How to make an empty in the house. Wiring electrical wiring with your own hands: from the scheme before installation

How to make an empty in the house. Wiring electrical wiring with your own hands: from the scheme before installation

The wiring device in a private house for some parameters can differ significantly from the wiring in the apartment. There may be large electrical receivers in the form of pumps, electric heaters and even machines.

Moreover, a private house It can be made of combustible materials, which also imposes on you a huge responsibility. At the same time, in your house you have a wider choice of methods of laying and mounting the cable, especially if it is only a stage of building a house.

Any electrical network in a private house begins with its connection to electrical network. To do this, you must obtain the technical conditions for the Energonadzor.

Connecting to the electrical network is also performed in most cases. The result of their work in 90% of cases is an introductory circuit breaker, the conclusions of which are connected to the meter. Usually, the energy reports also requires connecting the cable to the conclusions of the counter, which will go directly to our camshaft. Our task is to prepare this cable.

Power supply to the house through the wall

The most common way to enter the feed cable to the house is input through the wall (see). It is easy enough to fulfill it, but there are several requirements that it is worth considering at the installation phase.


  • First of all, it should be borne in mind that, according to paragraph 2.1.79 of Pue, input to the house should be located at an altitude of at least 2.75 meters. At the same time, the distance from the edge of the roof of the roof to the wire should not be less than 20 cm.

Note! If the height of your house does not allow you to enter a house through a wall at an altitude of 2.5 meters, then in this case, input through the roof. But adherence to the height of 2.75 meters is necessary.

  • It should also be borne by the fact that PUE standards require to provide the possibility of replacing the wire. For this, special sleeves are applied. This is usually a steel pipe.

Note! This sour tube must be made in such a way that it is possible to eliminate the possibility of getting and accumulating moisture in it. To do this, it should be done under the tilt out and bend.

  • Cable for electrical wiring in a private house cannot be laid directly by building structures if they are made of combustible material. Therefore, the cable should be placed in a non-splashing shell. It can be a metal corrugation or tray. In addition, it is possible to lining between the wire and the wall of the non-controlled material. It may be asbestos canvas.
  • Another point that is worth considering is the location of the input itself. According to para. 2.1.75 Pue, it must be at least meter from the window or balcony. If you have the second floor, then the distance from the wire to the window located above should also be at least 1 meter.

Power supply to the house underground

Although this method is applied much less frequently in many respects, it is even more reliable. It is simply necessary to provide for it at the stage of the construction of the foundation, and it is often forgotten to do.

Yes, and in some energy supplying enterprises such an input to the house causes a rapid protest. However, it has the right to exist and is very successful in many parameters.


  • According to p 12.1, VN 59 - 88, pipes, in which the email is then stretched. The cable must be filled at a depth of 0.5 to 2 meters.
  • These pipes must also have a slope towards the street, in order to eliminate the possibility of accumulating them in them and enter it into the room.
  • After laying the cable in the pipe, they must be tightly embedded in order to completely eliminate the likelihood of moisture in the room.
  • When laying the cable for the combustible base of the house, the same rules and norms should be observed as when the power is inserted through the wall.

Before making wiring in a private house, it is necessary to properly place the switchboard. There is a number of restrictions that are quite logical and easily explained.

  • First of all, according to paragraph 11.1 of VN 59 - 88, distribution shields It should be placed in places convenient for service. They must have lighting and be located in places eliminating their flooding. The last one is especially relevant when the shields are located in the basement.
  • In the room where the shield is located, the strapping of liquid fuel boilers and gas pipes should not be passed.
  • Pipes of heating, water supply and sewerage, passing in the room, should not have flags, valves and other drainage or safety reinforcement here. The same applies to ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Also, our instruction does not advise placing shields under the premises of bathrooms, restrooms, pairs and other rooms, in which the risk of flooding is great.
  • When attaching shields on the combustible bases between it and the wall, an unshakable surface should be provided. Typically, the iron sheet performs in this role. In addition, all switchboards must be closed on the locking device.

Selection of the type of wiring in a private house

The laying of electrical wiring in a private house can be performed in two ways - open and hidden. Choosing the right option for your home depends on what material it is made, and your wishes.

We only give the basic requirements for each type of wiring, and you can choose the most suitable for your home-building.

Hidden wiring

Hidden wiring found the most widespread. It reliably hides all engineering networks from prying eyes, does not steal free space and ensures the mechanical integrity of the wire.

At the same time, the price of mounting such a wiring is slightly higher due to its laboriousness, and the possibilities of its repair and replacement are limited.


  • Hidden wiring electrical in a private house, according to Table. 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 Pue, for non-aggravated bases (brick, concrete, and the like) can be carried out directly by structural elements in special furrows. After installation, they must be shrinkable by alabaster or plaster with a thickness of at least 10 mm.
  • When installing in combustible structures ( wooden houses) Everything is a bit more complicated (see). In this case, the wire must be laid with a lining of non-aggravated materials (for example, asbestos canvas) followed by plastering.

Note! In all cases, the lining of non-aggravated materials should be carried out in such a way that on each side of the wire there is a stock of 1 cm.

