Proverbs associated with food. Proverbs about proper nutrition

Proverbs associated with food. Proverbs about proper nutrition

For each person, especially for children, the power mode is the basis for health promotion. Food It must be diverse and sufficiently saturated with the "construction" materials - proteins, which are contained in such products as meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, etc. However, for the young organism, with its inexhaustible energy, a lot of "fuel" material - carbohydrates and Fats that are contained: the first - in sugar, bread, fruits and vegetables, and the second - in the creamy and vegetable oil. "Vita" is life, so it is difficult to overestimate the value of vitamins for a person. It is useful Black currant in all kinds or decoction and infusion of rosehip, fresh vegetables and fruits, greens: parsley, dill, onions that can be grown round year even at home. But the most important thing in nutrition is its regularity, because it is the main principle of the power mode.

At all times of food, important attention was paid. The Russian people did not think of life without bread, water and salt. Proverbs say about the benefits of honey and bow "from seven ailments." About food They say so: "What are the food and drinking, such and live." But everything is good in moderation: "Where are the peers and teas, there and the Nemes." The most famous proverbs and sayings about food and proper nutrition You will find on this page.

Proverbs about food


The fed believes the stars in the sky, and Hungry thinks about bread.
Bread on the table - both the table of the throne, bread not a piece, and the throne board.

Lost dinner, if there is no bread.

My bread is referred.

Bread to trample - hungry to the people.
From one flour bread not bake.
Without salt, without bread loud conversation.
Without salt, without bread half lunch.

Bread - everything head.
Without bread, you will not be fed.
From one flour bread will not bake.
Not bread is alone.
Bread in man - warrior.
Our urgent bread: Although black, yes delicious.

Without salt, without bread - half lunch.
Without a salt of tasteless, and without bread is irrelevant.
Salt drinks, on bread sleeps.
How much do you think, and you will not think better bread-salt.
Bread Yes Salt - and dinner went.

You can smack out of mind, but without bread you will not live.
Without bread, everything comes.
Without bread and honey, you will not be fed.
There would be bread, and porridge will be.
Hungry kuma all bread on the mind.
About bread and mouse are found.
They give a loaf, they will give Deltsa.
Bread behind the belly does not go.


Without salt, the curve table.
Good salt, and put in - the mouth turns.
Without salt, that without will: life will not live.
Without salt and bread do not eat.


Bread will scatter, water is under.
Bread Yes, water is a younger food.
As long as there is bread Yes, the water is not all trouble.
Bread - Batyushko, water - Mother.
Water will wash, scrambled bread.
Everything carries mouth where water is clean.
Drink water, water will not embarrass the mind.
Own, just turn.
As long as there is bread yes water - everything is not trouble.
Clean water for king trouble.
Bread will scream, water is pushed
Hot water does not dare the mind.
Water cooking - water and will be.
What trouble, if water is drinking.


He drank vodka yes I had passed the CHAGE.
Vodka does not treat, but cripples.
Vodka spoils everything except dishes.


Fish is not bread, you will not be fed.
From one Berry will not be fed.

You are bouquet, go to the bath, soda hello and drink kvass.
The patient and honey is not delicious, but healthy and stone eats.
Cow oil, eat on health!
Lacu a guest to honey, yes drinking water.
At the bear nine songs, and everything about honey.
There was no magician ROS in the mouth.
Who has a naked, the whole year is sweet.
Who has a naked and maslice - that festory.
Without cabbage and hubs are not dense.

Crupina is chasing a bangin.

Simply, without bows, on the peasant hand.
With honey and swallow.
With butter, yes with sour cream babushkin eat.
With oil and a lamb meager will seem.
With butter, yes, with sour cream mushrooms, there is good.
Potato bread coats.
Butter porridge will not spoil.
We and the repka of the apple seems.
Cucumber is not a tenant in the stomach.


