Aggression presentation of psychology. Aggression and aggression

Aggression presentation of psychology. Aggression and aggression

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The word "aggression" resembles the Latin "agressio", which means "attack", "attack". Aggression is the goal of directing the physical and psychological mischief of another person. Aggressiveness is the building of a bad habit for other people.

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Verbal - it is expressed in verbal form: threaten, image, speak directly about the manifestation of negative emotions and the possibility of imposing moral and material evil on the enemy. Expressive - manifested by non-verbal ways: gestures, facial expressions, intonation and voice. In such vipadkah, a person robs a menacing grimace, waving his fist or shaking his finger at the opponent's beak, vocally waving profanity. Physical - directly zastosuvannya forces for the task of moral and physical harm to the enemy.

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They attack other children, call them names, pick up and break objects, live rudely, in one word, become a “thunderstorm” for the whole child collective. Aggressive child often feels underprivileged, not needed by anyone. Vіn shukaє ways to bring respect to grown-ups and one-liners. Aggressive children often suspect that they are wary, love to shift the blame for welding on others.

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Boys Aggression is rude, wilted, less kerovan Aggression is attached, viborcha, straightened

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Zіtknennya z aggressivnіstyu batkіv vyklіkaє podiv, razgublenіstyu. Ring out, what's the deal with dads? The stench is punishing the child.

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Having shown zhorstokostі and disobedience - zavzhd vyavnіst psihіchnykh vіdhilen. Often the child simply does not know how to behave properly. One-time sleepovers can develop into a mental disorder, if the child is "infected" by the aggressiveness of the fathers.

Slide 9

2. If a child is alive in an atmosphere of hostility to yoga, dislike for the new, it is formed in the presence of a fortune-telling of the world. Show zhorstokostі in children vіkom pochinayutsya іz zaєmin іz grown up.

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pragnennya to bring to oneself the respect of one-liners pragnennya to take away the pragmatic result of pragnennya be the head defender and pomsta bazhannya to infringe on the dignity of the other with the method of substantiating one’s prestige

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Psychologist's recommendations: 1. Remove threats and physical punishment. 2. Watch out for kids playing. 3. Discuss with the child about which character of the book or cartoon you want to be similar to. 4. Like a child rozpіdaє svіy dream, listen, that scho vі vіdnі vіn chіt those whom he does not see in life.

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7. In the face of anger, do not call the child in any way - we will copy your behavior and words between people and creatures. 8. Do not fix respect for aggression. 5. Invite the children to tell those who complain about what they worry about. Let the child talk about your feelings, about those that are appropriate, and that are not. 6. Enter in your lexicon virazi "I am formed", "I am angry", "I am embarrassed" and enter tsі words into the child's active vocabulary stock.

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9. Fence and voice promotion are ineffective ways. 10. Accept the child like this. Unique notions of innumerable notations, more often give an example of humane behavior, build respect on such butts in life, books, films.

Description of the presentation with four slides:

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Aggression - in lat. “Attack” - an individual collective behavior, action, directed at the head of the physical, psychological shkodi, shkodi, or on the downtrodden of other people or groups of people

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Officials, scho to spriyatnyu aggressivnosti pridlіtkіv Pogreshennya social minds of life of children. The Crisis of Family Vihovannia. Disrespect for the school before the neuro-psychic I will become a child. Greater part of the pathological slopes, which deprive the child of the brain of a child. Get mass information, cinema and the video industry that regularly propagate the cult of violence. Endocrine vibes, mind-bending crisis, which aggravates the growth of aggressiveness. A negative impact to the micro-society, in which there is a child.

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Criteria of aggressiveness in young schoolchildren often lose control over themselves; often overlap and weld with otochyuchy; they are encouraged to take care of the old ones; can navmisno viklikaty in others a little bit of aggression that rozdratuvannya; they sacked others at their pardons and failures (they can expel their anger and in lifeless speeches); often feel a little bit of aggression, anger and zazdroshchiv; do not forget about the image without paying; distrustful and drastically.