  • Another one possible option The arrangement of hidden wiring in a wooden house is an installation in plastic boxes or corrugations. But in this case, the box and corrugations should be plastered after installation. And under the corrugation itself or the box, it is necessary to put the non-aggravated materials.
  • Most easily perform hidden wiring in a wooden house by laying it in a steel pipe or corrugation. In this case, no additional conditions are required.

Open wiring

Wiring electrical wiring in a private house in the open way imposed higher requirements. Despite this, its installation is simpler, the speed of installation is higher, repair and maintenance possibilities.

At the same time, it "steals" the free space of the room, the open wiring does not fit well into any modern room design, and the cost of the mounting robot for non-aggravated surfaces is much higher.

  • Using all the same PUE tables, you can see that for mounting on non-burning structures, an option using insulators is possible. This retro version is now specially popular, and even decorative wiring of this type has appeared. But the safety of this method is not at the highest level.
  • Significantly more often open wiring on non-heat designs are paved in plastic boxes and corrugations. This method allows you to protect the wiring from mechanical damage, and visually searches it.
  • According to the combat designs, the open way can also be carried out, only with the lining of non-aggravated materials. Only cables in a special shell of non-aggravated or hard-focused materials can be laid directly by elements of such structures. But the aesthetic appearance of such a wiring causes a mass of negative emotions.
  • More often in the open method on the combat designs, the wiring is paved in steel or copper pipes, or steel corrugation. Such wire protection allows you to mount wiring directly to the structural elements, without using additional linings.


In our article, we led the main positions that it is worth paying attention to the design of the electrical network in a private house.

Calculation and distribution of lighting groups and methods of nutrition of various consumers between the apartment and their own home there is no difference. Therefore, numerous video and articles on the pages of our site will help you with this.

The need to carry out wiring in the house may occur in some situations - during repair, building a new home, replacing outdated electrical equipment. The main requirement when installing is the availability of working with power grids and tool used.

Ignoring safety and challenges in circulation electrical devices and equipment can lead to serious consequences. Special attention should be paid to the technique of fire safety when working in wooden houses.

How to start installing wiring?

Posting scheme in the apartment Posting scheme in the house

For a more accurate placement of wiring throughout the house, you need to make a detailed scheme, and better two. One - electrical, to determine all types of electrical devices, their power, connection methods, and the second - assembly, to specify the location of the outputs of the electrical cable for each device throughout the house.

When drafting a scheme, some rules should be followed:

  1. Each line Must have a separate cable and go from the distribution panel.
  2. In places of branching lines Installed boxes.
  3. Each lighting device and outlet, broken by type of power and cross section of wiring.
  4. In each typical group, The total capacity is 4.6 kW, for wiring with a cross section of 2.5 mm, and the power is 3.3 kW - with a cross section of 1.5 mm. If the power of the wiring is more permissible, then it is divided into subgroups.
  5. In shield A separate machine on each group is distinguished, on the lighting of 16 A, on the sockets and the sockets group, respectively, 25 A or 40 A.
  6. SocketsHaving grounded, installed for instruments with high power and are connected to a separate machine, they cannot be combined into groups.
  7. For especially powerful devices (Washing and dishwashers, kettles, water heaters, microwaves and more) is made with a copper wiring with a cross section of 1 mm in a square for each 1.5 kW of power, minimum.
  8. Ground wire Must be continuous, it is not allowed to mount on it the sockets by the "Clay" method.
  9. In dry rooms Switches are mounted in the gap of the phase wire (not installed in zero), and in wet - in the ruptures of the zero and phase line.
  10. If the house has two floorsThe devices are broken into groups and subgroups.

Useful! The cross-section of the wires can be safely increased by 50%, it will only add it the opportunity to make an additional load. At the same time, the cost of purchasing this type of wiring will slightly increase. It is important not to acquire wires with a cross section below the calculated, it is likely to lead to overheating of the wire and fire.

Wiring installation features in the house

Before starting to mount wiring in the house with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the equipment device and comply with the terms of installation:

  1. Provide a free approach To all electrical equipment -, rosettes, switches and equipment equipment.
  2. Equipment installation Performed at a distance of 60 - 150 cm from the floor.
  3. Doors and other details of the interior or furniture Do not close access.
  4. Cable Put only at the top of the room.
  5. Sockets Mounted at a distance of 50-80 cm from the floor, the wires are summed from below, the minimum distance to the plate electrical or gas 50 cm, as well as to pipes and heating radiators.
  6. Sockets Mounted in the calculation 1 pc. by 6 square meters Meter, with the exception of the kitchen - there are sockets on the number of devices. For the bathroom it is necessary to provide a separate stress drop.
  7. Put the wireBy observing clear horizontal or vertical lines without bends and chances.
  8. Horizontally Put the wire with a minimum distance of 5 - 10 cm from the eaves or overlap, as well as 15 cm from the floor and the ceiling. Vertically - 10 cm from the edge of door openings or windows, 40 cm are retreating from gas pipes.
  9. It is impossible to contact the wires and metal structures of the structure.
  10. and copper wires are excluded, securely isolate each connection, apply the box when cable layouts and their connections.