Where are the peirs of tea, there and the Neutle.
Tit, look to jog! - Pubjuno hurts. - Tit, drink Kisel! - Where is my big spoon?
Where soup, here are us.
Yes, porridge - our food.
No porridge - teeth do not need.
Do not spoil porridge oil.
Kissel teeth does not spoil.
Where are the pancakes, there and we, where with the oil porridge, there and place our place.
Sour cream dumplings will not spoil.
I drink a seagull - forget melancholy.
We do not miss tea, we drink three cups.
Spruce, pine - the same firewood; Pancakes, pancakes - the same food.

Singily oatmeal like a gingerbread.
The first pancake, and that room, and the second with the oil, and the third with kvass.
And Kalachi come.
Basya Sweet, yes, the mahotka is small.
Good bump, yes small cup.
At someone else's loaf, the mouth do not spoil, but get up early and get it yourself.
Eat pies, and take care of bread.
I don't want raw, I don't want to stand fried, I can't stand it.
Do not break a loaf, but you eat a knife.
Without pancake - not a carnival, without a cake - not a name day.

Kisha is a thick, but a bowl is empty.
White soup, no porridge is a maiden dinner.
He welded babe grandfather jelly to dinner.
The baked-boiled is not a few century, they sat down yes - and that's it.
Rye bread Calach grandfather.
Yes, porridge - our food.
Without cabbage and hubs are not dense.
Wisdom in sch), all power in the cabbage.

Fish chalk, yes, sweet ear. Option: Fish Chalk, yes Sweet Ear.
And the bony Yershi - yes ear with the hesh, where is good.
One broth, eating and again with a role.
Kulesh, Kulesh! My heart is comfortable.
Tea drink - not firewood chop.
Butter porridge will not spoil.
And good dishes come off.


On an empty stomach and the song will not go.

Hunger - not aunt, Kalachik will not lay.
Hunger is not your brother.
Will be hungry, eat cold.
Napo, foam, and then ask.
Hunger is the best seasoning.

Proverbs about food and proper nutrition

What are the food and drinking, such and live.
The belly is stronger and the heart is easier.
Solovna bass do not feed.
Everything needs lunch and dinner.
It does not matter that bad food, and trouble when it is not.
What to put in the boiler, then you will endure.
Street Krasnaya houses, and the table - cakes.
No better share than to eat insert.

Who does not smoke and does not drink, that health takes.
Health is close: look for him in a bowl.
Appetite from the patient runs, and it rolls to healthy.
Hold your head in the cold, belly in hunger, and the feet in warmth - you will live a hundred years on Earth.
The more you get up, the longer you will live.
Clean - pledge of health.
Healthy everything is great.
Onions seven agers treats. Onions from seven ailment.
Fuck and radish, bow yes no cabbage - do not pop up.
You eat in a prompt, drink in spiny (do not drink to half a penny), live a century to full.
Where are the peirs of tea, there and the Neutle.
After lunch, the restraint, after dinner, go like!
Hold your head in the cold, stomach in hunger, and feet warm!
Sick - trees, and healthy - beware.
Healthy in food, yes Heel in labor.
Healthy person any food tasty.
Healthy sleep is better than good lunch.
Heart start to cherish when you lose it.
Health comes in days, and takes hours.
You will be healthy, everyone will add.
That the mouth got used, it is useful.

At the table, sit - what to visit paradise.
Appetite comes with eating.
When I eat, I'm deaf and it.
You won't felt long speeches.

In the work "Oh", and eats for three.
Who boots, he lives.
Sweet drinking - happily live.
And good kushan comes.
The more you eat, the more I want.

Singily oatmeal like a gingerbread.
Bread Yes Water - Healthy food.
Who as he chews, he lives.
What they give, then eat.
She dolked to unhealthy.
A tight slice is rather in the rotch.

We will work up to sweat, so eat in hunt.
You are not entering the eyelids.
Not the Justice and Bloch will not jump.
Do not feed me what I do not eat!
There is a lot - not a great honor, not great to become - and not the people sleep.
What are the food and drink, such and live.
The man does not live without food: while you eat, then you live.
The mill is strong with water, and man is a meal.
You don't really eat - you will be wolf.
What we eat, then the collar flows.
Ate a piece with a bird sock.
So eats, a little language does not swallow.
Not the Justice is easier, but the people are stronger.

