oliya for the bowl;
  • a drop of salt;
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • vanilla zukor.

Prepare it like this:

  1. Beat egg whites and add powder.
  2. Mix the zhovtki with syrup, put starch, strength and vanilla zukor. If it's too thick, you can pour in a little bit of sour cream.
  3. Z'ednati sumish іz squirrels and mix well.
  4. Wash blackberry and sort it out.
  5. Part of the yagid is mixed with dough.
  6. Place half of the dough near the bowl of the multicooker and level it. Nasipte blacksmith, scho lost. Put some extra dough on top.
  7. Top open and zap_kayte at the "dip" mode.

Ready casserole can be served with fresh blackberry and condensed milk.

Recipe with condensed milk

To prepare the strain, you need the following components:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 500 g syrah;
  • 0.5 bottles of semolina;
  • 0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • tsukor for bajannyam;
  • a bottle of kefir;
  • a teaspoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • a bottle of raisins.

Prepare the following like this:

  1. Soak the semolina in kefir and bud, the product swells up.
  2. Beat the squirrels at the kick.
  3. Sir іz fluffy, boiled with condensed milk and zhovtki razmіshat.
  4. Put semolina and rodinki.
  5. Insert whipped whites.
  6. It is necessary to put the masa into the bowl and pekti 50 hvilin.
  7. Harvesting can stand 15 quills.

Vipichka with spices

Now let's try to make a non-licorice casserole.

For whom do you need these components:

  • 300 g syrup;
  • 3 eggs;
  • sir 250 gr;
  • half a bunch of crop;
  • a tablespoon of kmin;
  • watchmaker's clove;
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • butter and breadcrumbs.

Prepare it like this:

  1. Beat whites around the pinu;
  2. Mix the zhovtki with cheese and cheese, and rub it in front.
  3. Refine the greens from the teahouse and mix with sour cream, and then with syrup.
  4. Kmin podrіbnіt i add to the dough.
  5. It is possible not to salt the dough, to that sir and so salty.
  6. Mix in beaten proteins.
  7. Spread the bowl with olive oil and sip with breadcrumbs.
  8. We need 45 quills to drink, and then we can stand up with a closed lid.

Tropical casserole

For brewing, you need the following components:

  • 0.5 bottles of borosna;
  • banana;
  • 400 g syrah;
  • 250 ml yogurt;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4-5 canned pineapple rings;
  • I harvest coconut flakes;
  • a teaspoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • a bag of zukru from vanilla;
  • strength and 0.5 flasks tsukru;
  • olії shmachok.


  1. Pour semolina and coconut shavings with yogurt. Put some pineapple syrup in.
  2. Add pineapple to puree.
  3. Mash the zhovtki with zucr, put pineapple, silt and fluff. Let's report the semolina and mix it up.
  4. Mix whites to a pinnacle consistency and mix with dough.
  5. Cut the banana into cubes.
  6. Put half of the masi in the bowl and put banana mugs. Then cover it with another ball of dough and put it in a slow cooker.
  7. Ready casserole vitrimayte for another quarter of the year.

Strava with dried apricots

To make a casserole with dried apricots, you need a wide variety of products:

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 50 gr zucru;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 30 gr semolina;
  • 50 gr dried apricots;
  • a drop of salt.

For serving, you can vicorate jam, berries and sour cream.

  1. Soak the dried apricots in hot water, so that it gets swollen. Fill with crushed cubes.
  2. Divide proteins from zhovtki and mix them from dry salt with a mixer.
  3. Pass the cheese through a sieve and eat it with zhovtki.
  4. Vmishayte semolina and tsukor.
  5. Add whites and dried apricots.
  6. In the multicooker place, place the sirn masa.

My love recipe

Tse shvidky recipe of the lower and the povitryanoy vypіchki.

For a licorice dessert, prepare the next set of products:

  • 500 g syrah;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • curdled milk.