Methods of installation

Wiring is mounted in two installation methods - open and hidden:

Open wiring

Open installation of cables are made along the outer surfaces of the walls or ceilings. Of the advantages - good repair data and quick installation. Externally, such a network is not aesthetic, it is used mainly in the country and economic buildings, wooden houses without finishing.

But this type of wiring has several advantages:

  1. There is an opportunity to use Cables and wires with minimal cross section, to create the same load.
  2. Control open wiring It is much easier to carry out than hidden.
  3. Allowed to mount in wooden houses, or having a wooden finish.

Open wiring happens:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Mobile.
  3. Portable.

Hidden wiring

The hidden wiring of the electrical network is mounted inside the walls or overlap of the house, under the decorative trim. Such wiring is safer, due to protection against mechanical damage and open fire. But requires additional effort when installing.

To install such a network, it is better to use copper wires that have 2,3,4 veins, with a cross section of at least 1 mm in a square by 1.5 kW of load. Two-tire wires are used for devices without mandatory grounding, three-core are mounted when the equipment of the desired ground is connected, or a few in a row, four-core - for boilers and similar devices connected to the three phases.

Useful! In the installation of broken wiring, only the wire is used, and the cable is used with the opening of the electrical circuit.

Preparation for wiring laying

Before starting the installation of wiring, it is necessary:

  1. Production material.
  2. Make markup.
  3. Prepare walls to install wiring.

The next step to perform a number of works:

  1. Apply on the walls of the room markupSo to speak, the project of the entire mounting scheme, specify the place of entering the wire into the house where sockets, lighting and switches will be located.
  2. Move the circuit of electrical lines On the plane of the room, indicate where the wiring will be held and the place allotted under the electrical stopper, installed at an altitude of 1.5 m from the floor.
  3. You need to start laying the line of the main bunch of wires, indicating the places of turns. Upon completion, it will be worth it to make a copy on paper, it will help with further reconstruction or repair of wiring.

Tools required when replacing wiring in the house:

  • bulgarian;
  • disc on concrete or stone;
  • drill perforator;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver with LED;
  • cord;
  • construction level;
  • putty knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • putty or other locking material;

Materials required for work:

  • copper or aluminum wires;
  • sockets;
  • switches;
  • distribution boxes;
  • installation boxes for outlets;

After performing all the preparations, you need to prepare the line installation tools:

  1. Bulgarian. It must have a diamond disk for cutting concrete, such a disc can work on any surface, optionally concrete.
  2. Chisel for mounting and hammer. Use them on soft materials - plaster, foam block. Using such "gentle" tools will be smaller than dust than from the use of the grinder.
  3. With the help of existing tools, You can pave a stroke (furrow) in the wall, the cable or wire is inserted into it. Depth of such a recess from 2 to 3 cm, and width 2 cm.
  4. Cut cables or wires, adding to their required length of 15-15 cm, for an allowance for a twist. It is necessary to take into account when counting the materials.
  5. Attach the cable of the corresponding length in the prepared stroke, and fix it with a building mixture similar to the one that was used when finishing the wall. At the same time, the mixture is to be counted with the plane of the walls so that the segment with the wiring is not released on the wall. To do this, prepare a mixture according to the instructions in a small volume, and apply a spatula on the laid cable in some places, wait for a complete drying, and to lure the irregularity of the foam grater.

Mounting and Safety Rules

junction box

Before starting the installation of the power grid in the room, you need to familiarize yourself with the installation rules:

  1. Set distribution boxes At the branching points of the wires to switches and sockets.
  2. Locked Switch at the entrance, It is desirable on the side of the door handle, so that when opening does not touch his door.
  3. Safety technique It is forbidden to mount the socket near the grounding devices from the metal (gas and electric, sink plates and other), or the distance is 50 cm between the outlet and the device.
  4. Prohibited Installation of sockets to carry out indoors with high humidity. In the shower room, bath, the sauna is allowed only to hold a distance of at least 2.4 meters from water sources.

Starting the installation of the power grid, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the safety regulations:

  1. Before starting workYou will familiarize yourself with the old laying schemes of the line, to avoid damage to them.
  2. Work is performed in daylightSince when replacing the wiring, the house is de-energized.
  3. When performing electrical work It is recommended to use special tools with handles insulation.
  4. BeforeHow to touch the connected wires in the chain, they should be checked with a screwdriver with an indicator, whether the voltage is on wire.

Hardening behavior with electricity can lead to irreversible consequences and serious misfortune.

Useful! If the "NG" marking is indicated on the wire, this means that there is refractory plastic during the manufacture, and this is a fire from fire.

Operation control

While using electrical equipment in the house, recommendations from the following manuals should be followed:

  1. "Rules for the use of electricity."
  2. "The rules for the technical operation of electrical installations by consumers."
  3. "Safety regulations during the operation of electrical installations by consumers."

The fulfills of these prescriptions is mandatory. Responsibility for the state of the entire network and security in operation is fully on the owner. Monitoring compliance safety and operational rules fully falls on the energy supplied organization, which is the corresponding contract.

