Roses hooked circuit and description. Beautiful bulk roses crochet

Roses hooked circuit and description. Beautiful bulk roses crochet

If desired, you can associate anything, from accessories to warm clothes. What about decorations for clothes? After all, clothes decorated in this way looks interesting, attractive and unique. So what can you decorate it? Here is one of the options - rose. Knitting this flower with crochet - the process is fast and easy, familiar with the scheme, even a beginner can be associated.

A beautiful knitted rose can be used as a decoration for hats, caps, dressings, scarf, brooch, hairpins and even just for the decor of the room. And you can make this pot with flowers:

Here is a scheme of knitting this flower:

For work you will need:

  • Cotton yarn (25 g / 130 m) orange, red, cream and bright pink colors;
  • Hook number 1;
  • Artificial stems.

Crochet Knitting: Work Description

To tie a pestle, you need to tie a chain of 6 air loops (VP) and connect to the connecting ring (SP). Each new row needs to begin 3 VP, and complete the joint venture in the first VP.

1: 9 columns without Nakid (SB / H).

2: In each loop, it is formed by 2 columns with Nakud (SS / H).

Crochet roses may seem difficult, but trying once, you will understand that it's easy.

For petals № 1 Knit in the eighteenth pistil fifth loop:

1: Knit 2 ss / n in each 3 loop. There should be 24 ss / n.

2 and 3: knit according to Scheme 1, Rapport repeat 4 times.

For petals number 2 Knit in the eighteenth loop of the fourth row of Pistil:

1: 2 SS / N into one loop of the base, 2 ss / n into one loop of the base, 1 ss / n, knit until 30 ss / n will be obtained. Then tie three rows according to Scheme 2, Rapport repeat 5 times.

For petals number 3 Knit in the eighteenth loop of the third row of Pestika:

1: Tie into each loop of 2 ss / n, it should be 36 ss / n. Next, knit 4 rows of 3 scheme, rapport repeat 6 times.

For petals No. 2 to knit in the eighteenth loop of the second row of the pestle, shifting the first petal to the right on three loops so that the petals of this series are between the petals No. 3.

1: Tie into each loop of 2 ss / n, it should be 36 ss / n. Next, 6 rows of 4 scheme, rapport repeat 6 times.

Tie two flowers of each color. Cut the petals up and starch. Secure them on the stems.

Crochet can be associated not only roses, but also other, unusually beautiful flowers. To connect them, you just need to carefully consider the scheme and follow it.

Knitting schemes are presented below:

Clearly following the selected scheme, the flower will definitely work out. You can try to tie without a scheme, manifesting fantasy, and maybe you will have a new, extraordinary and unique flower. Well, if it does not work, it is not necessary to knit according to the scheme or yourself, you can watch a video lesson who will accurately help link the flower.

Video on the topic

Greetings! See which luxury roses You can link in crochet! Separately rose petals fit, and fold on the internal bud, petal petal. For a long time I was looking for schemes and a video lesson to knit this rose. The fact is that they are posted in the blogs of Chinese masters. I had to look for pictures in Google, even translate the word "Rose" to Chinese.

As a result, he knitted several roses and shall with the description with you, which herself was in the process of knitting.


Note from 09/24/2015

I want to show a rose associated with a support on the schemes and descriptions from this case, the master of Lena-Lenochka from the social network "Odnoklassniki". I liked it so much that I immediately asked permission to publish the photo in this article. What a beautiful name is "Autumn Kiss", as a masterfully connected flower, so perfectly photographed. And what are the leaves which are luxurious, bravo!

So, catch the idea of \u200b\u200bLena, how to achieve an excellent form of leaves in such roses. For what, thank you very much!

The story of my acquaintance with these roses

For the first time, these roses met me in Odnoklassniki. Immediately wanted to associate such chic roses, especially since the schemes were attached. But, I was glad early)) I had to experience yarn experienced by experienced by yourself, the hook. And most importantly, it is necessary for what each diagram needs.