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Criteria of aggressiveness among schoolchildren of the Middle Ages and young people often threaten other people (with words, gestures, glances); periodically act as initiators of beats (they can win objects that hurt); they don’t understand, they show bitterness towards people and creatures, they can hurt them more painfully (in a word, physically); unrecognizable in order to achieve their goals (for example, they can zastosovuvat like a steal, using special speeches of a hoaxer); do not call the thought of the fathers, their fences and fences (right up to the leak from the house); may have difficulties with the students and their teachers, they are in conflict with skipping classes.

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Description of the slide:

Physical aggression (attack) - victories of physical strength against another individual. Indirect aggression - go, like manivtsy directed at your person (tiles, evil heat), so no vibuhi is directed at anyone (screaming, blunting your feet, hitting your fists on the table, grumbling the door that way). Verbal aggression - viraz negative feelings like through a form (scream, heather, welding), and through a set of verbal responses (threats, curses, likes). Shilnist to razdratuvannya - readiness to show with the least excitement, sharpness, rudeness. Form aggressive reactions

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Description of the slide:

Negativism is an oppositional manner of behavior, sounding straight against the authority of chiker. You can grow from a passive support to an active struggle against the laws and freedoms. Three forms of fortune-telling reactions are assigned: Images - zazdrіst and hatred to the point of sharpness, mindfulness to the senses of bitterness, anger of the whole world for the actions of manifesting suffering. Suspicion is the lack of confidence and the guarding of hundreds of people, based on reconciliation, which makes us feel like the head of shkodi.

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Description of the slide:

Emergency insertion in case of aggressive developments. Calmly staging at times of insignificant aggression. Accentuvannya respect for vchinkah (behavior), and not special. Control over powerful negative emotions. Reduced stress situation. Sorry talk. Protecting the positive reputation of the child. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior.

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Rules for interfacing a teacher with an aggressive child: do not fix the respect of everyone on the child’s negligent behavior and do not fall into an aggressive camp yourself; the behavior of a grown-up is the most adequate - for the sake of condemning the aggression of a child, but without harsh punishments in times of guilt; swear, first for everything, explain the reason for the aggression calmly, tactfully, put it down; give the child the opportunity to overcome aggression, exploding emotions through games and relaxation training; try once again to greet the child, showing what you value, what you need;

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Behavior of mature non-reflexive hearing; a pause that allows the child to calm down; inducing calmness with non-verbal means; clarification of the situation for the help of the necessary food; vikoristannya humor; knowledge of children.

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Rules for strangling aggressive behavior, developed for children: it is necessary to take a deep breath once in a while, as if angered; do not give free rein to the hands, the docks do not properly hit up to 10; think about what you will do next, show the traces of your behavior; give your own obityanka not to enter into a conflict; evening pіdbivati ​​pіdbіvati podbags of the past day: praise yourself, as if the day passed calmly; to penalize yourself for the skin seeing the mood and behavior; carry out zagartovannya organism, vmivatsya with cold water; exercise the will

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Recommendations for streaming growing aggression Try to direct anger towards compromise. Start up to 10, 20… Start 10-12 deep breaths and see… Do some mini-gymnastics. Walk, as far as possible, here and there according to the pace, which is dictated by the inner camp. Tear the indecent papier (and even better, write on the new one in front: “I hate Vovka!”, “I can’t stand the bitch Light.” Such a papier can simply be torn.)

What is aggression? Aggression - whether it be a form of behavior, aimed at the image of a child of a shkodi and a living life, as it does not cause such a beast. Aggression is the birthplace of that indescribable power of a human being. Aggression is an inner strength that gives people the ability to resist the outer forces.