This organization conducts systematic audits of the state of the power grid, its rules of operation and compliance with all network usage rules.

Calculation of the cost of electrical wiring

In order to find out the exact cost of wiring in the house, it is necessary to start calculating the number of cable. There are 2 calculation methods:

  1. Calculation according to the electrical network scheme.
  2. According to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Calculation of the electrical wiring scheme involves drafting a detailed scheme. It should indicate specific data:

  1. Pointhow much it takes sockets, switches, distribution boxes, as well as height, fasteners and network connection methods.
  2. Determine the location of each lighting device (chandeliers, point lamps and more), ceiling height - will it be descended or not?
  3. Choose. For lighting devices, a wire with a cross section of 3.0 * 1.5 mm sq. M., on a power outlet 3.0 * 2.5 mm sq. M., For samples with increased power - 3.0 * 4.0 mm square meters.

With the help of a prepared project, you can easily calculate the Wire Metage, the number of sockets and switches. Alternatively, you can transfer the wall circuit and move the roulette, which will be more accurate.

The second option is simplified, you need the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room to multiply on 2. So the necessary metrah will be. But in this method there are a number of nuances:

  1. So only 1 line is determined, Lighting or power.
  2. Calculation is carried out in a ratio of 1: 1.5. Where 1.0 is equal to the lighting line, and 1.5 - power. That is, to a room of 50 square meters. m. Consumption of the power line 50 x 1,5 \u003d 75 m. And on the light - 50 x 1 \u003d 50 m.
  1. Corridor - 1 socket (50 r.).
  2. Kitchen - 2 outlets (100 r.).
  3. Rooms - 9 sockets (450 p.).
  4. Switches on the whole house - 7 pieces (60 p.).
  5. Additional outlet for washing machine - 1 piece (50 r.).
  6. Copper wire - On average 135 m. (6075 r. / Meter).
  7. Lighting (cartridges for incandescent lamps) - 7 pieces (210 p.).
  8. Boxes set for sockets - 13 pieces (65 p.).
  9. Distribution boxes - 5 pieces (250 p.).
  10. Distribution shield - 1 piece (130 p.).

So, we summarize the cost of all materials and components - 7390 rubles there is a minimum network installation cost independently, without attracting professionals.

If there are no skills to work with electrical equipment, it remains only to turn to professional electricians. The exact price will depend on the complexity of the scheme.

Rates for installation work on the mains in a three-room house for 60 sq. M.:

  1. Strobing of walls (60 m) - 13200 p.
  2. Installation of sockets (13 pieces) - 3900 rubles.
  3. Installation of distribution boxes (5 pieces) - 1500 p.
  4. Installation of the distribution panel (1 piece) - 1000 p.
  5. Laying wire (135 m) - 4050 p.

Total: Mounting work 23650 p. This amount remains to add the value of the material 7390 p.

Connecting to the network

The final step is to connect the electrical wiring to the total power grid. Such connections are engaged, as a rule, electricity utilities. But before you contact them, it is necessary to obtain permission from an electroplating organization. This issue is decided pretty quickly, subject to all norms and installation rules, as well as the operation of the power grid.

On this, the installation of electrical wiring in the house is completed. There is no particular and difficult in conducting such works. But one should not refer to the installation of electrical networks with neglect, it can lead to a fire-hazardous situation and invalid the entire system.

The electrical wiring diagram is an accurate drawing containing the plan of all rooms with an accurate indication of the elements of power supply and distribution groups.

Comment. For the convenience of all consumers should be divided into separate groups. Each group must be connected to a separate machine. This will help to avoid full turning off the electricity in the house, with the need of repair in one of the rooms. Plus, if you make one group and connect it to a single machine, a very high power cable will be required, as very heavy loads occur while connecting to a network of multiple instruments.

Most often, consumers are divided into the following groups:

  • Supply of electricity residential rooms;
  • Supply of electricity kitchen and corridor;
  • Lighting of the premises;
  • Electricity supply electric stove;

    Electric stove is isolated in a separate group to prevent overload in the power grid.

  • Supply of electricity bathroom.

    The bathroom is distinguished into a separate group. Due to high humidity in the toilet and bath, special requirements are presented to the electrical wiring.

Now that consumers are divided into groups, you should mark the main locations of the consumer connectivity (, air conditioning, dishwasher, water heater, etc.).

The next step is to determine the installation location of sockets, junction boxes, lamps and switches. Gently combine all the electrical chains and do not forget to lift the lengths of the wires.


  • Wires can pass horizontally and vertically, only at right angles!
  • First of all, we make a draft scheme version, carefully check the connections and only after that we create a finishing option.
  • The scheme of each group is desirable to make on a separate sheet.
  • It is necessary to make an electrical wiring plan at least in two copies, as it may be needed more than once. The best option will be the scheme in electronic form.

At the finish sheets, an accurate plan of premises is created. It is necessary to sign dimensions. All electrical points should be applied by special designations. Next, we connect them with lines that denote the wires.