Especially incomprehensible turned out to be two similar schemes. Oval balls are obtained, apparently for internal bud. Tried to insert one in another (for what two?). Then, they decided to do not use one speaker at all, the second is enough.

Tied the petals, began to think how to sew them. In the edges, it will not be possible, because They are superimposed by one to another. We decided to sew right through the middle, grabbing the central bud.

Moved, loved, it seems not bad. But, it would be necessary to add a chashelistic. We looked on the Internet, how they look at living roses. It turns out that most often leaves hang from bud.

I estimate that a small circle should be associated on the same scheme, and from it - three leafs. I tried - managed! Rose has gained a more finished look.

But, doubts remained - whether everything is done right? Before sharing with others, I decided to search for more information. Ieroglyphs are visible in the pictures with a rose. Translated in the online translator the phrase "Roses Crochet" into Chinese. Inserted into the search engine and ... got a whole list of links. Most of them were outsuning, but, in one place, video lessons were discovered - how to knit such roses.

Then, I looked through the pictures in Google, and found these schemes. If I understand correctly, they are laid out in diaries, by analogy with our, Russian LiveInternet (LIRA).

Description of crochet roses

My first rose rose was connected - exactly according to the schemes. For knitting used:

  • yarn Pekhorka "Successful" (220m / 50 Gy) and Belarusian reducing agent p / sh, in two threads (for a chasoletic);
  • hook number 2.


SP - connective p.,
BTB - a column without Nakida,
SSN - Art. with Nakud,
PSSs - a semi-solitary with Nakid,
2nd SSN - in one loop to plunge 2 tbsp. With Nakid.

We begin to knit from an internal oval ball-booth. Dial a chain of 6 VP, closer in the ring.

1R: Tie 6 Stbn into the ring.
2p: in each fail-to-2 n SSN (i.e., in one loop, two semi-solids with nakidami) \u003d 12P. Finish the joint venture in the first loop.
3r: VP, * STBN, 2PSN * repeat * * to the end \u003d 18p.
4-9 PP: * 3 P SSN * Repeat until the end of the row \u003d 18p.

Fill the ball hollofiber.

10P: Close, reducing knitting through one loop.

The basis for roses is ready, go to the petals.

1 petal - the smallest. Knit in the amount of 3 pieces.

Dial a chain of 6 VP.

1p: 6 with BN in the ring.
2p: in each loop on 2rd Stbn \u003d 12P.
3r: * with BN, 2nd Stbn * - repeat * * \u003d 18P.
4P: * 2C BN, 2nd Stbn * ... \u003d 24P.
5p: * 3 with BN, 2nd Stbn * ... \u003d 30p.

The sixth row, the final, knits otherwise, be careful.

6p: 4 with BN, 5 PSSN, 5ss, doubless, doubles, 5 SSN, 5 PSS, 4 with BN \u003d 32 p.

2 petals - more (also three things).

Before the fifth row, knit the same way as a small petal knitted.
6P: * 4 with BN, 2-H VB * ... \u003d 36P.
7R: * 5 with BN, 2-H VB * ... \u003d 42P.

The eighth of the petal ends. Please note now in the tops of the petals will be searched.

8R (Correct): 3 with BN, 7 PSS, 6SSN, two dual SDSN, 2VP, two WDVEN-X STSN, 6SSN, 7 PSN, 6 with BN.

Five large petals

The beginning of knitting is repeated, as in the previous petal, to the seventh row, i.e. up to 42-loops. Farther in this way:

8R: * 6 ST BN, 2nd fail * ... \u003d 48p.
9p: * 7st BN, 2nd fail * - three times \u003d 54p.

10p: 8 ST BN, 38 PSS, 8 failures.
11R: 8 ST BN, 19 doubled PS CH, 2VP, 19 Udv-x PS CH, 8 STBN.

With petals figured out, you can collect and move to the cup. To assemble the flower together, ingested in the needle a thread, take a bud in the hands. Apply to it in another petal and sew.