The lip is not a fool, the language is not a blade, knows that bitterly, that is sweet.
The fed believes the stars in the sky, and Hungry thinks about bread.
What a food, such and walking.
Bread edge - and under the Christmas tree Paradise, and bread not a piece, and in a Tosca plate.
When the bread is the edge, and under the fir tree.
Cow on the courtyard - Harch on the table.
What is in the furnace, all on the table of swords.
Do not refuse salts from bread.
When I eat, I'm deaf and it.
Today you eat, and leave tomorrow.
Sun on ate, and we still did not eat.
There is - do not give birth, you can easily.
Good little, sweet is not full.

On three, they prepared - and the fourth swell.
I did not eat - I could not, but it was poisoned - without legs.
Eat - not a pin, take a spoon, you eat a little.
There is no empty stomach and the song.
Everything is useful that the mouth climbed.
Hunger is the best seasoning.
Wisdom in sch), all power in the cabbage.
She washed - like a fur coat.
Water will wash, scrambled bread.

In such sayings, a great meaning is hiding, which is able to teach a person and child to important things.

Proverbs about food collected a lot of meanings that personify the attitude of a person to work, to other people, his behavior in society.

Talk about food Interpretation of sayings
No matter how teeth and soul would be won. If it were not for bad qualities, a person would be good (perfect).
As a bear's paws, you will not wear. In despair, you need an action.
How the trouble comes, will not go to mind and food. When a person has a problem, he is least thinking about everyday details. All his thoughts are concentrated in practice.
Like a piece of a piece, so she crushed the rotof. As the benefit has appeared, and I wanted a pearly.
What is the bread, such and the case. As a person belongs to others, so they will relate to him.
What is the food, such is and move (and vice versa). The life of a person is as he provided himself.
What is the ps of Kormla, this is (his) and fishing. How do you laid out, such a return.
Caraseva Ushitsa - Living Room Food. Do not bother guests, treat everyone that is and they will answer you kindness.
Cook lives the fusion of the prince. He who is close to work, that smarter and Masterovite.
Do not spoil porridge oil. Good word will not earn a bad reputation. You can also say about the "good matter" or "good man."
Kiselu and Fold - Dolia Food. Literal interpretation: "You don't need a lot for life."
Sweet, sweet, Solono, Presno: Bullshish, fall, jumped, you want again. Offending others, wait for you to offend you.
Skinny belly brings. Man with bad skills and skills.
The cow in the mouth of milk (i.e. for feed). Born in a nice family will be a good man.
Dinner is not needed, there would be lunch. Every business must be done on time.
Bread yes water, peasant food. Simplicity. The ability to appreciate simple things.
Holopa da Belukho do not remember good. Do good fools - in vain spending time.
Good fun hussley, and no nuts stand. The saying describes in vain efforts and work of a person who disappears in vain and does not get gratitude.
Good soup, yes without croup. The proverb literally suggests that a person is something or someone lacks.
Though bit, yes. This saying describes a person who is happy after a great job or diligent work, then received a reward or payment.
Though on the water, if only in a pan. This saying literally tells a person that even if he has a very little bit of wealth, money, good or friends - he has something else and therefore should not fall in spirit.
Though the feature zovi, and bread feed. These words should be perceived as hard work.
Stren radish is not sweeter. In this case, the meaning of the saying is very simple: something is the same or something very similar.
Luckily, the bone is not taken. Do something without pleasure.
Garlic seven illnesses exerted. A man himself can cope with his difficulties only if he wants.
What is in the furnace, all on the table of swords. The saying teaches a person not to greed and always be generous.
What you bother, then you will live. What kind of person a person will put in the case, he will be such a reward.
The pot is big. Little man with big talents, abilities, good skills.
Saying about food Interpretation of sayings
Appetite comes with eating. The desire to do something may not arise before work, but when you already begin it.
Without a spoon and good meals will become evil. This saying is associated with good, which is not enough for a person and without him he becomes evil.
Without dinner sleep - doggle. Exact interpretation: poverty, bad position, bad luck.
Without bread not live. If a person is not enough, he will not be able to exist, he will survive.
Belukho - Ducho: I'm not wondering if you say, but feed). Words can not mean anything and any word should be proved by the case.