For the best reading scheme, power cables, grounding and lighting wires are highlighted with different colors. In mandatory, it is necessary to place all distances from the wires to the walls, gender, ceiling, heating systems, as well as linear dimensions of rooms.

Comment.To improve safety, you need to install a protective shutdown device for all distribution groups (separately)!

Necessary materials and tools

List of tools, materials and other accessories that may need:

  • Screwdrivers.
  • Tool for stripping wires.
  • Indicator screwdriver.
  • Passatia.
  • Gloves.
  • Drill.
  • Perforator.
  • Crown on concrete (for drilling holes for the sockets and switches of a certain diameter).
  • Bulgarian with a disc on concrete.
  • A hammer.
  • Plastic dowels with self-drawers, in order to fix the mounting box for switch and socket.
  • Mounting boxes.
  • Lining to install a socket and a switch with an outer wiring.
  • Wires (copper or aluminum).
  • Electrical cable.
  • Junction box.
  • Protective shutdown device.
  • Counter.
  • Machine.

Brief certificate

To date, only copper wires are used in homes, as the aluminum wires cannot be used for hidden wiring.

There are two types of wires and cables: single-core and stranded. They differ in the number of isolated from each other lived. Cores of wires and cables are single-wire and multi-leading. Wires are selected depending on the load.

Comment. Do not save on materials, cheap materials quickly fail!

Lower wiring
  • First, it is necessary to check the wiring scheme and calculations;
  • The floor retreat must be at least 10 cm;
  • You can not make the squeaks, all wires must be located at right angles;
  • Wires in no case should cross;
  • Wires must be held at a distance of at least 10 cm from window frames and doorways;
  • Compounds must be durable;
  • Having uninsulated, bare parts of the wire, broken sockets and switches are categorically prohibited !!!
  • It should be entrusted by a specialist - electrician.

Step-by-step electrical installation guide

General information on the installation of outdoor and hidden wiring

When installing wiring in the house, the following condition must be performed: the power cable must be supplied to the common broadcast. In the switch itself there must be a group of circuit breakers and a protective shutdown device (this type of work is better to trust the electrician.

Since the work at high voltage is extremely dangerous, and there is also a chance to run into a fine). From the switchboard wiring passes into residential and non-residential premises.

Reference.Initially, three phases, 0 and grounding are mounted. Next to the sockets and switch supply the phase, zero and grounding. Three phases are needed in order to distribute the load.

Comment. For bathroom and kitchens should be stretched separately.

Each line is divided into two groups of wires, one stretches to the outlets, the other to sources.

Wiring Scheme in the House

Installation of hidden wiring

You need to select the correct cable cross section.

Comment. To select the desired section should:

  • Find out the maximum power in the power grid;
  • Calculate the power consumption of all electrical appliances that are found or will be in the house.

Example: If the indoor wiring is made with wire 3x1.5, then the maximum power of all devices that are used in this place should not exceed 4kW.

Comment. It should be remembered that in the locations of the cable connection, an additional 11-16 cm of length will be required!

According to the scheme, we do the shoes (gaps) under the wires with a hammer and a grinder with a diamond disk:

  1. We start conducting the wire from automata to sockets and switches. The depth of the strobe is approximately 2-3 cm, width-2-2.5 cm.
  2. Using the perforator and circular saw, cut the holes for the socket and switches:
    • Cut the wires to the desired lengths and make a cross section;
    • We put the wires in the shoes;

Prepare the construction mixture. A dry mixture of dilute with water to obtain a homogeneous mass and apply a spatula on the wall, after drying, it should be removed all the irregularities using a grater of foam.

Example Wiring Marking in Apartment

Installation of outer wiring

Installation of outdoor wiring is made only if it is impossible to make hidden wiring.

The process of performing this type of work is practically no different from the previous one, except that the wires are not stacked, but in the plastic cable channel.

Several mandatory rules when installing open wiring:

  • The cable is placed only at right angles;
  • Wires should not intersect;
  • The location of the cable from door jambs and window frames is less than 10 cm;

Installing outlets and switches

Location of elements:

  • Switches We have the left of the doorway at an altitude of 80-90 cm from the floor;
  • Sockets should be placed at a height of 30 cm from the floor;
  • Move the wiring to the outlets should be taken from below, to the switches.

Main steps:

  • We connect the wires where there are input locations, output boxes, switches, sockets. This can be done using pressed or welding.
  • If open installation is performed, then you should use From materials that do not conduct current. It is necessary to attach them with screws, glue and self-tapping screws.

    Comment. For switches, there is a rule: they are installed in the gap of the phase wire.

  • Mount the installation boxes in the deepening of the wall, install sockets and switches.

    Comment. In order to make recesses, special nozzles are used for different wall materials, which are mounted on the perforator. They are different in size. You should select the appropriate precisely for your C. Installation boxes (distribution) are needed to branch the wire (one end will go to the outlet or switch, the other further).

  • Fix reliable junction box.
  • Install the sockets yourself. Insert the wires in the terminals and carefully fix them.
  • Insert the socket into the installation box and clamp the screws with the mounting plate. Outside the wall is installed overhead outlet.
  • Further on the principle of installing outlets, Make switches.