Cup with three leaf

Knit on the same principle like petals. But, in the chain of 4 loops, and not six. We will connect nine rows, until the amount of looping reaches 36. Cup is ready, then knit three leaves in turn.

Sheets knit not circular, but turning rows. We divide the number of loops on "3". It turns out that for each leaf type 12 p.

The first leaf is from the same place where the cup is finished knit:

Then, tie two more sheets similarly to the first and sew a cup of the bud. Lovely rose rose-related, ready!

But I have a white rose

You can slightly plotting, tie them in different colors - now what only roses will not see. Not only classic colors - red, pink, white, but blue, blue, yellow, black, etc.

So, boldly experiment in your pleasure! For those who find it difficult, I propose a paid detailed description By knitting a small rose, in two colors.

Sorry, the description is no longer for sale.

  • Description in PDF format (reading requires a special program that downloads free from the Internet).
  • You can pay for: on the Sberbank Card of the Russian Federation, on WebMoney Wallet (WebMoney) or Yandex-Wallet.
  • In the description of 30 pages.

Those who want to write in the comments, your email. Mail is visible to me, I will answer for 24 hours (all different time zones are different, therefore, therefore I do not promise an instant answer).

A big request, if something is unclear in the description, discuss here, in the comments. In private messages, your question can get into the folder with spam and get lost. When I find out your questions there, I feel embarrassed, answering with a big delay. And here I am always in touch.


Those who knit for children will come in handy a free case for knitting a crochet of a tender child dresses ". It is in three parts: how to knit a coquette with beautiful sleeves and an interesting transition to the skirt; how to tie a skirt dresses with extension; And about the sewing of the attachment to the dress.

I wish you a pleasant creativity!

Sincerely, Saul Vagapova


For decorating products handmade Many craftswomen use roses crochet. Schemes of such jewelry Many of them are invented independently. The novice needlewomen has to look for simple options with which they would easily cope.

Varieties of roses

Before you carefully consider knitting roses with a crochet with the schemes, you will understand how they happen. The simplest - ordinary flat flowers, which often serve as the basis for round or square motifs. These products are often used as applications or elements of Irish lace.

Large popular roses with multiple layers of petals are much more popular. The first time to figure out how to knit them is not easy. But, having mastered the main principles, you can begin to improvise and create your "varieties" of these colors.

More roses are used as patterns. This is most characteristic of the fillet knitting. This technique is the most space in order to recreate complex and detailed drawings. Knitting a scheme and a description of which are in the collections of many craftsmen, you can master in a couple of hours.

Snow-white bulk rose

Based on the simplest flower, you can eliminate a beautiful volumetric decorative part. It consists of several layers.

The first stage of work - knit a simple flower. Self-tight ring knit from 2 columns without Nakid. In the second row we make 6 arches from air loops. Their number can be arbitrary, but do not do more than 5 to not stretch the flower strongly.

On the arches form the petals themselves from and without. Approximate scheme: 1 column without a Caida, 2 with 1 Nakud, 1 with 1 nakid, 1 without a Nakid. As you notice, the petal is performed symmetrically. You can experiment yourself with the number of columns and nakidov. But the more you put them on one arch, the volume will be the petal itself. This initial rose will succeed in the following steps.

When the first row of petals is ready, we do not break the thread, and from the wrong side, we make another 6 arches from air loops so that they reached about the middle of the front row. The petals form on the same principle, but we make the columns a little more, because the number of air loops has increased. In this way, up to 5 tiers can be made. More will not be very beautiful.

Square motif

In this way, not only the flowers for appliqués are created, but also the grounds for different motifs. This is the joy that roses crochet gives. The schemes of such motifs used our grandmothers when

When the main flower is ready, on the lower tier it is tied with green yarn. This uses simple arches from air loops. From the four sides of the flower, the imitation of the leaves are made using lush columns or columns with a total vertex. The following series is desirable to make the yarn of the third color, which will be the background. In this row, columns with Nakud are made. In the corners where the leaves are located, the canvas expansion occurs due to the arch of the air loops.