Indirect aggression Direct aggression is direct, like manivtsy directed at one’s person (tiles, evil fires), so it’s not directed at anyone, violent vibuhi (stomping with feet, hitting the table with fists) is directed directly at the object , stasis of physical strength)

Instrumental aggression is seen as a achievement of the result (athlete, who reaches the result, the child speaks loudly like a mother, so she bought a toy) Tsіlova (motivational) aggression

What is aggressiveness? As soon as aggression is accepted as okremі dії, vchinki, then aggressiveness - if the power stand is special, manifests itself in readiness to aggression, and inspires shyness to accept behavior differently.

Signs of aggressiveness Emotionally-evaluated: do not understand that experience of other people; do not understand that experience of other people; that the impromptu rose in feelings and experiences, they cannot name them; that the impromptu rose in feelings and experiences, they cannot name them; supermundanely suspected, for the whole hour to clear up physical and moral evil, strike, look like a human being, a one-year-old chi; supermundanely suspected, for the whole hour to clear up physical and moral evil, strike, look like a human being, a one-year-old chi; consider yourself unhappy, self-reliant at the fortune-teller of the world; its centric; consider yourself unhappy, self-reliant at the fortune-teller of the world; its centric; may have extreme self-esteem (either “I am the best”, or “I am the best of all”), inadequately assess their behavior; may have extreme self-esteem (either “I am the best”, or “I am the best of all”), inadequately assess their behavior; in all their pardons and inaccuracies, they ring out otochyuchy, and the powerful aggressive ones are respected by the lawful, immushenimi chi zahisnimi. in all their pardons and inaccuracies, they ring out otochyuchy, and the powerful aggressive ones are respected by the lawful, immushenimi chi zahisnimi.

Behaviors: easily lose control over themselves; easily lose control of oneself; show physical aggression (zabіylivі) and verbal (threat, rudeness, like); show physical aggression (zabіylivі) and verbal (threat, rudeness, like); demonstrating fierce fury (shouting, squealing, blunting their feet, rolling on the underside, bubbling and breaking objects); demonstrating fierce fury (shouting, squealing, blunting their feet, rolling on the underside, bubbling and breaking objects); drastic, flamboyant, angry, stubborn, zazdrіsnі, razlivі, pіdozrilі, vindictive; drastic, flamboyant, angry, stubborn, zazdrіsnі, razlivі, pіdozrilі, vindictive; they are criticized by the “oppositional” manner of behavior, directed against that other authority; vіdrіznyayutsya "opposite" manner of behavior, straightened against the other authority (teacher, teacher-leader); (Vchitelі, uchnya-leader); create conflict situations, create conflict situations, provoke welding. Physical: suffer from headaches, m'yazovu strain; suffer from headaches, m'yazovu strain; frown, weepy mood. frown, weepy mood.

For the sake of interfacing with an aggressive child 1. Quietly setting up in case of minor aggression. completely ignoring the reaction of a child is an even more powerful way of inflicting careless behavior; completely ignoring the reaction of a child is an even more powerful way of inflicting careless behavior; viraz rozuminnya pochuttіv ditini viraz rozumіnnya pochuttіv ditini ("It's amazing, you're covered..."); remembrance of respect, the proposition of some kind of task ("Help me, be kind, get some dishes from the upper police, even more for me"); remembrance of respect, the proposition of some kind of task ("Help me, be kind, get some dishes from the upper police, even more for me"); positive sign of behavior positive sign of behavior ("You're angry at the one who got tired of you"). ("You're angry at the one who got tired of you").

2. Emphasis on respect for the features (behavior), and not special features. statement of fact ("you behave aggressively"); statement of fact ("you behave aggressively"); stating nutrition ("Are you mad?"); stating nutrition ("Are you mad?"); revealing the motives of aggressive behavior ("Do you want to show me?", "Do you want to show strength?"); revealing the motives of aggressive behavior ("Do you want to show me?", "Do you want to show strength?"); revealing one’s own feelings about a careless behavior (“I don’t fit if I speak in such a tone”, “I get angry if you want to shout loudly at me”); revealing one’s own feelings about a careless behavior (“I don’t fit if I speak in such a tone”, “I get angry if you want to shout loudly at me”); an appeal to the rules ("We have been dominating you!"). an appeal to the rules ("We have been dominating you!").

