How to make a postcard by May 9th. Idea Quilling Cards for Congratulations

How to make a postcard by May 9th. Idea Quilling Cards for Congratulations

Congratulation of veterans on the holiday of May 9 is very important and necessary. After all, both former soldiers and nurses need attention and not only on the day of victory, but the rest of the time. Adults and children should be pleased with the veterans. They can make with dove, flowers, ribbons. Such work will appeal to students of grade 1, and preschoolers, and adolescents. A beautiful postcard on May 9 with his own hands is made quite easily, you just need to carefully examine the proposed photos and video master classes. Also among them, you can choose original instructions for creating non-standard or volume postcards for the competition.

Original paper card by May 9 do it yourself - with a photo master class for children

From ordinary paper, you can not be made not just a postcard, but a real work of art. And under the power such work even to small children. Together with teachers, educators or parents, they will be able to make unusual crafts, which will then be presented to veterans. The original postcard on May 9 with your own hands made of paper, made according to the specified master class, is ideal for congratulations to the heroes.

Materials for the manufacture of an original postcard for the holiday of May 9 of the paper with your own hands

  • white cardboard;
  • red or burgundy napkins;
  • glue;
  • black, green and orange paper.

Photo master class on the original postcard by May 9 of the paper for children

  1. Prepare materials for work.

  2. Cut from napkins small triangles and at the ends to make a fringe. Green paper cut thin strips.

  3. Cut a thick strip of black paper and make thin orange stripes.

  4. Glue pieces of napkins into cardboard.

  5. Add a layer of napkins to get fluffy colors.

  6. Glue the leg of the first carnation.

  7. Stick to the cardboard two more carnations.

  8. Excess (protruding) Green strips Trim and wait until paper and napkins get off.

  9. From black and orange paper to make a St. George ribbon.

  10. Gently dissolve orange strips.

  11. Printed the cutting tape to the postcard.

Simple postcard for the Victory Day on May 9 with your own hands - for grade 1 with phased photos

Grade 1 students when using simple and brilliant paper, different decorations can make very beautiful postcards for veterans. The specified master class can also be used for children from the middle or older group kindergarten. Beautiful postcard on May 9 with her hands in grade 1 can be made in just one lesson. At the same time, decorating her kids can at their own discretion.

List of materials for simple postcard by May 9 Victory Day for Grade 1

  • green and red cardboard;
  • yellow paper;
  • shiny paper;
  • fabric Georgievskaya tape;
  • scissors, glue.

Phased master class with a photo for the manufacture of a simple postcard for Victory Day on May 9 for grade 1

What postcard to make a veteran by May 9 with your own hands - photo master class for children

Children and school, and at home need to talk about what a great feat of soldiers and nurses in the war. After all, only children themselves, and their parents themselves can safely live on their land. Also, together with the child, make a beautiful postcard on May 9 with your own hands veteran and present after a parade or a small holiday in the city. Old men will be very pleased to get amazing crafts from children. Especially if they are made from the bottom of our heart. About how simple and very beautiful postcard is made by the veterans with their own hands on May 9, you can find out in the next workshop.

Materials for making postcards for the holiday May 9 for veterans

  • multicolored corrugated cardboard;
  • pigeon silhouette (you can print in advance);
  • double sided tape;
  • pencil, line;
  • glue.

Master class with photo making postcard for veteran by May 9 from children

Unusual postcard for the Victory Day on May 9 with your own hands - Phased photo and video master classes

An amazing postcard can be made not only with flowers or dove, but also depicting a cozy home, salute. Such a postcard is perfect for congratulations to veterans, can be used to participate in the school competition. Make such a craft can kids with parents, teens. About how an amazing postcard for the Victory Day is made with her own hands, will tell the master class with the photo specified below.

List of materials for making postcard by May 9 Victory Day with their own hands

  • thin corrugation;
  • golden and white cardboard sheet;
  • sheet of pink cigarette and ordinary purple paper;
  • a piece of tulle or a simple mesh, lace;
  • white threads;
  • printed blank with a calendar image;
  • ordinary glue and glitter glue;
  • beads, sequins.