The excellent base for the plaid or scarf is such bulk roses with crochet. Schemes, knitting and assembly of the finished product do not require special skills from the master.

Another version of the square motive

In square motifs as a basis, crochet roses is quite often used. The scheme of work in them is always about the same. First, the finished flower is made, and then the leaves and the main background are tied to it, which turns into a square.

In the embodiment presented here, the transition to square form is carried out using a simple mesh of air loops. Suppose a square form helps such a reception: in the corners of the workpiece are not in the same arc, but two, as if twice a twice hook for one base.

Listers in this scheme are made separately, and then sewn. An example of leaf can be as follows: knit a chain of air loops and form 3 hinges from it. Then we bind them to a column without Nakid in such a way as to capture the far edge of the loop and hide the resulting hole.

Rose from ribbon

Consider another option that offers roses crocheted. The schemes of petals and leaves are extremely simple and understood. She knives in one row. The essence of all this method is that in the end, the tape is obtained, which collapses and forms the flower itself.

We recruit an arbitrary number of air loops. The first petal knit from two columns with nakid and two chains from air loops along the edges. Then we make one semi-solitary and recipe a chain of 3 V / p. We make 2 more columns with Nakud.

The third petal should be greater. Therefore, we increase the number of nakidov and the columns themselves. Consequently, the number of air loops in the chain will also increase.

According to this algorithm, knit an arbitrary number of petals. But it is worth remembering that too little they will not give a beautiful bud, but too much - they will be ill in the finished flower.

Twisting rose

When all the petals in the tape are ready, the first stage, which represents crocheted roses. Liste schemes We will look at the last stage. And now proceed to the formation of the flower.

To do this, begin to twist the tape from the smaller petal to more. At the same time, try not just twist into the tube, namely form a bud. So that the "roll" does not fall apart, periodically flash the lower part of the petals.

When the rose is assembled, the lower part is sewn thoroughly with the same yarn from which the flower is made.

Now you can proceed to the leaves. They stick to the extremely simple: at the base and at the tip we make columns without a nakid, add a few columns with Nakud, but not much so that the bloated barrel does not get. Ready leaves either sew to rose either first sew to the product, but at the top of the FLOW flower.

Roses in cells

The richest in patterns and pictures is a crochet fillet. Rose schemes in this technique are the most common.

Write about how to knit the fillet flowers, you can not one article. Therefore, we remember only the main principles of technology. The patterns in it are built on the basis of the "painting" of empty cells, as if drawing in a notebook.

The base of the patterns - a column with an attachment, two air loops and a column with an attachment for empty cells and four columns with an attachment - for painted.

Rose schemes are very simple: they can be copied from the finished product to the same notebook into the cell. Presented on the photo example is a classic version of such a pattern.

Roses crocheted, They can become an excellent decoration of clothing and various accessories - bags, scarves. They can also be used as brooches, to decorate children's hats and dressings on the head, etc., such roses can be decorated with anything. Do not know, how to tie a rose crochet? I prepared a step-by-step master class for beginners.

For knitting, you will need: yarn of two colors (I have a puncher 100% viscose), hook, thread with a needle and scissors. The thicker the yarn, the volume will be a knitted flower.

Crochet Rose Knitting Scheme(when you click you can enlarge)


Air loop (V.P.)

Air Lift Loop (V.P.P.)

Connecting column (compound. Art.)

Column with Nakid (art. S / n)

Purple thread knit chain from 48 V.P.

1 row: We enter the hook in the 6th from the hook of the chain loop and knit 1 tbsp. s / n,

we skip 2 loops and in the 3rd knit 1 tbsp. S / N, 2 V.P., 1 tbsp. s / n,

then knit again * 1 V.P., 2 loops pass in the 3rd knit 1 tbsp. S / N, 2 V.P., 1 tbsp. C / N*

We continue to knit from * to the end of the row.