3. Control over your negative emotions. If a person has grown up with her negative emotions, then she does not support the aggressive behavior of a child, takes good things from her and demonstrates, as if she needs to interact with an aggressive person.

5. Preserving the positive reputation of the child publicly minimize the fault of the child (“You don’t feel respectful to yourself”, “You don’t want to show it”), but in conversation, show the truth; publicly minimize the fault of the child (“You don’t feel important to yourself”, “You don’t want to show it”), but in a conversation, show the truth; do not require a new order, allow the child to viconate your power in your own way; do not require a new order, allow the child to viconate your power in your own way; solicit children's compromises, negotiate with mutual deeds. solicit children's compromises, negotiate with mutual deeds.

6. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive pause behavior that allows the child to calm down; a pause that allows the child to calm down; inducing calmness with non-verbal means; inducing calmness with non-verbal means; clarification of the situation for the help of the necessary food; clarification of the situation for the help of the necessary food; vikoristannya humor; vikoristannya humor; knowledge of children. knowledge of children.

7. The advance of aggressive children is by no means a sign of wanting a child for being aggressive; there is no trace of wanting a child for showing aggression; in the case of the necessary moods, such a child will be calmed down by the time of isolation with a short explanation of the cause; in the case of the necessary moods, such a child will be calmed down by the time of isolation with a short explanation of the cause; if a child is ready before the hit (bite, etc.), then it’s better to quickly zupinity yogo and sharply ahead of yogo It’s impossible!. if a child is ready before the hit (bite, etc.), then it’s better to quickly zupinity yogo and sharply ahead of yogo It’s impossible!.

8. Reason for a child after aggressive behavior: send an adequate form of punishment after a clear explanation of your fault; give an adequate form of punishment after a clear explanation of your fault; shukati out of the reorientation of yoga energy from the socially correct channel; shukati out of the reorientation of yoga energy from the socially correct channel; trace of memory: parts of early memory are ineffective, and absence of memory; even more psuє; come up with new ideas come up with new ideas come up with new ideas for children and new vidi vіdnosin (gra, self-service toshcho.).

9. Teaching children techniques and methods of controlling anger. Development of control over destructive emotions. Breast and tear papers. Breast and tear papers. Beat the pillow or punching bag. Beat the pillow or punching bag. Stomp your feet. Stomp your feet. Write on paper all the words that you want to say, crumple that paper. Write on paper all the words that you want to say, crumple that paper. Rub the plasticine on the cardboard and paper. Rub the plasticine on the cardboard and paper. Fuck up to the tenth. Fuck up to the tenth. The most constructive - sports games, big. The most constructive - sports games, big.

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Captions before slides:

AGGRESSION SEE. FORMI. REASONS. Sklala: Teacher-psychologist of the DKU SO "TsP DOPR "Suzir'ya" (correction)" Ruslana Viktorivna Busel

American psychologists A. Bass and A. Darkey saw five types of aggression:

Verbally aggressive reactions A. Bass divided into three types: - vіdkidannya - verbal aggressive reaction like “go get out”, “get in” thinly; - soothsayers respect for the kshtalt “your presence is fighting me”, “I don’t blame you” just; -criticism, faults can be straightened out not directly against special features, but against objects, clothes, worn robots, etc.

Aggression takes on the most manipulative forms. Behind the formal characteristics of psychology, there are such forms of aggressive action: negative - positive (destructive - constructive); obvious and latent (calls of aggression are feared - aggression is attached); verbal - physical (verbal attack - physical attack); direct - indirect (without direct straightening of the object - displacement of other objects); soothsaying - instrumental (with the method of spoofing shkodi / hurting other people - with other goals); his-syntones (accepted by specialness) - his-distones (strangers for the "I", judged by the very specialness).