Stock Foto Master class on making an unusual postcard for the holiday on May 9 Victory Day

  1. Prepare materials. Put the base - a sheet of golden cardboard.

  2. Phapigar paper to the gold cardboard, as shown in the photo: Paper should not fully close the cardboard.

  3. Cut a small blank of white cardboard. It will be a frame of the window.

  4. From purple paper cut a piece on a cardboard billet.

  5. On the cardboard sheet, draw the lines, as shown in the example: the finished frame will be not flat, but volumetric.

  6. Cut inner cubes to obtain the most realistic frame. Attach the frame to the leaf of purple paper, unnecessary pieces of cut.

  7. Glue purple paper to postcard.

  8. On paper with glue with glitters, depicting salute, additionally sprinkle with shiny decor.

  9. On top of the window to glue the frame.

  10. Printed tulle to the window, bottom to collect thread.

  11. On the billet-calendar, write "May 9", paint the workpiece.

  12. Make small flowers from corrugations and glue the card, stick the calendar in the corner.

Detailed video master class for the manufacture of an unusual postcard by May 9 do it yourself

Attractive volume postcards can be made on a simpler scheme. But at the same time they will look no less beautiful. You can make bulk postcards on May 9 with your own hands using the proposed decor, complementing the craft and other cool decorations. Tell about how to create an unusual volumetric card, the next master class:

Good postcard for the competition on May 9 with your own hands - for children with a photo master class

Children, usually feeding work on a competition on any subject, wish to get a victory, letters. Therefore, for the holiday of the Victory Day, kids and adolescents can take part in the original contest. Attractive postcards for the competition can be made according to one of the schemes described above or use the next master class. He will tell how to make postcards on May 9 with his own hands for children to participate in the school competition of talents.

Materials for making a postcard for a children's competition by May 9 do it yourself

  • blank drawing "Under the old";
  • white cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • fabric Georgievskaya tape;
  • glue moment and adhesive pencil;
  • figure holes (you can independently cut the color paper decor).

Photo Master Class on the manufacture of postcards do it yourself for a competition for May 9 for children

  1. Cut from red paper square with 10 per 10 cm sides.

  2. Upon the proposed scheme, add a beautiful curly sprocket from paper.

  3. The finished sprocket is neatly dissolved along the edges so that it keeps the form well.

  4. Print color picture-template. You can choose another thematic picture.

  5. Stick to the sheet of cardboard color picture. In the corner to glue a bulk star.

  6. With the help of the moment the moment is beautifully glued to the card postcard.

  7. Make flowers from colored paper with holes and glue them to a postcard.

Cute postcards with a dove for the holiday on May 9 with your own hands - to the Victory Day on the master class

Beautiful postcard with a dove is a good gift for veterans. The symbol of the world will remind them of the feat that was performed during the war and will help the original to congratulate the old people. About how the postcard is made on May 9 with their own hands with a dove, you can find out in the next workshop.

List of materials for making cute postcards with dove for the holiday May 9 Victory Day

  • red, green, white napkins;
  • blue cardboard;
  • sheet of ordinary paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • stapler.

Master class on a postcard with a dove of the Victory Day on May 9 for making with your own hands

  1. Prepare materials and on a sheet of paper to draw dove.

  2. Cut white napkins for small squares. Cut billet-pigeon paper. Using a paste from the handle to make the "fluffy" figures from the squares, as shown in the photo.

  3. Printed fluffy blanks to the base-pigeon.

  4. A red napkin folded several times, the sheets are copped with a stapler. Cut circle.

  5. Flush a round billet from the napkin.

  6. Gently lift petals to give the volume of flowers.

  7. Using the spampers, green napkins twist and glue into the stems.

  8. Cut out the green napkin sheets for flowers.

  9. Glue stalks and pigeons to the cardboard.

Beautiful postcards for children May 9 do it yourself for veterans to Victory Day - Photo Master Class

On postcards dedicated to the Victory Day, a variety of flowers can be depicted. It should be not only carnations or roses. Very nice and simple postcard veterans May 9, with their own hands, can be made with lilies. Such a snaps like the kids and is suitable for making children from the initial and middle group kindergarten.