Let's get it simple:

  1. Beat the eggs and put some details before them.
  2. Then pour in the condensed milk.
  3. Pekti is required with a stretch of 40 strands. With this, the temperature regime can become 180-200 degrees.

You can make a little bit in another way. Proteins should be cremated and put in the cold. Change the chewing gums, condensed milk and cheese.

Beat whites with a mixer and mix with a grate of masi. Let's turn the casserole over for readiness. Tse can be zrobiti for the help of a toothpick.

As soon as the grass is ready, then when it gets wet, it will become dry.

Try different recipes of the miracle casserole and your appetite! To the swedish zustrіches, friends!

A multicooker is included in the daily life of a greater number of people. Especially brown її respect zavdyaki that in it you can cook fresh and hot snacks, which you can live right after waking up without additional timchasovy vitrates for yoga cooking. The most popular recipe for a snack is sirna zapikanka. Іsnuє kіlka retseptіv prigotuvannya tsієї stravi for help multicooker.

Dietary sirna casserole in multivartsi

What is needed:

  • sprat of tablespoons of sour cream (with hot water);
  • egg;
  • trochs of zukrozaminnik or fructose;
  • 10 teaspoons of semolina;
  • zhmenyu yagid chi fruit.

How to cook:

  1. The sir is minced with the help of a fork to a uniform consistency.
  2. Peeled fruits, or they are cut into small pieces and mixed with cheese for the help of a blender.
  3. At qiu masu, semolina and pidsolodzhuvach sip, eggs are driven in, everything is mixed up to a homogeneous mass.
  4. The bowl of the multicooker is processed with olive oil, and then the sirn masa is prepared with it.
  5. The dish is brewed in the brewing mode for approximately 45 quills.

Classic zapіkanka: pokrokovy recipe

What is needed:

  • pivkilogram sir;
  • a couple of tablespoons of zukrovy pisku with hot water;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a couple of spoons of semolina;
  • trochs of salt and soda;
  • packaging of vanilla zucru.

How to cook:

  1. Eggs and tsukor are beating in front of us.
  2. Here, strength, soda, semolina and semolina boil, everything is mixed with a blender.
  3. The multi-cooker bowl is smeared with butter in the middle and sticks with a small amount of semolina.
  4. Sweat until it pours in otrimana sirna sumish.
  5. It is necessary to prepare the grass close to a year for the help of the vipican regime.

A casserole with sirah in multivartsi: minimum calories

What is needed:

  • pivkilo low-fat syrup;
  • 4 apples;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of semolina;
  • 8 teaspoons of zucru;
  • a trifle of salt.

Cooking method in multivartsi:

  1. Eggs are being driven in at the sires, tsukor is sizzling, semolina is that strong. The whole sum is resolutely mixed up to a uniform sum.
  2. Peeled from the skin and the core of the apple fruit are rubbed with the help of a large grater.
  3. Farther the siren and apple masa are moving, as if pouring into the frontally chopped olive and the bowl of the multicooker, sipaned with breadcrumbs.
  4. In order to spectate the grass, it is necessary to speed up the “vipkanya” mode. Trivality of preparation becomes 1 year.
  5. After that, when the casserole is ready, the next thing to do is to let it cool down.

Kefir casserole in Philips multicooker

What is needed:

  • pivkilo sir;
  • 200 grams of zucru-piska (less possible);
  • 4 eggs;
  • half a bottle of semolina;
  • faceted glass of kefir;
  • a sachet of vanilla zucru;
  • half a tablespoon of rozpushuvacha;
  • troch salt;
  • I harvest rodzinok without brushes or other dried fruits.

How to cook:

  1. Eggs are beaten from zucr to stumps for the help of a mixer.
  2. All the ingredients, creamy rodzinok, are poured in by hand.
  3. Sumish is brought to a uniform state, and then rodzinki sip, soaked in front in sprinkling for a couple of quills and dried for the help of a paper towel.
  4. The bowl of the multicooker “Philips” is placed next to the broken olive and the bowl of the Philips multicooker.
  5. Cooking is carried out on the function of brewing for 1 year.