Belukho and silently there is asking. Obvious things are not hidden.
Belubo is not a hussley not wanting. If you do nothing and do not work, you can hardly achieve something in life.
Belo not a bag, you do not sing in the reserve. You should work a lot throughout life to rejoice at the results.
Beluto old friendship does not remember. A person remembers good deeds, not words.
Belo that Mountain: how to keep up before the court? Accurate interpretation: a very self-confident person (sometimes not justified).
Belly that judge; And silent (and silently), yes asks. The saying warns a person that he can be tormented by an inner feeling and conscience, if he is wrong.
We will not be caught in goodness. Idleness person benefits will not bring.
In the belly space: that no day, then rash and lei. Accurate explanation: emptiness, poverty, laptop, hunger.
Mare sighs, and grain grabbing. Even with reluctance, a person must force himself to work.
When I eat, I'm deaf and it. When hard work should be focused only in their business and not distracted.
Cut horse crash. The situation when a person did not meet his promises by efforts.
Krasnaya road rides, and lunch - eaters. The saying teaches a person to make any time on time.
Crupinka is chased with a baton. Only that person, as the proverb says, will be successful, which every case will be performed on time.
Grochty work, eat - bother. For any work, a person will receive a reward.
Who is not forgotten by God, he is fed. If a person is alienated from society. He loses communication skills. If a person strives to be with people, he always has friends and their help.
Who eats soon, he works alone. Its promises and words should be justified by the case.
Who loves to save money, and who is abandoned to raise. Humanity is divided into two types: workers and lazy.
Who is full, God is not forgotten. The saying says that a person who works and good to everyone will definitely be successful in life.
Onions seven agers treats. Labor saves a person from any problem.
It is better to drink water in joy than honey in a clever. It is much better than that thankfulness that was obtained for your own work than enjoying other people's merits.
Cow oil eat on health. Using healthy food. Or, as a wish: "I wish you good."
Mother of Rye feeds all the fools completely, and wheat for choice. The one who has not studied and did not work, he gets food, and the one who works hard, enjoys gifts.
Bear one paw sucks, yes all winter is fed. A lot of work can "feed" a person for a very long time or "good deal" is famous for a person.
The mill is strong with water, and man is food. Each work requires its fee.
Prayer quashers do not knead. In a word, it is not solved.
Create prayer, and flour in the square of putting. In addition to the word, help the case.
Soup head. The man's desire to be happy - leads all his affairs.
Yes, porridge - our food. The exact interpretation of the saying: "Simply", "Prostak", "live just".
Put cabbage of the coming, and the salt is tasty. No matter how cool, and a person needs good so that he felt happy.
Rich - in the feast, poor - into the world (in the world). The man who earned his status labor is worthy happy life. And the one who is lazy may not count on a sudden luck.
In the feast ride - Kind feed. Nothing man is just like that, for everything you need to pay, thank or help.
In someone else's piriness. All that is not extrasted by an honest way cannot bring a man happiness.
Grief grief is not a feast feast. It's more difficult to work than to be lazy.

I called the wolf goats on the feast, and do not go for the hotels.

I called the wolf goat on the feast, but the goat does not go.

I don't want to help a bad person.

Questions regarding the preservation and promotion of public health are currently particularly relevant. This is due to a variety of factors that negatively affect human health, including school-age children.

It is from what we eat directly depends on our state, so it is so important to use in a healthy diet, explaining the importance of the right diet with their help.

Healthy nutrition - the key to successful study

Another Hippocrat said that "if the father of the disease is unknown, then the mother is always nutrition." Because of the crazy rhythm of modern life, many parents have no time to prepare full-fledged food for their children, so those are forced to use low-quality semi-finished products. But for beautiful external view, excellent mood, dynamic development is important from the earliest childhood to control the nutrition of kids, observing the correct day of the day. A little mature, children should take a healthy lifestyle into habit, and teachers and proverbs about the rules of healthy nutrition will help them.

and proverbs

Russian proverbs about healthy diet say that healthy food is much more important than expensive interior items: "Not Red Help Corners, but red she is cakes."