Materials for making postcard by May 9 Victory Day for veterans do it yourself

  • blue and orange cardboard;
  • white and multicolored paper;
  • scissors;
  • black marker;
  • glue.

Stock Foto Master class making postcard for Victory Day on May 9 by children for veterans

Beautiful and cute postcard on May 9 with her hands can be made by the Victory Day, napkins, ribbons. They can be made with 1 class disciples, children from kindergarten. Simple and understandable master classes with photos and video discussed above are ideal for creating cute crafts. With them you can gradually create a postcard for congratulations to veterans or to participate in the competition. The clear instructions will help quickly and simply prepare for the Great Holiday.

Master class: Making with your own hands "Postcards veteran" with a step-by-step photo.

Author: Travel Olga Yuryevna, Teacher primary classes KSU "High School №21 p. Saryozek »Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: This master class can use educators in their work. preparatory Groups In kindergarten, primary school teachers and parents.
Purpose: gift, work at the exhibition.
purpose: Production of a greeting card Veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
- form practical skills of working with paper, scissors, glue;
- develop aesthetic taste, creative abilities, fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills;
- to bring up independence, patience, perfection, feeling of pride and respect for veterans.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of postcards:
-Karton, colored paper, white paper sheets;
- scissors, glue, pencil;
- Templates, sample work.

70 years have passed since the day the Great Patriotic War ended. But in the memory of Popular forever, those who brought us victory in May 1945 were left.
Let's bow down the great years
The glorious commanders and fighters,
And marcharals of the country, and ordinary,
Let's bow and dead, and alive.
All those who are not forgotten,
Bow, bow my friends.
All world, all the people, all the earth
Let's bow for the great battle.
May 9 - Victory Day celebrate in the world as a sign of appreciation to our people for the great feat. Our people are very careful about this holiday and transmits it from generation to generation.

Performing work "Card Veteran".

I want to offer two options in the technique of applique from paper "Postcard veteran". We will need almost identical patterns for both work.
We will work with scissors, so you need to remember how to handle scissors during operation.
While working with scissors, we follow the following rules:
1. Observe order on your workplace.
2. Before working, check the health of the tools.
3. Do not work with scissors with a weakened fastening. Use scissors with rounded ends.
4. Work only with good tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Work with scissors only on their workplace.
6. Watch the movement of blades during operation.
7. Blank scissors rings to themselves.
8. Apply the scissors to the rings forward.
9. Do not leave the scissors open.
10. Keep scissors in the case of blades down.
11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to face.
12. Use scissors for the purpose.

Prepare templates. You have templates on your tables, with the help of them we cut out all the details of our future postcard. Cardboard color for postcards choose to your taste. For the machine you can choose a black, brown or gray paper. For helmets it will suit the green color, and the stars - red. For the Order Need paper brown, red and yellow color. The inscription "May 9" can be performed in any color, the main thing that she would not merge with the color of the cardboard.

For the postcard we need machine templates, helmets with a small asterisk, templates for the Order, the inscription "May 9", flowerfish with leaves.
1. Select the cardboard sheet for the future postcard. Moving him in half so that our postcard opens. Place the applique on the postcard vertically.

2. Cut the machine and glue it to cardboard.

3. Cut the helmet and glue.

4. I will cut a little asterisk and glue at hard hat.

5. I will cut the details of the Order and glue the postcard.

6. Cut the inscription "May 9" and glue from below.

7. Shing out the flowers, we glue the middleings.

8. We glue flowers and leaves per postcard.

9. We glue yellow (you can orange) strips on the Order.

10. Print on the printer the text of congratulations for a veteran and invest it in a postcard.
Dear veterans!
You are a big example for us!
How to be faithful, strong, brave
Human meal with soul!
Let a distant became the Victory Day,
You are still young!
Happy holiday! And long years to you
And always always - Spring!

Card ready.