Some Philips multicookers can not cope with the preparation of such a mixture in an hour, even though it is necessary to live on 20 quills.

Chocolate-Syrny Snіdanok: even a savory recipe

What is needed:

  • kilogram of syrah;
  • 6 eggs;
  • flask tsukor-pisku;
  • chocolate bar or 50 g cocoa;
  • pivsklyanki Vershkiv;
  • 5 table spoons of starch.

Yak robiti:

  1. At the deep container, sir with eggs and zukr is fluttering.
  2. For the help of a wine or a mixer, the whole mass beats to uniformity.
  3. The beaten sir is subdivided into two parts, and it is laid out at different capacities.
  4. On the right fire, chocolate is melted at the tops.
  5. Chocolate tops are added to one of the containers with syrup dough and mixed thoroughly.
  6. Starch boils up in the bowl. For chocolate - 3 tablespoons, and for white - 2.
  7. The bowl of the multicooker is turned over for the help of an inch of oil.
  8. With a spoon in the center of the bowl, white pasta is poured, black is placed from it, so follow the black, until everything is firmly leaning in the multicooker and not awakening a dark-skinned look.
  9. The grass is baked in the Vipichka mode for 1 year and 5 minutes.
  10. After the end of the next hour, the dish is put on the "pіdіgіv" mode for the third of the year.
  11. For example, preparing a casserole is infused for another 20 quills (with closed krishtsi).

Tasty casserole at the pressure cooker

What is needed:

  • pivkilo sir;
  • 5 eggs;
  • a bottle of tsukru-pisku;
  • a bottle of sour cream;
  • a bottle of semolina;
  • a bottle of yagid;
  • trochs of jam;
  • half a tablespoon of rozpushuvacha.

How to cook:

  1. The berries rush and dry out for the help of a paper towel.
  2. The eggs are cremated in the whites. The whites are whipped with a mixer until a thick stump appears.
  3. Zhovtki with syrup, sour cream, zukr, semolina and fluff are fluffed up in the surroundings. It’s better to mix everything with the help of a blender, so that you can reach a homogeneous mass.
  4. In the otrimane siren, Bilkov's pimple is shifted step by step, everything is carefully mixed with proper movements.
  5. The bowl of the pressure cooker is used for an additional oil, and then a small part of the dough is laid out from it.
  6. Berries are poured onto the whole ball, and dough is poured onto them.
  7. The valve, which is set for the withdrawal of the bet, is set to the "open" position, and the cooking program - to "rice".
  8. The country is getting ready for about pivgody.
  9. After preparing the casserole, it is more likely to stretch out the quarter of the year from the closed lid.
  10. After that, like a casserole was removed, it is smeared with jam.

Syrah casserole with dried apricots

What is needed:

  • pivkilo sir;
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sour cream;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of tsukor-pisku;
  • 1 teaspoon rozpushuvacha;
  • a couple of dried apricots.

How to cook:

  1. Semolina is mixed with sour cream and infused until it swells.
  2. Dried apricots are washed and narrated with small pieces. In order to bring the dried apricots to a soft state, it is necessary to pour sprinkles on sprats of whilin.
  3. Eggs and zukor are being beaten in the surroundings.
  4. The egg sum overflows into sir, then semolina is added there. Everything is resolutely shifting, until you feel the same look.
  5. Dried dried apricots sizzle in the air.
  6. The bowl of the multicooker is coated with olive oil and sticks to a small amount of semolina.
  7. Until it wiggles, it’s ready.
  8. Preparations are being made for 1 year of vaping regime.
  9. After the preparation, it is better to put the casserole at the closed attachment with a stretch of 15 strands.