There are also such sayings that explain what food should be: "Sing Yes Poros is our food."

Modern scientists have proven that if, in the process of food, a person is distracted by extraneous thoughts, the processes of digestion are broken, resulting in various diseases. That is why, since childhood, we know such an expression: "When I eat, I'm deaf and it." Not once, grandparents lay their "speaking" grandchildren by expression: "Speak less, eat more."

It is with food that children and adults receive the main nutrients (amino acids, fats, carbohydrates), which are necessary for the work of all internal organs. So that children learned well, they did not get tired of school, they need to eat rightly and in a timely manner. Here is an example of the proverb about the rules of healthy nutrition for grade 3: "Eat your destiny, then do to the sweat."

Proverbs about fucking

Of course, our ancestors have always been to bread. He was considered a separate dish, an invaluable product, and therefore numerous proverbs about the rules of healthy food are connected with him. "Bread around the head", "Water - Mother, and Bread - Batyushka," our ancestors said. The bread contains fats, carbohydrates, proteins, numerous vitamins and minerals in which a person needs. He emphasizes the special significance of bread with whole grains: "Eat pies, and the bread forward saids." Proverbs about healthy dietary also speak about the need for diversity in the diet: "No bread is alive with bread." In addition, in the proverb there is a point that it is not enough for a person to eat, important for normal life and spiritual component.

Informativeness of sayings and proverbs about healthy diet

Proverbs and sayings about healthy eating remind that the food must be moderate. Overeating, as you know, leads to serious health problems and problems. They also knew our ancestors, no wonder there are a lot of wise sayings dedicated to this topic: "Eat, yes no girress, then you will be healthy."

Proverbs about healthy diet are presented in oral folk creativity very widely. They contain the information they and what products need to eat daily to eat to protect themselves from diseases and misfortunes: "Onions from seven ailment", "Onions and garlic - native brothers", "Onions treats from seven ailments, and garlic is all ailments It originates.

No wonder the proverbs about the rules of life, healthy nutrition constitute a valuable part of the richest treasury of folk art - folklore. They contain information that were carefully gathered for people over the centuries. This storeroom knowledge has absorbed the laws of the biosphere, the Mirozdanya, the noosphere, society, the folk wisdom accompanies us from early childhood to a deep old age. Often the proverbs about healthy diet "pop up" in our head in difficult life situations help to find the right decision to cope with the problem. It is for this reason in many educational programs Time is assigned to study this genre of oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings about the rules of healthy nutrition, in fact, are guidelines for the conservation and return of health.

The meaning of sayings and proverbs to educate the younger generation

The Russian folklore promotes the formation of cultural schoolchildren, the valuables system in which health has been occupied by the last place. Remember the expression "in a healthy body - a healthy mind"? This is not just words. Both parents, and teachers, and teachers try to instill in children a culture of behavior at the table and nutrition, and often as an example are the taught folk sayings. The teacher does not just pick up for its wards of proverbs about healthy diet, but also expands ideas about the significance of food intake, methods of protecting the body from negative external factors.

Of course, the role of the genre of CNT in the upbringing of the younger generation is not limited to this. A variety of proverbs about healthy diet are developing creative and informative ski abilities. Programs of such content introduced on the younger and middle levels of school learning contribute to self-development of the guys, which is relevant due to the introduction of new federal educational standards. The teacher, using proverbs about the rules of healthy nutrition of our region, forms personal qualities, develops in the guys a sense of patriotism, pride in the native city (village). The memorization of the winged expressions contributes to the development of memory, attention, the formation of the motivational, emotional, volitional spheres of the personality.

Means required to implement a healthy nutrition program

For proverbs about the rules of healthy nutrition of our region helped the teacher in their work, he will need modern pedagogical technologies: information Technology, Design and research activities, role-playing games. Among the main forms of work that are needed to implement their tasks, we will highlight tests, thematic conversations, quizzes, role-playing games.