Introduction of electrical wiring

It is necessary to enter the wiring to operation gradually, that is, it is necessary to check all the distribution groups alternately, all automata. First one - we turn on, check and proceed to the next one.

Important! All elements of the power grid must be working, in the event of a breakdown of one of the elements, it should be changed immediately.

Wiring wiring in a private house with your own hands

Typical errors when performing this type of work

  • Mixing high and low voltage wires In one mounting box.
  • Invalid load calculations in the power grid.

    Important! Improper connection of wires and incorrect load calculations on the network can lead to wiring fires, fire.

  • Hidden mounting boxes. They should be easily accessible if necessary!
  • You can not mix light and conventional wires. They have a different cross section! This can lead to fire!
  • Small gap between wiring and wooden elements.

Safety regulations

  • When you start installing wiring, you must definitely turn off the power in the electrical circuit;
  • Tools used during work must be with insulating coating on the handles (mark on the handles - 1000 V);
  • Make sure the electricity is really turned offusing special devices;
  • Tack mandatory replacement: spoiled plugs, cables and couplings;
  • When working with electrical appliances, do not forget to extract plugs from sockets;
  • Operation with input voltage, grounding, camshaft boxes, counter and fuses should be entrusted by a specialist - electrician;
  • Be sure to attach a warning plate on the box of electrical panel.

  • When buying outlets and switches check availability of documents for the product;
  • You can not save on small materials, such as sockets, switches, etc.
  • Carefully calculate electricity consumption by all deviceslocated in the apartment;
  • Determine how much it can make sockets, it is necessary using a ratio of 1 element into four mounted wall meters;
  • For powerful consumers, the wires of 6.0 mm2 are usually used. For example, for electric stove.
  • A good option will be the installation of circuit breakers on each post of wiring;
  • In the bathrooms, installation of sockets is prohibited! Exception: Elements are connected through a special separation transformer;
  • If there are several parallel wires, It is worth placing them at a distance - at least 3 - 5 mm;
  • Ground wires at the entry place It is necessary to connect welding;
  • When installing wiring self-wiring, It is necessary to correctly calculate your strength (it may be necessary to use the services of the electrician).

Not every homemade craftsman knows how the wiring is running properly in the house with their own hands. We will help formulate the basics for a novice master and equip the house with light and warmth.

The electro-unit device can be performed both open and in the closed method. The open type is paved on the wall surface, covering the cables by plastic tubes or plinths. The height level for this type is not regulated and is selected arbitrarily. When performing mounting works of open wiring it is forbidden to combine cables of various power in one plinth. Moreover, these decorative elements must be selected from the non-aging material, which, moreover, has insulating properties. In the basement and attic rooms, cables are strengthened with special brackets.

The wiring of the hidden type is located in the voids specially designed for this purpose, inside the designs of suspended ceilings or partitions. Locking power cable It is recommended to do simultaneously with the device. If there is no finished niches, then it is produced in the resulting furrows and the wire is stacked. When the electrical system for lighting devices under the layer of plaster it is necessary to use cables that have protective insulation.

Making the installation of wiring in a private house, it must be remembered that the hidden conversion plaster must run perfectly at horizontally or vertically. Locking cables in all sorts of voids, you can see the shortest paths, saving the wire. Mounting electricity in the suspended structures of the ceilings, it is necessary to apply materials that do not support burning. By installing indoors with high humidity, do not use wires that have a metal protective sheath.

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly think about how to carry out electrical wiring in the house, observing all safety rules. After all, incorrectly performed works may have unpleasant consequences. In the locations of the cable, it is necessary to install special junction boxes that will hide the connections of the connections and protect them from an unwanted closure. By installing the hidden type of wiring, you need to install sockets and switches of a special type.

The electrical installation height is adjustable independently, but must be at least 40 cm from the floor, for the safety of residents of the house from electricity damage in case of unexpected flooding. Following the safety regulations, the sockets should be installed at a considerable distance from the shells and heating radiators. The distance between these objects should be at least 50 cm.

Installation of outlets in rooms predisposed to high humidity (bath, sauna) is allowed at a distance exceeding 2.6 m from the water source.

When installing electric motors and various other power equipment, you must select models, access to the inner part of which is possible only with the help of special tools. Connecting devices and electric stoves requires a cable that has an appropriate section and necessarily covered with a metal shell. Such a wire can be laid under the floor, choosing the shortest path from automata to the device.

Before making wiring in the house, it is necessary to make a detailed plan on paper, noting each switch and location of heating and power devices on it. With the help of the scheme, you can accurately calculate the required number of cables of a certain section, which will allow you to seriously save money. Next, we will tell you how to perform wiring in the house, and even the most distant from electricity can do it yourself.

Wiring in the house with your own hands - Getting to work

Installation of electrocommunications does not represent anything difficult, the main thing is to comply with the necessary sequence, and everything will be necessary. So now it's time to proceed directly to the discussion of the process, how to make wiring in the house.