Recipe for cheese casserole in multivartsi without eggs with dried apricots

There are a lot of people in the world, for some other reason not to live in the egg. Sometimes the situation may develop, if there is simply nothing. In this season, it is ideal to have a sirna casserole at the multicooker without eggs. Vaughn for gusto do not act classic.

To prepare you need:

  • low-fat sir - 200 gr.;
  • rice borosno - 120-140 g;
  • medium fat sour cream - 190-200 g;
  • dried apricots - 190-210 g;
  • olive oil - 18-25 g;
  • ocet - 20-25 g;
  • kharcheva soda - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking order:

  1. For a deep person, sour cream z|іz| Sirom, add | add | rice borosno and pour in olive oil.
  2. Pay off the soda with an otstom and add | add | into Sirnu Masu.
  3. Mix the ingredients well.
  4. Promise and cut dried apricots on small pieces, add them to the dough and mix again.
  5. Lubricate the inner walls of the multicooker container with oil and fill it with dough.
  6. On the attached panel, set the cooking mode, the temperature - 150 degrees, and the hour of the operation - 50 minutes.
  7. After preparing the casserole, sprinkle the powder with powder.

Taka will be to the taste of everyone. To prepare a casserole, take a soft sir, or beat the great sir with a small amount of kefir in a blender.

Delicious sirna casserole in a multivartsi with a boroshnoy

A casserole with sirah in a multivartsi is ready to finish the shvidko. And about those, how greedy is maє sir, after sillness to the yogo thermal processing, and in front of you say no varto: calcium from such syrah is more richly conquered. In this manner, the casserole from the multicooker is savory, and beautiful.


  • fresh cheese - 380-410 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • kefir - 230-250 g;
  • zukor - 245-260 g;
  • borosno - 250-260 g;
  • rozpushuvach - 11-15 p.

Cooking order:

  1. Viklasti sir at deep dishes.
  2. Add chewing eggs (whites should be folded up and put in the refrigerator).
  3. Add|Add| zukor and mix.
  4. Pour in kefir.
  5. Zm_shati borosho with a fluffy, add | add | in sir i remix.
  6. Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator and beat them into pins with a mixer.
  7. Add|Add| the squirrel pinu in the early preparation was thickly prepared and carefully mixed.
  8. Fill the capacity of the multicooker with oil and fill it with a future casserole.
  9. On the adjoining panel, set the cooking mode, the watch hour is 45 hvilin and the temperature mode is 150 degrees.

To embellish the finished casserole, you should beat the half moon, sour cream and fresh mint. Add 3-5 g of lemon zest to this recipe with vitamin C for 10-15%.

Povіtryana sirna zapіkanka in multivartsi (video)

Sirna is the most favorite casserole not only for children, but also for grown-ups. Some standard recipes for such an injury can be created. It’s time to come to the aid of other ways to prepare a sieve and coryne snack for all the homeland - casseroles, as described above.

Slid vrahuvati, whether it be fruity, berry-like, or you can replace the stuffing from dried fruits with other fruits, like you love yourself, so that the future can be made even more delicious.

Batkivshchyna zapіkanki is respected by Nіmechchina, de її was prepared in 1866 for the first time. On this day, a casserole can be eaten at all corners of the world, as in the traditional version, as well as in looking at lasagne and pudding.

The main attraction of the casserole is the value of tastes and ingredients. Yakshcho in the refrigerator was left with everything and a trio - it's time to prepare a casserole! Fallow in the form of selected products, you will become either another herb, or a blue dessert.

The basis for licorice casserole can be cheese, rice, buckwheat, semolina, wheaten plastic and pasta. Fruits, dried fruits, berries, various jams and jams, peas, chocolate and other malts for relish are added to them. It is possible to transform a savory casserole into a Christmas dessert by decorating it with icing, honey, zukrovaya powder or beaten tops.