What should learning schoolchildren about healthy diet

Various proverbs about healthy nutrition for children are aimed at acquaintance of pupils with hygiene, food culture, fruit storage rules and vegetables, groups of vitamins, their importance for humans. In addition, the teacher informs schoolchildren about the types food additives, the effects of them on human health. Guys, having become acquainted with sayings and must learn to navigate in the assortment of products that currently exists. Schoolchildren learn to choose useful food independently, in practice, applying theoretical knowledge.

Proverbs about health in elementary school

Folk sayings and proverbs about healthy diet (grade 3) help to form junior schoolchildren The idea of \u200b\u200bthe following concepts: rational food, fats, carbohydrates, chemical additives, vitamins, proteins, digestion process, allergies, poisonous mushrooms and plants, anorexia, biologically active additives, post. At the same time, mastered certain knowledge and familiarized with some samples of Russian folklore, the guys must comply with the rules and norms of behavior at the table.

To assess the degree of assimilation of junior schoolchildren of the main components of the program healthy nutrition, the teacher gives its ward specific tasks. The guys under the guidance of the teacher perform the research work written. The report on the work done, which includes the collected proverbs about healthy diet, 3-graders can arrange in the form of an album, wall newspaper, booklet, abstract. Not bad if parents will help them.

The program "Healthy nutrition of the younger generation"

This program is designed for students of junior classes. Proverbs about the rules of healthy diet for grade 3 helps the teacher to transfer information about the food culture by their ward, develop sociocultural skills. The main direction of this program is the use of proverbs for the formation of the presentation of the food culture, the growing sense of the skills of a healthy lifestyle. Guys not only recognize interesting Facts About the products and their influence on the human body, but also attract adult health foods, transmit interesting information to their parents. The program provides for the time to discuss the sayings, their playfulness, explanation of the meaning.

Options for creative projects related to proverbs and sayings

The topics of work depends on which folk sayings were chosen by schoolchildren for their projects. For example, such a proverb, like "bread to dinner in the measure of Take, Bread Jewelry is to take place," it can be the basis for the work "Culture of behavior at the dining table".

The saying "While I eat, I will be deaf and it" will become the basis for studying the following nature: "Culinary traditions in my family". Studying sayings and proverbs about the importance of such a product as bread, schoolchildren can create a collective creative project "Miracle of Earth - Wheat Bread."

Within the framework of a special program aimed at forming a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle from schoolchildren, we offer examples of classes.

First lesson. The teacher introduces the guys with the importance of food for people's lives. The basis of the lesson can be taken by the following proverb: "What is food and drinking - this will be and live." The task that the teacher puts in this lesson is as follows: explain to the children the need to strengthen health, permanent control over it.

Second lesson. The guys will learn about the fact that food is science, get acquainted with the culture of food, the concept of modern nutrition. The teacher uses the next Russian proverb to occupation: "Belo - not a bag, you do not miss it." At the end of the lesson, a role-playing game is carried out, during which the guys must choose the right products, make their own menu.

The third lesson is devoted to beauty and nutrition. To bring importance to schoolchildren right choice Products, interconnection of a menu with mental development, growth, skin condition, the teacher uses the proverb: "There is a lot - is small." Among the forms that are suitable for this lesson, you can allocate such: collective workTest tasks, role-playing game. The guys will learn about medical fasting, church post, diet, obesity, anorexia. The main goal that the teacher puts is, to protect schoolchildren from starvation, overeating.

Fourth lesson is devoted to the "magic pyramid". Together with the mentor, schoolchildren "line up" the pyramid of the necessary organism of products. The choice of useful ingredients they have to do at the end of the lesson are based on acquired knowledge. Finding out that food should be rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, at each stage of the pyramid guys place certain products: vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and dairy products, cereals, sweets. The teacher acts as a mentor, helps to solve emerging problems, but most part of the work of schoolchildren make themselves. The motto classes is the Russian proverb: "Wherever sit down, so sitting, it would be what to eat."

The fifth occupation implies an explanation of the meaning of the proverb: "Not all in the stomach, what around lives." The teacher tells children that there are such products that are dangerous to human health. Schoolchildren learn about the negative effects of alcohol and nicotine onto a children's body. In addition, in an affordable form, the teacher reveals the concept of chemical additives, preservatives, taste amplifiers, stabilizers.