The most obvious, obvious manifestations of aggressiveness are: - dashing, - rising tone and loudness of voice, - affectation (groaning, showing negative emotions), - primus, - negative assessment, - images, - threats, floppy, hit), -zastosuvannya zbroї. Attached forms of aggressiveness are manifested in - hilarious in contacts, - indifference with the method of mischief comus, - zapodіyannі shkodi sobі that self-destruction.

Aggression can be directed: at alienated people (at doctors, teachers, same-minded people); only on close people (without showing aggression, I’ll posture myself, for example, on my grandmother); on creatures (birds, intestines, lumps); on oneself (one’s own body or specialty, for example, at the form of vismication of hair, pulling off the shkir, biting nails, vіdmovi vіd їzhі); on known physical objects (for example, in the form of the appearance of an unnatural, ruining of objects, succumbing to my own thinly); on symbols and fantasies (in the form of serial aggressive little ones, collections of weapons, computer games of aggressive bullying).

The aggressiveness of a particular individual can be differentiated: 1. Behind the stage of special radiation: situational aggressive reactions (in the form of a short-line reaction, a specific situation); aggressive state (in the structure of post-traumatic disorder on aphids stress, age-old crisis, maladaptation); 2. Behind the level of activity: passive aggressiveness (in the form of inactivity or in the form of inactivity); aggressiveness is active (in the form of ruinivnyh chi rapists). 3. For efficiency: constructive aggressive behavior (which allows adaptation, success and success with stressful situations); destructiveness of aggressiveness (which is responsible for the most obvious battles of the self-speciality, or for the alienated people). 4. For the manifestation of psychopathological warehouse: normal aggressive stance; aggressiveness at the boundaries of pathological reactions; aggressiveness at the borders of special discords (for example, narcissistic or near-cordon discord of an individual); aggressiveness within the framework of mental illness and psychopathological syndromes: explosive, psychoorganic, dementia, day-to-day disorder of the mind and other.

They see the main officials who inject the formation of aggressive behavior: a) the style of waving (hyper - and hypoopic); b) show aggression in sіm'ї; c) ubiquitous demonstration of scenes of violence; d) unstable social and economic situation; e) individual characteristics of a person (reduced dovіlnіst, low level of active galvanization then); e) social and cultural status of the school.

It is possible, with great pomp, to admit that the most important thing in the development of aggression is the child's midst of that vihovannia. The role played by the nature of emotions, the praise of the form of behavior, the breadth of what is permitted, the typical reaction, and the chi chi іnshі vchinki i vplivu. Even though significant close children behave aggressively (verbally, physically), stop physically punishing the manifestation of aggression in the child, often show negativism in the presence of the child, then singly in the child, and in the future and in the mature person, the manifestation will become characteristic.

For warm words, a gift is not needed; Grant them to the clerk in the cold, To the morning of the evening and in the offence! DYAKUEMO FOR RESPECT!

one. . Aggression and aggressive behavior.1. . Aggression and more aggressive
- more destructive
behavior, what a super talk
norms and rules of conduct
people in the household, what is the manager
I will attack the objects.

Translated from Latin "aggression"
means "attack".
In this hour, the term "aggression"
Vikoristovuєtsya even widely.
This phenomenon is explained by:
1. negative emotions (for example,
2. negative motives (for example,
pragnennyam nashkoditi)
3. negative attitudes (for example,
racial advances) and
ruinous deeds.

The method of aggression can be:
zapodіyannya suffering (shkodi)
victims (the soothsayer of aggression)
vikoristannya aggression as a way
within reach
(Instrumental aggression).