2 row: At the end of 1 row, knit 3 V.P.P.

i turn the knitting and knit 1 tbsp. s / n arch of 2 V.P. Previous row

then * knit 1 V.P.,

and in the next arch of 2 V.P. Previous row knit 2 tbsp. C / N, 2 V.P., 2 Art. s / n *

Knit from * to the end of the row, the last 2 hinges on the hook are tied with a thread of pink color.

3 rows: Knit 3 V.P.P.

i turn the knitting and knit 3 tbsp. s / n arch of 2 V.P. Previous row

knit 1 comprehensive. Art. In the arch of 1 V.P. Previous row

* In the next. Arch knit 6 tbsp. S / N and 1 compound. Art. In the arch of 1 V.P. Previous row *

We repeat from * 3 more times.

We repeat from * 3 more times.

*In the next. Arch knit 10 tbsp. C / H, then 1 compound. Art.*

Knit from * another 5 times. Thread can be trimmed.

We fold our flower on the helix.

Fix it in this position using the needle, gently sewing all the layers of the first row from the wrong side.

This is what the basis of my rose looks like.

Our flower is ready! We admire the result!

Depending on which side (facial or invalid) you will turn the ringed tape into the flower, rose petals will be obtained by different (convex or concave).

You can associate this version of the flower with beads, it all depends on your creative idea. I decorated this rose baby hairpin.

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So you will need:
- Look, I have Pelican (Vita Cotton). Composition: 100% cotton double mercerization. The length of the thread is 330 m. Motion weight 50 gr. and Coco (Vita Cotton). Composition: 100% mercerized cotton. The length of the thread is 240 m. Motion weight 50 gr.
-Krychka, I have no number 1.7
-Provolok - a fond to be well bent, and thick for the stem, it should not be laughing under the weight of the rose.
- Florlent green
- glue, I used the moment, universal gel
- Sinyprun, a small amount
- Beads or semobusins, for drops of dew
- The vessel where your rosary will live, I have a small glass vase and decorative pebbles.

These are schema

Knit according to Scheme No. 1 three pets. The initial circle of air loops, we make as little as possible so that the hole is almost imperceptible. The initial thread hide, at the end we leave a string of a larger that then there was something to sew a rose.

According to Scheme No. 2, we also knit three pets, on the same principle.

According to Scheme No. 4, knit 4 petal

According to Scheme number 5, knit 5 petals

According to scheme No. 3, we knit bud, we will sew petals to it. Here the initial ring from air loops should be more so that the hole is left, where then we will insert the stem from the wire. Buton needs tightly fill with syntheps.

Now we will put the petals on the bud. Remember that the hole for the stem should be from below. We will be sewed by layers, by the number of petals of different sizes - that is, there will be four layers. You need to sew them. First, we sew a half petal, then half the second petal, then the second half of the first petal is sealed onto the second petal. And so in a circle all three petals. It should turn out like this.

The remaining petals are sewn through the same principle. Only first try on, look so beautifully put the petals. In the end, it will be possible like this.

Now stems and leaves. Slim wire cut into pieces: two smaller and one more. Knit leaves suitable forms. On the Internet there are many schemes of different leaves, choose what you like, here I will not sharpen attention. Leaves need two more and four smaller. Those two pieces of wire that smaller winding flora. Then begin to wrap the one that more and in the process, we tying the cross will increase the small stalks to the big one, as in the photo.

Then glue the leaves to the stems. We take a thick wire for the main stem and also wrap it with flora, in the process, patting a branch with leaves, on the same principle - cross-cross. Chasselistic knitted without a scheme, a circle with columns without an attachment, up to 30 loops, then each leaf separately - at the base of 6 loops, in each third row we reduce 1 loop. In the middle, be sure to leave a hole for the stalk. Then a cup of dressing on the stem, the tip of the stem is thickly smear glue and stick into the rose, trying to push it away. Chasselistic move to rose and glue.

Rose put in the vase. Give the beautiful shape of a twig with leaves. We glue beads, for imitation of dew drops and admire.


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