In the next lesson, you can talk about calories of nutrition, metabolism, physiological norms of human needs in energy and dietary fibers. Together with the teacher, schoolchildren should clarify the meaning of the proverbs: "I found a bull, I don't know how to be."

The following 2-3 lessons dedicate "golden power rules". To explain the meaning of the proverb "The mouth hurts, and Belubo is the magnitude" is considered optimal with the mentor the guys distribute products for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. To secure the knowledge gained, a role-playing game is held. Its participants offer the menu, motivate their choice based on theoretical knowledge. It is impossible to leave without attention and the issue associated with nutritional hygiene. The proverb "How the trouble will come, will not go to mind and food" the teacher explains the need proper care For dishes, heat treatment of vegetables and fruits before use.

To bring the meaning of the proverb, to the younger schoolchildren, the meaning of the proverb "Owl, so I began to know shame, you can organize role-playing game, attract parents. During the competition between the team of children and adults, the best connoisseur of the rules of behavior at the table is determined.


Numerous proverbs and sayings, transmitted from generation to generation, confirm the importance of proper and high-quality food in the lives of people. In order not to suffer from food allergies, do not poison poisonous plants and mushrooms, not getting sick due to poor food, knowledge of the "food culture" is needed. The formation of such skills in the younger generation is the main task of teachers, parents. If children know the old sayings and proverbs, including the right nutrition, will be able to explain their meaning, they will retain the cultural heritage of their land, their country will grow by real patriots. And, of course, healthy people.

From a long time, people tried to take care of their health, and knew almost all about the benefits of proper nutrition. However, despite the fact that every generation for the basis of a healthy nutrition made their changes, but the main principles lived to this day. Proverbs about proper nutritiontransmitted from generation to generation and were a kind of benefit that learned how to live and what to eat to preserve and strength. A prime confirmation may be the statement of Socrates "you need to eat to live, and not live to eat." I would like to note that all the utterances and floorboards were composed on the basis of their own observations. By eating certain products, people saw the result of their impact on the body, therefore, new statements appeared such as: "Drish garlic and onions - will not take a parable" or "onions seven ailment treats." Having made a certain conclusion, people began to read such products like garlic and onions.

Our grandparents had a special attitude to bread, so many proverbs about healthy diet were dedicated to this particular product. It is enough to recall such statements as: "Water Mother, and Bread Batyushka." Bread from ancient years by right was considered an invaluable product, because it contains such useful elements necessary for the body as: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins.

If you delve into the meaning of the Russian saying "Not all in the mouth that the eye sees" it becomes clear that even our ancestors came to food with the mind. Only so food became the basis of the source of excellent well-being, worshipers and good health.

Folk proverbs about porridge

Probably it is difficult to find a person who would not know about the benefits of porridge. Better breakfast than light oatmeal just not to find. People who prefer porridge know many recipes for their cooking - it can be buckwheat cutlets, corn cookies, rice meters and much more. Our ancestors also considered cashie useful and incredibly tasty, so there are many sayings dedicated to this particular product. "Good porridge, yes Mala Bowl", "Our mother is a buckwheat porridge." And this is not all the statements that are devoted to this invaluable product.

There are also many sayings that pay special attention to the power regime: « To shorten dinner - to lengthen life, "" No need for dinner kefir. "

Informativeness sayings

There are also some proverbs about healthy food, in which they say that food eating should be moderate. After all, our ancestors have noticed that the overeating can cause serious health problems, in confirmation I would like to bring such a people's statement. "Eat yes no girress, then you will be healthy." It is surprising that in these proverbs everything is very accurately noticed about the right and healthy nutrition, which is why they lived to this day and, of course, will definitely be transmitted to the following generations.

Also, many sayings were invented by our ancestors, about the food culture. We all know all of your childhood, "when I eat, I am deaf and it". So in childhood, many children told their grandmothers. However, modern scientists have been proven, the negative impact of foreign factors on the digestion process.

If all the people's sayings are placed in one book, it will be a real storehouse of delivel councils and recommendations on proper and healthy nutrition. Judging by all the people's sayings, we can conclude: Proper nutrition is a pledge, good health, youth and longevity.


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