How to make wiring in the house do it yourself - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Marking

Before starting installation, regardless of the selected type, it is necessary to make a markup, drawing directly on the wall of the place where the distribution boxes will be located, switches and, of course, outlets. It should also be noted the route of the passage of the wires where they will be mounted. Marking is done using a shallow or marker and a long line. As a simplified option to place the location of the cable, you can use a kapron cord painted with bright paint.

Step 2: Preparing seats

Using the perforator in places where the distribution boxes will be located, it is necessary to drill holes, the diameter of which should not exceed 70 mm. And where the wire input is assumed, additional recesses make their way to facilitate assembly work. When working with the perforator, it is preferably a drilling place to periodically be wedged with water. This will help save the drill, and dust will be much smaller.

In places of electrical displacement, through the wall to another room, it is necessary to make holes of a small diameter. If the private house being created according to the plan will be mounted in the wall, it is necessary to step up the furrows, exactly the corresponding scheme. For this, the Bulgarian is suitable or a specially designed construction strokesis. Working with a grinder or perforator, it is necessary to comply with certain security measures to preserve their health.

Some think that laying wiring in the house with their own hands is too complicated for a home master. Working with electricity is a serious question to which it is necessary to approach. The correct electrical wiring device in each dwelling is a guarantee of the safety of people, because 70% of fires occur due to electrical network faults. But if there is a desire, basic knowledge and a little practice, you can perform the necessary work yourself.

Sequence of work

Wiring of the electrical network in its own home is produced before the start of work on the finishing of the premises. The building box is already standing, the walls are erected and the roof in place - the time came to think about electricity.

The sequence of work performed is this:

  • Determination of the required number Ah - single-phase current (220 V) or you need to connect a three-phase current (380 V)
  • Creating an electrical circuit, counting the power of future consumers, submission of documentation into the controlling authorities and receiving an approved project. It is necessary to mention that the stated power will not always be allowed to be allocated to 5 kW.
  • Selection of components of the power grid, purchase of the meter, electrical cables and automata required power
  • Energy supply from a post in the house, this work can not be done independently, you need to invite specialists of the energy supply organization, place in the right place. Common automatic machine and electric meter
  • Fasten the distribution panel, carry electricity to the house
  • Laying inside the house of cables, installation and connection of switches and sockets
  • Installing and Connecting Grounding
  • Checking network and receiving an act

But each facility has its own characteristics, it is necessary to start with the study of technical conditions and project. First you need to decide what type of input is needed, and determine how much the amount of electricity will be spent.

Preparation and submission of documents will take up to six months, it is better to submit them before the start of construction work, for execution is provided for 2 years. This term, probably enough to drive the walls, and install the counter and automatic.

Number of phases

Own house can be connected to single-phase or three-phase voltage. For private homes, single-phase networks are provided, with permissible flow to 15 kW, and three-phase over 15 kW. Three-phase voltage, if you need to use powerful equipment, which connects to the network 380 V.

An electrical appliances such as productive ovens, heating boilers or electric stoves are connected to the three-phase network. The requirements for the network 380 are much higher - with more powerful voltage, the risk of severe injury increases. For this reason, if the house on the area does not exceed 100 m2, and you do not plan to heat it with the help of electricity, it is better to connect a network of 220 V.

Drawing up a plan and obtaining a project

Now you can create an electrical wiring plan and installing electrically in the house. To do this, use a building plan on a scale, it is noted where the technique should be, think over the places where switches and sockets will be installed. It is necessary not to forget about the installation places of massive furniture so that it does not cover the switches and sockets.

Wiring Scheme in the House

On the plan it is necessary to note all the necessary lighting. Some will require the sets of switches, for others your own sockets will be required. After that, it is necessary to think that it may still have to be included in each room.

For instance: The kitchen has many different equipment connected constantly, they need their outlets. But you may need to sometimes use other electrical devices. All this data is indicated on the plan, and the most convenient placement of turning points is calculated.

What power will you need?

After the distribution of electrical equipment on the premises, it is necessary to add its power. How many will require each device can be viewed in the table, but you need to remember that there are starting currents that exceed the average values. The resulting amount is plusing approximately 20% to create a small stock.

Shrink sleeve

The result and indicate the documents required to obtain permission. If the stated power will be provided to you, it is very good, but most likely, you will be given only 5 kW - a standard limit for private house-building.

Electrical appliance Power consumption kW Electrical appliance Power consumption kW
Television 300 Air conditioning 1500
Printer 500 Water heater 5000
A computer 500 Boiler 1500
Fen 1200 Drill 800
Iron 1700 Perforator 1200
Electric kettle 1200 Electronage 900
Fan 1000 Circular Saw 1300
Toaster 800 Electrolabanok. 900
Coffee maker 1000 Electropolozbik 700
A vacuum cleaner 1600 Grief machine 1700
Heater 1500 A circular saw 2000
microwave 1400 Compressor 2000
Oven 2000 Compressor 1500
Electric stove 3000 Welding machine 2300
Refrigerator 600 Pump 1000
Washer 2300 Electric motor 1500

Consumer groups

All consumers are sockets, switches, various electrical devices are divided into groups. Separately, lighting devices are carried out, often one is enough for them, but sometimes it is advisable to spend 2 branches - for each floor or wing of the house. Also in a separate group transfer lighting on the street, utility rooms and basement.