If the casserole plays the role of another herb, then the ideal ingredients will be mushrooms, meat, potatoes and hard cheese. In addition, you can easily prepare a vegetable casserole, for example, from fresh zucchini. The best color for such a sauce will be greens and sauce, which is in harmony with the ingredients.

In the past hour, in the best way to prepare a casserole, it was important to boil in the oven, but with the appearance of such a diva of technology, like a slow cooker, everything changed. Some people think that the multicooker was created by itself for casseroles - savory floors and lower stench come out for help. Until then, a similar way of preparing food to save an hour, staining on kitchen turbos.

Photo of a baby cheese casserole at the multicooker

The fathers are constantly trying to give their children less healthy and korisnu zhu. In case of a skin child, zavzhd vimagaє malt. Sirna zapіkanka is the ideal compromise for similar vipadkіv. At the prepared panasonic multicooker.


  • 250g syrah;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3st. sour cream;
  • 2st. semolina;
  • 3st. rosemary butter;
  • 3st. tsukru;
  • Іsum.

Cooking method:

1. Skip the sir through the meat grinder, or rather, grind it with a fork;

2. Vershkov oil | oil | melt, add | add | in Sirnu Masu;

3. Beat an egg with zucr in a sour bowl, add to a charred plate;

4. Put 3 tablespoons of sour cream, resolutely pereshkoditi;

5. Add manna to the groats, leave the sprats of quills to swell;

6. Promise rodzinki and add to the sire, mix;

7. Grease the bowl of the multicooker with a piece of butter, chop the workpiece and cover it with a lid;

8. Select the "Vipіchka" mode, set the timer for 40 minutes and press "Start";

9. After preparing to spare the beast | burn | sour cream.

Tsіkave іz merezі

Potato casserole with egg at the multicooker

Photo of a potato casserole with an egg at a multicooker

The simplest and most delicious way to prepare snacks for all the motherland. A casserole to go out with a sieve and a meal, maximizing a minimum of products and going for whatever it is. Best of all, work in multivarts, in this case - redmond multivarts.


  • 8 maps;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150g hard syrah;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 30 g of butter;
  • Strength.

Cooking method:

1. Wash potatoes, peel them, cut them into circles;

2. Rub the sir on the great third;

3. Pour the milk into a deep bowl, beat the eggs and beat them;

4. Add tert sir to the potatoes, salt and mix;

5. At the bowl of the multicooker, melt the butter, put the potatoes in the middle with the syrup;

6. From above, roll the egg sum and close the lid;

7. Cook in the mode of brewing for 1 year 20 hvilin.

Photo of rice casserole for children at the multicooker

It is light and tasty, it is ideal for a childish slug. You can not only please your household with it, but serve guests like a pie before tea. At the recipe, I take the fate of the Philips multicooker, but you can beat it up any other way.


  • 300g boiled rice;
  • 1 apple;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3st. tsukru;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon;
  • 20 g of butter | oil |.

Cooking method:

1. Have a bowl of sour cream, break eggs and beat well;

2. Before them, add in front of brewing and cooling rice, sіl and 2 tablespoons of zucru;

3. Peel the apple from the skin, remove the tassels and cut into thin skewers;

4. Put the pieces of apple into a bowl, sip zucru and cinnamon with a spoon, mix;

5. Smear the capacity of the multicooker with butter and add half of the rice;

6. Spread all the apples evenly on top and cover with the other half of the rice and egg sum;

7. Turn on the program "Vipіchka" and install a timer for 50 minutes;

Photo of a fish casserole with pasta at the multicooker

Macaroni is a universal basis for casseroles. You can easily mix it with licorice and salty ingredients. Fresh salmon became a leading companion. The process of preparation itself is passed by the multicooker mulinex.


  • 300g macaroni (with a cut);
  • 300g fresh salmon;
  • 100ml fat tops;
  • 100g solid syrah;
  • Strength.