You can, using the same templates to perform another postcard.
For the second postcard we need banner templates, helmets with the stars, the inscriptions "May 9", floweries and leaves.
1. Select a cardboard sheet for a postcard. Moving it in half. On this postcard, the application will be performed horizontally.

2. Cut the banner details and glue on the cardboard.

3. Cut the helmet and small stars. We glue a cook for a postcard.

4. I will cut the inscription "May 9" and glue.

5. Decorate a postcard with flowers with leaves.

6. Print text congratulations on the printer and glue into the postcard.
Dear veterans!
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Victory Day !!!
Today is a holiday, full of light,
On a beautiful day for the whole country
You for the great victory
We should bow everything!
Let us see not often
But on the day that Mahe is so warmed,
We wish you health, happiness,

Good luck, peace, long years!

On the eve of May 9, children and adults are in thought, which you can please the veterans that it is to hand this in order not to make up old wounds, but make smile. The most expensive and simple are postcards made with your own hands, but how much heat and tenderness can be investigated in them.

Beauty in simplicity

At the peak of popularity there is the most common applique with congratulations. To create a simple present, you will need to prepare:

  • colored paper set;
  • yellow paint;
  • set of color cardboard;
  • glue and scissors.

Before proceeding with work, consider which colors will prevail in your postcard, and then boldly start creating:

On the back of the gift, do not forget to write warm kind words in which you can express your respect to veterans.

The volume is also important!

Volumetric postcards differ from flat to what they have another form and many different decorations on themselves. By May 9, a postcard in the style of "Militari" is perfectly suitable - using a military elements. To create a similar surprise, you need to prepare:

  • 2 sheet of white cardboard;
  • paper for scrapbooking with a military motive. It can be purchased at any store for creativity. From ordinary it is characterized by the most diverse drawings and high density;
  • sheet for pastel green;
  • glue "moment", adhesive pencil;
  • pencil, scissors;
  • needle, fishing line;
  • pliers;
  • a small piece of camouflage fabric;
  • chain;
  • accessories on a military theme.

After the preparation of everything you need can be started:

  1. White cardboard and pastel green paper fold in half, then cardboard stick into the paper.
  2. On the second sheet of cardboard, mark the rectangle of 12 for 20 cm, cut it out. Inside the resulting rectangle another rectangle, retreating from each edge of 3 cm, cut it out. You have got a small frame that you need to plane pieces of camouflage fabric.

  3. From the prepared paper for scrapbooking cut the desired background for the postcard. Remember that it should correspond to military topics. Cut the cut-out image in the center of the green billet using an adhesive gun.
  4. On top of the artistic artistic, attach the frame attached camouflage. Military buttons, stars, chain on it. Secure all accessories as hard as possible.

  5. Cut out a small size from the cardboard, also enclose it camouflage and glue the obtained decoration into the center. On top of oval, you can fix any of the military accessories, do not forget about fantasy!
  6. Volume card ready. Inside it write the wishes of all the best thingWho are going to hand it. Such a gift veteran will remember for a long time.
  7. Inside the best thing to write is not duty phrases or ready-made quatrasters, but those that you would like to tell the elderly person. Such a congratulation from you will be remembered much better.

    Letter from Front

    In the old days of his wife and children waited for a news from his native man, at the front, for a very long time. And there were such front letters in triangles envelopes. Take into service this idea and make the original postcard in the form of a letter-triangle. To do this, you will need:

  • white sheet size A4;
  • strong tea;
  • glue, sponge;
  • george Ribbon.

Before you start working on a postcard, make a strong black tea in a cup. But it is not worth drinking it, it will be needed to create an old letter:

Hand the homemade present is better, armed with a bouquet of flowers and a gift for an elderly person. It will not be superfluous if you bring with me food, as most people at that age limit themselves in nutrition and buying expensive products.

It will be great if you or your children will be able to tell the poem, which will remind the veteran about all the events of military presumption and will be able to make him smile, looking at the pure sky above his head.

And beautiful and useful

In addition to the standard diverse postcards, it makes sense to make a nonbustal present, which will decorate the refrigerator veteran and will remind about attention shown to him. To do this, you will need to prepare:

  • glue stick;
  • set of cardboard and corrugated paper;
  • scissors, magnetic tape.