Aggression is directed towards:
foreign objects (people and objects)
yourself (tіlo chi speciality).
Negatively put to yourself, yak reached
commonly referred to as autoaggression.
Special care for the welfare
representing aggression, directed at
other people.

Aggressive special behavior

Aggression (from lat. "Attack") -
destructive behavior
norms and rules of human behavior
Suspіlstі, scho zavdaє shkodi objects attack
(physical and psychological)
Auto-aggression - a negative attitude towards oneself,
that has reached the extreme level. Tse
self-voicing from the worldless perebіlshennyam
blame yourself, very negative self-esteem,
thoughts about self-destruction and suicidal
Suicid - (self-destruction) acknowledgment of relief
human life

The essence of constructive aggression

Invisible dynamic characteristic
special features that show life
people's interests
Sign of adaptability, specialty, ability
survival and security
Necessary socially acceptable quality
Vidsutnіst aggressiveness cause up to
compliance, capacity, comfort,
passivity of behavior.
Aggressive reactions are often situational
rationally-choosing straightening.

The essence of destructive aggression

Carry in yourself the potential for ruin,
divination, malice, zhorstokostі
Head of school (physical,
psychological) to other people
Encroachment on the rights and freedoms of others
of people
Self-denying for the sake of another
Fear for one's life, security, zazdrіst,
Satisfied sip to zhorstokostі

Theories of aggression

Theory of pulls
2. Frustrated
3. Theory of social

Zhittєvo important needs special features

The need for self-actualization
The need for love, turbo otochyuchih,
The need for belonging to the group
Need for psychological security
Physiological needs (lower)

Forms of aggression

1.Physical aggression - vikoristannya
physical strength against another individual
2. Verbal aggression - viraz
negative feelings like through the form (scream, heather
ta ін), so і through smіst verbal
reactions (threat, curse, like, etc.)
3. Indirect aggression
A) the manivtsem is directed at another person
(tiles, evil fires, sarcasm etc.)
B) not directed at anyone (stupid feet,
beating with fists on the table ta in.)

Forms of aggression

4. Flexibility to razdratuvannya - readiness for
least wake up to show
ardor, rudeness
5. Negativism is an oppositional form
behavior (in the form of a passive support to
active fight)
6. Suspicion - mistrust that
respect for people,
founded on a reconciliation, which is reassuring
Mayut Namir Zapodiyati Skoda

The development of aggressiveness in a child and a child

Zahisna aggression: turns, showdowns
Destructive aggression: coils,
Demonstrative aggression: coils,

Situational change of mind and aggressiveness

Presence and assessment of other people
Namirnist aggression (emotional
reaction to planned violence)
Restraining aggression (cathartic effect
or navchannya)
Bazhannya vіdplati (aggression as an act
pay for the aggressive behavior of another)

Most significant manifestations
aggressions are respected:
Negative evaluation;
Threaten chi zastosuvannya physical strength.
Attached forms of aggression are manifested in:
uniqueness of contacts;
idleness with a method of mischief to someone;
zapodіyanny shkodi sobі that samogustvі.

Internal representations of aggression can
For example, a person can blame an idea
violence against kimos, vin can be dealt with
less false in their fantasies, otherwise
vіdchuvati strong affect.

Aggressive pulling can be shown through
various aggressive affects, such, yak (in
order of strength of intensity and depth):

One of the most intensive and folding
aggressive effects, without a doubt, speaking out
By the most important method of a people, suffocated
For singing minds, that hatred
bajannya pomsti can be inadequate
look up. How stinks become stable
characterological setting, you can
talk about the reach of equal psychopathology

2. Wash away the formation of the individual's aggressive behavior.

Appearing aggressive behavior
take the fate of many factors, such as:
individual features;
Sound physical and social minds.
Virishalnuyu role in the formation of aggressive
special behavior, more thought
the last days of this meal, grє її
without middle social otochennya.

aggressive behavior in
rich in what they stand for centuries
the characteristics of the person.
Leather age stage may
specific situation development
hang up
individuals. Adaptation to age
we can often be accompanied
different manifestations
aggressive behavior.