After that, the sockets are allocated in groups, the number of them on one cable depends on its cross section, but not more than 3-5 pieces. For powerful electrical appliances, it is desirable to provide a separate line, so the wire will last longer and will be safer. As a result, you will get in the kitchen from 3 to 7 lines, there is a lot of technology.

For a boiler, a powerful water heater and electric stoves, you must need your own lines. Washing machine, electrophum, microwave and refrigerator, preferably connected separately. Weaker devices, a food processor and a blender, can also be connected separately.

Cable groups

In residential rooms spend 3-4 lines, each room always exists what you need to connect to the outlet. One wire is used for lighting, on one will "sit" sockets, for a TV, router and a computer. They have small power and they can be combined into one group.

Electric heater and air conditioning - require their own line.

If you have a small house, for example, cottage, then there will be enough 2-3 groups - One is intended for all lighting, the second to put out everything outside the house and one more on all sockets in the house. Simply put, the required number of groups in a private house - is calculated individually and directly depends on the size and needs of people living in the house.

The number of groups is determined how much you need to install automatons in the camshaft, to the number of groups you need to add 2-3 automatic development (if you need to install something powerful or you forgot about what or it will be necessary to divide one of the groups). The switchboard is choosing such that it is convenient to place all the necessary machines. If you have a big house - it is more convenient to install one powerful automatic machine to each floor, and connect the automata of this floor groups to it.

Where to install an electrical shield?


A specific place for mounting a shield is not specified in any standards. Only it is impossible to install it closer than 1 meter from any pipeline - the gas line, drainage pipes, sewage, heating system, water pipe, can not even be placed next to the gas meters.

There are no prohibitions for the purpose of the premises, there are often plates in boiler rooms - it is convenient to collect all the communications here, the reception office does not express claims. If the shield has a high class of protection, then you can place the camshaft nearby from the entrance door.

How to choose a suitable cable

When connecting the building to the power grid, in our time they need to place a common machine and electric meter on the street. In the law, this requirement is not specified, but the electrical service in this case is easier to control the consumption of energy. If you agree to this, select the machine and the meter with high moisture protection and dust - not lower than the IP-55 protection class. When placing indoors, it is permissible to protect no less IP-44, so you will spend less money.

To create an electrical network in a private house, it is advisable to use no wire, namely cable. They have a lot better and reliable isolation, and for this reason, it is softer by laying in the room. The inner wiring must be done with grounding, these new requirements have not previously existed electrical appliances with three contact forks.

Villas B. electrical cables Made from aluminum or copper. Of course, aluminum is much cheaper, but also use it rarely - this metal is often breaking, it is difficult to work with it. In addition, inside wooden houses It is impossible to apply it.

Section of core cable

When you select the material for the cable, you can calculate the desired diameter of it lived. This makes it taking into account the future load, which is calculated by the special table.

Calculation lived cable

Choose a cross-section of the veins in power, or consumed by all devices current connected to one machine. There will once again need an electrification plan of the building, which shows all groups of consumers. The sum of the power of the installed devices is calculated, and according to the data specified in the table, the appropriate cross section of the live wire is selected.

  • The table is easy if I use the copper wires, and the voltage of 220 V is supplied, then the left side of the table and the appropriate column are used to lay the wiring indoors.
  • It is necessary to compare the total power of all connected devices (it is easier to calculate it). Where specified copper wirestacked in channels, trays or emptiness, in the "220 V" column choose more importance.
  • Moving to the right on this line, to the line "section, apt. mm, "find the necessary diameter lived. From cables of this diameter, and create a line from the machine to consumers of electricity.
  • In order not to be confused, the veins of the same thickness on the plan, mark your color (so that you do not forget, separately note what is indicated in what color).
  • When the diameter is found for all cables, calculate for all cables for each diameter total length, and to this add 20-25% for insurance. After that, it is believed that you calculate the styling cable in the building.

Cable shell

Cable Shell Requirements, exist only when creating an electrical network for wooden buildings, they need to use double (VG) or triple (NYM). In buildings from materials safe in fire, you can lay cable with any insulation.

The main thing in this matter is that there is no damage to it, there are floats, cracks. For insurance, you can use a wire with enhanced protection. It may be to the place in wet rooms (sauna, bathrooms, pools).

What better use switches and sockets

Under any powerful devices set out rosettes with the maximum allowable starting current. For low-power devices, you can use standard.

They can be:

  • (Internal) To install a socket or switch, you need to prepare a deepening in the wall in which the box is mounted. In this box, the electrical filling of the switch or socket is fixed;
  • (External) In this case, the housing of the socket or switch protrudes from the wall. Mount them are more convenient - the substrate is installed on the wall surface to which the switch or socket is mounted.

Most often now use internal switches and sockets. They are mainly selected based on the interior of the premises, or simply install white devices.


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