Cooking method:

1. Boil macaroni until ready, pour water;

2. Cut salmon into small pieces;

3. Put the fish on a heated frying pan, brush the trochs;

4. Fill with tops and put out 15 quills;

5. At the bowl of the multicooker, pour trochi olії, viklasti ½ pasta;

6. With another ball of viklasti, stewed salmon and cover with the other half;

7. Rub a firm sir on top (on the great third);

8. Select the “Vipіchka” mode and prepare 40 strands under the closed lid.

Photo of meat casserole with minced meat and vegetables at the multicooker

Meat casseroles in the Polaris multicooker come out even lower, and the meat itself takes all its sik. This recipe for repayment for minced chicken, even before the new one, vegetables and rice are included, which I turn into coryne and even more grass.


  • 1 kg of minced chicken;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1 bottle of rice;
  • 1 bottle of water;
  • Strength.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables, cut the cibula, pepper and tomato into cubes. Rub the carrot on the great third;

2. Brush the vegetables in a frying pan, adding a little bit of olive oil;

3. Prepare minced meat at a plate, add vegetables and rice, or an egg;

4. Salt and thoroughly mix;

5. At the multicooker, pour oliyu and viklasti all the minced meat over;

6. Select the Vipіchka mode and order 1 year for 20 minutes;

7. Anger the homeland and serve it to the table.

Now you know how to cook a casserole in a slow cooker for a recipe with a photo. Savory!

Zapіkanka - tse strava, as a matter of fact, you can be satisfied if you like savory resemblance. For whom it is enough to choose your own unique recipe. Vtim, if you didn’t cook a casserole, you need a little secret of cooking:
  • It is customary to serve the casserole hot, prote the dish, which is chilled, more savory flavors, do not hurry to carry it to the table;
  • What will be the best ingredients for a casserole, it will be better to bake it;
  • Be careful when using a multicooker - a place for a brew can be perfectly dry;
  • The filling for the casserole can be invented independently, using only one of the proponated bases: rice, pasta, potatoes, buckwheat;
  • Multicookers ideally have different omelettes, so you can boldly add similar egg sums to that casserole.

Sirna zapikanka is good because with gusto її you can experiment skilki forever. Prepare a sirna casserole in a multi-cooker, not in a warehouse of a hoary mess. In addition, many of us love the classic sirniki with syrah, you can cook like you can so very quickly and simply, like a casserole.

Sirna zapikanka in multivartsi - a classic recipe


  • Sir - 600 rubles;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Krokhmal - 50 g;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Vershkove oil - 30 g;
  • Zukor - 4 tablespoons;
  • Zukor vanilla - 1 tsp;
  • Strength - 1/3 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. For the cob, cream the squirrels from the zhovtkiv and beat the squirrels from the sill to a thick stump;
  2. Zhovtki mix with cheese and a mixer, or add a fork to the mass of uniformity;
  3. Add milk, tsukor, vanilla tsukor and starch to qiu masu and thoroughly mix;
  4. Before the dough, carefully add and mix the beaten proteins;
  5. Make the shape of the multicooker melted with butter and put sirn masa on it;
  6. The sirna casserole is prepared in a multi-cooker, as a rule, in the "Vipichka" or "Speck" mode, and sometimes the "Milk porridge" or "Pilaf" mode is cooked. Vipkati at a temperature of 160-180 degrees with a stretch of 50 strands. Savory!