At an early age, children demonstrate
yakscho often, loudly and powerfully cry;
like they have a daily laugh;
yakscho stinks do not make contact.
Adapting to the vimog of a childish garden,
babies can:
And why do you think that
called, "without parsing" - impulsively,
uninformed and openly.

Young schoolchildren often have more aggression
manifests itself by extension to the weak
("defeating sacrifice") learn from the form
gluzuvannya, vice, likes, beats.
Y yogo
staleness in the form of a group of one-liners on the background
catastrophe to the authority of grown-ups. In this
being aggressive often means
"Greetings chi buti strong."

In older people, show aggressive
rіznomanіtnіshі behaviors, oskіlki
signify more importantly їх
individual features.
Yak individually-special
characteristics that potentiate aggressive
behavior, start looking at it like this, like:
Fear of suspіlny unpraised,
Skhilnіst vіdchuvati somіst zamіst blame.

You can talk about a special category of extremist people, as they show aggression or
even more often, or in extreme forms.
Extremist, have your call, clearly
divided into two groups:
1. with a decrease in self-control (scaling to
constant manifestation of aggression);
2. promotion of self-control (construction
for a long time to succumb to the strong
provocations, ale show extreme forms

On becoming aggressive behavior of a child
add different family factors:
Low rіven zurtovannostі sіm'ї;
Lack of closeness between the fathers
Unfriendly girls among children;
Inadequate family style.

For example, fathers, yakі zastosovuyut vkrai
suvori punishment, scho vikoristovuyut nadmirniy
control (hyper care) either, navpaki, not
controlling the employment of their children
(hypopic), often stick to aggression
disobedience of their children.
So is the thought that it is not
negative impact on a child
aggression of the father to the mother (physical
violence is clearly moral humiliation).

3. Aggression and delinquent behavior.

Aggressive behavior that reaches equal
breaking laws, we may be ahead of you
nasledkom inherited (like srazki
for succession can speak
relatives, one-year-olds, other significant
I specialize in the role of aggressive supporter
behavior is a delinquent subculture.
Asocial group, gang, place of relief
free to shape st_yke aggressively

In other ways, it is not aggressive
behavior can be neurotic
mad (as if it were motivated by a strong
trivogoy and unacknowledged feelings of guilt).
Shilnist to illegal actions
also beware of antisocial
straightness of an individual, for which
more than a warning to other people
є life style.

Okremu (unnumbered)
to form a group of law enforcement officers
so are your psychotic illnesses,
sickly camp yakih
be accompanied by mismatches
unmotivated vibes
aggression (which rarely happens due to
steadfast anti-community

Become a particular type of aggressiveness
serial calls may not be motivated
contrary to diy.
The stench is destroying the character of the evil ruination
and sadistic zhorstokostі, blame raptovo
unsuitable for distant and close people.
This form of aggression is not obvious
biological and economic reasons
becoming a real problem of peoples.

Aggressive pidlіki, yakі destroy
law that they do not trust the restless,
unique situations, in which they can
opine in emotional stagnation.
Stink mensh benevolently put up
same-year-olds, often shy away from sex and
aggression, practically do not blame
for aggressive behavior.
Prote in minds zhorstko
regulated sound control
(visnovok) stench is often felt
comfortable, hour more, lower on

In this rank, aggressiveness and
delinquency are clearly visible
Aggressive antisocial behavior
calling the stance negatively
suspіlstva and є serious bar'єrom
between specialties and lonely її

Concluding the topic, follow the support,
aggression present in the most addictive
forms of reasoning.
All the main behaviors that you follow
specialty - delinquent, fallow that
suicidal, - crazy, you can
see how the behavior is ruinous
for his own sutta, which is only considered by form
that directness of aggressive diy calls to the middle.