Gift magnet manufacturing technology is extremely simple:

  1. Cut a rectangle from yellow paper and get it on cardboard of any color.
  2. Georgievskaya ribbon ribbon to the lower right corner of the cardboard.
  3. Make the carnation from corrugated paper: fold the paper into several layers and cut the scissors with a fringe. Then repent - it turns out a flower bud.
  4. Thin green paper stripes wrap around the flower base, stick. Attach the flower itself to the postcard.
  5. At the back of the gift, attach with glue magnetic tape.

In the older generation people, homemade presents cause much more emotions than purchased in the store. In long past times it was believed that in things made by their own hands, there remains a positive energy of the one who made them.

Therefore, do not hesitate that you do not know how to needle up, the main thing is to have a fantasy and desire, and the excellent thing will be in your hands.

The postcard is designed to express your attention and raise the mood to whom it is intended. The postcards of the Victory Day acquired a special significance, because with their help we express our gratitude, respect and eternal memory, those who defended our homeland! We invite you to make solemn greeting cards by May 9 with your own hands in various appliances needlework.

Postcards by May 9 With Paper Flowers

The easiest option to decorate a postcard, with which even small children will be dealt - it is to make appliques from colored paper.

Cards with rainbow carnations

And such a child can do

Carnations are easy and simple can be made of colored paper or napkins.

... and napkins

How to make a carnation, incredibly similar to the real, look at the master class ABC TV.:

Postcards by May 9 in the technique of quilling

Quilling is the art of performing paper compositions, volumetric or flat. It consists in twisting long flat paper in the spirals. Completed spirals or "rolls" you can decorate postcards.

Starting with small, study of the main elements, of which the entire composition is formed:

Photo of the main elements of the queen from the site

Having mastered the twisting of the main elements, you can collect the simple, but original postcards:

Beautiful inscription from small elements

But the option with an apple branch

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine which decoration elements you have in stock. Perhaps you have old unused greeting cards by May 9 or it is possible to print items to decorate the postcard.

Strict postcard ...


... and retro

The red star can be cut out of cardboard or felt, you can glue a bulk star from paper and descending with other elements:

Star with leaves ...

... Roses ...

... Georgievskaya ribbon ...

... and other decor

Even a small wooden clove in the form of an airplane can be used to decorate the postcard. Everything is very simple and original!

Georgievskaya tape from any materials (tissue, paper) in combination with clippings, elements of floristic, copulated paper will always give brightness and symbolism of the author's postcard:

You can also use a ribbon with the colors of the Russian flag:

You can scratch both with glue and sew the items of your postcard history (on a sewing machine or manually):

Maps of battles, military documents, such as "act of unconditional surrender" and others - all this will attract the attention of children to our history when creating a festive postcard:

How and from which materials to make such a postcard clearly shows in your master class Master Forever:

How to artificially create military documents or cards can be viewed in the master class Ideas for DIY Creativity DIY HANDMADE:

Elements of the decor can be all that reminds us of the Great Patriotic War and the Day of Victory: Camouflage fabric, sprawers for pursuit, small sleeves, patriotic poems, old military letters or aged artificial records.

In his master class, shows how to make a scrap card with a gift using camouflage fabric:

Or photo of the heroes of war, perhaps your loved ones, grandparents, grandparents ...

Do not forget that May 9 is a holiday, so your postcard can decorate joyful moments of Victory Day

Drawn postcards by May 9

If you are well posted with brush and paints, as well as color pencils, you can draw a bright postcard yourself. For this you can use color pencils, watercolor or gouache paints, etc.

First you need to make sketches using a soft pencil. Next, draw clear the basic details of the drawing and start painting.

Children's drawing ...

... no worse ...

... Creation Masters

Postcards that can be sent by email

Nowadays no one will not surprise electronic congratulations. If you want to congratulate someone by e-mail or through social networks, then these postcards will greatly cope with the task:

Happy Victory Day!


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