Sirna zapіkanka with semolina in multivartsi - pokrokovy recipe


  • Semolina - 100 g;
  • Sir - 600 rubles;
  • Vershkove oil - 50 g;
  • Milk - 60 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Zukor - 150 rubles;
  • Zucor vanilla - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. We start from the fact that eggs are broken into a bowl and mixed with milk;
  2. Then we add vanilla and splendid tsukor and once again mix well;
  3. Now you have to add the semolina - an irreplaceable ingredient. Qiu sumish is sufficed for swelling for 30 quills;
  4. Vershkov's oil is consumed by the crumbs (to become soft);
  5. The final touch: I mixed semolina with cheese and butter;
  6. To break up the breasts, beat everything with a blender and a mixer to a homogeneous mass;
  7. We oil the multicooker with top oil and put the sirn masu in the middle;
  8. We set the “Vipіchka” mode for 60 minutes and close the lid;
  9. After the signal, add 30 minutes more. If you want to p_drum'yaniti the casserole from the sides, you can turn it over for the help of the multicooker cat before adding the hour;
  10. From i all! Sirna casserole in multivartsi with semolina is ready. Now you can enjoy the savory that brown zhey;
  11. You can serve a casserole with jam or sour cream. Savory!

Smachna sirna zapikanka without borosna that semolina - recipe


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sir - 250 rubles;
  • Vershkove oil - 50 g;
  • Tops - 100 g;
  • Vanilin - pinch;
  • Zukor - 50 rubles

Cooking method:

  1. Crack the eggs into an okrem bowl and vodokremiti zhovtki vіd blіkіv;
  2. In a different way, sir, tops (abo milk, as if the sir is too dry), zhovki and zukor. Beat everything to a homogeneous mass with a blender. Sumish can make sour cream for its consistency;
  3. Beat the okremo whites until the kick is set and pour it step by step into the main mass;
  4. Prepare the bowl of the multicooker in an appropriate manner, put it in it quietly, as it happened;
  5. Put the program "Zapіkannya". An hour is 40 hours. Savory!

Sirna zapikanka in a multivartsi for children


The shards of a child are guilty of eating properly, then a casserole is also necessary for the її zagalnoy rozvitku. Casseroles can be prepared for children, who already needed 1 river. Until the 2nd year of the month, it is recommended to prepare only for an additional bet, and after the 2nd year of the year, you can place the odds in the oven or in the multi-cooker. Shards are such a strain, you can cook them both for a meal, and for a supper.

In addition, Syria has organic acids and minerals (calcium, magnesium and phosphorus). The zapikanka z sira is more beautiful and for healthy hair and nails. And yet such a fear to rob the teeth of the strongest, to ensure the normal work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and to help reduce the pressure (for a low dietary fat and calories).

The original recipe for short rozpovit, how to prepare a sirn casserole especially for children using the kindergarten method.

  • Sir - 200 rubles;
  • Semolina - 100 g;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Rodzinki - 1 tablespoon;
  • Milk - 80 ml;
  • Zukor - 150 rubles;
  • Vershkove oil - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Like a sir with great shmatochki, you can make yoga with an additional sieve;
  2. Add chicken eggs, a piece of butter, vanilla and tsukor-pisok to the same masa syrah. Mix everything relatively. For whom you can use a mixer;
  3. Have sumish nasipati semolina;
  4. Take care of your right stretching 30 hvilin, and the whole mass will be open. For this hour, the manna groats swell, and the pie gets bigger;
  5. Coat the middle of the multicooker with oil, so that the sides of the casserole do not look too oily, the walls of the bowl can be covered with breadcrumbs;
  6. Quietly put into the dishes, turn on the “Vipіchka” mode, set the timer for 60 minutes;
  7. After that, like a signal, cool the pie, and then beat it. On top of yoga, you can decorate with berries or pour sour cream. Savory!

A casserole with cheese at a multicooker without eggs


Behind the bajans, you can make a sirna casserole in a multi-cooker and without eggs.

  • Boroshno - 50 g;
  • Sir - 400 rubles;
  • Zukor - 80 rubles;
  • Soda - 5 rubles;
  • Vanilin - 4 rubles;
  • Kefir - for relish.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to transform breasts of cheese into a homogeneous mass. For which, speed up with a blender. If there are no kitchen appliances, you can take a special sieve. Do not forget to add some vanilla to the harvest;
  2. If it’s worth it, then it’s borosno that tsukor. Pour some kefir, so that it becomes soft and savory. All zealously zmіshayte;
  3. Pour masa into the prepared multicooker form for baking;
  4. In the menu mode, select the “Vipichka” item and set the timer for 40 minutes;
  5. Ready cake can be embellished in any way to your liking: condensed milk, jam, berries or fruits. Savory!

Sirna zapіkanka with bananas or apples in multivartsi - even a savory recipe


The next recipe is reportedly rozpovіst, how to make a sirn casserole with bananas or apples in a multicooker.

  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Banana or apple - 3 pcs.;
  • Sir - 700 rubles;
  • Sour cream - 100 rubles;
  • Semolina - 1 kg;
  • Zukor - 100 rubles;
  • Vanilin - 5 rubles;
  • Vershkov oil and breadcrumbs - for oiling.

Cooking method:

  1. Sire, chicken eggs, vanilla, semolina and sour cream put in one bowl and mix for an additional wine. To speed up the cooking process, use a mixer. Lose the sum for 30 credits;
  2. Bananas or apples are peeled and shredded with small pieces. Add them to the dough and mix;
  3. Refine a bowl of smart kitchen appliances with breadcrumbs and olive oil;
  4. Put some banana dough with her. Sob masa lay down evenly, level it with a tablespoon;
  5. Turn on the "Vipichka" mode. The middle hour of preparation is 1 year 20 hours. One hour to lie down, in addition, the skilki sire you added to the dough;
  6. Draw a chilled casserole for shmatochki, add | add | up to it slices of lemon or pour over sour cream. Savory!

Sirna zapіkanka with syroma and greens at multivartsi


  • Sir (fat content 9%) - 400 rubles;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sir Russian - 200 rubles;
  • Manka - 60;
  • Fresh greens (parsley, krip) - 100 g;
  • Rozpushuvach - 1 tsp;
  • Chasnik - 1 clove;
  • Thyme - for relish;
  • Zukor - for relish;
  • Strength for taste.

Cooking method:

  1. So that the sir, having become more poitryany that lower, you need to wipe the sieve. Otherwise, just beat it with a blender, as if there is no bazhannya with a rap, it’s time to mess around;
  2. On the third rub "Russian" sir;
  3. Vіdokremiti zhovtki yaєts vіd blіkіv;
  4. Rinse the greens in front of the chasnik, finely chop;
  5. Add a head of zhovtka to the sir, and then add manna groats, tsukor, rozpushuvach, sil, syr, chasnik, greens and thyme. Kindly mix the ingredients;
  6. Beat the whites in an okrem utensil, bazhan ceramic or glass, and carefully introduce the masa into the sirn, which came out;
  7. Cover the bottom of the bowl of the multicooker with vershkov or olive oil, lay down the otrimane sirn masu and set it up for 65 min. Vipіchka mode. Then turn on "Pidigriv" for 50 chills. After the sound signal of the multicooker, without opening the lid, let it stand for another 10 minutes;
  8. I’m ready to finish the casserole and put it on a side dish, decorate the green crop, and, if necessary, cut on portioned shmatki. You can serve with sour cream. That original sirna appetizer is savory. Savory!

How to prepare a siren casserole in a slow cooker?


  • Sir - 500 rubles;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Zukor - 3 tablespoons;
  • Semolina - 1 bottle;
  • Milk - 1 bottle;
  • Rodzinki (dried fruits) - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vershkove oil - 50 g;
  • Strength - 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Roztopіt vershkov oil | oil | and fill in the form for vaping;
  2. Pour the semolina with warm milk and fill it with 10 quills;
  3. Vіdokremte zhovtki vіd blіkіv;
  4. Beat whites from sill;
  5. Relatively mix the cheese with zukr and zhovtka;
  6. Add whites, semolina and rodzinki to the masu;
  7. Control time, mix until uniform and shape;
  8. You need to drink such a casserole in the mode of brewing, or for 170 degrees for a long time, and after giving it, cool down without a hitch in a multi-cooker. Savory!
